MTL - His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad-Chapter 1 Betrayed by a friend?

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Taking the room card to open the door, dragging a large suitcase, Cheng Yang bent her back and moved the tired body into the room.

The first time you entered the house was not to organize your luggage, but to walk to the curved bed, open your arms, and Cheng Yang flew up.

The bed suddenly fell down because of Cheng Yang, making a dull sound.

Lying on the big bed, Cheng Yang closed her eyes, and at this moment, she was finally relaxed like never before.

The door that leaves at seven in the morning, took the bus for two or three hours to the port, and then various security checks lined up. The time it took to board a ship was almost ten hours before and after. Just waiting in line to board the ship, Cheng Yang waited They almost sat on the ground and fell asleep.

Fortunately, I finally boarded the cruise ship before dark, and Cheng Yang lay on the bed for a while, feeling that the atmosphere of the sea was lingering in the room. He slowly supported his body, took off his jacket, and took off his shoes. Put it in the shoe cabinet next to the door, put on slippers, Cheng Yang went to the bathroom and washed her feet, and she was too lazy to wash her face.

After running for almost a day, Cheng Yang just wanted to lie down in the bed immediately to have a good night's sleep. He and his two friends had an appointment to go out for dinner at seven o'clock in the evening, and there was more than an hour before seven. Young added sleep.

I could not help falling asleep, Cheng Yang still pre-ordered the alarm clock on the mobile phone, then he pulled out a set of pajamas from the trunk, replaced the comfortable and soft pajamas, and Cheng Yang lifted the quilt and lay in.

When you close your eyes, there is not much drowsiness.

Under the alarm clock of the mobile phone, Cheng Yang woke up from her sleep, with both arms raised, he stretched his arms.

After a sleep, I feel that my spirit is really better, but time is temporarily not allowed, otherwise Cheng Yang really wants to take a good bath.

But the stomach is more important than taking a bath.

I did n’t eat much at noon. I took a bite of the bread I bought at a convenience store. Cheng Yang got up from the bed and felt her belly, and said to her stomach in her heart that it would make you full. .

After folding the messy quilt, Cheng Yang found another simple, loose-fitting sportswear. She went to the bathroom, washed her face, straightened her hair, and looked at the beautiful face in the mirror. , Cheng Yang hooked his lips, really narcissistic for a while.

He has a relatively clear understanding of his appearance. Many friends in the game live broadcast let him show his face to the live broadcast. As long as his face comes out, regardless of how many games the game plays, safekeeping can attract a lot of votes. Face powder.

Cheng Yang refused directly, how long he could eat by eating on his face, and he also thought that his game technology was okay. Although he couldn't keep up with those professional players, he could barely make ends meet with live games.

Cheng Yang's ambitions are not so ambitious. He is a homosexual himself. In his high school, he had already made clear his sexuality, so marrying a wife and having a child, these things were not considered by him.

As for talking about finding a homosexual, what should I say about this? Cheng Yang has serious cleanliness, not only physical, but also spiritual. As far as the kind he is currently exposed, as if he is a single virgin, he is already second to none. It can be counted, but it does not mean that there is no one.

Yes, yes, but everyone has the same model, which is quite awkward.

At this stage, the entire environment is more than zero and less, and high-quality ones are rare.

Cheng Yang is a virgin, and she hopes that the other half is aware that she is digging into the horns, but Cheng Yang would rather remain alone and not want to change her bottom line for so many years.

If you really don't have one, then you'll be alone all your life.

One is free and easy.

According to Cheng Yang's understanding of the other elders in his family, most of the elderly have not been able to walk without dementia, anyway, there are still decades to live, no rush.

After packing, Cheng Yang took her cell phone and room card and went out.

In fact, you probably do n’t need to take your mobile phone. Various consumptions on the ship are directly tied to the room card. The room card needs to be recharged in advance. The room where Cheng Yang and the two friends live are not on the same floor. He went downstairs to find two people. The two had already gone out, and the three met in the corridor.

Cheng Yang proposed to recharge the room card to charge some money, so that they could have money to pay for meals, but the two friends directly stated that they would eat afterwards. They were too hungry. If they had money, they could brush them first. Will count again.

The three people went out on a steamboat tour together, and in terms of money, it was made clear from the beginning, and the account was split aa.

Cheng Yang thought about it, it seemed that he didn't have to worry too much.

Walking down from the residence, the restaurant is mainly downstairs, and there are many entertainment facilities upstairs.

When I got downstairs, they walked and watched. The three of them discussed with each other what to eat for dinner. Finally, Li Ye pointed to a small restaurant and said that he would not eat seafood today.

Cheng Yang spent about half a year's savings on the seven-day luxury cruise he bought. He looked at the small restaurant and compared the food and beverage mentioned on the ticket.

The things on the cruise ship are much more expensive than on land. Cheng Yang personally feels that if you can save a little in some places, there is no need to waste. The decoration of this restaurant is much better than others around it. Consumption is not cheap. It does n’t matter if it ’s delicious. If it ’s not delicious, then it ’s really costing people and blocking their hearts.

Cheng Yang was a little hesitant, but then another friend Song Pengcheng embraced Cheng Yang's shoulders, and said that he would invite him for this meal. He had checked the restaurant on the Internet. The food was very delicious, a little expensive, but Eating today, I will go to the place where food is provided free of charge.

Friends said so, Cheng Yang no longer hesitated, he followed Li Ye and they walked into the restaurant.

Sit in a relatively wide field of vision. As soon as he sat down, Cheng Yang noticed something strange. Someone seemed to be looking at him. Cheng Yang slightly frowned, and looked around, but couldn't find it. It made him feel uncomfortable.

The spy glance was sticky, like a cold reptile sticking to Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang struck a spirit and tried to spread this discomfort.

The opposite Li Ye looked at Cheng Yang and suddenly he didn't look well, and asked him what happened.

Cheng Yang shook her head and said nothing.

Cheng Yang took the tea cup on the table and drank his eyes for tea. He didn't know that the two people sitting opposite him looked at each other with a transient look.

Among them, Li Ye asked after the process, and looked to the left, exchanging an eye with the person sitting there who was blocked by the partition, and there was a wicked smile on his face.

During the meal later, Cheng Yang was always aware of the existence of that line of sight, but whenever he tried to find it, the other party silently did not look at him again.

This meal Cheng Yang had a bit of a taste, but the two friends had an appetite during the whole process. During the dinner, a few people discussed how to play at night and went out for a trip. They definitely didn't come to sleep.

It's too early to eat, and Song Pengcheng proposed to go to the bar for a drink.

They bought a pure play group, and when they arrived on the cruise ship, the time was basically arranged by themselves.

From the restaurant, the three turned to the bar upstairs. There are also many bars. Cheng Yang is generally interested in drinking. He prefers to lean on the railing and blow the sea breeze to enjoy this special tranquility.

The other two probably knew Cheng Yang's personality, so Li Ye went to the bar and left Cheng Yang outside the corridor.

The sea breeze blew his face, Cheng Yang raised her head slightly, and her heart slowly calmed down. There was a sound of footsteps behind her, and Cheng Yang leaned forward, leaving a wide enough space behind her.

His lips were slightly hooked, footsteps came to him, Li Ye's shouts suddenly sounded, and the smile on Cheng Yang's mouth had not yet recovered. He smiled and turned his head, just as the crowd came behind him, blocking Cheng Yang's At sight, Cheng Yang lifted her eyes, and to the eye of the tallest, most handsome, and most powerful man in the crowd, it seemed that the other party did not expect Cheng Yang to come over, and the eyes of the two were directly facing each other.

Cheng Yang didn't know why, but actually deepened his smile at the stranger's man, and at the same time nodded slightly to the other side, which was considered a polite greeting.

It may be because this man is too handsome and has a stylish three-piece suit. It seems that he can't see any wrinkles on his body. The man's eyebrows are tough, the eyebrows are quite lingering, and the black eyes are as deep as the pond When I went up, it seemed like my soul was sucked away.

The man didn't pause, and saw Cheng Yang's smiling face. After his eyes flickered, his long legs continued to move forward. The others around him suddenly stared at Cheng Yang with a strange look, as if Cheng Yang was a monster.

This group of people left quickly, Li Ye came over from the rear, Tong Cheng signaled that they had found a good bar.

Cheng Yang left the corridor with Li Ye. At the corner, he subconsciously glanced back again, and suddenly felt that the man's face was a little familiar and seemed to have been seen somewhere.

I searched in my memory and found no one who could match the number.

Putting this idea away, such people want to come and they are not of the same class. Cheng Yang walked into the bar, and as soon as she entered, the feeling of being peeped at the restaurant in front was sticking up again.

Today is a weird day. Cheng Yang still doesn't have much suspicion. She just thinks that she may think too much, maybe she just sleeps at night.

Sometimes changing the environment, Cheng Yang would be a bit uncomfortable. This time, he also attributed this sense of peeping to it.

Including drinking the wine with food in the back, at first Cheng Yang only thought that the wine in the bar was too easy to get intoxicated, his head was drunk, and Cheng Yang swayed from side to side. Two friends helped him, Cheng Yang thank you They sent him back to the house.

But soon Cheng Yang found something wrong, Li Ye and Song Pengcheng who had helped him suddenly released their hands, but turned to a strange man to support him. Cheng Yang struggled to let the other side let go, but his voice and his body Everything was fluttering, there was music in the bar, and no one heard him.

Cheng Yang turned to look at his two friends, and saw who they were talking to. The man handed a thick envelope to the two. Cheng Yang blinked, and he felt as if he knew what was going on, and he seemed not know.

Maybe he was really drunk.

Supported by a stranger—or standing out of the bar, Cheng Yang's consciousness has not been completely lost, and he found that the direction to go was not his room, but a completely strange floor.

At this point, Cheng Yang is really stupid if he doesn't know what happened, but the body is unexpectedly soft, and if it is not supported, Cheng Yang will inevitably collapse.

He felt ridiculous, how could this happen, weren't Li Ye and Song Pengcheng his friends, how could they betray him?

By the way, maybe they are not friends at all, and they have n’t known each other for more than a year. He thought he would be a live broadcast on the same platform, and after having a few meals together, he would become a friend, obviously he too naive.

Will this steamboat tour be planned by them long ago? Cheng Yang remembered that the two first contacted him and said that they also wanted to go out to play, just as Cheng Yang wanted to take a cruise, so several people could go together. , More people lively.

The man took Cheng Yang into an elevator. This elevator was obviously prepared for VIP guests. When they entered, there was no one else inside.

Cheng Yang stared at the closed elevator door, praying that she could stop halfway.

It seemed that God heard Cheng Yang's voice, and the elevator door stopped for a while.

Only when the door was opened, the person holding Cheng Yang ’s arm dragged Cheng Yang directly into the corner, and then Cheng Yang felt that something was coming up from the waist, and the person holding his wrist warned Cheng Yang not to mess. Moving, Cheng Yang leaned against the cold iron wall, he felt too absurd, how suddenly things became like this.

Obviously, he was still looking forward to how interesting the tour was, and then he turned around and was sold.

I also want to know that Li Ye and they are colluding with someone, and those two dare to treat him like this. As long as he doesn't die, they must ask them to come back.

Cheng Yang lowered her head and let the people in front think he really gave up. Several people came in from outside the elevator. Cheng Yang's fist clenched tightly, her nails were almost embedded in the palm of his hand, he was panting slowly, and stopped at the elevator again. When they got to their floor, the man half-chucked Cheng Yang to go out, and at the moment when he was about to step out of the elevator door, he always obeyed Cheng Yang who was not moving suddenly and suddenly struggled. That was his last strength. He didn't know exactly who was in the elevator, grabbed the sleeve of a nearby person, broke away from the man's restraint, and rushed towards the person next to him.

The man probably didn't really hurt Cheng Yang with the knife, but as a threat, Cheng Yang's change was unexpected. By the time he reacted, Cheng Yang had flung into the arms of someone in the elevator. An awe-inspiring breath stunned those who took the sword.

Cheng Yang clutched the placket in front of the other person with both hands, her eyes were red, and her eyes were full of tears. The whole person looked fragile and soft.

"Save me, save me!" He asked the stranger for help, hoping that the other party could save him.

The man standing at the door of the elevator reached out and wanted to buckle Cheng Yang's wrist. The tall man holding Cheng Yang raised one of his eyes gently, and the other's hand stopped in the air.

"Mr. Awkward, this is my friend. He was drunk and talked nonsense. I'm so sorry to disturb you. I took him away." The man instantly changed his face and said with a smile that he and Cheng Yang were friends.

"No, no, I don't know him." Cheng Yang was scared that the man really listened to the other person's words, and his tears rushed out.

When Yan Yan entered the elevator, he actually noticed Cheng Yang and recognized that the other person was the one who smiled at him not long ago. Rarely did anyone see someone smile so purely, probably because the other party didn't know him. Status, so only if he is a stranger.

This strange smile left a trace in Yan Yan's heart. After all, on the other hand, Cheng Yang did have an attractive and beautiful face, her eyes were picturesque, her eyes were not stained with the mundane dust, and she was as clean and clear as a spring washed Glazed stone.

Yan Yan's hand holding Cheng Yang's body felt the other's abnormal body temperature. Looking at the changes in the look of the person at the elevator door, Yan Yan could easily guess what might have happened.

"Take this to your boss and tell him that this person is mine." Yan Yan first gave a look to the subordinate, and the other person immediately took out a business card and handed it to the person at the elevator door.

The other party took the business card and looked down, and the pupils dilated instantly.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, President Zong, everything is a misunderstanding." The man's voice heard a trill.

Yan Yan tightened Cheng Yang's body down. He stared coldly at the person who had taken two steps back, and the sight fell on his body, causing his forehead to sweat coldly.

The elevator door closed slowly, and he pinched Cheng Yang's lower jaw, raising the other's face. He asked Cheng Yang: "What floor is your room on?"

Cheng Yang didn't make a sound, her body suddenly struggled and twisted slightly, and the original gasping sound also seemed to change the tone, like a cricket. Gin in general.

"Let's check which room he lives in?" Yan Yan said, his eyes narrowed.

His subordinates nodded immediately, and when the elevator finally stopped, he said that Cheng Yang had a seductive red tide on her face and red eyes. It was like a cute little rabbit. He thought for a moment, and bent over to Cheng Yang. Hugged him horizontally.

Hug and went to his room.

Cheng Yang still has a little bit of final reason, and he also slowly recognizes Yan Yan, a person who has seen him before, watching the other person suddenly pick him up, Cheng Yang's fingers in Yan Yan's jacket tightly, to the point of whitening.

"I want to go back, don't ..."

The speech was paused for a moment. The door was opened by the subordinates. The other side did not squint and said nothing. After the speech and Cheng Yang entered, the room door was pulled up from the outside.

Cheng Yang thought what Yan Yan would do to him. He was all hot, and obviously the medicine they gave him contained the spring tincture ingredient. Cheng Yang had never been so scared.

Although this man is the type he likes very much, it should not be the case now. As soon as he blinked hard, a line of physiological tears flowed down.

He bit his lip hard, looking as if it was going to break at any moment, and whispered to him from the room to the bathroom.

The body finally came to the ground, Cheng Yang eagerly hid behind him, trying to curl up his body. There was a fire burning in his body, which made him very uncomfortable. He saw the wall next to him, so he took his head and hit the wall. .

But follow closely and hit a soft place.

Yan Yan noticed that Cheng Yang suddenly abused herself and immediately stopped the other's movement.

He reached out and unscrewed the faucet of the bathtub, poured cold water into the bathtub, and then he got up and took down the shower, and put water in the bathtub together.

After a while, the cold water soaked Cheng Yang's clothes and pants.

Filled the bathtub with water, and said that his clothes had splashed a bit, he didn't care much, turned off the two switches, bent over and wanted Cheng Yang to open the hair stuck to his forehead, Cheng Yang seemed to be afraid Yan touched him and hid.

"I'll go out first. You'll wait for a while. I'll be outside. If anything happens, you can call me."

"Rest assured that you are safe with me and I will not hurt you."

Yan Yan actually couldn't figure out the reason for this move today. It was probably that the boy's smile was too good before. He hadn't seen such a pure and beautiful smile for many years.

It was just a hand, he was willing to help with this little favor.

Yan Yan went out and brought the door.

In the bathroom, Cheng Yang sat in the cold water. The cold water flushed the heat from his body, but it seemed far from enough.

He gave himself away. The solution is soft, the arms seem to be difficult to lift, and naturally there is not much strength between fingers.

The man outside, he saved him, if he asked him to help him again, it should be OK.

Cheng Yang bit her lip, and this reason would be burned by desire. He couldn't control his body. He just wanted to let this craze come down quickly.