MTL - Heroes of the Invincible Undead-Chapter 2851 return authority

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What appeared in the hands of the Angel of Andorra was a rusty chain with a cold light.

Rhodes had seen that chain before, and the owner of the chain was a chain demon with an immortal body. He had left a deep impression on Rhodes, but it was a pity that he still fell into the hands of the holy angel. Even an immortal body cannot resist Andor's obliteration of the soul.

The chains he left behind were also taken away and purified by the angels of Andorra. Compared with what Rhodes saw last time, the chains were no longer dark and dark at first, but became rich in iron-blue luster, except for a few traces of rust. In addition, it looks like it has just been built, exuding a cold breath.

Right now, Rhodes has also guessed the intention of the Andor Angel. Rhodes can rely on the power of the spiritual catalyst to detect the power of thought contained in the things left by Moner, and Andor can also use the chain to detect the past of the chain demon. memory.

Andor bowed to Rhodes, then imitated Rhodes' appearance, and covered the spiritual catalyst on the chain. She closed her eyes, the eyeballs under her eyelids trembled slightly, and those memories also came to her mind.

It wasn't until Andor opened his gentle eyes again that Rhodes asked, "What did you see?"

"I saw a lost soul, and a completely depraved saint." Andor sighed softly as if regretting.

Rhodes glanced at her: "You said that chain demon, he is actually a saint?"

"Yes, and I personally awarded the reward." Andor replied without any concealment, "In the era of ancient Erathia, he was a devout believer. When the crisis came, he killed his son and offered his son to God The prayer was finally answered by God. After that, he became a saint walking in the world, possessing the power of immortality, but lost the courage to live, and only wanted to die."

Rhodes nodded and continued to listen to Andor's narration.

"From his memory, I saw how he wanted to die. He tried countless methods, no matter whether it was a sword, a sword, a halberd, or earth, water, fire, and air, none of them could break through the limitation of the immortal body, thus To really kill him, not even a hero can do that."

After a pause, Andor continued: "In the end, he used the finest iron ore to forge a set of heavy shackles. He nailed the chains under his own flesh, locked himself up and sank to the bottom of the sea, the chains However, he gradually merged with his physical body and became a part of the immortal body. He fell into suspended animation at the bottom of the sea, and was accidentally captured by a group of Bracada mages as a monster, and was imprisoned in the prison until..."

"Until the undead aggressively attacked Bracada and released him from prison." Rhodes took Andor's words and said that the chain demon's ability to escape can be said to have a direct relationship with him.

Thinking of the power of the chain demon, Rhodes couldn't help asking: "Is the immortal body also one of the powers of the domain of destiny?"

"Yes." Andor nodded, confirming the speculation in Rhodes' mind, "When death is excluded from a person's fate, immortality is also formed. Generally speaking, only people with stigmata Only the human beings chosen by the hunters are eligible to obtain this power."

The flame girl, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, seemed to be unable to bear it at this time, and interjected:

"If it's just a pure immortal body without other power support, we have too many ways to restrain it. Whether it's burning the fire of destruction in the domain, or relying on the superiority of the number of subordinates, we can easily deal with it, Even mages know what to do, not to mention you still have a holy angel. Her holy power is the best weapon against the undead, and all souls will be wiped out by her power."

At the end, she glanced at Andor secretly, saw him look over, and hurriedly hid behind Rhodes, couldn't help complaining:

"Really, how did you control the holy angel? That is the most terrifying angel among the clouds. Having said that, the holy angel who is in charge of judging and liquidating all living beings needs extremely devout faith as support, and it is inevitable after a long time Faith is shaken, eroded by sin karma, and depravity has become a norm. The previous generation of holy angels are now the arrogant kings who rule hell."

Hearing this, Rhodes also glanced at Andor, only to see her showing a kind and friendly smile. The smile was gentle, but it had an inspiring power. It was an angel's smile.

Seeing this, Rhodes could only shrug his shoulders towards the flame girl. She, who was once the king of hell, obviously knew more about everything about Cloud City.

It was a coincidence that from the moment Andor appeared in the clouds, Rhodes felt something was wrong, it was not his turn to deal with the enemy at all.

When the doomsday war breaks out, when the demons tear open the gate of Cloudsdale and infiltrate the clouds with their sins, there will be a fierce battle between the old and new holy angels, and Andorra will even become Cloudsdale to fight against it. The main force of the Legion of Doom, she will take up the sword in the cloud to judge the kings of the kingdoms and kings. The protection from fate will make her invincible. I don’t know how many demons will die under her sword.

However, things changed quietly. The Angel of Andorra, who was supposed to show his power in the late stage of the third expansion, lost his faith under the interference of the spiritual monarch, and instead joined Rhodes under the influence of the field of love. It was rumored that the entire Cloud City would be deeply shaken.

After this battle, while Yunzhong City lost a general, Rhodes, who had gained a lot, gained more wings. What he added was not only a pair of wings, but six wings belonging to an angel.

With the Angel of Andor, many enemies who were originally difficult have now become vulnerable. Without the identity of a hero, even a demigod-level existence would not dare to face the Angel of Andorra. The flame girl hiding behind Rhodes is the best example.

Just as Rhodes was thinking, Flame Maiden stretched out a finger, poked him on the back a few times, and muttered with her mouth puffed out: "Rhods, since you are safe now, you can return the monarchy." Did you give it to me?"

"Of course." Rhodes nodded. When the Flame Maiden lost the authority of the Fire Elemental Monarch, the Spiritual Monarch stared at the Fire Elemental Plane where she was. If she didn't return the authority to her, after Rhodes left, It is inevitable that it will be attacked by spiritual elements again.

Although Rhodes killed the magic element hero under the command of the spiritual monarch, Paris will definitely not let it go. Rhodes doesn't know what her plan is, but he must take adequate precautions.

In addition, after discovering the effect of the Domain of Love, Rhodes also had other ideas. Since the experience points of the creatures killed by the flame girl can also be counted on her own head, then her strength is also her own strength. The stronger her strength, the better it is for Rhodes. The authority of the monarch is returned to her, and Rhodes will not lose anything.

However, when Rhodes was about to give the monarchy, his movements stopped suddenly. It wasn't that he changed his mind temporarily, or changed his mind, but that Rhodes didn't know what to do to separate the monarchy from his body. Come.

It has not been long since Rhodes was promoted to legend and has the ability to use the power of the monarchy. His research on the monarchy is far less profound than other elemental monarchs, and he encountered some troubles at this moment.

In desperation, Rhodes had no choice but to ask the fire elemental monarch in front of him. As an elemental monarch, she obviously had a good understanding of the monarchy: "What should I do to return the monarchy to you?"

The corner of Flaming Girl's mouth rose slightly, and she couldn't help but give Rhode a blank look.

Before Rhodes could react, he felt a wave of heat in his arms. Fiery fire elements surged around Rhodes' body, and there was a faint tendency to lose control. Existing in Rhodes' body, the strong death energy was unexpectedly gone at this moment. Forcibly transforming into a fire-type magic element is a sign of the monarch's authority being activated.

Rhodes looked down, but only saw a long fiery red hair, and the Flame Maiden who hugged him tightly and bowed her head deeply. Recalling her actions when she lent her sovereign power to herself, Rhodes could guess her intentions. It's just that in addition to the power of the fire department, Rhodes also has the power of the air system left by Thelma. He clearly remembers that when Thelma handed over the monarchy to himself, he didn't do any unnecessary actions, just clapped his hands on himself.

Rhodes was a little helpless, but who made him not know much about the authority of the monarch? He could only choose to trust the Flame Maiden, at least Rhodes could be sure that no matter what she did, she would not murder him.

Feeling the scorching heat and scalding in front of his body, at this moment, Rhodes seemed to be in front of the sun, enduring the heat and scorching of endless flames, hot sweat dripped from his head, but it made the connection between the two closer, exuding The waves of flames distorted the surrounding light, a long-lasting fire cloud appeared in the sky, and the ground was evaporated and cracked.

If the elemental plane of fire is not placed at the moment, but placed in the main plane, the high temperature that burns everything is enough to turn a thousand miles around into a dry land with no grass, any water will be evaporated quickly, and any living things will be melted. As a scorched corpse, it is even more effective than the cloud of death in eradicating plants on the ground.

Even the Angel of Andorra flew away towards the distance at this moment, and at the same time turned his gaze away, no longer looking directly at the center of the light like the sun. The grand light that ignited the sky was even more dazzling than the holy light in the clouds.

And in the very center of that burst of light, Rhodes' perception gradually changed. The flame that burned everything did not belong to his power, but to the flame girl.

After losing the authority of the monarch, the massive fire elements contained in her body tended to get out of control all the time. The fire magic elements of the entire main plane were all gathered in her body, and she did not have the authority of the monarch to carry out Driving, it is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous behavior.

Once the elements in her body were out of control, the backlash would be enough to completely tear her soul apart. The previous magic element heroes took a fancy to this and planned to use this weakness to deal with her.

The dull heat wave emanating right now is a sign that she is unable to control the huge fire element. The endless fire element spews out from her body, almost igniting the entire plane. If it is detonated by external force, it will destroy The entire plane caused irreparable trauma, but when she hugged Rhodes tightly, the overflow of the fire element was effectively suppressed.

Under her guidance, the unique sovereign authority moved slowly between the two as they hugged each other closely, and finally returned to the monarch who was in charge of the fire element.


After taking back the sovereign authority in charge of the fire element, the Flaming Girl let out a soft snort. Under the control of that sovereign authority, the discomfort has been completely eliminated, and all flames have returned to her control, even if it is the entire main plane. She can also control all the fire elements in her body.

She just felt that she was in great condition, and she became confident again when she stared at the Andorra angel's eyes.

In Rhodes' perception, his ability to control flames has declined. After losing the power to unlock the fire element, Rhodes could no longer freely mobilize all the fire elements in the space like elemental creatures, but the fire elements did not leave Rhodes, but still enveloped his whole body.

The most blazing fire element in the world is right in front of Rhodes. Although Rhodes has lost the authority of the fire department, he has a more fiery elemental monarch.

"Rods..." Fromm called Rhodes' name, and snorted coquettishly, "When those fire elementals knew that I lent you the authority of the monarch, they all believed that it was impossible for you to return the authority to me."

"Really?" Rhodes stared at the pair of burning children. If he was replaced by a low-strength him, it was really possible that he would never pay back, but it was different now. Perhaps unconsciously, he himself Influenced by the field of love, "No matter how powerful the fire elemental monarch is, how can he fascinate me more than the things in front of me?"

Listening to Rhodes' narration, the flame seemed to burn the face of the Flame Maiden. Although she had regained the monarchy, she still did not let Rhodes go, and even hugged him even tighter.

After a while, she let go of Rhodes reluctantly, and Rhodes said seriously:

"Listen to me, there is a power in this world that can completely erase all the events we have experienced, and even everything that exists, so that the world will go on a completely different trajectory. All your memories of me, and ours Experience, may no longer exist, maybe in another timeline, you don't know who I am at all, do you want this to happen?"

Hearing what Rhodes said, thinking about what would happen if she couldn't see Rhodes, Flaming Girl hurriedly shook her head: "I won't let this happen."

"Very well, now I need you and the power of the elemental monarchs." Rhodes said in a deep voice under the firm eyes of the flame girl.

As the battle on the Fire Elemental Plane subsides and the military parade gets closer, Rhodes also has to look at the strongest opponent he has faced in this life, the big red dragon who was once considered the protagonist of the third expansion, the hero Morrill.