MTL - Heroic Wife Reborn-Chapter 1185 Princess said, I am not a greedy person.

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A group of jade small people worked diligently to count a hundred boxes of jewels. The next one from the princess was to force the box from the underground vault to the ground. It was still very small, leaving four former pirates watching. Under the leadership of Yu Xiaoxiao, the helper went to the front yard where the cry was the biggest.

Dadang felt that he had to give Yu Xiaoxiao a psychological preparation. When he was approaching the front yard, he and Yu Xiaoxiao’s novel: "Princess, I have to tell you about the situation first."

Jade novel: "What else do you have? Don't tell me that you think there are too many hundred boxes, you have to cut in half!" So, they are friends!

Dadang said: "No, there is no such thing as a baby."

"Well, then you said," Yu Xiaoxiao was absent-minded.

Dadang said: "The old man of Zhou wants to kill Jingmeng. This is the crime of the whole family dying together. Do you know the princess?"

Jade novel: "I want to know what the law of the next day is doing?"

Big masters... It’s not just the same day that there is such a law.

"I mean, this is the sin of the whole family!" Da Dao and Yu Xiaoxiao emphasized.

Yu Xiaoxiao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh, I know."

The big head of the family looked at his own princess and said, "You are not sad? Women and children are going to die."

Yu Xiaoxiao stopped and did not leave, asked the big master to say: "You are the woman and child who asked me to save this family?"

When the big master "slammed" his mouth, how could he owe it?

The second home is why: "Can we do this?"

Yu Xiao's novel: "Of course we can't do it, the law is supreme. Do you understand?"

Big heads... Is the ear broken? I heard this from the princess's mouth!

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished." Yu Xiaoxiao said very seriously to the big masters: "Jingmo is the head, hey, I mean he is the emperor of this country. If he is killed, then the next day. It will be confusing. Several princes will jump out and fight for the throne. How do you count this, after the death of Jingmo, how many people will die next day?"

Some former pirates said, "Is this not clear?"

"Yeah," said Jade Xiaoxiao: "The Zhou Daren was not only trying to kill Jingmo, but he was still plotting with the people of the Yongsheng Temple to poison the scene. The sins committed by this person could not be saved. He, and his family."

The big masters nodded in teaching.

"I am a reasonable person," Yu Xiaoxiao emphasized.

Big heads, look at me, I look at you, how do they pick up this?

"Princess," Aning ran from the bluestone round courtyard.

Yu Xiaoxiao said to the big head: "I am going, I forgot about Aning. We are not coming to ask for anonymity?"

Dadang can't look directly at the goods in front of him. He said, "This family has been killed by us. What do you want to ask?"

At this time, Aning ran to the jade little one, and then stopped talking.

Jade novel: "What happened to you?"

"I," Aning hesitated, or with the jade novel: "There are two people, can you ask the princess to save them?"

"Next man?" Jade novel: "Your little partner?"

Aning said: "They grew up with me, I, I don't want to watch them die."

Yu Xiaoxiao thought about it and said, "Men?"

Aning honestly said: "One man and one woman."

"Not your true love?" Yu Xiaoxiao was somewhat disappointed.

The big masters squinted at their princesses, saying, what are you disappointed with?

Aning was stabbed by Yu Xiaoxiao: "Really, what is true love?"

"It is good," said the big master.

Aning smashed his face and shook his head and said: "Small one has a marriage contract with Lotus."

"Ah," Jade's novel: "I have eaten the lotus, it is bitter, but it is delicious."

Aning..., she is not talking about this lotus.

"Let's ask Jingmo," said Yu Xiaoxiao and Aning. "You don't talk well about your next day."

Aning’s hand on the skirt, how dare she go to see her?

Yu Xiaoxiao pulled Ain's hand and said nothing, taking Aning to see Jingmo.

When the group walked halfway, they met Jingmo and took the ministers out.

"Princess," the guardian Changsheng was afraid that the officials would slow down the jade little in front of Jingmo, and they would be rushing to jade and Xiaoxiao.

The officials together rushed to the jade, and no one dared to look up at Yu Xiaoxiao. Their majesty had already scared their courage in order to protect the princess.

Yu Xiaoxiao stood next to the station, did not receive the ceremony of the ministers of the next day, said: "You are welcome, everyone."

Some of the ministers immediately comfort themselves, at least the exquisite princess is not an arrogant person, isn't it?

Jing Mo went to the front of Yu Xiaoxiao and smiled: "Is things done?"

Yu Xiao's novel: "When done, oh, Aning has something to ask you."

Jing Mo looked at Aning in front of himself and said: "Your father has been expelled from the clan. This time, it has nothing to do with your father. You don't have to be afraid of the girl."

Aning gave Jing Mo a head and said: "Aning understands."

Jing Mo said: "Then you still have something to find?"

Aning said: "The slave family has two friends in the government. It is the next person in the government. They want to ask for their lives."

Jing Mo smiled and whispered: "Zhou's daughter did not expect that it would be a change, knowing the trend."

Aning was blushing in a word by Jing Mo.

“Ah?” Yu Xiaoxiao stood by and asked: “What do you say about Jingmo?”

Jing Mo Chong Yu Xiao Xiao waved his hand, the princess would not care about this matter, then why should he care? "They are the hustle and bustle of the government?" Jing Mo asked Aning.

Aning said: "One is the martial artist in the house, and the other is the servant in the kitchen."

Jing Mo said that Xiao Xiao followed him to go forward, and said to Aning: "It is your good friend, then you will spare them."

When he was busy, he gave it to Jingmo and said, "The slaves thanked him."

Jing Mo and Yu Xiaoxiao walked side by side and asked Yu Xiaoxiao: "How much gold did the princess take?"

The big master replied to Yu Xiaoxiao: "One hundred boxes, we took a hundred boxes."

Jing Mo said: "So little?"

"Oh," Jade's novel: "Enough, I am not greedy."

Xiao Wei is behind the little sleeves of Yu Yu.

Yu Xiaoxiao was picked up by Xiaowei and walked behind Jingmo. He said, "Are you here again?"

Xiaowei’s mouth was pumped and he whispered to Yu Xiaoxiao: “I’ll just say it below. The princess in the vault can take it casually and count it as his thank you. After all, the princess helped him catch Zhou Pingzhou.”

Jade little...

Big head...

These two people suddenly want to die and die.

"Go and get it again, should you still have time?"

Dadang said: "The princess just said that she is not greedy, how can she open her mouth again?"

"Princess?" Two parents asked Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk at this time. She knew that she would not give her a compliment! This is full of malicious destiny!

To the reader:

The first is more.

Read The Duke's Passion