MTL - Heroic Death System-Chapter 251 ⊕05. Backtracking key 9

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Ivey squinted openly, with a fever that never faded. In the line of sight, a translucent silhouette stands quietly under the mottled tree shadow. The figure is elegant and light, and the long hair is looming in the breeze, looming like a misty mist.

The figure turned back, and the hair flowed with the wind, revealing a beautiful face.

Ivey stood up and came to Shang Ke, gently holding his face, the palm of his hand did not have a warm touch, only a touch of cool.

"Cocoa..." Ivey's deep eyes flashed a sparkling glow, with deep emotions.

He could still show a brilliant smile to him, reaching out and gently slamming his forehead, sprinkling countless beautiful stars.

Ivey also smiled, his eyes were soft, and the piece of heart was missing. It seemed to be completed at this moment. It seems that this lost complex feeling is not the first time to appear. It is both very satisfying and with a hint of sourness...

"Cocoa, Ivy!" The voice of the bubble came from a distance, breaking the silence of the morning.

I could turn my head and look for the elves to get up. Some of them poked their heads out of the house, some hang down the vines, and some sat on the treetops and waved to the side cheerfully.

It is still ridiculously welcoming. From today, he officially rose to the king of the child, leading this group of little cute to the great journey of dominating the world.

Ivey followed suit and followed him, watching everything in front of him, and a huge force in his heart.

Oath to fight for them, swear to die for them.

Recently, a new turmoil has taken place in the situation in the mainland. The ghosts and the gangs began to shift their strategic targets, attacking the local countries and destroying them in an attempt to disperse the forces of the coalition forces.

Their purpose soon received results, and the soldiers of the Alliance Army heard that their homes had been attacked, and they had no intention of staying behind, and they all asked to go back to support. In fact, the total number of people who control the ghosts and the shackles they control is less than a quarter of the coalition forces. But the murder of the ghosts is so frightening, even if they can only divide thousands of troops to several Destructive sweeping of a small defensive town is enough to make people feel guilty.

Ivy, who has memories of past life, knows that this is only the beginning. Then the ghosts will continue to harass the native countries of the various ethnic groups, killing and looting without evil. In just one year, the coalition forces fell apart and became a group of scattered sand. Then, the Ghosts will dispatch elite troops to launch a fierce attack on the Forest of the Forest, in an attempt to destroy the Holy Land. At the time, Ivey left the elf in Weilu Forest, and he went alone to participate in the war. As a result, he did not expect the elf to follow, and finally used the fierce way of self-sacrifice to help the Alliance forces to retreat the ghosts.

Now, once again, Ivey will naturally not let the situation worsen.

The Ghosts dare to use the voice of the East to attack the West's differentiation tactics, and he can also cure his own people with his own way.

Ivy leaned on the branch and watched as she sat at the lake to help Erica tie her hair. Erica's hair is as hard as a branch, messed up, and after only moisturizing with spring water, it only softens slightly. It took a few dozen minutes to straighten the hair and tie it into two big scorpions. When the hair is dry, the scorpion will become a whip and can be used as a weapon...

The other elves were also carefully dressed up, and the exquisite aristocratic costumes were replaced with light suits. Most of the elves prefer green, so their costumes are basically green, and they are grouped together in a group, which looks like a piece of lotus leaf swaying.

Then, they can choose their favorite accessories, such as knives, swords, knives, hammers, forks, shovel, bows, darts, staff, spears, mirrors, bracelets, and various musical instruments. . Because the Ghosts have the ability to manipulate metals, the materials used in these devices are non-metallic.

When these things were still available, the elves were mad, provocative, and spent two or three hours before making a difficult choice.

As can be seen from their choices, most of them do not like melee weapons, but are more interested in instruments, accessories and other items.

Of course, these artifacts can still be rectified, not for the purpose of letting them participate in the battle, but as a medium to divert the natural power of the elves and help them develop their own power better. Nourish their bodies.

The courses that can be arranged for them are “simple”, that is, using magic to create their own “small base” and combat methods, including defense points, ambush points, gazebos, underground passages, planting areas, trap areas, magic Marking, messaging, terrain design, and more. Every project must go through internal discussion and research, first carry out small-scale simulation, and then formally implement it.

Pure blood elves are different from other races. They have a certain knowledge inheritance. The mastery of writing and talent skills is very rapid. The lack of experience is mainly the accumulation of experience, the use of mana and the development of creativity.

Once the preparation is sufficient, the first task can be released: to find out the terrain, vegetation distribution and animal species within the coverage of the first magical array, and then make it into a map. This task can be teamed or acted alone. The surrounding environment is well known, so there is no fear that the elf will be in danger. Even in the event of an accident, he can arrive in an instant.

The elves were fully armed and fighting high spirits, and they rushed into the woods with a sigh of relief. Only Hill with inconvenient legs stayed in the base camp. She is still going to make a magical wheelchair for her and teach her how to portray and use floating arrays on objects.

At present, the current body has reached 62%. On the basis of visible, it has increased audible, and there is no obstacle to communication with the elf.

"Cocoa." Ivey's voice came from behind, but he could look back. He was also fully armed. He was ready to travel. He couldn't help but ask, "Would you like to go out?"

"Well, about a month or so."



It is still possible to take a small bamboo tube from the Shenmu space and hand it to Ivy: "The inside is the essence of the fountain of life, which can provide a lot of natural aura."

Ivey took the bamboo tube into the bag and then fixedly looked at it: "Wait for me to come back."

"Yeah." Didn't stop, didn't stay, but just silently sent him to leave the forest.

He believes in Ivey's ability and believes in his decision. And just now, the system provides a message: Ivey has the memory of this world.

"System, I have been curious for a long time. Every time I go back to it is a rebirth. Why does he sometimes retain the memory before rebirth, sometimes not?"

That is because he returned the memory to him.

The spirit will not tell Shangke that these memories belong to him. He gave up the integration into the main soul, and chose to guard them as the spirit, the only precious thing that can be obtained is the memory of the soul of the soul.

The soul of the Lord's soul has a deep soul, but he can't keep it, can't taste it, and every reincarnation must start from scratch. He does not know that he has lived, loved, happy, and painful. Because these memories will eventually become a treasure of the spirit.

The moment when the Lord's soul dies is the most happy time of the spirit. The reception of memory will let him come to his place, feel that the Lord's soul has experienced and experienced everything he has experienced, including the love he still has.

The memory of happiness, the spirit will not return to the soul of the soul, but if you can help the cocoa to tide over the difficulties and better protect him, the spirit does not mind to distinguish him. So let him be an understanding ghost, don't make the same mistake again.

Men, it’s time to lick yourself!

[The answer is very simple, the lack of memory depends on whether someone is wise (痣?) barrier. 】

Yes: "..." He felt that he should not ask this question.

Ten days later, there was an inspiring news from the outside world. Several senior generals of the Ghosts were concealed in their camps, and they were sealed and stunned. This incident caused a lot of shock inside the Ghosts. Their external destructive actions also temporarily stopped, and they turned to gather strength and strengthen their alert to prevent another sneak attack.

You don't have to guess, you know that it is definitely what Ivey did. Throughout the Anglo mainland, only his Oxygen Spirit can cause such damage to the Ghosts in a short time. The oxygen spirit beads he made and other artifacts that contain aura do not have the effect of a direct sealer. The enhanced version of Oxygen Pearl - Oxygen Engraving can do this, but the refining is cumbersome, the materials are scarce, and the user's own properties are also limited, and the probability of complete sealing is only 35%, other times generally only the largest Limit the action of the ghost.

And Ivey's oxygen therapy relies entirely on his own strength, awakening the dragon's bloodline, and the aura supply of the fountain of life is enough to bring oxygen to the extreme.

The purpose of Ivey is to harass and sniper. Every two or two months, I will go to the camp of the ghosts and go to the camp. I will seal one by one, delay the pace of their march as much as possible, and get enough preparation time for the Alliance and Coco.

Although the task is arduous, Ivenin is willing to travel long distances, go back and forth, and also come back to see the side in the agreed time.

The exhaustion, killing and blood of the war, washed away in the moment of entering this quiet and beautiful land, greeted him with a familiar smile and a natural atmosphere that can dispel all negative buffs.

[The gel reaches 97% and is expected to be materialized after ten days. 】

Still not happy, but also listen to the system to add: [In this period, not allowed to dream, not allowed to lose the exercise, not allowed to consume physical strength, not allowed to waste "fine" power. 】

Yes: "...the others don't say it, it doesn't seem that I can control it."

[The host does not want to lie to the system, the system has a few hairs on the host. 】

Can you keep a little privacy for him?

Black line: "I try to control..."

[The host does not have to worry, if the host can not control, the system will help the host. The existence of the system is to solve the "male" for the host. 】

I don’t want to be worried about "male" at all...