MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 95 Nirvana Supreme Life and Life Kung Fu (seek full order, ask for monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 95 Nirvana Supreme Shengshenggong (seek full order, ask for monthly ticket)

   Can't figure it out!

   Unless you can figure out Emperor Xia's motives, you can only speculate.

   Looking serious, Zhang Ronghua confessed: "Since Eunuch Wei said so, there is a reason for doing so, you remember! This matter will always be rotten in your heart."

  Ding Yi is not a fool, if the matter is not serious, how can Wei Shang explain it again and again?

  No matter what his purpose is, he doesn't need to figure it out, just do it!

He nodded heavily: "Brother, don't worry! I know it well. Even after practicing this technique, after the body recovers, someone asks, pushes on Grandpa, and says that the treasure he sent someone to bring to me, I ate it. In the future, I will be able to cleanse the marrow and strengthen the meridians, so that I can return to a normal person and will not reveal any information about you."

  Zhang Ronghua nodded, put away the Xuanhuang Zhenyuan Barrier, and greeted: "Let's go to the Miscellaneous Hall first!"

  Ding Yi didn't understand, why did he go to the Miscellaneous Hall even though he already had these Taoist collections in the Wanshu Hall? Could it be that those discarded old books are more precious than the books in the Wanshu Palace?

   But he didn't ask, and he fully expressed the knowledge of the young master of the aristocratic family.

  Out of the library hall, lock the door of the hall.

  Carrying the lantern, he walked towards the miscellaneous hall.

  The Jinlin Xuantian Army outside a battalion was divided into half, led by Junhou, with guards on their left and right, first to protect their safety, and second to prevent them from wandering around.

   Arrived at Zadian.

  The Golden Scale Xuantian Army guarded outside, standing there motionless like a wooden stake, iron-blooded, chilling, powerful and fierce aura emanated from them.

  In terms of the quality of individual soldiers, these people are comparable to Jiaolongwei, and some are even stronger than Jiaolongwei.

  Ding Yi stepped forward with the lantern in hand, pushed the door of the hall open, moved away, waited for Zhang Ronghua to enter, then followed him in, and closed the door from the inside.

  The strong musty and rotten smell mixed together and passed into the nose. It looks like this, no one has cleaned it for a long time.

  As soon as the soles of the feet landed on the ground, they left footprints two inches deep on the thick gray layer.

Zhang Ronghua frowned, looked around, the miscellaneous hall is quite big, but it looks like a garbage dump, with discarded books piled up everywhere, a hammer to the east, a hammer to the west, even under his feet, there is actually a discarded book: "No one here to ask?"

Ding Yi hung up the lantern to disperse the darkness, and the soft light fell down to make the room brighter. He explained: "When I came here, it was already deserted! Over the years, as long as there are old articles and books Wait, it's usually thrown here, and gradually, it becomes what it is now."

Zhang Ronghua didn't ask any more questions. He bent down and picked up the book under his feet. The golden light scattered the dust on it, revealing two big broken characters. Make sure it reads the word "Ancient" on the back. There should still be words, but the remaining cover has been destroyed.

   Open it and read it. Some of the content recorded on it has disappeared, some have been destroyed, but what remains has a great effect. It is actually the method of health preservation for ancient practitioners.

  Zhang Ronghua did not expect such a random kick to yield such a big harvest, and he looked very seriously.

   Wait until you finish reading.

  The corners of his mouth curled up in a smile.

   Seeing this, Ding Yi asked curiously, "Is this broken book worth a lot?"

   "You should be thankful for it!"


Zhang Ronghua said: "It records the health regimen of ancient practitioners, which is different from the current regimen. Even ordinary people can use secret techniques to attract the aura of heaven and earth to nourish the body, making the body stronger and the cells more active. So as to achieve the goal of longevity. But the loss is very serious, only one-fifth of it remains.”

  Ding Yi was in a hurry, rolled up his sleeves, and scolded his mother with red eyes: "Which wicked ghost did this? Such a good ancient book, to be thrown away like this? I curse him for giving birth to a son without an **** hole!"

  Give him a reassurance.

   "Don't worry! More than 90% of this exercise has been created. With this ancient and incomplete health regimen, plus the Daozang you brought, and these discarded old books, it is not a big problem to create it."

   "Brother, is this true?"

  Zhang Ronghua nodded and read an old book.

  See it.

Ding Yi was not idle either. The dust on the ground was very thick. Since there was the first book of incomplete exercises from ancient times, there might be a second book to get rid of the dust. If you find another copy, you will earn money.

  Start dusting, looking for books.

  With the passage of time, Zhang Ronghua read the books in the miscellaneous hall one by one, and he used two things at once, reading the books and absorbing the knowledge at the same time.

  Unbeknownst to him, his temperament changed, and his bookishness became more and more serious.

   If said before.

  His temperament tends to be murderous, iron-blooded, with the spirit of a warrior. Looking at it now, even if he is wearing armor, in the eyes of others, he is still a scholar.


  Taifu Mansion.

After staying in Jixia Academy for a day, all of Ji Xueyan’s heart was in Zhang Ronghua’s body. After last night’s experiment, although it failed in the end, the righteousness could not be preserved in the body for a long time, but she found the correct route and proved that His method is correct, the secret technique created is useful.

   Shut yourself in the room, hoping that time will pass sooner, the more so, the slower time will pass.

After finally staying up late at night, when she returned to the mansion, Crescent Moon approached her and sent her away for any reason. After a while, when her father fell asleep, she changed into a suit of clothes, quietly left the mansion, and walked towards the house. He went to his house.

   Into the yard.

  Purple Cat came up to meet her, jumped up from the ground, landed in her arms, raised its little paw, pointed to Zhang Ronghua's room, and gestured to her twice, as if to say that he was not at home.

Ji Xueyan frowned, her delicately carved cheeks were disappointed, she pondered for a while, and decided to wait for him in the room, pushed open the door, walked in, did not enter the bedroom, sat in the hall and waited, this waiting is a All night, it was almost dawn, and he hadn't come back yet, muttering to himself: "What's the matter? Did he forget the agreement with himself?"

   Touching the purse at her waist, she brought two 500-year-old vermillion fruits with her when she came here this time.

  Yu clapped them, took them out, and put them on the table. As soon as Zhu Guo appeared, the red aura swirled and the rich fragrance came out, and the eyes of the purple cat stared straight.

   "Wait here and wait for him to come back! Tell him I'll come back tonight."

  Zi Mao nodded heavily, waiting for her to leave.

  Looking at these two vermilion fruits, the cat's eyes are about to fly out, wishing to swallow them, but the cat still has integrity, and it will definitely do what it promises to others!

Staying by the side obediently, no matter how tempting the scent is, I would rather lick my paws than move them, but the frequency of turning around is too high, every few breaths, I would look back and look at the paws again. Take a strong sniff of the air, and use this stupid method to satisfy your cravings.


  The sky was overcast, and there was a dampness in the air, and the wind was blowing gradually getting stronger, and dark clouds appeared quietly, as if it was going to rain.

  Miscellaneous hall.

  In the corner, Ding Yi curled up, leaning against the corner, sleeping like a dead pig.

  After clearing the dust on the ground last night, I wanted to help, but I couldn’t use the strength. I had no choice but to sit on the ground and rest against the corner of the wall. Unexpectedly, I fell asleep. This sleep has lasted all night until now.

  As the wind outside gradually increased, it fell on the gate of the palace, and there were bursts of noise, which woke him up.

Rubbed his eyes, shook his head, patted his mouth, stood up from the ground, moved his body, and cast his eyes on Zhang Ronghua, seeing that he had reached the last row of bookshelves, and there were still dozens of books left , The books in the entire miscellaneous palace will be read.

   walked over quickly, stopped beside him, and asked in disbelief: "Brother, have you read all these books?"

  Zhang Ronghua replied softly without turning his head.

   "You didn't sleep all night, did you?"

   After finishing speaking, I found myself asking nonsense, if I rest, can I still read these books?

   Say again.

   "What do you eat? I'll go to the imperial dining room and let them do it!"


   "Okay! Then you wait for me here."

  Ding Yi left and left the miscellaneous hall. The Yishi Jinlin Xuantian Army had already left, and only two people were left guarding the door, saying: "Don't let people disturb my brother."

   The two should go!

   for a while.

He also finished reading the rest of the collection of books in Zadian, and put down the book in his hand. Zhang Ronghua yawned, stretched his waist, and hadn't slept for two consecutive days. Back to the library.

   Out of the miscellaneous hall.

  Ding Yi hasn't come back yet, looking at the two Jinlin Xuantian soldiers, he ordered: "When he comes back, let him go to the library to find me."


   Arrived at the library hall.

Zhang Ronghua is really tired. Not having a rest is a trivial matter. With his cultivation base, let alone two days, even ten days and eight days will be fine, but the energy consumption is too high. The high-intensity work, while reading a book, comprehends the deep meaning of it. , It takes too much energy to understand them thoroughly and form your own knowledge.

   Entered the lounge, took off his boots and got on the bed, pulled over the bedding beside him, and fell asleep.

   I felt wrong again, as if I forgot something, but I couldn’t remember it, didn’t care, and went to sleep!

   Until the afternoon.

   Zhang Ronghua just woke up, had a good night's sleep, and was much more energetic than ever before. He got off the bed, put on his boots, and walked outside. When he arrived at the main hall, Ding Yi was lying on a chair and sleeping soundly, taking a nap.

  It was raining lightly outside, and the pattering rainwater fell on the eaves with a slight sound, dripping on the ground, the water droplets were broken, and there were ripples.

  Open the door of the temple, the wind is blowing and the rain is about to blow in, and the fresh air comes in, making people more energetic.

  He walked away, and when he returned, he had washed up and entered the main hall. The door was opened to let fresh air in. When he looked at Ding Yi, he had already woken up.

   "Brother, when did you wake up?"

"Just now."

   "The food is already cold, I'll go to the imperial dining room to get some."

  There are eight dishes and one soup on the table, and two pastries, one white jade cake and one orchid cake. He hasn't eaten since noon.

   "I'll heat it up."

  Zhang Ronghua stretched out his palm and heated it with Xuanhuang Zhenyuan. When the food was steaming, he withdrew his palm and said hello: "Eat."

sit on the chair.

  He took a piece of orchid cake and ate it. As expected, it was produced by Yushanfang. The small piece of orchid cake was actually made of spiritual things. In addition to the extreme taste, it also carried a strong aura.

  Thinking of the True Dragon Token he mentioned last night, he asked casually, "What's the matter with the True Dragon Token?"

Ding Yi took out the True Dragon Token from his arms, put it in front of him, took a piece of white jade cake and stuffed it into his mouth, and introduced vaguely: "This is given by His Majesty, with it, you can enter and leave the palace absolutely." In most places, apart from Sangong, there are also five adults in Tianji Pavilion, even if there are six Shangshu, they have to salute when they see it."

  He took a look at it and returned it.

   "Brother, how about the practice?"

   "After dinner, let's talk about those daozangs."

   "The collection of books in Zadian is not enough?"

   "No one will dislike their rich background!"

  Ding Yi didn't ask again, he believed in Zhang Ronghua.

  After eating, he packed up his things, and when he came back, he brought two plates of spiritual fruits and put them on the table: "Brother, I prepared them for you."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   Without raising his head, he looked at Daozang while eating the spiritual fruit.

The content recorded in Dao Zang is much more profound than that of the Library Hall and Miscellaneous Hall. In every sentence, there are hidden Taoist terms. No one gives pointers. It is difficult to understand. Even if you know what these terms mean, you want to understand them thoroughly. It's not easy either.

   But in front of him, there is no such statement.

  Over the years, he has read a lot of books, all kinds of books, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc., including handed down articles, as long as they are books, except for "non-serious" ones, he is dabbling in them, and he has laid a solid foundation.

  Now, his background has become even more terrifying, and he still has a talent against the sky. Although it takes time to read the Taoism, it is also very fast. The books in his hand are read one after another, which increases his background.

   Until the wee hours of the morning.

  Zhang Ronghua stopped, and all the Taoist collections brought by Ding Yi were read, and the content recorded on them was also digested and merged with his own accumulation.

   It can be said that in terms of knowledge reserves, even those veteran Confucians are not as rich as him.

  Looking at Ding Yi who was asleep, he didn't wake him up, and then glanced at the Jinlin Xuantian Army guarding outside. With the example of last night, Ding Yi didn't go to ask for instructions after working overtime tonight.

  It was dark.

   After an hour passed, the Jinlin Xuantian Army divided half of them to guard outside the library hall.

  The eyes are shining brightly, and there is a vague expectation. After reading so many books, combined with the background, what effect will this technique create?

  Think here.

  Zhang Ronghua couldn't sit still any longer, so he sat down on the ground, put on a practice posture with five hearts turned upside down, concentrated his mind, and began to deduce, based on the original foundation, from his own background, he extracted useful things and slowly completed it...

This process is very complicated and huge. Even if his talent is against the sky, he was able to create this exercise by less than 10%, and it took nearly an hour to solve the problems of weak constitution and narrow meridians. .

  At this point, this exercise is basically formed, and then it will be considered from the beginning to the end. If there are no problems, it will be done.

  This process is slower, and there are many things to consider. If there are any omissions, continue to complete them. Otherwise, once you practice, there will be terrible sequelae, and it will take longer. It will be dawn before the end of the deduction.

  Although he was tired, Zhang Ronghua was very happy, with a smile from his heart on his face. The exercise he created was very powerful and the effect was amazing.

   There are no restrictions on cultivation. In other words, anyone can practice!

   This point alone surpasses countless methods of strengthening meridians and increasing lifespan.

  Using the aura of heaven and earth to nourish the body is not tempering!

   Make the meridians bigger, thicker, and more resilient! While nourishing the body, the aura of heaven and earth can also nourish the body and soul together. In his opinion, ordinary exercises can increase life span, regardless of the limitations of practice. If you want to increase life span, you can do nothing more than start from the aspect of physical fitness , let the body become more energetic, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing life span.

  The technique he created is different. It does not need any kind of auxiliary treasures. While nourishing the body with the aura of heaven and earth, it can improve the vitality of cells, blood, organs, etc., and change from the inside to the outside, thereby increasing the lifespan.

   Also serves as a soul!

The soul is a part of the body. For example, if the body is a machine, the soul is the engine. If the engine ages, no matter how new and good the external parts are, it will not be able to change its performance. It is just a matter of persistence. The moment the soul ages, the machine breaks.

  The improvement of the soul can drive a brand new body and increase the lifespan.

   How many years of lifespan can be increased depends on personal potential. The stronger the potential, the higher the lifespan can be increased, and vice versa!

  According to his estimation, even a dying person can increase their lifespan by about three years after practicing this technique.

  Don’t underestimate the past three years. In front of people who have reached the end of their vitality without any cultivation restrictions, without the help of natural materials and earth treasures, their bodies have already aged badly. To be able to add another three years is already against the sky!

   ponder for a moment.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and said: "Let's call it Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong!"

   Nirvana, rebirth from the ashes.

   There is no limit, anyone can practice, is it not an exaggeration to call it "Supreme"?

  Shengsheng, increasing lifespan, implying infinite improvement, although it is impossible, can you have a head start?

Standing up from the ground, he walked to Ding Yi's side. He didn't sleep honestly. He actually made air bubbles, coming in and out, patting him on the shoulder and waking him up. The latter rubbed his eyes and said in a daze, "Brother , is it dawn?"

  Looking at the darkness around him and the lights in the hall, he rubbed his head embarrassingly.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and said, "It's done."

   "What became?"

He stared blankly, staring straight at him. In the next second, his mouth opened, unprecedented power burst out from his body, his legs stared, and he jumped up from the ground, shouting excitedly: "Brother, really! Is it?"

   In the air, I have to reach out to hug.

  His feelings can be understood. After being a waste for so many years, it was replaced by other people, who would have given up on themselves long ago. It is very rare to be able to persevere until now without collapsing.

  As the saying goes, how ruthless the repression is, how strong it is when it explodes!

  Understanding is understanding, but what's the matter with being hugged by a man?

  Zhang Ronghua took a step back, let him hold him empty, and his legs fell on the ground. He was so excited that he fell and turned over on the ground. His face was facing the ceiling, and the corners of his mouth turned up, and he kept smirking.

  Kicked him angrily, Zhang Ronghua said: "Not yet."

Ding Yi propped his palms on the ground, stood up awkwardly, put away his smile, and said in a rare seriousness: "Brother, thank you! It is you who let me see the light and the way of the future, and you also reserved for our Ding family The only incense!"

   "Don't be sensational! Since you call me brother, you can't just watch your health getting worse?"

   "Yes." Ding Yi replied heavily.

  He suddenly had the urge to cry, looked at the ceiling, tried not to let the tears flow out, acted like those little girls, and remembered Zhang Ronghua's kindness to him forever, forever in his heart!

  For so many years, apart from grandpa, he is the only one who treats himself sincerely, does not participate in any interests, and only has the purest friendship.

Zhang Ronghua took a step forward, embraced him in his arms under his astonished gaze, patted him on the back twice, and enlightened: "One must look forward, no matter how much unhappiness or tribulations in the first half of life, start from tonight." , has already passed. Believe in the future, it will be bright, even if all living beings are dark, brother is also a light in your world, illuminating your way forward."


Ding Yi couldn't bear it any longer. In these pure words, he felt the strong "family affection", and the suppressed heart vented at this moment, like a dam that was leaking, crying loudly like a child .

  Zhang Ronghua withdrew his hand, did not stop him, and let him cry to his heart's content. Only by venting can he get out of the darkness before. He has never experienced despair, and he will never feel the joy of being reborn.

   After an unknown amount of time, Ding Yi finally finished crying.

  Wiping the tears off his face with his sleeve, he touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said weakly: "Brother, you must not tell about the scene just now, or my fame will be ruined."

   "You also know shame?"

   Stop teasing him.

Putting away his smile, Zhang Ronghua looked serious: "This exercise is called "Nirvana Supreme Shengshenggong". It has powerful effects and has no restrictions on cultivation. It nourishes the meridians, body and soul with the aura of heaven and earth, so as to achieve the effect of washing the marrow of the Book of Changes and increasing lifespan. The effect, I will pass it on to you now, you have to remember, it cannot be passed on to other people except you!"

  Ding Yi lowered his voice, and said in words that only two people could hear: "What about Your Majesty?"


"I see."

  Raising his index finger, golden light shone, Zhang Ronghua condensed the Nirvana supreme life skills on his fingertips, including his own perception, tapped on his brow, and taught him this skill.

   Withdrawing his fingers, he stood on the side and watched quietly.

   Although Ding Yi's talent is not good, his comprehension is still passable. Although the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong is obscure and difficult to understand, he has his own insights. He took it apart and let him absorb it. As long as he is not a pig, he can do it.

  A few minutes later, he opened his eyes again, his face was excited, and he also understood the value of this exercise, it was really great!

   Without waiting for him to speak.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Sit with your legs cross-legged on the ground, I will guide you to practice, let's see the effect first."

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

  Sit down on the ground and assume a practice posture with five hearts turned to the sky.

  Using Xuanhuang Zhenyuan as a guide, penetrate into his body, follow the operation route of Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong, control the speed of operation, so that he can keep up, and operate slowly in his body.

  At the same time, he grasped from the air, forcibly absorbed the surrounding heaven and earth aura, and imprisoned him around him. Following him to run the Nirvana Supreme Life and Life Kungfu, he drew the heaven and earth aura into his body, and nourished his body.

  Afraid of making mistakes, Zhang Ronghua Shi Zhanling watched with clear eyesight, so that if an accident happened, he could make up for it in time.

   Fortunately, nothing that worried him happened, and everything was normal.

  After a big Sunday.

  Ding Yi is still the same as before, but the spirit he exudes is a little stronger. This is a change from the inside to the outside, starting from the soul, passing through the body, and then going outside.

Opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, and explained the situation again: "Brother, it works! The effect is remarkable, although when the aura of heaven and earth nourishes the meridians, body and soul, it feels sore and numb, as if there are countless little ants biting After a while, I will improve a little in all aspects, although it is not much, but as long as I persevere, I will be able to live a normal life in a short time."

  Zhang Ronghua pointed to the opposite chair, motioned for him to sit down, poured a cup with the teapot, and handed it over. After he took a sip, he put down the teacup and pointed in the direction of the palace: "Go now?"

  Ding Yi pointed to the outside. There was a lot of movement just now. He was crying and laughing at the same time. The Jinlin Xuantian Army must have passed on the situation here. His Majesty is probably waiting for their news now.

  Zhang Ronghua nodded and got up from the chair: "I'll go back first."

   "Brother, wait a minute!"

  Ding Yi hurriedly stood up with a serious expression: "You come with me!"

   Eye contact.

  Zhang Ronghua knew what his purpose was for doing this. After meeting Emperor Xia, if he presented the "Nirvana Supreme Life and Life Kungfu", he would definitely be rewarded! For such a heaven-defying technique, there will be no shortage of rewards.

   "If you don't go, I won't either!"

   ponder for a moment.

  Zhang Ronghua also wanted to find out the purpose of Emperor Xia's goal of Nirvana supreme life, so he agreed.

  Opened the door, and the two walked out.

  Jun Hou stepped forward, clasped his fists and saluted: "I have seen the two adults!"

   Wait for the following.

   "His Majesty's word of mouth, let you go now."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Lead the way."

   Followed behind him and walked towards the palace.

  I have been here twice before, once the prince took him to see the queen, and once rushed to the cold palace with the prince's badge, this is the third time, and it was still at night!

  Different from the previous two times, during the day, although the guards are strong, they are not as scary as at night.

  In addition to the Jinlin Xuantian Army and the Human Emperor Guards standing guard and patrolling, there are also strong men hiding, especially after entering the inner palace, all the Human Emperor Guards.

  The overall strength of the Human Emperor Guard is stronger than that of the True Dragon Palace. Those who can enter the Human Emperor Guard must not only have a clean identity, but also be absolutely loyal, and their cultivation is also the key! As long as it is weaker, no matter how high its status is, it will not be able to enter it.

   entered the inner palace.

  The majestic soul power, like a dense net, scans in the dark without any dead ends, and eliminates possible dangers one by one. These people's cultivation is not weak.

  On their bodies alone, they swept twelve times.

   Maybe the people in the dark didn't expect that Zhang Ronghua's cultivation was so advanced that he discovered their existence.

   His face remained the same, and he continued to move forward.

   Arrived at the Imperial Study Room, the Marquis left, and Eunuch Wei stood at the door waiting for a long time. When he saw them coming, he nodded, motioned to follow, pushed open the hall door and walked in.

  Zhang Ronghua and the two followed in, Ding Yi closed the hall door, walked to the middle of the hall together, bowed and saluted: "I have seen Your Majesty!"

Emperor Xia changed his clothes, he was not wearing a formal dragon robe. Before that, he had already fallen asleep, and when he heard the news from the Jinlin Xuantian Army, he got up from his sleep and changed into a set of bright yellow loose dragon robes, light and comfortable. , without losing majesty.

His scrutinizing eyes fell on Zhang Ronghua, and looked him over from the beginning to the end. From the outside, he looks handsome, with distinct features, and a strong bookish air. He doesn't seem to be from a military general, but he looks like he was cultivated by a scholarly family. The scholars who came out had a domineering voice: "Raise your head!"

  The two raised their heads.

   Eyes facing each other!

  Zhang Ronghua looked at Emperor Xia in an instant. He didn't use his clear eyesight. He has the national fortune protection of the Great Xia Dynasty. It would be troublesome if he was exposed.

   Judging from his appearance, Emperor Xia was in normal condition. He didn't feel any discomfort, and he didn't look like he was exhausted. It didn't look like he was poisoned. Everything was normal.

   My doubts are even more intense. If this is the case, why do I still need to practice Nirvana Supreme?

  What kind of exercises are not in the arsenal of the palace? Even Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu, which is so heaven-defying, has gods and demons. Although the skills to increase lifespan are precious, there are quite a few of them.

  The more I think about it, the more confused I become, and I still can't understand it.

   "I heard from Ding Yi that you are creating a practice, how is the progress?"

   "It has just been created, it has been perfected, and Ding Yi has been trained again, without any defects!"

  Ding Yi knew what to do, sat on the ground, and under the gaze of Emperor Xia, performed the Nirvana Supreme Life and Life Kungfu, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to nourish his body.

  The aura of heaven and earth here is very strong, more than ten times stronger than the outside world.

   At the beginning, the majestic aura of heaven and earth entered his body, nourishing the meridians, body and soul.

   A big Sunday is over.

   Ding Yi finished his practice and stood up from the ground.

  Wei Shang stepped forward, asked him to stretch out his palm, took his pulse, checked it carefully, then returned, stopped at the high platform, and whispered a few words in Emperor Xia's ear.

Zhang Ronghua knew that it was time for him to express his opinion, and said: "My cultivation level is still inexperienced, and I created this technique with the help of countless ancient books in the Library Hall, as well as Taoist collections. Although I have checked and found that there are no defects, I am still worried. I would like to ask Eunuch Wei to help me out, with Eunuch Wei's cultivation, he will definitely be able to discover places that I cannot find!"

  The words were very beautiful, and they didn't say that they were dedicated to Emperor Xia. In the name of giving advice, they gave Emperor Xia a step up.

   Otherwise, even if Zhang Ronghua really handed it over, on the surface, he wouldn't want it, and maybe he would play tricks in secret.

  Wei Shang knew that it was time for him to express his opinion, so he pretended to ponder, and nodded reluctantly: "Forget it! For Ding Yi's sake, our family will give you a few pointers."

   "This practice is called Nirvana Supreme Life and Life Kungfu, and there are no restrictions on cultivation..."

Hearing these words, Emperor Xia's heart was burning with no expression on his face. Zhang Ronghua's voice continued to resound: "Nursing the meridians, body and soul with the aura of heaven and earth, the greater the potential, the stronger the marrow of the Book of Changes and the increased lifespan. , according to my estimate, even a dying person can increase his lifespan by three years after practicing this technique."

  Recite the Nirvana Supreme Life and Life Kungfu in detail, slow down, and explain it again carefully, and it is short of teaching Emperor Xia how to practice.

   After speaking once, he stopped.

  He knew that Wei Shang had memorized all of them and mastered them.

  I didn’t pretend this time, it’s about Emperor Xia, so Wei Shang couldn’t help but think carefully, and after making sure that it’s exactly what he said, there are no flaws, so he said: “Cultivate at ease, there won’t be any sequelae.”

  Zhang Ronghua slandered in his heart, and after so many deductions, how could there still be flaws?

   It's Emperor Xia's turn.

   Life depends on acting skills!

As a human emperor, his acting skills are even stronger than that of a film king. In the name of Ding Yi, he said: "The Ding family is only one seedling. His grandfather leads the army and cannot go home all year round. If something happens to him, the incense of the Ding family will be cut off." .You can create Nirvana supreme life power, let him be a normal person, I thank you on behalf of his grandfather!"

   "This is the duty of the minister!"

   "During this period of time, you have been tired of creating exercises. I will allow you three days off so that you can rest. Let's step down!"

   "The minister resigns!"

  The two saluted, left the imperial study room, and walked outside under the leadership of Ren Huangwei.

  The door of the temple is closed.

  Xia Huang looked calm, but he was looking forward to it, and asked, "How?"

   Wei Shang's face was solemn, and he sincerely sighed: "This son is too talented! Compared with him, this old slave is a little worse."

   Say again.

   "Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong has no flaws, and there are no restrictions on cultivation. Indeed, as he said, the effect depends on the potential of the practitioner, but at least it can increase the lifespan by three years!"

Emperor Xia didn't ask any more questions, as long as he knew the result, he held the dragon chair in his right hand, tapped it with his index finger, the dragon's eyes shone brightly, and said after a while: "This person is very smart! Become the second old master!"

  Wei Shang added: "He has a five-dragon imperial belt!"

"It's him?"


   "The vision of Huozu is as accurate as ever! Send someone to protect his family. If there is any force or anyone who dares to reach out, no matter who is involved, kill!"

   Horrific murderous aura spread in the hall.

   "Old slave understands!"

   "Go to Yangshen Temple!"

   Wei Shang helped him get up from the dragon chair and walked towards the Yangshen Hall.

  None of them mentioned the matter of letting Zhang Ronghua and Ding Yi block the news. They are all smart people. Some things don’t need to be said, otherwise the effect will not be good, just realize it.


  The news about Emperor Xia’s meeting with Ding Yi and Zhang Ronghua in the middle of the night also reached the ears of some interested people...

  Human Huangwei sent them all the way to Suzaku Gate, and only left here.

  Ding Yi has a bitter face. The housekeeper has been used to living in the library for the past two days. He thinks it will be the same tonight. The journey from here to the house is too long. If he walks back, he will be exhausted when he gets home?

   "Brother, do you have a spare room in your house?"

   "It's quite close to Suzaku Avenue, I have an inn over there, let's go there tonight!"


  Leaving the range of the Jinlin Xuantian Army and walking for a while, Ding Yi asked the puzzlement in his heart: "Why didn't Your Majesty reward you?"

  Zhang Ronghua made a point: "Sometimes no reward is the most precious."

  He seemed to understand but half understood.

   An instruction: "Some people may know about our affairs, and if someone asks about it next time, I will push it on you. Remember, no matter what, you can't say a word!"

Ding Yi knew the seriousness of the matter. He was not taking the blame for Zhang Ronghua, but for Emperor Xia. This matter cannot be made public. Someone must stand up. Perfect explanation, why did Emperor Xia meet them in the middle of the night?

   Involving Emperor Xia, some people don't understand it, and they can't even sleep soundly!

But he is different, the only seedling of the Ding family is registered in Emperor Xia's heart, and his status is sufficient, let alone midnight, no matter how late, as long as he shows the True Dragon Order, the guard of the Vermilion Bird Gate will report the news, and keep going It makes perfect sense to spread it to Emperor Xia.

  As for the reason, it was also very simple. He was weak and was afraid of accidents along the way, so he asked Zhang Ronghua to take care of him and sent him to the palace. Although there were still some unreasonable things that made people continue to suspect, it was still passable.

   Arriving at Qingyun Inn, the servants saw him coming, and hurriedly took him into the back room, and gave Ding Yi an upper room.

  In the room.

  Zhang Ronghua was corrupt, folded his hands, and lay on the tub, enjoying the maid's massage. It took half an hour before he came out.

  Sitting on the bed, eating black grapes, thinking about Emperor Xia.

  He had a feeling in his heart that although he didn't see the problem from him just now, Emperor Xia must be hiding a big secret. If not, he wouldn't want his Nirvana Supreme to live.

   "The royal family's water is getting deeper and deeper!"

  Shaking his head, he practiced Nirvana Supreme Life and Life Kungfu. This kung fu was created by him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is driven by his arms.

  With his potential, if he practices this technique again, the I Ching will wash the marrow and lifespan, and the two will reach a terrifying height.

  The aura of heaven and earth around, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, surges towards this side, and quickly turns into the body, rhyming the meridians, body and soul, forming a huge aura of light...

  The next day.

   Zhang Ronghua finished his practice and felt the changes in himself. The first practice had the greatest effect. The meridians alone were three times thicker and tougher than before, and their life span was increased by 20 years!

   Even his cultivation has broken through to the second level of Ascension to Heaven Realm.

  In the same realm, before practicing the Nirvana Supreme Life Skill, the three of them can beat the current one.

   Without it!

  The same level of cultivation, the outbreak and recovery are different, the stronger the outbreak, the faster the recovery, the stronger the combat power.


  Nirvana Supreme Life-Living Kungfu is not a one-time exercise, it can be sustained. Although the effect of practice becomes weaker from the second time, it is better than being able to continuously strengthen the meridians and increase lifespan. This is what makes it terrifying.

Of course.

  People like Ding Yi have a poor foundation. The effect of the first and second practice is not much different. They can only rely on hard work and time to accumulate. If they assist spiritual objects, the effect will also increase.

   Smelling the stench from the body, I Ching washed the marrow and excreted some impurities.

   shouted to the outside: "Xiaolu prepares hot water, wait for me to take a bath!"

   20,000 words exploded!

   Little Octopus is struggling, please follow up, ask for a monthly pass, please support! I beg you, poor, poor, humble, helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)