MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 1801. Revenge and hate

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Going to Xianting, it’s light, but it’s not easy.

Yanzhao sings and sings, people have appeared near the territory of Xianting.

Looking at the three thousand wonderland, looking at the Xianting Temple in the countless worlds, Yan Zhao’s face showed a smile.

The last time he entered it, it was still to kill He Wei, and he was screaming at the Heavenly Palace.

After a day of trouble, I will walk away from it, and it has been more than a thousand years since.

Today, he has to set foot here again.

Yan Zhaoge sighed slightly, and above the ethereal and magnificent Xianting Temple, there was no end to the heights, and a white jade door was looming.

However, there was a gold hoop stick in front of it.

When Yan Zhao song saw it, he lowered his gaze and walked into the Xianting boundary.

In the mirrors of the gods, there is also a thriving situation.

Countless Xianting strong, is gearing up, seemingly ready to do a big job.

In the past, the Buddha of Maitreya in the future, the first Buddha of Bailian Pure Land, the sacred Buddha and the Soviet Union fell, resulting in the white lotus pure land without the Da Luoqiang who can fight the Xianting Dream.

The top leaders of the two sides fought, and Xianting, who was originally understaffed, not only regained the disadvantage, but also showed a tendency to win the battle. In the past few years, Bai Lian has been fully emboldened.

In the just-concluded nine-secret bureau, Maitreya Buddha had another boring loss.

The two foreign roads competed for the nine sinister demons, and Xianting once again gained the upper hand and gained more.

At present, Xianting is also a talented person.

Yan Zhao’s eyes swept away and saw many strange human appearances and strange appearances.

There are countless people in the fairyland below, let alone mention that there are many who have pushed the fairy door.

If these people change their appearance and are full of evil spirits, then it is clear that there are many great devils in the past nine ghosts.

Now, these big devils have their magical powers, but they have plenty of willingness to shine.

Baoguang went straight into the sky, and it was like a glimpse of the white jade door.

The outsider is a demon, and there are few ways to get out of the outer lane.

Conversely, the Great Devil may also be externalized, offering incense to the infinite Heaven or the future Buddha.

Willing to bless, Xianting has many more strong people, many people.

However, the original population of Xianting Sanqian Xianjing has been roughly saturated, and the strength of the outsiders who can provide the incense will be maximized in addition to the infinite talent.

At present, to raise these new populations, we need to open up the territory.

If not, it will squeeze the living space of the Xianting aborigines.

For a short time, if you complain for a long time, you may shake the faith of the Xianting people.

This is an issue that must be considered for the external road.

So Xianting, who is now strong and strong, began to be angry, not only looking for the troubles of the old rival Bai Lian, but also wanting to enter the new development of the party.

Yan Zhaoge looked at this scene, but his face was bright.

"Wang Guan, Lv Yue, Yin Jiao..." He shook his head: "The people below don't know, what do you guys know about the ending of the Battle of Jiuyou?"

Above the three thousand celestial mirrors, in the Xianxian Palace, the Emperor Luyue of the Emperor Tianyi, the old-year-old Tianzun Yinjiao Deng Xianting Da Luo Tianxian, at this moment are full of dignity, silently watching Yan Zhaoge.

In the nine-secret one game, the monkey climbed the top of the road with the road of Daomen, and achieved the body of the Tao.

In addition to facing the Yaozu, the monkeys will care about the old feelings. For other forces, the authenticity of the Taoist Temple is equivalent to the second Taoist ancestor who is outside the Laojun. It is also a great power that can be stabilized at any time.

The strength between the authentic and the external roads is completely reversed.

A liquidation to bring order out of chaos will definitely begin!

Lv Yue, Yin Jiao, Wang Guan, etc. Xianting Tianzun, who knows the details of the truth, can guess the arrival of this day.

However, they are unable to speak to the people below.

If you question and panic, you may shake the line of Xian Ting.

When you don't use Yan Zhaoge and others to play, Xianting himself may be self-defeating.

Therefore, when Yan Zhaoge came here, there was a thriving scene in front of him.

Many of the people in Xianting are completely in the dark.

They know that the nine secluded.

Can see a lot of big devils being gradual, Xianting is more powerful.

The demon who knows the pure land of Bai Lian is not as good as his own.

I know that the future Buddha has suffered a loss.

Knowing that nowadays, facing the pure land of Bai Lian, Xianting is even stronger.

These are all facts, and they are not deceived.

Therefore, everyone is arrogant, full of pride that gives the group of white lotus pure land a deadly blow.

But the problem is, apart from that, there are more things, they don't know...

So, in front of Yan Zhao’s song, there is such a scene that seems to be absurd and happy, but it makes people laugh.

When the voice of Yan Zhaoge rang in and out of Xianting, most of the people in Xianting, the first reaction was stunned and wrong.

Don't wait for them to have more reactions, Yan Zhao songs stepping into the void, step by step.

As he progressed, the entire Xianting began to turmoil!

Three thousand wonderland, with the footsteps of Yan Zhaoge, each drifting zero, separated from the control of Xianting Tiangong.

The vast fairyland composed of many fairylandes collapsed and presented a fragmented scene.

Above the void, the gold hoop rods hold the white jade door so that it cannot fall.

Yan Zhaoge walked in the wonderland, his footsteps were not ill, his eyes glanced at the Quartet.

He turned his palms up, and a small spot of light came out of it, gradually expanding, and it was like a day.

The light group is not bright, it seems a little dim, unpredictable, as if it is blurred, between light and dark.

Among them, a huge iron wheel with twelve holes quietly turned.

The iron wheel rises, half is bright, half is dark, as if the boundary between light and dark is divided, and it is melted into it, not clear or dark.

In the twelve holes on the wheel, there are unpredictable light flashing.

It was the celestial soldier who was refining the remains of the Emperor Yin Tianxia in the past.

Looking at the big and bright wheel, some people in Xianting were wrong first, then they remembered something and their face changed abruptly.

In the fairy court, the light wheel vibrates slightly, if there is life.

Yan Zhaoge extended his finger and gently touched it. There were several light flows on the light wheel.

Several people in the outer court of Xianting were suddenly covered by light, and they were extremely conspicuous in the universe.

"There were five people who were besieging my ancestors Yin Youming in the same year." Yan Zhao’s eyes swept through the five people who were picked up by the light.

These five people have been cultivated for their strengths, high and low, and there are too many imaginary fairy tales.

It has been more than two thousand years since the fall of Yin Tianxia.

Those who have participated in the past years, who have survived to this day, have remained unmaintained while others have grown.

However, as Yan Zhao songs waved, the five people were all involuntarily, flying from the fairyland to him.

"Xian Ting, it has become history since today." Yan Zhao Ge said, reaching out and grabbing the big secluded wheel, kneeling in front of a man's skull!

"Starting from the vengeance of Yin Ming Emperor Yin Tianxia."