MTL - His Transmigrated Cannon Fodder Fiancé-Chapter 126 Banquet

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Biquge, the latest chapter of the East Bed will be updated as soon as possible!

Mentioning the memory he was most reluctant to recall, Qi Zheng's muscles were very tight. Although he was only five years old at that time, many things were in his mind.

"I don't know. She and her daughter didn't know where they went." Qi Yan said.

"Then you continue to say, when the outside room is gone, when will Xiao Gu's enter the door? What will happen to you after entering?" Shen Ziqiao asked quickly.

Qi Yan laughed softly, held her in her arms, sucked the sweet smell of her body hard, and the tight muscles slowly relaxed. "My mother died less than a hundred days ago, and Xiao Gu entered the door. Within nine months, Qi Feng was born. When Qi Feng was full moon, I saw it with my grandmother. My father asked me to hug him, but he burst into tears ... I don't know why there is a big bruise on my thigh ... ... "

"Then everyone thought you did it?" Shen Ziqiao asked in surprise, how could she not believe that Qi Yan would start with a child who was only full moon.

"I was beaten, moved out of the inner court, and lived alone in the outer court." Qi Zheng said calmly, regarding how he was beaten at that time, and what his feelings were after being wronged, he didn't mention it.

Men usually move out of the hospital when they are 11 or 12 years old.

A child as young as five years old asked him to move to a foreign hospital by himself, and had just lost his mother. Didn't An Guogong consider his son's feelings?

Shen Ziqiao held his hand in distress, and fastened with his fingers.

"You just became stupid from that time?" Shen Ziqiao asked. Was pretending to be stupid in order to attract more people's attention, and then kept pretending?

Qi Yan said, "It was almost poisoning ... if I weren't Master, I'd be dead."

Shen Ziqiao looked at him in surprise, exclaimed in wonder, "Poisoned?"

"The sour plum soup from the kitchenette. I always dislike the sour, so I gave it to the master ..." Qi Yan's voice sank, and there was a sadness in his eyes.

Master means more to him than father An An.

But Master died because of his poisoning.

"Then what?" Shen Ziqiao only felt that her mouth was bitter. She didn't know what to say. Compared with Qi Yan, her life in the Shen family was so happy.

"Just count the plan, I followed the poisoning, but it was not as serious as Master, so I became stupid," Qi said.

Shen Ziqiao lowered his head and rubbed his cheek with the back of his hand. "It's so pitiful. If you don't have a master, you might really become a lunatic. Who poisoned it?"

Therefore, he always thanked Master for his fingers. Qi Yan's fingers lingered on her cheek. "I only found out when I was ten years old. The poisoned person was someone beside Xiao Gu's. In addition to Xiao Gu's thinking that I died, Who will be? "

"Your father has never known who Gu Xiaoshi is?" Shen Ziqiao patted his hand, thinking that if she really married him in the future, wouldn't she have to face Xiao Gu's number of steps higher than that of Mrs. Shen? Woman living? Emma, ​​I feel so tired when I think of it, I can't love it.

Qi Yan said, "I don't know. His affairs have nothing to do with me, and I have no plans to stay at Qi's house in the future."

That's okay! Shen Ziqiao grinned, relieved.

"Are you afraid?" Qi Yan looked down at her, her dark handsome face calm and calm, but she was actually very nervous.

Shen Zi Qiao Shicheng nodded sincerely. The most powerful experience she ever experienced was to grab her dowry and not give her food. The old lady who poisoned the dead was really inexperienced. Really become an opponent with Xiao Gu's, die faster ...

Qi Yan's eyes twitched, dare to nod?

He took her into his arms, "What are you afraid of, isn't there me? I won't let anyone bully you."

"You can protect me for a while." Shen Ziqiao tells the truth, if only they could live on.

No, she hasn't promised to marry him, she wants to do something in the long run.

"Qiao Jiao!" Qi Yan held her face nervously and stared at her with burning eyes. "We don't have to be afraid. You don't need to serve her. She lives her life. We live our own life. When the time comes, we Just move out, okay? "

Shen Ziqiao nodded happily, "Okay! But what if my dad doesn't let me marry you?"

Qi Yan was promised by her, and his mood was as bright as fireworks. Where could he hear the words behind her, he had already bowed his head and kissed her little mouth.

The two of them were sitting on the grass near the brook. Shen Ziqiao was hugged by him and sat on his lap. The whole man was trapped in his arms.

The warm thin lips covered her lips, sucking and biting gently until she couldn't help turning her lips lightly, and the tip of his tongue slid in, curling her lilac tongue, forcing her to respond to her kiss.

Shen Ziqiao twisted his small body, leaning his hands against his chest, trying to push him away.

Their bodies were close to each other, and she could feel his hot body temperature. Somehow, Shen Ziqiao felt that he was also hot with his whole body, like a cooked shrimp.

"Let it go!" Shen Ziqiao struggled a little, feeling that his kisses were different from the first two times, and she was a little scared.

Qi Yan's breathing was a little heavy, he couldn't bear to let go of her, hugged her tighter, and lowered her head to kiss her delicate collarbone, licking and kissing hard.

"Well ..." Shen Ziqiao softened and warmed, breathing slightly, and the hard object on her leg was overwhelmed.

"Qiao Jiao, just kiss and kiss!" Qi Yan's big hand slipped into her placket, grasping her fullness, and kneaded it emotionally.

Shen Ziqiao trembled lightly throughout her body, and she bit her muscles on his chest with force, "No, Qi! Here ... not here!"

Qi Yan's chest muscles hurt, and he lifted his head gasping, his dark eyes rolled with strong desire, his eyes glowing at her.

"You can see where it is!" Shen Ziqiao patted him on the shoulder with a bad temper, but he dared not move any more, so as not to make him impulsive again.

"I can't help it, Jiao Jiao. For the past two years, I have been thinking about you every day ..." He hugged her hard, almost trying to rub her into his own body.

Shen Ziqiao twisted her loin, angrily, "What do you think all day long, did you come to fight?"

Qi Yan held her hand in her hand and said dumbly with her earlobe, "I think when I sleep."

"Think about it, don't think about it!" Shen Ziqiao blushed.

Looking at her blushing, cheeky face, Qi Ye only felt that it was difficult to suppress the evil fire and slammed up again, and then lowered her head to bite her lips again.

"Brother!" Shen Ziqiao shouted.

Qi Yan quickly let go of her and looked back, none of the figures.

Shen Ziqiao laughed and slipped away from his arms.

"You little bad guy!" Qi Yan looked at her angrily, stood up and reached out to grab her.

"It's obviously your guilty conscience! If my elder brother saw you like this, hum, destroy you!" Shen Ziqiao made a neck-cutting action.

Qi Yan grabbed her with a smile, "Destroy me, eh?"

"Ah, it hurts so much, you hurt my hand." Shen Ziqiao shouted pain.

"Where? Let me see." Qi Zheng was startled, and quickly let go of his hand to check if she had hurt her too hard.

Shen Ziqiao grinned and yanked his cheek, "Fool you."

Qi Yi shuddered, shook his head with a smile, and looked at this girl who did not know when to take root in his heart petulantly, but felt that there was a sense of satisfaction that never filled his heart.

"It's getting dark, let's go back." Qi Yan took her hand and the two set out on their way home.



After a two-day break, His Royal Highness hosted a banquet for the caravans from Dongyue, which was also a belated banquet.

As one of the owners of a commercial bank, Shen Ziqiao is naturally among the banquets.

After arriving at Gao Nancheng, Shen Ziqiao had already run the Nine Kings to Java, and it was not until he saw his pale face at the banquet that he thought that these two shortcomings were seriously injured.

Deserve it! Shen Ziqiao had no sympathy at all, and thought hummingly in his heart, if he didn't commit two crimes by himself, disregarding other people's lives and pretending to be a hero, how could so many people be killed or injured and deserve to be injured.

There was also Sheng Peiyin. Shen Ziqiao saw that she was actually sitting beside Lord Nine with her eyebrows frowning, and her Royal Highness Prince, who was not following the theme, flickered her eyes and thought that it was abnormal.

However, no matter what these two goods want to do, it has nothing to do with her Shen Ziqiao.

Relative to Shen Ziqiao's indifferent attitude toward this kind of thing, Lord Jiu Wang was not very calm when he saw her.

His mood is complicated.

Not only remembered that Sheng Peiyin almost hurt Shen Ziqiao, but also remembered that she was badly cursed in the presence of everyone that day.

No one has ever dared to scold him like this!

Shen Ziqiao scolded him without being polite. It was completely different from seeing him always flushed and nervous before. She really did not have any feelings for him as she said.

Lord Nine snorted dullly.

"What's wrong?" Sheng Peiyin asked his voice in confusion when he heard his voice.

"It's okay." Lord Nine Wang smiled slightly, and looked away from Shen Ziqiao's face.

Sheng Peiyin looked at Shen Ziqiao.

Shen Ziqiao was sitting next to Shen Zikai. The siblings didn't know what they were whispering, and their faces with bright and bright smiles made people look and hate.

He Chen was sitting opposite Shen Ziqiao. His face was as calm as water, but there was an indescribable depression in his heart.

That day ... He saw her returning from the back door side-by-side with Qi Yi. She also had a smile on her face, but it was not the same as today's smile. In front of Qi Yi, she smiled more sweetly, and Qi Yi looked at her His eyes are still deep in his mind.

It was a kind of endless pampering. It seemed that no matter what Shen Ziqiao said or done, in Qi Yan's opinion, she was the best.

This is the person who likes her, no matter what she does, she will love it.

Actually, in his heart, no matter what Shen Ziqiao does, he also feels that ... he will like it.

"Master He?" The next side Pan Lize tugged He Chen's sleeve.

He Chen turned back and took away the bitterness in his eyes. "What?"

"His Royal Highness is talking to you!" Pan Lize said, sweeping the corners of Shen Ziqiao with a sigh in his heart. RS

Read The Duke's Passion