MTL - His Transmigrated Cannon Fodder Fiancé-Chapter 129 Battle dead

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Biquge, the latest chapter of the East Bed will be updated as soon as possible!

Qi Yan watched Shen Ziqiao's figure enter the room, then smiled and turned away.

In two days, he will return to the barracks, and she will also set off to return to Dongyue, thinking that the two people will not know how long it will take to see each other next, Qi Xuan's heart grows resentful.

I hope that the thieves can be repelled as soon as possible so that they will never dare to invade Dazhou's border.

"Qi!" Just stepped out of the huā garden, and walked outside the huā door and walked in a woman in a strong dress. Looking closely, it turned out to be Du Yan'e.

Qi Yan's bottomless eyes flashed with disappointment, but he nodded politely, "Vice General Du."

"Qi Yan, don't be deceived by Shen Ziqiao, that woman is sinister and cunning, and does not abide by the woman's way. People in the whole city know what kind of person she is, and that kind of woman is not worth you to treat her like this." Alas, shouted immediately.

But he forgot that Qi Zheng was originally from Beijing. How could he not know what people outside said, Shen Ziqiao?

"Who told these things to you?" Qi Zheng asked coldly. Now who in Beijing still remembers the willfulness of Shen Ziqiao when he was young, not to mention that she has been in Beijing for two years, and someone who can say such things, he probably also Can think of who it is.

"Don't be obsessed, Shen Ziqiao can't afford you!" Du Yan'e cried, "What's the use of looking good? A woman with a bad character is shameless, you"

Where Qi Yan was willing to be insulted by the woman he loved, he immediately stared at him, "Shut up! My woman can't turn around."

Du Yan'e was drunk by Qi Yan ... Red "I'm for your good, Shen Ziqiao is a man who doesn't know shame and abdomen." "Miss Du, what kind of person Shen Ziqiao is, I know better than you, whether she is good or bad She is better than anyone else in my opinion. "Qi Yan forced his anger, if the other person was not a woman, he would have hit her already.

"Are you blind? How do you look at such a female half!" Du Yan'e shouted angrily, Qi Qi must be demon-stricken before he could die to Shen Ziqiao.

Qi Yan was too lazy to tell Du Yan'e more. For more than a year, Du Yan'e has often challenged him to oppose him. The so-called good man doesn't fight with the female. If Qi Huan cares about her, he doesn't know when.

When Du Yan'e saw Qi Yan ignoring her, she walked away with anger and stomped. "Qi Qi, don't regret it. If you really marry Shen Ziqiao, you should be cautious later." Kill the woman. "Qi Yan stopped and stared back at Du Yan'e, his gaze was so deep that people had a bitter chill.

Murder was brewing in Qi Yan's eyes, and Du Yan'e was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

She felt unprecedented fear.

If she keeps talking, Qi Yan will kill her! Not kidding, Qi Yan will really kill her!

Du Yan'e took two steps back in fear.

Qi Yan turned and walked out, dare to provoke Du Yan'e against Shen Ziqiao. Sheng Peiyin really worked hard. It seems that this woman still hates Jiao Jiao and he will never let her have a second chance to hurt Jiao Jiao.

Back in the lobby, I found that Lord Nine and Sheng Peiyin were not there. I don't know where they went. Shen Zikai beckoned and asked him to sit beside him.

The two bowed their heads and wondered what to say.

Besides, Sheng Peiyin was so proud of searching and encouraging Du Yan'e to find Shen Ziqiao. It was as if he saw Shen Ziqiao being duped by Du Yan'e and turned around, but he saw Jiu Wangye standing not far away looking at her.

She quickly calmed down the smile on her face, and walked in front of Lord Nine. "Lord Nine, how did you come out?" Lord Nine looked at her for a while, and then asked in silence, "Yiner, what do you have with Shen Ziqiao? Deep hatred? "

"What did you say? Why did you suddenly ask that?" Sheng Peiyin asked with a smile, uncomfortable.

"You used the dead in my house to chase and kill her. Didn't you kill her? Although Shen Ziqiao was annoying, she didn't want to kill her. Did Yiner do what she did to you?" Lord Nine never believed Sheng Peiyin is a vicious person. He would rather believe that Shen Ziqiao offended Sheng Peiyin or did something unforgivable to Sheng Peiyin.

Sheng Peiyin's face changed slightly, what did Shen Ziqiao do to her?

Shen Ziqiao didn't do anything but changed all her already calculated plans. It made her almost repeat the path of the previous life. The little **** pretended to be really good, and she had the memories of the previous life, just as she did. Like a bale, approached her intentionally, looking for a chance to calculate her.

Why can someone like Shen Zizheng be protected by Prince Edward and Qi Yan? On what basis!

If it's not Shen Ziqiao, she should be taken care of by everyone.

"Yiner?" Lord Nine asked her suddenly when she saw that she was silent.

Sheng Peiyin's eyes still contained resentment, and she raised her head to the eyes of Lord Nine, and she blurted out, "I just hate her. I can't wait for her to die."

"What did she do?" Lord Nine Kings had never seen such a Sheng Peiyin, her tender and delicate face mixed with a sloppy expression, scared the heart-warming and jewel-like Lord Nine Kings like a drum.

"She deceived me! Deceived me!" Sheng Peiyin said, "I just hate her. If it weren't for her, Lou wouldn't be kicked out of the palace. Without her, my business in Beijing would not be intentionally destroyed. She is all she! I just want her to die! "

Lord Nine was shocked. Sheng Peiyin's hatred was based on her jealousy of Shen Ziqiao.

Is it really the same as His Royal Highness said? She was just jealous that Shen Ziqiao rescued the little emperor grandson, and jealous that Shen Ziqiao got the fancy of the queen and the prince, so she wanted to kill Shen Ziqiao?

"Yin Er, how can your mind be so narrow!" Grandpa Nine King retorted out of nowhere.

Sheng Peiyin was scolded by Lord Nine for the first time, and she felt that the **** Shen Ziqiao was indeed a curse. "I was like this. Do you also like Shen Ziqiao? Haha, unfortunately, the person you like now is not you.

Lord Nine reached out and wanted to hold her "Yiner!" "Go away! I don't care about you." Sheng Peiyan waved his hand away and ran away with the skirt.

"Well," the wound behind Lord Nine has not healed yet, and Sheng Peiyin pushed so deeply that the wound behind him was so painful that he could hardly stand.

Sheng Peiyin, who was full of anger, did not find his strangeness. He had run out of the wee door and disappeared into the night.

Although she was shocked by the change in Sheng Peiyin, it was the woman she loved. Where did Lord Nine let her go outside in the middle of the night, people immediately sought it.

But after searching for a long time, no one was found, and the Prince was shocked.

The Prince said displeasedly, "This is not a capital city. How can I walk around at random? Still not letting people continue to look for it?"

For the sake of Lord Nine, His Royal Highness was too lazy to bother.

However, until the next morning, Sheng Peiyin was still not found. When she ran out last night, the city gate was closed, so Sheng Peiyin could not be out of the city, she must still be in the city.

Lord Nine was in such a hurry that if it were not for the prince, he would go out and look for someone regardless of his injury.

Shen Ziqiao fell asleep until she woke up in the morning to hear about it, but she didn't feel anxious.

Hongyi whispered, "It's better not to come back." This wish is too impractical, Sheng Peiyin is the heroine! There are woods that have a lot of light!

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Sheng Peiyin was found back. Other people asked her where she had gone. She didn't say a word, and cried in a hug of Lord Nine, as if those around her were bullying her for the rest of her night of.

His Royal Highness dumbfounded everyone to go back to rest. He looked at Sheng Peiyin in disgust,

"This is the northwest, not where you Sheng Peiyin can go wherever he wants. Do n’t rely on Jiu Huang to protect you, you can come here, only once. If there is another time, this palace will make you regret to appear. it's here."

Such a scolding by a man he had loved so much, Sheng Peiyin was ashamed and annoyed, but his tears fell even harder.

Lord Nine said, "Your Highness, it's all my fault ..., ..." "Uncle Nine Emperor, even you, you can't let her run around here." His Royal Highness said sharply.

"My King knows," said Lord Nine.

In the next few days, Sheng Peiyin really enjoyed a lot. Even Du Yan'e didn't show up in front of Shen Ziqiao again. After Shen Ziqiao followed Qi Yan to walk Gao Nancheng fiercely, they would return to the military camp.

And she is going back to East Vietnam.

No matter how reluctant they are, after all, they will face another separation.

"You have to be treasured, and you must come back safely." Shen Ziqiao was really reluctant to send Qi Yi away from Gao Nancheng. Regardless of the stare of Shen Xiao and Shen Zikai, holding Qi Yi's hand, he always told.

Qi Xun smiled and nodded, "I will definitely return home safely, marry you."

Shen Ziqiao Qiao blushed and gave him a stern glance.

They were sent away by Qi Qi, and it wasn't long before they heard that Da Zhou fought again with the Golden Thieves. The Golden Man did not know where to learn about Da Zhou's deployment. Not only did he almost wipe out Du Ji's army, he was also shot with an arrow. After Du Ji, if Shen Xiao didn't realize that he would not support the troops, Du Ji's injuries would be even worse.

Hearing this news, Pan Lize immediately postponed his return journey, and there was spy on Da Zhou! It must have been the same person who sold Duji as the caravan was leaked last time.

The emperor far away from Beijing learned that Da Zhou had lost the battle again and was furious and angry, and the prince must have found the inner traitor.

After being defeated several times, the Golden Man once again won. He arrogantly drank and celebrated on the wasteland. The song was loud, and it spread to almost every soldier's ear in the barracks of the Great Zhou. It stimulated everyone's blood. Thousands of broken thieves.

At this time, those thieves must have snatched the women from their Da Zhou before abuse, and abused Da Zhou's children ...

Shen Zikai and Qi Yan stood side by side on the training ground of the barracks, silently watching the direction of the wasteland.

Not long after Duji rescued the barracks, he died.

Read The Duke's Passion