MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 143 Zhang Ronghua's promotion

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  Chapter 143 Zhang Ronghua's promotion

"Sugar-coated haws…"

The gem-like beautiful eyes burst into amazing light, a pair of delicate willow-leaf eyebrows, bent into a crescent moon, looking at the peddler in front, holding a wooden stand in his hand, with candied haws on his head, big and round hawthorns, looking at It was very attractive, Yang Hongling ran over quickly holding the long skirt.

   "...!" Zhang Ronghua was speechless.

   Almost felt negative shadows, walked over helplessly, praying secretly, this time the candied haws are sweet.

  Yang Hongling has a good memory and recognized it. The peddler in front of her was the one who lied to her that the candied haws were not sour. He narrowed his eyes and joked, "Is it sour?"

Embarrassed, the old man glanced at the candied haws, which had been sold for a long time, but only a few were sold. If the sweet ones had been sold out long ago, he looked at the girl in front of him and felt very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. Zhang Ronghua, with a unique temperament, handsome and handsome, like a spring breeze, makes people feel warm.

If it was one of them, whether it was Zhang Ronghua or Yang Hongling, they couldn't remember it, but the two of them were together, a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and it was difficult to forget, with one mouth, big yellow teeth showing, and a warm smile: "Sour! It must be sour! The little old man never sells sweet candied haws, only sour ones."

  Yang Hongling took out two taels of silver from the purse and handed it over: "I have it all."

   "You take it!"

  The old man handed over the shelf, happily put away the broken silver and left in a hurry.

   Picking off a bunch of candied haws, Yang Hongling handed it over: "Here."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled bitterly: "Can I not eat?"


  Can’t avoid it, so I have to take it, remove the oil paper on it, look at the hawthorn, it’s big, coated with a thin layer of rock sugar, Zhang Ronghua bites one, the taste is still the same, it’s too sour! No one likes to eat this except pregnant women.

   Seeing his wonderful expression changes, Yang Hongling deliberately joked: "Delicious!"

  Zhang Ronghua handed over the candied haws: "Try it and you'll know?"

  Yang Hongling opened her **** and bright red lips without any affectation, bit one generously, then smacked her small mouth twice: "It's not bad."

   "Really delicious?"

  Take off a bunch of candied haws, remove the oiled paper, Yang Hongling bit one, and handed it to Zhang Ronghua: "Give it back to you!"

  Looking into her eyes with a playful smile, Zhang Ronghua was defeated, and raised the candied haws in his hand to signal: "I have it."

  Took the wooden frame from her hand and carried it on her shoulders.

  Continue to walk forward, the capital city after the rain, the air is fresh, the sun is warm, and there is some stagnant water on the ground. At a glance, there is a rush of people on Suzaku Avenue, and there are people everywhere.

   Arriving outside the first store of Qingyun Inn, Yang Hongling walked inside.

  Zhang Ronghua was surprised: "What are you doing?"

   "Change clothes!"


  Seeing the owner coming, the guard at the door hurriedly saluted, and entered the hall, the shopkeeper Lao Geng's eyes lit up, he put down his pen, and quickly greeted him: "I've seen the young master!"

  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand casually: "Go to work!"

  Take Yang Hongling into the backyard, stop outside his room, wait for her to go in, stand at the door, and continue eating candied haws.

   for a while.

The door opened, and Yang Hongling changed her clothes. The purple classic long skirt was gone, and the black square gown exposed her navel, exposing her lubricated and flat belly, shining brightly, like a piece of suet jade, and so was her jade arm. In this way, the short part is covered, and underneath is a pair of white shorts, matched with water-colored stockings, the same color as the skin, as thin as a cicada's wing, embroidered with some strange symbols, not only will not violate harmony, but There is something different about it, and it makes people feel an impulse to dismantle these symbols and find out.

Jewelry, earrings, and hairpins were all gone, and she seemed to have put them away, and her black boots stepped on the ground, making a dull sound, and stopped beside him, pretending to ask casually, "Which one of the two outfits?" nice?"

  Zhang Ronghua said seriously: "I am face blind."

  Yang Hongling glared at him, then kicked him angrily, and seeing him dodge with a smile, he called out, "Let's go!"

  Out of the inn, just about to leave.

There are ten imperial guards, and a battalion of Jinlin Xuantian Army, escorting a chariot, and five top-notch sacred Tianlong horse-drawn chariots, luxurious, noble, and showing majesty, with a "Summer" engraved on each side of the frame. ", and there is a small character "eight" below it.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "People from the royal family?"

  Yang Hongling recognized it: "Princess Eight—Princess Mingyue."


   Seeing his casual attitude, Yang Hongling asked, "Aren't you curious?"

   "Why be curious?"

   "Don't want to hear about her?"

   There was a hidden light in the corner of his eyes, and he wanted to see his inner thoughts from Zhang Ronghua's face.

"Not interested in!"

   "Giggle~!" Yang Hongling was amused.

  Introduction: "Princess Mingyue is beautiful and kind-hearted. She is also a talented woman. She is very knowledgeable, comparable to ordinary Confucian scholars, and has a great reputation. There are many dignitaries who want to propose marriage to His Majesty, but His Majesty has never let go."

   At this time, the convoy drove over and passed by them.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Are you still shopping?"


  The two continued to wander around, stopping to taste something delicious. Starting from Zhuque Avenue, they walked three streets in a row. When it was dark, Zhang Ronghua carried a large bag of food.

  The mental exhaustion is very serious. Even if he is a big brother in the sky, he would feel too much to go shopping with a woman, it is too tortured!

  Fate Learning Palace entrance.

  Duan Jiu and other disciples stood on their posts with expressionless faces and cold faces, their eyes were motionless, as if they were sculptures, as if we hadn't seen you.

  Yang Hongling invited: "Aren't you going to come in?"

   Glancing at the sky, it was already late.

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "No! Tomorrow I have to go to court, go back early to rest, next time!"

   "Yes." Yang Hongling nodded.

  Waving his hand, he entered the Fate Academy.

  Wait for her to leave, Duan Jiu walked over quickly, and shouted enthusiastically: "Senior brother!"

Zhang Ronghua smiled, looked at the candied haws and other snacks in his hands, and was worried that there was nowhere to go. Now, let them digest it, and stuffed the wooden frame of candied haws, together with other snacks, leaving only one Stir-fried chestnuts with sugar, and said with a smile: "I will serve you as a supper."

  Turning around gracefully, eating candied chestnuts and leaving.

  Duan Jiu looked at the candied haws in his hands, and other snacks, and laughed, it’s better to be alone than to be together...

  Go back to the home of Zhuquefang.

  The purple cat went to catch the Time Treasure Mouse, and there was a sense of tranquility in the courtyard. He dug some well water, took a simple bath, did not practice, swung his right hand, turned off the lights, and fell asleep on the bed.

   It was rare to have a good night's sleep. Seeing that it was time to go to court, Zhang Ronghua got up from the bed, changed into official clothes, washed up, went to the front yard, and drove to the palace in the time car.

  Soft on top.

   Eating trendy brand fried dough sticks and scallions, and occasionally drinking tofu nao, I was curious, what will Emperor Xia reward, and whether it will be promoted to another level?

   Shaking his head, he was a bit confused.

  After breakfast, I didn’t lie down on the bed for a nap. I had a good night’s sleep last night. This sleep made up all the sleep I had these days, and I felt energetic and refreshed.

  Put up the cultivation posture with five hearts facing the sky, form mudra with both hands, and practice the mental method of good fortune. Although the mental strength is only second-level, the benefits it brings are huge.

   "Woo~!" Shi Bo pulled the reins, and the Time Car stopped outside the Suzaku Gate.

  With Zhang Ronghua possessing the True Dragon Token, he no longer has to park at the guardrail a hundred feet away as before.

  Turning around, reminding me softly: "Qing Lin is here."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

Standing up from the soft collapse, after these two days of practice, just now, the mentality of good fortune has been raised to the second level, and the mental strength has been raised to the third level. Put on the boots, open the curtain, and step on the ponytail. Come down and order: "Don't wait for me at night."

  In the morning of the meeting, if His Majesty rewards you, no matter whether you are promoted or not, even if it is a high-profile transfer to another department with real power, he will treat you and call Chen Youcai and the others out for a gathering.

  Two properties opened yesterday. Although we have gathered together, the nature is different.

  There are not many other things in the officialdom, but there are many entertainments, either drinking or on the way to drinking.

   Entered the Suzaku Gate.

  With a sullen face, he walked towards the Tianwei Gate. The officials passing by saw him coming and gave him a sour look, envious in his heart.

  Some political opponents were furious and wanted to stop it, but there was nothing they could do about it. The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven was a conspiracy, and Cui Ge shot himself in the foot. Zhang Ronghua not only carried everything, but also exceeded the quota.

   It's now.

The content of the biography of the Emperor of Heaven has been spread. It is not a secret in the capital. The Ministry of Rites drafts the regulations, and then submits them to the Tianji Pavilion, which is then decided by His Majesty. Every corner of Daxia's territory, let the people bathe in the grace of the dragon, and remember it forever.

at the same time.

The person who compiled the biography of the Emperor of Heaven also became famous along with it, becoming the most learned person in the Great Xia Dynasty and the object of worship by thousands of scholars. This is prestige and qualifications. Benefits cannot be measured in money.

   Entered the Tianwei Gate.

  Walking on the Ziji Avenue, Ignoring the strange eyes from others, I continued to move forward.

  Although he didn't scan, but with Zhang Ronghua's current cultivation level, he also cultivated the mental method of good fortune, and his six senses became stronger. In his senses, there were many eyes looking at him, some of which were well hidden, but with hostility.

Arriving at Ziji Hall, enter through the side door on the left, more than half of the officials in the main hall have come, it seems that he came early today, when he came here in the past, almost everyone arrived, standing in the line of the Ministry of Rites calmly At the end of the battle, watch your nose and mouth with your eyes, and recharge your batteries for the next confrontation.

   In a quarter of an hour.

   All civil and military officials have arrived, and Nuo Da’s palace is almost full. Eunuch Xiao came in with two eunuchs and closed the Ziji Gate and the two side doors.

  The sound of closing the door sounded "Yiya", and everyone knew that the good show had begun.

  The sound of steady, vigorous and powerful footsteps came from behind the dragon chair. Emperor Xia was wearing a gold-plated dragon robe, with his hands behind his back, his eyes contemptuous of the world, and he walked over from behind with a huge imperial coercion and aura.

  The crown prince, Wei Shang followed closely, and two eunuchs.

Sitting on the dragon chair, there seemed to be a huge aura rushing towards the face invisibly, making everyone calm down and controlling their breathing. They didn't even dare to pant too much, for fear of going out of line and attracting others' attention .

  Civil and military officials saluted (cupped fists) and shouted: "See Your Majesty!"

  Sullen Xia Huang stretched out his right hand casually, representing the supreme power. With a light wave, all civil and military officials retreated to the queue.

   Wei Shang took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "If there is something to do, we will play, and if there is nothing to do, we will retreat!"

The script has been arranged, and almost as soon as his voice fell, the left servant of the official department took a step forward, bowed and saluted, and said: "My Majesty! The biography of the Emperor of Heaven elaborates in detail on your hard work, hard work, governance, people's well-fed, and peace. , Slay hundreds of clans of true spirits, clans of fierce beasts, exterminate demons and ghosts, and the big merchants who fight again dare not make any changes, seize half of the state, open up borders and crack the soil, and have made great contributions. reward!"

   took a breath and continued.

"My minister proposes that Cao Xingguan be promoted to the third rank and serve as Lieutenant of the Jinlin Xuantian Military Academy; Jin Yaoguang, Zhou Yi and Cui Daoqing are re-appointed as Bachelors of the Academy of Sciences, and they are fifth-rank officials; Zhao Bai, Pei Lin, Ji Xuedong and Zhu Jiafu are promoted to one rank and increase Their burdens were transferred to heavier departments to contribute to the construction and growth of the dynasty; Served as the deputy general of Suzakumen, guarding the outer palace! Zhang Ronghua, as the editor-in-chief, has made the most contributions, rewarding the real dragon order, four driving cars, two thousand taels of gold, promotion to one level, and being promoted to the right general of the heavenly majesty, and guarding the outer palace together During the time when Cheng Zhijie was writing the biography of the emperor of heaven, he seriously dereliction of duty, did nothing, even obstructed it, and wanted to sabotage the process of writing the biography of the emperor of heaven. The minister suggested that he should be dismissed from office, demoted to a commoner, and handed over to the Dali Temple for interrogation."


  There was a thunder on the ground, and it exploded in the ears of civil and military officials without warning.

The above punishments and Cheng Zhijie’s punishment are nothing. Even if the latter is a little heavier, it is expected. If the faction struggle fails, someone will stand up and take the blame. By compiling the biography of Renhuang, taking down Zhang Ronghua, and then achieving the ulterior goal, now that the opponent has won a complete victory, they will naturally fight back, which is completely justified.

   But Zhang Ronghua's reward is really huge!

   Chengtian Weiyi is an official position, responsible for the defense of the entire outer palace, in charge of the Jinlin Xuantian Army, and other arms.

For other factions, it is a little better, but for the First Prince and others, this position is very important, plus Ding Yi, who has become the deputy general of the Suzaku Sect, once they gain a firm foothold and grasp the soldiers and horses in their hands, it will be very important to them. For the prince, it will be a huge help.

To put it bluntly, if Emperor Xia really can't do it, there is still a breath left in bed, the crown prince is about to succeed to the throne, they want to usurp the throne, leading troops into the palace, the outer palace is the first and most important step , if you can't even enter the outer palace, how can you enter the imperial palace?

  Before Zhang Ronghua worked in the East Palace, it was a military position! Confined to a corner, they still can't threaten them. Now they have jumped out of the ranks of generals, and now they are jumping in again, completing a leap-forward promotion and further expanding their influence in the army. I didn't think it before, but looking at it now, the consequences are too serious.

   With the power of the prince and queen, it is already monstrous! Then let them get involved in the army, and wait until they control half of the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, no! One-third of the time, everything will be a foregone conclusion. Facing a huge army, as well as powerful weapons in the army, military formations, spiritual objects, etc., even if all the princes join forces and combine forces, they will not be their opponents .

  The last, and most important, thing that scares them.

  Zhang Ronghua's ability is too strong. What he has done in the past few days as a scholar is the best proof. Even He Wenxuan was defeated. Cui Ge bowed his head and pretended to be dead, as if he didn't hear what he just said. This is a compromise of last resort!

Once he is allowed to enter the army, regardless of whether he is only the fourth in command, with his ability, he can even control the entire Outer Palace soldiers and horses, and lay a solid foundation like the Bachelor's Palace, even if he cannot hold the Outer Palace tightly. In the hands, more than half should be occupied, and then transferred to other military departments, what a fart, just surrender!

this moment.

  This group of princes made up their minds that Zhang Ronghua could not be allowed to enter the army no matter what. Didn't he jump out of the ranks of generals? Want to come back again? There are no doors! Stay honestly among the civil servants! Well, you are knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and you are a scholar!

   There is a tacit understanding, a rare collaboration.

He calmly asked his own people to come out to stop him, and a group of people jumped out and kicked Zhang Ronghua towards the civil servants, bluntly saying that he is highly knowledgeable and capable, and should be transferred to a more important department, and he should not waste his talents, so he ran away again. Back to serve in the army.

The crown prince lowered his head slightly, and has maintained this posture since he went to court, without any change. Hearing the words of the official left servant, his heart skipped a beat, his thoughts turned quickly, and from the corner of his eyes, he secretly He glanced at his father, wanting to guess his deep meaning.

The official department is in the hands of the father, no one can touch it, since Zuo Shilang jumped out, he must have the father's permission to see the scene in front of him, if not, he would not dare to jump out to act wild , and also proposed to promote Zhang Ronghua to the right general of Chengtian Weiyi. Isn't this courting death?

  However, this temptation is too great, the princes can think of it, can't he think of it? If Zhang Ronghua really became the right general of Chengtian Weiyi, he would be able to take this opportunity to tear apart a corner of the army, inject his own forces into it, and then develop slowly, the position below his buttocks will be as stable as Mount Tai! But why did the emperor do this? Doesn't he know the consequences? impossible! With Father's scheming, he can see through the essence of the matter at a glance. It is impossible not to know. Could it be that Father's body has something wrong and paves the way for himself in advance? Still testing yourself?

  If it’s the former, it’s okay, you can wake up from your dreams with a smile! If it's the latter, thinking of this, the prince's cold sweat broke out in fright, he suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and continued to listen, no matter what, anyone can speak out about the matter in front of him, but he can't!

  Zhang Ronghua frowned, and analyzed the situation in front of him. The bureaucracy is the foundation of Emperor Xia, and the army is also in his hands. He himself was transferred from the generals, and now he is transferred back to pave the way for the crown prince? Or is it a test? A little bigger, take this opportunity to try the attitude of Manchu civil and military?

With a quick glance, he looked at the people who jumped out. At the beginning, there were only people from the princes. Now, other factions have also jumped out. About half of them stood still in the queue, and even some The neutral faction also ended for some unknown purpose.

  Combined with his guess and the information he has, Emperor Xia should be testing, testing the crown prince, testing the civil and military officials, and maybe other purposes, but the information is limited, so it is difficult to guess. He wants to see the reactions of the court officials.

  If he really wants to transfer himself into the army, what about the exercises? Just give up like this? Judging from his performance on Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong last time, and taking the opportunity to reward the True Dragon Token, and then going to the Wanshu Palace, he will never give up the follow-up exercises, and will definitely let himself find ways to create more powerful exercises , increasing his lifespan.

   Figure out Emperor Xia's original intention, increase his awe of Emperor Xia, and play with all civil and military officials in applause with a single move. This strategy is very terrifying.

   Continue to paddle for fish, no matter how they jump, it has nothing to do with me.

   After waiting for a while, seeing that no one came out, Emperor Xia looked at the five elders, and the third gentleman skipped work again. He was aboveboard, no one dared to jump out and make irresponsible remarks, and asked, "What about you?"

  Whether it is Zeng Runyu, elder Cui, or the other three elders, they are all old foxes. They have far-sightedness, rich experience, and if they don't understand the situation, don't make a random move and kick the ball to Emperor Xia.

   "Everything is up to His Majesty!"

  The majestic and heavy voice of Emperor Xia sounded again: "What the family said is reasonable. Zhang Ronghua is knowledgeable and talented. It is inappropriate to transfer him to the army."

  Elder Prince and the rest are half-hearted, and so are all civil and military officials.

  I only heard Emperor Xia say again: "Those who have made meritorious deeds must be rewarded, and those who have done so must be punished! Zhang Ronghua has made great contributions to compiling the biography of the Emperor of Heaven, and ordinary contributions cannot show how much I value talents. Do you have any suggestions?"

  Everyone lives in Bengbu, you look at me, I look at you, headache! Very difficult! Do not know what to do.

  If it were me, I would jump somersaults on the spot when I was happy, but this is Zhang Ronghua, I don't want him to be promoted, but now I can't hold it down, it's like eating a fly, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

  He bowed his head and said nothing, acting like a coward.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials took a step forward and came out of the queue. Following his movement, everyone's attention was immediately attracted to him. At this time, some smart people have realized that they have been fooled. His Majesty may have long since appointed Zhang Ronghua. Arranged, now the scene is fishing, they are that stupid fat fish!

  Thinking of this, the Baokou princes took a breath in their hearts, and broke out in a cold sweat. They made up their minds that no matter what the Minister of the Ministry of Officials said later, they would all nod in agreement. The premise should not be too much.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials said in a deep voice: "A few days ago, Wu Yang Jian, a doctor of the Ministry of Industry, was wiped out, and I was also killed by a fierce beast. Now that the position is vacant, I propose to let Zhang Ronghua take over his position, and be promoted to be a doctor of the Ministry of Industry, in charge of the work of Wu Yangjian! "

  The doctor of the Ministry of Industry is the fourth rank, the real power department!

  The department that Wu Yangjian mastered is the most important department, and it involves a lot of professional knowledge, which ordinary people can't handle. Although Zhang Ronghua replaced him, it is very difficult to open up the situation in the Ministry of Industry! This has nothing to do with knowledge. It involves refining, research, invention, innovation, etc. Without a solid foundation, it is difficult to move forward. Compared with Cheng Tianweiyi, the right general, it is within the tolerance range.

  If you refuse again, His Majesty will not agree.

   Considering the pros and cons clearly, choosing the lesser of two evils, no one jumped out to stop it, the same goes for the eldest prince and others, they directly agreed, Zhang Ronghua's appointment was arranged in this way.

The only change, Xiahuang opened his mouth and transferred Ding Yi to be the chief secretary of the Ministry of Industry. From the official position of the fourth rank, he became Zhang Ronghua's deputy. manage together.

   A series of changes, dazzling.

  Zhang Ronghua came out to thank them when his reward was set, and watched them perform at other times.

  The court meeting is over.

  Out of the Ziji Hall, walked towards the Scholars Hall, but did not go to the Ministry of Rites to visit Pei Caihua. With the promotion of his official position, he will soon be transferred from the Scholars Hall.

   Arrived at the Bachelor's Hall, entered the yard, Lu Junxiu and others stood waiting at the door, the court meeting had just ended, and the news had not been spread yet, seeing him coming, he hurried up to greet him, bowed and saluted: "I have seen you, sir!"

   I took a look and saw that everyone was there.

  Zhang Ronghua greeted: "Talk inside."

   Entered the main hall, everyone followed, Cao Xing stood guard outside, closed the hall door, sat down according to the position, met their eyes, and took the initiative to explain the matter.

   Finish listening.

  The four of Zhao Bai immediately stood up, respectfully saluted and thanked: "Thank you for your cultivation!"

   "Farewell today, I want to work together again in the future, I don't know when it will be, I wish you all the best in your new positions."

   "Thank you for your blessing!" After a pause, Zhao Bai and the others said again.

   "My lord, when you are free, send someone to let me know. I will prepare a banquet and thank you for your support these days."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "This time is very busy, let's wait a while!"

  Zhao Bai and the others understood, saluted again, and left immediately.

  Cao Xing was also called in.

  In the main hall, there are only seven of them left.

Taking a sip from the teacup, Zhang Ronghua put down the teacup, and said in a deep voice: "Your appointment will come down later, and Li Yiming will come with you. He is an old man from Zengge. There is more than enough rubbing in the Bachelor Hall!"

  Looking at Lu Junxiu.

   "You have to remember, He Wenxuan and the others won't let it go like this. You must be careful in doing things in the future, and don't leave any clues."

   "The subordinate understands! I will not let you down!"

  Look at Jin Yaoguang and the others again.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The opportunity is given to you, cherish it! Do things with heart, a bachelor is just the starting point, I dare not say what will happen in the future, but it is no problem to return to the previous official position."

  Jin Yaoguang and the three of them had a very positive attitude, and their words were very straightforward: "We are your people, so we can do whatever you say! In the days to come, assist Master Lu to do a good job in the work of the Academy."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction.

  Look at Cao Xing again.

  Cao Xing didn't expect that he would be promoted to the third rank, from a small boy to the sky in one step, to be a captain, and to grasp the power of Nuo Da, he hurriedly stood up from the chair, his body was straight, like a sharp sword.

   "Sit down and talk!"

  Cao Xing sat down again, the same as before, only half of his buttocks, with his chest upright, ready to stand up at any time.

  Zhang Ronghua explained: "Although the position of the lieutenant is low, it is very important in the Jinlin Xuantian Army! After assuming the new position, do your job well and do what you say as soon as possible."

   Subtext, firmly grasp your own troops.

  Cao Xing understood, and said seriously: "This subordinate will definitely not let you down!"

   Wave your hand and let them go down.

  The door of the temple was closed again.

   No outsiders were present, and he spoke casually.

  Ding Yi took the teapot and filled Zhang Ronghua's teacup, poured another cup for himself, put down the teapot, and expressed doubts: "Did you really get promoted?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua was also quite surprised.

  I was promoted too fast, no matter how much credit I had for writing the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, logically speaking, His Majesty would at most increase his power, but not be promoted. Unexpectedly, the most unlikely thing happened.

   Once again, I went through the scene in the court hall again. Looking at it now, the left servant of the official department proposed that he be the right general of Chengtian Weiyi, not only to test the prince, civil and military officials, but most importantly, to pave the way for himself to be promoted.

  If there is no such precedent, all officials will definitely not agree to be appointed as a doctor of the Ministry of Industry and a fourth-rank official as soon as he comes up! At most, let yourself take the official position of the fourth rank and temporarily take the position of the doctor of the Ministry of Industry.

But with Chengtian Weiyi right general in front, Gongbu Langzhong is a little lighter compared to him, although he is very powerful, he is not as scary as the former one. , Some people will not be able to sleep or eat.

  The most important point is to veto His Majesty once, and then veto the second time. Once His Majesty gets angry, the consequences will be serious! Someone must be unlucky. Seeing that the situation is unstoppable, they will push the boat with the current.

   After sorting out his clues, he said seriously: "The good show is yet to come."

   "Which department is Wu Yangjian in charge of?"

   "Lingyan Division!"

  Ding Yi's complexion changed: "Lingyan Division?"

Thinking of its responsibilities, it is responsible for R&D, creation, refining, invention, etc. Since it has the word "spirit", it is inseparable from martial arts. It has a lot of power and has a pivotal position in the Ministry of Industry. The higher-ups will leave a lot of money and be transferred from this department. The end point of the future will be at least the third rank, and some people will climb to the first rank, and they will almost be able to enter the Tianji Pavilion.

  This has nothing to do with reading, it requires strong basic skills to be able to use it.

   Make an analogy.

It’s like asking you to refine a material. The formula and materials are ready, but you are blind and don’t know anything. It is very simple to delay a major event and want to punish a crime.

   Came back to his senses, and asked: "Brother, do you know how to refine weapons? Do you understand the research and development of materials?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly: "I understand a little bit."

  Ding Yi was relieved and smiled. Based on his understanding of his brother, if he knew a little bit, he knew everything. If he said he couldn’t, he knew a little bit.

   "How did elder Cui Ge react?"

   "People in his lineage, from beginning to end, including Cheng Zhijie's conviction, did not stand up to stop it."

   "This old guy is very bad! We have to be careful."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The Ministry of Industry is not under his jurisdiction. Even if it is done in the name of Tianji Pavilion, it must be reasonable. Otherwise, if you stretch out your hand rashly, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry will not agree."

   "That's what I said, I'm afraid they will exchange interests."

   "Who is the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry?"

   After pondering for a while, Ding Yi thought about it, and then shook his head: "I don't know! At this position, I am qualified to attack the Tianji Pavilion, and I don't think I will get involved in the royal family's mess, unless I give up on my own."

   "You can't look at things on the surface. These old guys hide very deep. They will never know who they are until the last moment."

  Ding Yi deeply felt the same, and asked again: "Brother, when shall we go there?"

   "Today is the handover. Tomorrow morning, I will go to the Ministry of Officials to go through the transfer procedures. It should be over in the afternoon."

   took a sip with the tea lid.

  Zhang Ronghua joked: "Now you are also from the fourth grade. Tomorrow you will go through the transfer procedures in the Ministry of Officials and you will go to the morning court. How do you feel?"

Ding Yi's face immediately turned bitter, as ugly as it could be: "Looking at a bunch of old guys spraying around there, how can it be as happy as watching girls dance in the Jiaofang Division? Embrace the right, kiss the little mouth, and put your hands up and down..."

   Speaking of this, Ding Yi remembered.

   "Brother, you promised me a few days ago that you would invite me to drink and listen to music after your vitality recovered. You will not break your promise?"

   "I have a good memory."

   "Hey! It's about women, I have always had a good memory."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You are not young anymore, it's time to start a family."

Ding Yi was dejected, and sighed helplessly: "I want to too! But the reality doesn't allow it, and the reputation has long been stinky. Who dares to marry their daughter to me among the rich and powerful in the capital? Isn't this pushing into the pit of fire? Ordinary people , even if I have a crush on him, even though Grandpa is not here, His Majesty will take care of Grandpa and will definitely not agree. Instead of making them sad and ruining their innocence, it is better to be single all the time, at least it will not harm others."

   "There are many princesses and princesses of the royal family who are in the cabinet. Which one do you think will not be like His Majesty's marriage proposal?"

  Ding Yi shook his head: "Identity is enough, but Your Majesty is also a human being! Knowing who I am, how can I deceive the princess and princess? Even if I die hard, I may not let go."

   It is true to say so, but in the royal family, the most important thing is the profit. As long as it can bring huge benefits, they will marry. It can only be said that Ding Yi is still a little bit worse now.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Call Chen Youcai, Lu Zhantang and the others to go to heaven and earth."

   "How to get there?"

   "The property under my name has opened several times in a row, including yesterday. Huo Jingyun has come to support me. This favor is repaid."


   "Let him talk to Xiao Mi and come back with her permission."

  Ding Yi understands, Zheng Fugui is already engaged, and will get married in a few days. It is not good to go to the Goulan at this time, in case there is a misunderstanding, it will affect the relationship between them.

  Thinking of Zhang Ronghua's other rewards, I asked again: "Brother, has the True Dragon Token been fully rewarded to you?"


   "Is there a four-wheeler and two thousand taels of gold?"

  The four chariots are four top-notch sacred dragon horse-drawn carriages. With Zhang Ronghua's official position, this is an exceptional reward. It represents a great significance, surpassing the value of the chariot itself. It shows that he is in the emperor's heart and is deeply valued by the Xia emperor.

  Patting the Wulong Yuling belt with his right hand on his waist, he took out a plate of black grapes and a plate of ginseng fruit.

  Zhang Ronghua threw a black grape into his mouth, ate the meat, and spat out the grape skin: "The car has not seen it yet, the gold will be delivered later."

   "In the future, when your car is driving on the street, the rate of turning heads must be very high, and it will be much more convenient to do anything."

  Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

  Lu Junxiu hurriedly ran from outside, stopped at the door, and knocked on the palace door: "My lord, Eunuch Xiao has brought someone here."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly: "Here we come."

   stood up from the chair, opened the door, and went out.

  Eunuch Xiao led a team of imperial guards and stopped in the courtyard carrying four boxes. He smiled and was happy for Zhang Ronghua: "Your Majesty asked our family to send two thousand taels of gold."


  Eunuch Xiao waved his hand, Ren Huangwei opened the box, revealing the gold inside, which was golden and neatly stacked, very eye-catching under the sunlight.

   "Two thousand taels of gold, one tael is not much."

   made a gesture to ask the imperial guard to close the box, and then asked: "Where is it?"

   "Enlarge the hall first."

  Eight celebrity imperial guards carried the box and walked towards the main hall.

  Eunuch Xiao winked and signaled him to follow. The two of them stopped in the corner, with no outsiders around, and spoke very casually: "Eunuch Wei asked me to give you a sentence, read more books if you have nothing to do."

  Zhang Ronghua understands that this is to remind himself not to forget to create exercises: "Help me tell Eunuch Wei that Qinglin likes to read since he was a child."

   Finish the business.

  Eunuch Xiao was concerned: "How is the recovery?"

   "Grandpa Xiao has been bothered, and he has basically recovered."

"Your status is getting higher and higher. Although your cultivation is extraordinary and you are at the seventh level of the Grandmaster Realm, you are not afraid of 10,000, just in case. Some people jump the wall in a hurry and can do anything. If something happens, even if the murderer is eliminated afterwards. , is of no avail!"

   "I know it!"

  Eunuch Xiao didn't say any more, and took people away.

  In the main hall.

  Lu Junxiu and the others were called in, opened the four boxes, and placed them in front of them. At close range, feeling the visual impact brought by the gold, no matter how strong their restraint was, they still couldn't help but look over in the face of the living temptation.

  There are five hundred taels of gold in each box, which is exactly two thousand taels of gold.

  Zhang Ronghua pointed to a box: "You share the gold in this box, eighty taels per person."

  The five people were astonished.

  Lu Junxiu reacted quickly, and hastily refused: "Your Excellency, you can't do it! This is a reward from His Majesty..."

Zhang Ronghua interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "You have no other business outside. You only rely on your salary. Although it is enough to maintain the family's expenses, it is inevitable that you will be in short supply. If you reach out and be found by others, you will be stabbed at the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Walk."

"This this…"

   "That's it!"

  Zhang Ronghua took out an empty sumeru bag and threw it to Cao Xing: "I reward you."

  Cao Xing accepted it excitedly. With the Sumeru bag, it will be much more convenient to do things in the future. He hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you for the reward, my lord!"

  Take a step forward, put the box away, and divide it when you are on duty.

  Wait for them to go out, and the door of the temple is closed.

  Zhang Ronghua pointed to a box: "Take it."

  Ding Yi is not polite, although he is not short of money, but this is his brother's wish, he must accept it, and put this box into the sumeru bag.

   With a wave of his sleeves.

Zhang Ronghua put the remaining two boxes into the belt of Wulong Yuling, and glanced at him. After this period of training, and with the help of sufficient elixir, Ding Yi's cultivation has been raised to the ninth level of the Houtian realm. It is very solid, under the nourishment of the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong, the meridians are thick, strong and powerful, the body and soul become stronger, and the life span also increases a little.

  Take out the remaining bottle of Bai Ling Dan, throw it over, and introduce to his puzzled eyes: "This is the low-grade medicine Bai Ling Dan."

  Ding Yi accepted it with a smile, without asking further: "Thank you brother!"

   "Don't waste time, go practice!"

  Getting up from the chair, Zhang Ronghua went into the room, sat on the carpet, practiced the Phoenix Divine Fire, and raised this supernatural power to rank six as soon as possible. By then, the power will become even stronger.

  Tianji Pavilion.

  In the main office hall.

  Two pairs of small eyes looked at each other, no emotion could be seen in each other's eyes, they were as indifferent as ice, just looking at each other like this.

   Half a sound.

  He Wenxuan couldn't hold back any longer. The anger suppressed in his heart broke out these days, and he said unwillingly: "Why? He has been promoted to the fourth rank!"


  Old Cui Ge grabbed the teacup and smashed it on the ground angrily, the tea spilled on the precious carpet, angrily said: "I am not reconciled either!"

   Say again.

"Originally, it was possible to slow down his promotion speed, but His Majesty counted everyone in this move. If we don't agree, he will be transferred to the army and serve as the right general of Chengtian Weiyi. In that way, although there is no direct relationship, but there will still be confrontations in the court, and the struggle between factions will still be involved. At the same time, it will also offend most factions.”

He Wenxuan understands that if Zhang Ronghua is transferred to the army because of them, the eldest prince and others will hate them to death. A single prince is not terrible. With their power, they have not been taken seriously, but all the princes united, even if With Cui Ge Lao covering him, life will be very difficult.

   Still not convinced! Also very aggrieved! It was they who proposed to write the biography of the Emperor of Heaven. Not to mention the loss of others, they also promoted the political opponents and fueled the arrogance of the enemies.

   Even the department directly under the Hall of Scholars is controlled by Zhang Ronghua's people, no! Elder Zeng Ge also took advantage of this time, and transferred his people to the Hall of Bachelors, becoming one of the principals.

  Based on such a calculation, at the end of the fight, everyone has benefited, only they are working in vain and losing people.

  Ask again: "Is it true that Fu Shangshu has nothing to do with the palace?"

  Fu Shangshu's full name is Fu Kun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

   "The old man has no definite news here, which can confirm that he has taken refuge in the palace."

He Wenxuan understands that if you want to enter the Tianji Pavilion, although there is no clear text, there is a default rule. Only with an innocent identity and no connection with the palace can you be eligible to be selected. Once you have a relationship with the palace, no matter how powerful you are, you will be exhausted Shangshu was capped and could not go any further. He was an extremely human minister and became one of the most powerful people in the Great Xia Dynasty.

  Compared with Pei Caihua, Fu Kun belongs to the young and strong faction. Although he is the minister of the Ministry of Industry, his official position is one level lower and his qualifications are not enough. He will have to wait two or three years before he can run for office.

   tentatively said: "Why don't you go down to the official after you are on duty?"

  Cui Ge did not speak, stretched out two fingers, knocked on the table, heard the sound of "dong dong", his thoughts turned, he quickly thought about the pros and cons, and finally shook his head: "The situation is not clear, don't take it lightly!"

  Knowing that He Wenxuan was not reconciled, and he was not reconciled, he patiently enlightened him.

"Fu Kun is a local snake, and Zhang Ronghua is a dragon crossing the river. With the compilation of the biography of the Emperor of Heaven, when it is passed down, the reputation will rise and the limelight will be second to none. It is the time when the spirit is high, and so many things can be done in the scholar's hall. When he gets to the Ministry of Industry, do you think he can calm down? Even if he is willing, Fu Kun will agree? When he goes to the Ministry of Officials tomorrow to complete the transfer procedures, and after he takes up his duty, the eyes of the court will be on the Ministry of Industry, watching them fight each other."

He Wenxuan made it clear. He didn't expect it before. He was blinded by anger and forgot about it. After thinking about it, he showed a sneer and gloated: "If Zhang Ronghua loses, he will lose not only his face, but also Pei Caihua. And the prince's face, if he wins! Fu Kun, as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, has lost his face, and will definitely take revenge at all costs, and the show will become more and more exciting by then."

Mr. Cui Ge stroked his beard, smiled triumphantly, and added: "It's more than that! If Zhang Ronghua wins, he will take this opportunity to touch Fu Kun's bottom, know himself and the enemy, and win every battle. Yes, there’s no harm in being prepared in advance.”

   "The lower official understands!"

  Cui Ge said again: "The old man has already communicated with Zeng Ge. When he leaves the bachelor's hall, he will support someone and join hands with Li Yiming to take Lu Junxiu and the others out."

   "Yes!" He Wenxuan's eyes flickered, and because of excitement, he clenched his palms tightly.

   "Go down!"

He Wenxuan got up from the chair, did not hurry away, took another teacup, poured a cup of tea, placed it in front of Cui Gelao, took a broom, swept the broken teacup on the ground, and then bowed leave.

   took a sip of tea.

  Cui Ge said: "Although the ability is a bit weak, but I know how to be grateful. It is worthwhile for me to spend so much effort in cultivating it!"


   Had lunch.

As soon as he was on duty in the afternoon, people from the official department came with Li Yiming. He was a doctor. Others don’t need to give face, but the official department must give face. Zhang Ronghua took Ding Yi and others to greet him in the courtyard. , chatted for a few words, the doctor of the official department left, Li Yiming put down his posture, and made a salute: "I have seen you, my lord!"

   Reach out without hitting the smiling face.

  Zhang Ronghua responded, and took Lu Junxiu and him to carry out the handover. Lu Junxiu's side has already made arrangements, and taking him there is just a formality.

   for a while.

   Return to the office hall again.

  Ding Yi looked serious, and said solemnly: "Judging from his appearance, this person is a smiling tiger. If there is old Zeng Ge to help, I wonder if Lu Junxiu and the others can stand up to it."

   "More than that!"

  Ding Yi reacted quickly: "Old Zeng Ge will join hands with Elder Cui Ge?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   "Such an important department, dedicated to cultivating talents and increasing qualifications, it is impossible not to hold it in hand."

   "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Ronghua was calm and calm, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, holding the teacup, took a casual bet, took another sip, put down the teacup, and said calmly: "The young eagle can only see the rainbow after going through the wind and rain! The opportunity has been given, can you bear it?" It depends on their abilities when they are of great use.”

Ding Yi pondered, and then said: "Whether it is Lu Junxiu or Jin Yaoguang, they have struggled in the officialdom for so many years, especially the latter, who has rich experience, otherwise they would not be able to secure the position of Taixue Jijiu. The four of them joined forces , should be able to block it."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, if not, what would he have put in so much effort to arrange for the three of Jin Yaoguang to join the writing team of Tiandi Biography? It was not to help Lu Junxiu take control of the Bachelor's Palace.

  The result depends on their next performance.

   "Is there anyone you know at Dali Temple?"


   "Can you speak without knowing or knowing?"

"This is acceptable!"

  Zhang Ronghua's eyes flickered with coldness, and he said coldly: "Someone bring a message to Cheng Zhijie, someone wants to take advantage of the opportunity of the birth of the treasure, and order the demon to silence him!"

  Ding Yi understood that this was forcing Cheng Zhijie to bite out some people, and said seriously: "I will handle things, don't worry! I won't leave any lies."

  Thinking of the previous few times, he stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Ning Xindian: "They shouldn't be looking for you again, right?"

  Zhang Ronghua rubbed his head with a headache. Thinking of the pair of sisters, who are so powerful, they are not satisfied.

   "Why don't we drop the value now?"

   "You can hide for a while, but you can't hide forever. If you can hide today, what about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

  Ding Yi was puzzled: "I still don't understand! It's all a faction, why do they do this?"

  Zhang Ronghua sternly warned: "This word is rotten in my heart, never say it!"

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.


  Ningxin Palace, bedroom.

A huge phoenix bed is hung with a silk curtain as thin as cicada's wings. It has been dyed and changed, and it is pink. It sprinkles from the ceiling at the top, like a fairy scattered flowers to cover the phoenix bed, adding interest and embellishing the atmosphere. Atmosphere, the curtain curtains on the front are divided and tied by curtain beaded gold ribbons.

The queen is like a wild cat, lying lazily on her side, with her left arm supporting her left face, her left leg stretched out, her right leg bent, pressing on her left leg casually, her jade feet swinging, slightly rubbing together, **** , Delicate little feet, kicking around in the air, the toenails are covered with gorgeous rose red nail polish, the toenails are very long, fragrant and delicate, arousing people's most primitive desires.

Moving up along the jade feet, the smooth and delicate skin is slightly flushed, as if it has just been massaged, soft and tender, only covered with a moon-white tulle, it is really thin, as if the air does not exist at all It seems that it is not used to cover up the spring, but to set off her charm.

Long and curved eyelashes, dotted with some crystals, like crystal beads, like eye ointment, ruddy and attractive red lips, the lipstick is thickly applied, and it looks very red. Not only does it not violate the sense of harmony, it makes people think To taste her red lips.

  The slender, boneless catkin as white as a lotus root held a black grape and threw it into his mouth. The pink and soft tongue licked between his lips: "Are you promoted again?"

   13,000 words burst!

   Yesterday I went to bed at 6 o’clock, woke up at 11 o’clock to type, I didn’t understand why I wrote this, I was stunned!

   Ask for further reading, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)