MTL - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle-Chapter 63 Cinema dating

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Gu Qingyan recently had a very tangled thing, that is, Star Entertainment bought the copyright of his novel "Competition" and said that it would be made into a TV series. At that time, I felt that there was no problem and I agreed.

As a result, one day his little brother was particularly happy to say to him like a treasure. "Baby, I know that you like the novel of the heart. I specially bought the copyright of the new novel of the heart, we took him. Into a TV series. How do you play Qin Ge, I know that you like this character."

Gu Qingyan didn't know how to speak with his little brother. Could it be that the younger brother is the author of your mouth, but I sold the copyright to you. I saved the money you cheated as a private money for Gu Xiaoyu's wife.

And where do you know where I like the peace of mind? ? ? I haven't narcissed like this yet.

"How do you know that I like this novel?" Gu Qingyan's expression is complicated.

Lu Ran, you quickly praised my clever appearance: "Before I saw Qu Yang live, I said that your family is a novel of the heart, and then especially like the role of Qin Ge in the novel." The novel is not completely finished outside, but the author agrees to sell the copyright to us, and also sent the final version, high unhappiness, etc. to show you?"

Gu Qingyan doesn't know how to vomit. My family is a novel in the heart of the heart because I am the peace of mind, I don't need to finish the version, because that **** is the word of my code, you don't need to write me. Something to please me, wake up to my little brother, your little crying bag has pitted you.

"Well, I like it." Gu Qingyan smiled slightly and smiled.

"Baby, how do you laugh so strange?" Luran looked confused.

Gu Qingyan blinked his eyes: "No, little brother."

I gave my little brother a pit, and I was very anxious online.

"Right, baby, the movie you played is going to be released. Have we been to the cinema for two days? Is it good for us to date?"

Yes, Lu always decided to abandon his son and a small crying bag to date alone to enjoy the world of two.

Before the film was released, Gu Qingyan, as a man, had to make publicity with everyone. Gu Qingyan said that his heart is really tired. He doesn't want to advertise with the crew at all. He just wants to stay at home with his little brother and his own son! ! !

In the promotion, Yan Qiubai also said many times that he likes the articles of the heart and is also a very good friend.

Gu Qingyan is going to have a look, how can I not know that I have had many friendly exchanges with you? ?

However, Gu Qingyan can't be debunked. After all, he still doesn't want to disclose his identity as an author.

After finally ending this pothole propaganda, he and his younger brother Gothic were dressed up in the middle of the night and went to the cinema near the house to watch "Xian Zhe".

The mood is still a little excited, after all, this is a novel written by myself.

Well, decisively can't expose what is being sent by readers? That is terrible.

They also took the hand and bought popcorn, eating while watching a movie.

The film is still quite compact. After editing and the episode of Quyang singing, it feels quite awkward. I have to say that my friend’s singing is not covered, so it’s not good to sing.

In the cinema, most of the movies are small lovers and book fans.

Gu Qingyan can hear some fans with low tears crying, but he doesn’t feel anything because the emotional drama of the man and the woman is written by himself, and the male actor who is not the favorite is Yan Qiubai’s acting. Not so good that I forgot who he is, so I saw this face is quite a play.

When the big screen appeared on the screen of the ink-skinned fairy, Gu Qingyan was quite awkward, especially when he heard the audience around him say what is so handsome.

Luran suddenly close to Gu Qingyan's ear and said with a low-pitched voice and revealed some temptation: "Small crying bag, they can only look at you on the big screen. And the little brother can touch the real you."

How can you say that your little brother can be so emotional/color, and you are amazing. Then Gu Qingyan licked his own hot ears, do you know that there is a saying that the ear can be pregnant?

At the end of the movie, the back of Mo Yuan has an unclear taste.

In the end, Mo Yuan "devil", the world is just ridiculous.

But to tell the truth, it’s really shameful for the author to play his own book. If the vest is dropped that day, isn’t it awkward?

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