MTL - Heroes of the Invincible Undead-Chapter 2835 special space

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"Rod, let me see where you are going this time."

The ruthless and solemn voice of the Angel of Andorra reached Rhodes' ears. The angel actually broke into this unknown space with him, and it seemed that he would not give up unless he was killed.

"I didn't run away."

Thanks to the angel, the giant hand that was dragging Rhodes' soul was broken under the flowing light transformed by the angel. Rhodes also regained his freedom. He listened carefully, and he could still hear the voice coming from the depths of the space. Some kind of stinging spiritual growl.

Scanning around, Rhode's eyes sank, and he quickly analyzed the situation he was in. His body was still outside, and it was his spirit and soul that were pulled into this space, so he couldn't use his blood power, or his body. The power of the artifacts above him, even space magic, can't take effect on the pure spirit. In other words, he is trapped in this space.

The angel over there didn't exist in this form. Relying on the protection of fate, she broke into this unknown space with her body. In addition to lamenting her madness, Rhodes could also see that she and the enemy who opened this space were not in the same group.

"The villain who stole the authority of the monarch, Monarch Paris wants to see you! Quickly surrender the authority of the monarch, and perhaps the magnanimous Lord Paris will save you from death."

In the space surrounded by the magic nebula, Rhodes heard the voice again, and the owner of the voice was the magic elemental who caught him here.

"You want the monarchy? Then you can take it yourself!" Rhodes said not to be outdone, he felt the wonderful space nearby, and he gradually got a bottom line in his heart.

Before the magic elemental man could reply, a bright golden sword glow passed by Rhode's body. Rhode quickly dodged the attack, and then looked at the Angel of Andor who couldn't help but shoot.

"Wait, you are also trapped in this space, why don't we stop temporarily and wait until we find a way to get out of the space." Rhodes suggested.

Rhode's proposal only got the angel's cute white eyes: "After I judge you, I have plenty of time to find a way to leave."

After finishing speaking, another sword light slashed towards Rhodes, and the magic elemental man in the distance also stared at Rhodes, and began to use the power of spirit to call out from the magic nebula around Rhodes and under his feet. A monster with teeth and claws.

Facing the combined attack of the enemy, Rhode's expression changed. In this unknown spiritual space, he is the only one who can be said to be restrained everywhere. If he has a divine weapon in his hand, he can still fight the enemy a few tricks, but now it is better to escape as soon as possible. wonderful.

Rhodes noticed that this space seemed to have no entity, and it was full of unique magic nebula and spiritual nebula mixed with spiritual energy. The space here is inextricably linked with those special elemental people. Before that, Rhodes might have nothing to do about it, but now he is different from the past.

Under Morrill's guidance, Rhodes was promoted to a unique legendary profession, Elemental Sovereign, thus arousing the power belonging to the sovereign authority. In this space full of magic nebula, Rhodes felt full of power all over his body To the extreme, he, who is an elemental monarch as a profession, has the ability to directly use the free magic elements in the space to cast spells.

Not only that, under the reminder of the flame girl, Rhodes put another artifact on his body into the deepest part of the sea of ​​spirits. Due to its unique nature, that artifact can get rid of the restriction of the entity and come to this area. In the spiritual space.

According to what the Flaming Girl originally said, this was done so that the rest of the elemental monarchs could also borrow the power of that artifact when needed. Unexpectedly, at this moment, they became Rhodes' helper in turn, able to help him and get rid of the current situation. the difficulties faced.

Following Rhodes' thoughts, the orb emitting a dark light appeared in his hands. It was an orb of destruction that was extremely unique in its effect and could break all resistance to magic.

"Ball of Destruction? How is it possible..."

Looking at the treasure that Rhodes took out, the Magic Elemental Hero obviously thought of something, and the expression on his face suddenly couldn't be as calm as before. He obviously knew more about the ability of the Destruction Ball. Paris, who once claimed to be the fifth elemental monarch, was suppressed by the other elemental monarchs because of the influence of the ball of destruction. Now, seeing the dark orb appearing in Rhodes again In his hand, Moner also looked extremely surprised.

And Rhodes doesn't care that much, after his previous attempts with the Flaming Girl, he faintly sensed the unique ability belonging to the Destruction Ball. For the end of the sea of ​​spirits, the spiritual forbidden area that connects everything but prevents all creatures from approaching, the power of the ball of destruction can break down all barriers and obstacles.

In Rhodes' perception right now, how similar are the strangely shaped spiritual nebulae that exist nearby to everything he perceives at the end of the sea of ​​spirits? That is basically the existence of the same thing changing.

Since the power of the Orb of Destruction can show its power at the end of the sea of ​​spirits, it is also the same in this space of spirit and magic. Rhodes can control the magic nebula in the nearby space with the authority belonging to the elemental monarch, while those unique spiritual nebulae are left to the destruction ball in his hand to destroy.

Under the joint effect of these two forces, this space is no longer a strange and unknown place for Rhodes, but it makes all his actions unimpeded. What he should really worry about is not far away. Heroes with magic elements, and angels chasing after them.

A pitch-black light burst out from the orb in Rhodes' hand. Under the radiance of that light, all nearby creatures felt weak from instinct. It was a kind of discomfort after all their magic resistance was deprived. Perhaps Ando Angel Er is not afraid, she has the protection of fate that is stronger than pure magic resistance, but the magic elemental people on the side suddenly panicked.

"Rods, I didn't expect you to be able to take out the ball of destruction!" The magic elemental man scolded angrily, as if accusing Rhodes of disregarding the rules of the plane and taking out such a powerful artifact, and Rhodes just turned his eyes from The magic elemental man swept over him coldly, and turned to look for a way to get out of this space.

Under the destruction of the ball of destruction, the nearby spiritual nebula that blocked the way dissipated one after another. Rhodes can be said to be unimpeded in this space. He kept walking through this magical and spiritual space, looking for a way out of this place. But there has been no progress. The nearby spatial rules are perfect, just like the four elemental planes, and there are no spatial cracks at all.

Since space magic cannot be used, Rhodes can only use a simpler method to get out of this space, which is to use powerful magic to smash the barriers that block this space, and finally in the endless void, Find a way to return to the main plane.

Just as Rhodes was looking for a way to escape, the golden streamer broke through the blockade of the magic nebula, cut off all obstacles blocking the way, and rushed to Rhodes in an instant.

Feeling a fatal crisis, Rhodes felt a little bit bad at the same time, the angel never gave up chasing him, and it would be difficult for Rhodes to replace him with a body that can freely cast space magic. Escaping from the angels of Andorra, not to mention the present with only spirit and soul left.

But Rhodes will not give up lightly. Facing the attacking angel, he used the authority of the elemental monarch to summon layers of magic nebula in an attempt to block the angel's attack. The space blasted away, looking for a way back to the main plane.

The speed of the high-speed shuttle angel is always faster than Rhodes imagined. Even with Rhodes' vision, he can only see a stream of light flashing. All the nebulae blocking the way were cut by the Andor Angel. She has come to Rhodes before.

Rhodes didn't dare to stay for a moment, ignoring half of the condensed magic. Rhodes shone the light of the ball of destruction towards the ground under his feet. Under the illumination of this jet-black light, Rhodes The spiritual nebula he was standing on collapsed in an instant, and Rhodes was able to escape downwards.

Exercising the power belonging to the ball of destruction, Rhodes only felt that his heart was hanging to the extreme. Rhodes didn't know if his body would be resurrected after his spirit and soul were all killed by the angel, but He didn't want that kind of result to happen at all, and things seemed to have reached the worst moment.

Under the illumination of the Orb of Destruction, the ground formed by the spiritual nebula under Rhodes' feet collapsed rapidly. The deeper he went down, the more solidified the nearby spiritual nebula, and at the same time, the number of magic nebula became rarer.

Rhodes keenly noticed that most of those light magic nebulae are concentrated in the upper layer of this world, which is where Rhodes came from. more.

Rhodes didn't want to do this. Without the existence of the magic nebula, it meant that it would be difficult for him to exercise his sovereign authority, but he couldn't stop controlling the ball of destruction. That unreasonable angel was still behind. Chasing and killing himself, if she catches up with him, Rhodes doesn't think he will end well.

In the final analysis, it was because of the strength of that angel. How could Rhodes be forced to this step if he was replaced by an ordinary enemy? Regarding this, Rhodes could only sigh secretly in his heart, and only hoped that he could escape safely. When he finds Moreel again, he must let her use the power of the time domain to warn himself to be careful of that angel, and it is best to remind himself directly Don't go to the City of Lights, it's not a good memory.

As it went deeper and deeper, the angel's aura became farther and farther away from Rhodes, and the destruction of the spiritual nebula by the ball of destruction never diminished. The pitch-black orb in Rhodes' hands can break even the deepest barrier of the sea of ​​spirits, so it is no problem to use it to deal with these deposited spiritual nebulae.

The deeper it goes, the more solid the nearby spiritual nebula becomes. When Rhodes is continuously shuttled downward, he will naturally not forget not to let the light of destruction shine on both sides of his shuttle path, so that the collapsed spiritual nebula will His own path was completely blocked, and he did not give the angel a chance to catch up with him.

Without the existence of the ball of destruction, Rao is a powerful angel, and there is no good way to take those thick spiritual nebula for a while. Her sword blade is enough to destroy everything in the world, but facing the spiritual power densely packed like a rock, she How can the speed of cutting through the spiritual nebula compare to the radiance of the ball of destruction?

Seeing that the angel was also trapped by the environment of this space, Rhodes couldn't help exhaling deeply. Now he can be regarded as temporarily safe. All he has to do now is to go underground in this space. Go around in a big circle, refloat the ground from a position far away from the angel, and then manipulate the power belonging to the magic nebula to open a path for himself to return to the main plane.

Rhodes thought so, but things changed faster than he planned.

A unique spiritual power reached Rhodes' mind, and there was a kind of kindness in that power, as if the master here was welcoming his arrival. But Rhodes didn't feel that the means by which the magic elemental hero brought himself here meant any welcome.

"Humans who have inherited the authority of the monarch, welcome to my plane."

A unique flow of information was transmitted to Rhode's mind with the help of the spiritual nebula beside Rhodes. No matter how Rhodes tried, he couldn't avoid the influence of that spiritual power. Seeing this, Rhodes stopped using The ball of destruction moved downwards, and then touched the spiritual nebula beside it with its hands, which was harder than rocks, and conveyed its own consciousness to the existence over there: "Who are you?"

Soon, a burst of information that surprised Rhodes secretly, containing the rules of the plane, re-passed to his mind: "I am the leader of the spiritual elemental people, you can call me Paris, I was once The monarchs joined hands to seal, and now I want to take back my authority."

Sensing the meaning of the mental message, Rhodes complexion changed slightly. As he guessed, the one who was playing tricks in the dark and pulling him into this space was indeed the Paris whom the Flame Maiden had reminded him, that is, The existence of the self-proclaimed spiritual elemental monarch.

"Let me get out of here, maybe I won't care about your means." Rhodes said with a grim expression, anyone who is caught here, and only has a spirit and soul, without other powers in the body, I'm afraid Everyone will fall into deep anger like him.

With the Orb of Destruction in hand, Rhodes is not afraid of the so-called spiritual elemental monarch. In this unique space, the Orb of Destruction has shown Rhodes its greatest role, which is to destroy everything that is related to him. Spirit-related barriers, even the power of the spiritual elemental monarch, may not be an exception.