MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 122 Abandoned (ask for full order, ask for monthly pass)

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  Chapter 122 Abandonment

  Pei Caihua took a cup of tea that he had just poured, put it in front of him, and smiled kindly: "You still see each other like this with Uncle Pei?"

   took a sip of tea.

  Squinting his eyes, the cold light flickered: "This wave of confrontation, if we don't catch the first move, with Cui Ge's method, the second move will be even stronger!"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "We have accepted their move! Now that his people are in our hands, it is their turn to accept the move."

   "The editorial team this time has a total of nine people. In addition to you and Cheng Zhijie, there are still seven places. How do you plan to arrange it?"

  Listen to his words and hear his meaning.

  When he was in the Ziji Hall, Zhang Ronghua was already full of words, and within fifteen days he would be able to compile a new Biography of the Human Emperor. Don’t you see that His Majesty was so happy that he rewarded the True Dragon Token for the first time!

  How rare is the True Dragon Token? Throughout the existence of the entire Great Xia Dynasty, all the ones that have been circulated outside do not exceed ten yuan.

  Zhang Ronghua only knew that Ding Yi had one piece, and the queen had one piece, which couldn't be counted among them. She was from the palace. Including his piece, outsiders only had two pieces of True Dragon Token.

  Unless you make an incomparable feat, you can obtain the True Dragon Token, which is too great a privilege!

   Now you can join the editing team, you don’t need to worry about anything, just go in and win, and earn credit. When the editing of Ren Huang Zhuan comes out, the minimum official will be promoted to one level, and there will be other precious rewards.

  Pei Caihua asked this question, and the underlying meaning was how to distribute the remaining seven credits.

Zhang Ronghua had already considered this matter when he was in Ziji Hall, and he spared no effort to help himself stand up. Among the seven places, he planned to take out two to reciprocate, and for the remaining five places, one for Ding Yi, one for Lu Junxiu, and one for Lu Junxiu. There are three left, two of which are handed over to the prince, and the last one is tentative, but there is already a candidate, but it still needs to be tested. If he is qualified, give him this spot and help him leap to the dragon gate.

"Ding Yi and Lu Junxiu are tentatively selected among the seven, and there is one more to be tested! There are still four places left, and I don't have any suitable candidates here. Even if you don't speak up, Uncle Pei, you will still ask you and Your Highness to recommend two. Somebody came to help."

   Officialdom is the most taboo to eat alone! Such a person will not last long in the officialdom.

  Not to mention Pei Caihua, the crown prince must also be given the quota, otherwise it will be unreasonable, after all, his logo is stamped on his body.

   Heard this.

The smile on Pei Caihua's face was very wide, and his eyes became softer. It was easy to talk to smart people, pretending to ponder, and after a while he said: "Since you said so, Uncle Pei has to help, send two people later People go and listen to your command!"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled: "Thank you Uncle Pei!"

   Pointing to the teacup, Pei Caihua said, "Drink tea, it won't taste good when it's cold."


  Zhang Ronghua responded, took a sip from the teacup, put down the teacup, and said, "Uncle Pei, I want to ask you for a favor."

   "Tell the words to His Highness?"

   "I can't hide anything from Uncle Pei! It's inconvenient for me to see Your Highness in the palace now. Please Uncle Pei bring the message to His Highness and ask His Highness to send two people over to visit the East Palace after I'm on duty."

   "Okay! Uncle Pei will go to see His Highness later."

   Chatted for a while.

  Zhang Ronghua got up to say goodbye, left the palace, and closed the palace door.

  Pei Caihua stroked his beard and praised: "Teacher has a good vision and picked a good grandson-in-law. His character, ability, and strategy are all excellent! It's just that his cultivation base is a bit low. If they quarrel in the future, Hu Gang will not be shocked!"

   Shaking his head.

   Laughed again. With Zhang Ronghua's ability, fighting would never happen, and he would not be beaten. I guess Hong Ling would be pampered, so I was happy for them.

  Stand up from the chair, walk towards the palace, meet the prince, and convey Zhang Ronghua's words.


  Tianji Pavilion.

The main office hall of Mr. Cui Ge was closed. Tao Xuezhi stood outside with a cold face and said nothing. Quicken your pace and leave.

  In the main hall.

Cui Ge's face was gloomy, and water dripped out without squeezing. In his wise eyes, anger was overwhelming, and he wished to poke a big hole in the sky. He clasped his palms tightly together, and there was a "quack" sound, and his heart Aggrieved! The well-planned game, as long as Zhang Ronghua is taken down, it will affect Pei Caihua, destroy his prestige, inflict heavy damage on him, and then help He Wenxuan join the cabinet to strengthen his momentum. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ronghua, who was ignored by him, would dare to He promised that within fifteen days, he would compile a new biography of Renhuang, and he was rewarded by His Majesty, even the True Dragon Order.

   This is not revenge, it is clearly sending warmth, super warmth!

  For so many years as an official, this is the first time that such a thing has happened. Even the eyes of other people looking at him have changed, joking and sarcasm, as if mocking him for his incompetence, and lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot.

If you think about it with your toes, you can guess that among the remaining seven places, Pei Caihua and Zhang Ronghua, the old and young foxes, will definitely arrange for their own people to go in and be gilded. , to the pinnacle of life.

  As for Cheng Zhijie, his end is already doomed, sheep will fall into a pack of wolves, and after entering, you want to come out intact? Unless Zhang Ronghua's head was kicked by a donkey, regardless of previous suspicions, how is this possible? The two sides were arguing so fiercely above Ziji Hall, how could the person who finally caught him let him go? Don't waste it, the sun really came out from the west.

He Wenxuan was also angry, even more angry than Cui Ge. He suffered a lot in the hands of Zhang Ronghua, because he also had a fight with Changqing Academy, and now he was slapped in the face again. If "cursing behind his back" can He must not hesitate to use his eloquence to kill people. Even if he said Dong Hai was done, he would "curse" Zhang Ronghua to death, and asked unwillingly, "Can you still stop this?"

Elder Cui Ge glared at him fiercely, and said coldly: "We brought this matter up, tell me how to stop it? Jump out now, even if other factions don't impeach, His Majesty will not let us Nice!"

He Wenxuan knew that this was a tribute to His Majesty's great achievements, and let His Majesty's Long En go deep into the hearts of the people of the Great Xia Dynasty. No matter where they were or how far they were from the capital, they all knew that there was Emperor Xia in the capital, and the Great Xia Dynasty would be able to An Ning, the Great Shang Dynasty did not dare to invade, they would be able to eat enough and wear new clothes, but he still had luck in his heart, so he asked this question.

  Elder Cui Ge took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said solemnly: "This matter cannot be stopped, and it cannot be stopped! Otherwise, it will not be a single person who died, and the three clans will be exterminated!"

   "Don't worry, the lower officials are not so confused!"

  Emperor Xia is watching, who dares to intervene to prevent Zhang Ronghua from compiling a new biography of Renhuang, find one, deal with one, and kill the three clans!

  When editing the biography of Renhuang, many people died, and the heads can be cast into Jingguan.

  Old Cui Ge said again: "Now we can only depend on God's will, and outsiders can't stop it. If he fails himself and cannot complete it within the stipulated time, then is our chance."

   "The lower official understands! But I can't swallow this breath in my heart."

   Now, Cui Ge’s anger has dissipated. Even if he didn’t, he endured it and gave him a hard look: “If you only have this promise, I advise you to resign as soon as possible!”

  He Wenxuan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly apologized: "Your official knows your mistake!"

"Do you think this is a child's play? Politics is not about acting bravely for a while. One or two defeats don't mean anything! You have to learn to endure, knock your teeth down and swallow them, thick-skinned, and wait silently." Opportunity, wait for the opportunity to come, and then strike hard, put the opponent to death, and don't give them a chance to come back."

   "Your Majesty, keep this in mind!"

   Tao Xuezhi asked for instructions from outside the palace: "Old Cui, Master Cheng, please see me!"

  Old Cui Ge stretched out his hand and rubbed his head with a headache. This was expected. He entered the den of thieves, and his official career might end here. It would be strange if he was not in a hurry, but he couldn’t see him. Otherwise, what would the people below think? Going forward for you, at the critical moment, without any responsibility, who will work hard for you in the future?

   Concentrated, with a sullen face, he said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

The palace door was pushed open from the outside. Although Cheng Zhijie was anxious, like an ant on a hot pot, there was no change in his face. He was very skilled at nourishing Qi, and his steps were steady and sonorous. He entered inside and saluted respectfully: "I've met Mr. Cui, Mr. He!"

  Cui Ge pointed to the opposite chair: "Sit!"

  Cheng Zhijie's heart sank. He had a little bit of luck at first, but now he fell into the abyss. He knows Cui Ge's personality well.

  But he couldn’t refuse, otherwise he would be ignorant of the way to praise, and the end would be even worse. Sitting on the chair, he only sat on a third of his buttocks, ready to stand up at any time, with his head held high, and his posture was very correct.

Cui Ge said: "I already know the reason for your visit! You should be aware of the seriousness of this matter. His Majesty has already spoken and set the tone. Unless His Majesty withdraws the edict himself! Otherwise, it will not matter who comes. Of course, if If you can convince Sangong, please move them to come forward, maybe there will be a turnaround."

   "The lower officials are not reconciled!"

   "The old man is not reconciled either!"

  The atmosphere was silent, and we had already talked about this, so what else could Cheng Zhijie do? I can only accept my fate!

Elder Cui Ge didn't do everything right. At his level, he thought a lot about it. Although Cheng Zhijie's official career was coming to an end, he couldn't do nothing superficially: "After this incident, you can be a rich man with peace of mind. Other people are making trouble for you! If they don't give in, the old man will come forward and block you."

   Cheng Zhijie knew that this was the best arrangement. If he dared to be unreasonable, he might not even get this kind of treatment. He got up and thanked him: "Thank you, Mr. Cui!"

   "Let's report to the Bachelor Hall!"

  Wait for him to leave.

  Old Cui Ge seemed to be three points older. Looking at He Wenxuan, for the first time, he felt regretful. Why did he choose him as his successor in the first place? It's too late to replace it now.

  Waving his hand, he wanted to quietly: "You go down too!"



  Bachelor Hall.

What happened in the court was spread back immediately. Hearing about it, Ding Yi, as a child of an aristocratic family, was very good at nourishing his energy. The anxiety in his heart did not show on his face. expression, walking up and down the hall, looking up from time to time to look outside, thinking to himself, why hasn't brother come back?

  Lv Junxiu stood by the side, anxious and wanted to know what was going on, but he didn't dare to walk around casually, and stood at the door with his body bowed, staring outside.

   Half a sound.

  After such a long time, my brother has not come back, Ding Yi stopped and looked serious: "Are you sure the news is correct?"

   "Yes!" Lu Junxiu replied heavily.

   "That's strange, did brother go to Pei Shangshu's side?"

Other than that, Ding Yi couldn't think of other possibilities. After all, the news from the court, Cui Ge always made trouble, and Pei Caihua stepped forward at the first time. It is very likely that the human will pass.

  Think here.

Ding Yi was just about to pour a cup of tea to quench his thirst. After walking for such a long time, he still raised his heart, his throat was dry, and just as he raised his feet, a familiar figure came in from outside. Seeing Zhang Ronghua coming back, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly greeted him. He went up and shouted after a long distance: "Brother!"

  Seeing his anxious face and deep concern in his eyes, Zhang Ronghua's heart warmed up, guessing that he knew what happened in the court, he called out: "Talk inside."

   entered the hall.

   Lu Junxiu hastily closed the door of the hall, then opened the chair, let Zhang Ronghua sit down, poured two cups of tea with a teacup, put one cup in front of him, and put the other cup in front of Ding Yi.

  The latter was very thirsty. Holding the teacup, he drank it in one gulp, and hurriedly asked, "Brother, what's going on?"

  Zhang Ronghua explained in detail what happened above the court hall.

   Finish listening.

  Ding became irritable, raised his palm, slapped it on the table angrily, and cursed: "You're too deceitful! You made trouble on the first day you went to court, and this old guy clearly wants to kill you."

   "How did I tell you, be calm when things happen, and don't mess with your reason."

   "But I can't get mad!"

   "The more this is the case, the less you should be swayed by emotions."

   "Huh!" Ding Yi let out a breath, and nodded heavily, expressing that he remembered.

   Puchi smile!

   "This old guy would never have imagined in his wildest dreams that stealing a chicken won't cost him a lot of money. In the end, he got cheaper, brother. I guess his intestines have already regretted it."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, held the teacup, put the lid on it, took a sip, and then put down the teacup: "The fun has just begun."

  Ding Yi was still worried, and asked again: "Are you really sure that you can compile a new biography of the Emperor within fifteen days?"

   "Have you ever seen something I'm not sure about?"

   "That's good!"

   Thinking of another thing, Ding Yi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Brother, Your Majesty really rewarded you with a real dragon token?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua took out the Dragon Token and put it on the table.

Ding Yi also took out his own real dragon token. The two real dragon tokens corresponded to each other and were in purple gold color. The word "True Dragon" was engraved on the front and a five-clawed golden dragon was on the reverse. Heavy breathing.

   "When you compile a new biography of Renhuang, this real dragon token will belong to you, and it will be much more convenient to do things in the future."

   "The True Dragon Order is not the main point. The key point is to compile the biography of the Emperor and make His Majesty satisfied."

  Looking at each other, both of them laughed.

  Respectively withdraw their True Dragon Order.

   "Brother, what do you plan to do with Cheng Zhijie?"

   "I'm afraid he was abandoned by Mr. Cui Ge."

  Ding Yi frowned: "Abandon?"

After thinking about it, I understood the deep meaning. Here, in Zhang Ronghua's territory, even if he is a senior member of the fourth rank, and his official position is one level higher, but in this compilation of Ren Huang Zhuan, he is only a deputy. It's very easy to deal with him. With the relationship between the two parties, if he is not abolished, I will be sorry for Cui Ge's ruthlessness in the court.

   "This old guy is ruthless!"

Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "In his position, he sees things far away. If we don't make a decision now, when we use Cheng Zhijie's hand to set fire to him, Elder Cui Ge will be even more passive at that time. That being the case, it is better to cut the mess quickly, make some compensation, and comfort Cheng Zhijie in other ways, but more for those who work for him."

"Too complicated!"

  Pointing to the nearby chair, Zhang Ronghua signaled Lu Junxiu to sit down.

   "Thank you, sir!"

   Lu Junxiu paid attention to the details, and his movements were very light. He opened the chair without making a sound.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "The other seven places have been given to His Highness and Pei Shangshu two each, and there are three left. I plan to let the two of you come in."

   Lu Junxiu was excited, his face was full of joy, and he wanted to speak, but seeing Ding Yi's frowning face, he had already said it, and closed his mouth wisely, clearly picking out the priorities.

"Brother, are you embarrassing me? Let me drink and listen to music, or give you a talent show! But you let me join the editorial team, I know this is for nothing, as long as you lie down, you can get rewards, But seeing those words connected together, one head and two big, I wish I could tear them apart."


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand and tapped him on the head, not to be refused: "This is an order!"

  The corner of Ding Yi's mouth twitched, he didn't dare to refute, and he closed his mouth obediently.

   Lu Junxiu showed his loyalty, stood up from the chair, saluted respectfully, and said solemnly: "Thank you for your cultivation! My subordinates will never forget it!"

   "Only when you grow up, can you be on your own and share the worries of the official."

   "Subordinates will not let you down!"

   Holding the tea cup, Zhang Ronghua took a sip, waved his hand, motioned him to sit down and talk, and asked, "Cao Xing is your man?"

   Lu Junxiu didn't know the meaning of his question, but he still told the truth, telling the relationship between the two parties.

  Cao Xing saved his life, and the relationship between the two is very good, the kind who defends each other, fearing that Zhang Ronghua will not believe it, he raises his hand and swears!

   "Call him here."

   "It's adults!"

   Lu Junxiu got up, opened the hall door and walked out, then closed the hall door from the outside.

   They are the only ones left in the hall.

  Ding Yi frowned: "Brother, how did Cao Xing fall into your eyes?"

   "Remember what happened to Su Changhe?"

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

"In this matter, his ability to handle things is good. Although Su Changhe and the others have no cultivation base and cannot be found under normal circumstances, it is also a good thing that he can record what they did without knowing it. means."

   After a pause, Zhang Ronghua spoke again.

   "This morning the court sounded the alarm for me. The power is still too weak. In the face of Cui Ge's attack, there is almost no backhand power! If you want to change all this, you can only seize every opportunity and train your own people."

   "Didn't Pei Shangshu protect you to death? Didn't His Highness also take action?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head, and said seriously: "The power in your own hands is called power."

  Lv Junxiu was here just now, and there were some things I couldn’t say, but now that he’s gone, I can say what I have to say.

"You have registered with His Majesty. Even if you don't do anything, you will be promoted to the official position after you have enough seniority, but you will not be able to grasp the real power! You are the only one left in the Ding family. Now you are supported by your grandfather. Your Majesty's Long En cares, others dare not make a move, but have you ever thought that if they can protect you for a while, they can protect you for a lifetime? Even if they can protect you for a lifetime, what about your son and grandson?"

  Ding Yi was silent, he hadn't considered this question.

   Before your health gets better, you don’t have long to live. No matter how much you think about it, it’s bullshit! With this time, why not give some warmth to the girls in Goulan before dying? Isn't it fragrant?

  After the body recovered, I was busy with cultivation, and I only wanted to improve my cultivation level, so I didn't have time to think about long-term issues.

  Zhang Ronghua continued: "You don't want to glorify the lintel? Make the Ding family stronger? Pass it down for thousands of years and become a top family?"

   These words reached Ding Yi's heart. As the only child of the Ding family, does he really like to drink and listen to music? Men's **** is on the one hand, and on the other hand, they still feel that they are not good enough to do things well, and that's why they are shouldering heavy responsibilities!

  But Zhang Ronghua made his words clear and did not give him any escape route. As a child of a family, he also has his own pride.

   Only when the family is stronger and has more power, can he have more things, just like he eats cultivation resources like candy.

   If there is no grandfather to support him, can he enjoy endless cultivation resources? I'm afraid not! Can it still be like it is now, with so many Goulan in the capital, including the Jiaofang Division, where you can go to play wherever you want? He was still enshrined as an ancestor, and even Wushuang Hou Huo's family didn't dare to provoke him? Can't either!

   Everything we have now is based on the power established by grandfather Ding Qi and the meritorious service of father Ding Xiu who died in battle. Only with their contributions can we enjoy it.

  If you don’t have these, you can ask him to try it. The guards in Goulan can make him unable to live and die without the help of others.

  Ding Yi is not an idiot!

   All of these can be imagined, the relaxed and carefree face on the face gradually disappears, dignified, serious, serious, and three-point determination, with firm eyes: "I think!"

Zhang Ronghua smiled, and patted him on the shoulder: "I didn't disappoint you! This opportunity is once in a thousand years. When I edit it here, you will be able to be promoted, and if you go further, you will be able to enter the imperial court from the fourth rank! With the qualifications of editing Renhuangzhuan and having real power, no one can fault it. The road needs to be taken step by step, so that the established power will be firm and reliable, and only then can it have the ability to fight back in the face of any difficulties."

"Brother, I listen to you. From now on, when you are on duty, you will definitely do things seriously! I will not embarrass you or grandpa. After I am on duty, I will live directly in the Jiaofang Division, work hard, and improve my cultivation as soon as possible. Come up."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction.

When he first came to the Academy of Scholars, Ding Yi treated him like a brother and reciprocated. This kind of love was accepted, even though Ding Yi was older than him, but in his heart, he really regarded him as a younger brother and wanted him to live a happy life. better.

"When Cheng Zhijie comes, I will ask him to give advice on the new biography of Renhuang. No matter what he does, no matter how well he does it, he can be denied with just one sentence. Wait for the new biography of Renhuang to be edited. , I will hand over the memorial here, as long as there is one sentence, if there is no feasible suggestion from the beginning to the end, he will be finished!"

   "Will it affect you if you make it clear that the chariots and horses are targeting him?"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled confidently: "No! As long as I compile and edit the new Biography of the Emperor, and then hand over the memorial, he will be dismissed from office and demoted to a commoner."

  Above the Chaotang, when Cheng Zhijie said the word "can't", the ending was doomed.

  When the new biography of Renhuang is compiled, Emperor Xia will abolish him as soon as the memorial arrives in order to appease himself.

  Politics is such a reality, either succeed or fail, there is no third way to go.

  Zhang Ronghua saw it, Cui Ge and the others also saw it, and Cheng Zhijie, the person involved, also knew his end, so he went to Tianji Pavilion to meet Cui Ge with the fluke mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

  Footsteps came from outside, and Lu Junxiu's voice sounded together: "My lord, Cao Xing has brought you here."

"Come in!"

The palace door was pushed open, Lu Junxiu led him in from the outside, Cao Xing was very good at being a man, he took the initiative to close the palace door, and didn't let Lu Junxiu do anything, because his official position was low, he was only a senior, if it wasn't for Jin Linxuan The special status of the Heavenly Army, a small superiority, is not enough to obtain this precious opportunity.

  He was nervous. On the way here, Lu Junxiu reminded him, but he didn't say too much, telling him that this is an opportunity, and whether he can grasp the performance of the meeting.

Cao Xing is thirty this year, and his son inherited his father's job and took his father's position. He has worked in the Jinlin Xuantian Army for twelve years. For the deep Golden Scale Xuantian Army, it is difficult to advance to the sky, and has been stuck in this position for many years.

  Now the opportunity has finally appeared, and it has been valued by adults, and I swear in my heart! No matter what you pay, you must seize this opportunity and never let it pass you by.

   Stepped forward two steps, respectfully clasped his fists and saluted, and said respectfully: "See you, my lord!"

  Zhang Ronghua took a look at him. He is in the middle of his life, and his cultivation is not bad. A good plan may not fail to have a great effect. He said in a deep voice, "I know what the official called you to come here?"

   "You don't need to know about humble positions! As long as you are ordered by an adult, no matter what it is, you will go all out to get it done."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded in satisfaction.

   "I still have a place in my hands."


  Cao Xing took another step forward, lifted the armor underneath, and knelt on the ground directly, with eagerness on his face, and begged: "My lord, please give me a chance!"

  Zhang Ronghua didn't speak, as if he didn't hear him.

Cao Xing raised his right hand, clasped his thumb and little finger together, pointed his index finger, **** and ring finger to the ceiling, and swore: "The life of a humble job will be an adult's from now on. If you say a word, go up the knife mountain, go down the oil pan, and risk everything!" , never frown!"

Zhang Ronghua looked at him with sharp eyes, pointing directly at people's hearts. In front of these penetrating eyes, no one can escape its scrutiny. From Cao Xing's eyes, he saw firmness and resignation to death, and nodded in satisfaction: "Get up!"

   "Thank you, sir!"

   "How is your knowledge?"

   "Although I'm a small military officer, I also know the importance of knowledge. Apart from practicing, I spend the rest of my time studying. Master Lu taught me a lot."

  Lu Junxiu stood up: "His reading talent is not good, but he can endure hardships and memorize by rote. If he takes the imperial examination, he will be a scholar."

  For an officer, the evaluation of being a scholar is already very high.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It's not enough! During the period of editing the new emperor's biography, you have to seize the opportunity to learn well, and ask when you don't understand. People who can join the editing team have solid knowledge."

  Cao Xing was excited, the lord agreed, and immediately knelt down to thank him: "Thank you for the cultivation, lord!"

   Although kneeling down is embarrassing, but compared with glory and wealth, what is face? As he said just now, this life belongs to Zhang Ronghua.

   "Go down!"

   "Resign from the humble position!"

  Cao Xing withdrew and closed the hall door.

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "calculate the time, His Highness and the people sent by Pei Shangshu are about to arrive, you go outside to pick them up, and bring them here when they arrive."

   Lu Junxiu saluted and left.

  Ding Yidao: "This person is very clear and decisive. He knows that he wants to win this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Only this life has some value."

   "There are no good things for no reason in the world. If you get as much benefit, you have to pay the corresponding price."

   "Brother, is the Golden Scale Xuantian Army really important?"

   "Rongwei Outer Palace!"

  Ding is easy to understand, these four words explain everything.

  Patting the top of Wulong Yuling's belt with his right hand, Zhang Ronghua took out a jug of dragon ball wine. The rich aroma of wine came out from the mouth of the jug, forming a substance.

Ding Yi smelled it. This is Tianqiongyu Brewing, and it is a little different. The aroma of the wine seems to be three points stronger, and there is a smell of elixir, which makes people smell it. He can't help but improve his cultivation, and asked tentatively : "Improved Tianqiongyu Niang?"

"Do not ask."

  Ding Yi understood, this wine is unusual, otherwise brother would not have told him.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You have already broken through to the fourth level of Houtian Realm, drink this pot of wine, don't rush to break through, and use the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong Rhyme to nourish your meridians, body and soul, and improve your physique."

   "Yes." Ding Yi responded.

  The two stood up from the chairs and entered the room.

Ding Yi sat on top of the spies, holding a jug, and drank the wine. The dragon ball wine entered his stomach and turned into a huge force. A huge dragon chant faintly sounded, roaring in his body, trying to explode him , No matter what, let this huge force impact, and still drink, he believes that Zhang Ronghua, with his brother around, this force can't help him.

   With one step, he came behind him.

  Zhang Ronghua made a move, put his right hand on top of his head, golden light rushed out from his palm, and shot a streak of black and yellow true essence into his body, suppressing the enormous power transformed by the dragon ball wine, preventing it from harming him.

   After dozens of breaths, Ding Yi drank the pot of wine, and all the power he transformed was suppressed.

  Zhang Ronghua withdrew his palm and stood watching from the sidelines. Seeing that he was on the right track and performing the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Kung Fu refining wine to nourish his body, he withdrew his gaze.

   came out from inside, sat down in the hall, drank tea and waited.

   In a quarter of an hour.

The sound of footsteps came from outside. In his induction, Lu Junxiu brought five people over, one of them was Cheng Zhijie, and he glanced inside. Ding Yi was at the critical moment of refining the power of wine, so he could not be disturbed and stood on the chair. Get up and walk outside.

  Out of the palace, and then closed the palace door, Lu Junxiu and the others just arrived.

  Two middle-aged people and two young people took the initiative to step forward, bowed and saluted, and introduced themselves: "The lower official Zhao Bai (Pei Lin, Ji Xuedong, Zhu Jiafu) has met the adults!"

   Say your position again.

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   Majestic eyes fell on Cheng Zhijie's body, meeting his eyes, the latter was expressionless and cold, and said: "Boss Zhang!"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "My officer is now assigning tasks. Master Cheng, you are responsible for providing advice on the new emperor's biography. You are responsible for collecting your majesty's great achievements in the next twenty years. No matter whether it is a big or small matter, you must not miss one."

  The four of them responded respectfully, then turned and left immediately.

  Cheng Zhijie gave Zhang Ronghua a unwilling look before leaving.

   "Go get a human emperor to pass it on."

   "Subordinate, let's go."

   After he left, Zhang Ronghua turned around and entered the hall.

   8500 words!

   I wrote until 8 o'clock in the morning, feeling dizzy, nauseated, and want to vomit. I wanted to hold on and write 10,000 words, but I still couldn't hold on.

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

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