MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 110 Opening (may be recruited)

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  Chapter 110 opened (maybe I got hit)

  The night gradually disappears, and the rising sun rises, dispelling the darkness, reflecting a black and white scene, and the warm sunlight slanting down.

  Cultivation up to now, one night has passed.

Looking at the rising sun in the sky, Zhang Ronghua thought of the legend of the candle dragon. When you open your eyes, it is daytime, and when you close your eyes, it is darkness. Combined with the first transformation of the true spirit treasure technique that you have mastered, Zhang Ronghua wants to achieve this level. I'm afraid you have to practice the mantra to fix the spirit until the six-level technique is close to the Tao, and you can see the mystery of time, so that you can open your eyes for day and close your eyes for darkness.


  The door next to the room opened, Shi Bo came out of the room, saw a man and a cat standing by the artificial lake, closed the door and walked over: "Have you not slept all night?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua responded.

   "You will be on duty later, take a nap while there is still some time, and call you when the old servant comes back after buying breakfast."

Zhang Ronghua shook his head. He and Pei Caihua took leave yesterday. Today, "Youjian Steamed Bun Shop" opened, and they were going to step on the threshold. They didn't notify anyone. I can't stand this face.

   "Ask for leave today, and later go to a steamed stuffed bun shop to step on the threshold."

   "The old slave went to buy breakfast."

  Shi Bo left, Zhang Ronghua put the purple cat down, and reminded: "It's time to practice Shanhe Zhenshiquan."

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried.

   is saying, the cat is about to get started with this boxing technique.

  Stand up from the ground, with two short legs supporting the ground, straighten your upper body, hold your two small paws tightly together, move your cultivation base, and follow the practice route of Shanhe Zhenshiquan, practicing one punch at a time.

  Although it is funny, it is very powerful, and it is not far from the first glimpse of the first realm.

   There is no violation of harmony between moving and flashing. Cooperating with the magical power of the Phoenix family, Fengwu Jiutian, while taking into account the speed, the boxing is also very lethal.

   After looking at it for a while, he retracted his gaze.

  Zhang Ronghua praised: "The talent is good!"

Mobilize the awe-inspiring righteousness, based on the awe-inspiring Wanjian Jue, display the five-element sky-breaking sword formation, the awe-inspiring giant sword condenses into sword threads, forming a sword formation, a huge power bursts out during operation, flickering vertically and horizontally, hundreds of sword lights, Each has a destructive force.

  Three times in a row.

   Then changed to the three-character secret technique of stepping on the sky, and didn't stop until the end of the three times.

  Shi Bo just came back.

  Put the breakfast in the lobby, say hello, and let him eat there.

   Washed his face, changed into black and brocade clothes, entered the lobby, rolled fried dough sticks with a trendy brand and ate them.

finish breakfast.

  Tell him not to cook his own meals at noon and night, and he may not come back. He also warns Zimao to let him practice well, and he is not allowed to go out of the house if he does not learn the basics of basalt spiritual arts. Let him find out and hit him on the ground!

  Leaving Fuchu, walked towards home.

  At this point, father and mother are at home and haven't gone to "Youjian Baozi Shop", so I just give them the half pill and talk to father.

after a little while.

   Arriving at the home in Fuguifang, the guard saw him coming, and saluted respectfully: "I have seen you, young master!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   Entered the mansion and walked towards the backyard.

   Arrived in the lobby.

  Dad and mother are eating breakfast, they eat late, unlike me who have to go to the palace every day on duty.

  Zheng Rou put down her chopsticks, stood up from the chair, greeted her with a smile, her face puzzled: "Take a rest today?"

   Without waiting for Zhang Ronghua to answer, he shook his head again.

   "I just took a rest the day before yesterday. There are no fewer things in the Bachelor's Hall than in the East Palace. It is impossible to rest so diligently."

   "There is a steamed stuffed bun shop open, and I am on leave."

   "The above won't say anything?"

  Zhang Ronghua gave his mother a reassuring look: "It's okay!"

   Pull him to sit on the chair.

   Zheng Rou asked, "Have you eaten yet?"


   "Have you heard about wealth and honor?"

   "Which piece are you referring to?"

  Zheng Rou looked at him carefully, wanting to see if he was just pretending. Seeing his natural expression and sincere eyes, she couldn't help wondering: "I really don't know?"

   "If it's about him and Xiao Mi, I know a little bit."

Zheng Rou shook her head: "It's not this! Xiao Mi's grandfather asked for leave to visit relatives. He came out of the palace the day before yesterday and wanted to settle the matter between her and Fugui. Ask someone to take a message to your uncle and make an appointment to meet up somewhere. Sit down and have a good chat. The chat was rejected."

  Zhang Ronghua frowned: "Has Eunuch Xiao left the palace?"

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

   Don’t blame him for thinking too much. The matter between Zheng Fugui and Xiao Mi has been going on for some time. Logically speaking, if you want to come forward to solve it, you won’t wait until now. Why not before?

   I don't know what's going on, but I always feel that there are other factors in it.

   No wonder when I went to see Emperor Xia in the imperial study yesterday, I didn’t see him, but Eunuch Yang instead.

  Zhang Qin put down his chopsticks and asked, "What's wrong?"


  Zhang Ronghua asked again: "What did uncle and the others say?"

I feel like I asked a nonsense question. God sat down to chat with my uncle, and his meaning is already very clear. Xiao Mi wants to pass the door, and it is impossible to marry into the Zheng family. Will let go.

  Zheng Rou sighed, and also had a headache: "Uncle Ni and the others are not ignorant of their temper!"

  Zhang Qin added: "During this period of contact, Xiao Mi is a pretty good girl. Besides, nine years older is not too much older. In my personal opinion, as long as you are filial, sensible, and housekeeping, age is really not a problem."

   "I see it the same way. If Qinglin talks to a girl who is nine years older and has such a good character, I won't stop her."

   "..." Zhang Ronghua was speechless.

   Talking, talking, why did it involve myself.

  Zheng Rou stood up from the chair: "You father and son talk!"

  Take the maid and leave, and then ask someone to close the door of the lobby, and no one is allowed to approach.

  Holding the teapot, he poured a cup of tea for his father, and another cup for himself, Zhang Ronghua said, "I'm going to be promoted."


Zhang Qin just drank the tea, spit it on the ground in one gulp, put down the teacup, looked at him suspiciously, wondering if he heard it wrong: "What are you talking about? You want to be promoted again? How long have you been promoted to the fifth rank? Wouldn’t it be from the fourth rank if you are promoted again? You can enter the court.”

   "Although I don't want to admit it, this is the truth! Pei Caihua has already proposed to the Ministry of Officials that the appointment will come down after the procedures over there are completed."

   "No! Even if he proposes, the official department will pass it, but you have enough qualifications? No qualifications, the staff of the official department just proposed, and the gang of censors can spray them to death!"

   Speaking of this, Zhang Qin came to his senses and asked, "What did you do during this time?"

  Zhang Ronghua will deal with the memorial, and he will briefly talk about the confrontation with He Wenxuan. Other things will not be mentioned. The less you know, the safer.

"Are you OK?"

  Seeing that his father was anxious and concerned, Zhang Ronghua smiled slightly: "I'm fine!"

Zhang Qin didn't say much, stretched out his palm, and patted him on the shoulder twice. All his concerns were on it. He understood the affairs of the officialdom. From the moment he stepped in, there was no turning back, and he could only go one way to the end. .

  Even if you want to turn back, your political opponents will not let you go. When you get away, you will have no scruples, and you will do whatever you want, including assassination, poisoning, targeting your family, etc.

   Cheeky sighed: "Compared to you, Dad has been a fool all these years. He has been in Jiaolongwei for so many years, and he is not even half as good as you."

   "No matter how powerful I am, am I still your son?"

  Zhang Qin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, stroked his beard twice, and nodded in satisfaction.

Zhang Ronghua took out a two-finger-sized jade bottle and placed it in front of him, which contained the elixir. Meeting his puzzled eyes, he explained: "Here is half a elixir, with the blood of the Qinglong and the eighteen spirits. The medicine was refined around 1,500 years ago, and the medicine is powerful. Before going to bed every night, you and your mother soak it in water, drink the water, and then use the Nirvana Supreme Life Skill to refine it. Until this half of the pill is completely used up."

   "Yes." Zhang Qin replied heavily, and put away the Qinglong blood and the elixir without asking where it came from.

   "Have you notified the uncle's family?"

Zhang Qin shook his head: "They are in such a chaotic situation now, how can they step on the threshold? What if Xiao Mi and Eunuch Xiao come here uninvited like last time, and we can't talk to each other and quarrel, we will become villains .”

  Zhang Ronghua nodded, it happened to be a small shop, no one had notified them, they went to walk through the scene and have a meal at home, and the matter was over.

   Stand up from the chair and say hello: "It's time to pass."

  Zhang Qin put the jade bottle into the sumeru bag, put it in his arms, and followed it out.

  Zheng Rou had already prepared the carriage. Seeing their father and son coming out, they stepped on the pony and got into the carriage. Zhang Ronghua followed, got into the carriage, and sat opposite to his parents.

  Here we go.

The three of them got out of the car, and the butler moved the car to the side. Before entering the "Youjian Baozi Shop", a carriage came, and the driver was Zheng Fugui, with a bitter face and resentful eyes. Less wronged.

  Zhang Ronghua looked at his father with doubts in his eyes. Didn't you just say that you didn't notify? How did they come here? Zhang Qin spread his hands, acting like I don't know if you don't ask.

  The carriage stopped.

  Zheng Fugui jumped out of the car, put the ponytail on the ground, and walked quickly to Zhang Ronghua, with a look of hope in his eyes: "Cousin~!"

  Two short words contain too much information.

  Zhang Ronghua heard it, asked him to help solve Xiao Mi's matter, and changed the subject: "Have you asked for leave?"

   "No!" Zheng Fugui was even more aggrieved.

  He told the story again, the prince didn't know where he heard the news, he heard that Eunuch Xiao asked for leave to visit relatives, and wanted to settle the matter of his granddaughter, so he let him go on leave, and ordered him to settle the matter before going back to work.

  Zhang Ronghua patted him on the shoulder sympathetically.

   Zheng Shan pretended to be dissatisfied: "Why didn't you call us when the bun shop opened?"

  Zhang Qin said angrily: "You are so busy, how dare you say so?"

   Chatted for a few words, placed the flower basket on the ground, and entered the steamed stuffed bun shop. There was only one room, and the decoration was top-notch. Although it was not luxurious, it was exquisite and grand, combining beauty together.

There is a wall separating the kitchen from the hall, and there is a door on the side, which is blocked by a thick curtain, and the kitchen inside cannot be seen. In the hall outside, there are ten tables, five on each side, crowding the space. Leave a path for walking.

Zhang Qin introduced: "After the opening tomorrow, half of the tables in the hall will be placed outside, so that it will not be crowded. Besides, there is a steamed stuffed bun shop that is mainly engaged in the business of Qingyun Inn. Breakfast is provided, diners are incidental.”

  Zhang Ronghua nodded: "Not bad!"

  Zhang Qin greeted: "The wine and food at Qingyun Inn are ready, let's go there first, and chat while eating."

   A group of people came out of a bun shop, closed the door, and walked towards Qingyun Inn. The distance between the two sides is not far, just a few steps away.

Zheng Fugui and Xiao Mi seemed to have made a deal, he came over first, and she arrived behind, a carriage stopped at the entrance of Qingyun Inn, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, a maid came out from inside, and then lifted the curtain of the carriage He put his left hand on the top of the carriage to prevent her from bumping into him. Finally, there was Eunuch Xiao, in a blue loose robe, with a smile on his face, kind and harmonious, making people feel like spring breeze.

   Meet them.

Zheng Shan and his wife were petrified on the spot, and when they came back to their senses, their complexions immediately changed, they were gloomy, and they gave Zheng Fugui a fierce look. He must have told the news that they were coming, so they were able to get so accurate and force their way. Force them to meet and talk.

  Eunuch Xiao walked in front, Xiao Mi followed, walked up to him, cupped his hands, and said hello to Zhang Ronghua: "Qinglin!"

  Zhang Ronghua was helpless, he had already greeted him, so he couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb, right?

   came up from behind and said with a smile, "Eunuch Xiao!"

  Seeing that the atmosphere is very tense, the faces of the uncle and the others are ugly, and this is the door, and it is inconvenient to talk in the public, with people coming and going, so he suggested: "Let's talk inside!"

  Although Zheng Shan really wanted to leave and didn't want to talk to them, Zhang Ronghua had to give face. Although he was a junior, as his status became higher and higher, the weight of what he said had surpassed Zhang Qin.

   Entered the backyard and stopped in the back room.

The food and drink were ready, and they were steaming. Zhang Ronghua called the two parties to sit down. There was a clear distinction between the two sides. The uncle's family and Xiao Mi and the others sat across the table. Even if you have an idea, you dare not.

   looked at them.

Zhang Ronghua also had a headache. No one had notified the opening of the steamed stuffed bun shop. He just wanted to have a meal with his family, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this. Swords were on the verge of breaking out. He flicked his sleeves and left.

  At this point, it is rare for the two parties to meet each other, so let them have a good chat.

   After pondering for a moment, he changed the topic: "There are no outsiders here, so take this opportunity to settle the matter."

   Zheng Shan said with a cold face, "There is nothing to talk about, we don't agree to this matter!"

   As she spoke, she was about to pull Qiuniang to stand up and leave.

Zhang Ronghua pressed him down and signaled him not to worry. When he finished speaking, he sat down and said, "You can only know if a pair of shoes fit your feet after wearing them. Although the words are rough, the truth is the same. Wealth is the person involved." , life is also his own, as long as they really love each other, I don't think age is a problem."

   Only four thousand words!

   Maybe I got tricked, my waist and headache were severe.

   Originally, I planned to spell 20,000 words to explode, thanks to the boss [friend who loves to read], but I didn’t expect this to happen, thank you for the reward, thank you!

   Today is the new year, I wish you all a happy new year!

   Believe in Little Bazhuo, this problem can't be difficult, Dazhang will definitely come back.

   On the first day of the month, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, please!



  (end of this chapter)

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