MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 104 The lethality of punctuation marks (seek full order, ask for monthly pass

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  Chapter 104 The lethality of punctuation marks (seek full order, ask for monthly pass)

  Although I said this, those who should express their opinions still have to express their opinions, Zhang Ronghua said: "Where you need a minister, just say hello!"

   "En." The prince nodded in satisfaction.

  Talking up to now, still related to his own affairs, his drowsiness has long since disappeared, and he was completely awake, pointing to the chair next to him, motioning for Zhang Ronghua to sit down.

   "Bring something!"

   "Yes!" Shuang'er replied.

  Leaving the main hall, he returned soon, holding a long purple box carved with white flowers in his hand, placed it in front of Zhang Ronghua, and stood behind the prince again.

   "This is Donghai Wanling tea. The people below got it from Donghai with great difficulty. The lonely people gave some to the father and mother, and some, I'll give you some, take it back and taste it."

   "Thank you, Your Highness!"

  Zhang Ronghua is not welcome. Donghai Wanling tea is the best spiritual tea. I drank it at the old master's last time. Apart from containing majestic aura, the taste is also very delicious. The tea enters the stomach, like overlapping waves, moist and fresh, with endless aftertaste.

  Put things away.

  Prince said: "Gu heard that He Wenxuan is making things difficult for you?"

  Zhang Ronghua knew that he was referring to the memorial. Although there was no one from him in the Hall of Scholars, this matter was not a secret, and it was easy to inquire about it.

  Smiled confidently: "He is giving qualifications to his ministers. He is afraid that he will be stuck when he is promoted due to lack of qualifications."

  The crown prince laughed. Zhang Ronghua handled the memorial in a seamless manner, including the opinions he provided.

   Hearing what he said, don't worry!

  Give another sweet date: "Do it with confidence, as long as you are right, no one can touch you!"

   "I understand!"

  The topic changed.

  The crown prince continued: "Chen Youcai has been very busy these two days with the case of the missing woman. One head is two big. You go over there and tell him about it, so you can take credit for it."

   "The minister will pass here."

   Standing up from the chair, and bowing again, Zhang Ronghua walked outside.

  The door of the temple is closed.

  Qing'er was puzzled, and asked the incomprehension in his heart: "Your Highness, he was born as a general, how could he handle the memorial so perfectly?"

  The crown prince picked up the teacup next to him, took a sip, put the teacup down again, and said, "Do you really understand him?"

   One sentence stopped her.

  While she was thinking about Zhang Ronghua's affairs, the prince's voice sounded again: "To be more exaggerated, he reads more books than you eat."

Qing'er's small mouth was opened in an "O" shape, able to stuff two eggs, her face was full of surprise, if she said this from someone else's mouth, she would definitely spit them to pieces, but from His Highness's mouth Say it, that, that is the truth! Even if it's fake, yes!

   "The collection of tens of thousands of books in the Bachelor's Hall, as well as the discarded old books in the Miscellaneous Hall, and some ancient remnants of books, have all been read by him, and he has also registered and compiled them and placed them on the bookshelves."

   After holding back for a long time, Qing'er choked out a sentence: "This, this is still a human?"

  With so many books, how long has he been in the Bachelor Hall? It was sorted out and registered, and even if a dozen or so great Confucians were to do it together, it would not be possible in a year or two, right?

  Organizing books is not simply putting them on the shelf, but understanding the deep meaning in them, every sentence, every single word, whether she or others know it! But together, it is not so difficult to understand what it means. A book is at least 20 centimeters thick, or even thicker. There are so many books, let alone sorting, just thinking about it is as big as two heads. .

   Figured everything out.

  Qing'er flattered: "Your Highness knows people and uses them well, and you have a discerning eye!"

  The crown prince smiled easily. He never thought that transferring Zhang Ronghua out would bring such a big surprise.

   His face turned cold, and he ordered: "Keep an eye on them and see if anyone has behaved abnormally recently! Report immediately if there is any situation!"

  Qing'er replied respectfully: "I understand!"


  Leave the East Palace.

  Zhang Ronghua changed direction and was not in a hurry to join Yang Hongling. The first thing to do was to inform Chen Youcai first of the case of the woman's disappearance, let him take the credit for this, and let him gain a firm foothold in the Shangjing Mansion.

In addition, with the help of him, arrest people according to the list handed over by Daoist Xuanci, wipe out all the people in Disha, and completely eradicate them. In addition, the head arrester of the Dongcheng County Government must also be sent by him. arrest.

  As for Ma Ping'an, give him the credit? I'm afraid I'm thinking about farting!

   Arrived in Shangjing.

The officers and soldiers at the gate stopped him, and the leader of the army took a look at him. He saw that he was dressed in extraordinary clothes, with an expensive jade pendant on his waist. Can I help you?"

  Zhang Ronghua took out the waist card of the master of the Bachelor Hall, and after becoming the master, the waist card was also changed, let him take a look, and said: "My official Zhang Ronghua, look for Chen Youcai!"

   "Master Zhang, wait a moment! The general will report this."

   Let people continue to guard, open the side door, enter from here, and rush inside.


  Chen Youcai was wearing a blue robe and brocade suit, not even wearing a hood. He rushed out with two guards, and stopped in front of him: "Why don't you say hello in advance when you're here? I can welcome you."

  Zhang Ronghua winked and signaled him to follow.

The two walked to the side, stopped in the corner, took out the list of Di Sha and handed it over, and explained to him with puzzled eyes: "This is the list of Di Sha in the capital. Hey, pick people according to the list, and catch one at a time."

  Chen Youcai solemnly folded the list and put it in his sleeve: "It should be more than that for you to come here in person, right?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Tell him about the disappearance and murder of the woman in the city, and the arrest of the head of the Dongcheng County Government, including the Xiaoliu Restaurant and the Lanlan Clothes Shop in Beicheng.

   Finish listening.

  Chen Youcai bowed solemnly, this kindness is great, and then said: "I have written down the love, and if it is useful in the future, just say hello!"

  Zhang Ronghua smiled. He is indeed a person who has been trained in the officialdom, and his worldly experience is transparent. He said: "You go and deal with it first, and we will get together later."

   "Okay!" Chen Youcai also knew the seriousness of the matter.

  Now is the time to delay. The longer the delay, the greater the chance of accidents.

  If it continues to drag on and let others take the credit, everything that Zhang Ronghua has done will be in vain.

   Hastily brought people into the government office, ordered them to do things, and got rid of the case and the remnants of Di Sha.

  As the promotion officer of Shangjing Prefecture, he is in charge of military affairs, prisons, punishments, etc. He has great power. With his order, the entire government office runs at high speed, and the governor and judge also get the news.

   Woke up from the bed in the middle of the night. After listening to his subordinates' report, he was an old fox. He quickly guessed his intentions. Could it be that Chen Youcai found a clue to solve the case of the missing woman?

  Thinking of this, he couldn't fall asleep, so he hurriedly got off the bed, changed his clothes, and rushed towards him.

   Things are done.

  Zhang Ronghua walked back and met Yang Hongling. They had agreed at Xiaoliu Restaurant just now. After the matter was over, they would meet at Fate Academy.

   After such a long time, with her ability to handle affairs, she would have sent those rescued women back, right?

   Arrived at Fate Academy, the leading disciple was the same person from last time, I met him when he came here just now, he was with Yang Hongling, the other party blinked and dared not say more.

   Now there is only him, this disciple stepped forward and greeted with a smile: "Come on!"

   "Know that I'm coming?"

   "Elder Sister came back just now and has already said hello. Let me take you there when you come."

   Entered the Fate Academy, and this disciple led the way.

   "My name is Mei Changshu, a disciple of the Outer Court. It sounds like I have a good relationship. Every time it's my turn to be on duty, I can see you coming."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled: "It is indeed a predestined relationship."

  Looking around, he saw that there was no one around. A group of patrolling disciples had just passed by. Mei Changshu asked in a low voice, "Secretly, how far have you and Senior Sister developed?"


  Mei Changshu jokingly smiled, as if to say, as long as I believe you, the sun will come out from the west tomorrow!

   While speaking, he arrived outside the old master's yard.

  The two stopped.

  Mei Changshu said: "Elder Sister is waiting for you in the courtyard, so I won't accompany you in."

  Wait for him to leave.

Zhang Ronghua entered the courtyard, glanced around, but did not see Yang Hongling, but Xiao Si was lying on the lakeside, happily humming a ditty, and heard footsteps coming from behind, no need to guess, at this time, only Zhang Ronghua could enter the courtyard No one else turned his head and said hello: "I'm back!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua stopped beside it.

  Looking at the Linghu Lake in front of him, he grabbed the teapot on the stone table and held it in his hands. Xiao Si looked at him suspiciously, turned his animal eyes around, and asked, "Make tea?"

   "His Royal Highness has just rewarded you with some good tea, please taste it!"

  I also took some water from the Spirit Lake, the spiritual energy contained in it was very rich, and it formed a liquid state, which can also be called spiritual liquid. I put it on the stove and burned it, and sat down beside it.

   With his right hand, he clapped the Wulong Yuling belt around his waist, took out two bunches of black grapes, and handed them over.

  Xiao Si swallowed it with his mouth open, like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, and swallowed it whole, without even spitting out the grape skin. Seeing his astonishment, he smiled: "I'm used to it."

  Zhang Ronghua smiled dumbly. It had no claws, so it couldn't hold a black grape and put it into its mouth like a purple cat. It picked a black grape and threw it into its mouth. It asked, "What about her?"

   "When I came back, I saw that you hadn't arrived yet. I was hungry, so I picked some spiritual objects and caught four spiritual fish for supper in the kitchen."

   "Deducted from the three tables of feasts promised to you?"

  Xiao Si shook her head: "I asked, but she said it doesn't count!"

At this time, the spiritual liquid boiled, Zhang Ronghua got up, took out the East China Sea Wanling Tea, opened the box, revealing an exquisite jade bottle, which was as big as an adult's palm. It looked like this, there were a lot of tea leaves, how many weights, the crown prince this time It's time to pay.

   Grabbed a little, put it in the teapot, waited until the tea leaves were completely melted into the spirit liquid, poured two cups, and handed one cup to Xiaosi.

   "Donghai Wanling Tea! Where did you come from?"

   "Given by His Highness."

  Xiao Si opened his mouth and inhaled, not afraid of the heat, sucked the tea into his stomach, enjoyed it with a smile, and exclaimed: "Good tea!"

  The animal eye turned around, smiled, and said tentatively: "Can I discuss it?"

"want to?"


   "A little bit for you."

  Zhang Ronghua divided the tea leaves into four parts, one for himself, one for Yang Hongling, one for Xiao Si, and the rest for the old master. After receiving so many favors from him, it must be reciprocated, right?

   "Bright!" Xiaosi happily put away the East China Sea Wanling tea.

  Sit down by the lake again, drink tea, look at the lake, the night wind blows, long hair flutters, and quietly feels the beauty of nature.

  Xiao Si suddenly asked, "Want to go fishing?"



   "Didn't she catch the spirit fish?"

   "Take it home and eat!"

  After talking about this, what else can Zhang Ronghua say, and he nods in response.

  Xiao Si stood up from the ground, disappeared for a while, reappeared and came over with a fishing rod, and handed him the fishing rod with a straight hook, the one that the old master used last time.

  It didn't take the bait. In its view, with Zhang Ronghua's cultivation level, it doesn't need this thing.

  Throwing the fishhook into Linghu Lake and putting it on the ground, thinking of what Yang Hongling said, he asked curiously, "When will the old master leave the customs?"

   "I don't know! It may be now, or it may be a few days later, he told me during retreat that he wants to create a sword heart psychic secret technique similar to Jixia Academy to improve the overall strength of Fate Academy."

  Jianshin's psychic art is a secret technique, but it is indeed very powerful!

   It allows one person to have the combat power of two people, and to display different martial arts and supernatural powers at the same time.

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

   At this time.

  Yang Hongling's voice came from the lobby: "Come and eat!"

   One person and one beast smiled at each other, stood up from the lake, and walked towards the lobby.

  Xiao Si didn't know what to think of, lowered his voice, and joked: "What does she look like now?"

"have no idea!"

   "Hey!" Xiaosi laughed jokingly.

   "Does it look like a wife who has cooked meals and is waiting for her husband to come back? She is gentle and virtuous, well-educated, and generous."

   "Don't be afraid that she will beat you, repeat this in front of her!"

  Xiao Si shrank her neck and gave him a pair of supercilious eyes, acting like I'm not stupid, if I really said this in front of her, let alone the supper, I guess even the three tables of dinners would be gone.

   Arrived in the lobby.

There are two servings in total. There are six dishes and one soup on the table, as well as two servings of steaming pastries, all steaming hot, all of which she just made. There is also an oversized wooden basin with two spirit fish in it. There are some meals and pastries, this is a special eating tool for Xiaosi!

   Seeing them come in, Yang Hongling held the wooden basin and placed it in front of Xiao Si, took out another pot of spirit wine—Baguo Niang, and gave it to him together. Xiao Si didn't run away this time, he just made a great contribution, why did he run away? Lie on the ground and ate.

Zhang Ronghua opened the chair and sat down, took the bowl and chopsticks from her, picked up a chicken leg, and put it in her bowl. A piece of fish, placed in his bowl.

   After taking a bite of rice and eating the fish, Zhang Ronghua asked, "Have you sent them all back?"

   "En." Yang Hongling responded.

  "Seeing their daughter come back alive, their family members were very happy. They hugged each other and wept. It made me sad to see them. When they left, they gave some gifts. I didn't want them! But don't let them go, you can only accept them."

  Looking in the direction of her finger, there are a bunch of things on the chair. Although ordinary, the representative's heart cannot be measured by money.

"This group of scum, with their strength, what can they do wrong? Why do they harm these innocent women? If you want money, you can go to the big business to grab it! If you want someone, you can go to the big business to grab it! As long as you can get it Now, everything belongs to them, and when we return to Daxia, not only will no one blame them, but the government will give them awards, plus heavy rewards!"

   "It's true to say so, but do they dare?"

Yang Hongling was silent, picking up persimmons and pinching them softly, bullying the weak, big fish eating small fish, this has penetrated into the bone marrow, at least for those people who have lost their conscience and their conscience is eaten by dogs, for the sake of profit, any bad thing can be done, regardless of The dynasty, disregarding the common people, Disha is a typical representative!

The jewel-like beautiful eyes burst out with two cold lights, murderous, and said coldly: "I can't control what other people do! But it's best not to let me meet such a thing, or I will kill it once I see it. Kill all those who have done all kinds of bad things!"

  Zhang Ronghua gave her another chicken leg: "Make another one."

  Yang Hongling gave him an angry look, and asked, "Where are you?"

   Briefly explained the matter, and the prince's response, including the matter of getting Chen Youcai to arrest the remnants of Earth Sha.

  Take out two servings of Donghai Wanling tea and put them on the table.

   "One for you, one for the old master."

  Yang Hongling was also polite, put away his things, and waited for his grandfather to leave the customs before giving him his share.

   After eating.

Yang Hongling cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and the two walked to the lake, the fishing rod on the ground suddenly moved, and then a huge force came from the lake, and rushed down with the fishing line, wanting to Pull the rod all the way down.

   "Quick! Hooked."

The speed was very fast, and he rushed up in an instant, grabbed the tail of the fishing rod, sank into his dantian, and flung the fish out of the lake. A big guy, weighing about fifteen catties, was lying on the ground. alive and kicking.

   walked over, took out the hook, and looked at the straight hook in his hand.

  A pair of beautiful eyes turned around, and asked suspiciously: "Straight hook?"

  Zhang Ronghua responded.

   "Did you use the bait?"


   "Strange! There is no fishing rod, just a straight hook, and the fishing rod is still thrown here casually. When did Lingyu become so stupid? He actually bit the hook by himself?"

  Looking at the direction where Grandpa was retreating, Yang Hongling blinked, and suddenly laughed. The silver bell-like laughter echoed around, and when it stopped, he joked: "Grandpa will die of anger when he finds out."

  Zhang Ronghua also thought of an interesting scene and shrugged: "It's best not to say it! Otherwise these spirit fish will suffer."

Take out a rope, tie the mouth of the spirit fish, and put it on the ground. Its vitality is relatively strong, even if there is no water, it will not die for a while, and handed over the fishing rod, Yang Hongling said again: "Good things come in pairs, Fish another one back."

  Zhang Ronghua glanced at the sky, there was still about an hour before dawn, and now he couldn't sleep when he went back, and he would catch up on sleep when he went to the Bachelor's Hall tomorrow.

  Took the fishing rod, went to the lake and sat down, casually threw the hook into the lake, this time it was the same, still no bait.

  Yang Hongling sat down next to him. There was only one punch between the two of them. As the distance got closer, the fragrance of her body passed over and entered the nose, making people unable to resist sniffing a few more times.

Xiaosi didn't know when she appeared behind her, lying on the ground, looking at the two people by the lake, the more she looked at them, the more she felt that they were a perfect match, like a match made in heaven, but if she wanted to marry the jewel in the palm of the Destiny Academy, she had to work hard !

  At least Zhang Ronghua's current official position is far from enough, the only way to do it is to enter the Tianji Pavilion.

  Yang Hongling stroked her hair, exposed her small and exquisite ears, and asked, "How are you doing in the Bachelor's Hall?"

   "It's all the same!" Zhang Ronghua shook his head.

Seeing her take out a watermelon, which is also a spiritual object, she clapped the watermelon in half with a jade hand, handed half over, took the watermelon, broke the watermelon in half, took the half and ate it, and said while eating : "It was a bit complicated at the beginning, but after sorting it out, it became easier to carry out the work. Although there are still some problems, they are under control."

   "With your ability, let alone this little problem, no matter how big it is, it won't be difficult!"

  Four eyes face each other.

  Zhang Ronghua smiled and said, "Is that why you trust me?"

   "You do things convincingly!"

  Continue to eat the watermelon, and the topic of the chat is also very casual. Wherever the two of them thought and talked, they chatted for another half an hour after eating the watermelon.

   Seeing that the sky was about to dawn, Zhang Ronghua was about to stand up from the ground and say goodbye, but the fishing rod moved at this moment, and a huge force came, and along the fishing line, he was about to pull the fishing rod into the bottom of the water.

  Yang Hongling was bigger than his reaction, pointing at the fishing rod and shouting: "Catch it!"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua quickly grabbed it.

   Just when the fishing rod was about to be dragged into the lake, he grabbed it and pulled it hard to throw out the fish below. It was a little bigger than the spirit fish just now, weighing about sixteen catties.

  Remove the hook and string it with the fish.

  Yang Hongling joked: "Grandpa has been fishing for ten days and a half months, but he may not be able to catch one. Fortunately, you caught two in one night. When he gets out of customs and knows, his beard will be so angry."


   Carrying the spirit fish, he said goodbye: "It will be dawn soon, I'm going back."

"I see you off!"

  Walk side by side together and walk outside.

  He sent it all the way to the outside of Fate Academy, stood at the door, waited until Zhang Ronghua's back disappeared, and then looked away.

  Mei Changshu reminded: "Big sister, brother has already left."

  Yang Hongling turned around, glared at him angrily, and said, "I can't see?"

  Leaving behind a scent of fragrance, he entered the Fate Academy.

  The disciples around joked: "I told you to talk too much, have you been scolded by the elder sister?"

  Back to the home of Zhuquefang, and stopped by the artificial lake.

  The door of the room was opened, Shi Bo came out of the room, saw that he had just come back, and was carrying two big spirit fish in his hands, he walked over: "Why did you come back so late?"

   "Something is delayed."

   asked: "Get up so early?"

   "You like to eat trendy brands and fritters from the store on South Street. Their business is very good. You have to go early. If you are late, they will be sold out there."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded.

  Shi Bo left to buy breakfast.

  Looking at the ornamental fish in the artificial lake, and then at the spirit fish in his hand, put them together, will something happen?

   "Meow!" Smelling the smell of fish, the purple cat jumped out of the room and stopped in front of him.

   It's really fragrant!

   Tongue sticking out to lick his mouth, cat eyes shining brightly, staring at the spirit fish, wishing to swallow them in one gulp.

   "It tastes bad when eaten raw. When I come back at night, I will ask Uncle Shi to burn them. Your share is indispensable."

   "Meow!" Purple Cat nodded happily.

   Put the fish in the artificial lake.

   Entering the water, the two spirit fish suffered from the loss just now and hid at the bottom of the water without showing their faces.

Stretched out his hand, grabbed the back of its head, lifted it from the ground, held it in his arms, entered the lobby, boiled a pot of boiling water, brewed a pot of Donghai Wanling tea, poured two cups, and put the purple cat Put it on the table, pointing to one of the cups: "It's for you."

   "Meow!" The purple cat's eyes lit up.

  Donghai Wanling tea is so fragrant, the rich aura comes out, shocking its taste, opening the cat's mouth, and licking it quickly.

   After licking a cup of tea in a blink of an eye, the effect of the tea exploded. The first time I drank it, I got the most benefits. Even when Zhang Ronghua drank it at the old master's place, Xuanhuang Zhenyuan improved a bit.

The purple cat is only at the fifth level of the master realm, and the effect is even greater. In addition, during this period of time, he has been staying in the Taifu's mansion to eat and drink. Under the impact of force, the bottleneck loosened and began to break through.


  The cat was taken aback. Although it knew that Donghai Wanling Tea was extraordinary, it didn't expect that it would be too powerful to be so powerful, right?

But the cat liked it so much, it jumped off the table in a hurry and landed on the ground without any delay. After running the exercises to refine, the light of the true spirit rose, surrounded by purple-red aura, covering the whole cat, and at the same time, the phoenix fire also It manifested and surrounded its body surface, emitting amazing power.

  Zhang Ronghua put down the teacup, looked at it for a while, and saw that it was fine. Although the spiritual power contained in Donghai Wanling Tea is strong, with its strong blood, refining it is not a problem, so continue to drink tea.

   A quarter of an hour passed.

The purple cat refines the huge power contained in the tea, goes a step further, and breaks through to the sixth level of the master realm. After a few more days of polishing, it will be able to break through again. The rays of light disappear, and the vision converges. , jumped up from the ground, looked at the teapot, and shouted hotly: "Meow!"

   is saying, have another drink!

  Zhang Ronghua stroked his hair and explained: "Drinking Donghai Wanling tea for the first time has the greatest effect. If you drink it again, the effect will be halved until it has no effect."

  Poured a cup with the teapot.

The purple cat didn't believe it, and quickly licked the tea, and the cat's eyes turned around, as if it was really like that, the effect was more than half, but it made it more stable, but the tea was very fragrant, even if it had no effect, Just based on the taste, it is also the best spiritual tea.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Apart from Phoenix Divine Fire, do you know other supernatural powers?"

   "Meow!" Purple Cat nodded.

   "Go! Go out and rehearse."

   Carried it out of the lobby, stopped by the artificial lake, and put it on the ground: "Start!"

The light of the true spirit rises, and on both sides of its back, it condenses into a pair of fiery red wings, with some noble purple, there is no messy feeling, but it makes people feel that they are born like this, until the wings are formed, and it is in harmony with its body Forming a direct ratio, it flashed suddenly, disappeared from the spot, appeared at the door, and then appeared in the spot again, so fast that it didn't even take a breath.

   "Meow!" Zimao exclaimed triumphantly.

   It is said that this is the supernatural power of the Phoenix family, the Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens, one of the fastest top supernatural powers in the world, and it is close to the Tao when it is cultivated to the sixth level of skill.

Zhang Ronghua glanced at it quite unexpectedly. He just mentioned it casually. He didn't expect the purple cat to have second supernatural powers, and it was also from the Phoenix clan. From this, it can be deduced that its mother must have a high status in the Phoenix clan, and If the bloodline is strong, the supernatural powers inherited will be so terrifying, and it will continue through the bloodline. What kind of cat is such a character that can hook him up?

   At least not a house cat!

   It has to be a powerful cat among the Hundred True Spirit Clans. If it is a domestic cat, spray it with a mouthful of Phoenix Divine Fire, roast it and swallow it!

   Pointing to the sky, he asked, "Can you fly?"

  The purple cat glanced up, then shook its head in disappointment.

   "Take you to experience it!" Zhang Ronghua laughed.

  At this moment, it is still dark, so there is no need to worry about being discovered, and there are no people around, and the spies who were spying on him were also removed.

Holding the purple cat, walking on the sky, within a few flashes, he was already standing on the nine heavens, different from the ground, the wind here is very terrifying, each wave contains terrifying power, it seems to kill people Destruction, the resistance is also great, blocking people from moving forward.

Xuanhuang Zhenyuan protects the body by itself, blocking the wind from the nine heavens, but it consumes a lot. Even if Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu is a magic technique, the Xuanhuang Zhenyuan cultivated is more than five times that of other techniques, and the recovery ability is also abnormal. But compared with the consumption, it is still a little bit worse.

   But standing here, looking down, the scenery is different.

  The huge capital city, like a small dot, appears in the eyes. In this small dot, there are countless lights gradually lit up, like the lights of thousands of families, and I have one.

   "Meow!" the purple cat cried out excitedly.

  Looking at him with cat eyes, he yelled again, asking what is your cultivation level? How can you do things that even the cat's top supernatural powers can't do?

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, stroked his hair twice, didn't say much, he had finished pretending, and it was time to go back.

  Golden light flashed, descended from the sky, appeared on the ground, put it down, and asked: "Where is the supernatural power of fighting?"

  The purple cat shook his head.

   "What about martial arts?"

   Keep shaking your head!

   This doesn’t work, except for the Phoenix Divine Fire, although it is powerful, it is sufficient under normal circumstances, but in some special cases, it is inevitable to feel clumsy. After pondering for a while, I decided to teach it a supernatural power.

Although the supernatural powers of Haoran righteousness are powerful, they are stronger than ordinary supernatural powers, and the restrictions are also great. The only thing that comprehends Haoran righteousness is that it restricts the cat. best choice.

The Nine Tribulations Overcoming Sea Sword Art created its own supernatural powers, combined with a body of swordsmanship to create it. Although there is only one style, its power cannot be underestimated. So beautiful! ruled out again.

   Only the Shanhe Zhenshi Boxing is left, which is taught by Uncle Zhong.

   That's it!

  Zhang Ronghua reminded: "I will teach you a supernatural power, watch it, but learn it with your heart! If you can't learn it, I will hang you up and beat you."

Stretching out his posture, he raised his right fist, and countless golden lights erupted from his arms. This boxing technique has been cultivated to the sixth level by him, and he has gained the true meaning. With the use of it, the world, mountains and rivers change, and the supreme momentum is blessed on him, going forward indomitably. He was dignified and upright, crushing the past domineeringly.


  The void exploded, and the terrifying punch spread out to the surroundings, and it lasted for a long time before dissipating.

  Withdrawing his fist, he asked again: "Have you written it down?"

   "Meow!" The purple cat replied heavily.

   "I will pass on the exercise route to you now, remember it well, and ask if you don't understand."

  Tell it the exercise route of Shanhe Zhenshiquan.

  Although the meridians of cats are fundamentally different from those of humans, they have one thing in common. They are all living beings. As long as they have intelligence, even difficult problems can be solved.

  Seeing it and remembering it, Zhang Ronghua said: "Try it!"

The purple cat stood up, its two short legs supported on the ground, it was very stable, and there was no sign of falling. Shiquan's practice route, mobilizing cultivation, surrounded by the light of the true spirit, clenched his right paws tightly, and punched out with a sudden blow!


  The ground trembled, face down, and an intimate contact came.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't laugh. When it punched just now, its body lost its weight. In addition, it didn't have a transformation, and it was the first time it came into contact with human supernatural powers. It didn't have the mastery, so it fell to the ground.

   Getting up from the ground, the purple cat looked at him resentfully: "Meow!"

   is saying you lied to the cat!

Zhang Ronghua knelt down, touched its head, and encouraged him: "You are not an ordinary cat, you have noble and powerful Phoenix blood, as long as you work hard, I believe you will be able to master the Shanhe Zhenshi Fist, don't you want to change?" more powerful?"

  The cat became lame after being fooled, and responded foolishly.

   "Go to practice!"

  Wait for it to leave, set up a posture, mobilize the awe-inspiring righteousness, and start to practice the Great Five Elements Breaking the Sky Sword Formation. Practice three times a day, and the thunder and the wind will not stop.

   After it was over, he changed into a set of clean clothes and entered the lobby. Shi Bo had already returned and placed the breakfast he bought on the table.

   Pull out the chair and sit down, holding a trendy card, rolled with fried dough sticks and green onions, smeared with a little hot sauce, it tastes delicious.

   After taking a sip of Hu spicy soup, Zhang Ronghua said: "There will be guests at home tonight, burn the two spirit fish in the spirit lake, and then buy some good ingredients."

  Shi Bo wrote it down.

  After dinner, he took a carriage to Suzaku Gate, got out of the carriage, entered the palace, and walked towards the Scholars Hall.

  Just outside the main office hall, there was a figure standing at the door, it was Lu Junxiu, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time, when he saw him coming, he hurried up to greet him: "My lord, you are here!"

  Zhang Ronghua responded.

  Glanced at him, saw that he hesitated to speak, rubbed his palms, wanted to say something but was too embarrassed to speak, and asked, "What's the matter?"

  Lu Junxiu didn't know if it would be possible, so he said boldly: "Are you free tonight? The subordinate asked his wife to prepare high-quality ingredients, and I want to treat you to a drink!"

  Zhang Ronghua laughed, Chen You would only come here at night, he received such a great favor last night, if he didn't come, he wouldn't have to mess around in the officialdom.

Yesterday Lu Zhantang sent a letter to him, someone investigated him, this feeling is accepted, he simply called to get together, Lu Junxiu is also good, strong ability to handle affairs, was born in the imperial examination, has a clean identity, he has also been investigated secretly, not someone from other forces, It can be cultivated. After pondering for a while, he said: "Don't bother, I have a friend coming over tonight, you can go back with me."

   "Ah! My lord, this, is this suitable?" Lu Junxiu dreamed of going there, blending into Zhang Ronghua's small circle, and completely stamping his mark, but he also knew that when friends gather, they are the closest people.

   "No problem!" Zhang Ronghua shook his head.

   "Later, you will send someone to Zhenlong Hall to send a message to inform Lu Zhantang that if there is nothing wrong after he is on duty, let him come to Zhuque Fang for a drink."

   "Thank you, sir!"

"carry on!"

  Pushed open the door and walked in. Ding Yi hadn't come yet, so he took out some Donghai Wanling tea, brewed a pot, sat on a chair, drank tea, and thought about painting.

This is just the beginning, whether it is a coincidence or an accident, now that Yang Hongling knows it, if he continues to sell, as his status becomes higher, familiar people can recognize him at a glance, even if he makes more money, this business Can't do it again!

  Thinking of this, a decision has been made, and when Ding Yi comes, tell him about the matter.

   Unscrupulous paintings cannot be sold, but serious paintings can always be sold, right?

As his status is getting higher and higher, coupled with Liujing's painting skills and calligraphy, even if the same painting sells for tens of thousands or one hundred thousand taels, there are countless people fighting over their heads. Painting is more profitable, but also can accumulate reputation, the best of both worlds, just do it like this!

  Drinking half of a pot of tea, Ding Yi ran in from outside excitedly, closed the door of the palace, looked excited, and said in a low voice: "Brother, we made a lot of money this time."

  Take out the sumeru bag, the banknotes are all in it, and it's closed.

   "Guess how much money is in there!"

  Zhang Ronghua glanced at him and said, "Double?"

  The expression on Ding Yi's face was frozen, as if the pause button had been pressed, and it took him a while to recover: "So accurate?"

   "The reputation has already been established, and the paintings are of the highest quality. Isn't it normal to add words?"

  Brought the sumeru bag and looked at the banknotes inside, it was a total of 500,000 taels. It was really a huge profit, but I have decided that no matter how much money I make, I have to change my career and sell serious paintings in the future.

  Take out half of the bank note and put it away, then threw the Sumeru bag over, and said, "I'll tell you something."

  Ding Yi just stretched out his palm, ready to hold the teapot and pour himself a cup of tea, when he heard this, he stopped again and asked, "Say it!"

   "This business will not be done in the future!"

   "Ah!" Ding Yi was startled and jumped up anxiously.

   asked: "Why? Isn't it good to make money?"

  Zhang Ronghua knocked him on the head, sullenly, and asked back: "You went to sell the painting, how did you sell it to Yang Hongling?"

   "Ah~!" Ding Yi called out louder this time.

  The expression on the face is very exciting, surprise, surprise, disbelief, fear, worry... like a chameleon, changing back and forth.

  He knew the relationship between Yang Hongling and Zhang Ronghua.

From the perspective of an outsider, a man is handsome, graceful, capable, responsible, and responsible; a woman can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, and she is also beautiful, sexy, knowing how to advance and retreat, cold on the inside and hot on the inside, With everyone's demeanor, the two are a good match.

   But everything should not only look at the surface, but also status.

   Zhang Ronghua entered and left the Fate Academy several times. Since the old master did not object, he agreed in principle. The only difference is his status. When his official position rises, it will be a matter of time before they get together, at least he thinks so.


  Yang Hongling got an unscrupulous painting, if she knew that she was the one who persuaded her brother to make a painting to make money, she would beat herself up, even if Emperor Xia protected her, even if grandpa came back, she would have to beat her up!

  Ding Yi thought a lot in one thought, and this was the reason for the fear on his face.

   hurriedly asked: "Brother, you didn't betray me, did you?"

   "Do you know you are afraid now?"

   "Yes!" Ding Yi nodded heavily.

  Thinking about who did the immoral thing, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't think about it, and cursed: "It's best not to let me know who did it, or I will definitely beat him!"

   "Huo Jingyun!"

   "Fuck! It's actually him. I have been taking care of the business of the heaven and the earth all these years. He actually plots against me behind my back. No way! After the next duty, I will block the door of the heaven and the earth. Don't do this business with him."

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head: "You blamed him wrongly, he is also a victim! On the way back, he held the painting and looked at it with relish, and even Yang Hongling didn't notice it when he came to him. He recognized my writing and snatched the painting away."

   "Wu Shuanghou has lost all face, why can't he go back and close the door, hide and watch secretly?"

  Finding out the reason, I felt relieved, at least I didn’t have to worry about Yang Hongling’s revenge, otherwise I would really have to hide for a while.

   Just about to drink tea.

Zhang Ronghua glared at him, took the teacup from his hand, put it on the table, met his puzzled eyes, and introduced: "This is Donghai Wanling tea, the effect is very strong when you drink it for the first time, wait for you to prepare it." Drink it while practicing."

  Ding Yi has also heard of Donghai Wanling tea, but he has never had a good taste, knowing that this tea is very famous.

   "Where did it come from?"

   "Given by His Highness."

  Ding Yi gave a thumbs up and praised: "My brother is still awesome!"

  Continuing the topic just now.

   "If we don't sell paintings, how can we make money?"

   "It's not that you don't sell paintings! It's that you don't sell unscrupulous paintings."

Although the mouth was twisted, Ding Yi still understood, his eyes lit up, the light of money shot out, he slapped his thigh, and jumped up again: "Look at my head, how can I forget this? Brother Yi, you The painting skills and calligraphy of Liujing, the paintings made by me, after my packaging, will be famous, not only can harvest fame, but also earn a lot of money, killing two birds with one stone."

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua nodded, and took a sip from his teacup.

   "After going off duty at night, go to my place for a drink. I caught two spirit fish in the Fate Academy last night."


   Impatiently stretched out his hand and brought this cup of spirit tea over, Ding Yi said: "Brother, I want to drink it!"


   After drinking the tea, he hurriedly sat on the ground, and performed the Nirvana Supreme Life Skill to refine the terrifying spiritual power contained in the tea.

  Zhang Ronghua also walked to his side. Donghai Wanling tea is no better than other teas. It contains a strong power, and ordinary people can't bear it at all, let alone Ding Yi.

As soon as the tea entered his stomach, the majestic aura was about to rush out of his body. With a single point of his finger, a streak of black and yellow true energy penetrated into his body, sealing this huge aura in his body, and then helping him to refine it. Step by step, quickly no.

  Retract your palm.

  Sit on the chair, drink the rest of the tea, close the hall door, haven't slept all night, and feel a little sleepy, with Lu Junxiu helping to watch, if there is something important, he will notify himself, and lie on the chair for a nap.

  Tianji Pavilion.

  Feng Youwei walked quickly from outside, stopped outside He Wenxuan's office hall, with an excited face, knocked on the door: "Are you there, sir?"

"Come in!"

  Pushed open the door of the hall, walked in, closed the door again, walked up to him quickly, and said, "I found it!"

  He took out a document from his sleeve and placed it in front of him.

  He Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, two cold lights flashed in his eyes, he quickly picked up the document, opened it and looked at it.

   As expected of the True Dragon Palace’s action, the information found is comprehensive, much better than yesterday’s.

  The above records are very detailed, except that Zhang Ronghua's family members remain unchanged, the relationship between the characters, their cultivation, and the things they do are all recorded.

  From Princess Changxi to the sixth prince, except for some core secrets, everything else is recorded on it. When he was in the East Palace, he was called the prince's right-hand man.

  Grandmaster level 7, martial arts are unknown, and those who have seen him attack are dead.

  Lingbao has the Golden Dragon Sword and the Hundred Birds Facing Phoenix Fan.

  Friends Chen Youcai, Lu Zhantang, Ding Yi, and Ma Ping'an have already fallen out.

  Because of his relationship, Zheng Fugui managed Jiaolongwei and Prince Jinwei with Donggong Rongweiya, and was very close to Xiao Mi. Xiao Mi's grandfather was Xiao Gonggong, Wei Shang's confidant.

  Yang Hongling has a very good relationship with him, and has brought him into the Fate Academy several times, and even had dinner at his home several times.

   Read it all over again.

  He Wenxuan put down the document, and gave him a hard look: "Look at him, this is called professionalism!"

  Feng Youwei smiled apologetically, didn't dare to refute, and was slandering in his heart. He is the Zilong envoy of the True Dragon Palace, and that's what he does. How can I compare him to him?

  Hou asked anxiously: "What should my lord do now?"

   "Strange! Whether it's the news you investigated or the news that Wan Guoqiang investigated, there is no record of Zhang Ronghua's learning from others. Why is he so knowledgeable? Can he still handle some memorials?"

  Feng Youwei said tentatively: "Could it be the prince?"

   "Hey! It's really possible." He Wenxuan's eyes lit up.

  Before Zhang Ronghua was transferred to the Hall of Scholars, he was in charge of Jiaolongwei in the East Palace, and he often accompanied the prince. The prince handles government affairs and stays by his side. After a long time, even a pig will inevitably feel a little bit.

  If the prince is specially trained, after all these years, with this reserve of knowledge, he can still handle memorials. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it makes sense.

  Thinking of how much effort the crown prince has put into transferring him to the Hall of Scholars, now it seems that it is likely to be the case!

   Send out a signal and focus on cultivating him.

  Thinking of this, He Wenxuan was excited, he cleaned up Zhang Ronghua, and then involved Pei Caihua, and even caused the prince to lose a lot of help. The more he thought about it, the more proud he felt.

  Stand up from the chair, walk around the hall with your hands behind your back, thinking about the countermeasures, how to arrange to take Zhang Ronghua and Pei Caihua down.

  At this moment, a Yilang's voice sounded outside: "Master He, Mr. Cui Ge asked his subordinates to bring you the memorial."

   There was a flash of inspiration in my mind.

He Wenxuan figured it out, this morning the quarrel became a vegetable market, and it had nothing to do with the officials. The Jixia Academy and the Fate Academy jointly attacked the Changqing Academy, accusing them of dereliction of duty, ignorance of education, and misleading their children. Over the years, little achievements have been made. No, in the face of the offensive from the two university palaces, the people from the Changqing Academy naturally refused to agree. They almost started to do it after arguing and arguing, but fortunately they stopped in the Ziji Palace.

Emperor Xia obviously favored the two colleges this time. Regardless of the evidence produced by Jixia Academy and Fate Academy, it cannot withstand scrutiny, but Changqing Academy has gone too far this time. The influence is still there, and it must be severely punished. With a beating, the two masters of Taixue Jijiu and Guozijian will be dismissed from their official positions and demoted to white bodies, and then assigned to them to educate the people. The details will be discussed by Tianji Pavilion, and then the memorial will be handed over. Go up and be approved by Emperor Xia.

  Looking at the whole thing.

His Majesty's attitude is very clear, he must be severely punished, and the place of distribution must be poor. This is an errand that offends people. The one who offends is the Changqing Academy. The punishment is lighter. Seriously, the one who offended was the Evergreen Academy, no matter what you do, it will be thankless.

  If Zhang Ronghua is allowed to handle this matter, no matter what he does, both sides will offend one side.

No matter which side launched the attack, he always took the lead, pushed four, five, six, let the responsibility be shifted to Zhang Ronghua, and then named Zhang Ronghua as Pei Caihua's person, and let them hate this old guy. To join the cabinet, there are so many political opponents, if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that the difficulty has not doubled or doubled.

  At a glance, the entire court is an enemy. Even if you are capable of handling affairs and have no problem with your character, His Majesty will not let you join the cabinet for such a person, and will only give you other positions.

  Thinking of the wonderful things, He Wenxuan had a big smile on his face, like an old fox who saw the success of the plot.

  Sit down on the chair, sullenly, expressionlessly, and said in a deep voice: "Come in!"

  Full of official authority, well handled.

  Yilang came in from the outside, put the memorial in his arms on the desk, and stepped back respectfully.

  Wait for him to leave.

  Feng Youwei hastily closed the palace door, and returned again, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Have you thought of an idea, my lord?"

He Wenxuan took the memorial on the top, pointed to it, and motioned for him to read it for himself. Holding the memorial, Feng Youwei read it. It was recorded that the two masters of Taixue Jijiu and Guozijian were demoted. For nothing.

  After reading it over and over again, he put down the memorial and asked suspiciously, "Why did elder Cui Ge send you this tricky memorial?"

He Wenxuan held the teacup, took a sip slowly, then put the teacup down, and named the interests: "Even with the support of Mr. Cui, if I want to join the cabinet, I have to show some extraordinary skills to let the other four The elder of the pavilion is convinced, and will only support it when he enters the pavilion! If you have no ability at all, you can enter the Tianji Pavilion and deal with the military and political affairs of the dynasty. No one can trust you! Believe it or not, as long as this official makes a little noise, Pei Caihua will fart Run up and take this memorial away."

Feng Youwei flattered him appropriately: "Although he is a minister of the Ministry of Rites and has a high position and authority, he has no power to touch the memorials. Unlike you, my lord, the head of the Tianji Pavilion has a little less power than him, but he can touch the memorials." The great event is far beyond what he can compare."

   "Yeah." He Wenxuan stroked his beard in agreement, and he enjoyed the flattery this time.

  Pointing to this memorial and other memorials beside it, he ordered: "Send them to Zhang Ronghua, and entrust him with this thankless task, and I can enjoy his achievements."

  Feng Youwei was taken aback for a moment, figured out the key point, and then smiled triumphantly: "No one can save him this time!"

   "I want more than that. Either I don't do it. If I do it, I have to be ruthless and pull him down together with Pei Caihua! Otherwise, I can't carry this big pot with only a master of the palace."

  The two looked at each other and smiled viciously.

  Called two people and instructed them to hold these memorials, follow behind him, and walk towards the Bachelor's Hall.

  He quickened his pace, wanting to see the scene where Zhang Ronghua was taken down sooner.


  Sleep soundly, Ding Yi's suppressed excited voice sounded: "Brother, my body is about to recover!"

   stood up from the ground and rushed over quickly.

  Zhang Ronghua opened his eyes, stood up from the reclining chair, motioned for him to stretch out his right hand, beat his pulse, mobilized a little black and yellow true essence, condensed into silk, and entered his body for inspection.

After this period of training and assisting with the elixir, Ding Yi's meridians have recovered very well, and they have grown much stronger than before. It's a good sign to worry about fainting or lack of energy.

  Withdrawing his hand, he was sincerely happy for him: "Persist for another two days, and you will be able to fully recover! At that time, you will cooperate with the health-preserving exercises and practice together with the Nirvana Supreme Shengsheng Gong to recuperate your body and then step into martial arts."

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

  A strong stench emanated from his body. With the help of Donghai Wanling tea, the meridians, body and soul were strengthened, but a lot of impurities were excreted, which was even more exaggerated than the first time.

   "No! I can't take it anymore, I'm going to take a shower."

   Hastily opened the door and was about to rush out, just in time to meet Lu Junxiu who came over, the latter stepped aside and asked, "Master, what is this?"

   I also respect Ding Yi very much, and I didn't disrespect him because of his dandyism and previous notoriety!

  Ding Yi stretched out his left hand and motioned him to smell it. Lu Junxiu knew it this time, but his face remained unchanged: "Women call us stinky men? Is it normal to have some stinky smell?"

   Ding Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Can talk!"

   "What do you want from my brother?"

   "Tianji Pavilion has sent a memorial again, outside the gate of the courtyard."

  Zhang Ronghua came over and stopped at the door: "Bring them in."

   for a while.

  Feng Youwei brought the two of them over, wishing that Zhang Ronghua would be taken down now, he didn't show it on the face, and said with a cold face: "Where are these memorials, Mr. Zhang?"

  As soon as he opened his mouth, the remaining front tooth was exposed again.

  Zhang Ronghua pointed to the desk inside, and the two people from Tianji Pavilion walked in with keen eyesight, and said with a smile: "Feng Yilang's front teeth are unique, and ordinary people can't fix them."

  Feng Youwei's eyes spit fire: "You..."

  Just about to reach out and point at him, he lifted it up and put it down again, with a gloomy and ugly face, he flicked his sleeves: "I'm too lazy to argue with you!"

  Wait for them to come out and take people away.

   Lu Junxiu did not leave, and told the news about the morning court that he had just inquired about.

   "Revenge doesn't last overnight, it's really quick!" Zhang Ronghua sighed, waved his hand, and told him to go down. With him watching, he could know any news in the palace at the first time.

  Go to the desk.

Looking at this pile of memorials, which were a little less than yesterday, I felt strange that this was not like He Wenxuan's handwriting. I picked up the top memorial, opened it and looked at it, and my eyes became strange. After I finished reading it, I picked it up. Put it down, think about it, and then understand what it means.

  Ding Yi asked, "What's wrong, brother?"

   Holding the memorial and looking at it, anger welled up, and he slammed the memorial on the table, shouting: "They bully people too much!"

  Zhang Ronghua sat down on the chair, not as angry as he imagined.

  People are playing with the rules, even if they send tricky memorials, they are within the rules, even if there is a commotion, His Majesty can at most punish He Wenxuan for a crime of dereliction of duty, and sternly reprimand him, which is not a big mistake.

  If he doesn't deal with it, when His Majesty asks the Tianji Pavilion for the result tomorrow morning, He Wenxuan will throw the pot over. I'm afraid it will not stop there, and maybe he will drag Pei Caihua into the water.

   "Brother, are you not angry?"

   "Sit down and talk."

  Ding Yi suppressed the anger in his heart and sat on the chair.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Why are you angry?"

   "He Wenxuan wants you to take the blame! Offend Changqing Academy. If Yang Hongling finds out, the person they and Jixia Academy jointly took down won't be punished accordingly, and they will be prejudiced against you."

The Changqing Academy has been planted too hard this time. There is one sacrificial wine and two masters. The former is a senior member of the second rank, the second in command of the Taixue, and the latter is an official of the fourth rank. The son lost three people, and the vacant position was divided between the two university palaces. The Jixia Academy took the sacrificial wine from the Taixue, and the Fate Academy took the positions of the two masters. There is a steady stream of talents sent to their respective schools, and in the long run, the talents of the Evergreen Academy will face the problem of insufficient supply.

   Facing the two university palaces, the Evergreen Academy had no choice but to take revenge, so they could take their anger out on the person who handled the matter.

  If it was Ge Lao, they would not dare to offend them, so they could only admit it with their noses pinched.

  I don’t know why, this memorial fell into the hands of He Wenxuan. The chief officer in front of the Tianji Pavilion is indeed quite big, so it’s true that he should clean up and continue to clean up. As long as he doesn’t join the cabinet, there is a way to make him feel uncomfortable.

   Now it's in his hands again, if he doesn't handle it well, the crown prince doesn't have enough face, or if he can't protect him, Pei Caihua might have to take the blame, let alone protect him.

  After clearing his mind, Zhang Ronghua smiled, and asked a question: "Do you know why other people call scholars black-bellied, vicious, and murder without blood?"

  Ding Yi didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "This group of people rely on a little bit of ink in their stomachs, and they are superb in conspiracies and tricks. They don't have enough IQ, and they have to help count the money after being sold by them."

   After finishing speaking, I came to my senses. My brother seemed to be a scholar, so I smiled awkwardly: "Except brother!"

  Zhang Ronghua continued: "Writing is extensive and profound, and a sentence has different meanings in the eyes of different people. I don't have enough wisdom. Just like what you said, you have to help count the money when you are sold."

   "Brother, do you have a way to deal with it?"

   "Yes." Zhang Ronghua smiled confidently.

   "Brother will show you something today, let you see the charm of knowledge!"

  Ding Yi seemed to have a spring under his buttocks, and quickly stood up from the chair: "I'll grind ink for you!"

   Handed over the pen again, and put the ground ink in front of him.

  Holding a pen, dipped a little ink, and after thinking for a while, Zhang Ronghua began to write on the memorial. This time, there are more words, and only a lot of words can make the other party ignore it, and it is difficult for the other party to find out if he digs a hole.

  I wanted to deal with He Wenxuan yesterday, so I just took this opportunity to solve it and give him some strong medicine!

It was only at the end that I entered the topic, wrote my own suggestions, and dispatched the Taixue Jijiu and Guozijian to Shangliang County. Let Wan Guoqiang from the True Dragon Palace lead a team to protect them. With him around, they will be able to protect them comprehensively.

   One proposal, three birds with one stone.

  Firstly, the three Taixue Jijiu were dealt with, secondly, He Wenxuan was counted, and thirdly, Wan Guoqiang sent someone to investigate him, and asked him to drink a wave of northwest wind and experience the taste of eating and sleeping in the open.

Ding Yi looked at it for a long time, his eyes almost came out, and he didn't see any difference in this suggestion. He scratched the back of his head and asked if he didn't understand: "Brother, didn't you completely offend the Evergreen Academy? He Wenxuan's way?"

   "Look again!"

  Ding Yi simply took the memorial this time, put it in front of his eyes, stared at it vigorously, and scrutinized it word by word. It took him half an hour to finish reading it. Putting down the memorial, he still shook his head: "It's still the same as before!"

Zhang Ronghua stretched out his finger and pointed at the word Shangliang County. Ding Yi said, "Isn't Shangliang County in Tongzhou? It seems that it is not far from Ning'an County, Taifu's hometown. It is prosperous and prosperous, and the people have ample food and clothing. There are also water and land transportation for business and cultivation." Resources and specialty products are deeply loved by wealthy families. This is a distribution? You should enjoy the blessings in the past!"

  Zhang Ronghua covered the word "county road" with his fingers, and said, "What about now?"

  Ding Yi was startled, his eyeballs were about to fall out, and he raised his voice three minutes: "Shangliang?"

Shangliang is the most bitter and worst border of the Great Xia Dynasty. A few dozen miles out of the city is the border, separated by a big river, is the territory of the Wu Clan. The Wu Clan is a tribe with a small population, but they are very evil. They are good at sorcery, and they also like to arrest people to practice evil methods. People who are targeted by them have to be careful when sleeping in the middle of the night, or they may fall into their evil methods.

   Over there, there are powerful people from the imperial court guarding it, so that the Wu people dare not cross the border casually.

  But the local people in Shangliang, are the folk customs fierce? It's much more terrifying than this. Being bullied by the Wu Clan for so many years, putting aside the evil law, in terms of cruelty, cruelty, and barbarism, it's not as bad as the Wu Clan!

  Whoever captures the witches, some even take pride in drinking their blood.

Send them here, think with your toes, you can guess that there is no good fruit to eat, and you are not allowed to come back unless you educate the people. The three of them are completely finished this time. It is estimated that their lifespan will be exhausted. fragrant.

   Thumbs up, Ding Yi praised: "Brother, you scholars are really too ruthless! If He Wenxuan really does this, the Changqing Academy will have the heart to kill people."

  Zhang Ronghua rolled his eyes at him angrily: "I am a military commander!"

"I know!"

   asked again: "But there is nothing wrong with this memorial! It doesn't look like it was sent to Shangliang."

  Zhang Ronghua pointed to a small punctuation mark behind the word "cool", and Ding Yi stared intently, only then did he notice that just now he thought ink was poured on it by accident, but now it seems that brother is digging a hole!

Impressed! Really convinced!

  Scholars are really too ruthless, just write a pen to make people so miserable.

   "Why did you still praise him earlier?"

  A piece of "suggestion", more than half of the first part is all about boasting, and only the latter part is a trap.

   "The scholar's smile hides a knife, if you don't praise him and let him relax his vigilance, do you think he will be negligent?"

   "That's true!" Ding Yi nodded.

   "What if Changqing Academy hates you?"

   "My suggestion is to be assigned to Shangliang County instead of Shangliang, and let their people enjoy the blessings. They eat delicious food and drink spicy food. Why do you hate me? He Wenxuan did it. What does Zhang Ronghua have to do with me?"

   "I will send this memorial now."

  Zhang Ronghua said: "What's the hurry? After these memorials are finished, mix this memorial in the middle, mess up the order, and then send it to them."

   "Yes." Ding Yi responded.

  Holding the pen, Zhang Ronghua continued to process the memorial. It took more than half an hour to finish processing the remaining memorials, but they were not delivered immediately. After lunch, it took more than an hour before Lu Junxiu was called.

   "What are your orders, my lord?"

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "Did Lu Zhantang notify you?"

   "The news has been brought, Mr. Lu asked his subordinates to tell you that you must arrive on time, and let you prepare two more jugs of good wine."

   "Order someone to send these memorials to Tianji Pavilion."

   Lu Junxiu responded, went out, and called two people to ask them to send these memorials, and he also retreated tactfully.

  Ding Yi laughed, with anticipation on his face: "A good show is coming, but I don't know how the three of them will react when they find out? Will they rush to the Tianji Pavilion and beat He Wenxuan!"

  Zhang Ronghua also smiled: "We'll wait and see!"


  Tianji Pavilion.

   Office hall.

After the memorial was sent to Zhang Ronghua, He Wenxuan is in a good mood now, very happy, not to mention how happy, the game has been set up, and when Zhang Ronghua finishes processing the memorial and sends it over, he can start to take Zhang Ronghua down at that time. Then drag Pei Caihua into the water, and use the hands of Changqing Academy to deal with this old guy and prevent him from joining the cabinet.

  Feng Youwei handed over the freshly peeled apple, flatteringly said: "Sir, eat the apple."

   "Hmm." He Wenxuan took the apple and took a bite.

   Apples are sweet, but his heart is sweeter than that.

  Footsteps came from outside, and there was a knock on the door: "My lord, Director Zhang of the Scholars Hall has delivered the memorial."

  He Wenxuan's eyes flickered, he put the apple on the desk, and said enthusiastically, "Here we come!"

Put away his expression, put on a cold face, put on that lofty and authoritative look again, winked, Feng Youwei walked over with great insight, opened the door of the hall, and let the people from the Hall of Scholars come in. He ordered them to put the memorial on the desk, and when they left, he couldn't wait to close the door of the palace, and walked over quickly, seeing He Wenxuan rummaging through the memorial, "Help me, my servant!"

  The two of them looked for the memorial together, looked at each copy, and put it aside when they saw it.

   It took a while, Feng Youwei's eyes lit up, looking at the memorial in his hand, he said excitedly: "Your Excellency found it!"

   Handed over the memorial.

  Excited heart, trembling hands, He Wenxuan is like this at the moment, quickly took the memorial, opened it and looked at it...

   17,000 words burst!

   Little Octopus did his best!

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for support, poor, poor, humble and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion