MTL - His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad-Chapter 31

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It happened that the two elders came here, and the original intention was to say that the workaholic would go out to work. Cheng Yang was at home alone. Today, the climate is suitable, so I plan to take Cheng Yang out for a walk.

It's a bit of a coincidence.

Hearing that Cheng Yang was going out, his father's face improved for a while.

Yuan Yuan was carrying a few gifts in her hand. They were supplements for the pregnant woman. The couple in the front of the house had been here. Yuan Yuan did not let Cheng Yang take over, and put them in the cupboard.

Yuan Yuan turned to the coffee table and noticed that the water in Cheng Yang's cup had reached the end. After taking the cup, he went to get another cup for Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang's unreserved concern for the two elders moved Cheng Yang's heart.

He took the water from his elders with both hands, and said docilely and obediently, "Thank you mom!"

Yuan Yuan looked at Cheng Yang's soft white face, nodded, and then sat on the other side of Cheng Yang.

The couple were sitting left and right.

"My dad and I were going to let you go out with us. It just so happened."

Yuan Yuan's smile was so kind, she could see a little crow's feet at the end of her eyes, but these wrinkles did not detract from her beauty, but only made her feel warm.

"I just saw you rubbing your waist. Has your waist always been sore recently?"

Yuan Yuan's attention is sharp.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit, it doesn't affect much." Cheng Yang answered.

"Well, you have to take care of yourself." Yuan Yuan nodded, thinking that Cheng Yang's smart and sensible people couldn't help dislike him.

This child not only grew up well, but also had a very good temperament. Yuan Yuan looked down and fell on Cheng Yang's swollen abdomen. I hope this baby is like his father Cheng Yang.

They were talking here, and the babble in the bedroom was cleaned up. In the room, they heard outside sounds. They came out to see their father and stepmother sitting on both sides of Cheng Yang. Both elders obviously had to like this daughter-in-law.

After all, it was a wife who made a fuss about his choice, which was naturally very cute.

Yan Yan couldn't help feeling a little proud, and with Cheng Yang seemed to unlock a lot of emotions he had never had before.

Carrying a small bag, he whispered to the living room.

"Dad, aunt." It's still the same as before.

Uncle's eyes looked at Yan Yan coldly, and Yan Yan's eyes were all on his lovely wife.

"Let's go to see the cherry blossoms with you." As soon as his uncle's voice fell, he noticed that his son frowned.

How could my father fail to guess what the talk was thinking.

He didn't care what he thought, this was his daughter-in-law, and his grandson was his grandson in his stomach.

Uncle stood up and reached out to help Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang was so flattered that she was busy standing up slowly, where could the elders help him.

"Dad, no need." Cheng Yang shook her head again and again.

"Be careful."

My uncle saw Cheng Yang holding a big belly, a little nervous.

Yan Yan came over, took his wife into his arms, put his hands behind Cheng Yang, and took the person to the car outside.

Pulling the door of the car, I told Cheng Yang to sit in the car first. Cheng Yang is now big, and it ’s not appropriate to take the co-pilot. The seat belt is not easy to buckle. , Yan Yan took a pillow behind Cheng Yang's waist, so that Cheng Yang can sit comfortably.

When bending down and exiting, he paused and kissed Cheng Yang's soft white cheek quickly.

Cheng Yang was stolen, and he bent his eyes and turned to look at the words. When the words squeezed his wife's chin and wanted to kiss his wife's lips, a cough sound came from behind him.

Cheng Yang's eyes smiled, and she looked particularly good.

The small bag was covered with a blanket. After speaking, I went back and forth to take a thermos bottle and a bottle of water, and packed a box of fruits washed in front.

After it was almost the same, Yan Yan took the door key and got into the car. He drove his wife and father to the area where the cherry blossoms in the city were the most vigorous.

This should be Cheng Yang and Yan Yan's family. The first time they went out to play together, the joy on Cheng Yang's face did not disappear much during the entire play.

Because this day is not a weekend, most people are still at work, and it is not a holiday, so people who visit the scenic spot to see cherry blossoms.

The car was parked in a parking lot, and basically two clothes were worn in April.

Cheng Yang wore a loose knee-length coat, and the buttons were fastened. The swollen belly was not staring, but it would not be too conspicuous.

Not to mention beside him, the man's tall body stood beside Cheng Yang, covering Cheng Yang's body a lot.

The family searched for few individuals.

It was said that the father and son spread the blanket on the lawn, and their wives stood aside to watch the beautiful cherry blossoms blooming on the tree.

The flowers are pink, and clusters of clusters gather on the branches. With the breeze blowing, some pink petals fall down.

A few pieces floated on Cheng Yang's finely divided black hair.

After laying the carpet, Yan Yan just looked up to see the scene of cherry blossoms. The person he loved was surrounded by cherry blossoms, and the petals brushed his porcelain white face. At that moment, Yan Yan only felt that the world was no better Cheng Yang is even more beautiful.

Yan Yan quickly took out his mobile phone and set this beautiful scene down.

Cheng Yang Yuguang glanced at Yan Yan patting him, turned his head, smiled slightly, and his smile was pure white.

Alas, I heard my heartbeat beating fast.

"Let's go," Yuan Yuan Tong Cheng signaled.

Cheng Yang nodded and followed the original circle to the edge of the carpet.

The belly is now big, Cheng Yang squatted. The body was a bit slow, and Yan Yan stretched his hands up, holding Cheng Yang's waist.

Cheng Yang leaned next to Yan Yan. In addition to the blanket, he also added a soft cushion, which was not available to everyone else.

After taking the thermos, he poured a glass of water for Cheng Yang and let Cheng Yang drink.

"My wrists are a bit sour." Cheng Yang said something suddenly after drinking water.

Yan Yan put down the thermos, and took Cheng Yang's right hand for the next moment, besides, she began to gently tender her wrists.

"Are you better?" Yan Yan rubbed and asked Cheng Yang.

The billionaire's richest man, no matter how high his value and status to an outsider, he only has a simple and ordinary identity in front of his beloved.

After rubbing Cheng Yang over his right wrist, Yan Yan took Cheng Yang's left hand again, rubbing his left hand, rubbing his wrist and palm fingers together.

The two elders sitting next to each other, seeing that the junior was showing affectionately, so Yuan Yuan and her husband suggested that they go somewhere else.

Leave space for young people.

In the bones of the uncle's family, there is a gene that super-loved his wife. His uncle saw that he was so pleased that he finally inherited something good.

The sun was shining on the body, warm, Cheng Yang snuggled up in the arms of Yan Yan, closed her eyes and closed her eyes, and Yan Yan took a thin blanket from the side and covered Cheng Yang's body. Cheng Yang's face was pure and flawless.

Cheng Yang closed her eyes, her slender thick eyelashes hang quietly, another breeze blows, the branches of cherry blossoms fall, and a flower just falls on Cheng Yang's eyes, Cheng Yang doesn't fall asleep completely, she wants to open her eyes, her eyes Falling down a soft kiss.

After the other party pulled away, Cheng Yang slowly opened her eyes, looking into a pair of deep and charming eyes.

Suddenly, Cheng Yang's expression changed, he looked over at his belly.

At the same time, he put his palm lightly on Cheng Yang's belly. At the same time, there was a moving little guy under his palm.

The tenderness in the brow's eyes seemed to overflow.

He tightened his hands around Cheng Yang's waist.

"What do you think our baby's name is better?" This question had not been discussed with Cheng Yang, and suddenly thought of it, he asked.

Cheng Yang blinked, her eyes lightened, he completely ignored the problem.

Obviously it is important.

Cheng Yang shook her head: "I haven't thought about it yet, do you think about it?"

Yan Yan held Cheng Yang's hand. Although he really wanted the baby to follow his surname in his heart, this baby was born with painstaking care by Cheng Yang. He loved Cheng Yang and also respected Cheng Yang.

"Cheng Yunfeng." This is the name that Yan Yan thought after a few days of thinking.

Cheng Yang looked surprised.

He shook his head. He didn't care about the child's last name. No matter what the child's last name was, he was his treasure.

"Jun Yunfeng, I like the name."

They don't need to be so clear, even Cheng Yang didn't think about it. After giving birth to this child, it is not a sacrifice, it is the crystallization of their love.

Breeding a new life, and then giving the other party unreserved love, Cheng Yang didn't have a good childhood. He hoped to make up for it, in his own child.

Yan Yan was so touched that he embraced Cheng Yang into his arms and kissed him fiercely.

No matter whether there are people around or no one around, many tourists gathered their eyes, and some even took out their mobile phones and took photos secretly.

Cheng Yang didn't push away the words. He loved them, but he was also grateful for them. It was the other party who gave him the opportunity to create their own children.

Cheng Yan believed in his love for him.

Saw the cherry blossoms in the morning, and the family ate outside at noon.

They take special care of Cheng Yang, most of which dishes Yang Cheng likes to eat.

Many flowers bloom in spring, not only cherry blossoms, but also many other beautiful flowers.

He made some adjustments to his work. Before that, he delegated some things to the people below him. On the day when the money was not made, his wife's stomach gradually grew bigger. He spent more time with Cheng Yang.

Occasionally I have to leave for a business trip, catch a plane in the early morning, and quickly rush home without staying outside the hotel.

The due date is early June, which is a little earlier than the normal October pregnancy.

Cheng Yang's belly is now almost as big as a round basketball.

He got up and sat down, and he had to support his waist. Everyone around him was watching, going out for a walk, and going down the stairs. He didn't feel anything, but the others were particularly nervous.

Cheng Yang, the game's live broadcast, stopped directly, but the pinch of clay was still going on, but he lived by hand and couldn't get tired.

Not to say that with the baby, you really lie still, the doctor's advice is to let Cheng Yang move around every day.

It's raining with a baby.

If it's not particularly urgent, the pretense is usually to let the assistant take the documents to the home for processing, or have a video conference with his subordinates.

Given that the due date is just a few days away, the words are much more tense than Cheng Yang, who has a big belly.

Recently, the baby's activities in the father's belly have become more frequent, and often he can see the little feet or little hands on the top of the belly.

Those traces are quite obvious.

Most of the time, Cheng Yang sits in the small garden outside, reads the storybook to her baby, and gives her baby prenatal education.

This day was also a special coincidence on Wednesday, June 1.

Reading the storybook was a bit tiring. Cheng Yang leaned on a reclining chair to rest. The baby in the stomach moved around. At the beginning, Cheng Yang felt that it was as usual. The baby would be quiet for a while, but the radian of the baby ’s movement increased. Bigger.

It even gave Cheng Yang a feeling that the baby seemed to be coming out soon.

Cheng Yang raised the big belly of basketball with one hand, and quickly got up, he was too anxious, the mobile phone was around, and he could use the mobile phone to call the room's slang.

Only then he completely forgot about this, Cheng Yang's face changed in shock, and he grasped the wall and walked into the room.

Yan Yan was sitting in the living room. He was focusing on the work and suddenly heard Cheng Yang's urgent voice.

"Well, baby ..." Cheng Yang was too nervous to say a word.

Yan Yan turned his head violently. When he saw the strangeness over Cheng Yang's side, he was shocked at first, and then immediately understood what was going on in his heart. He flew to Cheng Yang's side and supported Cheng Yang's body.

"Baby it may be coming out."

Cheng Yang's face was both excited and disturbed.

"Okay, we'll go to the hospital right away." Yan Yan was equally happy, but in this joy, his eyes began to turn red.

"Just hold on."

Yan Yan stunned Cheng Yang outside the house, carefully put people on the car, Yan Yan leaned on Cheng Yang's forehead, stroked Cheng Yang's warm face, closed the door quickly after exiting.

Go to the driver's seat and insert the key. When I entered the lock hole, my hand was shaking unexpectedly. I inserted it a few times. Go in.

Yan Yan looked back at Cheng Yang in the back seat, his look had never been more serious now.

He started the car and drove to the hospital.

When a red light stopped on the road, I made a phone call to the hospital first. The hospital had already done some pre-purchasing in advance, and the operation could be carried out directly-Cheng Yang's body structure is different from that of ordinary women and cannot be natural Production can only be performed by caesarean section.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Yan turned his head and contacted his father again, telling him he was taking Cheng Yang to the hospital.

The red light is about to turn green, and it is not convenient to make a phone call while driving, and it is said that it is not enough to make jokes about the lives of his wife and children.

Waiting for nothing to ask over there, Yan Yan hung up the phone.

The phone rang a few times and the words were not answered.

From time to time, he looked back at Cheng Yang. Seeing that Cheng Yang was still relatively stable, the panic in his heart also eased.

The stretcher stopped at the door, and as soon as the car stopped, a paramedic arrived.

Yan Yan got out of the car and Fu Cheng came out. There were a lot of passers-by around, and many people looked around.

He quickly took off his jacket and covered Cheng Yang. He held Cheng Yang's hand tightly, pushed the car with the medical staff, and pushed Cheng Yang to the operating room.

I don't want to stay outside the operating room and wait for a result. Let my wife face the icy scalpel alone, and say that she needs to disinfect the whole body, put on sterile clothes, and never let go of the procedure during Cheng Yang's cesarean operation. Yang's hand accompanied him to see their baby born.

After a series of preparations were completed, the chief surgeon took a scalpel and gently stroked Cheng Yang's lower abdomen.

Cheng Yang couldn't see the process because she was lying on her back, but she could feel the opening of her body.

The rhetoric beside the operating table was the imprint of this scene in the eyes, even the heart.

It was not a general anesthesia, so Cheng Yang did not fall asleep.

He noticed that Yan Yan shook his hand and suddenly tightened.

He imagined for a moment what expression he would have if the knife opened on the speech.

Probably not much better than pretending.

Cheng Yang's eyes looked towards Yan Yan, who originally looked at Cheng Yang's abdomen and felt a little gaze, he looked back.

Cheng Yang opened her lips slightly, and smiled weakly at the speech.

Yan Yan suddenly felt sore throat and nose. I didn't know what to say. It was Cheng Yang who should be empowered. Now Cheng Yang was comforting him with eyes.

Yan Yan firmly held Cheng Yang's right hand with both hands, and his eyes were extremely devout and grateful.

Thank God for giving these two priceless treasures.

The operation went quite smoothly. The doctor carefully took out a red, wrinkled baby from Cheng Yang's body. A umbilical cord on the baby's belly button connected it with his father.

The umbilical cord was cut, and the doctor held the kid down and patted him twice.

Wow wow!

The little boy opened his mouth and cried unusually loudly.

The little guy was held in hands by sterile gloves and held in front of the two dads, letting them look at each other.

Later, the little guy was taken for a full-body examination, and the words were still with Cheng Yang, watching the doctor suture Cheng Scarlet's big scarlet mouth on the belly.

The operation was completely over, and it took more than an hour to open the door of the operating room. The uncle and the stepmother outside the door had been waiting outside for a while.

When they saw the proverbial word they came out of it, they all surrounded it.

"How's it going?" Dad stepped forward and asked the results of the operation.

Yan Yan's eyes were completely red, and tears were shaking in it.

He nodded lightly, and there was a choked voice in his voice: "Very good, the baby and Cheng Yang are very good."

The baby was crying quite loudly. Before that, Cheng Yang went to the hospital for examinations from time to time. Although her baby's physical examination has not yet come out, she said she believed that their baby was favored by heaven.

"That's good, that's good." The father breathed a sigh of relief, his nerves were tense just now.

Uncle came to Cheng Yang and took Cheng Yang's hand. He thanked Cheng Yang and said that he had worked hard.

In terms of having children, they can't replace them. There are many things to say, but it seems that at this time, thousands of words are too pale.

Cheng Yang shook his head very lightly. This was what he was willing to do. Suffering from this pain, a little bit of pain, was nothing compared to the baby.

After the operation, Cheng Yang moved to the senior ward.

Unlike other wards, the room has a bad smell of disinfection water, but it is filled with a pleasant jasmine fragrance.

Cheng Yang's lips were almost peeling, but in view of the fact that he had not been able to drink water just after the operation, he said he took a cotton swab and dipped it in water, and gently applied it to Cheng Yang's lips.

Cheng Yang didn't eat for a long time, and Yan Yan accompanied him and didn't drink water and didn't eat. Later, the anesthetics worked. Cheng Yang wanted to go to the toilet, but her belly was sutured, and she moved slightly, causing a slight pain.

Yan Yan went directly to take the urinal for Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang had a flushed face and felt unusual shame, but he couldn't resist the urination. At last, under the gaze of his man, he resolved in the urinal.

His man pulled two sheets of paper and helped Cheng Yang wipe off the top point.

Cheng Yang stared at Yan Yan's calm and abnormal face. At that moment, he suddenly thought that there would be no second person in this world who was so good to him.

Yan Yan put the urinal in the bathroom, moved back a stool, and sat next to the bed.

Yan Yan took Cheng Yang's hand, bowed her head and kissed the back of each other's hands with deep affection.

Blinking, Cheng Yang clenched Yan's hand backhand.

Cheng Yang stayed in the hospital that day and asked for care, but he was still reassured that he added an extra bed. He accompanied his wife to sleep in the ward.

The baby's side is temporarily placed in the baby room, with some other newborn babies.

Uncle, they stayed for a certain period of time, and left in the evening.

The baby was taken to Cheng Yang's room at noon the next day.

The little guy's body was as red as yesterday, and his hands and feet curled together, just like he was in his father's stomach.

When Cheng Yang saw the little guy, his eyes were endlessly soft, he reached out and touched his son's little hands.

The little guy's small hands are soft, making people dare not force at all.

Cheng Yang touched the baby's face again, which was an experience she had never experienced before.

This little guy was still in his stomach yesterday morning and now lies beside him.

He's a dad, and he never thought of it before.

He also got up while talking, and looked at his wife and son in bed softly.

His life, as if at a moment, has been completely completed.

"Look at the baby!" Cheng Yang let go of her voice and let Yan Yan look at their son.

"Well, our baby."

Talking, reaching out, holding his wife's and son's hands together with a big palm.

The little boy suddenly smashed his mouth, followed his eyes to open slowly, opened a small gap, and closed again after a few seconds.

The two dads looked at the little guy who woke up for a while, and went to sleep immediately, smiling at each other.

The words fell down. Body, put two of his babies in bed into his arms.

He kissed Cheng Yang's cheek first, then turned around and kissed his son's concubine.

The little guy is full of warm milk, making people just want to keep looking at him like this without closing his eyes.

Cheng Yang was pregnant and even had a baby. All she knew was the false word about them and some people in the hospital, all of whom signed confidentiality agreements.

So no unrelated people came to bother them.

The hospital has a confinement center. In the month after the birth, Cheng Yang directly transferred to the confinement center, where she was taken care of by professionals, and her body recovered much faster than ordinary women.

No matter how busy they are every day, they will go to the confinement center to accompany Cheng Yang. Their babies have been able to open their eyes completely. Although they seem to be sleeping for twenty-four hours a day, they will use them from time to time His baby words communicated with dads.

Although no one knows his babies.

The little guy looks very similar to Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang's mobile phone has pictures of him when he was a kid. Take it out and compare it with the little guy, like a mold.

The baby's voice is so loud that it can be heard by people on the lower floors when he is hungry.

It's very lively in Dad's belly, and even more fun when he comes out.

I especially like Cheng Yang to play with him, and I like my father to talk to him.

He often whispered, and then whispered Cheng Yang to his sister's arms, and let the little guy lie there and play with himself, and the little guy would pout his mouth and whine out loud.

A few times more, Yan Yan probably knew that the little guy would **** his dad with him at such a young age, so he warned the little guy not to slap again, or he would spank.

The little guy can't understand, and continue to chat next time.

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