MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 120 Take Yang Hongling home (seek full order, ask for monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 120 Take Yang Hongling Home


  Shi Bole reined in the reins and stopped the Time Car.

Looking at the crowd in front of him, they were covered in darkness, blocking the wide street, and seeing the carts coming, the carts were pulled by two sacred dragon horses, exuding soft golden light, noble and sacred, and the body was majestic, with a thousand-year-old purple It is made of wood, and the exterior decoration is also very luxurious. There is a character "Zhang" engraved on both sides of the frame, which represents the owner of the chariot. The minimum person who can ride a chariot is a senior member of the fourth rank, from the sacred dragon in front of him. Judging from the horse and the body, this person's identity is not simple, he is likely to be from a wealthy family, the surrounding people subconsciously backed away, not daring to get too close, afraid of causing trouble, so they gave up a little space, a foot and a half , so that the vicinity of the body is a little more open.

  Turning his head, he said to the inside of the car: "Qinglin, someone has been beheaded for public display, and the way forward is blocked. It looks like we have to wait for a while."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   Lifted a corner of the curtain and looked out from here.

  On the supervisory stage, the six people kneeling were all acquaintances, including Feng Youwei and Su Changhe.

   "Action so fast?"

The scene in front of me was expected, but it was still too fast. Only three days had passed since they were engaged in hair-raising, and they were taken to the vegetable market to be beheaded. The family members thought it was the same. The men were sent to the frontier as slaves, and the women were beaten. Join the Jiaofang Division.

   Put down the car curtain, look away, and stop paying attention.

   When dealing with his enemies, Zhang Ronghua never relents, or does not make a move. Since he chooses to fight, he will definitely not give them any chance to stand up.

  Poured a cup with the teapot, held the teacup, and pressed the tea lid lightly. Although he didn't look at it, with his cultivation base, he could sense everything that happened outside.

   In a quarter of an hour.

The prison officer looked at the sky, saw that the time had come, and there were people all around, grabbing a command arrow with the word "cut", threw it vigorously, rolled a few times in the air, and the command arrow fell to the ground, and shouted in a deep voice: "Execution! "

The six executioners held the green bowls on the side, which contained strong wine, took a sip, passed it in their mouths, and held up their knives. Spit on the knife body, hold it up high, and chop it suddenly, six heads rolled to the ground in an instant, and the scene of robbing the law field to save people did not happen.

  Inside the car.

  Zhang Ronghua put down his teacup, half-drinked a cup of tea, and ordered: "Let's go!"

   "Yes." Uncle Shi responded.

  Holding the reins, he flicked hard, making a "snap" sound, and the two sacred dragon horses moved forward with four hooves.

  Seeing the Guangyin chariot driving forward, the people standing in front hurriedly retreated to the side to make way for the road, and no one dared to stand in front to block it.

  Leaving the vegetable market, took the North-South Highway, and rushed towards Pei Mansion.

  Here we go.

When the Guangyin car stopped, Pei Xingzhou's eyes lit up, and he regained his energy in an instant. He trotted up to meet him, took the ponytail from Shi Bo's hand and put it on the ground. Come! The master has prepared tea in the lobby."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   Entered Pei Mansion and went directly to the lobby.

  Pei Caihua sat on a chair and drank tea. There were eighteen gift boxes beside him. They were square, exquisite and beautiful, and high-end. It seemed that the things inside were unusual.

   stepped forward, smiled and said, "Uncle Pei."


  Pointing to the opposite chair, he put the poured tea in front of him.

  Sitting opposite him, Zhang Ronghua took a sip of the teacup and put it down.

  Pei Caihua asked, "Which street did you come from?"

   "Over there at the vegetable market."

   "Did Feng Youwei see them being beheaded?"


   "He Wenxuan personally ordered Han Zhenggang to deal with it strictly, and even greeted Dali Temple."

Zhang Ronghua guessed He Wenxuan's intentions. Feng Youwei was his man, and he actually acted behind his back. If it succeeded, He Wenxuan might not care about it, and maybe he would reward him, but in the end it failed, and he almost killed him. The embarrassment of him was completely embarrassing, and he was caught in a storm again. As a superior, he couldn't even control his own people. Others don't mess around! Then remove yourself from the matter to minimize the impact.

  There are two kinds of results, whether it is success or failure, Feng Youwei will be abandoned after the fact. The difference is that the first result is better, at least he can get some rewards before being abandoned.

   "Uncle Pei, what are the chances of you joining the cabinet now?"

   ponder for a moment.

Pei Caihua didn't hide anything from him, with a serious expression on his face: "Half and half! In terms of momentum, I have the upper hand over He Wenxuan! But he has the support of Cui Ge, and this old guy is also working hard, sparing no effort, and the majority of people who support He Wenxuan make the situation worse In a stalemate, neither side can go any further."

  stretched out his palm, patted Zhang Ronghua on the shoulder, and smiled confidently.

   "You don't have to worry about my affairs, Uncle Pei's method is still possible."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and said, "I naturally believe in Uncle Pei."

"After this incident, it is also a good thing for you. As long as you don't mess up your position and make random moves, He Wenxuan will no longer ask for trouble. The only thing you can do to use dirty tricks against the Palace of Scholars is to block the document, or Take it easy, but these are not things, and it is not a big problem to deal with the past with your own means. After a while, your qualifications are almost exhausted, and I am transferring you from the Palace of Scholars to work in the Ministry of Rites. In this way, It will be able to rise to the fourth grade in the shortest time."

   "Let Uncle Pei worry about it."

   "What kind words did my family say!"

   After talking about business, let's talk about homework.

   Zhang Ronghua was curious. He had come here so many times and had never seen his wife and children before. He asked, "Uncle Pei, where are Aunt Pei and the others?"

   "I went back to my mother's house some time ago, counting the days, I will be back soon."

  Put down the teacup.

  The two stood up from the chairs.

  Pei Caihua said: "It's time to go, otherwise the teacher will scold you later."

He ordered the housekeeper to put these gifts on the car, and the two of them left the mansion. Pei Caihua had his own chariot. With a high-end atmosphere, showing their identity and majesty, the two got into their respective chariots, one in front and one behind, and rushed towards the Fate Academy.

   for a while.

The two chariots stopped outside the Fate Academy. Uncle Shi put down the ponytail, and Zhang Ronghua stepped on it to get off the car. When Pei Caihua came over, he took a step forward and said, "Please tell me that Zhang Ronghua and Pei Caihua are visiting the old master." !"

  The gatekeeper is still Mei Changshu, which is considered predestined, every time I come here, I can see him, and I respond with a smile: "Senior brother, wait a moment!"

   trotted in.

He returned soon, besides him, Yang Hongling also came, this time he did not wear a long skirt, and changed back to the previous style, a white boxy garment with a layer of mesh tulle on the outside and a brocade silk shirt on the inside. Wearing sky-blue shorts, tight-fitting, outlining two straight and slender jade legs, black stockings embroidered with some small stars, each small star is hollowed out, exposing the fair and smooth skin, the oolong boots step on the On the ground, there was a "da da" sound.

  The corners of the mouth are raised, the lipstick on the jade lips is a bit thick, but it is not coquettish, but it adds three points of charm. When she walks closer, she smiles and starts calling: "Uncle Pei, Qinglin!"

  Pei Caihua praised: "After so many years, the red spirit is getting more and more beautiful. I don't know who is cheaper in the future?"

   At the end, his eyes fell on Zhang Ronghua.

  Yang Hongling also looked over, met his eyes, smiled even wider, and said hello: "Grandpa is waiting inside, go in!"

   "Yes." Pei Caihua replied.

  Ordering the housekeeper to take down the gift, Mei Changshu was very discerning, and waved his palm: "Help!"

  Take the four juniors and follow behind with these gifts.

   Arrived at the forbidden area and entered the courtyard.

  Mei Changshu and the others put the things in the lobby and left with interest.

  On the edge of Linghu Lake.

The old master prepared the tea and asked them to sit down. The two of them sat opposite each other. The tea had just been brewed, and the hot air came out from the mouth of the teapot. Tea.

Zhang Ronghua is a junior, so he will naturally do the tea pouring. He got up from the stone bench, took the teapot, and poured a cup for the old master first, then Pei Caihua, and finally himself. The teacup was silently covered with a tea lid.

   When they sat down, Yang Hongling caught a few spirit fish from the spirit lake, picked some spirit vegetables and brought them into the kitchen.

  Pei Caihua respects from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he is not a high-ranking minister of the Ministry of Rites, but just a disciple, holding the bottom of the teacup with both hands, and respectfully handing it to the old master: "Teacher, please use tea!"

The old master didn't go to pick him up, he didn't dare to make any mistakes, he kept this posture motionless, his wise eyes were soft, and he looked at Pei Caihua's body, he was obviously his disciple, so much younger, when he was studying at school , was still a young man, in full bloom, unexpectedly, so many years passed in a blink of an eye, and he looked older than himself, and said: "I didn't listen to you when I asked you to practice hard, but you plunged into the officialdom. It became like this."

Pei Caihua showed shame. Although he was only a registered disciple, the old master was really kind to him back then and gave him a chance. If he didn't enter the officialdom, he would not be a registered disciple but a formal disciple now. When facing their parents, their children feel ashamed and feel sorry for them: "I have failed to live up to your expectations, and I have let down your hard work!"

  The old master took a sip from the teacup and put it down again.

Pei Caihua took out a golden jade box from his bosom, only half the size of a fist, with a sealing talisman on it, stood up and put it in front of the old master: "I know you like to drink tea, this is given to me by Qinglin some time ago, I don't want to drink it, I want to drink it." I sent it to you, but I have no face to see you, and it has been delayed until now!"

   "Yes." The old master nodded.

   Waved his right hand.

  Another teacup fell in front of Pei Caihua.

   "This is Donghai Wanling tea, which has been processed by the old man. Some life things have been added. In addition to the aura contained in the tea, it can also increase some life span and make the body more energetic."

  Pei Caihua was moved in his heart, and solemnly saluted: "I'm sorry for your trouble!"

  Holding the teacup, he drank the tea regardless of how hot it was. What he drank was not tea, but the teacher's deep love for his disciples.

The tea entered the mouth, it was so hot that his mouth hurt, and it entered his stomach, rolling like a raging fire, but he held back and didn't cry out. After the old master treated it, the strong aura contained in the tea, and other powers, are neutral and peaceful, Integrate into the body by itself.

  Zhang Ronghua finished the tea in his cup, knowing that they had something to say, he stood up tactfully: "I'll go to the kitchen to have a look."

  Wait for him to leave.

Pei Caihua couldn't bear it anymore, his eyes were flushed, and tears glistened, running down his cheeks. The old master has shown great kindness to him, just like reborn parents. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be where he is today. has been corrupted...


Wearing an apron, Yang Hongling was standing at the table, holding the knife in his right hand, holding the spirit fish in his left hand, his slender and boneless jade hands were eye-catching, when he heard footsteps outside, he looked back, as if he guessed that he would come: "Here! "

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

Stopped beside her and watched her kill the fish. Six of the eight spirit fish had been killed, and this was the seventh one on the sticky board. He took it out and threw it in the trash can, the knife flashed, and the fish scales were peeled off one by one, without raising his head, he was focused and capable: "The kitchen is a place for women, get out quickly."

   "Who do you look down on?"

  Yang Hongling stopped moving, her beautiful jewel-like eyes turned around, showing suspicion: "You can also cook?"

   "A little bit, but not much."

   I really want to cut him down, but what he said is a little bit better, maybe it's the six-level skill that is close to the Tao?

   But cooking is a woman's bounden duty. Zhang Ronghua was born in the Imperial Army, and his grandfather's family is in business, and the family is not short of money. How can a child born in such a family know how to cook?

  She doesn't believe it! Passed the knife over: "Try!"

"it is good!"

After taking the kitchen knife, she lightly tapped the handle with her thumb, turned the knife a dozen times in her palm, and then held the handle to start killing fish, disembowelling, removing internal organs, and cleaning fish scales, all of which were more familiar than her movements. Like flowing clouds and flowing water, like art, the visual effect is full and has great ornamental value.

  Yang Hongling continued to watch with her hands behind her back, not expressing her opinion for the time being.

   After killing a fish, I poured some spirit water to wash it, walked to the stove, took a few pieces of earth spirit charcoal from the side, threw it in, lit the fire, and started cooking.

  Eight spirit fish are divided into two methods, one for four, one for braised and one for fish soup.

   It took a little time to prepare the two dishes and put them in the prepared basin.

   Wash your hands.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and suggested: "Try it?"

Yang Hongling didn't speak, but smelled the smell of fish from the two dishes. She, whose cooking skills had reached the fourth level, knew that Zhang Ronghua's cooking skills had reached the sixth level, which was close to the Tao, otherwise she wouldn't be able to cook such a scent, but she still didn't believe it. How can he cook? Is it not fragrant when the clothes come to stretch out the hands and the rice comes to the mouth?

Holding a pair of bowls and chopsticks, put some fish meat into the bowl, lightly open the red lips, and try it with a small mouth, the fish meat is in the mouth, the ingredients and seasonings are perfectly blended together, and it is brought out to the fullest. What you eat is not fish, it seems to be artistic conception, According to the proportion of seasonings, deduce spicy, licky, sour and so on.

  Put down the bowl and chopsticks, beautiful jewel-like eyes fell on his body, stepped on the ground with his black boots, pinched his round and tender chin with his right hand, walked around him, without stopping three times in a row.

  Zhang Ronghua had black threads all over his head, and he pulled her angrily: "What are you doing?"

   "I don't understand, you are a man, what do you do to cook properly?"

   "Culinary skills are very simple, and it will come naturally after watching others cook more."

  Yang Hongling really wanted to give him a punch, it was so irritating, the culinary skills of the Six Realm Skills are close to Taoism, did he actually say that he can do it just by looking at it? If so, for so many years, she has not only watched other people cook, but also cooks by herself, coupled with her super talent, why is her cooking skills only superb? If you want to upgrade to the five realms and return to the original, you dare not even think about it! It's really too difficult.

Thinking of Zhang Ronghua's urination, every time I ask him if he knows it, he always knows a little bit, and then the six-level skill is close to the Tao, which is obviously too strong. : "What else do you not know?"

  Zhang Ronghua said solemnly: "Have a baby!"


  Yang Hongling was immediately amused, the silver bell-like laughter echoed in the kitchen, his chest was throbbing violently, almost tore through the small, tight square clothes, and he threw a pair of blank eyes at him: "You also have moments of indecency?"

"Is not it?"

   "You are so good at cooking, why didn't you do it before? You still want me to cook?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You cook better than mine."

  Yang Hongling was stunned, the amount of information contained in this sentence was huge, the expression on his face remained unchanged, his heart was sweet, he was happier than eating honey, and asked: "Do you want to do it?"

   "I have eaten you so many times, take a break today and try my craft."

   "En." Yang Hongling responded.

Take out the prepared fifty catties of dragon meat and put it in a large basin. It looks like a lot, but it also eats a lot, especially Xiaosi. Let alone this, even if you give it a green dragon, it can still eat a lot of meat. It swallowed it alive.

  After coming back yesterday, this guy actually used the remaining two tables of big meals to ask her to honor one table. Yang Hongling would not break his promise, and took out the dragon meat and made it a table. It was a joy to eat it.

   "I'll help you."

  Men and women match, work is not tiring, chat while cooking.

  In less than half an hour, all eight main courses were finished, except dragon meat, spirit fish, and monster meat, followed by cold dishes, also eight dishes, plus four pastries.

  Looking at the big meals on the table, Yang Hongling swallowed a mouthful of saliva, it was so delicious! I really want to eat it now.

   "Go ask grandpa and them to eat, and I will bring them to the lobby."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Out of the kitchen, walked towards the yard.

  Here we go.

The old master and Pei Caihua were playing chess. They stopped by the side and looked at the board. Pei Caihua's chess skill was good, but compared to the old master, it was still not enough. Bai Zi was in a desperate situation. No matter where he started, it was a dead end. Even if he is allowed to take over, it's just a dying struggle, just to take a few more breaths.

  Put down the pieces.

  Pei Caihua admitted defeat calmly: "Compared with you, my chess skills have a long way to go."

  Old Master shook his head: "If you don't put your heart into it, your chess skills will naturally not be good."

  Looking at Zhang Ronghua.

   "Is the meal ready?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

  The old master stood up from the stone bench and greeted: "Let's go! Eat."

   Arrived at the door.

Xiaosi was standing on the edge of the table, short of breath, a pair of animal eyes fell on the big meal without blinking, licking his tongue back and forth, swallowing saliva, there were some watermarks left on the ground, it seemed that it fell saliva.

The old master was taken aback, smelling the strong aroma of vegetables in the air, forming a substance, lingering for a long time, the glutton was hooked up, two white eyebrows were raised, his eyes were unprecedentedly bright, he stepped in calmly, looked at the table Meals above, sure! Only the culinary skills that are close to Taoism in the six realms can cook such delicious food.

  Looking at her precious granddaughter, her face showed suspicion. She knows what cooking skills are in her heart, but she is only in the four realms. How can she cook the skills in the six realms? Could it be Qinglin?

  Shaking his head, denying this idea, a gentleman cooks far away, unless he was born in a poor family, he knows the conditions of Zhang Ronghua's family, although the power is not very good, but he is not short of money, how can he cook?

  Suppressing the doubts in my heart, I will ask later, take a seat according to my identity, Yang Hongling handed over the bowl and chopsticks, and put the prepared basin in front of Xiaosi, then sat next to Zhang Ronghua, and said, "Eat!"

   I picked up a piece of dragon meat, took a bite, and ate it silently. The speed was very fast, mainly because it was too fragrant. I wanted to eat it just now, but the table was not opened, and I have been holding back until now.

The old master is also quick to react, the six-level skill is close to Taoist cooking, he has only eaten it in the palace, and as his identity, he wants to eat it, as long as he goes there at any time, but he can't get over this face. ! Wouldn't it be nice to eat more with this time?

  Pei Caihua praised: "Hong Ling's culinary skills are getting better and better."

He caught a piece of dragon meat. He didn't know it was a green dragon. He put it in his mouth. In addition to the taste of the dragon meat itself, it also contained ample aura, which was very rich. He was immediately conquered by the cooking skills of the six realms, and his eyes lit up. , It's so delicious!

say? impossible.

  The reserve of the Minister of Rites? Here, he is just the old master's disciple, and he eats fast.

   One meal is finished.

He has gained the most benefits. With the help of dragon meat and the East China Sea Wanling tea he drank before, he has broken through two small realms in a row, reaching the fourth level of the innate realm. It was more energetic, and sighed: "I have tasted Hongling's craftsmanship today, and I am afraid that I will not be able to eat other dishes in the future."

  Yang Hongling smiled without saying a word, got up silently, packed up the dishes and left.

   chatted for a while.

  Pei Caihua got up to leave, and Zhang Ronghua also left with him, but the old master stopped him and told him to stay.

   After he left, they were the only ones left in the lobby.

  The old master asked tentatively, "Did you do it?"

   "Hmm." Zhang Ronghua knew he would ask.

   "Come often in the future. Later, the old man will ask Hong Ling to say hello to the disciples at the door, and let him go directly when he comes."

   "!!" Zhang Ronghua's hair was covered with black lines, this was treating him as a free coolie.

   put away the smile.

  The old master said earnestly: "I have obtained the elixir of good fortune, the holy water of the underworld and the heart of the rising sun, and it will take some time. If there is any news, the old master will send someone to inform you."

   "The younger generation has time at any time."

   "The Red Spirit is going to break through later, and the old man still needs to create that supernatural power, so he can't get away for the time being. You protect her."

   "Good!" Zhang Ronghua responded.

   Send the old master out of the lobby and wait in place.


  Yang Hongling returned and stopped by his side: "Did Grandpa tell you?"


"sorry to bother you."

   "You and I still need to be so polite?"

"follow me!"

Follow her and walk towards the backyard. This is the first time I have come here. Compared with the front yard, the scenery is more beautiful. The small lake, rockery, expensive and precious spiritual grass and flowers are well laid out, and the aura contained in the world is more beautiful than The front yard was twice as big, stopping outside a room.

  Yang Hongling said: "This is my boudoir."

   I was nervous. It was the first time I brought an outsider over in so many years. It was still a man, beating violently like a deer hit.

  Stretched out her jade hand, pushed the door open, and walked in.

   Waiting for him to come in, Yang Hongling closed the door.

  Looking at the hall, there is a table, two chairs, and some decorations. They are simple and neat, without any extra decorations. From here, we can see her character.

Entering the bedroom, the overall layout tends to be warm. The pink beads and jade curtains and pink bedding are neatly stacked and placed inside the bed. There is a table by the window with a mirror on it, as well as rouge gouache and lipstick. mostly.

Yang Hongling sat on the bed, took off her oolong boots, tried her best to look natural, did not expose the tension in her heart, put on a cultivation posture with her heart turned upside down, calmed down her distracting thoughts, and said seriously: "I'm going to start breaking through. !"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

His eyes fell on her body, her face was beautiful, finely carved, pointed if it was more, and fatter if it was less, with a high nose bridge and red lips, attracting attention, but his gaze fell on her at a glance. On her jade feet wrapped in black silk, this posture and movement have a great visual impact, full of sexiness and temptation, and test people's will.

  Seeing that she was practicing martial arts, golden aura bloomed, and she began to break through. She looked away from her jade feet and looked at it seriously.

   It is very important for the Grand Master to break through to the Heavenly Human Realm at the tenth level. If he fails, the next time he wants to break through, the difficulty will be doubled or even more, and he must break through once.

  In case of accident, he can act in time.

  As the kung fu practiced to the extreme, Yang Hongling's aura reached its peak, powerful coercion came out, his hands formed seals, mobilized the majestic internal force, and rushed forward, like a roaring dragon, hitting the bottleneck in one fell swoop.


There was a clear and crisp breaking sound, blocking the bottleneck in front of her. Facing her strong and condensed internal force, she was vulnerable to a single blow. She broke through to the realm of heaven and man naturally, and the terrifying suction came out from her body. When she swallowed domineeringly, the aura of heaven and earth around her formed. The huge vortex was transferred into her body to be refined, stabilizing the realm.

   Seeing this, Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly.

  Looking back, he stopped looking, left the bedroom, stopped in the hall, sat on a chair and waited for her to come out.

   Half an hour later.

  Yang Hongling came out from the inside, his breath was already steady, he pulled out the chair and sat down opposite him: "The conditions are so poor, you'll laugh at me."

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "It's as long as I feel comfortable."

  Take out two jugs of dragon ball wine and hand them over.

   "I added some elixir and Tianqiongyu Niang to the dragon ball of Qinglong, and I fused it together. The effect is good. Drink them, and your realm will be stable."

  Yang Hongling was not polite, and put away the Dragon Ball wine.

  Holding a ginseng fruit in his left hand, and a fruit knife in his right hand, with his thumb against the blade, he began to peel.

"The batch of gemstones have been processed. I will send people to look for suitable restaurants and inns on Suzaku Avenue and Qilin Avenue. There will be news within two or three days at the latest. When it is done, I will send you the deed." .”

  Zhang Ronghua was slightly surprised. They just came back yesterday, and it's only been one night. So many gemstones have been processed?

   Seeing his appearance, Yang Hongling guessed it, and began to explain: "They are all good things, and they are naturally quick to deal with. It was just a little bit of wind, and they came to buy them in large quantities, at least ten."


   "Thank you again? Did you see someone else?"

The ginseng fruit had already been peeled, and he handed it over. Zhang Ronghua caught it and took a bite. Among the many spiritual fruits, he still loves ginseng fruit because it is tender and juicy. When he bites down, it feels like countless water hits his mouth. In addition to the deliciousness of the fruit itself, it is also very refreshing.

  Yang Hongling picked up another one and continued to peel it, this time eating it by himself.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "When are we going to beat up Xu Xirou?"

   "Go later!"

   "Beat someone quickly, without delay."



  Looking at each other, both of them laughed.

   After she finished peeling the ginseng fruit, she put down the fruit knife, stood up from the chair, and said, "Go! Go and beat her up."

  Out of the room.

  The two walked side by side, left the yard, and walked outside.

   Arriving at the main entrance of Fate Academy, Mei Changshu saw them coming out, greeted them, and said hello: "Elder Sister, Senior Brother!"

  Zhang Ronghua took out some fragrant sweet fruits and handed them over: "Take it."

   After coming down so many times, the chat was quite hit-and-miss.

  Mei Changshu put it away happily, and thanked: "Thank you, brother!"

  Walking to the side, seeing them coming, Shi Bo greeted them and asked, "Where are you going now?"

  Zhang Ronghua said: "You go back first, you don't have to wait for me for dinner."

  Shi Bo responded, and drove away with the time car.

  Yang Hongling's gem-like beautiful eyes turned around, with a puzzled expression on her face: "Walk over?"

   "Do you want to drive away?"

  The car is comfortable to sit on, and there are cards, but she doesn't care about these things, because the speed is too fast! The time I spent with Zhang Ronghua was very short, but walking was different, and the time we spent together was longer.

  Shaking his head, Yang Hongling stroked his hair: "I don't like riding in a car!"

   Changed direction and walked towards Changqing Academy.

  It's strange. As soon as I arrived at the market, there was a seller of candied haws. Yang Hongling's beautiful eyes lit up, and two special brilliance bloomed. She walked over quickly, stopped at the boss, and asked, "Is it sour?"

The boss didn't agree, his face tensed, and he didn't dare to speak too aggressively. Yang Hongling's attire looked like a warrior, and she was so beautiful, she should be a lady from a big family, but one size fits the other, and said unwillingly: "What is the girl talking about? The candied haws sold by the little old man use the best hawthorn. They are big and sweet, not sour at all. They say they are good after eating, and there are many repeat customers."

   "Forget it! I like to eat sour."

  Just as he was about to leave, the boss was in a hurry and quickly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

   Seeing her stop, she looked back.

The boss smiled coyly, without embarrassment, and showed the businessman's thick skin to the fullest: "To be honest, the little old man lied just now, but these hawthorns are actually very sour. Look at this shelf, since it was sold this morning, it has only sold a few. It’s just that it’s too sour to sell.”

  Yang Hongling took out two taels of silver from his purse and threw it over: "I want it all."

   "You take it!"

  The boss handed over the shelf happily, put away the money, and trotted away, for fear that she would regret it.

  Zhang Ronghua joked: "Do you like sour food so much?"

   "No! Except for candied haws, sugar is inherently sweet. If hawthorn is any sweeter, it will lose its own taste. It's better not to eat it."

  Picked off a string and handed it over.

Zhang Ronghua smiled wryly, thinking of the shelf of candied haws he bought last time, he didn't know how to eat a bunch of them, and he even sent some to Mei Changshu and the others, but she wiped out the big heads in the end. There are six in a bunch, they are really big, and the color is also very bright, bright red, with a thin layer of sugar juice on them, one bite, it's really sour! I really want to spit it out, no wonder only a few skewers are sold in a day, this stuff is a pain to eat.

   Seeing his sour face, Yang Hongling smiled happily, and joked: "Delicious!"

  Zhang Ronghua handed over the candied haws angrily, and put it on her red and attractive jade lips, less than two inches away: "Don't you know if you eat one?"

  Opened two halves of the small mouth as thin as a cicada's wings, revealing neat and white teeth, and didn't dislike his saliva, bit one, chewed up and down, Liu Yemei stretched: "It's delicious."

   "Sell more next time, so you can eat enough."

  Continuing on the road, neither of them noticed how intimate their actions were just now, or in other words, Yang Hongling noticed it, but chose to ignore it.

  When they arrived at Changqing Academy, the disciples at the gate stopped them, and recognized Yang Hongling, with a nervous expression and fear in his eyes: "You, what are you going to do?"

   Among the people she beat up last time, there was him!

  Yang Hongling ate candied haws, and said casually: "Didn't Xu Xirou leave the customs last night? I'm here to fight."

  The disciple hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Will you call me afterwards?"

   "I gave you a face, right?"

   His face turned cold, and he walked towards the inside, with an aura that leaked out a little, shook these disciples away, and led Zhang Ronghua into the Evergreen Academy.

   This disciple didn't dare to stop him, and ordered: "You stay here and watch, I will inform Senior Sister Xu!"

   Quickly stepped into the Changqing Academy, bypassed them, and rushed towards the inner courtyard.

   On the road.

Some disciples of the Evergreen Academy saw Yang Hongling coming with a strange man, their expressions changed, they guessed what she was talking about, they didn't dare to go forward, they stayed far away, leaving some people to watch them, and Some people ran towards the inside.

Yang Hongling said: "Changqing Academy is a bitch, you can't reason with them! You reason with them, they play hooligans with you, you play hooligans with them, they talk about fists with you, you talk about fists with them, those shameless The old stuff will jump out and bully the little."

  Although Zhang Ronghua has never been in contact with them, but from the matter of the Changqing Academy's unscrupulous robbing of Haoran's bones, he can see something, and it is indeed quite shameless.

   There are also three people from Taixue Jijiu, who brought their shamelessness to the extreme, and almost killed Wan Guoqiang. They are eating, and they can do things like "giving respect" face to face, which can be seen.

   "How long do you intend to keep her out of bed?"

   "I got news from here that Xu Xirou has broken through to the Ninth Level of the Great Master, and has also introduced the supreme supernatural power of the Evergreen Academy, the Great Five Elements Freedom Incarnation Supernatural Power. Seeing how hard she is practicing, let her lie in bed for at least three months."

  Zhang Ronghua became interested: "The five elements are free to incarnate supernatural powers?"

   "Yes." Yang Hongling nodded.

I introduced this supernatural power once, it is comparable to the Great Five Elements Breaking Heaven Sword Formation in Fate School, the power of the two is almost the same, they are both the subduing supernatural powers of their respective schools, their status is not enough, they can’t even see each other, their power is huge, Five avatars are transformed into five avatars, which contain the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements. After cultivating to the six-level skill, each avatar can display all the strength of the body, but it is difficult to get started, and the cultivation conditions are harsh. To master it, you must understand the attributes of the five elements. The seeds of the five elements were condensed in the body, and the latter was able to try to cultivate with the help of the five elements when she practiced the Great Five Elements Heaven Breaking Sword Formation.

  Before this, you have to practice the pre-supernatural power-five elements phantom spirit method to a high level before you can practice.

Zhang Ronghua nodded. The more powerful the supernatural powers are, the more difficult the cultivation conditions are. Under normal circumstances, there are cultivation restrictions. This is the case with the Great Five Elements Breaking Heaven Sword Formation. If you want to practice, you must master the Haoran Wanjian Jue, otherwise it will be given to you. Supernatural powers cannot be practiced either.

   After pondering for a moment, he lowered his voice and asked, "Can you get these two supernatural powers?"

  Yang Hongling glanced at him quite unexpectedly, guessed what he was thinking, thought for a while, shook his head, and said two words solemnly: "It's hard!"

   Without waiting for Zhang Ronghua to speak, he said again.

"The cultivation level that I am showing outside now is the Grand Master Jiuzhong. Like her, I will try the aggressive method later and add some prizes to see if she dares to agree. According to my understanding of her, she does not know how to gamble, nor If you dare to gamble, she is just the pride of heaven, and it involves the inheritance of the academy, it's fine if you win, but if you lose, the consequences will be so great that you can't bear it!"

   "Try it first! If it doesn't work, then think of another way."

   "Good!" Yang Hongling responded.

  When they arrived at the square in the front yard, the two of them stopped. The place was empty and suitable for hands-on work. Besides, there were many people passing by here, so losing face here would cause the greatest loss of Xu Xirou's prestige.

The inner court.

In a palace, Xu Xirou was wearing a bright yellow long dress, which did not reveal a bit of skin, but outlined her fiery figure with an exquisite waistcoat line, exposing her slender waist, obviously very conservative, but also very **** , showing a unique temperament, people can see, but can't eat.

  Exquisite facial features, inclined to oval face, willow eyebrows are neat, there is a beauty mole under the red lips, not only does not affect the appearance, but it is a little more pure.

At this moment, she is practicing the Great Five Elements of Changqing Academy. The five identical figures emit different auras, corresponding to the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. It came out, containing huge power, fierce and domineering, flying out of the dust, stirring the huge palm strength, leaving a series of palm shadows in the air.

  The disciple at the door hurried over, stopped outside the hall, knocked on the door, and said anxiously: "Master Elder Sister is not well, Yang Hongling called the door."

  In the palace.

Xu Xirou slapped the last palm, and the five figures slapped on one point at the same time. The violent palm force was like thunder, and there was a loud roar. A ray of spiritual light turned into her body, Xinghua's eyes shone brightly, and she sneered: "Are you here?"

Put away his expression, put on a cold face, took out the veil and put it on, covered his beautiful face, walked out, opened the door of the palace, the disciple was about to shout, but the words on his mouth were changed into honorifics, and he bowed and saluted: " I've seen the big sister!"

  Xu Xirou asked coldly: "Where is she now?"

   "It should be in the front yard."

   While speaking, some disciples rushed over, stopped here, and after saluting, they told about Yang Hongling waiting in the front yard.

  Xu Xirou was full of arrogance, and sneered in her heart, thinking it was her former self? With a breakthrough in cultivation, and the introduction of the Great Five Elements into supernatural powers, even if you come with Ji Xueyan, it's not enough to see! It is you who lose.

Facing the expectant eyes of all the juniors, the eyes were fiery, with admiration, and they did not hide it at all. They were very satisfied in their hearts, but their faces were still cold, and they were very airy. Give them a reassurance: "She is not mine now." opponent!"

  The embroidered shoes stepped on the ground and walked outside.

  Hearing her words, all the disciples felt at ease, showed joy, and hurriedly followed. They couldn't wait to watch Yang Hongling make a fool of himself, be beaten by the elder sister, and even beg for mercy!

   Square above.

   I don't know who has sharp eyes, pointed to the back and called out: "Look! The big sister is here."

Everyone looked back, only to see Xu Xirou coming from behind like stars, and hastily made way for her to step forward, stopping behind her, staring at Yang Hongling, trying to overwhelm her with arrogance. She is ahead.

   Not to mention that there are only this few people, even if there are twice or twice as many people, it will not be able to cause a little pressure on Yang Hongling.

  The two were ten steps apart, looking at each other coldly.

  Xu Xirou looked her over and saw that the cultivation she exuded was only the ninth level of the great master, so she felt at ease! With the same level of cultivation, even if she uses Lingbao and has all the background, with her own strength, she can still defeat her!

Yang Hongling is not like her. She is surrounded by stars all day long, and when she achieves a little achievement, the news spreads everywhere. She stays in the forbidden area on weekdays, concentrates on cultivation, and rarely goes out unless she has something to do. The introduction of supernatural powers, except for the closest people around, no one else knows.

  Inconsistency in the news is doomed to bad luck.

   "What do you want from me?"

Pretending to be arrogant in front of her, putting on that domineering, invincible appearance, Xu Xirou is doomed to fail, in terms of temperament, Yang Hongling is very strict, born with pride, the little ancestor of the Fate Academy, who pulled out the Fate Academy when he was a child The palace lord's bearded ruthless person, it's really nothing wrong with her to be proud, just a look, and Xu Xirou's arrogance was completely suppressed, the aura was so strong that it was completely crushed, and said coldly: "Beat you!"

  Xu Xirou was not annoyed either, her face remained unchanged: "It's not sure who beats who! I'm afraid you will go back and call someone after you lose."

   "You can also ask Changqing Academy to go together!"

   "Hmph!" Xu Xirou snorted coldly, if he had this ability, how could he be suppressed by her and Ji Xueyan until now?

   "I won't fight with you."

Yang Hongling squinted at her and gave her a reassurance: "Under normal circumstances, I seldom make exceptions! In my opinion, my identity is a kind of resource. Since I have suffered, why not use the resources in my hand to find her?" Going back to the field? But today I really want to beat you up, just because you Changqing Academy disciples have such stinky mouths, make an exception once, no matter whether we win or lose, this battle is limited to us!"

   "Okay!" Xu Xirou responded.

  Although she looks down on Yang Hongling's behavior in her heart, she admires her for being a person. What she says is like pouring water. As long as she says it, she will keep her promise. She has a good reputation and has never broken her promise.

   Only then did he have the time to look at Zhang Ronghua. The almond-shaped eyes are obviously beautiful, but with a bit of utilitarianism, he sized him up and asked, "Who is this?"

"you do not need to know!"

  A disciple recognized Zhang Ronghua, took a step forward, stopped beside Xu Xirou, and said something in a low voice.

   Finish listening.

  Xu Xirou showed playfulness, and jokingly said: "I never thought that the proud daughter of the Fate School, with such poor eyesight, became friends with the general."

  Zhang Ronghua squinted his eyes, this woman's mouth is too stinky! It smells worse than eating stinky shit, what happened to the general? Without generals, you poor scholars are expected to guard the frontier? Write this down, and you will have a chance to smash her broken mouth!

  Yang Hongling got angry, exuding a cold aura, like an old hen protecting the calf, she can say that Zhang Ronghua is not good, but outsiders can't! Threatening: "If you dare to say no to him again, your mouth will be smashed!"

  Xu Xirou wanted to refute. Seeing that she was serious, she didn't look like she was joking, so she didn't dare to gamble. Her identity was not enough, so she changed the subject: "Stop talking nonsense! Let's make a difference!"

   "I have taken a fancy to your Five Elements Phantom Spiritual Technique and the Great Five Elements Free Incarnation Supernatural Power!"

"you are dreaming!"

   "If you win against me, hand over the Haoran Wanjian Jue and the Great Five Elements Heaven Breaking Sword Formation! If you lose, give me these two supernatural powers."

  Xu Xirou refused without thinking, "Impossible!"

At this time, someone sent her a voice transmission from a spiritual thought, and Qingyu's face showed respect. After listening, before Yang Hongling could open his mouth, he said again: "It is impossible to incarnate supernatural powers freely with the five elements! Now, hand over the Haoran Ten Thousand Sword Art."

Yang Hongling guessed that someone was transmitting voices to her and ordered her to do so. Although she won't get the two supernatural powers, it's not bad to get the pre-supernatural powers. If the follow-up plan is good, it may not be impossible to get the supernatural powers of the five elements. !"

  Passed the shelf to Zhang Ronghua, finished eating the candied haws in his hand, threw the wooden stick on the ground, stepped on the ground with his oolong boots, and walked towards her with a "da da" sound.

  Xu Xi Rouyu waved his hand and ordered: "Stand back!"

  The surrounding Changqing Academy disciples retreated to make room for more space.

Imposing momentum rose, the cultivation base of the great master Jiuzhong broke out in an all-round way, without temptation, making a move is a unique move, using the five elements phantom spirit method to cast the five elements free incarnation supernatural power, four identical figures rushed out of her body, corresponding to the five elements of her deity .

As soon as the embroidered shoes stepped on the ground, the five figures moved in an instant. The jade hand slapped out, and cast a mighty palm. The violent palm shadow formed the five elements from five different directions, and slapped Yang Hongling domineeringly. Wherever it passes, its destructive power destroys everything.

The surrounding disciples were clearly standing far away. Following Xu Xirou's attack, a huge aura spread out. Even if it wasn't aimed at them, the aftermath alone was beyond their ability to bear. They tried their best to resist, but their bodies were still out of control. Back away.

Yang Hongling was in the center of the storm, her face was calm, the golden light rushed out of her body, blocking all the aura that suppressed her, squinting her eyes, looking at the five figures rushing over, although she looked down on Xu Xirou, this door The supernatural powers are really strong, put away distracting thoughts and start to be serious.


The afterimage flashed, and the speed was really too fast. Among the people present, except Zhang Ronghua, no one could see her figure clearly. They saw a flash of golden light, like lightning. When she stopped again, a familiar sound sounded in her ear. The screams of their elder sister Xu Xirou, the great five elements incarnation magical powers were broken, the four figures were directly scattered, and two loud slaps sounded on her face, violently blowing her away Before the person landed on the ground, a blood arrow spit out and smashed down.

  The ground trembled, and the blue bricks shattered, like a spider web, spreading for more than ten feet.

  Yang Hongling withdrew his palm calmly, and said disdainfully: "You are too weak! You have used the supernatural power of the Great Five Elements, and you can't even catch one of my moves. It's a shame that you are still as famous as me, which is very disappointing!"

  Words that are light and fluttering are more powerful than a heavy hammer. They hit Xu Xirou's heart fiercely, his eyes spit fire, and he stared at Yang Hongling firmly. With the support of two female disciples, he stood up from the ground with difficulty.

   That kick was very heavy, and it instantly broke her great five-element incarnation supernatural power, and landed on her chest. Several ribs were broken, and she couldn't even do the exercise.

   This is not the most important thing, Yang Hongling slapped her twice in front of everyone, almost pressing her face to the ground and stomping on her, roaring inwardly, like a mad beast. At the same time unwilling! Why it came out like this? I worked so hard and spent all my time on cultivation, why couldn't I stop her move?

   "You, you have broken through to the tenth level of the Grand Master!"

  Shaking her head, if it was a grand master tenfold, she would not be able to defeat herself with one move, she asked jealously.

   "You are in the realm of heaven and man!"

  Yang Hongling shook her head, but did not admit that her method of restraining qi was taught by the old master. It is very profound, and if she does not reveal it actively, others will not be able to see it: "Half step heaven!"

   "You, how did you break through so quickly? Even if you have sufficient resources, what about your martial arts comprehension?"

   "Do you think everyone is as useless as you? Bad mouth and poor talent? Even Ji Xueyan and I can't stop me?"


  This sentence is worse than sprinkling salt on a wound. This is the third time!

Qi Xialin was crushed by Ji Xueyan's move. Last time she was still here, she was severely injured by her, and she lay on the bed for a while. This time, she was still here, replaced by Yang Hongling, who defeated her with the same move. His dignity was pressed to the ground, and after hitting the left cheek, he hit the right cheek again. If it were someone else's self-confidence, he would have been hit and lost, and since then he has become depressed and unable to recover!

That is, she became more and more courageous when she was frustrated, and faced difficulties. Not only was she not defeated, but she became stronger, but the bitterness in it became a joke in others' mouths. Only she knew how much she endured and how much pressure she endured. No matter how strong a person is, sometimes when he can't bear the pressure, he spits out a **** arrow, staggers, and falls to the ground. Fortunately, the two female disciples have quick eyesight and quick hands, and when she is about to fall to the ground, they hold her up again , to avoid embarrassment again.

  Yang Hongling didn't give her a chance, and asked directly: "Give me the Five Elements Phantom Spiritual Technique!"

  Xu Xirou gritted her silver teeth, was beaten in the face, and had to pay for her magical powers. If it was someone else, she (Changqing Academy) could play tricks, but Yang Hongling couldn't! If you dare not give it, turn around and call someone, then you will have to face the entire Fate Academy, even the old master!

  Especially the latter, even the Changqing Academy dare not face it!

  The jade hand patted the purse on the waist, took out an ancient book, threw it over, without looking at it, and said with a gloomy face: "Help me back!"

  Yang Hongling grasped it with one hand, caught the Five Elements Phantom Spiritual Technique, put it in her purse, looked at her leaving back and said, "I'll wait for your challenge."

   Winked, let Zhang Ronghua follow, walked side by side, and walked outside.

  The surrounding disciples saw that she was very upset, but they couldn't get rid of her.

  After leaving Changqing Academy and walking a long way, Yang Hongling couldn't hold it anymore, and smiled with a tense face: "It's so cool! No wonder Ji Xueyan stepped on her every now and then."

  Zhang Ronghua glanced left and right, and the people around saw her bending over and supporting her knees, smiling so happily, they subconsciously looked over, and said angrily, "Pay attention to your image."

"Is not it?"

   "No way! Let me laugh for a while too."

  The two laughed without image, ignoring the opinions of passers-by. Some people who passed by here bypassed them and left at a faster pace, for fear of being caught.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Have you laughed enough?"

   "No! But it's about the same. If you keep laughing, you will be regarded as crazy."

   took the shelf, took a bunch of candied haws and handed it over, Zhang Ronghua took it with a bitter face, Yang Hongling pouted: "Don't be unhappy! Others want to eat, but this girl won't give it to me!"

  He took a bunch by himself, bit one, and asked while eating, "Where are you going now?"

"go home!"

  Yang Hongling was surprised, her jewel-like beautiful eyes rolled around, her complexion remained unchanged, her heartbeat accelerated to more than 120 horsepower, and she pretended to ask casually, "What am I going to do?"

  Zhang Ronghua was stunned, looking at these jewel-like beautiful eyes, he was suspicious, when did I ask you to go there together? I mean to go home by myself, but she has already asked, so you can't refuse, right? Or don't let her go?

   "Isn't it normal for friends to be guests of each other?"

   "Oh." Yang Hongling replied heavily.

The candied haws are no longer fragrant. She lowered her head and kicked her two little feet back and forth, as if she was thinking, or maybe it was her daughter’s reserve, pretending to murmur. Liu Ye's eyebrows were tightly frowned, looking very embarrassed: "Okay!"

  Put the shelf of candied haws over, ran towards a nearby inn, and said, "Wait for me a while!"

   "???" Zhang Ronghua was a little confused, what does this mean? What are you doing at the inn?

Open house?

   Eating candied haws, waiting in place.

This wait lasted for half an hour, the flowers were about to wither, and during the period, a few young girls were fascinated by his handsome appearance, and bought a few bunches of candied haws, which almost stunned him. How did you become a seller of candied haws? If he let his political opponent He Wenxuan know about it, why would he laugh out loud?

The familiar figure finally came out of the inn. When he went in, he wore square clothes and shorts without any rouge and gouache. When he came out, he changed into a moon-white palace dress. The legs are completely covered, and even the net-like black silk has been changed into thick white stockings, and a purple bracelet is worn on each wrist.

Getting closer, Zhang Ronghua found that on top of her beautiful and small earlobe, there was a pair of earrings, half moon shape, crystal color, inlaid with expensive white gemstones, and the fiery red three thousand hair was fixed with hairpins, walking in small steps , Knowledgeable and reasonable, everyone's demeanor, showing the nobility of the aristocratic family.

   "Open room to change clothes?"

   "Yes." Yang Hongling nodded.

   Afraid that Zhang Ronghua would think too much, let me explain.

   "Beat Xu Xirou just now, a little blood was stained on his clothes, change to a clean one."

  Zhang Ronghua asked again: "When did you get your ears and eyes slapped?"

   "You have so many questions!"

  Walking forward, seeing that he was still standing there, Yang Hongling said angrily, "Are you still going?"

Zhang Ronghua followed. He thought he would go back directly, but Yang Hongling took him shopping, bought a bunch of expensive gifts, and packed them in exquisite boxes. There were twelve pieces in total, big and small, and he took them all by himself. If it weren't for the urgent urging, she might still be able to go shopping.

  Back home, the sun is setting and the sunset is like a red forest, reflecting a beautiful picture.

  The guard at the door wondered if he had read it wrong. Did the young master actually bring the girl back? Still so beautiful, no! It's a fairy, like a fairy descending to the mortal world, the noble aura and innate arrogance are not something ordinary people can have, she rubbed her eyes vigorously to make sure it was true, turned her body and exerted the fastest strength, Run towards the courtyard.

  Yang Hongling’s surface was as stable as Mount Tai, but he felt unprecedented nervousness and fear in his heart. He even felt an urge to escape from here immediately, but it’s already here. Wouldn’t it be impolite to just leave like this? Don't panic, it's nothing to be afraid of just being a guest among friends, the more this is the case, the more chaotic your heart is, it's not like stepping on the threshold when Qingyun Inn opened last time, but a guest at home.

  Seeing that her footsteps were getting slower and slower, Zhang Ronghua looked back and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"


   Slow down and wait for her, wait for her to catch up, and lead her into the courtyard.

  Here, Zhang Qin and Zheng Rou already knew their precious son from the mouth of the guard, and brought back a beautiful girl. They looked at each other, saw the excitement in each other's eyes, and were happy from the bottom of their hearts.

  Zhang Qin took out an ingot of twelve taels of silver from his arms, threw it to the guard, and waved him to go down.

  The guard thanked the reward, took the money and left excitedly, thinking in his heart, if the young master brought this girl back every day, wouldn't his reward be more than the monthly salary?

  No outsiders were present, and the couple spoke casually, saying what they had to say.

  Zhang Qin asked uncertainly: "It's her?"

  Zheng Rou nodded seriously: "It should be! Apart from her, there seems to be no other girl."

   There was a tacit understanding, and they quickly walked outside to greet Yang Hongling, not for her identity, but for her future daughter-in-law! It has to be grand.

   Front yard.

  Zhang Ronghua brought Yang Hongling here just now, looking at the parents who walked out quickly, he guessed what was going on, and the guard went to report it!

Yang Hongling's jade hands hidden under her sleeves were tightly held together, and beads of sweat were already seeping out of her nervousness. She, who had always been fearless of the sky and the earth, actually trembled slightly on the two jade legs under her skirt. She has a good skill in nourishing her qi, it's hard for her to be so panic-stricken yet still force herself to be calm.

   came to the front.

  Zheng Rou smiled, from the bottom of her heart, stepped forward, held Yang Hongling's hand, and stretched out the other hand, shaking hands tightly: "Hongling!"

  Feeling the beads of sweat on his palm, he smiled knowingly and guessed why.

  Yang Hongling shyly responded, her jade hand was held, she was still so enthusiastic, she wished she could find a mouse hole to turn in, and called out politely: "Auntie!"

  Looking at Zhang Qin, he said, "Uncle!"

   Zhang Qin's mouth was almost crooked, he was so happy, he had never been like this before, and said happily: "Quick! Sit inside."

  Zhang Ronghua was a little embarrassed, it was a good thing, the first time he came here, he just held her hand, really good?

  He entered the lobby with a gift and put the things on the ground.

  The maid was serving tea, Yang Hongling bowed her head, her legs were together, her jade hands were fiddling together, and her ten slender jade fingers clasped together.

  Zheng Rou saw the tension in her heart, walked over, and held her hand: "Accompany Auntie for a walk in the backyard."

   "Yes." Yang Hongling responded softly.

  Standing up from the chair, still bowing his head, he let her hold hands, walked out of the lobby, and walked towards the backyard.

   Only their father and son are left.

  Zhang Qin asked: "How far has it developed?"

  Zhang Ronghua held the teacup, calm and unhurried, with the lid pressing the tea, rippling and rippling, more stable than an old dog: "We are just friends."

   "Father understands! This is how Dad came here."

   "!!" Zhang Ronghua had black lines all over his head, and he couldn't talk any more this day.

  But Zhang Qin didn't intend to let him go like this, and asked again: "Have you met the parents?"

  Drink tea and play dead!

   "Ask you something!"

   "This tea is good."

   "Smelly boy, your skin is itchy, right?"

  Zhang Ronghua was helpless: "We are really friends."

   "Have you met the parents?"


"How to say?"

   "It's all about business."

  Zhang Qin said: "Hong Ling is a good girl, you should cherish her."

   "Really friends!"

"Father told you last time that your marriage will not be involved in major matters. Don't say that Hongling is only three years older than you, even if he is nine or ten years older than you. Daddy is not as stubborn as your uncle. I can't think about it. Do some stupid things, a good marriage, almost ruined by him."

  Zhang Ronghua followed his words and asked, "What's uncle's attitude now?"

   "God Fugui found me and asked me to come forward to discuss the engagement with Eunuch Xiao. Not long after he left, your eldest aunt came and asked me to come forward to help Fugui set a time."

  Responding, Zhang Qin gave him a hard look: "Don't change the subject."

   (16,000 words burst! Please follow up, please ask for a monthly pass!)

  (end of this chapter)

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