MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 147 Miscalculation (ask for a full order, ask for a monthly pass)

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  Chapter 147 Miscalculation (seek full order, ask for monthly pass)

  Zhang Ronghua was surprised: "It didn't stop all night?"

  Ding Yi didn't want to admit it, but it was the truth. No matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't bear it at the moment, so he nodded guiltily.

   "It's you!"

  Seeing the passing minister, he looked over curiously.

  Zhang Ronghua greeted: "Go!"

  Entered the Suzaku Gate and walked towards the Hall of Scholars. It’s not yet time to be on duty. The official department has just opened the door, and the people have not yet arrived. I will go there later.

   Nothing to worry about, walking very slowly and casually.

   Arrived at the Scholars Hall and entered the Library Hall.

  The door of the hall was open, and Lu Junxiu was cleaning for a living. Seeing them coming, she put down the broom, walked up to meet them quickly, bowed and saluted: "I have seen you, sir!"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You are now a bachelor, the head of the bachelor's hall, unlike before, you must pay attention to your identity."

   "No matter how it changes, it will always be your subordinate."

   Pointing to the chair, the three of them sat down.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "What's Li Yiming's reaction?"

   "You haven't left yet, even if you make any moves, you dare not show it now."

   "Do it well! This officer has great expectations of you."

   "Please rest assured, my subordinates will not let you down, guard the Bachelor's Palace, and never let other forces get involved."

   Give him a few words of encouragement and let him back down.

  The door of the temple is closed.

  Zhang Ronghua took out a plate of black grapes, put them on the table, took one and threw it into his mouth, ate the meat, spat out the grape skin, and asked, "Have you heard about what happened last night?"

   Putting away his smile, Ding Yi looked serious, spat out the grape skin, and said seriously: "En!"

"Shortly after you left, Ding Bo came to tell me what happened in the city. There was a lot of commotion, many people died, Liu Jinhan was taken away in a pot, and a huge amount of money disappeared. The eldest prince probably can Mad! Ning Jinchou, the young master of the Ning family, seemed to be there too. He even killed the guards. The Ning family was enraged and ordered to die. They will search for the real culprit at all costs and vow to find the culprit! These are just appetizers , People from all major forces, as long as they were in the west city, almost all participated in the melee, and no one was spared. They were all killed. Fang Zaitian of the True Dragon Palace was seriously injured. When I returned to the True Dragon Palace, I passed out directly."

   Having said so much in one breath, my throat was a little dry, so I took a sip of tea, took a break, and continued.

   "It is said that in the last battle, two soul masters appeared, both of whom were kings. One of them was from the palace and was killed by the other."

  Last night's analysis roughly clarified the forces involved, only Liu Jinhan and the young man in brocade clothes were left behind. Now they all understand that the old man in Tsing Yi is just like he guessed, a person from the palace.

Ding Yi sighed: "So many people have died, and the Time Treasure Mouse was also killed by the aftermath of their confrontation. The fortune-telling treasure seems to have disappeared, and it has disappeared until now. I don't think these people will give up, and they will definitely investigate at all costs. , Find out the good luck spirit treasure."

  Suddenly thought of something and slapped his forehead.

   "Almost forgot about this, the Great Confucian Feng Jingming of the Changqing Academy finally appeared at the battle site, and was stopped by Xu Xing from the Chitian Temple. After some inspection, it was confirmed that he was passing by, so there was no embarrassment."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Ding Yi took out a pamphlet from his arms, and handed it over in a dazed manner: "Brother, look!"

   took the booklet.

  Glanced at it, there was no words on the cover, seeing his mysterious smile, Zhang Ronghua secretly guessed, could it be a dishonest painting? Should not be! It is even more impossible to let yourself make a move, and then do the previous business. Although you make money, as your status increases, the influence will not be good. Even if you want to make money, you can still sell paintings.

Opening the booklet calmly, it recorded the personnel introduction of the Ministry of Industry. The first page was Fu Kun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, a representative of the young and strong faction, and his resume; Personal resume, hobbies, etc. are all recorded; the third page is Shi Dailong, the right servant, who belongs to the eldest prince. Later, there will be introductions by other people, as well as the factions they belong to.

  One person marked with a red pen, Cui Jiancheng, the supervisor, was an official of the third rank, in charge of the logistics of the Lingyan Division, Shi Dailong's confidant, and his immediate boss.

  After reading it, put it down.

  Zhang Ronghua asked, "Where did it come from?"

  Ding Yi explained: "After we separated yesterday, I ordered Ding Bo to get it done, and I only investigated them this morning."

   After a pause, he said again.

"Brother, I have received reliable news from here. Cui Jiancheng originally wanted to support his own person to take the position and replace Wu Yangjian, but you took the position by airborne. He is still the eldest prince. This trip to the Ministry of Industry will definitely be a battle. .”

  Take a black grape and throw it into your mouth, chew it twice to eat the meat, and spit out the grape skin.

  Zhang Ronghua said seriously: "We are going to work, not to fight."

  Ding Yi laughed. Every time my brother said this, it was the eve of the storm. He knew what to do and didn’t ask again. He yawned: “When will it be over?”

   "The official department is only opening the door now, wait a little longer, and leave in half an hour."

  Ding Yi got up from the chair: "I'll go inside and take a nap, call me later."

  After he left.

  Zhang Ronghua was not idle, nor wasted time. What he wasted today was wasted tomorrow. He slapped on the belt of Wulong Yuling and took out the inheritance of the gods.

  Golden light flickered, illuminating it, and passed it around one circle after another.

  The right hand stroked the cover, and a streak of black and yellow true essence penetrated into it. The golden light was introverted and disappeared, turning into an ordinary golden book. I opened it and read it.

  Inheritance of the Heavenly Gods recorded four chapters, "Miscellaneous Arts", "Mechanism Techniques", "Puppet Arts" and "Tianshu".

   Talisman, Artifact Refining, Mechanism, and Puppet Art must be practiced to a high level before they can all be used! Unfortunately, in these four skills, he has all reached the sixth level and is close to the Tao.

  Before I was busy with the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven and other things, so I didn’t have time to study it. This time, I was transferred to the Ministry of Industry to work with the major of the inheritance of the Gods.

In his plan, there is still the most important part, which is to develop his own power. After this period of confrontation, he knows that there is no strong power in the dark. Whether it is investigation or assassination, it is very difficult. No matter what you do, it will become easier.

The last piece of "Tianshu" is his trump card. The puppet refined from it, as long as the materials are gathered together, it is undoubtedly the same as a normal person. Even gods and demons can be refined, and there is nothing impossible. With puppets as the main force, the huge forces walking in the dark, coupled with the forces on the bright side, the combination of the two, the power will reach its peak!

   Half an hour later.

  Zhang Ronghua put away the inheritance of the gods, and every time he watched it, he had different insights. This time it is the same, and he has a new understanding.

   Stand up from the chair and enter the room.

  Ding Yi put the two chairs together, curled up, and lay on them to sleep, snoring, sleeping soundly. It seemed that he had exhausted a lot of energy last night.

   "It's time to go to the official department."

   "Hmm!" Ding Yi opened his eyes, rubbed them, stood up from the chair, and stretched.

   After squinting for a while, I felt much better, but I was still very sleepy, and said vaguely: "I won't play like this again next time, I'm too tired!"

  Running the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Kungfu, the inner force can swim for a big circle, so that you can wake up a little bit, and this will make you feel better.

  Out of the main hall, the door of the hall is closed.

  The two walked together and walked outside.

   Arrived at the official department.

  The Marquis of the Jinlin Xuantian Army at the gate had received the news in advance. When he saw them coming, he clasped his fists and saluted, and asked respectfully, "Are the two adults Zhang Ronghua and Ding Yi?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   "Master Su has ordered, when you come, take it directly!"

  Master Su is Su Ming, the left servant of the Ministry of Officials, the one who stood up and spoke in the hall before.

   Made a gesture of invitation, led the way, entered the official department, and walked towards his office hall.

   After a while.

  Stopped outside a large hall, at the door stood four Jinlin Xuantian soldiers, guarding the outside, the military marquis stepped forward, knocked on the door of the hall, and said: "Report to Master Su, Master Zhang and the others are here."

  A deep and heavy voice came from the hall: "Come in!"

  The Marquis pushed open the door of the palace, got out of the way, and closed the door after the two entered.


  Su Ming was sitting on a chair drinking tea, holding a book in his right hand, reading with gusto, Zhang Ronghua and Ding Yi stepped forward, bowed and saluted: "I've seen you, sir!"

  Put down the book, look at them, and look at them carefully. He is energetic, energetic, and energetic. Su Ming's complexion is relaxed, he smiles naturally, and is also very enthusiastic. He points to the chair next to him: "Sit!"

  The two pulled out the chairs and sat down.

  Su Ming took the teapot, poured two cups, put it in front of them, and asked, "Did you bring the paperwork?"

  The two of them took out the documents and put them on the table.

Snapped! Snapped!

Su Ming clapped his palms, the hall door opened, and a confidant walked in from the outside, bent down with a document and retreated, and then closed the hall door: "Sit for a while, when the tea is finished, the formalities will be completed. "

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Thank you, sir!"

Su Ming didn't put on airs, like an elder treats a junior, he seemed to have learned something from the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, pointing to the tea: "This is the red lotus grape tea from my hometown, although it is not spiritual tea, after drinking it , like savoring all kinds of things in the world, different people have different feelings when drinking it.”

   "Let's have a taste."

  Taste the tea first, and wait for the taste of the tea to come out before tasting it! The tea cover holds the tea water, rippling and rippling. The aroma of the tea spreads along with the tea water. It is very strong. I haven’t drunk it yet. I don’t know the specific taste. When the tea water is cold, I take a sip and the tea is already tasty. , bitter in the mouth, into the stomach, there is no fragrance between the teeth, although it is bitter, but Zhang Ronghua has tasted the "past", as if in the past and present, and took another sip, the tea is still bitter, but it does not have the feeling of being hard to swallow , but fell in love with it.

  Drinking a cup of tea unconsciously, put down the teacup, and said seriously: "Good tea!"

  Looking at Ding Yi again, he drank the same tea, but he didn’t feel anything, but the best quality tea tasted like boiled water, he was puzzled, and slandered, good tea? Why didn't I feel that?

Su Ming saw their performance in his eyes, raised Zhang Ronghua's importance by one point, put away his smile, poured some tea on the table with his teacup, stretched out his finger, stirred it in the tea, and wrote a "open" " word, reminded: "The Ministry of Industry is like this ball of tea. If you want to carry out work according to your own wishes, you will not be able to retreat. You will only be corrupted by the tea and wipe out everyone! You can only face the difficulties and tear a corner , get a firm foothold, and then act according to your own ideas, just like the word "open", once formed, no matter who wants to erase it, it will be very difficult to pay.

Zhang Ronghua understood that this was pointing to himself, and his thoughts turned quickly. He thought of Emperor Xia. He should have mentioned it to himself in the official letter, and the latter kept it in his heart. remind myself.

   Only by facing up to difficulties and overcoming all difficulties, the higher you stand and the greater power you have, can you implement your own governance philosophy, and others will not dare to touch you.

  Standed up from the chair, saluted, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, please keep this in mind!"

   There was a knock on the door of the temple, and the confidant returned. The procedures for the transfer had been completed, so he put down the paperwork and the new badge, and left wisely.

  The official uniform remains the same, it is still bright purple red, with a white crane embroidered on the chest, the waist badge has been changed, his name is engraved on the front, there are two small characters "Langzhong" underneath, and "Ministry of Industry" is engraved on the back.

  Su Ming stood up and said hello: "Let's go! I will send you to take up your post."

  Zhang Ronghua became more and more sure that Emperor Xia had said hello, otherwise, in his capacity, he would not have gone there in person, at most he would have sent a doctor.

   Put away his waist badge, followed Su Ming out of the official department.

  The location of Liubu is very interesting, it is in the shape of a hexagram, like a large formation! They were far apart and walked over. When they arrived here, the Jinlin Xuantian Army at the gate did not dare to stop them and let them go. The news about their arrival also reached Fu Kun at the first time. When the three of them arrived at the courtyard of his office hall Outside, Fu Kun was already standing at the door, greeted him with a smile, and cupped his hands: "Master Su is a distinguished guest, if I knew you were coming, I would have made tea to greet you in advance."

  Su Ming returned the gift, jokingly said: "Your official can't afford such a heavy gift from Mr. Fu, otherwise, in the morning court tomorrow, those royal officials will definitely participate in a book."

  Pointing at Zhang Ronghua and Ding Yi.

   "The person has already brought it, and it is handed over to Mr. Fu."

Fu Kun said with a smile: "Lord Su, don't worry, I have heard about the talents of the two of you for a long time. I planned to ask His Majesty to transfer them to share the pressure for me. I didn't expect that Your Majesty knows people well, so I transferred them here first." , In this way, the pressure on the official will be reduced a lot."

  Su Ming smiled noncommittally, turned around, and confessed: "Do it well!"

  Turn around and leave.

  Fu Kun looked at his confidant Chen Daoguang, and ordered: "Call Cui Jiancheng, the director of Lingyan Division."

   "It's adults!"

  Looking at Zhang Ronghua and the two of them, the formula smiled: "Come in with me."

   Entered the office hall and stopped in the lobby.

  Fu Kun sat on the main seat, greeted them, asked them to sit down, and chatted.


  Chen Daoguang brought a middle-aged man, thin, with prominent four eyebrows, and dark eyes. He was Cui Jiancheng, the supervisor, and bowed to him: "I have seen you!"

  Fu Kun nodded, pointed to Zhang Ronghua and Ding Yi, and introduced: "This is Zhang Ronghua, and this is Ding Yi, and you know it if you think about it."

   "The names of the two colleagues have long been heard by the lower officials."

   "Take them to Lingyan Division!"

  Cui Jiancheng responded: "Yes!"

  Wait for them to leave, Chen Daoguang stepped forward to close the door of the palace, and returned again, bowing his body with a serious face: "My lord, what should I do?"

The smile on Fu Kun's face disappeared. He pinched the tea cover with his thumb and forefinger, rippling the tea, and his face was playful. Thinking of the transaction last night, the scene was getting more and more exciting, and the words he said were also very cold: "Qian Wenli folded The loss was in the hands of Zhang Ronghua, and Shi Dailong belongs to the First Prince, do you think he will let it go and allow Zhang Ronghua to accumulate qualifications in the Ministry of Industry and provide favorable assistance for future promotions?"

  Chen Daoguang is not an idiot to be valued by Fu Kun, he understood immediately, and laughed: "There will be a good show to watch next."

Fu Kun said again: "Yan Lihua is the second prince's man. The prince is powerful and the princes are uneasy. If Shi Dailong doesn't make a move, he will do it! Take the opportunity to take Zhang Ronghua down, and even join forces to target him together! With their methods, if they unite to deal with Zhang Ronghua, even if he has three heads and six arms, he won't be able to resist!"

  His eyes flickered, and the fierceness disappeared in a flash.

   "If they are really useless and cannot take down Zhang Ronghua, then it will not be too late for me to take action."

  Chen Daoguang took the opportunity to flatter: "With my lord's ability, let alone Zhang Ronghua, even Pei Caihua himself would have to fight."


Lingyan Division, as a key professional branch of the Ministry of Industry, occupies a very large area, forming a palace complex, and a Qi-suppressing formation is arranged to cover this area. From the outside, it looks like a white mist, even standing on the nine-day sky. If you look at it with your soul power, you can't see through the white mist. There is a golden scale Xuantian army guarding the periphery. The leader is a Sima, who uses two prongs to defend this place. Let alone a person, even a fly can Don't even try to get in there.

  As they arrived, Sima clasped his fists in salute, then stepped aside, waited for them to enter, and guarded the main entrance again.

Cui Jiancheng was very enthusiastic, and introduced the various departments of the Lingyan Division. From his mouth, he learned that he has a deeper understanding of the Lingyan Division. This profession has the most power, and it is also the most lucrative place.

  R&D Hall: Responsible for innovation and research of powerful spiritual objects.

  Material Hall: from the materials used by spirits to common armor, weapons and other materials.

   Improvement Hall: Improve the lack of spiritual objects, increase their power, and become more powerful.

  Regardless of Cui Jiancheng's psychology, it is correct to remember these.

   Arrived at the apse.

  Cui Jiancheng asked with a smile: "Qinglin, are you going to use Langzhong Wu's palace, or prepare a new one for you?"

  Zhang Ronghua didn't have the habit of using things that others had used, so he shook his head: "Prepare a new palace, and arrange the evergreen palace next to it."

   "Good!" Cui Jiancheng responded.

  He beckoned, called someone to let him prepare, and called the person in charge of each hall of the Lingyan Division to get acquainted.

   Not for a while.

  All the persons in charge of the entrances of each hall were present, and the person in charge of one hall was the master book, from the official positions of the four ranks, excluding them, there were eight people in total.

  Cui Jiancheng stepped forward, pointed at the two of them and introduced: "This is Zhang Ronghua, the new doctor of the Lingyan Division. If you encounter any problems in the future, please contact Zhang Langzhong! This is Ding Yi, Zhang Langzhong's deputy."

  The eight people bowed to each other and saluted: "I've seen you, sir!"

  Cui Jiancheng said: "Dr. Zhang said a few words?"

Even if he didn't say anything, Zhang Ronghua would still make a speech to declare his existence. With his majestic eyes like a knife, with great pressure, he glanced around, seeing the expressions on their faces, and said in a deep voice: "This The official has only one request, do your job well and don't make any fools."


   Wave your hand and let them go down.

  Cui Jiancheng's men went down and returned, and the new office hall was ready, just next to it.

  The three of them passed by.

  Turning around, the tables and chairs are all new, cleaned very clean, as if they were prepared in advance, Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction: "Here it is!"

  The three of them sat on the chairs.

Zhang Ronghua is sitting in the main seat. He is the head of the Lingyan Division. Although Cui Jiancheng is the supervisor, the immediate boss is only in charge of supervision and logistics. When it comes to business, he has to stand aside, but he sits in the first position on the left. Ding Yi sat in the first position on the right.

Cui Jiancheng put away his smile and looked serious: "You shouldn't have brought it up on the first day you took office, but this matter is of great importance. If you can't complete it within the stipulated time limit, once the higher-ups blame you, you, as the chief officer, will be out of pocket. Walk."

   What should come is still here.

If he didn't know his identity, Zhang Ronghua might not think so, but Cui Jiancheng is Shi Dailong's confidant, a member of the First Prince, with the festivals between them and factions, it is impossible for them to Let him grow up, strengthen the power of the prince, and then threaten the eldest prince.

  Don’t look at how warm Cui Jiancheng’s smile was before, and how enthusiastic he was. He introduced Lingyan Division patiently.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Say it!"

Cui Jiancheng continued: "This is the work that Wu Yangjian presided over before. When he had no accidents, the higher-ups asked to research a powerful spiritual object and hand it over to the manufacturing department for production. He lived up to expectations and successfully transferred the spiritual object. Developed with low cost, high power, and easy to carry, it is called "Sky Thunder", a thunder that is as big as a baby's fist, but it can easily injure martial artists in the Houtian Realm, and then it is handed over to the Ministry of War and sent to the frontier by the Ministry of War Clean up the big merchant's army and inflict heavy damage on them! But one of the main ingredients is called "Tiantian powder". The refining method has always been in his hands and he has not handed it over. The refining of Tianlei has been delayed, and there are still seven days before the stipulated deadline, counting today."

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "No record?"

   "Not yet." Cui Jiancheng shook his head.

   "The Sky-Shocking Powder has just been developed. It is different from the previous materials. It can double the power of the Sky-Shocking Thunder. I planned to wait for this matter to be completed before filing. I didn't expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and this happened."

   ponder for a moment.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Have someone send the information, and then send some Zhentianlei."

  Cui Jiancheng stood up and said goodbye.

  After he left, Ding Yi hurriedly got up and closed the door of the hall, sat on the chair, and said solemnly: "Brother, you are waiting for us."

"so what?"

"Unable to refine the Thunderbolt within the stipulated time, the manufacturing department will definitely shift the responsibility to us. If the higher-ups blame it, they will have a reason to do it. Let us take the blame. At that moment , They will definitely not be soft-hearted, condemn to death, and take us down!"

   "As expected."

Ding Yi was taken aback, looked at Zhang Ronghua, saw the relaxed expression on his face, and didn't take the matter seriously, and asked tentatively: "Brother, are you sure you can refine the sky-shattering powder? This is difficult If not, the material hall would not have been delayed until now."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Whether you can refine the sky-shattering powder or not, you will be able to draw a conclusion later. What is puzzling is that there is no war with the big merchants in the court. When did the war start again at the border?"

   "I'll go find out later!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Cui Jiancheng arrived outside a palace at this moment, knocked on the door of the palace, and asked respectfully: "My lord, can I come in?"

  In the main hall, the majestic voice of Shi Dailong, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry, came: "Come in!"

  Pushed open the hall door, walked in, closed the hall door again, entered inside, and stopped by the desk.

  Cui Jiancheng arched his body and put his posture very low: "It has been carried out according to the plan, and I will leave the matter of Zhen Tianlei to him."

Shi Dailong put down the pen in his hand, moved his wrist, and there was a sound of thunder, and his eyes flickered: "I have been stuck in the material hall for so long, and it has been delayed until now, only seven days. Before that, he never If you have never been in contact with refining or researching and developing, and suddenly took over such a difficult task, even if you are talented, knowledgeable, and able to write the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, so what? This time, you will still stumble."

  Thinking of the order of the eldest prince yesterday, to take down Zhang Ronghua at all costs, he must never be such a waste as Qian Wenli, not only did he fail to bring him down, but he himself was taken down, and finally fulfilled him.

  Cui Jiancheng asked: "What should I do?"

"During this period of time, the logistics will be done well, and their food will be upgraded to a higher level. Zhang Ronghua will give whatever he wants, and he will be satisfied! No fault can be found. After seven days, Zhen Tianlei cannot be delivered on a regular basis. The Ministry of War will hold them accountable. They Bear the brunt of it, even if the prince and Pei Caihua come forward at that time, they will not be able to protect him! The Lingyan Division will fall into our grasp."

   "The lower official understands!"

   Shi Dailong waved his hand: "Go!"


  In the main hall.

There are five sky-shattering thunders, which are blue in color. The baby's fist is big, and the power contained in it is as if it does not exist to him. Clothes are torn, but it can severely damage Houtian Realm warriors, as long as they are below the fifth level of Houtian Realm, they can be killed directly. In the battle between the two armies, it is not a bad weapon.

  Beside it is a piece of material, **** thick, which records the introduction about it.

  Ding Yi picked up a thunderbolt, played with it twice, and said suspiciously: "Can this little thing hurt me?"

  He is now at the tenth level of Houtian Realm. Although the exchange last night was very tiring, it has also made progress.

  Zhang Ronghua said with a smile: "One thunderbolt will slightly injure you, two thunderbolts will seriously injure you, and four thunderbolts will surely kill you!"

   Just a joke.

   "Would you like to try?"

  Ding Yi smiled sheepishly, shrunk his neck, and put it on the table, shaking his head like a rattle: "Why don't you try it? Isn't it just to make yourself uncomfortable?"

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Take two and go to the test site for a test."

  Lingyan Division has a special research and development site, called the test site, and the Ministry of Industry also has it.

   "En." Ding Yi responded, took two thunderbolts, opened the door of the palace and left.

  Holding a book, Zhang Ronghua opened it and read it. The introduction about Zhentianlei was ten lines at a glance.

   It looks very advanced, but in front of him, it is really too simple, there is no difficulty at all!

  As time went by, the two-finger-thick material was gradually read, and the whole process took less than five minutes.

   Firstly, his accumulation is placed here, whether it is in the research of refining equipment or materials, they are all very advanced, and secondly, he is a soul master with huge soul power.

According to the above introduction, the refining of Zhentianlei is unique, with a slanted sword, specially designed for the low-level army, easy to carry, huge lethality, and the materials used are also common. From this, it can be inferred that Wu Yangjian's basic skills are very solid, With the help of others, it is not difficult to rise to this position.

But its main material, Sky-shocking Powder, is a simplified version of Xuanlin Stone, one of the main materials for refining the Black Magic Bead. Its power is only one-third. For the other materials of Tianlei, even if the method of refining is to find another shortcut, it is impossible to achieve such a powerful power with only some simple materials. From this point of view, it can be seen that the inheritance of the gods is precious.

Mastering the inheritance of the gods, it is not difficult to refine the sky-shaking powder. Thinking of the sword emperor, Wu Yangjian refined so many black magic beads for him. Tianfen has the same purpose, if you refine it yourself, wouldn't you tell the other party that Wu Yangjian's secret recipe for refining the black magic bead fell into his hands, and then follow this line to find out, although this time, the matter was done. It's very hidden, but it doesn't stand up to scrutiny. For example, the timeline between leaving Pei's mansion and going to heaven and earth doesn't match.

  Even if no evidence can be found, in the eyes of those in power, speculation is enough. Although it is not scary, it is also troublesome.

  Using it to lure out the mastermind behind the scenes, so many dead soldiers, including Chen Jianyi, unless the opponent's head was kicked by a donkey, otherwise even if they do it, they will not use their own strength to use other forces to kill them.

   There is also Taotie.

Since the ancient books of the    clan have recorded the introduction of the inheritance of the gods, we should know that it is powerful and its value is not weaker than that of the good luck treasure. If it is only their clan, they will not be afraid! Come and kill as many as you want, and then skin and eat meat.

   I am afraid that they will spread the news, muddy the water, and rely on the hands of other forces to make chestnuts out of the fire, and then they will fall into a passive state.

  In addition to the Taotie clan, whether other groups of beasts, or true spirit races, also have records in this regard is unknown for the time being, maybe there is, maybe there is not.

  Anyway, I can't afford to gamble!

   It's not that he's afraid, the inheritance of the gods involves the planning of dark forces, and it's his most powerful backup.

   Use heavenly techniques to refine a perfect human-shaped puppet, and then refine the spiritual objects on it, assassinate, spy on intelligence, inquire about news, etc., no one can stop it!

  Without using the Xuanlin Stone, it is very easy to develop a material that can replace the Skyshattering Powder if you master the principle and use your own horror background.

  After clearing his mind, Zhang Ronghua stretched his brows and smiled slightly. There are three fires for a new official to take office, and this first fire is destined to burn very vigorously.

Holding the teacup, just about to take a sip, the door of the palace opened at this moment, Ding Yi walked in quickly, and then closed the door, three steps into two steps, sat on the chair, poured a cup with the teapot, drank it in one gulp, and continued After three cups, he put down the teapot and patted his chest, showing fear: "Brother, luckily I didn't try it! Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see me now."

  Zhang Ronghua joked: "Do you know that you are afraid?"

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

   "Zhentianlei is too scary, and what you said is conservative, as long as two can send me on the road."

   "If the power is not great, the higher-ups will not value it so much."

  Pointing to the materials on the table, Ding Yi asked again: "Have you read it?"

  Zhang Ronghua responded.


   "You can try it!"

  Ding Yi rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Brother, can you stop being humble? I'm ashamed to say you, every time I try or know a little bit, once I do it, people's jaws will drop!"


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand and tapped him on the head, and gave him a hard look: "You're the one who talks too much."


Ding Yi said again: "It has been found out that in Gupo Town on the border of the East Gate, the big merchants and soldiers stationed there are ready to move. Although the large-scale battle has not started, there are still small-scale killings, especially recently, the fighting is very fierce. Dashang prepared well this time. Using spiritual objects to participate in the battle, the power is not too great, but the lethality is very strong. It poses a huge threat to the officers at the bottom. If large-scale destructive spiritual objects are used, it will consume too much Secondly, the refining cost is also high, and it is impossible to frighten them. The news came back. After the study of the Ministry of War and the Tianji Pavilion, an order was issued to the Ministry of Industry to create a powerful and low-consumption product in the shortest possible time. Spiritual things, specially deal with the low-level officers of the Great Merchant Army, an eye for an eye!"

Gupo Town belongs to Wangtian County, under the jurisdiction of Wangtian County, and belongs to Wangtian Prefecture. It was originally the territory of the Great Shang Dynasty. In the great war ten years ago, the Great Shang Dynasty lost half of the state and was taken by the Great Xia Dynasty. Today, on the city wall of Gupo Town, there is the Black Dragon Battle Flag of the Great Xia Dynasty.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "There are no low-level spirits in Gupo Town?"

   "Yes!" Ding Yi responded.

"Compared with the new low-level spiritual object Fire Thunder Orb used by Dashang, its power is inferior, and the material is also expensive. After research, the cost of several, or even seven or eight low-level spiritual objects is only the same as the cost of one Fire Thunder Orb. Similarly, in the long run, big businessmen can delay us to death."

  Zhang Ronghua understands that there is not one way to fight. In addition to fighting head-on, there are other confrontations. There are many ways. As long as it can seriously injure the opponent, it is a good plan.

At the same time, I also figured out why it was not mentioned in the court. Firstly, the war did not start, so there is no need for the whole court to know about it. Once it is spread, it will inevitably give some forces with ulterior motives to take advantage of it. Second, this matter is top secret. The identity is not enough, except for those who participated in this matter, they are not qualified to know.

  Ding Yi showed a fiery face: "This is a great achievement. Once we refine the sky-shattering powder and complete this task, the rewards from above will be very generous, and we can leave a lot of money on our resume."

   "A good wind, with its strength, soars up to nine days!"

"Brother, I met Cui Jiancheng when I came here. He told me that in terms of logistics during this period, we will fully guarantee our work. We will give you whatever you want. As long as you make a list, even if you want the stars and the moon in the sky, you will try to get them Come."

   Winking playfully, he said jokingly.

   "If he knows that we can solve the problem of the sky-shattering powder, he will probably regret it."

  Zhang Ronghua affirmed: "It's not an estimate, it's a certainty!"

  Looking at each other, like an old Yinbi, the two laughed maliciously.

  Boom boom!

   There was a knock on the door, and a nervous and awkward voice came from outside: "The next official, Huang Zhongshi, please see me!"

   put away the smile.

After thinking about it again, Zhang Ronghua knew who this person was. Yilang from the Material Hall was the second in command. The introduction about the Ministry of Industry that Ding Yi gave him stated that he had solid basic skills and had worked in the Lingyan Division for ten years. With rich theoretical experience and excellent skills, he failed to compete with Wu Yangjian's confidant for the master book of the material hall, and has been hidden in the snow.

   Figure out his identity and guess his purpose.

   Said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

  The door of the hall was pushed open, Huang Zhongshi came in cautiously, and then closed the door, feeling very nervous in his heart, this time he mustered up his courage to come here! When Zhang Ronghua was transferred to the Lingyan Department, as a foreigner, he had no roots, no matter what he did, he couldn't do without manpower, and he was in need of manpower. At this time, he took refuge in the past, and if he was reused, the benefits would be huge! Regarding his news, Huang Zhongshi has done a lot of homework. The news came from the court yesterday, and he learned that the new lord is about to take office, so he secretly investigated.

Knowing that he is the prince and Pei Caihua, he is young, knowledgeable, talented, capable, and practical. Even Lu Junxiu was unsuccessful at first, but after taking refuge in the past, he not only holds real power, but now he is promoted and has become a couple of scholars. One of the principals, Jin Yaoguang and the other three, if not for Zhang Ronghua, would have been killed by He Wenxuan long ago, how could they have official status again.

  Secondly, he wants to refine the sky-shattering powder within the specified time. With his own ability, it is enough to help a lot, and the chance of reuse is very high.

   Taking a step back, even if you are not favored, you have nothing to lose! It's nothing more than dawdling around like before, receiving a salary, and living a miserable life.

Suppressing the panic in my heart, I raised my head bravely, and my eyes were his majestic eyes that pointed directly at people's hearts. It seemed that no one could hide in front of these eyes. See! But thinking about my own reason for coming, if I just move away like this, wouldn't I be saying that I have a ghost in my heart? In case of leaving a bad impression, leading to the failure of the next refuge, you have to be hidden.

  Resisting the panic, without avoiding his eyes, he greeted him calmly, walked up to him, and bowed respectfully: "I've seen you, my lord!"

   Examine him again, a middle-aged man, with small eyes, thin lips, and the shrewdness of the market, such a person can be used, but he has to be beaten, tamed, and let him know that he is afraid, so that he can be honest.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "These years have been hidden in the snow, it doesn't feel good!"

  Huang Zhongshi was startled. He didn't expect that he knew everything about himself, so he didn't dare to think too much! I was scared, and my body trembled subconsciously.

  Zhang Ronghua continued: "Do you want to tell me that Zhao Yi, the master of the Hall of Materials, belongs to Wu Yangjian?"

Like a heavy hammer, it hit Huang Zhongshi's heart fiercely, piercing through the last line of defense, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground uncontrollably, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and the official uniform on his body Wet, tremblingly said: "Xia, Xiaguan..."

   He hesitated for a long time, but did not say a word.

   Ding Yi disdained this kind of spineless person, but he didn't show it on the surface.

Zhang Ronghua leaned over, his gaze became more penetrating, a powerful aura erupted, and he suppressed it overwhelmingly, without giving him any face: "I can give you whatever you want, but what else do you have?" , worthy of my attention?"

Huang Zhongshi trembled even more, not daring to meet these majestic eyes, lowered his head, and tried hard to recall what he could get out of his hands, his eyes lit up, he raised his head again, with a trace of confidence: "This body is capable!" !"

   "There are no other people in Lingyan Division, but there are many people with excellent basic skills. Like you, there are not dozens, but there are more than ten or twenty."

  Huang Zhongshi was speechless to refute, not to mention Lingyan Division, even if it is a material hall, if it is really ranked, his ability can only be ranked between the top ten and twenty, let alone the first.

   After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of anything else I could get out of it.

  Zhang Ronghua issued an order to evict the guests: "Go down!"

  Huang Zhongshi is not reconciled, if he leaves like this, it will really be over! Those who are waiting for him will continue to be hidden in the snow, and live with a tight salary. I don’t want to live like this again. I want to eat delicious food, drink spicy food, and want to add two concubines. I change it every night. I think quickly. Seeing that the atmosphere in the room is getting colder and colder, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, I raised my head, said firmly, and even changed the title: "This subordinate's life starts from now on. , it belongs to adults!"

   "Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If you want to get something, you have to show excellent skills, not just talk."

   "You said so!"

  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand, Huang Zhongshi stood up from the ground, did not dare to ask, bent down and retreated, and then closed the hall door.

  Ding Yi asked: "Brother, do you want to give him a chance?"

   "As a superior, you must learn to employ people. Everyone's existence has its value!"

   Ding Yi understood, and didn't ask any more questions.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Are you going to the library with me, or are you here to catch up on sleep?"

   "In principle, I want to go there with you, but I didn't sleep all night last night. I just played a sloppy eye in the Bachelor's Hall. Let me catch up and find you later."

  Zhang Ronghua did not expose it. He was afraid of reading books, even the materials.

  Open the door and leave, and walk towards the library.

   Arrived here, the Jinlin Xuantian Army at the door clasped their fists and saluted: "I have seen you, sir!"

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "Open the door."

  A Jinlin Xuantian army opened the gate of the palace.

   Stepping in, the temple door was closed from the outside.

Looking at the main hall in front of me, it is very large, with many bookshelves, and there are books on it. With a cursory glance, you can't see the end at a glance. The records are all about refining, materials, research, etc., and there are some precious ones. experience.

  Take off a batch, put it on the table, make a pot of tea, sit on the chair and read a book seriously.

  No matter what kind of book, Zhang Ronghua likes to read, firstly, to increase his background, and secondly, to broaden his horizons. Reading more books has no harm but only benefits.

  Relaxed, plunged into the sea of ​​books, like a sponge, tirelessly absorbing the knowledge in the book.

There are some unique insights, even he would sigh after reading it. The person who came up with this method has an unusually big brain. He kept seeing the next value. Then he stood up from the chair, put down the book he had read in his hand, Put them back in place.

  Looking at the remaining books, in three more days, you can read all the books here.

  Open the temple door and go out.

  Ding Yi stood at the door and seemed to have waited for a while. When he saw him come out, he quickly went up to meet him, showing admiration: "Brother, you are really amazing. You actually stayed here for a whole day."

  Zhang Ronghua joked: "Aren't you sleepy?"

  Ding Yi rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly: "After sleeping for a day, if you sleep again, you will become a pig."

   "Go! Go back."


  Out of the Ministry of Industry, walked towards Suzaku Gate.

  The news about Zhang Ronghua also reached the ears of some people immediately.

   Royal Study Room.

Emperor Xia put down the memorial in his hands, his face was exhausted, even though he had practiced Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Kungfu, his energy was much better, but he couldn't stand such a high-intensity work. After taking a sip of water, his exhaustion was swept away, and his spirit and will became clearer. He took a piece of spiritual cake, took a bite, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the situation with Zhang Qinglin?"

   Wei Shang bowed his body and told the news from the Ministry of Industry.

   "Stayed in the library for a day?"


Thinking of Zhang Ronghua registering and compiling books in the Library Hall before, and creating the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong, Xia Huang tentatively said: "I want to read the books on refining tools and materials of the Lingyan Division, and then research a new material. Instead of Earthquake Powder?"

   "Judging from his previous behavior style, it's probably like this!"

  Emperor Xia finished the remaining spirit cake in his hand, took another sip of tea, and said jokingly: "Is this little guy's talent really so terrifying?"

"I don't know! But the time left for him is only seven days. After today, there are still six days left. If you can't research the materials to replace the sky-shattering powder within the stipulated time, and delay the delivery of the sky-shattering thunder, some people will Let him take the blame and take the opportunity to remove him from office and demote him to a commoner."

Emperor Xia gave a rare smile, without any interest involved, and said from the bottom of his heart: "This is also very good, just take this opportunity to transfer him to the Wanshu Palace, let him organize the collection of books, and use his knowledge to make the best use of it. Couldn't fault it either."

   shook his head again.

   "In this way, it's overkill. I believe him. Although the sky-shattering powder is difficult, it can't trap him!"

  Wei Shang flattered without any trace: "How can the people that His Majesty value be so simple!"

   "Did the spies from Shang Country catch it?"

The Good Fortune Spirit Treasure was born, and Emperor Xia sent two groups of people. One group chose to stare at the Time Treasure Rat, headed by the old man in Tsing Yi from last night. Unfortunately, the treasure was not obtained and died in Zhang Ronghua's hands. The intelligence forces of the Great Shang Dynasty in the capital had grasped some clues before, and with the birth of the Good Fortune Spirit Treasure, they searched along the clues and dug up some more.

   "Secretly detained in Hell, people have been ordered to be tortured and interrogated, trying to pry their mouths open, dig out the remaining intelligence forces of the Shang Kingdom, and get rid of them in one fell swoop!"

Emperor Xia tapped the dragon chair with his index finger and middle finger, and there was a resounding "dong dong" sound. People with strong psychological quality can't bear it here.

   Wei Shang guessed it, and lowered his head.

   Half a sound.

   Xiahuang's voice was as cold as a knife, without any emotion: "Who in the palace took action?"

Wei Shang didn't know how to answer. From the birth of Time Treasure Mouse to now, he has sent people to investigate with all his strength, but the people in the palace dared to take action, so naturally they did it very comprehensively, not to say it was perfect, but it was about the same time. It's short, if you want to find out who it is, even if you have a target, but there is no direct evidence. When it comes to this, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. You have to be responsible if you say it. Even if it is him, this responsibility I can't afford it either!

  Emperor Xia didn't ask any more, and got the news he wanted from his expression, some things couldn't be rushed.

   Changed the subject.

   "My sister-in-law, have you been in touch with him these days?"

  Wei Shang smiled, his old face was like a chrysanthemum, and his face was joking: "Another way."

   Tell me about Shi Xueyuan leaving Phoenix Guard and moving to near Zhang Ronghua's Fuguifang home.

  Emperor Xia also smiled, but this smile was very cold: "Beauty trick?"


   "Where is that girl Hong Ling?"

   "The last time Shi Xueyuan went to Qinglin Mansion with Su Qiutang, he was injured by Hong Ling. This time, he changed his method and wanted to attack his parents."

   "Order to let people not touch her, I want to see what else they can do!"

   "Old slave understands!"


   Suzaku Gate.

  After separating from Ding Yi, Zhang Ronghua did not go back, but walked towards the Fate Academy. Yang Hongling had to be troubled for the batch of gold and silver.

I ran into an acquaintance on the street, the old man who sold candied haws last time. The latter also saw him, his eyes lit up, and he ran over excitedly carrying the wooden frame. He stopped panting, grinned, and showed his big yellow teeth: " Son or not?"

   "I don't like to eat sour."

   "It's okay! You don't like it, but that girl likes it."

   Having said all this, Zhang Ronghua took out a tael of silver and handed it over, and brought the wooden frame over. The old man didn't leave, rubbing his palms with anticipation: "Two taels!"

   "Sell for one or two? If you don't sell the money to me, I will return the things to you."

"This this…"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly, and left with candied haws on his shoulders.

  Looking at his back as he left, the old man slandered: "Stingy Bara! This time I earned less."

   Arrived at the Fate Academy.

   Duan Jiu was taken aback, and subconsciously glanced at the sky, it was still early, it was not dark yet, did it come so soon? Just about to go up to meet him, he looked at the candied haws on Zhang Ronghua's shoulders, looked up at the sky, pretended not to see the steps he was about to take, and stood firmly on the spot, insisting not to move.

  Zhang Ronghua is happy, can he hide by pretending not to see? Everyone has a share, and no one can escape. Facing their bitter faces, each of them sent one, entered the Fate Academy, and walked towards the forbidden area.

  While passing by the outer courtyard, I saw another acquaintance—Mei Changshu!

   Seeing him coming, he didn't notice the candied haws on his shoulders, and warmly greeted him from a distance: "Senior brother!"

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "How are you doing recently?"

  Mei Changshu said: "It's much more fulfilling than before. Take classes, write articles, and practice again. You can cultivate your righteousness so that you can comprehend it as soon as possible."

   His complexion darkened, and he sighed helplessly.

   "Last time, the academy selected talented disciples from the inner and outer courtyards, and planned to use the grand bone-setting secret technique to help them comprehend grand righteousness. I was not selected because of my lack of talent."

   Patting him on the shoulder, Zhang Ronghua comforted: "The disciples who use this secret technique to comprehend the awe-inspiring righteousness, their practice is slow, the quality is poor, and the power is weak, far from being as good as you think."

   These are top-secret information. Apart from the parties involved, there are also high-level officials from their respective schools. Outsiders don’t know about it, and the information is strictly blocked.

  Mei Changshu's eyes lit up: "Really?"

   "Just know it yourself, don't tell the outside world."

   "Brother, don't worry, it will always be rotten in your heart!"

  Zhang Ronghua said again: "If you want rhyme to cultivate awe-inspiring righteousness, you must accumulate enough. Just like a river, it is formed by countless drops of water, forming small rivers, big rivers, and then to the vast ocean."

  Mei Changshu understood, and nodded heavily: "Thank you, senior brother, for your guidance!"

   "Talent is one aspect, and hard work is another aspect. What Destiny Academy lacks most is a collection of books and great Confucianism. If you don't understand, just ask. Don't be embarrassed. Knowledge is yours."

"I will!"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, took off three bunches of candied haws from the wooden stand, and handed over the rest: "I bought it with money, don't waste it!"

  Leaving behind a shadow, he turned and left gracefully.

  Looking at the candied haws, Mei Changshu's face immediately turned bitter.

   Arriving at the forbidden area, the guard disciples didn't stop him, and let him go directly. He entered the old master's yard, and saw two figures from a distance. One was Yang Hongling, who was practicing by the edge of the Linghu Lake, and Xiao Si lay down on the ground to take a nap.

  Going closer, without disturbing her, he sat down with his **** tilted, and handed over a bunch of candied haws. Zhang Ronghua smiled and said, "Here!"

   "Huh!" Xiao Si snorted arrogantly, turned his head, not sore, the beast would not be fooled.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't force it, he put down the two bunches of candied haws, unwrapped the package in his hand, and took a bite of one, it was so sour! A tael of silver is expensive, so it should be fifty coins.

   Endured it and ate it, and asked casually, "How long has she been practicing?"

   "It's almost two hours."

Yang Hongling, who is practicing, is very focused. She is practicing the five-element phantom spirit method. Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu and Qilin are solid and lifelike. Under her control, she fights skillfully, cooperates tacitly, and attacks with defense at the same time. When defending and attacking, in a few days, you will be able to practice to the second level with a little success.

   "Did you go out last night?"

   "No!" Xiaosi said.

   "It's so confusing that even I didn't understand it. It seemed like I was waiting for some news, but I didn't waste time. I was cultivating while waiting for the news."

   At this time.

  Yang Hong Lingyu made a move, and the five holy beasts turned into five auras, and turned into her palm. After finishing training, she came over, looked at the two bunches of candied haws in his hand, and joked with a smile, "Did you bring them specially for me?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded with a smile, and handed over the candied haws in his hand.

  Took the candied haws, unwrapped one of the packages, opened her **** and hot mouth to bite one, said while eating, "Come out with me tonight."

   "Is there something wrong?"

   "Did Xiao Si tell you?"

   "It doesn't know much."

Yang Hongling said: "Didn't you be assassinated some time ago? I asked people to pay attention to help find the whereabouts of Jingshen and Huangji. After investigation, the news came today. The person in charge of Jingshen will pick up a person tonight." big shot."

   14,000 words burst!

   Please ask for a monthly pass. Brothers and sisters who have a monthly pass, please vote for Little Octopus.

   Let me just say that all the plots are useful, linking the past and the future, and the work is tiring, much more tiring than before. This volume is really important.

   Ask for further reading and support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

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