MTL - Heroic Wife Reborn-Chapter 1189 Guining is the ring that can't go wrong.

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Yu Xiaoxiao and the big masters finished eating the snack food that Aning sent, and Wang Hao’s meals were not left. The high fever of Wu Huan’s teacher did not retreat, so that Yu Xiaoxiao could not go out to eat roast duck. On the night of the day, the national teacher retired and burned, and Jing Mo also took a tall man. A lot of the six halls of the temple, Yu Ziming came to the other house.

When I saw my little six, Yu Xiaoxiao understood that she had forgotten something. She forgot her own little six and forgot many times. (╮(╯_╰)╭)

When Yu Ziming saw Jade, he stood in the same place and recognized Jade Xiaoxiao for a while, then opened his hands and ran to Yu Xiao, shouting: "Great Emperor!"

Yu Xiaoxiao squatted up in the jade, and shook it. He said, "How is the head still big and the body small? You didn't eat well?"

Jing Mo...


This little bean can not eat long, can you blame who?

"I have a good meal," Yuzi Ming said, holding a small neck and not letting go, saying: "Big sister, are you coming to pick me up?"

The big masters will be embarrassed, and the sixth willor, you think that your emperor's sister is too sister-in-law.

Yu Xiaoxiao solemnly said: "It’s a drop, wait for me to finish the matter, let’s go home together.”

The big master got together and said to Xiao Xiaoxiao: "Don't fool the children again. After finishing the matter, we will return to the sky directly from the Yongsheng Temple. Are you going to run the next day?"

When Yu Xiaoxiao heard the words of the great master, he changed his words: "Let Jingmo send you home, I am waiting for you at Wangxiangguan, okay?"

Yuzi Mingba took the unique eyes of the jade family and said, "What are you going to do with the Grand Emperor?"

"Breaking the bad guys," Yu Xiaoxiao.

Looking down at his short arms and short legs, the six sensible sensible knows that he can't help his sister to fight the bad guys at this time, and then asks: "What about the brother-in-law? Is he going to fight the bad guys with you?"

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Jing Mo, her family Xiaoliu, this is nothing to know?

Jing Mo went forward and touched Yu Ziming’s head and said, “Children can grow up well. Why do they need to manage adult affairs?”

"Your brother-in-law has already set off," Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Ziming said seriously: "Sixth, we will succeed."

"Well," Yuzi Ming also nodded seriously: "The big sister and brother-in-law will succeed."

Wang Hao looked at the appearance of Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Ziming in the back, and secretly sighed. When this ancestor and the Seventh Highness can also be so close, how can a younger brother and sister of a mother compatriot be close to each other? What? (This is a long story, o(╯□╰)o)

Jing Mo asked Yu Xiaoxiao: "I didn't go out to eat today?"

Yu Xiaoxiao hasn't talked yet. Jingwei's personal bodyguard chased him from the palace and said to him: "Your Majesty, the head of the family is in urgent need to see."

“The household is managing money and food,” said Yu Xiaoxiao, who immediately reminded him that “you are going back to the palace to see it. It’s not that you have no money yet?”

The head of the guard said: "This is impossible. I checked Zhoufu yesterday. We got a lot..."

The guardian’s words said that half did not have the courage to say it down. What did all of them look at with blood?

Jing Mo’s hand smashed through the small shoulders of Yu, and said: “Then I went back, and the princess had something to let Xiaowei enter the palace to find me.”

"Well," although I can't think of anything I can do to find Jingmo, but Yu Xiaoxiao agreed.

Jing Mo came and went in a hurry, and he was crushed by the state. He didn’t even say a word to Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Ziming stayed in the other house this night. Originally, Yu Xiaoxiao wanted to sleep with a small bean bud, and after being trained by Wang Hao, Xiao Wei took a sleep with his six temples.

On the second morning, Gu Xingnuo sent the "dowry" of His Royal Highness to Jiuyan City.

Gu Da Shao went to the palace to see Jing Mo, Gu Lin took the dowry to the dowry.

Yu Xiaoxiao saw the box on the car very excited and asked Gu Lin: "Is this all sent to me?"

Gu Lin looked at Yu Xiaoxiao clap his hands and couldn't bear to pour the cool water of the Princess's Highness, but he had to say that Xiaolinzi whispered to the jade novel: "Fake, with bricks inside."

Yu Xiaoxiao does not clap his hands.

Gu Lin said: "The saint said, the horizontal and vertical is acting, what about the accident with real gold?"

Yu Xiaoxiao snorted and said to the big master without interest: "Go in my dowry."

The big master said: "Is this so much for the Holy Land?"

Yu Xiaoxiao turned to the door and said: "More hair!"

Wang Hao stopped Yu Xiaoxiao: "Oh, the princess took a lot of dowry at that time. What did the princess think?" At that time, they almost evacuated the Fenghua Hall, and they also smashed Zhao Hao. Things, how can people not be content?

Yu Xiaoxiao was trained by Wang Hao, and he did not say anything.

The big masters are not strange, anyway, this fat cockroach sees the princess every day is not pleasing to the eye, the big guy is busy moving to the palace to move the dowry.

Gu Lin stared at Wang Hao, this is still like a waiter, this is the princess's mother, right?

"Right," taking advantage of Wang Hao's ventilating effort, Yu Xiaoxiao turned to Gu Lin: "Xiao Linzi, I have a big brother to come over for lunch?"

Wang Hao... She said that there is not much use! This is still a meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and her nightingale!

Gu Dashao walked with Jing Mo in the royal garden of the next day. The spirit of Jing Mo was not very good, and he stayed up too much.

"Is things not going well?" Gu Dashao and Jing Mo staggered a shoulder and walked behind, whispering to the sights.

Jing Mo rushed to the big and small and waved his hand. He said: "The generals who are under the command of the men are afraid of war. They also get news. There are more than 400,000 believers who went to the Yongsheng Temple."

Gu Dashao said: "Will the Yongsheng Temple raise so many people?"

Jing Mo said: "These people bring their own dry food, how will Yongsheng Temple take care of their lives."

Gu Dashao walked silently behind Jing Mo for a while.

Jing Mo went to a stone pavilion built on the water, and asked Gu Da Shao to sit down and sighed: "It is estimated that when we attack Yongsheng Temple, the number of people there can reach one million."

Gu Dashao said: "This number is expected. Except for those old and weak women, it is estimated that the number of people who can fight is estimated to be seven or eight hundred thousand."

Jing Mo shook his head. "When the time comes, I will ask these old and weak cubs to be placed in front of the two armed forces. How many people in our soldiers can rush to kill the past?"

Although the military order is like a mountain, in the end, humanity is here, how many great men, can the elderly, women and children be the object of massacres? In these old and weak women and women, there are people from all six countries. When it is difficult to kill, the Japanese people seek to kill the heavens, and the people of the heavens find the Suzaku people to kill, so and so on? This is obviously impossible.

Gu Dashen indulged for a moment, said: "This depends on the people of Xuanwu. They are in opposition to each other. These old and weak cubs will see the blood fleeing."

Jing Mo smiled and shook his head: "Suddenly, Guining became a ring that could not go wrong."

To the reader:

The second is more.

Read The Duke's Passion