MTL - History’s Strongest Shopkeeper-Chapter 1746 Crazy shopper

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After the discussion between the ancestors, the Wuyue River, and the candle nine yin, they began to act incessantly to inquire about the information about the heavens.

After about half an hour, the emperor and his party met again at the Witch headquarters. However, at this time, they looked awkward and the dignity on their faces weakened a few points.

"The battle of the Heavenly Alliance, the solitude of the gods, and the heavens that they killed, are somewhat different from the world of our world. However, the way to kill the heavens can be used for reference."

Zu Wuqiangliang summed up the news he had heard from Chen Zhe and others, summed it up and said it.

"The Emperor Xuanyuan, they rely on strong strength, to smash the heavens, as long as the attack power reaches a certain level, enough to suppress the heavens."

The ancestors and the sorrowful yin also said the news they had heard.

"I borrowed a beast from the Lord of Luocheng. The beasts specialize in the origin of the heavens and the origin of the universe. At the time of the war, with the cover of the sky, they can also play a certain role in ambush."

Dijiang also said his own harvest.

"I have bought some of the experience of the joint road from the Hongjun of several joints in Wanjielou. With the thief of the owner, the joint road should not have any problems."

After the soil sighed and slowly said.

She felt great pressure. If they were not for themselves, they could not be so rushed to launch a war with Heaven.

"Xuan Ming, what do I tell you to do?"

The emperor smiled gently toward the back soil, and then turned his eyes to the mysterious head.

Because of the character of Xuan Ming's escape, he handed the simplest task to Xuan Ming.

"This is twelve pieces of super-degraded Pangu blood, two of which are the blood of the Pangu defeat, and the other ten drops are the first-class Pangu blood."

Xuan Ming heard the words, from the space magic weapon worn in the hands of an emerald bracelet, took out twelve milky white jade bottles, screaming.

In each of the milky white jade bottles, there is a drop of blood diamonds, crystal clear blood, at first glance, it looks like a red sun, the light is shining.

The emperor Jiang, the candle nine yin and other ancestors all slightly nodded. The Houtu and Dijiang are ultra-degraded living bodies that can digest the more advanced Pangu blood. Although the other ancestors are infinitely close to the ultra-departure, they are not detached. Pangu blood, which is too high in level, can't stand it.

"This is a big curse on the jade dish. As long as there is anything related to the other party, you can cast a super-destructive curse."

"This is a big poison jade dish, similar to the way of the big curse. It can also be applied directly."

"This is a large seal jade dish. He is similar to the big poison jade dish, which corresponds to the super-deblocking big seal."


Xuan Ming sees the emperor, the candle nine yin and other ancestors' faces are still peaceful, and from the space of their own bracelets, they took out seven or eight colorful jade dishes and placed them in front of the emperor and others.

“These jade dishes are good and can be used at critical times.”

Dijiang carefully looked through it again, and he was very satisfied and nodded.

These damage-type jade discs can be used only with a little mana, and they can definitely achieve unexpected results.

Other ancestors also nodded and nodded, knowing the land of Xuan Ming very well, but the brows were slightly wrinkled, with suspicious colors. If the emperor and other ancestors praised Xuan Ming, Xuan Ming was already excited and jumped. Which is so low-key as it is now.


The crisp sound rang again, and there were five or six purple gold jade in the hands of Xuan Ming.

These purple gold jade slips are the top-level avatars of Wanjielou, and they are super-degraded.

"What have you bought?"

At this time, the emperor Jiang, the candle nine yin and other ancestors also reacted. Today's Xuan Ming is too quiet and too abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, only Xuan Ming feels that he has done something wrong, it will be such an attitude.

As soon as he thought of the performance of Xuan Ming after entering the Wanjie Building, Dijiang knew that things were not good. He should not hand over the purchase of combat materials to Xuan Ming.

The effect of the special jade disc can play a full blow of the ultra-departure strong, and it can also be counted as a card. However, although the jade is a long-lasting battle, it is only one or two of the strengths of the peak of the super-dead life.


Dijiang and others looked at Xuan Ming and took out a bottle of medicinal herbs from the space bracelet. The corner of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

The super-de-classing Yuan Dan can make the mana in the super-dead life body chaotic and lose control.

Destroy the soul, you can continually destroy the soul power of the super-dead life.

Ji Yuandan is a kind of annihilation drug that will make the life of super-degraded life end.


However, what is the matter of esoteric estrus?

Let's not say whether it is useful or not. If it is useful, there will always be taboos and horrors. It is impossible to imagine that the sky is falling apart, the sun and the moon are dull, and it is unsightly.·······

"Xuantian trenches, cracked knives, annihilation rifles, all the volcanic towers of the heavens..." These are all rented by me. I can rent ten pieces and get 20% off. It can be cheap and worth a lot of points.···· ···”

Xuan Ming excitedly pulled out a piece of the gods, but, looking at the expressionless emperor and other people, Xuan Ming's voice is getting smaller and smaller, and finally the voice could not even hear her.

"Get it all at once."

Zu Wu Dijiang couldn't help but caress, only feeling that he made a wrong decision.

"The universe is a qi, the crown of the female emperor, the robes of the empress, the endless poison ·······"

Xuan Ming carefully took out a piece of treasure.

"Do we have any value left?"

Zu Wu Dijiang asked, but there is no point in the heart.

With the property of Xuan Ming’s crazy shopping every time I enter the main hall of Wanjielou, I will spend the value of my own body, and deserved the most inferior ancestor. This time he seems to order Xuan Ming to buy as much as possible. Strategic goods can be imagined, what kind of situation will be.

"Big brothers buy more goods, and we have more to grasp."

Aside from the back of the soil, I looked at Xuan Ming, who buried her head in the chest.

"We are now considering how to deal with the many powerful people in the vast world. Otherwise, when we fight with Heaven, it is likely to cause many twists and turns."

The candle nine Yin also moved to the topic.

"It is indeed a problem. However, if our twelve ancestors formed a group of twelve gods and gods, under the power of the big squad, other super-dead life bodies would not be easy to shoot."

Qiangliang thought for a moment.

Relying on the ancient blood of Pangu, the twelve ancestors can break through to the ultra-departure, the power of the twelve-degree gods and squadrons composed of twelve ultra-departure strongmen, the general super-degraded life bodies are afraid to approach them. Otherwise, There must be danger to life.

Only once they are defeated in the hands of Heaven, or both lose, or the outcome of the tragic victory, the ultra-departures of the vast wilderness will probably not hesitate to fall.

“Is it better to organize a squadron alliance?”

The emperor said that he had already envisaged his mind, and he could organize a detached army in the Wanjie Building to shock the ultra-departures in the vast world. In this way, they can fight with Tiandao.

"Big Brother, we have no value to release the world mission."

At this moment, the sound of a weak mosquito sound stunned, it is the mysterious silence.

Emperor Jiang, candle nine Yin and other ancestors, "······". ()

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