MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 1755. The magic of drowning

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Xia Guang’s master is Yan Di, and Yan Zhao’s song is a teacher.

He reached for a finger and suddenly flew out of a dimly lit spot.

The light spot falls in the air and unfolds into a cloud that looks like the lotus is open and the margin is blurred.

Yan Zhaoge met with Feng Yun, and nodded together: "Taiyi Huayun."

After a general observation, both of them felt.

In front of this, it seems like a group of chaos, like the lotus and the existence of clouds, even the traces of Yan Di have not been found.

The contact between the two sides has been completely erased.

This is too easy for Hua Yun, but it is accompanied by Yan Di's birth, as if he is the second mother of the fetus. Since reunion with Yan Di, they have been closely connected and difficult to distinguish each other.

As Yan Dixiu is gradually improving his strength, this Taiyihua cloud is becoming more and more magical.

It is quite unthinkable that their relationship with each other has been cut off.

Even if you meet the five-color **** of the Peacock Daming King, there will be no situation of taking away the Taiyi Huayun. At best, even people with the cloud will be brushed down.

Want to take away Taiyihuayun alone, cut off the connection between Taiyi Huayun and Yandi, Peacock Daming Wang can not do.

Under the current situation, except for the great power of the Taoism to cut off the relationship between the two sides, only Yan Di himself can do it.

He himself, completely gave up Taiyihuayun.

Then, he asked Xia Guang to take Taiyi Huayun to see Yan Zhaoge, which was disposed of by Yan Zhaoge.

Yan Di himself is completely out of the game, no longer paying attention to Taiyi Huayun, as if the two sides are no longer connected.

“Where am I now?” Yan Zhaoge asked Xia Guang.

Xia Guang replied: "Master asked me to bring things to the brothers. He himself left the heavens and went out to the fallen emperor. Before he left, he went to see the teacher and asked me to bring you something. Brothers don't have to look for him."

"Sure enough." Feng Yunyi sighed softly on the side.

Yan Zhaoge reached out and collected Taiyi Huayun: "The old man will come back soon."

The next time I come back, maybe it’s when Yan Di is in Da Luo.

In the past, he was puzzled that Yan Di’s stay in the realm of Yuanxian’s peak was a bit too long.

Thinking about it, he vaguely speculated.

Since the introduction of Taiyi Huayun, Yan Di and the people fight the law, the body of the shackles, rounded to the wish.

It is to repair the opponent with a higher realm than him, and it is often difficult to break the defense of Taiyihuayun.

Therefore, Yan Di is engaged in war with people, often only attacking and defending, and revealing the powerful attack power of his own knives.

There is the existence of Taiyihuayun, unless the opponent repairs the realm higher than him, beyond a certain limit, or practicing the open book, so the school can restrain Taiyihuayun, otherwise Yandi will compete with others, but have not yet played against it. First in an invincible position.

In actual combat, this is certainly invincible, killing the Quartet, but it is not beneficial to Yan Di’s own practice.

There is no worries, and it seems that it is still high-spirited. In fact, it is a little less and more decisive.

It was not reflected in the past, but now it has reached the final level of the Yuantian robbery, and finally has an impact.

Fortunately, Yan Di himself was obviously aware of the problem, and immediately decided to take care of his Taiyihua cloud.

The determination is not to temporarily let Yan Zhaoge, and then get back after the Yuan Tian robbery.

Instead, there is no way to stay behind, so I will say goodbye to Taiyi Huayun.

Regardless of whether Yan Zhaoge will return it in the future, Yan Di’s own mentality is that he will not retrieve Taiyi Huayun after he has achieved Da Luo Tianxian.

At this step, Yan Di was also completely thorough, and went alone to the outside world.

The risks are self-evident.

Either I will never go back. If I return, the Daomen must add another Dao Tianxian.

"Well, I also believe that that day is not far away." Feng Yunxiao said with a smile: "Maybe, come back in a blink of an eye?"

Yan Zhaoge and Xia Guangwen also laughed.

"Daddy has his own determination to have timidity. Of course, we are not good enough to drag him back." Yan Zhaoge said: "But now the world is not flat, the strings of each family are very tight."

Feng Yun Dagger: "Yes."

"Right, which brother is still blocking the door in the Western Pure Land?" Yan Zhaoge asked Xia Guang.

After the marriage of Yan Zhaoge and Feng Yunxiao, I will re-free.

Last time he battled the ancient Buddha with the burning lamp, he was secretly influenced by the original demons, and he was always convinced. He wanted to see the ancient Buddha really.

When he said that he did it, he ran to the West Bliss for the second time and challenged the ancient Buddha.

On the burning lamp, the ancient Buddha declared that he was injured by Yang Lan, and he should be quiet and restless, regardless of the challenge.

This kind of rehabilitation has been raised for eight hundred years.

"The Three Great Seas and the Great God are still in the West of the Pure Land, and the ancient Buddha has never been in the battle." Xia Guang replied.

Others may not know how the ancient Buddha was hurt on the burning lamp, but Yang Lan must know.

Therefore, the ancient Buddha on the burning lamp has still been hanged from the battle card.

In the same year, the scene of the Buddhism in Buddhism was once again staged. However, the face of the ancient Buddha in the burning of the lamp was not as good as the chance to compete for the apricot and yellow flag. He completely ignored the shouting.

For him, the most important thing is the next nine games.

"Speaking, eight hundred years..." Yan Zhao song muttered to himself.

Feng Yunqi just spoke up and wanted to say something, and suddenly his face changed slightly.

Yan Zhaoge communicated with her mind and immediately understood: "Nine quiet?"

"I don't know what to do, but I feel..." Feng Yunyu looked serious and took a deep breath. He said almost in a word: "...I feel that the moment is coming!"

Yan Zhao’s eyes became deep.

Feng Yunzhen is now a master of strength, and under his whim, his own premonition is often extremely effective.

With her relationship with Jiuyou, the hunch is more accurate than others.

At this time, Yan Zhaoge also felt a sense of heart, and someone came to his own Dongfu, but it was Shijie.

"Hey, come in directly." Yan Zhao sings and moves, and he says.

He nodded again and nodded: "Your feeling seems to be right."

"Yan Shishu, Feng Shishu, Xia Shishu." Shi Yan entered the quiet room, first greeted the Yan Zhaoge three people, then hurriedly said: "Uncle Shi, there is an urgent report, suspected of drowning magic New avatars appear!"

"It’s finally here." Yan Zhaoge stood up and said, "Hey, it’s not too late, things are crowded together."

"But it's good, here's the incident, everyone is busy, there is no need to worry about the old man, it is a good thing for the old man."

He looked at Shi Yan and smiled: "Since it is an external message, that is to say, the devil of the water is not in the door of my generation, then don't worry, don't panic, slowly say, where is it?"

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