MTL - His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad-Chapter 3 He wants him

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When Cheng Yang woke up, he was alone in the room. Opening his eyes, Cheng Yang stared at the pure white ceiling for a while.

His eyes blinked, and he reached up to the bed and wanted to take his mobile phone to watch the time. His body moved slightly, and he was involved in a place that was overused last night. The pain that came from the moment made Cheng Yang even groan.

At the same time, all the memories belonging to last night slowly returned to the cage. That memory was very bad at first, but the back, especially when he lay on this comfortable big bed, those memory pictures made Cheng Yang suddenly pull. Over her quilt, she immediately covered her blushing cheeks.

His face was trapped in the quilt, Cheng Yang's brows were locked tightly, and the voice of annoyance continued to utter between her lips and teeth.

Everything that happened at night, even every detail, was rewinded like the movie.

Cheng Yang remembers it clearly. He tugged at his hair with great force, unable to believe that the person who had entangled a strange man last night, opened under the other, and wavedly invited the other to occupy the body would be himself.

Cheng Yang extremely hoped that everything yesterday was a dream of her own, but that kind of weakness and tiredness remained on her body, and she was always reminded that Cheng Yang was all true.

Covered in the quilt for a long time, until Cheng Yang could not bear it, he pulled the quilt away.

He was glad that he was the only one in the bedroom. He could hardly imagine what expression he should use to face each other if the man hadn't left yet.

During the whole process, Cheng Yang volunteered to take care of him. The other party put him in cold water to calm him down. He felt uncomfortable and wanted to go out. Then the man came in and said he had found a doctor.

Whereas Cheng Yang could tolerate no more, not holding the man's clothes, waiting for the other person to open the door for the doctor to come in, he would not roll the sheets with the man who had just met both sides in the back.

Cheng Yang knocked his head hard with his fist. He propped up on the bed and slowly got up. His whole body was very weak, his body was red and he wasn't wearing clothes. However, there was heating in the room, so he didn't feel cold. .

His clothes were wet last night. Cheng Yang bit her lip and wondered whether she was going to wear a wet suit or borrow a man ’s suit. Cheng Yang lifted the quilt and got out of bed as she wanted to. Suddenly, his knees softened, and Cheng Yang grabbed the edge of the bed without letting herself fall.

In Yu Guangli, Cheng Yang glimpsed that a set of clothes was neatly stacked at the end of the bed. Cheng Yang slowly moved her body over, and she felt that this suit should be prepared for him. Sure enough, Cheng Yang looked at the size of the clothes. It's for him.

The price tag of the clothes has not yet been taken off. Cheng Yang took a look at the sign, and her eye pupils instantly expanded. The price of the clothes was worth the money he earned during the live broadcast for half a month.

Cheng Yang pursed her lips, knowing that her clothes were not only wet, but also that she had ripped off a few buttons. Since she had clean clothes, he didn't make sense.

Put on your clothes, Cheng Yang opened the bedroom door, and there was no one in the living room. The room where the man lived was very different from Cheng Yang's. Not only was the space several times larger, but also the various furniture items in the room. It's expensive.

The view of this room seems to be quite good. From the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the blue ocean that is connected to the sky outside.

The blue waves rippled and the ship stopped moving.

There was only Cheng Yang alone in the entire room. The empty room had a delicate floral fragrance. Cheng Yang immediately found an elegant orchid on the coffee table in the living room, stared at the orchid and looked at it. Cheng Yang suddenly imagined What would it be like a man sitting on a sofa.

It is undeniable that the man is handsome and cool, his body is also good, and there is also magnificent, and his work is very good. Cheng Yang remembered that he was trapped under the other party yesterday, and he could n’t bear crying and begging for a bit slower. The two distinctly shaped abdominal muscles in the abdomen are tense, with strong wild beauty, thinking that Cheng Yang swallowed.

The body hit a stimulus, and Cheng Yang immediately stopped herself from thinking again. This was Cheng Yang's first love in so many years. I did not expect that the first time would be so beautiful. Give a bit of extravagant hope, if you can really be with that man.

But turning his head, Cheng Yang knew that he was too far away from the opponent, not in age but in ability background.

Cheng Yang escaped from the room in the same way, and there were signs in the corridor. Cheng Yang quickly returned to his room when he found the elevator.

Just when Cheng Yang came to the door of his room, when he reached out and touched the pockets of his clothes, he found that there was nothing in it, and the mobile phone and the room card fell into the front room.

what! Cheng Yang murmured lowly. He stood in front of the door and banged his forehead against the door.

Regardless of whether it was a mobile phone or a room card, he had to get it back again, so why did he come out on this cruise ship this time, and if he had known this would happen, he would have stayed in the dormitory honestly and would not go anywhere.

Having just taken the elevator down, now she has to take the elevator up again, Cheng Yang's eyes fluttered, her face listless.

The elevator was provided to VIP customers. It needed a card to start up to the designated floor. There was no mobile phone. Now Cheng Yang did not know the specific time. He sat on the wall against the ground and curled up his legs. This cruise ship It's quite huge. It's obviously not easy to find a stranger. Cheng Yang's body is not very neat. She doesn't want to ask for help. Now she doesn't want to go any further. He just sat outside the elevator and waited.

Waiting aimlessly.

Cheng Yang thought that he would wait for a long time, but it was unexpected. After a while, he heard the sound of the elevator door opening. For the first time, Cheng Yang thought that it should not be the man. When the steady footsteps stopped in front of Cheng Yang, An oppressive gaze fell over his head, Cheng Yang raised her head, and her eyes looked slightly reddish.

After the shock, Cheng Yang went to see the man's hand and found that the other party did not bring his cell phone and room card.

For some reason, Cheng Yang felt a feeling of special grievance in his heart, and his nose gradually became sour.

Because I personally like to travel, I chose a seven-day cruise this time. Only on the first day, this happened. He couldn't figure out why he was himself. Cheng Yang sucked her nose and tried hard to restrain herself from leaving. In the sober state, he showed excessive weakness in front of the man.

However, the other side's calmness and wavelessness seemed to make Cheng Yang even more frightened.

Along the wall, Cheng Yang stood up slowly. He glanced at the man's deep and dreary eyes. The other person's presence was too strong, his eyes were sharp and sharp, as if he had thoroughly looked through Cheng Yang in an instant, so that Cheng Yang's all thoughts Nowhere to hide.

Cheng Yang trembled, lowered her eyes, and didn't look directly at each other.

"Yesterday ... Thank you." Whether it was the man who rescued him in the front, or whether he begged the man to help him relieve the craving in his body, the man helped him. This is irrefutable.

Cheng Yang expressed his thanks for this.

"No thanks." Yan Yan noticed that Cheng Yang lowered her head and muttered her voice. The whole person seemed particularly fragile. It seemed to touch her slightly, and she might cry.

Yan Yan had an idea last night, and this idea was directly confirmed this morning.

He knew that it should be the first time for the boy—in the process, he made a fuss about Cheng Yang's astringent reaction, and asked subconsciously, and got a positive answer.

Although it was an accident, the boy and he were very close in terms of their physical fitness.

Yan Yan likes this beautiful and well-behaved boy. He wants him if he wants to.

"I forgot to take my mobile phone and room card, it should be in your house." Cheng Yang avoided the lingering relationship between the man and the man, and just wanted to get her things back quickly, and then it would be better to be with the man again Implicated.

"Then you're waiting here, I'll get it for you?" In fact, Cheng Yang's cell phone and room card were on the coffee table, but they were blocked by things, so Cheng Yang didn't notice it at that time, and she almost read the words. At lunchtime, I went back to the house and found that Cheng Yang had left, and forgot the room card.

Obviously he could bring things down to find Cheng Yang just now, but he just didn't take it intentionally.

"Let's go up with you." Let the other party take a special trip, Cheng Yang was unhappy.

The two people entered the elevator one by one. The space in the elevator is narrow. The atmosphere belonging to the other person seems particularly strong. The man has a quiet wooden cold fragrance. Cheng Yang leans on the corner. It is a subconscious behavior. I want to be with this name. A few hours ago, he kept a certain distance from the man who had just gone to bed.

He was a little scared, although he didn't know what he was afraid of.

The elevator seemed to be running slowly. Cheng Yang let himself leave his thoughts away from the man. He suddenly thought, fortunately, he was a man. If he was a woman, he would definitely have to buy contraceptives. He still remembered in the room. There was no condom, and he rushed to put it on the man.

Following Yang Yan, Cheng Yang raised her eyes slightly. He looked at the man's wide and straight back, and a picture appeared in his mind. Yesterday, he seemed to grab a lot on the other's back. Cheng Yang suddenly felt The cheeks became hot.

Going to the room, Yan Yan opened the door with the room card.

Cheng Yang stood outside the door and didn't follow it.

Gao Yan went to the coffee table and took Cheng Yang's mobile phone and room card. At the same time, he took a small bag beside him.

Looking at the things in front of him, Cheng Yang picked up his own, and the other bag, Cheng Yang did not know what was inside.

"A little anti-inflammatory and swollen medicine, there you ..." When Yan Yan explained, he suddenly saw Cheng Yang's cheeks crimson. He suddenly thought that Cheng Yang might be sick and have a fever. After all, it was soaked in cold water yesterday. After a long time, he really did some fierce exercise later, this is the first time.

"Are you feverish?"

After a calm tone, Yan Yan reached out and stroked Cheng Yang's forehead.

Cheng Yang looked dumb, and after a few seconds he realized that the distance between him and Yan Yan was too close, and he hurried back, trying to pull away from each other.

Retreating too quickly, stamped my feet.

Later, Cheng Yang was held by Yan Yan's arms, and he was dragged into Yan Yan's arms.

Cheng Yang also wanted to struggle again, realizing that she had overreacted, and the other party did not take the initiative to mention the relationship between them. It is true that he is here like a bird of shock.

"No, I'm fine, thank you." Cheng Yang stood still, and the man let go of his hand.

Cheng Yang took the small bag containing the anti-inflammatory medicine.

"I'll go first." Cheng Yang worked hard to calm herself, regret or anger, these emotions are not necessary, at least not in front of men.

Cheng Yang took something and turned around, left quickly, and when he got into the elevator, the iron door closed, and then he let out a deep breath.

When he finally returned to his room, Cheng Yang paralyzed himself on the bed. Suddenly he threw himself up suddenly, and then laughed with a mockery after a while, then went back on his back.

That suit may not add up to one of his sleeves now, but it is unnecessary, although he actually likes that suit.

Cheng Yang did not eat at lunch, tossing back and forth, lying on the bed, and fell asleep again after a while.

I didn't sleep too long this time and woke up at more than two in the afternoon.

The stomach made a hungry grunt, and Cheng Yang's fist slammed on the pillow twice. Li Ye's betrayal of him. The alarm is definitely useless. Now on the cruise ship, even if Cheng Yang can't wait to smash his fist now. Face, but for the time being still have to bear it.

If he didn't happen, it must be impossible. Although Cheng Yang is not the kind of person who must report, he can be bullied, and he won't really fight back.

It is said that Li Ye and them, after learning about the specific identity of the man who took away Cheng Yang last night, they were in a panic all night. They did not expect that Cheng Yang and Yan Yan had a relationship, in their memory. It is clear that Cheng Yang has always been a single person, and the other party knows that the other party is homosexual. It is because of this that they are given to Cheng Yang under the drive of great interests. Medicine, the funeral that sent Cheng Yang out.

The person who wanted to move Cheng Yang was an executive of a gaming company. The other party saw Cheng Yang ’s live game broadcast half a year ago. Later, Cheng Yang showed a face, and the executive immediately got a distorted thought and gave Cheng in the live broadcast room. A lot of money was thrown at Yang, and it was tens of thousands.

Later, Cheng Yang added the q of the executives, and the executives were very happy. How can I know that the next moment Cheng Yang returned the money to the executives in the form of a red envelope.

There is a lot of money to be paid on the live broadcast platform. It is a voluntary act for the other party to throw money. Cheng Yang paid back a lot of the money she could get.

This behavior is no less than hitting the face of the executive. The executive also told some of his friends that he played a beautiful male anchor. The friend asked the executive to take Cheng Yang out to see them. The time was set, and Cheng Yang came. So come out.

Out of a hate that could not be expected, the executives knew that Cheng Yang and Li Ye had a good relationship, so they contacted the two. These two are also game anchors, but if the theory of truth is not as high as Cheng Yang's, Guan said that the company can sign the two of them as long as they cheat Cheng Yang out.

The cooked duck watched as it approached its mouth and was suddenly cut off.

The person who cut off Hu is well-known in the business world, and the opponent is even more overbearing. Li Ye was frightened, and the executives didn't have fun in a moment.

After waiting all night, one morning passed the next day, but I did n’t see any action there. The executives could n’t help thinking, maybe he had misunderstood. He did n’t know Cheng Cheng at all and would say that Cheng Yang was him People, just because of the scene at that time.

Otherwise, how could Cheng Yang live in a house by herself, not with Yan Yan.

Executives secretly sent someone to stare at Cheng Yang secretly. The returned message said that Cheng Yang returned to his house at noon, and did not follow up with Yan Yan.

The executive called Li Ye and Song Pengcheng and asked the two to go to Cheng Yang to resolve this ‘misunderstanding’.

Cheng Yang spent last night in the Yan Yan room, or was in the state of being prescribed medicine. As for what happened, it is almost self-evident.

The executive of this man knew that he couldn't move anymore, he felt very sorry, and for a time

The author has something to say:

Imagine that he slept Cheng Yang first, the boy's face was carefully crafted, and his figure was smooth and smooth. The key is still a chick. It is not easy to find a similar type.

Cheng Yang didn't know what Li Ye was discussing with them. He hadn't eaten for more than half a day, and was hungry a little. He washed his face and took the room card to go out.

Went to a restaurant that was not very personal and ordered a lighter meal.

Cheng Yang went to the checkout counter after eating here, and was accidentally told that the money had been paid. Cheng Yang wondered who paid him, and turned around to see the two people standing outside the shop.

The two saw Cheng Yang look over and smiled.

Falling in Cheng Yang, I just felt how hypocritical.

Cheng Yang wondered how the two of them were embarrassed to appear in front of him, and what happened later let Cheng Yang know that the two might have no faces at all.

"Where did you go last night? We looked for you." Li Ye was worried.

Song Pengcheng also said, "Yeah, it worried us all night."

"Just joke with you yesterday. We wanted to pick you up later, but we were told you and the others were gone."

Li Ye was eloquent.

"Who is that person? You know Cheng Yang, between you and him ..." Because they saw Cheng Yang's expression seemed normal, at least when they saw them, they didn't rush to rush at them immediately, Song Pengcheng asked carefully.

He and Li Ye sang a harmonious relationship, and they cooperated very well. If it wasn't for Cheng Yang leaving the bar, he would look back and see for himself that they were trading with a man. He might really believe them.

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