MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 124 The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven

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  Chapter 124 The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven

Get closer, stop at the tall and delicate Qiongbi, open the lid on the top of the jug, and smell the rich aroma of wine from a close distance, the power contained in it is very huge, if you look carefully, you can still see I saw a miniature real dragon growing its fangs and claws in the wine, seeming to be roaring, trying to break free from it.

  Jade hand stretched out, took an empty glass, poured a little bit, opened the red lips lightly, held the wine glass, took a sip, and the dragon ball wine entered the stomach. In addition to the wine fragrance, there was also a majestic aura, which was very strong.

Her beautiful eyes lit up. If she was not sure just now, she is sure now. It does contain the aura of a real dragon. It seems that it is really a dragon ball. Judging from the strength of this aura, this real dragon has grown into an adult, and her skills are not low. , if this is the case, his elder slaughtered the real dragon, fused it with Tianqiong jade brew, and added some elixir?

  Among the people she knew, apart from Yang Hongling, only Huozu remained, and they couldn't figure out who it was!

Both are possible, Zhang Ronghua has a very good relationship with them, the former can be seen from the visit last night, and the latter gave him the Five Dragon Yuling belt, with this pearl and jade in front, it would be fine to give him Dragon Ball wine That's right.

Liu Mei was locked together, did not waste the wine in the glass, drank the rest of the wine, shook his head, and put the Dragon Ball wine in front of Zhang Ronghua: "I accept your kindness, but this thing is too expensive! I'm afraid you don't know its value yet, the dragon **** inside should be grown-up real dragons to have such a powerful effect, and when you refine these two jugs of dragon ball wine, you should be able to break through to the first level of Grandmaster!"

  Zhang Ronghua looked serious, looked into her eyes, and saw firmness from it, and put the dragon ball wine in front of her again: "Don't treat me as a friend?"

  Four eyes face each other.

The two are the same in their bones, they are both strong, they have their own persistence, and the things they are sure of will rarely change. Seeing Zhang Ronghua not retreating one step, Ji Xueyan said: "Although Dragon Ball wine is precious, if I want it in my capacity, I can still get it, and besides, the cultivation resources I have are not worse than it, or even better than it."

   "What's yours is yours, what's mine is mine, and it's my heart to give you!"

  Ji Xueyan was silent, not knowing what to say, she knew what Zhang Ronghua had said, if she refused again, there would be a gap between the two of them, and she, who was always strong, took a rare step back.

Before she could speak, the purple cat looked at the two people who were in a stalemate. The cat had already become a spirit, and walked over, raised its small paws to hold the dragon ball wine, hugged it in its arms, jumped up, jumped up from the table, and landed on the ground. In her arms, she stuffed Dragon Ball wine into her, and called out: "Meow!"

  The cat's eyes are pitiful, as if saying, accept it!

  Ji Xueyan was about to accept it, but Zimao gave her the steps again, and nodded immediately: "Thank you!"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled: "Before you gave me treasures and elixir, why can't I give you Dragon Ball wine?"

   "Yes." Ji Xueyan responded softly.

   "Protect me!"

"it is good!"

  Entered the inner room, stopped in the bedroom again, looked at the familiar bed in front of her, the soft-colored bedding and sheets, Ji Xueyan's complexion remained unchanged, her heart kept beating like a deer bumping.

   It's only been a while, and I went to his bed again.

I took off the white embroidered shoes, revealing two little feet, wrapped in black silk socks, the front of the feet is transparent and very thin, between the seams of the feet, there are four golden lines embellished, ten toes can be clearly seen, Small and exquisite, with a full grip, without the constraints of shoes, exposed to the air, naughty play, ten delicate and beautiful toenails, smeared with orange-red nail polish, it is eye-catching, gorgeous and sexy, I can't wait to hold it in my hand , do your best to massage and relax it, let it experience different tastes.

   She didn't dare to raise her head. She was afraid of being seen to be nervous, so she sat on the bed with a five-hearted cultivation posture, silently pulled the quilt over her feet, and covered it up.


  Ji Xueyan held her heart, relaxed a little, held the dragon ball wine, and tried to calm herself: "I'm sorry for your trouble."

Open the lid of the wine jug, open your red lips, drink all the wine without spilling a drop, quickly throw the wine jug on the ground, without daring to delay for a moment, make seals with both hands, and start practicing exercises , refining this huge power in the body.

  The momentum became stronger, increasing every minute and every second. Milky white aura rushed out of her body, covering her whole body, and hit the bottleneck with the help of the power contained in the dragon ball wine.

  Zhang Ronghua stood with her hands behind her back and watched from the sidelines. She saw all her actions just now, and she was thinking in her heart, isn't the color of the toenail polish I saw last time a soft color? How long did it take, why did it change to orange?

  But the translucent orange, shining like stars, matches her beautiful little feet very well, and the charm it brings is three points stronger than before.

  Unfortunately, it was covered by bedding.

The eyes fell on her face, the curved half-moon eyebrows, like the moon, faced each other from a distance, showing her exquisite facial features more beautifully, against the backdrop of the milky white aura, the fairy air fluttered, and there was an extra dust. , Do not eat the breath of fireworks in the world.

   for a while.

   Seeing that she was in normal condition, and there was no sign of madness or other signs, she looked back, didn’t look any further, turned and walked outside, arrived at the hall, sat on the chair before, and poured herself a cup of tea with the teapot.

   "Meow!" the purple cat yelled in a low voice.

   is saying, so fast?

   "???" Zhang Ronghua looked at it suspiciously.

  The purple cat raised its little paw, pointed to the direction inside, and then pointed to him, and gestured with its two little paws.


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand on its small head, beat it heavily, and said in a low voice, "What are you thinking about?"

  The purple cat didn't dare to speak any more, silently took a ginseng fruit and put it on the table, then handed over the fruit knife, made a flattering gesture with its two little paws, and looked at him pitifully.

   "I convinced you."

  Holding the ginseng fruit and the fruit knife, put your thumb against the blade, and began to peel. After seven or eight breaths, the ginseng fruit was peeled and passed it over.

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

   is saying, thank you!

   He took the ginseng fruit, sat down on the table, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

  Zhang Ronghua put down the fruit knife, held the teacup, and drank slowly.

   In a quarter of an hour.

There was a sporadic sound from inside, and then, Ji Xueyan came out, did not pull out the chair and sat down, after delaying until now, less than two hours before dawn, looking at the face in front of her, she said: : "I broke through."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled gently: "Congratulations!"

   "I'm going back, you should rest early!"

   “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just go with the flow.”

   "Yes." Ji Xueyan responded softly.

  Standing up from the chair, Zhang Ronghua sent her to the courtyard gate, watched her disappearing back, and then looked away.

   "Meow!" The purple cat jumped from the ground and landed in his arms.

   is saying, the cat has made a contribution again.

  Walking back with it in his arms, Zhang Ronghua asked casually: "How is your practice of Xuanwu Lingshu and Shanhe Zhenshiquan?"


   is saying, the cultivation is very serious, and there is absolutely no laziness.

When he arrived at the artificial lake, he put it down and allowed it to practice by itself. Standing by the edge of the lake, Zhang Ronghua began to practice the Great Five Elements Breaking the Sky Sword Formation, the Three-character Secret Art of Stepping on the Sky, and the No. 1 True Spirit Art. Changing candles and dragons three times in a row, then stopped, entered the room, closed the door, sat on the bed, and began to practice the five-element phantom spirit method, the five spiritual lights in the body rushed out instantly, and evolved into five holy beasts Looking around, moving around in the room, using various attack methods...

   There was still an hour before dawn, so I stopped practicing, got down from the bed, and opened the door. The morning breeze brought humidity, and there was a coolness blowing in from outside.

   "It's time to go to court again."

  After washing up and changing into his official uniform, Uncle Shi just came back from the outside, carrying the breakfast he bought from South Street, and asked, "Qinglin, are you eating in the car? Or go after eating?"

   "Let's eat in the car!"

   "The old slave is going to prepare for the time drive."


The Guangyin car was ready, Zhang Ronghua stepped on the pony and got into the car, went inside, took off his boots, sat on the rug, the blanket woven with phoenix wings was very soft and comfortable, and drank spicy soup One bite, a third of it was killed, holding a trendy card, rolled with fried dough sticks and scallions, coated with a little hot sauce, and took a bite.

  Crisp, spicy and delicious.

  Outside, Shi Bo controlled the speed of the time car, taking it easy and giving him enough time to eat breakfast.

   Wait until you finish eating.

  Zhang Ronghua opened the curtains and took a look. He hadn't reached Suzaku Avenue yet, and he could take a nap for a while, lying on the rug, and squinting for a while while pulling the bedding beside him.

  Baizhang away from Suzaku Gate, the Time Car stopped.

  Shi Bo reminded softly: "Qinglin is here."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua opened his eyes and responded.

  Sit up from the soft bed, tidy up your clothes, put on the official hat, then lift the curtain of the car and step on the pony to tie it down, and ordered: "Don't pick me up at night."

   Entered the Suzaku Gate and walked towards the palace.

Some people yawned loudly, and they seemed to have not woken up. They entered the inner palace, walked on the Ziji Avenue, stepped on the expensive purple bricks, walked on the left, and reached the outside of the Ziji Hall. Enter through the side door on the left, and stop at the last position of the ritual queue.

From the corner of his eye, he took a look at everyone and found an interesting phenomenon, the officials who were in the front came earlier, except for Sangong who did not come, the five elders and six ministers all arrived, including For the other officials, Pei Caihua was dressed in an official uniform, with his head held high, his back straight, full of energy, and he didn't look old at all.

  He lowered his head, closed his eyes and rested his mind. There were still a few minutes before the morning morning.


  All the officials arrived, Eunuch Yang brought two eunuchs, and the three of them closed Ziji Gate and the left and right side doors respectively. Hearing the movement from behind, Zhang Ronghua opened his eyes, knowing that the morning court had begun.

  The sound of heavy and powerful footsteps came from the screen of Shanhe Sheji behind the dragon chair. Emperor Xia was wearing a dragon robe, with a strong aura, walking in front with the coercion of the emperor, followed by the prince and Wei Shang.

  Sit down on the dragon chair, all civil and military officials were shaken, Wei Shang stepped forward and shouted at the top of his voice: "If there is something to play, we will retreat to the court if there is nothing to do!"

   Eyes on nose, nose on mouth, head lowered, although eyes are open, it does not affect Zhang Ronghua's fishing, as long as he, or the factions of the prince and Pei Caihua are not involved, he will not come forward.

   Situations like yesterday's are rare, and no one will make trouble as soon as they come up.

  The morning court was a bit long this time, and lasted for an hour and a half. The sky outside was completely brightened before the political affairs ended.

  Leave from the side door on the left and walk towards the Bachelor's Hall.

   After paddling for a while, his mental state improved a little.

   Arrived at the Hall of Bachelors.

  Ding Yi was drinking tea. Seeing him coming back, he poured a cup from the teapot, handed it over, and asked, "Brother, didn't they find fault with the court today?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  "Everything should not be done again and again. The matter of the new emperor's biography is not over yet. If we jump out again, we don't need to do it. Others will take the opportunity to attack them."

   Taking a sip from the teacup, he put down the teacup and looked at Lu Junxiu who was waiting beside him: "Call them here."

   "It's adults!"

   Lu Junxiu hurried away, returned after a while, and called Zhao Bai and the others over.

   "Meet the adults!"

  Zhang Ronghua responded, and waited for Cao Xing to close the door of the palace, pointing to the chair: "Sit!"

  Everyone sat down, only Cao Xing was waiting by the side.

"Starting to edit the new biography of Renhuang from today, the biography of Renhuang we are going to edit this time is easier to understand than the old version, the events explained are more reasonable, and the records are more comprehensive. I thought about it One night, in order to better distinguish the two, I plan to change the name, what do you think?"

  Zhao Bai frowned: "My lord, is there a more domineering and mighty word than the word "Human Emperor"?"

Ji Xuedong thought for a while, and said, "It's not impossible to change the name to better distinguish it! Just like Master Zhao said, the word "Human Emperor" is already at its peak, and ordinary names can't show His Majesty's royal spirit. It is better not to change than to be impeached by Yushi."

Zhang Ronghua's majestic eyes glanced at them, and the four of them trembled, knowing that the lord was determined to change their names, before they could open their mouths, Lu Junxiu stood up first and supported them with his own actions: "My lord is right! In order to better distinguish the two, if we edited the new biography of the emperor, if we just add a new word in front, it will not be eye-catching, even if the value exceeds the old version, in the eyes of outsiders, we are just lying on the credit In the book, it took advantage of the former! Ordinary people will not know, will not remember us, and will not let our name spread to every corner of the Great Xia Dynasty."

  After editing, the last page of the book will have a signature, and the signature is a lot involved, involving struggle. After all, the great Xia Dynasty is famous, this temptation is too great.

  When the old biography of Renhuang was compiled, after a struggle, there were so many people, only twelve people signed it. Now, among these twelve people, which one is not famous throughout the Great Xia Dynasty?

  The four of them are all on their own, so naturally they would not confront each other, and immediately expressed their support.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "I'll give you a quarter of an hour, and everyone will come up with a name! It must match His Majesty's domineering, imperial coercion, and be unique."

  Get up from the chair, go into the room, let them think alone.

   Sit on the chair.

With a pat on Wulong Yuling's belt with his right hand, Zhang Ronghua took out a plate of black grapes, took one and ate it, spit out the grape skin, and changed the name. Adding the word "new" in front of Renhuang Zhuan could not reflect the difference from the old version, nor could it show the contribution of the editor-in-chief, nor would it allow the editor's reputation to spread throughout the Great Xia Dynasty.

   To achieve all this, the only way to distinguish between the two is to change the name. In this way, when someone mentions the edited book, the first impression will be of them, not the previous group of people.

  The greater the fame, the more benefits, and the invisible value is great.

Since Zhang Ronghua is in charge of this matter, he naturally wants to maximize the value. The simplest point is to take He Wenxuan as an example. His official position and qualifications are enough, and he has the support of Cui Ge, so he is not suppressed by Pei Caihua. , but unable to enter the Tianji Pavilion, without it, He Wenxuan's reputation is not as great as Pei Caihua, but there are many people who support him, so he can compete with Pei Caihua.

If He Wenxuan's fame is the same as that of Pei Caihua, the two of them are brothers, and with the support of Mr. Cui Ge, they will not enter the Tianji Pavilion from the second rank, at least the second rank, and then enter the Tianji Pavilion as the second rank, unless Only when Pei Caihua could win the support of a cabinet elder could he be prevented from joining the cabinet, otherwise he would not be able to stop him at all.


  The greater the fame, the more benefits. When that day comes, the fame of the Great Xia Dynasty will bring all kinds of benefits invisibly. There are really too many.

   It's worth the risk!

  After eating a plate of black grapes, and being stuck on time, Zhang Ronghua came out from inside, sat on the main seat again, and asked, "Have you figured it out yet?"

  Zhao Baidao: "My lord, the word "Human Emperor" is already at the pinnacle. Forgive me for being stupid, I have been thinking about it, and I can't think of a more majestic word than the word "Human Emperor"."

  Ji Xuedong and the others were the same, and Lu Junxiu couldn't figure it out either. Ding Yi took the words and said weakly, "How is Emperor Wu?"

  Zhao Bai shook his head: "Inappropriate! It's too far behind the word "Human Emperor", and there is no comparison at all. If we really dare to use it, those censors may jump out at the first time and attack us!"

  Zhang Ronghua also said: "It's really not possible."

  Ding Yi smiled sheepishly, held a teacup, and drank silently. Since it doesn’t work, then I’ll shut up and you guys continue.

  Meeting their eyes, Zhang Ronghua didn't keep them waiting, Zhang Ronghua spoke out the manuscript in his hand: "Emperor of Heaven!"

   "Emperor of Heaven?" The five of them frowned, thinking too much about the meaning of these two words.

  The sky is the limit, and the emperor is the king, but it is not as domineering as the word "Huang". Compared with the word "Huanghuang", it is hard to tell who is good and who is bad.

   ponder for a moment.

  Zhao Bai said: "My lord, why don't you call it Tianhuang? No matter how big the character is, it is not as big as Tianhuang. The emperor is supreme, and Tianhuang is better than Renhuang."

   "Not right!" Zhang Ronghua flatly refused.

   Said the essence of the word "Tiandi", the "Tiandi", who governs all living beings in the three realms, gods and demons, human beings, demons and ghosts, the law follows the words, the supreme Tianzun, the only and eternal!

  Hearing what he said, the eyes of the people present lit up, and the excitement showed on their faces. If it is really defined in this way, the value of the word "Emperor of Heaven" is too great.

The Emperor of Humanity governs only human beings, while the Emperor of Heaven governs all living beings in the three realms, gods and demons, human beings, demons and ghosts, which surpass the former by too much, let alone the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, who speaks the law and follows the law. If Gangyi defines it this way, once they Compile and revise the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, that, that will make a lot of money! The benefits they get are huge. As long as they don’t make mistakes, they will not dare to say anything else when they retire. It’s still very easy to mix up a second-rank official position. Even with their reputation, it will spread throughout the Great Xia Dynasty, and be recognized by others. The world praises and admires her, earning both fame and fortune.

  Zhao Bai flattered: "Being famous is not as good as seeing it. I have long heard that adults have great literary talents. When I saw you today, I am really extraordinary. Even if I spend my whole life, I am not as good as your "two words"."

  Ji Xuedong and the three of them slandered in their hearts, sycophants! One by one, not to be outdone, began to flatter.

   Once the scholars start making a fuss, there is really nothing wrong with the martial arts.

Zhang Ronghua pressed his hands, and everyone stopped immediately. Different from the solemnity when they came in, they all had smiles on their faces, relaxed and full of energy. Da, meeting their staring eyes, said: "I will write out the outline later and give it to you to edit! I will go out at noon, and I will continue to write when I come back."

  Pei Lin said: "If you have something to tell, we will do it!"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and shook his head: "Today, the official cousin is engaged, so I must go there."

  The four of them counted, and they all kept it in their hearts.

   "Go down! I'm going to Wanshudian now. After compiling the outline, I will send someone to deliver it."

  Wait for them to leave.

  Zhang Ronghua got up from the chair, took Ding Yi out of the Hall of Scholars, and walked towards the Hall of Thousand Books.

   It wasn't because they came once, Ren Huangwei didn't stop them, they would stop what should be stopped, until Zhang Ronghua and Zhang Ronghua finally got annoyed and took the real dragon token in their hands, so they didn't encounter any obstacles and went all the way to Wanshudian.

The leader, Sima, met them yesterday. Ding Yi is an old acquaintance. Seeing the two coming again, he glanced at the real dragon token in their hands, twitched his mouth, bowed his body to get out of the way, and let them go !

   Entered the Hall of Thousand Books.

  Ding Yi couldn't help but want to laugh: "I still hold two real dragon tokens in my hands. It is estimated that the Great Xia Dynasty will not be able to find a more luxurious lineup than this."

  Zhang Ronghua kicked him angrily, put away the real dragon order, went to the desk and sat down: "Research ink."

   "Yes." Ding Yi took the ink and began to study it.

The paper is ready-made. Unfold a piece of paper and spread it on the desk. Zhang Ronghua holds a pen and dips a little ink prepared by Ding Yiyan. The tip of the pen falls on the paper. Flowing clouds and flowing water, like a master, with beautiful words and full of momentum, with an upright artistic conception, forming a unique style that people will never forget when they see it.

   At the beginning of the chapter, write down the three powerful characters of "The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven", followed by the outline.

  The records about Emperor Xia I read before, from the first small incident to the last small incident in the next twenty years, all came to mind.

  The talent against the sky is like a high-speed and dense machine. With these large and small events, it quickly builds a model, selects significant, special meaning, and major influential events from them, and adds little by little until the model is perfected.

   It took an hour to complete.

  The corners of his mouth curled up, his face was smiling, his eyes were bright, and he began to write.

  Starting from Emperor Xia’s diligence and studious, the focus is on his hard work, persistence, character and responsibility. It’s like a good story. It starts with small things, builds up the previous image, gradually gets better, and then ends at the peak.

According to the model he established, the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven has three parts. The first part is about Emperor Xia’s diligence and studious, and the second part is about Emperor Xia governing the country. Clothes, with spare money in hand, you can buy things you like, and you can go to a restaurant to have a meal every now and then. The third part is that Emperor Xia used iron fists to suppress demons, ghosts, spirits, and the Great Shang Dynasty. Half the state of the dynasty is over.

When it is written, he will write two small characters "Part One" under the three characters "Biography of the Emperor of Heaven". As for the second part, he cannot write it for the time being, unless Emperor Xia destroys the demons and ghosts, suppresses all the true spirits, and then destroys the great merchants. Only the dynasty can start writing, so that his inexhaustible feats can spread to every corner of the mainland.

  The newly written Biography of the Emperor of Heaven is different from the old version of the Biography of the Emperor of Heaven. It does not proceed step by step. The sequence of events, large and small, is disrupted and then reassembled. It is arranged step by step according to the influence.

When the biography of the emperor of heaven is compiled, if someone dares to say that he copied the biography of the emperor, he doesn't need to do anything, someone will rush up and tear their mouths to pieces. Here are the black and white words. Such a big word, your dog eyes Are you blind? I can't see it.

   Half an hour later.

  Zhang Ronghua stopped, hung the pen on the pen stand, looked at the compiled outline and the opening chapter of the first part, checked it again, and made sure that there was nothing missing, and then it was over.

  Wait until the ink is dry, put them away, stand up from the chair, and say hello: "Go!"

Ding Yi's spirit came, and after studying the ink, he also read it carefully, but the things written by brother became more and more profound, and in the end, his eyes were blinded, and he knew every single word, but when combined, it was like reading a heavenly book , felt a pain in the head, hurriedly followed, left the Hall of Thousand Books, returned to the Hall of Scholars, summoned Lu Junxiu, handed the things to him, and ordered them to proofread, without any mistakes, and took Ding Yi to Suzaku door to go.

   With the True Dragon Token in hand, it is a privilege to leave the palace occasionally even if the censor finds out about it! Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people, breaking their heads and climbing up, the reason is the same.

  Arrived at Suzaku Gate, Ding Bo stood beside the Changping carriage and waited.

  Ding Yidao: "Brother, I asked Ding Bo to pick us up near noon."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

  The two of them stepped on the pony and got into the car, and sat on it. Ding Bo drove towards Tianxiang Tower.

  Tianxiang Building.

   Today is Zheng Fugui's highlight moment. Although he is not married, but engaged, it does not prevent him from being happy. From inside to outside, from outside to inside, he is full of joy. Even a blind man knows how proud he is at the moment.

   As soon as it was dawn, Zheng Shan came here with Qiuniang. After a few days, he locked himself in the room, coupled with Xiao Mi's filial piety, he completely figured it out, what's wrong with being older? But she is only nine years older, but she has a good personality, knows how to advance and retreat, understands the general situation, is filial to her elders, and has a good family background. She can't be found even with a lantern.

   This man!

   Persuasion from outsiders is useless, unless there is a strong external force to force him to figure it out on his own, so that he can get over the hurdle in his heart. Zheng Shan is a typical representative.

   Once you figure it out, you have a lot to do.

In terms of relatives, there is only Zhang Ronghua's family, but the Zheng family is in business and has many friends in the business field. Some people don't need to pay attention to it, and it doesn't help much, so there is no need to invite them, but some people must be invited. Second, to show them their strong personal connections, to frighten them, and to make them dare not mess around when doing business! Otherwise, even if you get by by chance, you have to consider whether you can withstand the anger of the Zheng family.

  Standing at the door to greet the guests with Zheng Fugui, seeing his friends coming, he said that the word Fugui was Chang'an, and the person who started the word was Mr. Pei, Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

  Hearing this, these guests even changed the way they looked at him, subconsciously respecting him.

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Since Zheng Shan dared to say it in front of outsiders, it must be true. Otherwise, if it spread to Pei Caihua, someone pretended to be his name. Can't accommodate their family? I am afraid that he will be arrested and imprisoned every second.

  My heart is active, the Zheng family has climbed to a high branch, and when we deal with each other in the future, we will give up the interests that can be granted, and we must not offend them if we cannot.

Some well-informed people also found out that the daughter-in-law of the Zheng family is the owner of Tianxianglou. Otherwise, Tianxianglou would not be closed today and would only be busy with Zheng Fugui's engagement banquet. People with backgrounds in the court also know that Xiao Mi is The granddaughter of Eunuch Xiao secretly thought that the Zheng family had some bad luck, and transformed from a businessman to a general, and their power increased a lot.

Nuoda's Tianxiang Building is full of banquets, the first, second, third floors, plus the rooms in the backyard. The people sitting on the first floor have the lowest status. The people in the backyard room have the best status and the tallest.

  The guests came, and Zheng Shan arranged them in different places according to their identities, whether they were on the first floor, second floor, or third floor, they stretched their heads and looked around, wanting to see how big the Zheng family is now.

As time went by, more and more guests arrived. It was approaching noon, and the restaurants on the three floors were almost full. Zhang Qin came out from the backyard. Zheng Shan hurried forward and asked, "Brother-in-law, when is Qinglin?" come over?"

   "Didn't Qing Lin promise to be rich last night? He must arrive today. Calculating the time, he should be on his way. After all, the palace is busy, so it is normal to delay a little time."

   "Yes." Zheng Shan nodded.

At this moment, two people walked towards each other on the avenue on the right, the leader was Lu Zhantang, wearing a purple brocade suit instead of a purple dragon robe, and he was bringing a confidant with four gift boxes in his hand, he was getting closer , the confidant turned his cultivation base, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Master Lu, the purple dragon envoy of the True Dragon Palace, has arrived!"

The guests were shocked. For some of them, the county government's arresters and the patrolling officers and soldiers of the Fifth Division of City Defense were all "big shots" that could not be touched. It's even more frightening, now a Zilong envoy personally came to congratulate, the big shot among the big shots, envious, but also very curious, how did the Zheng family make friends with such a powerful person?

  Zheng Fugui hurried forward and cupped his hands: "Brother Lu!"

  Lu Zhantang patted him on the shoulder twice with a smile, and looked him up. He was dressed in red and brocade, with an expensive jade pendant hanging around his waist.


   "Has Qing Lin come?"

   "My cousin promised me last night to come today, but he hasn't arrived yet, so there should be some delay."

   "It's really busy!" Lu Zhantang agreed.

Zhang Ronghua presided over the editing of the new emperor's biography. He also heard about it. Seeing Zhang Qin and Zheng Shan coming up, he didn't dare to make any excuses for the former. This is Zhang Qinglin's father, and he smiled even more. He walked forward quickly, Like an old friend for many years, he shouted: "Brother Zhang, Brother Zheng!"

  The "Brother Zheng" is entirely based on Zhang Qin's face. If he is not Zhang Qin's brother-in-law, who is he? How dare you let a purple dragon envoy call you elder brother?

  Zhang Qin smiled and said, "Drink a few more glasses later."

   "Definitely!" Lu Zhantang responded.

  Zheng Fugui had a bitter face: "You talk about brother, so how should my cousin and I talk about seniority?"

  Lu Zhantang said: "Everything is different."

  I also want Zhang Ronghua to call him "Uncle Lu", but I can't! At least he wasn't qualified enough.

   Ask the confidant to give the gift to the servant next to him, and let him find a seat to sit down by himself. He didn't go in, but stood at the door and waited.

   This scene made all the guests more curious, what kind of person is it that can afford such a big person to meet in person?

An ordinary carriage, with four guards, came from the road on the left. The character "Chen" was engraved on the frame, which represented the identity of the person who came. A sharp-eyed person recognized the inside Who is sitting there! Going to the Beijing government to promote officials, starting from the third-rank official Chen Youcai, a real big shot, who controls the ruthless roles of the capital's soldiers, punishments, and prisons. I thought the Zheng family was already very powerful, but I didn't expect to know such a person.

  The carriage stopped.

Chen Youcai was wearing a blue long gown and a hooded head. He opened the curtain and came out. Zheng Fugui and Lu Zhantang greeted him with smiles. On the side, also did not go in, stood at the door and waited.

  The more so, the more shocked everyone was.

The arrival of Lu Zhantang seemed to be the beginning, people from the officialdom came one after another, all of them were housekeepers, not to mention Zheng Fugui, even Chen Renren and the others didn't know each other, these housekeepers were all from Zhao Bai's house In the morning, they heard that Zhang Ronghua was going back to attend his cousin's engagement banquet at noon. They couldn't get away, so they spread the news and ordered the people in the mansion to come with gifts, and this happened.

  Zheng Fugui touched the back of his head: "I don't know them!"

  Chen Youcai tentatively said, "Could it be Qinglin?"

   "It should be for my cousin's face!"

At this time, a luxurious chariot came driving, six sacred dragon-drawn horse-drawn carts, the frame was majestic, engraved with the word "Huo", and those who knew the goods immediately recognized that this was from Wushuang Hou Huo's family .

  The guards headed by said in a deep voice: "Huo Jingyun from the Huo family of Wushuanghou came to congratulate!"

  The chariot stopped.

  Huo Jingyun was wearing a luxurious purple brocade suit inlaid with precious jewels, holding a folding fan, and walked out from inside. Seeing that he was really Wushuang Hou Huo's family, the guests present were numb!

  Even if there are big figures appearing later, with the previous precedents, they will not be too surprised, but feel normal.

Zheng Fugui went up to greet him, no matter whether they were coming for him or not, since other people came, as the host, he had to greet them in person. Chen Youcai and Lu Zhantang stood still, the people who came were only the sons of the Huo family. Not enough for them to welcome, and besides, they are not from the same faction.

   Ingratiate? Less likely.

   After greetings.

Huo Jingyun took the initiative to say hello to Chen Youcai and the others. He did not leave this time. He ordered someone to hand over the gift to his servants and waited beside him. Thinking that I haven't seen him for a while, he is already a great scholar of the Bachelor's Hall, and he is in charge of the work in an all-round way. He was rewarded by His Majesty the Dragon Order yesterday in the court hall, and he has a deep relationship with Pei Caihua. Such a person, such a growth rate , worthy of his deep friendship.

  Although the intention of utilitarianism is obvious, he doesn't hide it. Instead, he is upright and will seize the opportunity. Just like this time, Zheng Fugui didn't inform him, but he still came after he knew it. This is his brilliance.

   People can't hate him, but feel that he is clever and knows how to use his own advantages to expand his network of contacts.

   It's now.

  Zheng Shan's head was no longer enough, and he knew in his heart that all these dignitaries came here to cheer for his nephew. Looking at Zhang Qin, it would be false to say that he was not envious, but he was happy for Zhang Ronghua from the bottom of his heart.

   At the moment.

   Zhang Qin has a big smile on his face, his son is promising, and his father is also very good.

At this time, a young woman wearing a bamboo hat, wearing a moon-white long skirt, covering her jade arms and legs without revealing a little skin, wearing thick white stockings to prevent the spring breeze from being exposed, bathed in the four-color aura , walked over like a fairy descending to earth.

  The person who came was Yang Hongling, and the mount under his crotch was Xiaosi.

  Hearing that Zhang Ronghua's cousin was engaged, Yang Hongling told him to let him ride to save face, Xiaosi agreed without thinking, and this scene happened.

   Zhang Qin's eyes lit up, his prospective daughter-in-law came, he hurried forward, and warmly greeted him, Zheng Fugui and the others reacted quickly, and followed closely behind him, including Huo Jingyun, they didn't steal his limelight.

  Yang Hongling did not declare his family name this time, but the actions of Huo Jingyun, Chen Youcai, and Lu Zhantang have already explained everything. The identity of the person who came must be very noble, higher than them, and this scene will happen.

  Pressing Xiaosi's back with a jade hand, Yang Hongling jumped down and called softly: "Uncle!"

Zhang Qin was very happy. He stood at the door for such a long time, just waiting for her. Although he had little hope and didn't know whether Qinglin would bring her, he had to do what he had to do. He didn't expect that she would really come. He said enthusiastically, "Come on!"

   "Yes." Yang Hongling responded softly.

  Huo Jingyun wanted to laugh, is this still the lawless Yang Hongling who doesn't put anyone in his eyes? Judging from this, even Xiaosi has come here. She is afraid that she really likes Zhang Ronghua. Based on the news he got, Zhang Ronghua has been in and out of the Fate Academy many times. I think the old master also acquiesced. The only difference is his identity. When the official position is promoted, they will be able to get together at that time, admiring and envious at the same time, this is the top Bai Fumei, who is more powerful than his Huo family, and he was captured just like this.

  Don't dare to reveal anything on the surface, otherwise Yang Hongling won't deal with him now, and when he turns around, he will definitely not have any good fruit for him, so he called out respectfully: "Sister Hongling."

  Yang Hongling nodded as a greeting, and then greeted Chen Youcai and Lu Zhantang. Zhang Qin led her to the backyard, and Zheng Rou was still waiting there.

At this time, a more luxurious carriage drove up, eight sacred dragon horse-drawn carriages, and the two characters "East Palace" were engraved on the frame, representing the identity of the prince. Seeing this, the guests were already familiar with it, unless Xia The emperor came over, otherwise they would not be able to surprise them again, Zheng Fugui and others hurried up to meet them.

  The car stopped, Qing'er got out of the car, brought the prince's words with him, and then gave gifts, and left in the car. It was already an exception to use the car to come, and it would be difficult to explain if there was an attack by the censor if he stayed any longer.

As soon as she left, the Changping chariot came slowly, one after the other, as if it had been agreed upon, the carts were pulled by four sacred dragon horses. Simple, the word "Ding" is engraved on the frame, seeing it coming, Zheng Fugui and the others' eyes lit up, and they thought to themselves, finally came.

   He hurried up to meet him. When the chariot stopped, Zheng Fugui took the ponytail from Ding Bo's hand and put it on the ground. The curtain of the car was lifted, and Ding Yi and Zhang Ronghua came out one after the other.

   "Cousin, Brother Ding!"

  Zhang Ronghua took a look at him, he was dressed very energetically, and said with a smile: "Wait a minute?"

"Not urgent!"

  Zheng Shan stepped forward: "Qinglin."

  Looking at Ding Yi, he asked, "Who is this?"

   "His name is Ding Yi, and he is my brother. Uncle, you can call him Chang Qing."

   Zheng Shan shouted: "Changqing!"


  Looking at Huo Jingyun, Chen Youcai and Lu Zhantang, Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly, cupped his hands, and said with a smile, "Drink a few more glasses later."

   "Good!" The three agreed.

  Ding Yi stepped forward and took a few glances at Huo Jingyun. The latter was very uncomfortable. Facing Ding Yi, he couldn't afford to offend him. He showed a smile uglier than crying: "What's wrong?"

   "Accompany me for a drink or two later."

  Huo Jingyun responded with a smile: "Okay!"

The Lord has already arrived, and just as everyone was about to go in, another person came. As expected, but also unexpectedly, Zheng Fugui did not inform. The person who came was Ma Pingan, who was carrying four gift boxes and looked at the person in front of him. He knew everyone, but after that incident, the relationship between the two parties was completely severed, and until now there was no contact at all.

  Especially when I heard that Zhang Ronghua was promoted, and now he is still in charge of compiling the new Biography of the Emperor, he felt bitter, and he couldn’t express his bitterness. In his opinion, what he did was not wrong. Could it be that there is something wrong with following orders? But he didn't dare to complain, and he didn't dare to show it, otherwise the consequences would be even more serious, so he took the initiative to apologize: "Qinglin, Fugui!"

  Zheng Fugui has really grown up. Before he changed, he must have had a bad face, but now at least keep polite: "Come on!"

   Called a servant and brought Ma Ping'an to the third floor. As for the backyard, don't even think about it, it's not a place he can go.

  A group of people entered the backyard, the banquet officially began, and various exquisite dishes made of monster meat were served one by one.

  Here we go.

  Eunuch Xiao took Xiao Mi and greeted him from inside.

He has a special status, he is Wei Shang's confidant, but his official position is not high, and he has no real power. In other words, the eunuchs including Wei Shang have no real power, because Ren Huang is Xia Huang, and he will not allow eunuchs to take power Appear.

  Zhang Qinglin, Huo Jingyun, Chen Youcai, and Lu Zhantang had different identities, and they had to be greeted in person, otherwise it would be out of courtesy, and he made a big show of embarrassment, and said with a smile, "Come on!"

  Zhang Ronghua said with a smile: "Should have come earlier, but the palace is too busy, so it has been delayed until now."

   Chatted a few words.

  A group of people entered the lobby. There were two tables in total, one for men and one for women. As the wine and dishes were served, everyone pushed glasses and set cups. Huo Jingyun sat beside Ding Yi and asked, "Why haven't you been to heaven and earth during this time?"

  Ding Yi took a sip of wine: "The Jiaofang Division has a 50% discount, where can you get a 50% discount?"

   "Others can't do it, but you can! I'll order someone to spread the word later. From now on, after you go, you will get a 50% discount."

   "For your words, have a drink."

  The two clinked their wine glasses, and drank the wine in the glasses.

Zhang Qin and Zheng Shan chatted with Eunuch Xiao, while Zhang Ronghua chatted with Chen Youcai and Lu Zhantang. After a meal, under the witness of the elders, relatives and friends of both parties, Zheng Fugui and Xiao Mi completed their engagement, and the wedding date was also set. On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the fortune teller said that it was an auspicious day, suitable for marriage.

Send them away, go back to the backyard, glance at the room next to it, there is a table in Nuo Da, full of delicacies from mountains and seas, only Xiao Si is eating, one beast sits alone on the table, no beasts to accompany, although there are few Very cheerful, but delicious to eat.

  Yang Hongling was waiting for him. When he saw him coming, he waved and signaled him to come over. The two of them walked to the corner and stopped.

  Jade stretched out her hand, patted the purse at her waist, took out two house deeds and handed them over: "It's done."

  Zhang Ronghua took the deeds and took a look. One was the deed of the restaurant on Suzaku Avenue, and the other was the deed of the inn on Qilin Avenue. He put them away: "Thanks for your hard work."

   "Do you really think I've worked hard?"


  Yang Hongling blinked, and said mischievously: "Isn't it too much compensation to make a table?"

  Zhang Ronghua looked serious: "You make more delicious food, and I like to eat it too."

  Knowing that this is a refusal, Yang Hongling is still very happy in his heart, as sweet as eating honey, and his face remains unchanged: "You just say whether to do it or not?"

   "Anytime, anywhere."

   "Wait for you to go to the Fate Academy to find me."

   "Good!" Zhang Ronghua responded.

  Yang Hongling said again: "Find some time to go and have a look, if you are not satisfied, I will replace it for you."

   "I'll take a trip some time."

   After chatting for a few more words, Yang Hongling said goodbye and left with Xiao Si, Zhang Ronghua sent her outside the door.

  Go back to the courtyard.

   Talked to Zheng Fugui, took Ding Yi away, boarded the Changping carriage, and rushed towards Suzaku Gate. There were still a lot of things waiting for them in the palace.

  In the room.

   Zheng Rou and Qiu Niang stay together, Xiao Mi and Zheng Fugui chat with Eunuch Xiao, and he will return to the palace later, it will be inconvenient to see each other in the future, so it is natural to accompany him more now.

  No outsiders were present, and the two talked casually.

   Qiuniang said: "What's the matter with the red spirit?"

  Zheng Rou knocked on the melon seeds and smiled mysteriously: "Guess."

  Looking at the smile on her face, satisfied from the bottom of her heart, how could Qiuniang not guess: "The girl Qinglin likes?"

   "Yes." Zheng Rou nodded.

   "I heard that she seems to be from the Academy of Fate."

   "Yes! Grandpa is an old master with a distinguished status. Among the guests who came today, he has the highest status."

  Qiu Niang's heart sank, and she expressed her worry: "There are so many differences, can we really get together?"

  Zheng Judao: "Qing Lin has met her grandpa more than once."

  Hearing this, Qiuniang was relieved. Thinking of Zhang Ronghua's ability, he had never been worried about since he was a child. It should not be difficult to deal with the old master. She sighed: "It's still because you will give birth, so people can't envy you."


  Bachelor Hall.

  As soon as Zhang Ronghua and the others came back, Lu Junxiu greeted him, as if he was specially waiting for him: "My lord, you are back!"

   "It says inside."

   Entered the palace, pulled out the chair and sat down.

  Lv Junxiu closed the door, took out a document, and placed it in front of him respectfully: "This is from Cheng Zhijie."

  Zhang Ronghua took the document, opened it and read it.

  The editing suggestions given by Cheng Zhijie changed the soup without changing the medicine, and polished it a bit, but it is basically the same.

  Put down the document and command: "Call him here."

   "It's adults!"

  Lu Junxiu left, and soon returned, brought Cheng Zhijie over, and knocked on the palace door: "My lord, Master Cheng has been brought here."

"Come in."

  The hall door was pushed open, and the two walked in.

  Cheng Zhijie cupped his hands as a greeting, and asked, "What is it that Mr. Zhang asked me to come here?"

With a cold face and knife-like eyes, Zhang Ronghua took the paperwork on the table and slammed it on his face roughly without saving any face, and scolded: "I want you to provide advice, look at what you wrote, what are you talking about?" Shit? Counting on it, you can compile a new biography that satisfies His Majesty?"

Cheng Zhi was not good enough, felt aggrieved and angry, but his face remained unchanged, and he didn't dare to talk back, because Zhang Ronghua was the person in charge of editing the new biography of Renhuang. During this period, everything involved in the biography of Renhuang, It was he who had the final say. He silently picked up the document and lowered his posture a little. Although the result was doomed, he didn't want to be humiliated. He asked, "What kind of advice do you want?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It shows His Majesty's great achievements!"

   What has been said is equal to what has not been said, and both parties understand.

   "I'm going to do it! Deliver a proposal that satisfies you as soon as possible."

   Turning around to leave, Lu Junxiu saw his figure disappear, and closed the palace door: "My lord, are you going to let him go like this?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "This is just the beginning, and the big head has to wait for the emperor to tell it."

   "The subordinate understands."

   "How's the revision going?"

Lu Junxiu was ashamed, Zhang Ronghua had already decided on the name, and even wrote the first part of the first part, but the written text was extensive and profound, there was not a single typo in the full text, and the words were well used. They studied it for a long time and saw it from the beginning. At the end, each sentence has been broken apart and carefully considered. It is fine if there is not a single typo. It is appropriate and reasonable, and there is no fault at all.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Ronghua understood that no one knows better than him what he wrote. It is better to let them learn than to let them revise, and simply memorize the content. As for being blind in both eyes, I don't know what to ask.

  Patting the top of Wulong Yuling's belt with his right hand, he took out the candy that Zheng Fugui asked him to carry: "This is from Fugui, divide them."

   "Thank you, sir!"

   Lu Junxiu took the candy and left wisely, and closed the hall door from the outside.

  Zhang Ronghua got up and said hello: "Go to Wanshu Palace."

   Arrived at Wanshudian again.

  Zhang Ronghua was not in a hurry to write. He sat on a chair and looked at Ding Yi. Seeing him looking at him like this, he subconsciously touched the back of his head and asked, "Brother, do I have a flower on my face?"

   "I will arrange a training plan for you."

  Holding a pen, dipped a little of the ink that had been grinded before, and began to write.

Tailor-made according to Ding Yi's situation, after eating so many elixir and dragon ball wine, all of them were nourished by the Nirvana Supreme's life skills. Waste a little bit of potential, develop them all, let him major in martial arts, and then train in the physical body, so that the effect can be maximized.

  External force forces out the potential and assists the cultivation of elixir. It is best to practice under the waterfall. If not, you can also practice at the bottom of the lake. Then cooperate with actual combat to improve combat experience. Ding Bo can watch without worrying about making mistakes.

   Finished, handed over the paper.

   "Give it to Ding Bo when we go back!"

   After taking the paper, Ding Yi glanced at it, and his face became bitter immediately: "Didn't this kill me?"

  Zhang Ronghua glared at him fiercely, seeing that he couldn't escape, he also admitted it, and put the paper into the sumeru bag.

   "Now go to the palace to meet Eunuch Wei, and tell him to find a great Confucian and let him teach me ancient and ancient characters."

   "Okay! I'll go right away." Ding Yi didn't ask why.

  Turn around and leave.

Taking a sip from the teacup, Zhang Ronghua's eyes sparkled. If you don't master the ancient and ancient characters, you won't be able to understand all the books in the Hall of Thousand Books. Even if you create a similar exercise, it won't be better than the Nirvana Supreme Life Skill Where to go, he believes that Wei Shang will understand.

  Hold the pen, and continue to write the biography of the Emperor of Heaven...

   Royal Study Room.

  Ding Yi took the True Dragon Order and was stopped in the Inner Palace. The Emperor's Guard notified him, and he was brought over after receiving permission. After saluting, he reported the matter.

   Finish listening.

  Xiahuang's face remained the same, still cold, expressionless, very happy in his heart, Zhang Ronghua did not disappoint him, and understood his deep meaning, otherwise, he would not have let Ding Yi come over.

   Pretending to ponder, it took a while before he spoke: "Wei Shang, what is your attainment in medieval and ancient characters?"

  Wei Shangdao: "I don't mean to be proficient in all of them, but it is not a problem to understand the collection of books in Wanshudian."

He took out a phonograph stone, bent his fingers, and a ray of blue light penetrated into it, punching in his mastery of the middle and ancient characters. He got down from the royal platform, stopped in front of him, and handed the phonograph stone to him. Past: "It has what he wants in it."

  Ding Yixie En: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Put away the phonograph stone in his hand, turn and leave.

  The door of the temple is closed.

   Emperor Xia's majestic voice sounded again: "How long do you think it will take him to do it?"

   "With his talent, think about it soon!"



Ding Yi came in excitedly from the outside, closed the hall door again, walked quickly to the table and stopped, took out the phonogram stone from the sumeru bag, and put it on the table: "Brother, what you want is here in."

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Who gave it to you?"

   "Eunuch Wei!"

   "He knows a lot."

  Put down the pen in your hand, hold the phonograph stone, input a little Xuanhuang Zhenyuan into it, golden light blooms, covering it, and the screen is displayed, the introduction of the middle and ancient characters, the pronunciation and the comparison of the current characters, etc., appear in front of you.

Zhang Ronghua watched and listened carefully, these are precious knowledge, very useful, if he knows a little bit now, it may come in handy at any time, just like ancient characters, if he doesn't know, Pei Caihua will give him that Zhang Jinye couldn't understand either.

Ding Yi didn't bother, and stayed quietly by the side. Seeing that his brother was very devoted, he didn't waste time. He sat on the blanket, took out a elixir that was about two hundred years old, and took it. body and soul...

   After an hour.

  The screen disappears, and the phonograph stone returns to calm again.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, and put it away. What Wei Shang said is enough, he has mastered it all. He has a high attainment in the middle and ancient characters, and he has almost completely understood it.

  With his heaven-defying talent, he brings a terrifying learning ability. He can understand them all in just one pass, and he can understand, speak, write, and recognize them.

Glancing at Ding Yi, he saw him sitting on the ground practicing, did not call him, took a pen and continued to write, the first part has a lot of content, only the first one was written, the pen is like a dragon, the calligraphy of the six realms is close to the Tao, fast Writing, writing out the contents of my mind...

   reached the next value.

  Zhang Ronghua stopped, hung his pen on the pen stand, and looked at the five articles that had been written. It was a big step forward from the completion of the first part. According to calculations, the Legend of the Emperor of Heaven would be written in another five days.

Put them into the Wulong Yuling belt, stood up from the chair, seemed to know the value, Ding Yi finished his practice, opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, saw his brother looking at him, with a puzzled face: "What's the matter?" ?”

   "So accurate?"

   "Hey! The cost is enough."

   "Let's go!"

   Zhang Ronghua greeted him, took him away, and went back to the Bachelor's Hall. Lu Junxiu and the others were waiting, and after explaining a few words, he asked them to go back, left the Bachelor's Hall, and walked outside the palace.

  On the way, a reminder: "Don't forget about cultivation."

   "Yes." Ding Yi responded.

When they arrived at Suzaku Gate, the two parted, looking at the sky, it was still a while before dark, and thought of the two house deeds that Yang Hongling had given him, one was for the house deed of Suzaku Avenue and the other was for the house deed of Qilin Avenue. have a look.

   Changed direction and walked towards Suzaku Avenue.

  When I got here, I went to my own property "Qingyun Inn" and "Youjian Baozi Shop" to look at it. The business was very good. After staying for a while, I stopped here at No. 188 according to the address on the house deed.

   This is a restaurant. The plaque says "Home Inn". It covers a huge area, not smaller than Qingyun Inn. It is located in a prosperous location, at the intersection of four forks, and there is a yard behind it. Now the restaurant has been closed and locked.

When passing by here before, the business is booming, the passenger flow is very large, about 70% to 80%, during holidays or major festivals, the passenger rate is full, and you have to book in advance. Although it is not as famous as Tianxianglou, it is It is also a top-notch restaurant, but unexpectedly it became its own property. It seems that Yang Hongling put a lot of thought into winning it.

   Walked closer, took out the key, opened the lock, and walked in.

The decoration is simple and elegant, and it is about 70% or 80% new. The tables and chairs are the same. From the first floor to the fifth floor, it is two floors higher than Tianxiang Building. Then there is the kitchen and the backyard. I have seen it all. Once again, very satisfied.

  Standing in the courtyard, looking at the flowers and plants in the courtyard, Zhang Ronghua said with a smile: "It seems that one big meal is not enough."

  Turn around and leave, leave Rujia Restaurant, lock the door, and walk towards Qilin Avenue, read all of them in one go, and save time for a special trip later.

  Night falls, approaching the end of the month, the night is very dark, there is no moonlight or starlight, and looking around is a piece of darkness, even if you are close at hand, you may not be able to see it.

   An interesting scene appeared. The address on Qilin Avenue is also No. 188, implying "to send hair". Yang Hongling must have done it on purpose!

  The inn is called "Futai Inn". It covers an area similar to that of Qingyun Inn. It is located in a prosperous and important location. There are five floors in total. The front is the inn, and the back is the yard. The door is closed and locked.

  Walk over, unlocked the lock, and went into the inn to have a look. Everything was okay, and overall passable. Some places had to be redecorated before they could open again.

Standing in the courtyard, Zhang Ronghua sighed deeply. Now he owns four properties in the capital, two inns, one restaurant and one bun shop. Although the bun shop is small, on Zhuque Avenue, it only deals with breakfast. Then earn a lot of money.

After the opening of these two industries, based on the income of the four industries, the daily turnover will easily exceed 10,000 taels, or even higher. After a month, after removing the cost and labor expenses, the income will be at least 200,000 taels , Proper profiteering.

  Compared with those aristocratic families, this property is not enough, and we have to continue to work hard.

   Withdrawing his thoughts, he left the inn, locked the door, and walked towards his home in Fuguifang.

  The other side.

Two hundred miles away from the capital city, in the dark night, a black and white mouse, the size of a house cat, rushed out from the ground. The fur on its body was half black and half white, and black and white were shining, especially its eyes. It is very bright and energetic, it is called Time Treasure Hunter, but at the moment it is sluggish, wow, spit out a blood arrow, staggered and almost fell to the ground, but at a critical moment, it stabilized its body.

  Looking back, a pair of mouse eyes were full of fear, as if someone was chasing it behind him, he didn't dare to delay, endured his heavily injured body, exerted his natural supernatural powers, escaped into the ground again, and rushed towards the capital from the ground.

   Only by escaping to the capital, there may be a way out.

   16,000 words burst!

   Ask for further reading, ask for a monthly pass, ask for support! Poor, pitiful, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

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