MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 113 He Wenxuan's Intestinal Regret

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  Chapter 113 He Wenxuan's Intestinal Regret

  He Wenxuan became even more confused, and found that his brain was not enough, so he called himself here for no reason, just to whip himself? Scold him again?

  Stand up from the ground, licked his face and greeted him: "I really don't know what made you angry!"

  Cui Ge looked at him coldly. As the head of the Tianji Pavilion, he still doesn't know what happened, which made him even more disappointed.

  If He Wenxuan was not cultivated by him alone, and he cultivated it for such a long time, it would be too late to replace him now, and he would never waste a word on him.

   Seeing that the atmosphere was even colder, he beat and scolded, Cui Ge still looked at him coldly, his eyes were full of anger, if He Wenxuan didn't react, then he was really a pig.

   "Did that old guy Pei Caihua make you angry?"

   "What a stupid thing you did!"

  Old Cui Ge held a memorial on the desk, which was handed over by the official, and smashed it on his face, without leaving any affection, and shouted: "Look for yourself!"

  See it.

  He Wenxuan was not only not angry, but he relaxed and held back his anger, which made people afraid. Now Cui Ge has vented, which means that he has passed the test.

  Bending down to pick up the memorial from the ground, looking at the words "Officials" on the cover, I don't know what's going on, and my heart sinks, as if something bad is about to happen.

  Strengthening his composure, he opened the memorial and looked at the contents above. His pupils shrank, and his eyes were about to pop out. He stared intently, not daring to miss a word.

There are two appointments in total, one is to promote Li Daoran as the governor of Changping County, and the other is to promote Zhang Ronghua to a bachelor's degree. Over the years in charge of the Bachelor's Hall, it has been handled very well, and no one can find any faults. Moreover, since the memorial has been sent here, it means that all parties have already confronted each other, and Pei Caihua has taken this popular position.

Looking at Zhang Ronghua's qualifications again, although he entered the Bachelor's Hall for a short time, he is very capable. He sorted out the library hall, registered the dilapidated books in the Miscellaneous Hall, and processed the memorials. There was no flaw at all. It was evaluated as "excellent" by the Ministry of Officials. The following is The signature of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and the seal of the Ministry of Officials.

  Represents his appointment, and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials has agreed. If the Tianji Pavilion is stuck, he will bring it up in the court and ask His Majesty to make a decision.

  Looking at the words "handling the memorial", He Wenxuan seemed to have eaten stinky shit, his face was as ugly as it was, his eyes were burning with anger, and his palms were tightly clutched together.

  If he knew that he let Zhang Ronghua handle the memorial, he was giving him qualifications, even if he was killed, he would not do that!

But it’s too late to say anything now. Thinking about how I still laughed at Zhang Ronghua before, he was a free coolie, and he didn’t need it for nothing. Turning into a mouse hole, I was completely ashamed.

He could have imagined that once this memorial was spread, he would not lose money by stealing chickens. As a second-rank official, he did not suppress a regular fifth-rank official. He was still a directly-administered department of Tianji Pavilion, and he would definitely become a court official. Tang's jokes became the object of discussion behind others' backs.

  Xuanweimen was beaten in the face, and the turmoil has just subsided. If there is another wave, then his prestige is no different from pressing on the ground.

   After reading it, put the memorial together.

Looking at Elder Cui Ge, although he knew that even if Tianji Pavilion came forward, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials would not necessarily give face if he asked the Ministry of Officials to change the decision, but he still had to give it a try. Just throw it all away, that old guy Pei Caihua still doesn't know how to be proud in secret.

  Hopefully said: "Old Cui, do you still have a solution?"

   "Hmph!" Cui Gelao flicked his sleeves.

After venting, he also calmed down. Although it was wrong for He Wenxuan to let Zhang Ronghua handle the memorial, but when he was recuperating at home, he seemed to have sent someone to send the memorial to the Hall of Scholars. The memorial he sent over was more difficult than He Wenxuan handed over to Zhang Ronghua It was much more difficult to deal with, Pei Caihua used his left hand to block his right hand, making him dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, he couldn't tell the pain.

  Don't mention how uncomfortable it is, if there is still a way to get stuck in this appointment, why would you call him over and scold him?

  Looking at him coldly, He Wenxuan immediately understood that he is an expert in observing words and expressions, and has been integrated into the bone marrow. He hurriedly took the teapot, poured a cup of tea, and placed it in front of him.

   Walked behind him and stopped, stretched out his palm, pressed his shoulder, and massaged Cui Gelao.

  Take a sip of tea to calm down the irritable mood, and then put down the teacup.

Elder Cui Ge said in a deep voice: "There should be a third-party force involved in this matter, otherwise Pei Caihua alone will not be able to win the position of Changping County Sheriff, even if Zhang Ronghua has enough qualifications, he will not be able to be promoted to a bachelor, and there is still a step forward. "

  He Wenxuan reacted quickly, and the prince was the first to think of: "Could it be him?"

   "Probably not! His hands can't reach the officials yet."

   Then think.

   There is no clue at all. Pei Caihua is in the imperial court, with no background and no backing. Except for the team he managed, the upper echelons have no help.

  Zhang Ronghua is a member of the prince, everyone knows this, his roots are straight and young, and he has no intersection with other forces.

   Half a sound.

  He Wenxuan gave up and shook his head helplessly: "Your official can't figure it out!"

  Cui Ge's face was serious, and he said three words solemnly: "Ningxindian!"


  He Wenxuan couldn't believe it, and his face changed again. Although she could do it with her power, why did she do it? There is no reason at all, even if the prince came forward, she would not agree without a suitable reason.

  Cui Ge said: "This old man got news that Zhang Ronghua went to Ningxin Hall to paint for her a few days ago."

   "His painting skills are so advanced?"

  Old Cui Ge gave him a cold look, and the latter knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he waved his hand and slapped himself twice.

   "Their appointments cannot be suppressed, and there is no way to suppress them! Even if the old man suppresses it, the other four will not agree, and if they stab the court, the old man will lose face."

He Wenxuan was not reconciled, first he was chased by Ding Yi in the Hall of Scholars, although he didn't catch up, but when His Majesty Yushufang opened his mouth, he didn't dare to resist, so Ding Yi pressed him on the ground and beat him hard, he wanted to hide Zhang Ronghua did not expect to be turned against by him with a memorial. He was pressed against the gate of Tianji Pavilion by the two masters of Taixue Jijiu and Guozijian, and he offended Changqing Academy for no reason, and confronted them In the end, Pei Caihua took the bait and lost face at Xuanweimen.

   Now watching his political opponent get promoted, he can't swallow this breath, let alone lose this person.

   Turned around and looked at him seriously.

Elder Cui Ge once again warned: "It is impossible to go smoothly in the officialdom. No one can always go smoothly. Temporary failure can't affect the overall situation. You must calm down, don't get confused, and don't let Pei Caihua seize the opportunity! Seeing that you have lost face now, as long as the old man is still there, you will have the opportunity to enter the Tianji Pavilion, but you must remember, don't mess yourself up and make random moves, let Pei Caihua seize the opportunity."

  He Wenxuan knew that the current result, although unacceptable, was the most appropriate.

  I have already lost face. In a short period of time, I can't make any more mistakes, let alone let Pei Caihua seize the opportunity again, otherwise he will catch me again and punish him with the cane like Xuanweimen, it will become a complete joke.

   Such a person, again and again, how to convince others, how to agree to his entry into Tianji Pavilion?

Walking in front of Elder Cui Ge, looking at the old man in front of him, treating himself like his own life, he has been supporting and supporting him all these years, without hiding or hiding anything, as a personal disciple, moved in his heart, bowed solemnly to him, raised his head, Guaranteed: "Old Cui, don't worry! I won't give Pei Caihua another chance."

   "Yes." Cui Ge Lao nodded in satisfaction.

  Waved his hand, indicating that he can go.

   Leaving with a bowed body, out of the main hall, He Wenxuan closed the door of the hall again, with a blank face, gloomy and terrifying eyes, like a poisonous snake, and walked towards his office hall.

  Someone met him, noticed the slap print on his face, and hurriedly moved out of the way, hiding far away so as not to provoke him.


  The matter about He Wenxuan being beaten at Mr. Cui Ge's place was spread from Tianji Pavilion under the spread of caring people.

   Office hall.

  Feng Youwei has been guarding outside the palace gate, waiting for He Wenxuan to come back, like an ant on a hot pot, irritable and restless.

The news that Li Daoran and Zhang Ronghua are going to be promoted has already spread. It is not a secret in Tianji Pavilion. As long as you have some connections, you can know whether he is an old fried dough stick or a member of He Wenxuan. I knew it very early. I guessed that the old general of Cui Pavilion must call him. For this matter.

  If He Wenxuan finds out and thinks with his toes, watching his political opponent get promoted, the feeling of being aggrieved is worse than killing him.

  The sound of footsteps interrupted his contemplation.

  He Wenxuan came in from the outside with a cold face and no expression. Feng Youwei rushed up to meet him, lowered his posture, licked his face and said flatteringly, "You're back!"

   He didn't even look at him, as if he was air.

  Feng Youwei's heart fell to the bottom, and He Wenxuan like this is the most terrifying. He noticed the slap marks on his face again, and his heart sank again, it seemed that he had been beaten.

   Hastily stepped forward, pushed open the hall door, let him in, then followed in, closed the hall door from the inside, and tentatively asked: "Are you okay?"

  He Wenxuan looked at him coldly, and ordered: "Come here!"

  Feng Youwei didn't want to go there, but his arms couldn't twist his thighs. Even if he was reluctant, he couldn't do anything about it. He bravely walked forward, raised his heart in his throat, and stopped in front of him.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, a huge gust of wind blew over in front of him. Just as fiercely as Old Cui Ge was pumping just now, he is pumping as hard now, twice as powerful as Cui Gelao. his face.


   Loud slaps sounded, Feng Youwei was thrown onto the ground, his mouth loosened, and the remaining front tooth fell off and fell directly to the ground.

  As if he had turned on the berserk mode, He Wenxuan was completely insane. How much hatred he had held in his heart during this time, he could vent out as hard as he could. He rushed up, punched and kicked, and vented all his anger on his face.

While beating, he yelled: "Trash! Useless trash! If it wasn't for your coquettish idea, let me give the memorial to Zhang Ronghua for handling, would he be promoted now? Without the memorial, I would be tricked like this by Zhang Ronghua ? Still feuding with the Changqing Academy, and still being seized by Pei Caihua? Now they are looking at their promotion, and there is no way to stop it!"

  The more he talked, the more furious he became, and the strength on his hands and feet increased.

  Feng Youwei held his head in his hands, curled up his body, feeling very wronged in his heart, obviously you did it yourself, so what does it matter to me? Now something happened, but take it easy? If you have the guts, go to Pei Caihua and Zhang Ronghua!

  He dare not speak out!

He Wenxuan can't deal with them, but only one word to deal with himself can drive him into the abyss, and when he loses his power, there will be more than one He Wenxuan who will bully him. Those people who have offended him in the past will rush up like hungry wolves , All the bones he ate were left.

  Bearing it silently, but the anger accumulated in my heart has reached its limit...

   Half a sound.

  He Wenxuan got angry. After venting, he calmed down, looked at Feng Youwei who was like a dead dog, and shouted: "Get out!"

  Feng Youwei got up from the ground, silently picked up the front tooth that fell on the ground, not daring to take a breath, bent down and retreated, and then closed the hall door.

Looking in the direction of the Bachelor's Hall, the suppressed anger couldn't be held back any longer, and he threw his right fist violently, throwing out the front teeth in his hand, his eyes spewing fire, all the grievances he had suffered these days erupted, and he turned around and entered. own palace.


  Bachelor Hall.

  Lu Junxiu rushed over, stopped outside, reached out and knocked on the door of the palace, and there was a "dong dong" sound, and said, "My lord, can this subordinate come in?"


  Zhang Ronghua was drinking tea, and when he heard his words, he and Ding Yi exchanged a glance, the playfulness on his face became more playful, he put away his smile, and said in a deep voice, "Come in!"

  The door of the hall was pushed open, Lu Junxiu walked in, closed the door from the inside, stepped forward quickly, and reported the news from the Tianji Pavilion in detail.

  Including the slap print on He Wenxuan's face, and his ferocious appearance of wanting to eat people.

   Finish listening.

  Zhang Ronghua let him go out, leaving only them, Ding Yi said: "He has suffered such a big loss, he will definitely not let it go."

   "My opinion is contrary to yours. You can't do everything again and again. If you continue to fight, if he misses again, you will lose your face. Do you still want to enter the Tianji Pavilion?"

   "Brother, you said he will stop for a while?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   "Since the morning, the memorial has not been sent yet. It seems that the documents of the Ministry of Officials have been passed by the Tianji Pavilion. After His Majesty's approval, there will be news in the afternoon."

  Ding Yi's eyes lit up: "In the evening, Jiao Fangsi drinks and listens to music?"

   "Li Daoran is very likely to have a treat tonight, where to listen to his arrangement."


  Zhang Ronghua asked: "How is the cultivation of the Golden Emperor's Burning Heaven Kungfu?"

  Ding Yi laughed, and couldn't help showing off: "I have already broken through to the second level of the Houtian Realm, and in one night, I will be able to break through to the third level of the Houtian Realm, and practice with the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Kung Fu, the effect is very strong!"

   4000 words, I can’t even read it.

   I have no strength at all, and feel dizzy and uncomfortable.

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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