MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 98 The Prince's Response

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  Chapter 98 The Prince's Response

  Zheng Fugui nodded solemnly, and obeyed his cousin's words. Although he didn't understand the intention of doing so, he didn't need to know, all he needed to understand was that anyone would harm him, but he wouldn't harm him: "I'll go now."

  Just as he was about to leave, Zhang Ronghua stopped him again.

  Meeting his puzzled eyes, he glared: "I haven't finished my sentence yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

   Keep listening.

  Zhang Ronghua said again: "If he asks you if you have seen me, answer truthfully, and say that you met me on the way to duty."

   "Cousin, wouldn't it involve you in this way?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head, Zheng Fugui still didn't understand, he was his own person, he obeyed his words, how could he not ask himself for instructions to mobilize such a big matter?

  There is no need to guess how clever the prince is, as long as Zheng Fugui speaks out, he can think of it.

   It's like Ma Ping'an pretending to ask himself casually. As soon as he opened his mouth, he guessed that this was what the prince meant. The confrontation between smart people is not that complicated, it is very simple!

   "If you mention the transfer, he will guess."

   Patted him on the shoulder twice.

   "Go! Don't put any pressure on yourself."

   "En!" Zheng Fugui solemnly agreed, strode away, and walked towards the East Palace, with a decision on his face and unprecedented firmness in his eyes.

  Looking at his disappearing back.

Zhang Ronghua still didn't say a word. The crown prince would not ask him if he had seen him, and if he didn't ask, both parties would treat it as if it had never happened. It was still the same as before. If he asked, even if the matter was resolved, there would be a gap .

  He's a smart guy! know what to do.

  Turn around and leave, walking towards the mansion.

  Eastern Palace.

  Just as Zheng Fugui came over, Jiaolongwei at the main entrance clasped his fists respectfully and saluted: "I've seen you, sir!"

  No one knew about the infiltration of Jiaolongwei except Zhang Ronghua himself.

   On the bright side.

Zheng Fugui is just a confidant, but he has hidden a lot in the dark. If not, the martial arts treasured by the East Palace is not without sword arrays. Even if the power is not as powerful as the Wanxiang Sword Array, it can increase his own strength. Teach them the Vientiane Sword Formation.

   Say something harsh.

   At the moment when swords and swords meet, whether the prince can control Jiaolongwei is still unknown!


Zheng Fugui nodded, and entered the East Palace. He had just arrived at the apse when he met Ma Pingan who had changed his clothes and was about to take over. Seeing him coming, Ma Ping'an panicked, thinking that what he did was secretly instructed by His Highness , not from my original intention, even if Zhang Ronghua knew about it, he couldn't fault it.

  When we met last night, he didn't mention it again. I don't know, but the only trace of guilt dissipated.

  Took a step forward, same as before, smiling like a flower, reaching out to pat Zheng Fugui on the shoulder, the latter was expressionless, with cold eyes, staring at him like sharp swords!

  Ma Pingan's palm stayed in the air, the smile on his face disappeared, and he slowly retracted it. At this moment, his thoughts turned quickly, and he thought a lot!

He must have told Zhang Ronghua what happened to Jiaolongwei recently. Based on the performance of last night and this morning, they both live in Zhuquefang. The two mansions are not far apart. , told him the matter.

   Zheng Fugui's current attitude is obviously supported by him, which is why he is like this!

   Don't know what's going on, Ma Ping'an is restless and feels very uneasy!

   Zhang Ronghua is clear about his ability and his position in His Highness' heart!

  He is also on duty, he dares to paddle for fish, stroll here, hang around there, go to the kitchen to steal food when he has nothing to do, or find a place to sleep, His Highness will just turn a blind eye or close one eye, and just pretend he didn't see it.

  If he had done this, he would have been taken down long ago and charged with a crime of dereliction of duty.

  Don't you see.

  His Royal Highness rewarded him with a golden dragon sword, a bird facing the phoenix fan, and took him to see the queen, making an exception to let him enter the palace arsenal? Even the current mansion and Qingyun Inn, which one was not rewarded by His Highness?

   Including Zheng Fugui's mansion, the same is true! Otherwise, depending on him, without Zhang Ronghua's relationship, even if such a person worked to death, let alone a mansion, he wouldn't even be able to get a hut near Zhuquefang.

   And myself.

   After working for so many years, let alone the above-mentioned things, even a set of ordinary courtyards, His Highness has not rewarded, this is the gap.

  If he and Zhang Ronghua had a conflict, he would be able to guess with his toes that His Highness would not be on his side.

in a moment.

  Ma Ping'an thought a lot, and before he could speak, Zheng Fugui even glanced at him, feeling that it was a waste of eyesight, so he walked straight past him and walked towards Xuanhe Hall.

  Stand where you are.

   Seeing him enter the Hall of Xuanhe, Ma Ping'an felt uncertain. As a general of the Eastern Palace, he listened to His Highness, could it be wrong? That's right! What is wrong is that he is not capable enough.

   Didn't leave, Zheng Fugui's attitude made him confused, if he didn't clarify this matter, he wouldn't feel at ease!


  Zheng Fugui clasped his fists and saluted: "I have seen Your Highness!"

The prince had just had breakfast and was drinking morning tea. After this cup of tea was finished, he was about to enter the palace to plan the location of the capital. The guard who was caught had a very hard mouth. Ma Pingan interrogated him for a long time, but he didn't speak. .

   On the surface, he didn't blame him, but he was very unhappy in his heart.

  If it was Zhang Ronghua who made the move, he would be able to pry this person's mouth open, but he is now a member of the Hall of Scholars, and although he is also a general of the Eastern Palace Rongwei Zhonglang, if it's just these, it doesn't matter, let him come and serve at any time with an order.

  But he silently wove a big net. Although it was still in its infancy, it made him feel afraid!

  Ding Yi became his younger brother, and he had to take him with him even when he saw his father, which shows Zhang Ronghua's place in his heart, and Yang Hongling, if it's just Yang Hongling, it doesn't matter, the person standing behind her is the old master.

   There is also Pei Caihua, this is an old fox, the Minister of Rites has a very important position, he is attacking the Tianji Pavilion, he has a high reputation, and he is also the registered disciple of the old master.

   Seriously, he was very surprised!

  A little Zhonglang general, the relationship behind him is so scary!

  This is also the reason why Zhang Ronghua's attitude changes every time he comes over, giving him a seat, serving tea, continuing to win him over, and tying him to his big boat.

  It can be used, unless there is an important matter, such as a small matter of interrogating a prisoner, Zhang Ronghua will indeed not refuse it, but it seems that he is not available, and it is easy to be underestimated.

  Pointing to the chair next to him: "Sit!"

   "The last general should just stand."

  The prince put down the teacup, although the smile on his face was still there, he heard an unusual meaning from this sentence.

  I have already guessed the matter of combining Jiaolongwei.

   "What's the matter with finding an orphan?"

  Zheng Fugui talked about the transfer.

   Finish listening.

  The crown prince rebuffed straight away: "Although the Suzaku Gate is good, the Gu side is not bad either! You are also tired during this time, let you take a day off and go back to have a good rest."

  Zheng Fugui was dumbfounded, while Monk Zhang Er was puzzled. My cousin didn't seem to say anything about the situation in front of me.

  With doubts, he left the hall and couldn't wait to ask his cousin for clarification.

  After he left.

  The smile on the prince's face disappeared immediately, his face was expressionless, his eyes were like deep water, unfathomable and frightening: "Call Ma Ping'an!"

  Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Qing'er responded, hurried out, and called Ma Pingan, who was guarding outside, in.


  Go home.

  Zhang Ronghua was not in a hurry to rest. He stopped at the artificial lake. When his cousin went to see the prince, no matter what the result was, he would come to him. Instead of falling asleep and being woken up, it is better to wait until the doubts in his heart are resolved before going to sleep.

   Standing by the lake.

As soon as his mind moved, the mighty righteousness rushed out of his body, suspended on the surface of his body, and the majestic golden light manifested, illuminating his whole body, bathed in the power of holy justice, yang and vigour, warm and unbearable I want to call out.

  His hands were raised, from top to bottom, and swung to the left, the majestic righteousness moved along with it. With the fists and feet being displayed, the golden light permeated several feet, like a little golden man, flickering vertically and horizontally.

   After warming up.

Controlling the awe-inspiring righteousness, condensed into hundreds of awe-inspiring giant swords, nearly five hundred, based on the awe-inspiring ten-thousand sword art, displaying the five-element sky-breaking sword formation, hundreds of awe-inspiring giant swords, rushed out instantly, and laid down a sword The formation, under his control, is being practiced here in the artificial lake.

   Lasted for half an hour.

   Zhang Ronghua just stopped, and with a move with his right hand, the sword formation dissipated, turned into the grandeur righteousness into the palm of his hand, and hid in the grandeur righteousness bead in his dantian.

   Looking in the direction outside, frowning: "It's been such a long time, why haven't you come back?"

  Take out a bunch of black grapes, when she left the East Palace just now, Shuang'er gave a lot, even Tianqiongyu Niang gave sixteen pots, far more than before.

   Clean it up and sit down on the stone bench.


  The purple cat came out of the room. Its cat eyes were very bright, its tail was raised high, and it swayed from side to side. It jumped and landed on the stone table. It sat down on its buttocks, straightened its upper body, and licked its tongue.

  Zhang Ronghua took off half of the black grapes and threw it over. The purple cat hurriedly caught it, put it on the stone table, pinched one with its small paws, and stuffed it into its mouth.

   "Did she leave after I left last night?"

  Purple Cat nodded.

   "What did you explain?"

  Shaking his head, he felt that he had asked a nonsense question, even if he had something to say, could he still say it? I don't know animal language.

   Mentioned animal language, my heart moved.

  There are so many books in the Hall of Scholars, plus Miscellaneous Hall, and nearly 2,000 Daoist Collections, there are no records in this regard. What about the Hall of Thousand Books? It is said to be all-inclusive, and there are all kinds of books in it, should there be?

  Find an opportunity and try to get some to learn. With my own talent, I have learned the animal language, which will come in handy at critical times.

   "Meow!" Purple Cat nodded again.

  Put down the black grape, pointed a small paw at him, then at himself, and finally pointed in the direction of Tai Tuo's mansion, trying to express something.

  Zhang Ronghua frowned, guessing: "After I come back, will you go find her again?"

  The purple cat shook its head, patted the stone table with its little paws angrily, and gesticulated again according to the gesture it just made.

   deliberated again, and then said: "She told you to wait for me to come back, and then notify her?"

   "Meow!" The purple cat flipped happily on the stone table.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, not in vain, and stroked his hair twice. Zheng Fugui walked in quickly from the outside, with a cold face and a strong aura, giving the feeling that no one should enter.

  Just arrived, didn't even sit down, and said impatiently: "Cousin, the crown prince doesn't agree!"

   "Tell me in detail what happened after you entered Xuanhe Hall, don't miss a word."

  Zheng Fugui nodded and said it seriously.

   Finish listening.

  Zhang Ronghua had counted, just as he guessed, the crown prince didn't ask him if he had seen him, smiled slightly, and pointed to the stone bench opposite: "Sit!"

   "What does he mean by that?"

  Picked off some black grapes, took one and threw it into his mouth.

   "You are going to be promoted."

   "East Palace Rongwei Zhonglang General? Are you not concurrently serving?"

   "Although the position has not changed, the power has increased. From now on, you will be fully in charge of Jiaolongwei and the Prince's guard."

   "The horse is safe?"

   "Transfer! Donggong, he can't stay any longer, even if this matter is not his original intention, he is following orders, in order to win us over, he has to leave."

  Zheng Fugui rubbed the back of his head, a little confused, and asked again: "Is he so relieved that he entrusted Jiaolongwei and the prince's guard to us?"

   "No! Put your confidants in it, you have to pay attention to things in the future."

"I remember!"

  A new problem appeared again, and Zheng Fugui was even more puzzled: "Are we worthy of such a big capital investment? Is Ma Ping'an transferred away, and Jiaolongwei and Prince Jinwei are handed over to me to manage?"

  Zhang Ronghua glanced at him and didn't have the heart to hit him. It's better to leave him a bit of beauty than to tell him the cruel truth.

  If it's just you, it's not worth it!

  Even if Eunuch Xiao comes forward, you may not be able to be transferred, and you may even be hidden in the snow.

But he is different. Although the relationship network weaved is only a prototype, the power of the prince will not be unnoticed. If there is a breakup at this time, it will not benefit him at all, and he will lose a lot of help. All investments are in vain.


  Jiaolongwei and the prince's guards are nominally under the jurisdiction of Zheng Fugui, and they are not his personal soldiers. As long as the prince gives an order, they can still be transferred.

   Those who are capable, the superiors will naturally win over them at all costs.

   "Go to Jingxin Lake to catch some fish, and guests will come at noon."


   "Chen Youcai!"

   "I'm going right away."

   Seeing him stand up from the stone bench, Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Tell Uncle Shi that Ma Ping'an is here, don't let him in."

  Zheng Fugui stopped, stared angrily, and clenched his fists tightly: "He still dares to come here? Are you not afraid that we will beat him?"

   "The crown prince asked him to come!"

  Seeing that he was puzzled, Zhang Ronghua didn't say much, but waved his hand and asked him to catch fish.

  Ma Ping'an came very quickly. Zheng Fugui just left, and then arrived. He stood outside the courtyard gate, only one night away, and came again. His mentality was double, nervous, embarrassed, and hesitant about the unknown.

  Take a deep breath, suppress the strangeness in your heart, take a step forward, and knock on the courtyard door.

  Boom boom!

  Three times in a row, he stopped and stood by the side to wait.

   After a while, the courtyard door opened, and Shi Bo came out from the inside, blocking the door. Seeing his action, Ma Ping'an was shocked and smiled bitterly. With Zhang Ronghua's intelligence, he probably guessed that he would come.

  Shi Bo said: "You go! Qing Lin is not at home."

  Ma Pingan looked at the yard, he knew that Zhang Ronghua must be inside, but after Shi Bo said so, he obviously didn't want to see him, so he just retreated like this, he was not reconciled!

   Zheng Fugui has been offended, if you don't ask for his forgiveness, given Zhang Ronghua's position in His Highness's mind, it's really easy to clean up yourself!

  Even if you don't borrow the prince's power, with his current status, it's easy to do.

  He didn't dare to leave until he got the exact words!

  The posture is very low, not daring to show off: "Uncle Shi, please go in and help spread the word, tell Xueshi Zhang that Ma Ping'an has already known his mistake, and he will be beaten and punished!"

   "Qing Lin is not here!"

Shi Bo shook his head, just about to go in, and then closed the courtyard door, when a carriage drove up, with the word "Chen" engraved on it, and stopped at the door. Opening it, Chen Youcai came out from the inside, stepped on the pony and tied it down, glanced at Ma Ping'an, and saw that he was blocked outside and could not go in.

  Thinking quickly, I thought about it again, but I didn't think of the reason, but I was sure that he offended Zhang Ronghua, so he was rejected from the door.

   Just ignore it!

   It's not his reality, there is no friendship between them, even if they are both princes, they have only met a few times before this, and the friendship is not deep!

  Being kind to him before was because of Zhang Ronghua's face. He is Zhang Ronghua's subordinate.

  If not, even a small tooth general, not to mention asking him to put down his figure, will be thrown out even if he sends a greeting card.

   Give an order to ask the guards to wait outside, come forward with a gift, and say with a smile: "Uncle Shi, Qinglin is at home?"

  Uncle Shi didn’t even look at Ma Ping’an, as if he regarded him as air, completely forgot what he said just now, and smiled slightly: “Yes!”

   Get out of the way, let him in, and then close the door.

  Looking at the closed courtyard door.

  Ma Ping'an felt aggrieved, and didn't even dare to have any resentment. When he saw Chen Youcai coming down just now, it wasn't that he didn't think about following him in, but he didn't even glance at him from the beginning to the end.

  After spending such a long time in the officialdom, he understood that with his own status, he still couldn't get into his eyes.

  Looking at the sky, I feel very unwilling in my heart!

   Roaring crazily, he did nothing wrong, he just followed His Highness's instructions, why was he the one who was unlucky?

  As Zhang Ronghua guessed, he was transferred from the East Palace, and his position is to be determined!

   Lost in a daze, he didn't even know how to leave. At this moment, he seemed to be a little older.


  Chen Youcai put the two gift boxes on the table, changed his previous state, and said enthusiastically, "Qinglin!"


  Poured a cup of tea with the teapot and handed it over.

   "Thank you!" Chen Youcai held the teacup, put the lid on it, took a sip, and put the teacup on the stone table.

   "I saw Ma Ping'an at the door."

  Zhang Ronghua responded calmly: "Yes."

  Chen Youcai was very knowledgeable, so he didn't ask any more questions, just nodded when he had something to say.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "How sure are you?"

   "I'm afraid there is no hope for the position of governor. There are too many people staring at this position. It should be between the judge and the judge."

  “This step is critical, and the future will be bright if we take this step.”

  The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and neither mentioned the murderer behind the scenes, but Chen Youcai's visit today has already explained everything. He owes Zhang Ronghua a favor, and whenever he asks, he will pay it back!

   And the relationship goes further and develops in a good direction.

   At this time.

  Zheng Fugui came from the side door carrying two big fish weighing ten catties, and the purple cat followed behind him, with a swollen belly and a lot of stretching. It seems that he did not miss the fish just now.

   "Cousin, Master Chen!"

  Chen Youcai pretended to be dissatisfied, and said with a smile: "What is your name, Master Chen? I am older than you, so I can just call you Brother Chen."

   "Brother Chen!"

  Give the fish to Uncle Shi, walked over, sat on the stone bench, poured a cup of tea with the teapot, and drank it in one gulp.

  Chen Youcai said: "Isn't wealth and honor about to be crowned?"

  Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   "What do you think?"

"Not urgent!"

   It is very important to choose the characters. The elders, or people of high esteem, a person’s character represents his status. The higher the identity of the person who chooses the character, the higher the status of the person.

  The prince didn't mention it, not because he forgot, but because he is not qualified! If Zheng Fugui was given the name, if any jokes were made in the future, he would be the one who would be ashamed.

   Regarding this, Zhang Ronghua has other plans, but the time has not yet come.

  The three chatted until Shi Bo finished the lunch.

  Zhang Ronghua took out two pots of Tianqiongyu wine, pushed the cups and put them in the cups. Both parties were very satisfied. Before leaving, he sent him out of the house.

  The door.

   "Still leaving?"

  Zheng Fugui rubbed his head, subconsciously asked: "Where are you going?"

   "Where it came from, go back where it came from."

  Entered the yard, closed the door, and walked towards the bedroom. Taking advantage of the time now, I will catch up on sleep first, and wait for Ji Xueyan to come over at night, and then perfect Haoran's bones.

  It was early morning.

   There was a sound of light and crisp footsteps, and they stopped at the door. Ji Xueyan knocked on the door, and there was a "dong dong" sound.

  The purple cat stayed on her right shoulder and called to the bedroom: "Meow!"

  In the room.

  Zhang Ronghua opened his eyes, looked through the window at the night outside, and slept soundly this time.

Get off the bed, put on clothes, light the candle again, walk over, open the door, and look at her, today's dress is different from the past, although she is still the same person, I don't know if it is an illusion, her skirt is thinner than before Twenty centimeters shorter, exposing the snow-white, smooth and tender jade legs to the air more.

   Get out of the way and let her in. The purple cat jumped off her shoulders and waved its little paw at him, as if saying, I won't go in.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, closed the door, and pointed to the chair: "Sit!"

  Ji Xueyan nodded lightly, walked over, opened the chair and sat down, took the teapot and poured her a cup of tea, placed it in front of her, poured another cup for herself, and sat down opposite her.

He took off the veil on his face, revealing a delicately carved, unstained and beautiful cheek, long eyelashes, blinking like a half moon, a tall and delicate Qiong nose, red lips and white teeth, holding a teacup, sipping Take a sip and put it down.

  Maybe she didn't realize that when she was alone with Zhang Ronghua, she became more and more casual.

  Before this, she always wore a veil, even in Jixia Academy, and rarely took it off.

  But now it seems a lot more natural, maybe in her subconscious, she has become accustomed to it.

  Zhang Ronghua glanced at it, and then looked away. Every time he saw this face, he had other thoughts in his heart, and he felt an urge to stretch out his hand and rub it hard.

  Use tea to cover up your inner thoughts, so as not to embarrass yourself.

   After finishing a cup of tea, put down the cup.

  The two looked at each other, their eyes collided in the air, and they were separated as soon as they were touched. They turned their eyes away one after another, not daring to look more.

   An embarrassing atmosphere spreads! No one spoke.

   Seeing that time was going to be wasted like this, it was Zhang Ronghua who broke the calm: "Let's start!"

  Ji Xueyan responded softly, thinking of the scene that was about to happen, two blushes appeared on Xiafei's cheeks, which was less cold and more charming.

  Standing up from the chair, Zhang Ronghua didn't need to speak, and walked towards the bedroom familiarly. His steps were very slow. It was obviously only a few steps away, and he had to walk for a long time before reaching the bed.

Take a deep breath, try to calm yourself down, and don't think too much, but the more this is the case, looking at the bed, curtains and bedding that are close at hand, a heart beats very fast, like a deer hitting, fortunately, she Born to be cold, he is good at nourishing Qi, his heart is in a mess, and he doesn't show it on his face, at most he breathes a little harder!

Sitting on the bed, the jade hand stretched out. Under the light of the candle, the white jade arm had a yellow light, and it swayed from side to side, which made people feel an impulse to grab her hand and stroke it fiercely. Fan.

  Taking off her shoes, when it was the turn of the socks, Ji Xueyan's movements slowed down again.

  When she came here, she deliberately took a shower. She usually doesn't like to wear perfume, but this time she also sprayed a little orchid scent. She didn't know why she did it, so she just did it.

  Two socks, I took them off for a long time.

Zhang Ronghua couldn't urge him, so he stood on the sidelines and watched quietly, but the visual impact brought by this way was too great, which tested his will. Living!

  I thought it was over.

  Her pair of little feet appeared in front of her again. Her white and tender toes were not restrained by socks, dancing happily in the air. Looking at the water-colored nail polish on her toenails, she really wanted to ask, why did you take off your socks? Can't you go up in socks? Do you know how big this temptation is?

  Ji Xueyan's voice came to mind at this moment: "I'm done, let's start!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded, took a step forward, and stopped by the side of the bed.

  Looking at her condescendingly, from this angle, you can see everything at a glance, the chest is fair, and two belts can be vaguely seen, passing across the fragrant shoulders.

  Turn back your sight, don't look any more!

  Sounds a reminder: "It hurts a bit, bear with it."

   "Have the first experience, this time will not call out again."

   Didn't even notice that the short dialogue was a tiger-wolf talk.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't think too much, and continued to deduce the secret technique that had not yet been perfected. After creating the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong, his background became stronger, and he deduced again, and some deficiencies were quickly improved.

   After a while.

Stretch out two fingers, mobilize a bit of righteousness on the fingertips, the golden light permeates, and touches her chest like lightning, the fingertips touch the skin, there is a tender and hot feeling, and this righteousness enters her body, and then Stimulate her qi and blood, block Haoran's righteousness with qi and blood, and keep it in her body.

  The force of the last finger was very heavy, it wasn't that Zhang Ronghua made it harder on purpose, he had no choice but to touch the acupoint above her chest because of the secret technique.

From the very beginning, Ji Xueyan was holding back, not letting herself cry out. Although it was very uncomfortable, but fortunately it was done, but in front of this last finger, directly breaking the defense, the strength was too great, the position was not right, and the red lips lightly Qi, two thin and attractive red lips, slightly upturned, and a heavy "um" sound came out.

   Hear the "huh" sound!

  Zhang Ronghua's previous efforts were almost broken. Fortunately, he stabilized at the critical moment, took a step back, stayed away from her, and used Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu to force himself to calm down.

  Looking at her again, the whole body is surrounded by blood, and the mighty righteousness is rampant in her body, and she wants to escape, but under the seal of blood, she stays in the body obediently.

   The first step is considered successful, it remains to be seen whether it will succeed or not!

   After half an hour, the awe-inspiring righteousness is still in her body, then this secret technique is considered a success, and can be officially promoted, and cooperate with the awe-inspiring bone-setting to continuously cultivate talents.

  If you fail, you have to start all over again.


Cao Yuanzhou has had a miserable life recently. Since the last time the Sixth Prince calculated the properties of the other princes and caused their people to fight, then people from the Zhenlong Palace and the Fifth Division of City Defense rushed to suppress them. Almost all the people in the Dragon Palace were wiped out, only some miscellaneous fish remained, and the incident became more and more troublesome. Fortunately, the prince got the news in time and asked Zhang Ronghua to lead the dragon guards to rush to suppress them.

  But after the incident, the higher-ups questioned the crime and held them accountable. The Fifth Department of City Defense and Zhenlongdian each released a scapegoat.

  Unfortunately, he is in the top position because of his relationship, but he has no ability. He climbed to the high position of the Zilong Envoy. He usually doesn't know how to restrain himself, behaves in a low-key manner, and is very arrogant.

  But the True Dragon Palace is not a piece of metal, with complicated forces, and his backers also have political enemies. Seizing this opportunity, he was pushed out to take the blame, his cultivation base was abolished, and he was swept away to the end, and became a commoner.

Without an official position, at the beginning, the people he bullied were just probing. Seeing that no one came forward, they became more and more courageous, until finally, they vented all the accumulated hatred and greeted him fiercely .

The house is gone, the concubine he just took in was also robbed, he is still like a stray dog, begging on the street, it is fine if the people from the Dragon Palace bully him, even the beggars on the street, seeing one more person grabbing food, They also bullied him in groups. For a bite to eat, they were either beaten or on the way to be beaten every day.

  At night, there is no shelter from the wind and rain.

   Chuchu pitifully curled up in a corner, trying to survive.

  Tonight, it just fell into the night.

As usual, he picked up half of a stinky and moldy steamed bun from the garbage dump during the day. Short blanket for rest.

  A gust of cold air hit his face, much colder than the night wind, he shivered subconsciously, opened his eyes, a middle-aged man, wearing a luxurious black robe with a white crane embroidered on his chest, stood in front of him.

  Cao Yuanzhou was taken aback, curled up, without cultivation, even a dog could bully him, and asked nervously, "You, what do you want to do?"

   "My name is Shen San!"

   Without waiting for him to speak, Shen San continued, his voice was very calm, but the words he said contained terrifying magic power.

   "Want to live the previous life? Do you want to be rich and well-fed, with wives and concubines?"

  Cao Yuanzhou has had enough of the current life these days! He vowed that as long as there is a chance, no matter what the price is, he must get up, gain more power, and then take revenge, torture those who hurt him to death, let them also try begging on the street, like a dog The feeling of being shouted and killed.

  He knew that Shen San was looking for him and wanted to use him, and he would probably silence him, but he has fallen to this point, what is there to be afraid of?

  Throwing away the torn blanket covering her body, she stood up from the ground with firm eyes: "Think!"

   An hour later.

Cao Yuanzhou and Shen San reappeared, standing outside the underworld, different from the sloppy ones before, after washing, they changed into a new set of luxurious brocade clothes, with white jade rings on their thumbs and precious jade pendants around their waists, their temperament also changed. It's gone, and it's back to the Zilong Envoy who was aloof and powerful once again.

   His eyes are majestic, with the aura of a superior.

The leader of the White Dragon Envoy stepped forward, ignoring Shen San on his own, his eyes fell on him, his brows were knit together, suspicious in his heart, he had heard about Cao Yuanzhou's experience, including the situation during this period, but now At first glance, it looks like a different person, where does it look like a dog?

   Suspicion in my heart, has he returned to the position?

   Don’t blame him for thinking this way, Cao Yuanzhou’s aura is too great, he is wearing brocade clothes, rings, and jade pendants, all of which are expensive. If he didn’t cling to a big shot, where would he get the money to pay for it?

  Out of caution, he didn't offend him. He was afraid of being retaliated in the future. After all, he has a small mind. He cupped his hands as a greeting and asked, "Who are you?"

  Same as in the past when he was in the Dragon Palace, Cao Yuanzhou will be arrogant and domineering, showing it vividly: "Are you surprised? I can actually get up again?"

  The more he said this, the more suspicious the White Dragon Envoy became, and his thoughts turned quickly. Could it be the one behind him who made the move?

   His attitude became respectful, and he lowered his posture subconsciously: "What are you talking about? I'm different from them, I never thought about it that way."

   "You are very good! You are much better than those dogs. How did you hurt me before? They must redouble their efforts and return it!"

  The conversation changed.

  Cao Yuanzhou forcefully said: "Get out of the way!"

"You want?"

   "Are you sure you want to know?"

  Facing each other, facing these indifferent eyes, Bailong felt guilty, worried about being retaliated afterwards, so he was defeated by himself, turned around, waved his palm, and ordered: "Let the adults in!"

  Cao Yuanzhou snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and entered Hell, Shen San followed behind him.

  Looking at their disappearing backs, the White Dragon Envoy wiped off the sweat from his forehead, secretly rejoicing that he didn't offend him, otherwise it would be a disaster!

   In Hell.

  The Golden Dragon Envoy on the first floor was quite surprised to see him coming, wondering how did he get in?

   Before they could speak, Cao Yuanzhou said with a cold face: "Everyone come here!"

   Everyone hesitated, not sure what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but they came over, gathered in the hall, and stood in a queue by themselves. Even the jailer came and stood behind the people from the True Dragon Hall.

  A Golden Dragon Envoy asked, "Have you returned to your original post?"

  Cao Yuanzhou didn't speak, he looked at Shen San, and everyone's eyes also looked over. They thought Shen San was his confidant, but it was obvious that he wasn't.

  Shen San grinned, his old-fashioned face became ferocious, and a terrifying killing intent rushed out of his body, and the words he said were even colder: "You all deserve to die!"

Under Cao Yuanzhou's astonished and unbelievable eyes, he shot like lightning, and a dragon's chant sounded in his body, and his supreme cultivation broke out, turning into an afterimage, and rushed up. Before they could react, with their absolute cultivation Crush, kill everyone with one move.

   Body swayed, returned to the original position, grabbed Cao Yuanzhou's neck, lifted him from the ground, smiled darkly, and licked his lips evilly: "All of you in the Dragon Palace should die!"


   With a sudden pinch, his neck was broken, and the body was thrown on the ground.

When Cao Yuanzhou died, he didn't even think about it. Shen San told him that entering the Hell was just to meet a person, and then gave him a sum of money to send him away from the capital, change places, and live the life of a rich man. Killer!

  He took out a sumeru bag from his bosom, took out the fire spirit oil prepared in advance, a whole hundred barrels, and poured them all into the cell. The prisoner inside was startled and yelled loudly.

Shen San knew that he didn't have much time. Hell was not as simple as it appeared on the surface. There was an old monster guarding the fourth floor. His purpose was to destroy the first floor, including the Dragon Palace, jailers and criminals. He didn't dare to go deep. Pour the fire spirit oil into it as quickly as possible.

   rushed to the door, took out the fire bag and threw it down.


  The flame rose and instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, covering the first layer, burning ruthlessly and ferociously.

   Without even looking, he rushed outside.

The movement inside alarmed the people of the True Dragon Palace outside, as well as the officers and soldiers. The white dragon envoy whose name was the head changed greatly. He knew he had been fooled and was tricked by Cao Yuanzhou. .

   Just ran into Shen San who came out.

   "Just because of you trash, you want to stop me?"

  The sound of the dragon roar sounded again, and he slapped fiercely, a green dragon rushed out from the palm, crushing and killing the White Dragon Envoy, and the people around were also blown away.

  Exercising his agility to the extreme, he didn't dare to stay, and rushed out.

A beautiful figure, wearing a black boxer jacket, a pair of brown shorts below, to the knees, exposing two white jade legs to the air, a fiery red long hair is very eye-catching, jewel-like eyes , It's too iconic, who else is it if it's not Yang Hongling?

  The last time she was separated from Zhang Ronghua, she was not idle. She continued to practice actual combat, honed her cultivation, and at the same time practiced the Great Five Elements Breaking Heaven Sword Formation.

  It became her home at night, wandering around the capital, looking for traces of monsters and devils, wandering around for most of the night, but didn't even see a shadow, wondering in her heart, the capital was very noisy a while ago, what happened recently? Security is also very good, right?

  He was about to go back, passing by Hell, and happened to see this scene.

  Beautiful eyes lit up, as if seeing prey, two fiery rays of light shot out: "Come to live!"

  The oolong boots touched the ground, leaving a gust of fragrant wind in place, and quickly chased after it.

   Tonight is just this chapter, 10,000 words!

   Little Bazhuo really can't stand it anymore, get a good night's sleep, and work on 20,000 words tomorrow!

   Weak, helpless, poor little author.



  (end of this chapter)

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