MTL - He’s Not A Non-Entertainment Circle-Chapter 12 Cut version

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He reached out and grabbed it. He blinked and saw Gu Qingyan, who didn’t know why the beautiful eyes made him unable to move his eyes. The eyes seemed to be the tearful peach eyes that he had been dreaming of, beautiful. Hook people.

Both of them are the first time to kiss the technology is not mentioned, just biting, Luran's kiss is unruly and very anxious, Gu Qingyan's docile acceptance, a kiss, Qing Yan some slightly asthma, the brain is a bit confused, eyes have A little confusing.

[Under the neck, we are not willing. The original version and the revision are different. See our Weibo.]

"Don't be afraid, crying."

Gu Qingyan was blinded by Lu Ran’s call, and the other party never called himself a crying bag. He always called himself Xia Qing.

"What do you call me, do you know who I am?" Gu Qingyan's tone is a bit nervous.

Lu Ran smiled at Gu Qingyan: "My little crying bag... my little crying bag..."

Lu Ran smiled very well, Gu Qingyan pushed him: "You are drunk, I am not your little crying bag"

Luran was pushed and not annoyed, and he punctured a bit of Gu Qingyan’s cheek.

"I know that you are my little crying bag and belong to my little crying bag."

When Luran said the sentence of my little crying bag, Gu Qingyan could no longer restrain himself.

Gu Qingyan cried and said: "Little brother, little brother, I miss you..."

Luran holding him: "Well, my little brother knows."

"Small brother is not sorry, I did not intend to come to you at the beginning..." Gu Qingyan seems to be extremely guilty.

"Hey, crying, don't cry..." Luran pinched his face.

"Little brother, I like you very much, can you like me too..."

"Little crying bag, little brother likes to like you, you are my own little crying bag!"

Then Gu Qingyan smiled, and his little brother liked him. It feels so good.

Luran looked at the other side's broken face and became obsessed with the smiling face. He didn't know how good he was.

Luran couldn't help but kiss Gu Qingyan's lips, and the words were intertwined and loved and blurred.

"Can you, little crying bag?"

Gu Qingyan looked very hard but carefully asked his ruth, his little brother.

"Little brother, I am not afraid... I... I want you." After talking about Gu Qingyan shy eyes.

"Little crying bag, I love you."

His little brother said that he loves him. What is he afraid of? His little brother will never hurt him, his little brother...

"Little brother, there are teachers and sets of Du."

Luran got up and took it, then smirked, "Well? Little crying bag, you thought so and your little brother..."

"" Gu Qingyan hurriedly explained and then glanced at Luran.

But he didn't know that his eyes were more like seduce than he said.

Don’t want to be hooked, his little crying bag is so beautiful, it’s him alone.

Luran holding Gu Qingyan's hands and letting him help himself to unlock the button, he could feel the little crying bag slightly shivering fingertips.

"Hey, help my little brother take off his clothes."

Gu Qingyan blushes and takes the initiative to kiss Lu’s lips. Luran immediately reacted to seize the initiative.

Both of them are emotional, he loves the other side's feelings of love/destination, and loves the other party's initiative to please.

[This is a cut version of the revision, very different from the original version]

"Little crying bag, I love you, I love you." Luran muttered in Gu Qingyan's ear.

There is nothing more happier than the ones I love, and in the end, Lu Ran and Gu Qingyan are closely linked and vented.

The best thing in the world is probably the one I love, and I just love it.

Supported love diary

Xx year **** month xx

I fell in love with a person at first sight, the kind of emotion I once sneered at, I never thought that it would happen to me, but when that moment came, I found out how ridiculous I was.

I can't control my sight. I used to think that it was just pure worship. That person is so good. The feelings are complicated, and later I realized that I had already liked each other long ago without knowing it. There is a word called secret love.

I thought that I would probably only secretly bury my emotions in my heart, but when such an opportunity is in front of me, how can I refuse it, as long as I can get close to you, as long as I can see you. Just fine, you don't need to know, you don't need to reply, because it is my business to love you.

If I can, I hope to turn this ridiculous slapstick into a love sweets. I want to be nice to you...

Xx year **** month xx

I don't need anything, as long as I can stay with you, you may never know. The happiest thing for me is that we have dinner together. You eat all the dishes I have cooked and tell me. It’s delicious, if you really want to eat it all your life.

Maybe this is just a joke that you don't care about, but I don't know if I am so happy. You will never know that your every move involves my heart. I thought I could control it very well, but people are greedy.

Is it that I am getting better and better for you, and you will gradually like me?

I don't like you uncomfortable, I can't stand you uncomfortable, if you can please fall in love with me, I swear I will be good to you, for a lifetime!

The author has something to say:

The cut version is very different from my original version. To be honest, I didn’t have the heart to come up with this article at first, but I wanted to see it myself. But this is the first time I’ve written it completely, I still haven’t had the heart to put it, only It’s a pity that I didn’t feel like the line of love, but I still like it.

If you want to see the original version, I will post it to tell you exactly where the difference is. If you don't mind, you can actually see it. (づ ̄3 ̄) づ╭~ I have enriched the car with this fake car, although the car is still fake. ~

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