MTL - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle-Chapter 77 "I have something to say tonight"

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Gu Qingyan next wants to participate in a talk show called "Tonight has something to say", he is considering whether to directly and the book fans burst a vest, anyway, the debt is not too much.

Maybe the book fan sees that he is so hard and needs a high-intensity filming. He feels that he is pitiful and forgives him for dragging the manuscript. Of course, Gu Qingyan knows that his mischief makes it difficult for book fans to feel that they are pitiful and unrealistic. The arrears of the manuscript are filled with the reality.

However, Gu Qingyan is also very wronged. He has not made any manuscripts this time. His manuscript has already been completed, but in order to cooperate with the propaganda of the TV series, it can not be published at one time.

For Gu Qingyan, he is very wronged and he needs comfort, and the microblog number for his own actors is no longer being torn by his own book powder. In order to give an explanation to his own play powder and book powder, Gu Qingyan decided to expose his authorship. .

Let the storm come more violently.

Gu Qingyan sent a small microblogging to his little brother for comfort.

Little brother's little crying bag: Little brother, I was torn by fans of the heart of the heart, I am saddened. @小哭包家的小哥哥有, I have something to do with the help of the book fans, I am thinking about whether to confess tonight (╥╯^╰╥) but I am afraid...

Xiaoxiaobao's little brother: The little brother will protect the little crying bag, and the little crying bag is not afraid of not afraid. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Little brother's little crying bag: (; д;) Little brother, I think after our family's blade is estimated to be more than can be sold, a serious embarrassment.

Xiaoxiaobao's little brother:? ? ? Why, why are you crying? (゚ロ ゚;) What do you mean by this?

Little brother's little crying bag: swallowing water, you will know later (; '⌒`). I hope they can come to the time and give me a way to live. ╮(╯_╰)╭


Then Gu Qingyan used his own large size to send a microblog.

Gu Qingyan: The fans of the heart of the office, I will confess in "Tonight's words", give you a reasonable explanation, and then please let me go, don't send the blade again, (; へ:) beg! ! !

All the fans are so aggressive, so what is the situation? ? Why do you want to do this? ?

The onlookers of the melons, the fans of Gu Qingyan, and the book of the heart of the heart are very embarrassing, in a very aggressive state. Is it necessary for the parties to admit their mistakes? ?

I love Gu Gu: So what is the situation in this, a face-lifting (⊙ω⊙`)? ?

咩咩咩: I heard that the book that was recently taken care of by the heart of the heart has been torn, but I think there must be a misunderstanding. After all, the acting is really good, and I don’t believe in the poor personality. How can he have a bad relationship with the sheep, and you still remember the last time on the shore of Daming Lake. ? O(*////▽////*)q

The little oranges of the sheep and sheep family: The people who eat melons are very aggressive, and always feel strange. And I agree with you upstairs, how can I be a good friend with my sheep? Besides, Xiaojia’s tutor is so good. I absolutely have reason to suspect that this is another incident of patronizing malicious people. However, after the last routine estimate, someone has to be beaten. So the front row sells seeds, 00

子子君: I hope that this visit can give everyone a reasonable explanation and answer. To be honest, we all like to care for it. I like to care for the last time of the ink show. But this time I heard that the role of Gu Gu was taken through very mean means, and my heart was very uncomfortable, and there were rumors on the Internet that the relationship between the heart and the care was very bad, and the authors I liked were greatly selected. The relationship between the actors is not good enough.

Xiaoyuzi: I hope to give a reasonable explanation. Although I know that actors and characters should not be linked, but the book that is so big to the fans is the spiritual food, so it’s really full, I hope that the explanation can give an explanation. .

Don't talk to kiss me: So is it only one of my concerns that is very strange? Why send a blade? There is still the first time I saw that Gu Gu was selling on the large size, and the people who were eating melon expressed curiosity.

Small strawberry: On the floor, is it really strange? ? ?


"Tonight has something to say" is a special fire talk show, and the host Lemi has always been very popular with the audience, because her host style is humorous, talkative and elegant, very emotional and sometimes love to fill the soul chicken soup. of. And "There is something to say tonight" this program will invite many popular star artists from time to time, so her show has been very hot.

- "Speak tonight"

At the beginning of the show, I saw the host Le Mi wearing a graceful black dress, short hair and a smile on his mouth, and greeted the audience on the spot.

"Welcome everyone to come to "Tonight has something to say" I am the host Le Mi, recently there is a group of families can be described as a violent fire, their family's face value is very high, children are cute and very polite, now I heard that children still have I have a fan support club."

"And their family, everyone is familiar with him very familiar. Through that program we know that he is attracted to him in the future, and later heard the love story between him and his lover. I was touched by them. And I am very fortunate to have him today, this is a very hot meat, everyone guess who he is??"

Lemi made an ear-opening sound with his hand on his ear, and now the audience shouted with a loud voice: "Gu Qingyan!!!"

I saw Lemi smile and make an invitation: "Now, please ask Gu Qingyan."

The music sounded and Gu Qingyan walked out. He is very casual today, a simple beige knit sweater, a pair of jeans that fits in shape, and a pair of sports shoes that are not too expensive. But the simpler the dress, the more his appearance and his approachable, Gu Qingyan smiled and greeted the audience.

Lemi can say that the first impression of Gu Qingyan is very good. Lemi told Gu Qingyan to sit down and chat with Gu Qingyan.

Lemi looked at the gentle and beautiful Gu Qingyan, and asked the joke: "Hello Gu Qingyan, can I call you a little crying bag?"

Gu Qingyan shook his head and said with a slight apology: "I am sorry that this is not possible, because this is the nickname of the little brother."

Then I smiled and said: "You can ask me to care, my fans love to call me, I also like this title."

Lemi smiled and said: "It turned out to be Lu’s exclusive nickname. Is it only you can call him a little brother?"

Gu Qingyan's face was slightly reddish and nodded. "Well, this is the only nickname between us."

Lemi looked at Gu Qingyan's appearance and couldn't help but sigh the magic of love: "I think friends who have seen "Did you be abused today?" should be touched by the love story you mentioned in the last issue, so Is that story really happening to you?"

Gu Qingyan smiled at Lemi’s words and his expression was very sweet: “It’s true, I like my little brother for 16 years.”

Lemi exclaimed: "So long?"

Gu Qingyan’s expression looked unusually gentle. He slowly said: “Well, 16 years. For me, my little brother is essential in my life.”

"Required? Why do you say that?" Lemi's expression looked very gossip.

"When I was 7 years old, I was brought to Fangfang City by my mother. I was a child who was not very gregarious since I was a child. I had a slight contact disorder and autism at first."

Lemi heard Gu Qingyan’s narrative: “I can’t see it completely...”

Gu Qingyan smiled and said: "I experienced some things when I was young, and the mischief between the children. We played hide-and-seek together in a ruined building. Then they joked and left me alone. I broke the glass and ran out. A little injury."

Gu Qingyan’s expression looked very plain and smirked, but Lemi guessed that he must have been scared at the time. A child with a small fear of autism was left alone in a deserted place. How scared it was at the time. Helpless.

Lemi couldn’t help but feel distressed: "And then?"

"I was born in a park unfamiliar, where I met a little brother who left home." Gu Qingyan's eyes sparkled and seemed to be in memory. "He looked at me with pity. I kept making me happy, and finally brought me back to his house."

"He is very kind to me, take care of me, intimately rub me the ointment, and comfort me when I am afraid."

"I was later taken away by my family, but I have always been obsessed with my little brother. Because my subsequent contact disorder is getting more and more serious, I instinctively do not trust strangers, resist contact with people. I will also have nightmares. But then my little brother will appear in my dream. He gently comforted me and said to me: Little crying bag, little brother will protect you forever."

"Because of his existence, I am not afraid. I told myself that I must overcome everything and work hard to become a normal person. And I finally did it, I am not resisting contact with people. Also because my little brother I Looking for a career I like, I like acting. Although the reason for the beginning is to repay, I want to repay my little brother."

"I came to Fangye City at the age of 16 and met a 20-year-old brother, and then fell in love with him at first sight." Gu Qingyan smiled very sweet, with the sweetness of falling in love. "But he didn't know that I was a little crying bag. I used a very stupid way to get him to support me."

"Is it hard to pay attention to your secret love with a shell?"

Gu Qingyan smiled, but with a little jealousy in his eyes: "I have been with my little brother for two years. My character is not very good and it is easy to suffer. I have problems and misunderstandings between us at the age of 18. We were all at the time. Still too small and too immature, so I finally chose to escape..."

Gu Qingyan paused and then said: "I returned to Fangyi City at the age of 23, and the first day I came back, I happened to meet my little brother. He said that he likes me, but I am very upset, I lied to him. I don't like him anymore."

"But my little brother didn't give up. He said he wanted to pursue me. Later we went through a lot of things together..."

"And then you started again?"

"Yeah, it started again. Although we missed five years, it doesn't matter because this time I will never let go of his hand again." Gu Qingyan smiled very beautifully. "I am very lucky, with me." The little brother met again. And we all grew up and learned to express how to love someone. He is indispensable in my life. I love him, not him."

Amy looked at Gu Qingyan's expression and sighed: "Great, my little brother and little crying bag are back together. I think everyone will bless you, I hope you will continue to be happy."

Gu Qingyan smiled sweetly: "Thank you."

Amy said that she was really sweet when she saw Gu Qingyan’s smile. She went on to ask: “I heard that you are a very good friend with the sheep and his family, Mr. Song?”

"Well, we have a very good relationship."


"It’s really a pleasure to chat with me. It’s almost over, and the show is coming to an end. Well, the last question today, I heard that you were attacked by a book fan of the heart?"

"Well, it is true." Gu Qingyan smiled and smiled. "I have something to confess today."

Lemi looked at Gu Qingyan curiously: "Is this rumor about this time?"

Gu Qingyan nodded and said with embarrassment: "In a sense, I really took the back door."

The words Gu Qingyan lived on his face, and the tip of his ear was red: "The rumors that I am not at peace with my heart are false, because I can't do it myself. If it really has to be, I think I have to be fine."

Lemi suddenly lost her mind: "What do you mean?"

"The peace of mind is my pen name, this heart is my hometown. I wanted to have a little brother, that is my heart, so I gave myself a pen name." Gu Qingyan's blush No, "As for why I never used the number of my heart to forward the news of my role in my book, because it is too shameful, after all, I boast of myself..."

Gu Qingyan was embarrassed to explain: "As for why I said that in a certain sense, I really took the back door, because the younger brother thought that I liked the role of Qin Ge in "Competition", and found the place to buy " The follow-up article on the copyright of the competition is dedicated to me, and I said that I would like to invite me to play my favorite character. I have not been so frank and confessed that it is an article written by my own code, so I did not refuse to appear in the end. Of course, as far as I am concerned, how can I not like the characters in my own writing?"

Lemi listened to Gu Qingyan's words and felt that she had been stuffed with a big dog food, but she immediately adjusted and responded: "So this is why you sent the Weibo before the show?"

Gu Qingyan nodded and made a movement to wipe the neck: "My book fans have a little fighting power. Before they sent the real blade to the editorial department. Then I loved dragging more. I was afraid that after the horse was dropped, I was sent by the fans every day. blade……"

At the moment, Gu Weiyan’s Weibo has been blown up:

扣子君: Gu Gu is actually a big heart! ! ! Great about your text! ? I finally found a new reminder, long live! My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!

The little oranges of the sheep and sheep family: I was touched by the story of the little crying bag and the little brother. I wish the little brother and the little crying pack together for a lifetime! !

Xiaoyuzi: The identification of Gu Gu is a big doubt. I know that we only send editors to the editorial department. ! Great, you know that you love to drag more! ! Follow the text! ! !

I love to care for me: I like it, and it is a face. o(*////▽////*)q

My heart is big: I am inexplicably stuffed with a big dog food by the pen name of the heart, but it doesn't matter. The problem is the follow-up of the big competition. ! ! Are you not finished? You are going to hurry up! ! ! !

Broken heart: The heart is big, it turns out that you are a patron, really good, I like the big and the artist is the same person. But the question is coming, when are you more essays! ? Even if you are filming, it is not a reason you can drag it! !

Hey: I know that it is definitely a wave of face-lifting.


Xiaoxiaobao's little brother: Little crying bag, little brother loves you, loves you. You are also essential to your little brother. @小哥哥家的小哭包@顾青衍

Little brother's little crying bag: I also love to love my little brother. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Then Lu’s big Weibo and Xiaoweibo were all caught up by the fans with a rhythm: the little brother treated the little crying bag! ! You must always be happy, and please let the little crying bag be more timely, thank you! !

Zhuo Yi, Gu Qingyan, followed the program and looked at Gu Qingyan with a particularly complicated look. Because he is also the book powder of the heart, he knows that Gu Qingyan is actually a big chase that he has been chasing. The most important point is that he can personally and Gu Qingyan urged more reminders to follow up, to know that he is the person who fell off the pit! ! !

The big knife in the hand is already hungry and thirsty, although the text of the heart is very good, but he is a big pit, and the pit is not filled without humanity! ! Still unmoving and unfolding, it’s horrible! !

Gu Qingyan looked at Zhuo Yi, only felt that his neck was a little cold and could not help but shrink.

The author has something to say:

I changed my blood in this chapter, I still prefer the original version, so my friends will see it on Weibo. (My little crying bag is really distressing.)

Of course, the revision can still be seen 00. I have tried very hard to repair o (*////▽////*)q.

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