MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 1822. The protagonist is not you

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The efforts of several eras have been rushing and preparing for many years.

The peacock Daming King, one of the most powerful Luo Tianxian in history, is finally in the current era, waiting for his chance to board the road.

But today, he hopes to become empty.

When Yan Zhao’s song broke through the five-colored light to the peacock Daming King, Amitabha Buddha again intended to block and protect the peacock.

However, the monkey once again defeated the infinite goddess and blocked the Amitabha Buddha.

The face of Amitabha Buddha is as full of suffering as ever, and the monkeys are looked at at the same time.

By the monkeys, Yan Zhao songs reinvented Kong Xuan, ruining the door to the road today!

The land pressure road Jun, Nguyen and others have seen it from afar, and they are all surprised.

This crucial moment does not necessarily mean blocking the Peacock Daming King.

On the contrary, when the decision of the peacock Daming Wang can be found in the Yanzhao singer, it is possible to sell the peacock a bigger person.

The monkeys of the past, born in the Yaozu, rebuilt a worldly repair from the Taomen, with the Western bliss pure land, Xianting, Magic Road completely do not bite the string.

Today, the peacock Daming Wang is a cross-boss and a Buddhist family.

Boarding the road is bigger than everything else.

Which side is helping him big, and where he falls, there is nothing wrong with it.

If Kong Xuan Deng is behind the road to support Dong Huang Taiyi, then even if the big self-recovery of the demon, it still has to fall.

Kong Xuan Deng is not on the road, and the two sides of the big camp are still strong.

According to the idea of ​​Lu Jun, the Yan Zhao song does not need to be so determined. There is no resentment between him and Kong Xuan. It must be such a bad thing.

The white Buddha is a golden blood squirting.

He looked up at Yan Zhaoge, but saw Yan Zhao song sigh.

"Offended." Yan Zhaoge looked at Kong Xuan and said calmly: "This time, from beginning to end, it is not your chance to board the road."

"Today, you are like the old land pressure, the South Pole and the Xuan."

Kong Xuan heard the words, first of all, suddenly, and then surprised.

In the nine secluded bureaus of the year, three of the great Luoqiang who competed for the opportunity of the road, all failed, but the losers were not the only three of them.

The ancient Buddha on the burning lamp also returned.

Why does Yan Zhao song not mention the ancient Buddha on the burning lamp?

Because the ancient Buddha on the lamp is the same as the other three, there is an essential difference.

From the beginning to the end, the ancient Buddhas on the Lantern are the only candidates for the Amitabha Buddha and the Western Pure Land to support the road.

Even in the nine-secret bureau, Amitabha Buddha wants to find an opportunity to obliterate Maitreya Buddha.

But from the beginning to the end, he supported the people who fought for the opportunity of the road. It was the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp. There is no other choice.

The first candidate of Donghuang Taiyi and Laojun is actually a monkey, not a landlord, or a Xuandu Archmage and an Antarctic Changsheng Emperor.

Peacock Daming Wang who wants to understand this point, shocked to see Yan Zhaoge.

At this moment, in the phoenix will, which seems to have disappeared, suddenly released a lot of jade.

Yuguang enveloped the body of Yan Zhao.

A white jade door appears just in front of him, then opens!

In the door of Baiyu, there is a huge suction, and the Yanzhao song should be dragged in.

The rest of the people were surprised.

The monkey was so angry that he quickly gave up the Amitabha Buddha and chased down the swing to fight the infinite god.

In Yumen, this is a voice that is far and wide, and it is difficult to distinguish between men and women.

"Saky relic, it should be used like this."

The tone is calm and waveless, without any ups and downs, as if to tell the Yan Zhaoge and the Peacock Daming Wang, as if to tell the Amitabha Buddha, the ancient Buddha on the lamp, and the land pressure.

But as the sound began to sound, it became a five-golden golden Buddha's Sakyamuni, and suddenly it was bright.

In the light, an image is looming.

It is no longer the central aunt of Buddhism, but a figure.

The man's face was sallow, showing compassion and wisdom, sitting under the bodhi tree, picking up a Brahma flower between the thumb and **** of one hand.

After the monkey saw the man, he suddenly burst into a loud voice.

"If you come!!!"

The figure of the figure sitting under the Bodhi tree is familiar to everyone present.

In the past, one of the two ancestors of Buddhism, the ancestors of the ancestors, the lord of the Central Plains, the land of the Western Heavenly Mountain, the Lord of the Thunder, and the Sakyamuni Buddha, also known as the Buddha!

The existence of detachment in the Middle Ages.

At this moment, it is not the detached Sakyamuni Buddha who returned to this Fang Hongmeng.

But the golden body of the smiling flower, the Buddha's light, the breath of the highest, seems to be inferior to the ancestors of the world.

If the body comes to block the monkeys to go.

The monkey who saw the enemy in the eyes of the enemy, seeing the movement of the white jade gate to swallow the Yan Zhao song, is even more thunderous.

He can see that the current legal system seems to be as limited as the central government.

But at this moment he was blocked, but he could not catch up with the infinite celestial respect. He could only watch the white jade gate to engulf the Yan Zhao song.

Looking at the jade light that broke out in the phoenix remains, turned into a trap against Yan Zhaoge, and then looked at the five Sakyamuni relics, manifesting the state that was previously unknown, and Kong Xuan’s eyes were horrible, showing exhaustion.

As Yan Zhaoge said, from beginning to end, it is not the chance that he will be on the road.

He is just a blind man.

Even if he really has the chance to succeed, the first one will not agree!

Yan Zhaoge and others can't get in, and the infinite Tianzun may release water, condone that they came in and broke the good things of Kong Xuan.

The most important thing for Confucius to make a difference is that the truth in this, Yan Zhaoge seems to have been expected, but still stepped in.

And he Kong Xuan until now, just like a dream to wake up, I knew that everything was nothing but a mirror.

The situation suddenly changed, and other people have their own minds at the moment.

A few Taoist ancestors, their eyes have been moved between the Rudd and the Immortal and the Yanzhao song.

In the door of Baiyu, there was another voice: "Muller, this road belongs to you."

Inside the Yumen, there was another flow of light.

In every light flow, there is a image of a Taoist.

Everyone who is a Taoist person has an image that is ethereal and changeable. It seems that the faces of countless individuals alternately emerge, and each moment is different and transformed.

That clearly is a huge amount of incense willing to gather together as Baoguang, condensed.

It is a piece of human stone fragments!

Everyone is stunned: "Isn't it just Tianyuan Stone, even the people Yuanshi is also alms?"

Amitabha Buddha looked deeply at the door of Baiyu, and his body flashed, intercepting the fragments of the Yuanshi who flew to Maitreya Buddha.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi stepped forward and stopped Amitabha Buddha.

Yuan Shi Tian Mo and the big self-intimate cold eyes gaze at everything that happened in front of him.

After flying a piece of shards of stone in the gate of Baiyu, he ignored the previous arrogance of the great powers of the road, and turned to concentrate on the Yanzhao song!