MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 136 Assassination of Zhang Ronghua

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  Chapter 136 Assassination of Zhang Ronghua

  The remaining spirit tea, bitter bodhi tea, should be reserved for one or two to give to the old master. It has no other meaning. The pure juniors honor the elders. In this way, there is still a little left, which is only enough to brew three pots.

  Zhang Ronghua was surprised. The last time Ji Xueyan gave him Donghai Wanling tea, he said that the bitter bodhi tea is very hard to find, and he doesn't even know where it is. Where did Su Qiutang get it?

  Thinking of the identities of the two women, I knew it clearly.

Although Ji Xueyan is the crown jewel in the palm of the Taifu and the successor of Jixia Academy, after all, he has not grown up, but Su Qiutang is different. He controls the Phoenix Guard, a powerful force comparable to the Dragon Palace, and the queen stands behind him, determined to make it happen. One thing, although laborious, is easier than Ji Xueyan.

Just like the old master, the holy water of the underworld and the heart of the rising sun are all things against the sky. If you are an ordinary person, let alone get it, I’m afraid you don’t know where it is. The location was determined in a very short time, and people were sent to fetch it. This is power.

   Put away these articles, stood up from the chair, opened the door and walked out, stood at the door, looking at the dark moonlight, quiet and natural, and the sound of insects rang out.

  Looking in the direction of Taifu's mansion, he muttered to himself: "Aren't you coming tonight?"

   Thinking about it is right, what happened last night, Yang Hongling almost found out, Ji Xueyan is afraid that she will be a frightened bird now, and it is too late to hide, so how could she come here?

   Shaking his head.

  Walk to the edge of the artificial lake and stop, looking at the ornamental fish in the water, hiding at the bottom of the lake to rest, with a little glow, standing on the shore and looking at it, like looking at a treasure, gorgeous and charming, pleasing to the eye.

With one step, take a stance, mobilize Haoran's righteousness, and use Haoran Wanjian Jue as the basis to practice the Great Five Elements Breaking Heaven Sword Formation. It has changed even more, from nearly 500 at the beginning, to nearly 700 after practicing until now, each sword thread has the ultimate power, once it falls, it will shock the sky, destroy everything, and no one can stop it.

  Three times in a row, followed by the three-character secret technique of stepping on the sky and the first change of the true spirit treasure technique, the candle dragon change, plus the five-element phantom spirit method. It took a little time to practice them all before stopping.

  Draw some well water, take a simple shower, enter the room, and sit on the bed to practice Phoenix Divine Fire.


  Beicheng, near the city wall.

  A yard with two entrances and two exits.

  In the room.

A man in black, named Qin Hu, covered his face with only two eyes exposed, looking at the mouse in front of him. He was about the size of an ordinary house cat. His body was surrounded by black and white aura, exuding the aura of true spirit. The tenth level of the Grandmaster Realm is exactly the same as the Time Treasure Hunting Mouse in appearance, but it is not! It is called the horned color-changing mouse. It is a monster. It is gifted with supernatural powers—imitation. It can imitate the breath of monsters and real spirits. It is confusing to distinguish the real from the real.

  Qin Hu's indifferent and emotionless voice sounded: "You only have half an hour. No matter what method you use, you can attract everyone's attention. The bigger the commotion, the better."

  The horned chameleon sneered: "In this way, I can still live?"

   "You can refuse! But your child will die."

   "弱...!" The horned mouse's eyes were spitting fire, it gritted its teeth, and glared at him angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

Qin Hu continued: "As long as you are obedient and act according to the plan, afterward, we will teach your child the magical power "Heavenly Demon Surprised Animal Husbandry Dafa", and then give it sufficient cultivation resources. I don't need to say the benefits, you Should be clear."

The color-changing mouse with horned patterns is uncertain. The Tianyao Surprised Mu Dafa is a supernatural power. It is a supreme skill that you will never be able to touch in this life. It is far stronger than the skills they have inherited. With supernatural powers and sufficient training resources, once it grows up, it will definitely become a powerful monster.

   "How can I trust you?"

  Qin Hu sneered and sneered: "Do you still have the ability to bargain?"

  The horned variegated mouse is silent, it is glued to the board by humans, and I am the fish. There is no way to do it. Even if you are not convinced, you can’t do it if you want the mouse to die. If you really do that, it will be the first to die! Then there are its children, not to mention the benefits that follow.

   Helplessly agreed: "You better not lie to me!"

   "Relax your mind!" Qin Hu smiled.

  He took out a jade bottle from his bosom, which was blue in color, with a seal amulet on it, passed the jade bottle over, and introduced it.

"This is the heaven-ranked top-grade medicine Moonlight Pellet. After taking it, it will stimulate your potential and make the black and white aura more dazzling. Like the day, the speed will increase three times and last until dawn! When the power of the medicine disappears, it is time to die .”

  The horned mouse raised its paw and reluctantly took it.

  Qin Hu reminded again: "Remember! You only have half an hour, no matter what method you use, you must attract everyone's attention!"

   "Hmph!" the horned rat snorted coldly.

   "Jie Jie..." Qin Hu laughed strangely, and disappeared from the spot as a blue light.

  Looking at the Moonlight Pellet in his hand, the face of the horned-patterned mouse changed, and emotions such as unwillingness, anger, and helplessness appeared on his face. Thinking of his newborn child, his face showed tenderness and the brilliance of motherhood.

  If it weren't for them, I and my children would still live peacefully, carefree, without separation, and would not face death.

  But some time ago, during the rainstorm, Qin Hu led people to appear and took them away. The peaceful life was broken...

   for a while.

  The horn-patterned color-changing mice knew that they had no choice but to do what the other party told them to do, otherwise, they would all die!

   There is still a glimmer of life after doing it, and he exchanged his own death for the safety and strength of the child. Thinking of this, the mouse's eyes became ferocious, and it rushed out with fierce and violent killing intent, and pinched its claws violently.


  The jade bottle was crushed, revealing a round jade-like white pill, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance, without any hesitation, even if you would die after eating it, for the sake of your own child, you swallowed it without hesitation.

The Moonlight Pellet enters the abdomen, bursting out with terrifying power, stimulating its potential, the pain from the soul, as if being roughly pulled by someone, it curled up on the ground in pain, rolling violently, trying to get rid of this pain, still To no avail, the pain did not decrease, but became stronger and stronger.

   A few minutes later.

  The severe pain disappeared, and the horned chameleon lay weakly on the ground, panting heavily. The catastrophe just now was more terrifying than death, but luckily it survived.

Powerful power emanates from the body, and the black and white aura emanating from the body surface is as dazzling as daylight, illuminating the entire room, and can be found no matter how far away, and there is endless strength, mainly speed, increase several times.

   Smiled ferociously, screamed strangely, and said viciously: "Is it a big deal? Good! I will fulfill you."

  With a flash of inspiration in black and white, he quickly rushed out of the room.

   Half an hour later.

  In the room.

Zhang Ronghua, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes. In his induction, four wolf monsters appeared nearby, hiding in the nearby flowers. It exuded a little, and looked at the mansion indifferently, with murderous intent in the beast's eyes.

   But this is Zhuquefang, and the Taifu Mansion is in front of it, so I dare not make too much noise.

The leading wolf demon raised his paw and made a gesture, signaling the three demons to act according to the plan. They came out of the flowers, cautiously, controlled their voices, and quietly approached the courtyard until they reached the courtyard wall. Here, take out the array flags and arrange them around, wanting to block this place, without any movement, and then quietly deal with him.

  Zhang Ronghua's face was cold, someone actually hit his mind on him, wanted to get rid of him, his thoughts turned quickly, thinking about who it was!

  There are many enemies, the first ones are Cui Gelao, He Wenxuan and others, followed by the First Prince and others, as well as the True Dragon Palace. Let's go through them one by one.

Assassinating the court officials, he is still himself. His current status is not as good as before. Apart from being a scholar of the Academy, he also has a real dragon order in his hand and is in charge of writing the biography of the Emperor of Heaven. The crown prince was furious, and Emperor Xia would be furious too, trying to find the murderer at all costs. Once found out, even Ge Lao couldn't bear the anger! In addition to death, he had to be killed by the three clans.

   Civil and military officials will also join forces to deal with those who do not play cards according to the rules.

  If it was before, no one would do this, but now that the fortune-telling treasure is born, the capital is in chaos, and all the forces are looking for the treasure hunter of time and want to **** it.

At this time, it is dangerous to use the trick outside the plate, but it is reduced to the minimum. Afterwards, as long as the outside force or monster is pushed, even if the court is angry, the crown prince and Pei Caihua will die. The dead are only outsiders and have nothing to do with them. But the rewards are great.

As soon as he died, the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven was forced to be interrupted. He had already written the first part, and more than half of the second part. He continued to write along his line of thought. It is in the interests of all the officials to reward them and pick peaches.

The second is to cut off the alliance between the crown prince and Pei Caihua, especially for the former, the loss will be even greater. If he dies, the thread of union with Pei Caihua will be broken. God, Pei Caihua will not give up the chance to join the cabinet and turn to him instead.

  Thirdly, the forces cultivated by myself will become rootless. With a single blow, they can be disintegrated, and even their official positions can be removed.

  The latter two points are in the interests of the princes. Otherwise, if he is allowed to grow, the power of the prince will only grow stronger.

   It is in everyone's interest to tie the three together.

  Whether it is Cui Gelao and the others, or the eldest prince and others, including Zhenlongdian, they all have disgust.

  There are too few clues to guess.

   No matter who it is, wouldn't it be enough to take these four wolf demons down for interrogation?

  Mobilize the soul power to sweep away, wanting to see if there are any hidden people nearby. In front of the powerful soul power, everything around the courtyard appears in sight.

   "Huh?" Zhang Ronghua frowned, forming the word "Chuan".

I don't know if I don't look at it, but when I look at the next jump, the people hiding in the dark are not one person, but several waves. A man in black is standing on a tree not far away, watching the wolf monster's actions with cold eyes, as if The person in charge, behind him, there are three parties, hiding in the dark, watching all this.

   Add up to a total of four forces!

   After guessing, Zhang Ronghua understood.

  The man in black ordered the wolf demons to do something. He watched in the dark, and if there is an accident, it will be resolved! If the situation is unavoidable, he can withdraw and leave at any time. This is also why there is an array flag in the hands of the wolf demon.

The other three groups of people should have come later, with the same purpose, and wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of him. Seeing that the wolf monster had already made a move, they were not in a hurry to make a move. They were watching in secret. It would be best if the wolf monster succeeded. If they fail, they will take action to solve themselves.


  Zhang Ronghua laughed, and things became more and more interesting.

  So low-key, someone wants to kill him.

Get off the bed, get dressed, open the door and go out. Just at this time, the wolf monsters have already arranged the formation, and endless thick fog shoots over, covering the vicinity of the yard, blocking sight, forming a separate space, No matter how loud the commotion was, the outside world would not be able to find out.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Earth-level high-grade formation?"

   Confirmed my guess, this group of people came prepared, and there was more than one person who wanted to die by himself!

  But they made a wrong calculation, never dreaming that they are not a little sheep that can be killed easily, but a big tiger.

  Looking at the dense fog in front of him, he can stop others, but he can't stop him. Even if he doesn't use Ling Qingming, the dense fog in front of him will be as if it doesn't exist.

Looking at the four wolf demons rushing in, the leader of the wolf demon was missing one eye, his left eye was covered with a blindfold, and he was holding an array disk in his hand. When he saw himself standing at the door and looking at them, his astonishment flashed away. Lu was vigilant, looked carefully, and saw that it was only the seventh level of the Grand Master Realm, just like what they said, he let go of his worries.

   With a wave of wolf claws, he ordered: "Kill!"

The three wolf monsters rushed over from the dense fog, covered by formations, so you don't have to worry about being discovered, the terrifying demonic aura, without any concealment, rushed out of the body, like the sun soaring into the sky, wrapped in a hurricane, mixed with fierce The evil spirit, the Taoism is running to the extreme, and the innate supernatural power is displayed. Three huge blue wolves manifest, open their **** mouths, pounce violently, and bite violently.

Zhang Ronghua made a move, waved his sleeve casually, and a golden light shot out, falling on the three wolf monsters that rushed forward, destroying their innate supernatural powers, killing them, keeping the corpses, and expelling the spirit of the monsters. Delicious at its best.

  Looking at the remaining one-eyed wolf, he grabbed it from the air, and the supreme suction force broke out from his palm, snatching the formation disk from its hand.

   rub rub rub…

  The one-eyed wolf stepped back several steps in a row, and then stopped, resisting the fear, and asked: "You, you are not the seventh level of the Grandmaster!"

   Only 4000 words!

   Going to drink a wedding today, little Bazhuo can't refuse, and will continue to explode tomorrow.

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

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