MTL - Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 102 Ji Xueyan cleans up the portal (ask for a full order, ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 102 Ji Xueyan cleans up the portal (seek full order, ask for monthly pass)

Ding Yi came over, looked at the memorials on the desk with a cold face, and said his guess: "Although Qian Wenli handles the memorials, there have never been so many! Brother, you are the master, presiding over the bachelor's hall In daily work, Tianji Pavilion sent so many memorials, they are taking revenge."

Zhang Ronghua wasn't angry, he took this matter very seriously, he took this into consideration when he started yesterday, sending the memorial to him now, and asking him to provide advice is all within the rules, this is the duty of the Academy of Scholars, no matter where the disturbance is, They were all reasonable, and said sarcastically: "Their wishful thinking may be in vain."

  Ding Yi was puzzled, with doubts on his face, looking at the sky outside, there was still about an hour before the next call, so many memorials, can you handle it?

  Furthermore, you were born as a general, and you had no contact with government affairs before this. If you provide opinions indiscriminately, as long as you write them on it, you will fall into the trap. They want to clean up and make it very simple.

   Take another step back.

  Even if you can handle it, it is the first time you do it. Out of caution, you will only write after careful consideration. About an hour or so, you can process a few memorials at most.

   Even if Li Daoran is called to help temporarily solve the immediate crisis, once or twice is okay, but Tianji Pavilion holds the initiative. If they do this every day, is it possible that Li Daoran will circle around you and stay here to help you deal with the memorial? Even if he has no objection, once this matter is reported to Tianji Pavilion, you will be punished for a crime of incompetence, and you will be relegated to other places, even if others want to intercede.

  Zhang Ronghua glanced at him, seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and smiled slightly: "Are you thinking, I am a military commander, and I have never been exposed to these things, so I can't complete the task?"

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

   "What's wrong with the general? As long as you are willing to study and study, you are also a cultural person! Handling memorials is still easy."

   "You have no experience!"

"Have you forgotten? I have read all the books in the library hall, the discarded old books in the miscellaneous hall, and the two thousand Taoist collections. In addition to my own accumulation, there are so many books and many examples in the books. It is very difficult to deal with some memorials." Disaster?"

  Ding Yi's eyes lit up, and then he remembered his skills.

  If it were someone else, if they wanted to read all of the Library Hall, Miscellaneous Hall, and two thousand Daoist collections, plus mastering them, even those great Confucians would take a few years at the fastest, or even longer, otherwise they would not be able to do it at all.

   But with him, it only took a few days to do it, and he created a heaven-defying technique, even His Majesty agreed after seeing it!

  Excited, the worries on his face were swept away, and he said happily: "So, don't they shoot themselves in the foot?"

Zhang Ronghua smiled and nodded: "I would never have imagined that these memorials are not making things difficult for me, but giving me accumulation and increasing my qualifications. After a while, more memorials will be processed, and then I will be promoted to the official department." The assessment is sent to Tianji Pavilion, even if Cui Ge wants to stop it, in the face of reality, he has to hold his nose and admit it!"

Ding Yi imagined a scene in his mind, Cui Ge Lao saw the assessment document sent by the official department, which said "Zhang Ronghua presided over the bachelor's hall during this time, and shared the government affairs for Tianji Pavilion, and the opinions he provided were adopted one by one. The knowledge reserve is profound, after the assessment, the evaluation is excellent", I think the expression on the old guy's face must be very exciting!

   I can't do it anymore, I really can't help it!

  Holding his chest, he smiled triumphantly: "It's so funny..."

  Zhang Ronghua also found it interesting, and I am looking forward to this scene!

Went to the table, picked up a memorial, opened it, and read it. The memorial was sent from a remote county. In a word, the county government has no money, and it is almost impossible to pay the salary of the cruel officials. I implore the court to allocate funds. The seals of the county government and the state capital mean that they knew about this matter and handed over the memorial. Without their permission, a memorial from the county government could not be sent to the imperial court.

  Put it down, and hold a memorial again, almost the same, all trivial and tricky things.

After reading the entire memorial, none of the memorials was a major military or political event, not even a memorial at the county level. good thing.

  Ding Yi poured a cup of tea and brought it over, put it in front of him, and said, "Brother, have some tea."

   "En." Zhang Ronghua responded, took the teacup, held the tea lid to press it, rippling and rippling, and when it was cold, he drank the tea in the cup and passed the teacup over.

   Taking the teacup, Ding Yi casually put it beside him, and asked curiously, "Are you sure?"


   "I'll grind ink for you!"

  Zhang Ronghua held a pen with a little ink on the tip of the pen, took a memorial, opened it, looked at the content on it, pondered for a while, thought of a suitable suggestion, and wrote it on it.

BR If the county magistrate asks for money, I suggest that the county magistrate organize the county government to arrest fast and perform military service, formulate a plan to suppress bandits according to the conditions, keep secret, and destroy them with thunder. If you have a good reputation, you can also rate it as "excellent" during the assessment, killing three birds with one stone.

  I gave the suggestion and it works completely. Whether it is used or not is their business. If it fails, it is not his fault.

  The same is true for the impeachment of officials by the imperial censor, who is good at dancing with long sleeves. It is suggested that if the evidence is convincing, it should be handed over to Dali Temple for interrogation.

   After processing the memorials one by one, the methods are sophisticated and there is no loophole. Ding Yi looked suspiciously at life, looked at Zhang Ronghua suspiciously, looked carefully, and asked himself, can reading books really know everything?

  Tianji Pavilion.

  In a palace, this is He Wenxuan's office.

  In the main hall.

He Wenxuan sat on a chair drinking tea, looking in the direction of the Bachelor's Hall, his gaze was cold, like a poisonous snake, with a frightening coldness, thinking of the grievances he suffered yesterday, his heart was full of hatred, Ding Yi has a real dragon Ling, and Emperor Xia were protecting him, so he didn't dare to move! But a little Zhang Ronghua is only a fifth-rank official. When he was in the library hall, it might take a lot of effort to deal with him, but now he is the head of the school, in charge of the daily life of the scholar hall, and docking with the Tianji Pavilion , it will be much easier to clean up.

  Sneaking on your face, you are a military commander. Facing these memorials, you are like a blind man who has difficulty lighting a lamp. Even if you ask Li Daoran to help you, you won’t be able to help you at most, or I will definitely punish you for incompetence!

  Thinking that Zhang Ronghua made a mistake in handling the memorial, he was seized by himself, and took the opportunity to demote him to a commoner. If it was more serious, the consequences would be very serious.


The burning pain came from his face. He was beaten up by Ding Yi yesterday. Even though he was on the medicine, he still hurts. He still has a waist. Facing the flowery lady, he feels powerless. Even if he moves, it feels like a knife cuts him. Same, did not fall asleep all night, spent in pain.

   His eyes are dark and cruel, and he is happy even in pain.

   After drinking a cup of tea, there was a sound of footsteps outside, the door knocked, and Feng Youwei's voice came in: "Are you there, my lord?"

"Come in!"

Push open the door of the hall, enter the main hall, close the door again, walk in quickly, stop in front of him, bend over, and smile flatteringly: "The lower official has already sent the pile of memorials, sir, did you not see it?" At that time, Zhang Ronghua's face was completely dark, as ugly as it could be, I wish I could find a mouse hole to turn around."

  He Wenxuan proudly held his head high and said disdainfully: "A mere military commander has to deal with these memorials within an hour. It's not that the official looks down on him, can he?"

  Wu Youwei worried: "What if he tells the prince, or Pei Caihua?"

"The Hall of Scholars is the subordinate hall of Tianji Pavilion. Its existence is to serve Tianji Pavilion, help to process memorials, and provide feasible opinions. Not to mention Pei Caihua and the crown prince, even His Majesty can't fault it. If he dares to mention it, my official Wishing for it, in this way, his incompetence will be exposed, although such a person can be used, but he will not be reused!"

   "Your Excellency is wise! With a single move, he can be played with applause."

  He Wenxuan was very helpful, stood up from the chair, looked at the direction of the Bachelor Hall from the window, and said coldly: "After an hour, it will be time to punish him!"


   Jixia Academy.

  The turmoil of bone-setting did not stop. Instead, it became more and more intense as time passed. Now, the two sides are fighting in the air, which is very fierce. The memorials were sent to the palace like a mountain, and almost broke the legs of the people below.

No matter how the outside world changes, Jixia Academy will unswervingly implement the established plan, select among the disciples those who have not comprehended the awe-inspiring righteousness and have outstanding talents, stimulate their blood energy, and inject a great awe-inspiring righteousness into their bodies for them comprehend.

  Ji Xueyan and a highly respected Confucian co-hosted, standing in the main hall, looking around with arrogant eyes, seeing that each of them was very serious, happy in heart, but did not show it on the face.

In this way, after a while, when they grow up, the strength of Jixia Academy will usher in an explosive increase. At that time, even if Fate Academy and Evergreen Academy join forces, they will not be their opponents. The sacred place of the first academy of the dynasty, forming a virtuous circle, allowing those scholars with outstanding talents and desire to make progress to join Jixia Academy as soon as possible.

Thinking of Changqing Academy, their disgusting actions did not hurt much, but were very insulting. Their beautiful mood cooled down again, and the jade hands behind their backs were tightly clenched together, wishing to press Xu Xirou to the ground, ruthlessly Give me a hard beating!

  If the last competition was after this matter, she must be disabled and let her lie on the bed for several months.

   There was a knock on the door.

  A disciple's voice came in from outside: "Sister Ji, are you inside?"

   "Look here, I'll go out and see what's going on."

  The great scholar nodded.

  Turn around and leave, walk to the door of the palace, open the door and go out, close the door from the outside, looking at him, Ji Xueyan asked: "What's the matter?"

   "Dean Xu has something urgent to find you, and told you to go there now!"

  President Xu is the dean of the inner courtyard.

  Knowing that she was in charge of this matter, she asked her disciple to call her over. With her cleverness, she instantly guessed that something happened to Haoran, or it was the court.

  Think here.

Ji Xueyan's face was even colder, like ten thousand years of ice, icy cold, the disciple shuddered subconsciously, took a breath, and without saying a word, quickened his pace, and walked towards Dean Xu's main hall go.

   Arrived here, knocked on the door of the palace, just about to speak, when she felt her coming, Dean Xu's voice came from inside: "Come in!"

   Pushed open the hall door and walked in.

Dean Xu had a gloomy face, an old face that was darker than the bottom of the pot, his wise eyes were replaced by endless anger, and a terrifying evil spirit surrounded his body, which could erupt at any time, without waiting for her to bow and salute, put the matter to rest. I told the story again.

  Just now, he got the news that Qin Yiheng, a great scholar of Jixia Academy, had defected to Evergreen Academy and became the vice president of the outer courtyard of Evergreen Academy.

If it was just this, Qin Yiheng's betrayal, Dean Xu would not be so angry. Water flows to low places, and people go to high places. He is on the side of Jixia Academy, and with his qualifications and cultivation, he is not enough to go further , became the vice president of the outer court, and others made a big promise to seduce him with the high position of the vice president, so he would jump to another job, which is understandable.

  But he was one of the people who participated in the study of Haoran Bone Setting before. He mastered the entire Haoran Bone Setting, including the method of storing Haoran righteousness with Qi and blood.

This made him very angry. There was a traitor in Jixia Academy, ruining their future, and the hope of becoming the holy land of the first academy. Not much is known about this matter at the moment, and it will not be long before it will be completely spread. However, if Jixia Academy does not act, in the eyes of others, it will become a soft persimmon that will be abused at will, and will be bullied every now and then.

The blow to their prestige is fatal. Once the hearts of the disciples of Jixia Academy are scattered, seeing that their academy is so weak and being bullied by others, they dare not even resist. If it goes on for a long time, they will definitely quit Jixia Academy , join another school, or find another way out.

   Not only do you have to clean up the door, but you also have to do it beautifully, so as to earn the reputation of Jixia Academy!

  Kill chickens to scare monkeys, so that those who secretly stare at Jixia Academy will not dare to do it at will. If they do, they have to consider whether they can withstand their revenge.

   Finish listening.

  Ji Xueyan guessed his intention and asked herself to come forward to solve the matter.

Firstly, Haoran’s bone setting is perfected by her, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that it belongs to her. If you take back what belongs to you, others will be speechless. Secondly, she has a special status, the leader of the younger generation of Jixia Academy The character, the appointed successor, something happened in the academy, and he should come forward to solve it.

   Only by giving can we gain! She understands this truth!

  Of course, she can also refuse, and Jixia Academy will send someone else to handle the matter, but in that way, in the eyes of others, they can’t handle things at critical times, and retreat when encountering any difficulties. How can they carry the burden of Jixia Academy? Lead them to the top?

  If that's the case, Jixia Academy will consider retraining a successor.

   Said in a deep voice: "I will bring back his head!"

Dean Xu was relieved that Ji Xueyan did not disappoint them. Before making this decision, he asked the deputy palace master for instructions, and the other party told him "yes", so this scene happened, give her a reassurance: " Do it boldly! The old guys from Changqing Academy dare not show up, if they dare to stop you, Jixia Academy will definitely come out and trample them down, so that no grass will grow!"

   The implication is that the young generation headed by Xu Xirou in the Changqing Academy will block it.

  Ji Xueyan's eyes were very cold, and a terrifying murderous intent was brewing, and the words he said were also like this, with a shocking murderous intent: "I will never let the school down!"

   Turned around and left, left the hall, and walked outside.


  Bachelor Hall.

About a quarter of an hour before the next call, Zhang Ronghua put down his pen, hung it on the pen stand, stood up from the chair, moved his body, and heard a "click" sound, looking at the memorial on the table, it has been processed, satisfied With a smile: "It's done!"

   Hear movement.

Ding Yi finished his practice, stood up from the ground, ran over in three steps in two, stopped beside him, looked at the memorials that had been processed, looked surprised, and asked: "Brother, so fast? There will be no omissions, right?"

  Don’t believe in evil, so I took out a memorial at random and opened it to read. It happened to be the one that Yushi impeached officials. Looking at the suggestions written by him, my eyes lit up, and there was nothing wrong with it! There is no problem at all, and if there is evidence, it will be handed over to Dali Temple for interrogation, and the words of the censor will be blocked.

  Put down this memorial, and hold two more memorials. They are also handled very well, and people can't find faults. They don't look like a novice, like an old fox who has been immersed in officialdom for many years. Put them down, don't worry!

  Walking around him earnestly, with scrutinizing eyes, as if trying to see through him, amazed: "Brother, are you omnipotent?"

"Why do you say that?"

"I won't mention the matter of the library hall. There are tens of thousands of books, which are obscure and difficult to understand. The knowledge involved is very complicated, but in front of you, it is like drinking water. It is easy to grasp, okay! It can be said that you have the ability to read. Talent. The problem that has troubled me for many years. Grandpa has tried all kinds of methods. His Majesty also sent an imperial physician to take action, and then presented the best healing elixir. The elixir is eaten as candy, and it has no effect at all. You only used it for a few days. , when registering and registering, this problem will be solved smoothly.”

  Point to these memorials.

"Even if Li Daoran comes over to deal with it, he can't finish it in such a short period of time! Although the opinions he gives are passable, they are not as smooth and watertight as you. He has been struggling in the officialdom for many years, and you? From the East Palace How long has it been since you were transferred to the Hall of Scholars? I haven’t been in touch with government affairs before, so if you look at it comprehensively, isn’t it omnipotent?”

  Blinking, Ding Yi asked seriously: "I'm curious, what else do you not know?"

  Zhang Ronghua was also very serious, and said solemnly: "Have a baby!"


  Ding Yi couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

  It's obviously very serious, but it's ridiculous for him to say it like this. After stopping, he added: "I won't either!"


  Zhang Ronghua waved his hand and tapped a chestnut on his head, and said angrily: "Don't be poor! Let people send these memorials to Tianji Pavilion, they are still waiting."

  Ding Yi thought of an interesting scene, the smile that had just disappeared came back again, he responded with a smirk, went out, called the two people, and asked them to send these memorials to Tianji Pavilion.

   Waiting for them to leave, I shook my head and sighed: "It's a pity! Such a good opportunity, but I can't see the expressions on their faces."

  Zhang Ronghua said with a smile: "If someone asks, we can still know something."

  Changed clothes, stuck in time, just in time for the next shift, the two of them walked outside.

  In the palace.

  He Wenxuan has been waiting for the news from the Bachelor's Hall, and he is about to be on duty. Before the memorial is delivered, he squinted his eyes triumphantly, and thought fiercely, tomorrow you will be punished for negligence of duty!

  Just about to change clothes and leave, Feng Youwei quickly ran in from the outside, his face excited, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed, and he stopped in front of him: "My lord, Zhang Ronghua ordered someone to bring the memorial!"


   "It's already outside."

  He Wenxuan rubbed his palms with a sneer, and said viciously: "This time he is dead!"

Sitting on the chair, the two members of the Bachelor's Hall entered the palace, put the memorial on the table, and retreated wisely. Feng Youwei couldn't wait to close the door of the hall, leaned over, stopped beside him, and took a The memorial was handed over.

   Received the memorial.

  He Wenxuan opened it and glanced at it casually. After processing the memorial in such a short period of time, what good advice can he give? Zhang Ronghua is sure to die this time!

  When his eyes saw the suggestion below, they almost popped out!

He took the memorial closer, almost lying on top of it, and looked at it word by word. No one could find anything wrong with it. The smile on his face disappeared, and he was as gloomy as water. Holding back his anger, he threw the memorial to the side, and took it again. Get a copy and watch.

   A dozen copies in a row, the suppressed anger broke out.

  How proud he was just now, how angry he is now, his face is ferocious, his eyes are spitting fire, he pressed his palm on the desk and flipped it over, roaring: "How could this be?"

  Feng Youwei was taken aback for a moment, and when He Wenxuan was looking at the memorial, he also glanced over from the corner of his eye, seeing that Zhang Ronghua's opinion had no loopholes, his heart fell to the bottom!

He didn't believe that there were so many memorials, all of them were like this. He knelt down and looked at them one by one. Every time he read one, his face would become gloomy. Think, how could it be? According to the news he received, Zhang Ronghua did not ask Li Daoran for help, only Ding Yi was by his side, and only Ding Yi was a good-for-nothing, Goulan was an expert in drinking and listening to music, and he had to obey in this respect!

   But if you can’t write well, and you can’t do martial arts, expect him to help? It is a good thing not to add chaos.

   Could it be Zhang Ronghua?

  Is he not a general? I haven't touched it before, how can I handle the memorial so well?

  Standing up from the ground, he boldly asked, "My lord, what should we do now?"

He Wenxuan glared at him angrily, he hadn't vented his anger yesterday, he thought he would take advantage of the memorial to deal with Zhang Ronghua severely, but now he failed and was angry, the two superimposed, this guy actually dared to bump into him, rushed up, Two big brats violently knocked him to the ground, pointed at him and cursed: "Trash! You stupid brain? Why don't you hurry up and get someone to investigate! Find out his details."

  Feng Youwei got up from the ground in a panic, bent over, lowered his posture, and replied: "Yes!"

He rushed out in a hurry, and then closed the door of the palace, the teeth loosened, and a front tooth fell out, subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch it, and caught it, looking at the front tooth in his hand, he was furious, annoyed in his heart: "Wait for me , this account is endless!"

  The mouth just opened, leaving only one front tooth, and the wind leaked in.

  In the palace.

  After He Wenxuan vented, his anger disappeared, his rationality recovered, he calmed down, his eyes became more gloomy, he clenched his fists tightly, and thought coldly, I have underestimated you! Find out your details, and then deal with you.


   Suzaku Gate.

  Ding Bo waited here for a long time in his car, when he saw them coming out, he hurried up to greet them, saying hello: "Young master, Qinglin!"

  The two stopped.

  Ding Yi asked: "Brother, do you want me to give you a ride?"

  Zhang Ronghua shook his head and declined politely: "We have different paths, you go back! I will go back."


  Ding Yi gets in the car and leaves.

   Changed direction and walked towards Suzaku Square.

   On the road.

Some people dressed gorgeously, wearing rings, jade pendants, or family members holding folding fans, with guards, are in a hurry, wishing to have two more legs, and rushing in the same direction. They look like they are slow and miss something. important things.

  Zhang Ronghua frowned, what are they doing?

   It’s easy to explain one or two, but it’s strange that so many people are rushing in one direction!

   After pondering for a while, out of curiosity, he decided to stop someone to ask what was going on.

   Body swayed, blocking in front of a young man in purple clothes, the other party saw him blocking the way, immediately became angry, and shouted with wide eyes: "Get out of the way! Don't block me from going to the theater."

  The guard stepped forward and was about to throw Zhang Ronghua out.

   As soon as Zhang Ronghua stretched out his hand, he was caught by Zhang Ronghua. A huge force came, and the painful guard knelt on the ground subconsciously, screaming.

  The young man in purple was stunned for a moment. He knew the strength of his own guards, and he was in the top 10 Houtian Realm.

  The anger disappeared, and he was gentle, arched his hands and said: "Brother, is there something wrong with stopping me?"

  Zhang Ronghua let go of the guard's hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You do not know?"


  The young man in purple narrated the matter, speaking very quickly, anxious to go to the theater.

   Finish listening.

  Zhang Ronghua was puzzled, such an important matter related to the future of a school, Jixia Academy was so careless? Even if these great Confucians are highly respected, knowledgeable, have worked for many years, and are loyal, let them participate in the discussion and confirm that it is feasible, can't they be limited? Block news from the outside world?

  The chaos in the court hall is so fierce, the two schools are arguing with each other, and the quarrel is so fierce, how can you be so careless?

  The young man in purple wanted to slip away, and cupped his hands: "See you, brother!"

   I added in my heart, never seeing you again, and hurried away with the guards.

  Looking in the direction of the Changqing Academy, it’s okay if you don’t know, but since you know, you have to go and have a look. Just a little bit under your feet, the afterimage flashed, and it disappeared, and hurried to that side.

   Soon, here we are.

  At the gate of the Changqing Academy, hundreds of disciples stood guard with long swords. With the gate as the center, within ten feet, no one was allowed to approach. If anyone trespassed, they would be suppressed directly.

  There were people all around, it was so dark that the street was crowded, even so, the people outside were desperately pushing forward, trying to occupy a good position.

  Some smart people stood on the nearby eaves and looked into the Changqing Academy with the help of the terrain, wanting to find out.

  Zhang Ronghua took a look and made up his mind. With a little foot, he was about to jump up from the ground and find a favorable terrain. A familiar voice came from behind: "Why are you here?"

Stopping for a while, following the prestige, Yang Hongling came from behind and stopped by his side, still dressed in the same way, the boxy clothes, shorts, silk stockings and oolong boots, but the color changed, all in black, wild She was so rebellious and rebellious that one wanted to tame her, ordering her to kneel on the ground and hold her head up.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Aren't you here too?"

  Yang Hongling gave him an angry look, pointed in the direction of Changqing Academy, and said, "Follow!"

He jumped up, landed on the courtyard wall of Changqing Academy, and rushed towards the inside. The disciples of Changqing Academy knew her, and seeing her barge in without any martial ethics, no one had the courage to step forward to stop her, pretending not to See, just block other people.

  Zhang Ronghua quickly followed her, one behind the other, into the inner courtyard.

  Here we go.

  The two of them stood on the eaves and did not go down. They stood high and looked far away, seeing the situation below.

on the ground.

Ji Xueyan was dressed in white, covered with a moon-white transparent veil, covering her beautiful face, standing there proudly, with her hands behind her back, with a confident, powerful, and icy aura, like the sun soaring into the sky, even the person opposite Even Xu Xirou, and hundreds of elite disciples from Evergreen Academy, never made her frown.

Behind her stood dozens of disciples from Jixia Academy. They were all elites of Jixia Academy, with powerful talents, comprehend righteousness, and cold eyes, as indifferent as blades, staring at Changqing Academy. of these people.

  The atmosphere is stiff, full of gunpowder, ready to fight at any time.

  The strange thing is that the younger generation confronted each other, and the proud daughters of the two colleges were at war, but the senior officials of the Evergreen Academy did not show up, not even a great Confucian.

  Yang Hongling's voice sounded: "Are you disappointed?"

  Zhang Ronghua knew what she was referring to. Why did he not see the high-level executives of both sides? Logically speaking, it is not surprising that the high-level officials fought to such an extent.

   After thinking about it for a while, I understand.

   No matter how violent the younger generation is, it is still limited to the younger generation, who can mediate at any time!

  If the high-level officials of the two sides fight, once they fight, there will always be red-eyes, people will be cornered, and they will not be allowed to do anything to get out of the cabinet.

   I'm afraid that as soon as they made a move, Emperor Xia's order came, ordering them to stop!

   Shaking his head: "The Changqing Academy has refreshed the three views, and the lower limit of scholars has been lowered by them."

  Yang Hongling showed disdain, curled her lips: "They still have a lower limit?"

Zhang Ronghua was curious. Evergreen Academy knew that Jixia Academy had created Haoran, and in order to obtain it, all kinds of despicable methods were used. Now they are still poaching people and making heavy promises. Why is Destiny Academy indifferent, and asked: "what about you?"

"Hao Ran is good for bone setting. With it, in a few years, a large number of disciples will be cultivated and the strength of the school will be improved. After decades, these people will become the mainstay of the school, and the new generation will grow up again. Get up, form a cycle, don't worry about the talent withering, it is indeed very tempting!"

After a pause, Yang Hongling's jewel-like eyes burst out with supreme arrogance and strong self-confidence, and said again: "Since Jixia Academy can be created, my Destiny Academy is not bad, as long as you are willing to specialize in research, there will be Their examples are above, it just takes a little time, but we can be sure that we will be able to create similar secret techniques.”

  Zhang Ronghua smiled without saying a word.

Yang Hongling went on to say: "The Evergreen Academy deliberately released the news this time. Otherwise, it wouldn't have spread throughout the capital in such a short period of time. They had a good idea to make this matter a big deal and let His Majesty come forward. At most, some compensation will be made, but Haoran has already got his bones, and he will never hand it over again, and Qin Yiheng has become an abandoned son, who has just taken the position of vice president of the outer courtyard of the Evergreen Academy, and will be cleaned up before his **** is hot Portal, at this time, his intestines are probably already regretted! We can only rely on the death insurance of the Changqing Academy, and I am afraid that he will be disappointed."

   "Your Majesty came forward to reconcile, Changqing Academy made compensation, and Fate Academy came to the door again, promising to exchange treasures of the same value. After considering the gains and losses, Jixia Academy may agree!"


  Silver-like laughter came from her red and seductive red lips, without denying it.

  A person knows that it is a secret, but the secret is taken away by the competition, and someone else comes to the door. The reputation has always been good, and they exchange it for something of the same value. If they do not agree, they can go to the competitor.

  Although the words are rough, the truth remains the same.

  Zhang Ronghua joked: "You guys are pretty good at picking up the bargain."

  Yang Hongling shook his head, and said solemnly: "I have always done things in the Fate Academy, and I have always acted righteously and sat upright. I have never bothered to engage in crooked ways, but I will not stick to the rules."

  The two of them didn't talk any more, and the next good show has already begun.

  Ji Xueyan said indifferently: "Hand over Qin Yiheng!"

  Xu Xirou sneered, unmoved: "This is Changqing Academy, not Jixia Academy, so it's not up to you to tell me what to do."

   "Don't pay?"

"What do you think?"

   With a wave of Ji Xueyan's right hand, the disciples of Jixia Academy stepped back and made space.

  See it.

Xu Xirou also did the same, told his juniors to back off, and said coldly: "The last time Qixialin was defeated, this account has been kept in mind for you. These days, I have been working hard to cultivate, and I dare not slack off, just for today's Yixue Shame, in front of everyone, crush your pride on the ground! Even if you come from a noble family, so what? Didn't you lose at the hands of me, Xu Xirou?"

Ji Xueyan looked contemptuously, as if she was looking at a clown, and the words she said were equally domineering: "If I can beat you once, I can beat you a second time! With me one day, you are destined to be a foil, living in my life In the shadows, until death!"

"you shut up!"

Xu Xirou scolded, even though she was furious, she took out two spiritual treasures, a long sword exuding azure blue cold light, called the Hanshang Sword, and sealed an ice dragon inside, the moment she appeared, the strong cold air Charged out from the sword body, freezing the surroundings, and forming a cold sculpture. People who were not as good as they were, couldn't help but retreat to the back, not daring to get too close.

The other Lingbao is a small cyan bell, called Zhentian Bell, surrounded by cyan light, which sets off the extraordinary, the fighting spirit is soaring to the sky, the cultivation base of the eighth level of the great master explodes, the momentum is like a rainbow, and it runs to the extreme, domineering Roll over towards Ji Xueyan.

  Ji Xueyan was not afraid at all, the cultivation base of the great master Jiuzhong was not hidden at all, she rushed out of her body, forming a huge tornado storm in a whistling manner, dispelling her suppressed momentum, and counterpressing her.

The jade hand patted on the purse at the waist, and took out three spiritual treasures, a golden light sword, a misty rain umbrella, and a mighty sword of righteousness. With a single finger, an internal force penetrated into the misty rain umbrella, and a pink aura bloomed , suspended above her head, covering her whole body, her defenses were impenetrable.

Holding the golden lightsaber in his left hand and the mighty righteousness sword in his right, he said disdainfully: "You can't compare your cultivation! While you are working hard, I am also working hard! Bi Lingbao, it's still not enough to look at! But whatever you have, I have it What are you fighting against me with like this?"

   Haoran righteousness rushed out of the body, golden light shone, and Ji Xueyan made a move without warning.

At this moment, her aura has reached its peak, and her internal energy poured into the two spirit treasures like a long river, arousing their power to the limit. The sword rolled hundreds of sword shadows, overlapping each other, with equal power, beheading fiercely.

  Where the sword light passed, there was a huge sound of the sword, like the roar of thunder, and the sword energy crisscrossed, destroying everything.

  Xu Xirou's complexion was ugly. From her blow, she saw other things: "You have actually become the sword heart psychic of Jixia Academy!"

  Jian Xin's psychic psychic art is a secret technique, the untold secret of Jixia Academy.

After training, you can use the sword with both hands, display different swordsmanship, kendo magical powers, or the same magical powers. One person becomes two people. It is very powerful, but the entry requirements are also high. If you want to master it, you must be extremely talented. In addition, there is also a deep understanding of kendo.

  Cultivation base and Lingbao have been crushed, and the defeat is certain, but it is impossible for her to just admit defeat like this!

  The greater the pressure, the stronger Xu Xirou became. She believed that as long as she worked hard, there was nothing she couldn't do.

  Using supernatural powers, he used the Haoran Jietian Sword Technique of Changqing Academy, mobilized all internal energy, and poured it into the Hanshang Sword and the Zhentian Bell.


  Thousands of cold lights bloomed from the sword body, and even more terrifying cold air formed a substance, rushing out from the sword body, cooperating with magical powers, intercepting a ray of vitality from the world, and with an indomitable momentum, the human and sword unite, and cut towards Ji Xueyan.

The sky-shattering clock in his hand was not idle either. Under the support of internal force, it evolved into Zhang Da, suspended in the air, and shook violently. The storm rushed past.

  Where the magic sound passes, everything is destroyed.

Ji Xueyan acted as if she hadn't seen it, and her attack continued unabated. The two Lingbao long swords were slashed on Xu Xirou's Hanshang sword. With just one move, the long sword in her hand was knocked into the air. Crushing, magical powers crushing, all crushing, what can she use to resist?

The huge power emanating from the sword body, as well as the burst of destructive sword energy suppressed to the limit, all fell on Xu Xirou's body, instantly injuring her severely, and spit out a **** arrow, like a kite with a broken string, uncontrollably Fly backwards.

  At this time, the supreme magic sound erupted from her spirit treasure's sky-shaking clock also rushed over.

  Ji Xueyan didn't care about it, kept her jade feet on the ground, and continued to rush towards Xu Xirou. When she came, she had already decided that if she dared to make a move, she would be unable to get out of bed for several months and lie down obediently.

  The supreme magic sound evolved into terrifying destructive power, and it fell on Ji Xueyan's body, pink aura flickered, all of which were blocked by the misty rain and red dust umbrella, preventing him from taking a step forward.

  The sword light slashed out, landed on the sky-shaking clock, and knocked it into the air.

With a huge wind and whistling sound, she appeared in front of Xu Xirou. At this time, she hadn't fallen to the ground, but was still flying upside down. Seeing Ji Xueyan rushing up, her beautiful eyes were horrified, showing fear for the first time. meaning.

  This time the battle is not like the last time in Qixialin, the two sides are just competing!

Because of Haoran's bone setting, the two university palaces broke up completely, and their faces were torn. Won't make yourself feel better.


  As the proud daughter of heaven, Xu Xirou also has her own pride. Even if she loses, she is not allowed to do so in a battle between her peers, even if she pays the price of serious injury.

   Endured the severe injury, mobilized Haoran's righteousness, gathered in the right palm, Haoran cast a palm, desperately shot the last palm, trying to stop her!

   He was not an opponent in his heyday, let alone now? Even worse.

  Just one sword, Ji Xueyan broke her palm, thirteen swords in succession, all fell on her body, knocked her into the air again, and slammed her **** the ground.


  The expensive floor tiles could not withstand this huge force, and spread to the surroundings like a spider web, shattering one after another.

  Xu Xirou just fell to the ground, she passed out, and she didn't know if she was alive or dead!

   Putting away the Lingbao, Ji Xueyan didn't even look at her, and walked towards the back. The disciples of Changqing Academy didn't dare to stop her when they saw this, and watched her pass helplessly.

Some disciples rushed towards Xu Xirou and helped her up from the ground. Seeing that she was seriously injured, her clothes were stained red with blood, her appearance was horrific, her breath was free, and she could die at any time, so she hurriedly took out some healing pills and fed her. Then he picked up the two spirit treasures on the ground and carried her towards the inside.

   Above the eaves.

  Yang Hongling said: "Ji Xueyan was really angry this time, and that's why he hit so hard!"

  Glanced at the sky, it was already dark.

  The night sky is covered with dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun, with only a few scattered stars shining vividly.

   Turning around and looking at Zhang Ronghua, he asked, "The play is over, do you want to stay?"

  Without Xu Xirou's obstruction, Qin Yiheng's fate is already doomed, only death!

   Unless the Changqing Academy does not hesitate to go to war with the Jixia Academy, it may be possible to keep him, but Haoran has already obtained the bone setting, and his status is not enough to qualify!

  In addition to profound knowledge, rich experience, insufficient cultivation, disloyalty, and no special skills, with the temperament of the Changqing Academy, he will not do thankless things, and it will not be worthwhile!

Although Qin Yiheng's death will damage their reputation, their mouths are on them. As long as the publicity is in place, Xu Xirou will lead people to stop them, and they will be seriously injured. What should be done has already been done. If you blow the good news, maybe your reputation will rise.

   With the current level of trouble, Emperor Xia should also come forward. The decision should be announced tomorrow morning. Just like they guessed before, Fate Academy did nothing from the beginning to the end, and won!

  Zhang Ronghua said: "Let's go!"

  The two of them jumped up, and within a few shakes, they had already left Changqing Academy.

on the street.

  Yang Hongling said: "Have you heard that the girl waiting for the pavilion in the city is missing?"

   "I heard Lu Zhantang mention it."

   "Last night when I arrived at the Marriage Bridge, two men in black attacked me. They were dead soldiers with fangs hidden in their mouths. I suspect they might have done it."

Speaking of this, Yang Hongling was very angry, with jewel-like eyes, showing displeasure, stomped his right foot on the ground twice, and then said: "Let Xiaosi help, before I finish speaking, this guy ran away It was faster than a dog, and it disappeared in a flash! After chasing for a long time, I still didn't catch it."

   "Going to investigate now?"

  Yang Hongling nodded, and said murderously: "If you don't find out these **** and cut them to pieces, you won't be satisfied!"

  Zhang Ronghua reminded: "Be careful!"

   "No one can touch me in the capital."

  Waving his hand, Yang Hongling turned and left gracefully.

  Zhang Ronghua didn't stay, but walked towards his home in Zhuquefang.

  Go back to the house.

  Uncle Shi left some food for him, and when he came back, he greeted him and told him to wait until the food was heated up before serving it.

Taking advantage of this time, I took a bath in Jingxin Lake, changed into a set of clean clothes, and returned to the courtyard. The purple cat came out of the room, with its tail up in the sky, swaying from side to side, walked out of a pace that no relatives would recognize, and stopped in front of him. , cried: "Meow!"

   It seems to be saying, why did you come back?

  Zhang Ronghua smiled, the animal language has already been introduced, although it is the first glimpse of a realm, as long as it is used frequently, the realm can be improved quickly, and the meaning of its words can be understood.

  His right hand stretched out, grabbed the back of its head, lifted it from the ground, squinted his eyes: "When will I come back, and I will tell you?"

  The purple cat is a hell, the hair on its body is subconsciously opened, the nerves are highly tense, the cat's eyes are looking at him in disbelief, and the wheel turns a few times, as if asking, can you understand cats?

   Unbelievable, I tried again: "Meow!"

  This time I am talking about cats wanting to eat black grapes.

  Zhang Ronghua took out the black grapes and handed them over.

  The purple cat was dumbfounded. It’s only been a day since I’ve seen him. How could he understand the cat’s words? Is he a genius? No, it's also a cat?

   After thinking about it, this is also good, and the communication is easier.

  Put it and the black grapes on the stone table.

  Zhang Ronghua ordered: "After eating, go to Taifu's mansion to see if she has come back."

  The purple cat called: "Meow!"

   is saying, that's it?

   "Hao Ran's bone setting was acquired by Changqing Academy, I'm afraid that she will turn a blind eye and fail to figure it out, leaving a knot in her heart!"

  The purple cat understood, ate the black grapes, and ran towards Taifu's mansion.

  Shi Bo came over with the food at this time, and put the food on the stone table.

  Zhang Ronghua said: "It's getting late, go to sleep!"

   Waiting for him to leave, he started to eat with chopsticks.

After eating, put the bowls and chopsticks in the kitchen, went into the room, took out the chessboard, put it on the table, boiled spiritual water to make tea, and waited for her to come, but he was not idle, and read a book .

Ji Xueyan came back very late tonight. After severely injuring Xu Xirou, she entered the apse of the Changqing Academy, found Qin Yiheng, chopped off his head with thunder, wrapped it in cloth, and brought his head back to the palace. Arrived at Jixia Academy.

  Although the traitors were cleared, Haoran’s bones had already been obtained by the Changqing Academy, which involved the future of the Academy, and had great interests. Not to mention her, even if the lord of the Jixia Academy came forward, they might not necessarily hand it over.

   Didn't mention it, but this matter will not be left alone.

  Tomorrow Jixia Academy will go to court, and Emperor Xia is asked to uphold justice.

   Handed Qin Yiheng's head to Dean Xu, and stayed for a while until the matter was completely dealt with and discussed the follow-up matters, then dragged his tired body and got in the car to drive back.

   On the road.

  Uncle Zhong was driving, took the time to look back, shook his head, and said nothing.

  Some things must be experienced by herself in order to grow, otherwise she will not be able to understand it no matter how much she talks about.

  Waiwu Ether Taifu's power, as long as there is anything in the world, it can be given to her, whether it is spiritual treasures, supernatural powers, or cultivation resources.

  But if you want to become a real strong person, these are of course indispensable, but more is experience!

  A person has experienced a lot of things, seen a lot of things, accumulated to a certain extent, and transformed in essence, and then looking back, the previous things may not be worth mentioning.

  Practice again, different states of mind will have different effects. Not only can you see problems that you couldn't find before, but you can also understand the truth.

   Tao can be Tao, very Tao, only enlightened, is one's own Tao.

   Arrived at Taifu Mansion.

  Ji Xueyan entered the backyard. As soon as she got here, the purple cat jumped out of Yueya's arms and yelled: "Meow!"

   ran over, jumped up from the ground, and landed in her arms.

  Looking at the cat, feeling the softness of the fur, the heavy heart, a little better.

  Yueya saw this, she didn't ask any more questions, she hurriedly stood up, and said: "Servant, go prepare hot water!"

   entered the boudoir.

Taking out a century-old ginseng and handing it over, the purple cat arched happily, thinking proudly, it is better to be a cat, as long as you follow the right person, the spiritual thing can be eaten as candy, and if you eat it, you can practice it and refine it. He was more diligent, turned his head, looked at her with cat eyes, gestured with two small paws, pointed to the direction of Zhang Ronghua's mansion, and then pointed to her.

  When I was in Changqing Academy.

  Ji Xueyan saw Zhang Ronghua, he was staying with Yang Hongling, the situation was special at that time, she was going to clean up the house, she didn't say hello, even if she didn't, so many people around were watching, she couldn't speak.

   After pondering for a moment, he tentatively guessed: "Did he ask you to come to me?"

   "Meow!" Purple Cat nodded heavily.

  Even if Zimao didn't say anything, she still wanted to find Zhang Ronghua. On the way back in the car, she felt an impulse in her heart, and she couldn't wait to see him. She didn't know why, as if there was a kind of magical power.

   Don't wait to think about it.

  Yueya came in from the outside, put the bathtub on the ground, and was about to close the door when Ji Xueyan said, "Get back!"


  Meeting her eyes, seeing that her gaze was very cold, and knowing Miss's personality well, Yue Ya knew that she had something on her mind at this time, and wanted to be quiet, so she retreated tactfully, and closed the door from the outside.

Stand up from the chair, walk to the bathtub, stretch out her jade hand, test the water temperature, look at the purple cat in her arms, the corners of Ji Xue's mouth are upturned, revealing her white teeth, beautiful and attractive, I really want to take a bite , came up as a prank, and threw it in without giving the purple cat time to react.

   "Meow!" The purple cat screamed subconsciously.

   Splashed out a wave of water and landed on the ground.

  The cat emerged from the water, the cat was very angry, staring at her, as if to say, you cross the river and tear down the bridge.


Ji Xueyan smiled easily, took off the veil, slipped her jade hands, the skirt on her body fell to the ground, followed by a red bellyband embroidered with mandarin ducks, and trousers, her straight and slender jade legs stretched out, stepped into the bathtub, The other leg was stretched out again, and he sat down in the water, allowing the hot water to spread over most of his body, leaving only his head outside.

  With a grasping hand, Yu grabbed the purple cat and hugged it subconsciously.

  Purple Cat: "...!"

  Fortunately, I am not an ordinary cat. If I were an ordinary house cat, if you did this to me, I would probably be drowned.

  See a series of blisters coming from below.

  Ji Xueyan remembered that she was taking a bath and let it out, and the purple cat jumped out in a hurry, and the water droplets on her body were about to be shaken away by the running path, so she didn't dare to stay with her anymore and kept a certain safe distance.

   A few minutes later.

Ji Xueyan came out from inside, put on a clean short skirt, looked at the perfume on the dressing table, hesitated for a moment, then walked over, sprayed some perfume on her body, put on a veil, and hugged the purple cat In his arms, he gently opened the door, left the mansion, and rushed towards Zhang Ronghua's home.

   Arrived here, looked at the open door, put down the purple cat, entered the hall, closed the door again, raised her jade hand, took off the veil, and put it in the purse at her waist.

  Zhang Ronghua put down the book, pointed to the opposite chair, and beckoned her to sit down.

  Poured two cups of tea with the teapot, and put one cup in front of her.

  Ji Xueyan was not in a hurry to drink, she raised her two fingers, held the tea lid, and pressed the tea gently, making ripples, and after a long silence, she said, "I'm not reconciled!"

   No matter who is responsible for this matter, they will not be happy.

  Zhang Ronghua asked: "What do you want to do?"

   It has risen to the battle between the two schools. She is only the leader of the younger generation of Jixia School, the designated successor. Although her status is noble, she still cannot make a decision for one school.

  With her intelligence, she also shook her head at this moment.

  Zhang Ronghua took a sip of tea, and said something: "Combined vertically and horizontally."

Ji Xueyan's beautiful eyes lit up. Neither she nor the senior officials of Jixia Academy had thought about it. It was not unexpected that the authorities were obsessed with it. With their power and pride, they subconsciously ruled out this idea. Outside, this is forgotten.

  Thinking about the possibility of this matter, if they join forces with Fate Academy to target Evergreen Academy, their life will be very difficult!

Combined with this grand bone-setting event, two of the three major palaces already have one, but the Destiny Academy does not. They are very proud and will not be as shameless as the Changqing Academy. Treasure exchange, if you make this request at that time, the possibility of agreeing is very high.

  Thinking of this, the depression in my heart was swept away, and my frozen face was also melted, showing a sincere smile, and said: "Thank you!"

   "It's too serious."

  Zhang Ronghua pointed to the chessboard and said, "Let's play a game?"

"it is good!"

  Let her hold the white stones, and play the black stones herself, neither side's attention is on the chessboard.

  Ji Xueyan pretended to be casual and asked: "You have a good relationship with Yang Hongling?"

   "Why do you ask?"

   "Saw you guys together several times."

Zhang Ronghua held Heizi's hand, stayed on top of the chessboard, and glanced at her. Ji Xueyan's complexion remained unchanged, her eyes were still deep and bright, and she never blinked. Her heart was like a deer bumping into each other. She kept jumping and couldn't stop at all. , a heart rose to the throat.

   Smiling slightly, Zhang Ronghua said: "Friend."

  Hearing him do this again, Ji Xueyan felt relieved, and concentrated on playing chess. When the game ended, it ended in a draw. It wasn't that she was very good at chess, but that Zhang Ronghua did it deliberately and let her go.

  Standing up from the chair, Ji Xueyan said: "Don't put any more water next time."

"it is good."

  Beautiful eyes fell on him, seeing that he was still at the sixth level of the Grandmaster Realm, Liu Mei frowned, showing a puzzled face, and asked, "Didn't the purple cat give you the low-grade elixir?"

   "Give it!"

Thinking about it, Ji Xueyan guessed that it might have something to do with the Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu he cultivated. This kung fu is extremely powerful and possesses many incredible abilities. Even the kung fu she cultivated is not comparable to it. Maybe the power needed to break through is even greater. more.

  Jade hand clapped the purse at his waist, took out a 600-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and handed it over.

   "After taking it, you should be able to break through!"

  Zhang Ronghua did not refuse, took it over, and said, "Thank you!"

   "Too serious!"

  Looking at the sky, it's already past the early morning, and it will be dawn in about two hours, so I don't want to wait any longer, and my vermilion lips parted: "Rest early!"

"The same to you!"

When she left, Zhang Ronghua closed the door, looked at the Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, took out together with the low-grade earth-level elixir brought by the purple cat last time, took them, and used the Xuanhuang Kaitian Kungfu to refine them. After the medicine was absorbed, Xuanhuang really Yuan became a little stronger again, and continued to practice until dawn, which was the end.

  Open your eyes and look at the sunlight coming in from the window. It is warm and makes people feel warm, but there must be a good show in today's court, but it is a pity that I have no chance to see it.

  Get off the bed, open the door and go out, stand on the edge of the artificial lake, mobilize the awe-inspiring righteousness, and routinely practice the Great Five Elements Breaking the Sky Sword Formation. As the realm improves, the attainments in this sword formation will become higher and higher.

  Three times in a row.

  Until Shi Bo came to ask him to have dinner, he stopped, entered the lobby, had breakfast, did not ask Shi Bo to drive him off, and wanted to go for a walk.

  Leaving the mansion, walking on the street, walking towards Suzaku Gate.

  Boom boom...

  The clear sky is like a child changing his face. A large cloud of dark clouds drifted over and covered the sky. There was a muffled thunder and a strong wind. It looked like it was going to rain.

   Quickened his pace, arrived at Suzaku Gate, verified his identity, entered the outer palace, and walked towards the scholar's hall.

   Just got here.

There are two people sitting on the steps of the door, one is Ding Yi, the other is Lu Junxiu, the two are chatting, no matter what Ding Yi says, Lu Junxiu can pick up, the level of flattery is very high, the words are nice, and it makes people feel comfortable , without that deliberate feeling.

   Seeing him coming, he got up quickly.

   "Brother (adult)!"

  Zhang Ronghua nodded, guessing what Lu Junxiu was waiting for him here, he led them inside.

   entered the palace and sat on a chair.

  Compared to yesterday, Lu Junxiu has more self-confidence, and his eyes glow with hot light. This is the desire for power. It seems that something wonderful happened to him yesterday.

   In fact, it was as he had guessed. After returning home, Lu Junxiu told his wife that he was reused. After hearing what he said, her wife was also very happy. After so many years, she finally came out.

He didn't pretend to slap his face, he looked very plain, he killed the old hen at home, bought some vegetables, and called his mother's family to gather together. So grand, is there a happy event? After some questioning, his wife didn't hide anything, she spoke out naturally. Hearing that Lu Junxiu was reused, the neighbors in the neighborhood spoke in different tones. They were as enthusiastic as they wanted to be. They wanted to help, but were rejected. kicked out.

Even the landlord didn't know where he got the news, and he came here with a gift, saying that he would not press him to pay the rent in the future, and if he was in short supply, he could lend them some money to tide them over. When will it be returned.

   Lu Junxiu refused. When you were not in power, you came to press for the rent before it was time to pay the rent. You were afraid that you would not pay the money if you ran away. Now that you see him gaining power and being reused, you want to curry favor? Impossible, send him away and have a good family reunion.

At night.

  He who has never cared about sex, this time he is also enthusiastic about it for the first time.

   It can be said that because of Zhang Ronghua's words, his life was completely changed.

   "I'll give you one thing."

   Lu Junxiu bent over and lowered his posture: "My lord, just give me orders!"

   "The court will end in a while, go and inquire about the situation of the court today. The focus is on Jixia Academy and Changqing Academy."


   Lu Junxiu turned and left, and closed the door by the way when he went out.

  Ding Yizan said: "This is a talent. If you can see through it earlier, now the lowest is an official from the fourth rank."

  “There is no growth without setbacks.”

   Changing the subject, Ding Yi asked: "Brother, you asked him to inquire about the Jixia Academy. Do you know what happened yesterday?"

   "I still watched it!"

  Ding Yi's eyes widened, regretful: "Why don't you call me such a wonderful thing?"

   "I called you here, and rushed to Changqing Academy, the show is over."

   "Tell me quickly! What's going on?"

  Zhang Ronghua explained the battle between Ji Xueyan and Xu Xirou in detail.

  Ding Yi was even more annoyed that he actually missed the battle between the proud daughters of the two palaces.

   After listening, ask again: "What happened next?"

"Qin Yiheng died, and his head was brought back to Jixia Academy. His Majesty may come forward today to reconcile the conflict between them, and let Changqing Academy make up for the loss of Jixia Academy. We will know when he comes back. gone."

   "Yes." Ding Yi nodded heavily.

I'm not in the mood to stay in the room, I just stand here waiting at the door, stretching my neck, looking outside, fortunately, the library hall is remote enough, no one usually comes, even if Zhang Ronghua is promoted to be the chief executive, no one dares to disturb him without his order .

   I have to say that snakes have their way of snakes, and rats have their way of rats. Lu Junxiu's ability to handle affairs is not bad. After inquiring about what happened earlier, he quickly returned from the outside.

   Seeing him coming, Ding Yi stepped aside, and after he came in, he closed the door and asked impatiently, "What did your Majesty say?"

   16,000 words burst!

   I really didn't sleep well, my upper and lower eyelids were fighting, my head was dizzy, and I felt uncomfortable.

   Looking for further reading, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for support, poor, poor, weak and helpless little author.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy