MTL - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle-Chapter 6 Resisting and affection

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Back to Lujia, Lu mother saw that her son not only came back with himself but also brought a child and immediately joked: "Son, how did you leave home and bring a child? Are you escaping or elopement?"

Lu Ran’s face is red: “Mom, what are you talking about. This is what I am jealous. You are not going to give me a younger brother. I like him. I want him to be my younger brother.”

"Son, even if you want someone to be a younger brother, you must also agree with the father and mother..." Then I want to touch Gu Qingyan, who is behind the Luran.

Gu Qingyan hides, although this aunt looks good, but Gu Qingyan does not want others to touch him.

Luran looked at Qing Yan’s reaction. "I don't care anyway, I want him."

Then pull someone to go: "He is mine! I took him to take a bath and dirty!" The head did not go back.

Lu mother looked helplessly at her own overbearing son, and then Li Bo went to the police station to report a case and said that she had married a child. After all, the child must be very anxious to lose the parents.

Really, Lu Ran and Lu Shao did not serve others to take a bath, but Lu did not feel relieved to cry a person, Lu Ran can feel the little crying package is not the right person.

Luran took two pajamas and took Gu Qingyan to the bathroom. Then began to undress, and told Gu Qingyan to take a bath together.

Gu Qingyan did not know why he seemed very resistant. He whispered comfortably: "Small crying bag, you see you dirty. Can we take a shower?" Then I started to wash it, "Little brother took you Eat and play games to watch cartoons?"

Then carefully care for Qing Yan to undress, the child is still somewhat resistant but may accept it because he knows that there is no malicious intention.

I don't know why Gu Qingyan doesn't hate this person. Gu Qingyan even has a good impression on him.

This person appears to be alone when he is most helpless, knowing that he is very disgusted with contact with others but can allow such an unknown person to touch himself.

Gu Qingyan is also very confused, and Gu Qingyan can clearly feel that his own disgusting human problems seem to be more serious.

He looked at Lu Ran and said to him gently, "Would we take a shower first?"

When Gu Qingyan got off the clothes, Lu Ran discovered that there were several wounds on the other side that were scratched. There were also a few small mouths on his hands. There was a bit of pain in the face: "How are you still hurt, who made it, hurts? Doesn't it hurt?"

Gu Qingyan shook his head and refused to say anything. Luran couldn’t help but wipe it with a towel.

Lu’s movements were very gentle and carefully avoided the wound: “Let’s wait for the little brother to help you with the ointment.”

Then help him wipe the dirty things on his face, the original white face is exposed, with red eyes like a little rabbit, cute can't.

Two people changed their clothes, and Luran asked the butler to find the ointment carefully to help Gu Qingyan paint up, the little crying bag did not talk very strong but just the painful tears in the eyelids.

"No pain, no pain, my little brother will help you." Luran painted the ointment and called at the wound.

Lu Ran did everything to take Gu Qingyan to the dining room to eat, Lu mother saw two children feel very cute.

The child who was showered was very clean and beautiful. When he was eating, he was very clever and he didn’t like to talk.

As a mother full of maternal love, Lu’s mother saw Gu Qingyan’s wounds feel a little bit painful. I don’t know how the children made it. I want to touch his head, and she is avoided by Gu Qingyan.

"Mom, don't touch him." Then Gu Qingyan was kind enough to help him to pick up the dishes. "Small crying and eating."

Gu Qingyan looked at Lu Ran, Luran smiled at him, and then pinched his little face.

Lu Mama said she was embarrassed, but his son looked very happy.

When Lu Da was young, no matter what his mother thought, he just took Gu Qingyan and watched the cartoon, then he slept with the other person.

Don't say that children have a soft, soft and fragrant bath, so Luran always feels weird and delicious.

Gu Qingyan is obviously tired and will fall asleep soon. When I was asleep, I was very upset and curled up and muttered: liar, bad guy, mother.

Luran felt his uneasiness, Lu Lun tightly held Gu Qingyan in his ear and said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid... the little brother will always be with you... the little brother will protect you..."

Perhaps because of the gentle appeasement of the other party, Gu Qingyan gradually relaxed and his breathing calmed down.

In the early morning of the next day, the summer mother family went to the door.

The author has something to say:

Although I like my original settings very much, I changed the reluctance to accept it (;'_`)┏

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