MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 155 Yang Hongling in Shura Field is the most beautiful

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  Chapter 155 Yang Hongling in Shura Field is the most beautiful (seek full order, ask for monthly ticket)

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded with a soft complexion, sincere eyes, and a warm smile.

   "Do you know the meaning of brushing a girl's hair?"

   "Know a little bit."

  A woman's hair can only be combed by her husband, and she must be responsible for combing her hair.

  Four eyes face each other.

  Zhang Ronghua greeted him calmly, without any dodge, and asked, "Will you?"

  Yang Hongling's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, soaring directly to more than 300 horsepower, almost breaking through the sky, jumping out from the body, filling the atrium with shyness, sweet, happy, happy, is this confessing to himself? She wanted to nod, but she wasn't ready, or scared.

Don't look superficially indifferent, don't care about anything, dare to love, dare to hate, subjective and clear, but in fact the heart is very fragile, and protects himself very well, just getting along with Zhang Ronghua these days, slowly opening up his heart, but this is still Not enough, to use one sentence to describe it, it looks fiercer than a tigress, but in fact it is soft and delicate, weak and weak in emotion, but it is obsessed with this feeling.

  Pushing depends on the person!

  Except for Zhang Ronghua, other people would die miserably if they showed disrespect verbally, let alone stretching out their hands.

   "Did Ding Yi teach you?"

  Zhang Ronghua was taken aback, what happened to Guan Dingyi? After thinking about it for a while, it became clear that Ding Yi took Goulan as his home, and he had a wealth of theoretical and practical knowledge. The two of them had a good relationship, and they were often together, so it was inevitable that they would talk a little bit.

   With a bitter smile, what kind of thing is this.

   Shaking his head, he said seriously: "No!"

   "Did a lot of girls' hair?"

   "!!" Zhang Ronghua's hair was covered with black lines, as if a crow flew by, he gave her an angry look, stretched out his finger, and poked her between the eyebrows: "There are so many words."

   "Giggle...!" Yang Hongling giggled.

  The eyelashes are bent down, the jewel-like eyes are narrowed into crescent moons, and the oriole-like voice echoes in the courtyard.

   walked towards the room.

  Looking at her back, Zhang Ronghua shook his head helplessly, and followed her.


  Yang Hongling is really not welcome, she pulled out the chair and sat down, took out the mirror, cosmetics and other things, put them on the table, put on makeup in the morning, now it will be dark, who is free to put on makeup?

  But since he mentioned it, don’t say it’s not dark yet, even if it’s too dark, you still need to put on makeup to make yourself more beautiful and beautiful.

   Close the door.

Go to the opposite side and sit down, looking at the exquisitely carved and beautiful face in front of you, it looks like baby fat, with a lot of water, rosy, very soft, I really want to pinch it, try it feel.

   Silence for a while.

   Thinking of a reason, Zhang Ronghua opened his mouth and said solemnly: "There is dust on your face, I will wipe it off for you."

   Before Yang Hongling could reply, he stretched out his hand and touched her face.

   Look at yourself in the mirror.

  Smooth and white face, it is clear at a glance, how can there be any dust, if there is, how can you not see it? But after he said that, he even stretched out his hand. She, who was smart, immediately guessed that this was to touch herself?

  With a sweet heart, he pretended not to notice, and kept this posture, motionless.

Under her gaze, Zhang Ronghua's palm got closer and closer until it touched his own face. Although he was a warrior, he didn't have any calluses. It was very white, just like himself, with five distinct fingers, thick and firm, pinching the right cheek, Gently rubbing and torturing, like getting an electric shock, every time she rubbed, it seemed that something rushed into her heart, her breathing became heavier, and she became unnatural, but she was good at disguising, and she didn't show anything on her face from beginning to end.

Zhang Ronghua was quite flustered, killing enemies, creating exercises, dealing with memorials, etc., were all fine, but touching the girl's face was still under the watchful eyes of others. It was serious and unprecedented, but Yang Hongling's The face feels super good to the touch, like a sponge, with infinite elasticity, it will bounce back when pinched, soft and warm, the more you touch it, the more addictive, there is a special strangeness in my heart, the evil fire rises , intensified.

   After a few breaths.

   It was almost time to see it. Although I was infatuated and wanted to touch it all the time, I had to withdraw my hand, my face didn't blush, and my heart didn't beat: "The dust has been wiped clean."

  Yang Hongling didn't expose it, but asked naturally: "How does it feel?"

   "Just now I was only focused on wiping the dust off your face, and didn't pay attention."

   "Why don't you try again?"

   "Cough! Cough!" Zhang Ronghua coughed violently twice, took a sip from his teacup, and tried to hide his embarrassment.

   "The dust has been wiped off, there is no need for that."

  Yang Hongling tilted her head, opened the corner of her mouth, revealing her bright moon-like teeth, her beautiful eyes were teasing: "You also have dust on your face."

   "...!" Zhang Ronghua was speechless, the script was too familiar.

   Ask a question.

   "You want to touch... rub?"

"What do you think?"

The jade hand has already stretched out, getting closer and closer, under his gaze, touched his face, pinched a piece of soft meat, kneaded left and right, after a few breaths, it was not enough, and he opened the jade hand , Aiming at the face, the five fingers moved a bit, greedy, ready to cover them all.

  Zhang Ronghua moved his head back, avoiding her five fingers, and stared fiercely: "What are you doing?"

  Yang Hongling is fearless, her eyes are very aggressive, her vermilion lips are lightly parted, she sticks out her tongue, licks her **** lips, leans her upper body forward, and smiles half a smile: "Wipe the dust!"

   Zhang Ronghua was defeated, glanced at the ceiling, and stood up from the chair: "Bored!"

  Turn around and leave.

   When his back disappeared, he couldn't bear it anymore, and lay on the table with his hands on his chest, laughing loudly, his shoulders shaking violently.


Zhang Ronghua turned around and looked in the direction of the room. Hearing the happy laughter coming from inside, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he couldn't help laughing too. He glanced at the palm of his hand, shook his head, walked to the stone bench and sat down, took out two plates Spirit fruit, a plate of black grapes, a plate of ginseng fruit, took a black grape and threw it into his mouth, ate the meat and spit out the skin, thinking about the goddess.

  The Goddess was captured and fell into her hands. It is impossible for Jingshen not to know. With the strength of the Fate Academy, it is okay for the God Master to know. Let alone one Jingshen, even ten or eight are not enough to fight.

   Going over at this time, isn't it courting death?

  Complicated methods will not work, only the simplest one, beheading! If the other party saves, he will be saved, and if he does not save, he will be killed.

   Make up your mind and continue to wait.

   Half an hour later.

  It was already dark, and Yang Hongling hadn't come out yet. Zhang Ronghua couldn't sit still, and wanted to give himself a break. Isn't this just looking for something to do?

   stood up from the stone bench and walked towards the room.

Arriving outside the door, just about to push it open, the door opened from the inside, looking at the face in front of him, he froze in place, it was still the same person, but the smell changed, the boxer jacket and shorts were gone, and he was wearing bright purple long The skirt was decorated like stars, and golden lines set off each other, forming a noble and elegant decoration to set off her temperament.

On the two wrists, there are purple jade bracelets, which are crystal clear and shining with purple light, which contrasts with the hairpin on the hair. The rose-shaped earrings shake slightly, like the finishing touch, noble and majestic, showing the top dignitaries The temperament of a daughter of a family is unattainable.

   This is the first time I have seen this outfit.

  If it weren't for the pair of eyes that looked like jewels, bright and clear, Zhang Ronghua would have suspected that he had misidentified the person.

Yang Hongling was very satisfied, proud of herself, it was worth it to spend such a long time, putting on make-up with care, showing the most beautiful scene, stretching out her jade hand, and shaking it in front of his eyes, her voice was very soft and upright, which was less than before. Casual, full of etiquette: "Looks good?"

   Come back to God.

  Zhang Ronghua did not violate his conscience, and nodded seriously: "It looks good!"

  Unsolicited proposals.

   "Let's go for a walk!"

  Yang Hongling tilted her head and asked deliberately: "Where is the goddess?"

   "Forget about tonight, this day is not bad."

  Looking at the night sky, her beautiful eyes burst into a fiery look, and she smiled lightly: "I want to see the stars."


   "I want to eat your cooking."


"I want…"


  Zhang Ronghua stared, and lightly tapped a chestnut on her forehead, not willing to use force, afraid of breaking it, and said angrily: "It's endless, right?"

   "Giggle~!" Yang Hongling giggled coquettishly, her temperament remained unchanged, but even more charming.



After leaving the room and closing the door, Uncle Shi happened to come over and stopped in front of the two of them, staring at the "renewed" Yang Hongling for a moment, he quickly came back to his senses, and praised in his heart, Qinglin is so lucky ! Respectfully asked: "Dinner is ready."

  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand: "Eat it! Hong Ling and I went out to eat, and we may come back later."

  Turn around and leave, tactfully giving up the space.

  Go to the front yard.

  Zhang Ronghua drove the Tianji cart, came out of the stable, and put the pony on the ground: "I'll help you up."

   "En." Yang Hongling responded.

Walking to her side, at a close distance, smelling the fragrance of lark, fresh and pleasant, making people not disgusted, but wanting to take a few more breaths, holding her hand with his left hand, and holding her waist with his right hand, between touches, She obviously felt a shock in her delicate body, and then regained her composure. Even though the long skirt was blocking her, she still couldn't block the touch. It was very soft, thin, and warm. It moved her mind, helped her up, and put the pony back up again. Sitting in the car, Yang Hongling didn't go in, but sat outside with him, and they could hear each other's heartbeat within a punch.

The jade hand stretched out, patted the purse at the waist, took out a light purple veil and tied it on, transparent and gold-rimmed, covering the beautiful face, preventing the spring from leaking out, only a pair of jewel-like beautiful eyes exposed.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Are you ready?"


  Holding the whip, I personally acted as a coachman. When I first got the Tianji chariot, I drove to the East Palace by myself. It was the first time to lead people and act as a coachman in a real sense.


  The horsewhip was whipped on the sacred Tianlong horse, and the **** was hurting. It drove forward, at a very slow speed, and drove towards the outside, out of the mansion, and rushed towards Suzaku Avenue.

In the small alley in front, a black shadow was hiding here, just about to come, looking at the divine light coming from the night, he stopped in time, hid in the darkness, looked at Zhang Ronghua and Yang Hongling who were sitting on the top of the celestial car, and felt There was a shock, like a tsunami erupting, setting off huge waves, and I almost rushed out without control, but fortunately I held back at the critical moment.

  In the car.

Zhang Ronghua's expression remained the same, his gaze did not move, he was still looking ahead, but in the induction, he saw Ji Xueyan, although the aura was restrained, it was very perfect, it didn't overflow a bit, ordinary people couldn't find it, but he couldn't hide it from him. It turned so fast, why did she come here?

   Just came here last night. Although I didn't mention the kiss last time, this topic has never been avoided. In addition, the skills of other attributes have not been created well. They shouldn't come so frequently, but now they appear.

  Don't think about it, stay with Yang Hongling and leave no regrets.

  Women's intuition is very sensitive, especially for men. Yang Hongling turned his head and rolled his bright eyes: "What are you thinking about?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly, and poked a finger on her forehead angrily: "I was thinking that you are so beautiful tonight."



  Yang Hongling held her head proudly, with a smug smile all over her body: "I've always been so beautiful, but you didn't realize it."

   After speaking, I couldn't help laughing.

This scene once again fell into Ji Xueyan's eyes, hidden in the darkness, her delicate body trembling violently, her beautiful eyes fell on the car until it disappeared completely, and then she looked away, her eyes were confused, as if she had lost her direction, or I suddenly lost something important in my life, my heart was empty, and negative emotions such as discomfort, pain, unwillingness, etc. occupied the whole person.

  Thinking of the bits and pieces of the two people from their acquaintance to the present, the past scene, as if the playback button was pressed, appeared clearly, engraved deep in the heart, and carved into the soul.

  I forced myself to forget before, and I have been doing this these days. I thought it was all over, but was ignited by the "kiss" that night, which made my peaceful heart ripple again, one circle after another.


The body leaning on the wall slumped to the ground weakly, the buttocks landed on the ground, the wild goose fell flat on the sand, it was very painful, but I couldn’t feel it at all, the closed eyes were dotted with decorative eye ointment, already wet, two teardrops, It was crystal clear and fell out soundlessly. She wanted to cry, wanted to cry loudly, but she couldn't! This place is too close to Taifu's mansion, crying out at this time will definitely alarm the people nearby.

Curled up, sitting on the ground, with two jade legs close together, hugging her jade arms tightly, suppressing the sound of crying, not letting out a little, but her fragrant shoulders and body trembled violently, and tears flowed down the tears of her legs. There was a gap, dripping on the ground, and there was a "click" sound, and the heart was roaring, as if someone was roaring, why is it like this?

  Why are they together? Isn't Yang Hongling the proud daughter of the Fate Academy? The old master's precious granddaughter? So noble, why did he fall in love with Zhang Ronghua? Even if you are attracted by his excellence and secretly agree with you, what about the old master? Why would you agree again?

I don't know how long it took before a gust of night wind blew. I was tired from crying, my eyes were swollen, and the tears had dried up. I raised my head, and my eyes were firmer than ever before, burning with flames, as if I had awakened something: "From Starting today, I will be my true self!"

   4000 words! That's all for today.

   Ji Xueyan is about to rise, if he doesn't rise, Brother Hua will be snatched by Yang Hongling.

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

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