MTL - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle-Chapter 24 Childish and spoiled

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Luran looked at the smile of the little things, and felt that the son of the baby was sweet, not so cute.

Luran reached out and touched the head of Gu Xiaoying, and the soft hair was very touched.

"Is this your son? It's so cute."

"Well, he is Gu Yu. But you can call him Gu Xiaoyu."

Luran looked at Gu Xiaoying: "Gu Xiaohao, hello, I am your father's friend, my name is Luran, you can call me Uncle Lu."

"Uncle Lu ~" then looked at Lu Ran shyly.

Gu Qingyan is very familiar with his son's little movements. When he sees his son, he knows that his son likes Luran very much.

Gu Qingyan knows that Lu Ran doesn't like children. Now he seems to be very fond of his son, and he can't help but sigh. The blood is close to his father and son.

"Can Gu Xiaoyu lend your father to Uncle Lu for a while?" Luran looked at Gu Xiaoyu.

Gu Qingyan wanted to refuse, he did not know how to get along with Lu, this person changed too much after five years.

Since I said that I have to chase myself, Gu Qingyan can receive Lu’s care text messages every day, and occasionally receive a message of love. If I don’t return, I will call and use the magnetic voice to say that I don’t want to go back to me. Wait a minute.

Gu Qingyan did not know how Luran would become so pitiful.

Then my son sold his father: "Well, my father loaned you." Then pushed his father.

Gu Qingyan followed the scalp and followed Lu Lu, and Luran took him to the corner of the studio. There was no one here.

Luran looked at it and made sure that no one around him would hold Gu Qingyan in the future.

"Let me hug, I haven't seen you for a week." Poor voice.

Gu Qingyan feels that Luran is simply poisonous.

"Let's go, someone will come!"

"No, I have seen it." Then he licked his head in Gu Qingyan's neck, and Lun soft hair made Gu Qingyan itchy. Lu Ran is coping with himself, Gu Qingyan is not good for the whole person.

"When you are still young," Gu Qingyan spit.

"If I get smaller, you can hold me kiss me, don't ignore me, then I would rather be a child!"

Selling shame! ! The problem is that Gu Qingyan feels a little cute with his own spoiled, and a big man of 187 makes a child's gesture just to make him care for him.

Lu Ran is so so delicate and unpretentious? It's a magical thing!

Lu Ran took a moment to Gu Qingyan and let go of the other side. He knew that he couldn't hold it for too long. He was afraid of the other party's resentment, although he was very eager to Gu Qingyan's hug.

"Let's say, you pull me out and want to say something to me." Gu Qingyan glanced at Luran.

Luran smiled and smiled: "I miss you!"

"Can I wait for you to have a meal with your son?"

Gu Qingyan categorically refused to accept: "No."

Lu Lu revealed a sad and grievous look, looking at Gu Qingyan. What is the expression of my bullying your face?

Gu Qingyan explained the scalp: "My son and I have to eat with friends at night."

"What about next time?"

"More" Gu Qingyan perfunctory.

When two people were on the set, Qu Yang just took a break and Luran went to talk to the director. Gu Qingyan like Qu Yang and they walked over.

Qu Yang curiously asked Gu Yanyan: "Do you know the total of the stars of the entertainment?"

"Friends..." Gu Qingyan is a good person.

Qu Yang later chatted with Gu Qingyan, Gu Qingyan has a sentence without a word, because he has been thinking about Luran.

Luran wants to chase himself, he should decisively refuse and then break all contact with him to prevent him from plucking his heart.

The problem is that Luran simply does not listen to his refusal. If he breaks the connection and can definitely find his own, he is really tricky. There are also the most important problems, I have really been dialed by him, **** it!