MTL - His Transmigrated Cannon Fodder Fiancé-Chapter 188 Lose

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Biquge, the latest chapter of the East Bed will be updated as soon as possible!

As Gore bought cotton on a large scale in India, cotton prices in East Vietnam fell sharply.

Henghui Bank's backlog of more than 10,000 bales of cotton was unloaded from the ship, and it has been hoarded in the warehouse. At the same time, the master of the He family asked people to go to Henghui Silver to take out the deposit of 100,000 yuan. Immediately, other commercial banks They have exchanged deposits with Henghui Yinhao.

Although Henghui Bank's strength is strong, but if so many cottons are not sold, the Henghui silver number will inevitably be affected. In case his own silver cannot be obtained, isn't it to be buried with Ma Junfeng?

Henghui Yinhao was in dilemma, and Henghui Bank was surrounded by merchants in various places for compensation because of delays in leaving the ship.

"Well, it's only been a few days, Henghui Bank has settled like this, Jiao Jiao, how on earth did you think of this method? We never expected to use this trick to trick him." The Pan family finally swept away the haze, every time Everyone is in a good mood to have tea and snacks in the old lady's house, and the father-in-law even asked Shen Ziqiao how he thought of using the cotton to buy Ma Junfeng.

Shen Ziqiao was peeling an orange peel from Mrs. Pan, and when she heard the question from her uncle, she smiled and said, "I just wanted to see where Gore was, to understand the local situation, but I didn't expect to see it on the map. When I went to Inzaa and checked the geography, I found that the cotton of Inzaa has always been well harvested, so I let people buy a lot of cotton, and by the way, the news that the cotton in the small countries around Gore was also affected. This rumor is actually For some of you or He Chen, it's not worth trusting, but Ma Junfeng is different. He is a novice in the industry. Where can I know that there is an Inzaa next to Gore? I want to be the first person to be fooled if I don't understand anything. It's easy. "

Ma Junfeng is not a fool. He is smarter than anyone else, but this time he was absolutely framed by Shen Ziqiao and He Chen. The twenty-four lines are not for anyone who wants to sit big. Besides, Ma Junfeng relies on suppressing the Pan family to strengthen himself. He Chen chose to deal with Shen Ziqiao together with Shen Ziqiao. In addition to selling personal favors to the Pan family, he did not want to let Ma Junfeng have the opportunity to deal with the He family in the future.

For so many years, the He family and the Pan family have reached a tacit understanding. They do not want to break this stable balance.

Granny Pan said, "You're totally a coincidence, you're winning."

Shen Ziqiao smiled, "Even if I can't lie to him, I don't lose a lot, and even if Ma Junfeng is no matter how savvy, can he still be separated? In addition to Henghui Yinhao, there are things in the palace that he wants him to go Worrying, Henghui Bank is already well-informed. How can he investigate more? "

Grandma's uncle smiled and nodded, "Ma Junfeng is smart, but the people around him may not be as smart as him."

"Anyway, this time, thanks to Jiao Jiao, we were able to make a grievance. Governor Li Du personally came to the door and asked us to reopen Yixingxing and send the goods to the sea for the businessmen who have made a big noise in the business association."

The schedule of each commercial bank is limited, and now only Yixing can go out to sea.

"We are bright generals." Mrs. Pan said happily, believing Shen Ziqiao in her arms.

Grandma's mother laughed and said, "Yeah, thanks to Jiao Jiao's good idea this time, yes, Jiao Jiao, this time you came to Dongyue, your husband's house ... How do you say?"

Shen Ziqiao naturally wouldn't tell the truth. No one in the Qi family knew that she had come to Dongyue, and she thought she was taking care of Qi Yan in Zhuangzi.

"Nothing, Xianggong knows I'm here in Dongyue." Shen Ziqiao said, if Mrs. Qi asked her, Qi Yi should pass by for her.

"That's good, marrying a husband is not the same as before." Auntie said.

Mrs. Pan busy asked Shen Ziqiao how long to stay in East Vietnam.

Now that the problem of Yixingxing has been resolved, he wants to come to Ma Junfeng, but he ca n’t make a move to engage in ghosts. He is now a mud bodhisattva who ca n’t protect himself across the river. "Maternal and grandmother, I'm going back in the past two days. I'll see you again when spring starts."

"Bring back with Qi Yan." Madam Pan said.

"it is good!"



Over the past few days, she has focused her energy on East Vietnam. Shen Ziqiao unavoidably ignored the news from the capital and returned to her yard from Mrs. Pan. She approached her uncle and asked about the current situation in Beijing.

Uncle Qun was standing in front of Shen Ziqiao. For the first time, he felt that the young lady in front of him was different from what he had imagined. He knew what happened to Henghui Bank. He knew the whole thing, but he didn't think of it. The boss of Henghui Yinhao actually got him into trouble by a woman who was not bragging.

He had previously thought that Shen Ziqiao was making a mess, and even felt that a person like Shen Ziqiao couldn't afford Qi Qi, he didn't understand what the young master looked after this woman.

It turned out that it wasn't the young master who was blind, but he missed it.

"Uncle Qun?" Shen Ziqiao saw him distracted and called him.

Uncle Qun busily returned to God and answered Shen Ziqiao's question with respect never before.

Since the last time the little emperor Sun almost happened, the emperor seems to be awake, not immersed in the dream of Xiuxianliandan day and night. Sun Guifei and Ma Xianfei also turned against each other because of this incident. Wounded, a ranger who saw the unevenness on the side of the road shot an arrow from the horse, broke a leg, and is still lying on the bed ...

Shen Ziqiao listened with great interest. It seems that after she left Beijing, a lot of wonderful shows happened in Beijing.

Unfortunately, she missed it.

However, the most important thing is to persuade the emperor not to go to Tianxuan Mountain. That real person or something in that week, if he can really cultivate the immortal, he will not appear in the palace.

"It seems that Ma Junfeng really doesn't have much energy to deal with Yixingxing." Shen Ziqiao finally felt relieved to return to Beijing.

Just after Shen Ziqiao instructed the uncle Qun to prepare to return to the capital, Governor Li Du of East Vietnam was interrogated, and Li Du, who had been framed in jail, was reinstated.

The first thing Li Dudu reopened was to open Henghui Bank's warehouse and let those traders who were in arrears with the Henghui Bank move the cotton away from the mortgage, and the second thing was to sell the assets of Henghui Bank to repay the debt.

Henghui Bank, which opened less than three months, was forcibly declared bankrupt.

Ma Junfeng is missing.

Shen Ziqiao finally left East Vietnam with peace of mind.

Before leaving, she wanted to host a banquet to thank He Chen, but He Chen declined.

He Chen wrote a sentence on the reply to Shen Ziqiao, and they met with each other.

The next sentence is how ruthless is ruthless ...

Shen Ziqiao's heart was slightly astringent, and he thought he had let go. The following sentence was about himself, because he was sentimental, but when he met, he had to pretend to be ruthless.

Then forget it, don't see it.

Shen Ziqiao sighed in her heart, she could not respond to He Chen's feelings at all, because she had already met Qi Chen before meeting He Chen.

Although regretful, Shen Ziqiao's schedule was not affected, and she set off for Beijing.

Her mood was not the same as when she was here. On the way back to the capital, she was relaxed and happy. Although there was no good news from the capital, the emperor had already delayed the time to go to Tianxuan Mountain.

Although it is only a delay, it is already very effective.

When he returned to Beijing, there were only two days left before New Year's Eve, Qi Zheng was still in Zhuangzi, and Shen Ziqiao went directly to Zhuangzi without entering the city.

Qi Yan was not in the room. Shen Zi Qiaozhou was exhausted. After refreshing, she lay down on the bed and waited for Qi Yan to come back and arrange what to do next.

I don't know how long I slept, and Shen Ziqiao felt like he was embraced into a generous and warm embrace, and the milk on his chest was held by a big hand.

"Qi ..." Shen Ziqiao smelled the familiar breath, whispered quietly, and turned around to hug his shoulder.

"Have you missed me?" Qi Min asked biting her earlobe dumbly.

Shen Ziqiao shuddered softly.

A hot and humid kiss fell on the side of her neck, sucking out a gorgeous flower.

"Jiaojiao ..." He unfastened her belt, lowered her head and bit the red core, flicked her tongue, and Shen Ziqiao couldn't help but snorted.

"Qi Qi, Qi Qi ..." Shen Ziqiao turned into a pool of water all over his body.

"I'm here, I'm here." Qi Yan kissed her lips and put her coquettishness in her mouth.

Shen Ziqiao wrapped his legs around his waist and responded warmly to his kiss.

The swollen place was rubbed by her seemingly, and Qi Qi felt her enthusiasm she had never had before.

He pulled open her white slender legs, and sent her desire into her already wet flower stem, twitching violently.

Shen Ziqiao panted, and the milk on his chest flickered as he twitched. Qi Yan held one side with one hand and kneaded the soft meat into various shapes.

For more than a month, he missed her so much that he felt so distressed, worried about what would happen to her, and feared that she would impulsively provoke Ma Junfeng, but unexpectedly she knocked Ma Junfeng easily.

This little guy always brings him different surprises.

"Qi, slow down ..." Shen Ziqiao begged for mercy. She couldn't bear his fierce movement, and felt that her small body was about to be hit by him.

"Just fine." Qi Yan couldn't stop and couldn't slow down. Only then could he feel that she was beside him.

"Ah ..." Shen Ziqiao's whole body seemed to be choked by electric current, and there seemed to be something spurting out from the area of ​​her leg. She exclaimed with emotion.

Qi Yan kissed her cheek, but the rhythmic movement did not stop.

It wasn't until Shen Ziqiao wept and begged for mercy again that Qi Yan finally let himself go. He stared at the flushing, cheeky young wife who couldn't help kissing her a few times.

"Jiaojiao, I miss you so much," his thin lips whispered against her ears.

Shen Ziqiao bit his lip. "I miss you so much."

Qi Yan smiled in a low voice, "How much do you think? Let me see." Then, her big hand slid to the center of her legs.

"Don't come again!" Shen Ziqiao exclaimed, and she hadn't let up.

Qi Yan laughed out loud.

(Can I get a pink ticket ~~~) RS

Read The Duke's Passion