MTL - History’s Strongest Shopkeeper-Chapter 5 9 Yang Zhenjing

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Zhangjiakou City is a short distance from Shaolin Temple. The road is far away and it is rushed to Shaolin Temple on both legs. For three days, it is not always possible to run exhausted.

Only riding a horse, you have to get a good horse.

But all of this requires money.

And Guo Jing said, Zhou Yang let the store Xiao Er to prepare a room, close the door, silently "go back."

The figure disappeared into the room for a moment.

Going back again, Zhou Yang has returned to the modern world.

Zhou Yang walked out of the room, set his mind, and looked towards the nearby supermarket.

If it weren't for his mad heart, I wouldn't believe anyone. He just returned from another world.

Into the supermarket, looking at the products that Linda satisfied, Zhou Yangyi had some difficulties, what should I buy?

What is lacking in ancient times, except for the lack of people, nothing is lacking.

At this time, a pleasing ringtone was introduced into Zhou Yang’s ear, Zhou Yangwen’s voice went on the shelf, and a beautiful music box played Qingling’s music.

Zhou Yang looked at the exquisite, exuding radiant music box, thoughtful.

No matter which dynasty, as long as the items with mysterious colors, it is undoubtedly worthless.

The music box can be said to be the most common in modern times. Ten or twenty Chinese coins can be bought. In ancient times, the music box that can sing is naturally the legendary artifact and fairy.

After spending nearly a hundred Chinese coins, Zhou Yang bought a music box made of glass, which looks very beautiful.

When the music box was instantly collected into the system space, Zhou Yang rushed out of the supermarket, squinting around, and then plunged into a remote lane, and moved back to the room.

Out of the room, Zhou Yang is going to go with Guo Jing to find a suitable **** shop and sell the music box. After all, the baby is moving, without Guo Jing, he is afraid that he can't stand the scene.

Going downstairs, Zhou Yang found that Guo Jing had disappeared.

"The treasurer, my friend?" Zhou Yang asked anxiously, the cheats can be pressed on Guo Jing's body, if he left, everything was ruined.

"On the outside." The shopkeeper pointed to the door and continued to bow his head to the abacus in his hand.

Zhou Yang quickly ran out of the door, only to see Guo Jing and a small sister, chatting and laughing.

Otaru looks like a fifteen or six-year-old, ragged, thin-skinned, with a black leather hat on his head, black and black on his face and hands, making it impossible to see The true face of this person.

Between the laughter, the two rows of crystal clear white teeth are exposed, which is extremely disproportionate to his whole body. The two dark eyes are full of agile light.

Well, looking at the two people's passionate appearance, Zhou Yang admits that he is jealous, the protagonist's luck is good, the beautiful MM automatically sent to the door, and later, he has to get a protagonist aura.

Zhou Yang did not go to the light bulb. During the three days, there was no time to get enough. He sat down at the table near the window, ordered some food, and ate it.

After a while, Guo Jing and Huang Rong walked in and sat next to Zhou Yang, and they chatted hotly.

Honest Guo Jing, the words are endless, the two completely ignore Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang had to turn grief into food, and eliminate the ever-increasing food on the table.

"Coughing Guo brother, why don't you introduce me to introduce?" A little bit past, watching the two still not seeing hot, Zhou Yang finally could not help but interrupt.

"I don't care if you date, but I only have three days, and it's been half a day."

Guo Jing heard the words, slightly stunned God, looked at Huang Rong and asked, "Xiandi, I have not asked your name yet?"

"My name is Huang, and I am a single name."

"My name is Guo Mingjing."

"My name is Zhou Mingyang, you will talk later, Guo Jing help me to see, how much is my family's baby value?" Zhou Yang is also speechless, chatting for a long time, the two sides did not even introduce the name, regardless of Huang Rongqidudu Small face, directly pulling Guo Jing into the room, Huang Rong had to follow.

In the room.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong looked at the baby on the table that was glowing and played music. Suddenly, watching Zhou Yang’s eyes became strange.

Facing the eyes of the two, Zhou Yang was like a taste, smiled and said, "Guo brother, how much silver do you see this music box?"

"This is called a music box? Do you want to sell it?" Huang Rong heard the words, looked at Zhou Yang with anger, grabbed the music box in Zhou Yang's hand, and looked at the stars with a pair of eyes.

"Dr. Chou, you don't have a entanglement, I still have some, what can the family's biography be sold at will?" Guo Jing, who is on the side, took out the five gold in his arms and put it on the table.

The bright gold, watching Zhou Yang has some dizziness, if you sell the money, at least one million, this is the real local gold!

"Well, this is sold to you."

Zhou Yang said that he picked up two gold ingots and gave the music box to Guo Jing. He looked at the likes of the two, although he knew that the music box was of high value in ancient times. If it was sold to others, it would be worth hundreds or even thousands of times. However, nothing compares to the Jiuyang Zhenjing.

Shaolin and his party also want Guo Jing to take care of it.

"I can't ask." Guo Jing even waved his hand, apparently he also knows the value of the music box.

"Okay, let's talk, I am going to buy a horse." Zhou Yang said, putting gold into his arms, looking for a store, and going to the racecourse, leaving Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

About half an hour, Zhou Yang took a black horse and returned to the inn to see the two people still playing with the music box, so they had to push forward.

Under the reluctant eyes of the two, they began to set off at Shaolin Temple.

Riding on the black horse, Zhou Yang was a little excited. The last time he was riding a horse in college just spent half an hour, he spent 100 Chinese coins.

Along the way, Zhou Yang was rushing to the horse, for fear that suddenly one of the hills ran out of a tiger leopard, which woods drilled a group of bandits, but fortunately, all the way smoothly, it took nearly two days, the three finally came to the Shaolin Temple.

On the mountain, a light blue figure walks through the forest, and Guo Jing and Huang Rong talk behind each other and appreciate the surrounding scenery, which is not slower than him.

"Jiuyang Zhenjing, I am coming." Wiping the sweat on his head, Zhou Yang screamed in his heart, and could not help but be full of strength.

The Jiuyang Zhenjing was placed in the Shaolin Temple, the Jingga Pavilion, and the Sangha Sutra, although its reputation is not obvious, but it is extremely easy to obtain, and its power is amazing.

After the first Huashan sword, fighting wine and Wang Chongyang fighting wine, after winning Wang Chongyang, borrowed the list of Jiuyin Zhenjing, feeling too yin, attacking and burning.

After returning to the Shaolin Temple, based on the Jiuyin Zhenjing, it was integrated into the yin and yang harmony of the Shaolin Temple, creating an earth-shattering martial arts school.

In the Tiantian Dragon Slayer, in just a few years, Jiuyang Zhenjing created a top player Zhang Wuji who has few rivals in the world.

At the beginning, when Master Yuan Yuan was lonely, he used to swear some of the Jiuyang Zhenjing scriptures, Zhang Sanfeng, Guo Wei, and the colorless masters each recorded a small part.

It was the little skin that these people learned, and later they also made Shaolin, Emei, Wudang, Shaolin Jiuyanggong, Emei Jiuyanggong, and Wudang Jiuyanggong, all of which became the three factions.

This shows how powerful the entire Jiuyang Zhenjing will be.

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