MTL - Heroic Death System-Chapter 210 Θ08. Death cycle

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It’s not easy to enter the human base, but you can still open the computer in the room, and plan to collect information about the world, such as all survivor bases that humans currently build. Location distribution and well-known mercenary groups and abilities around the world.

Seeing the concentration, the screen suddenly blackened, and then there was a crack in the road. Then, the glass on the table, the teacup, the window... cracked one after another, sending out a series of sizzling sounds.

Still able to turn back suddenly, the emperor's eyes behind him flashed cold, blood surges, the bottom layer of the powder on the skin cracked, like the porcelain that is about to be broken, it looks particularly terrible. A powerful force emanated from him and swiftly swayed around.

Worse, this guy is going to run away!

I didn't even think about it, I quickly took out a bottle from the waist and put it in the mouth of the emperor.

The emperor bit his baby bottle and stared blankly at Shangke. After a moment of silence, he slowly and slowly took a sip. Then, the blood in his eyes gradually disappeared, the cracks around him stopped spreading, and the horrible breath disappeared into the invisible.

It is still visible that he took the bottle and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although I don't understand why he suddenly became violent, it was finally suppressed in time.

Bottle shot, invincible devil head seconds become pure baby!

From then on, the bottle is the ultimate weapon he must have with him!

While holding the bottle and drinking milk, the emperor squatted on the ground and looked at the faintly. It looked like a fierce face, but there was no attack.

I still want to laugh a little, and a few smiles are not consciously venting from the eyebrows, like water ripples, brilliance.

In the next second, I could feel the blackness in front of me. The whole person was pressed against the wall, and a sweet milk smell came from my mouth.

The emperor kissed Shangke enthusiastically, occupying his breath with hegemony.

Can still be dizzy and kissed, lips and tongues, a little worried that this time will not die because of suffocation.

During the ignorance, I suddenly heard the tearing of the cloth, and then I felt that the abdomen was hit by something hard, and there was a feeling of numbness.

The emperor withdrew slightly and looked at the man in his arms.

While still rushing to breathe, looking at the abdomen, and then horrified to find something in the emperor's leg actually poke a trousers out of a hole, standing upright in the air, slamming against him.

However, I only feel that the back is cold and the cold sweat is flowing down.

Is this not the most vulnerable part of men? This one has obviously evolved into a biological weapon.

The emperor looked down and frowned. "The pants are broken."

Can you break it? Don't talk about pants, even steel plates have to be broken!

It is still possible to pull away from him without any trace. Fortunately, there were pants to block a "knife" for him, otherwise his stomach is not just a little pain.

At this moment, there was a loud voice outside. Many people ran out of the room in amazement and asked each other about the changes that had just occurred.

The power of the emperor spread to the entire base. Although it was only a few seconds, it gave everyone an unspeakable desperation and fear in their hearts. They could burst into such a powerful power in an instant, and their strength was at least nine.

This small base has a strong nine?

In the room of a building, a black-haired man suddenly opened his eyes and fixedly looked at the front wall. His sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the wall and see everything outside.

The light outside the window left a shadow on his handsome side face, and two golden lights shimmered in the ink-colored pupil.

"Huo Xuan." A man's voice came from outside the door, and there was a rhythmic knock on the door.

The dark-haired man swept away, and the originally closed door slammed softly and quietly opened.

"Huo Xuan, what happened just now? Do you know?" The man who entered the door was a long-haired man of 30 years old. His face was clear and his eyes were slender, revealing an elegant transcendental. At this time, if other mercenaries are present, they will be able to recognize his identity immediately. The first master of the Huo Xuan battle group, there is only one of the three nine-level abilities in the world - Feng Jun Zuo Xian.

"Master, three hundred meters northwest." Huo Xuan stood up, walked slowly to the window, ignored the crack on the glass, just calmly staring at the lights outside the window.

"Master? What kind of master?" Those who can be called "masters" by the world's best, at least eight. The left string of the nine-level abilities was just suppressed by this force, and its strength is evident.

"Not worse than me." Huo Xuan answered this.

Although there is speculation in my heart, I heard Huo Xuan personally admit that the face of the left string is still amazed.

“Do you need me to meet?” asked the left string.

"No need." Huo Xuan slightly narrowed his eyes. "The power of that person is full of the breath of death. For the time being, don't touch it."

Nodded to the left string, no longer discussed the "master", asked: "We have dispatched two 8-level and one-ninth-level abilities this time, and you are the strongman sitting in the town, can't you deal with it? Only level the zombies? Why bother?

"Not one." Huo Xuan replied, "It's two, two levels of zombies and..."

"And what?" asked the left string.

Huo Xuan silent for a moment, said: "I hope I am more concerned. In short, it is always good to recruit some masters."

On the second day, he was able to walk out of the room with his limbs, and he changed his armor with a loose sportswear.

A zombie king was stiff for one night, and his temper was good and bad. In order to avoid the tragedy, he could prepare dozens of bottles of milk. If he noticed something was wrong, he immediately stuffed the bottle into his mouth.

By the watering of the milk, the emperor "grows up" very well, and has nothing to do overnight, but it is still alive.

Fortunately, the zombie king does not know what is called "mating"!

“Yes?” Just out of the dormitory, I heard someone calling his name behind him. I can still go back and find that the person who came to the scene was almost a few people who had been killed by the emperor because of a few strings of grilled fish.

"It’s so good, I met again.” Song Bin first said hello to Shang, and then turned his eyes to the man beside him. "Is this?"

I can still hesitate and answer: "My friend, Wang Hao."

The emperor glanced at him, without refutation, and two indifferent eyes swept through Song Bin inadvertently.

Song Bin’s little finger trembled unnaturally, and a cold chill sighed straight into his heart, and his face could not help but change slightly. On the contrary, there are few special reactions behind him.

The stronger the strength, the easier it is to induce the strong. As a prince of the eighth power, Song Bin still inevitably has fear of the emperor, and the shock in his heart does not have to be said.

"Hello, my name is Song Bin, I am very glad to meet you." Song Bin calmed his heart and reached out to the emperor.

The emperor stared at his outstretched hand and his face was condensed.

I am sure that this guy is considering whether to break this hand or crush it directly!

"Sorry, my friend is not good at dealing with people, please forgive me for the rudeness." Shang Ke took the hand of Song Bin instead of Emperor.

Song Bin is an eight-level actor, and is the brother of Huo Xuan. No matter where he is placed, he is the number one person. The emperor can be seen in nowhere, but he still doesn't want to be enemies for no small reason.

It is still possible to hold this grip, which slightly relieved Song Bin’s embarrassment, but it caused the emperor to be very unhappy.

Don't wait for the hand to be put down, the Emperor grabbed his wrist and heard a "clam" sound.

The sound is not big, but with the ears of Song Bin, I naturally heard it. He looked at the pale face and looked at the wrist that was tightly grasped by the emperor. He hesitatedly asked, "Are you... okay?"

I still want to cry without tears. I know that I won’t be handcuffed. Other people’s hands are fine, and my hands are cut off! Still not reasonable!

What is even more tragic is that the emperor's nails pierced the fair skin, the bright red blood flowed out, and the delicious breath quickly spread in the air.

When I was about to return, I heard the snoring of the zombies coming from outside the base. From far and near, the accumulation was small, and finally gathered into a huge wave, which came to the base where the base was located.

Looking at the back of Song Bin’s hurried departure, it’s a bit too aggressive: he just shook hands...

"Zombies are coming!" The mercenaries rushed to each other, picking up their weapons and preparing for the battle.

Human bases are often attacked by zombies, and experienced mercenaries are not alarmed. It’s just that they don’t think about it anyway, the attack that will be suffered this time is more violent than ever before.

“What happened?” After half an hour, the mercenaries quickly found out that something was wrong. “Where did these zombies come from? How could the number be so much?”

Outside the defensive wall, countless zombies continue to gather from all directions. At first, they were the lowest-level gray-eyed zombies. Soon after, white-eyed zombies began to appear. As for the high-level red-eyed zombies and the zombies, it is difficult to capture with the naked eye.

For a time, the people in the base were heartbroken. Mercenaries are not afraid to fight zombies, but only if the number and level of zombies are within their reach.

Twenty to fifty is completely fine, but fifty to five hundred or even five thousand. Unless they are all masters of level seven or above, I am afraid that they will not die. What's more, as long as it is scratched or bitten by a zombie, there is a 50% chance of becoming a zombie. Even those who are above the eighth level have a 10% chance.

I still couldn’t think of just holding my hand, but it caused such a big trouble.

Emperor apparently did not intend to suppress the zombies, let them besieged the base. The only thing that can be done is to stay in the room and wait for the wound to heal. As long as the zombies can't smell the blood, they should slowly dissipate.

His wounds are not big, I believe it will take you an hour or two to heal.

However, just as he was still able to heal, the emperor disappeared and took a bottle full of milk!

You can quickly use a bandage to wrap the wound thickly several layers, and sprinkle with a strong perfume, sure that there will be no trace of blood oozing out, then hurriedly leave the room to find the trace of the emperor.

He did not dare to let such a **** of killing wander around the human base.