MTL - Heroes of the Invincible Undead-Chapter 2794 war of kings

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"Somla, I haven't settled with you for turning Verning into scorched earth. I didn't expect you to dare to return to Bracada. It's okay, I have two elemental monarchs to help me, today is yours." time of death."

Facing the powerful giant monster transformed by lightning, Rhodes did not back down in words.

As early as in the Battle of Bracada, Rhodes experienced Somra's strength. Although the lightning released by the giant monster was extremely powerful, it was completely restrained by the electric **** pendant held by Rhodes, and it could not hurt Rhodes no matter what.

What's more, there are still two elemental monarchs beside Rhodes. No matter how strong Somla is, he can't be an enemy of the two elemental monarchs at the same time, let alone Rhodes who is watching, etc. The moment Somura showed his flaws, Rhodes would definitely launch a thunderous blow.

The Fire Elemental Sovereign on the side was all talking, and didn't say much, but kept sneaking glances at Rhodes, which seemed to indicate that she had other thoughts in her heart.

Sensing the threat in Rhodes' words, Somla also understood the seriousness of the situation. If the two monarchs fight together, he will undoubtedly lose this battle. Even if he is a demigod, it is already his task to deal with a monarch. The limit was reached, so the angry elemental monarch said: "Telma, this battle is my challenge to you. Do you, as the air elemental monarch, plan to bully the few with more?"

The storm giant was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Rods, Fromm, please don't intervene in this battle."

Hearing this, the Flame Maiden let out a cold snort of disdain. Thelma didn't want her help, but she was much more relaxed. Rhodes on the side frowned, and looked back at the lightning giant who had come prepared.

As an old enemy who has been fighting Thelma for thousands of years, Somla obviously has a good understanding of the temper of the air elemental monarch.

Thelma, who has a gentle personality, will not completely suppress the existence that may threaten his status in the budding stage of the battle. Even when the challenger finds himself in front of him, he will not destroy it, at most he will seal it, naturally It will not do such a thing as playing more and playing less.

From the moment Telma accepted Somura's challenge as the air elemental monarch, it was a battle that belonged to him. Anyone else, whether it was the flame girl who was also the elemental monarch, or Rhodes on the side , cannot intervene in it.

"Telma, you have to think clearly." Rhodes couldn't help reminding, "He probably has a treasure against you in his hand. The air spirit ball in the Dragon King's treasury is in his hand now. You just now Injured by the arrogant king, the soul was damaged, and he found the opportunity for you to fall into weakness, so he challenged you. Why don't we go together, kill him and talk about other things."

Listening to Rhodes' narration, the flame **** the side also nodded repeatedly, with an expression of full agreement with Rhodes' proposal. No matter how strong Somla is, with the cooperation of the few of them, she can only escape in a hurry.

Sensing Rhodes' kindness, Thelma just shook her head in the end: "I understand your kindness, but this is a challenge to the elemental monarch, and it belongs to me. Please wait here with peace of mind, even if I don't Break free from the seal, I am still the air elemental monarch!"

Following Thelma's loud words, endless gusts howled around him. Although in the previous battle, he was once suppressed by the arrogant king, and his soul suffered a lot of trauma, but it is undeniable that he is the elemental monarch in charge of the world's energy elements, and he is a terrifying semi-human that surpasses all legendary creatures. God, how could this challenge make him shrink back?

Seeing that Thelma insisted on this, Rhodes no longer persuaded her, but still couldn't help reminding: "Be careful, Somra must have come prepared."

The flame **** the side just curled her lips, and stretched out her hand to hold Rhodes: "Why are you so concerned about him? It's fine if he doesn't let us make a move, and it just saves our energy. Let me see, wait for Somura to catch him When he was beaten and fled, he still had to ask us to help."

The corners of Rhode's mouth twitched, and the flame girl's mouth was still as poisonous as ever. Now, if Thelma really fell into a disadvantage, it would be difficult for her to say anything for help because of her words, and she didn't know about the others. Elemental Sovereign, how did he endure her for so many years?

Rhodes looked at her helplessly, why did she say these words? Did she really expect to see Thelma defeated? It's just that the flame girl didn't care, and even when Rhodes looked at her, and looked back with a bit of doubt and disdain, Rhodes knew that she was just talking casually.

With Thelma's promise, Somla no longer has any worries. Even after a long time, Thelma's nature has not changed, which is also the basis for Somla's daring to challenge him.

The two giants transformed into lightning and storm collided fiercely at this moment. The guests in the city were all attracted by the shocking power. They didn't understand what kind of monster could erupt such terrifying power. De defended in time, and the entire magic city would be razed to the ground by the aftermath of the battle between the two giants.

Even the great red dragon Molly, who rules the world, was also attracted by this demigod-level battle. This battle broke out under her nose. If she could see all the traces of the battle, she could also gain something.

The bright golden portal opened from beside Rhodes, and the commander of the evil eyes, Eget, appeared beside Rhodes. As soon as he appeared, he hurriedly asked Rhodes: "Lord of the undead, I serve Molly Queen Er's order came, what kind of creatures actually fought outside the magic city, and caused such great power? Could it be that they want to destroy this marriage?"

"Don't worry." Facing the sorcerer's inquiry, Rhodes comforted him, "Tell Morrill that this is a challenge to the Elemental Sovereign. After this challenge is over, everything will return to normal."

After getting Rhode's answer, the trembling Aijiete didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurried back to report the news. He tried to use the evil eye to observe those powerful demigods, but the price was that the evil eye disappeared instantly, and even he almost suffered disaster , I am afraid that only the Lord of the Undead, or the existence of the Dragon Queen, can be calm in front of the demigod.

The strong wind tore the earth apart, and the lightning blasted into the air, emitting dazzling rays of light. Due to the drag of the soul injury, the giant that the storm turned into gradually showed signs of failure, and it was obviously much slower to control the elements. On the contrary, the lightning giant on the side was even more menacing. The endless lightning pierced the storm one by one, faintly gaining the upper hand .

Taking a panoramic view of the battle that took place in the arena, the Flaming Girl couldn't help but smack twice at this moment, as if she was very dissatisfied with Thelma's performance. As the elemental monarch, he was actually suppressed by another monster. If this matter gets out, the Elemental Sovereign will lose face.

From the corner of the flame girl's raised eyes, Rhodes also saw the thoughts in her heart, and couldn't help reaching out to put his hand on her forehead. The reason why Thelma's soul was injured was all because of saving her from falling into the hands of the arrogant king. , doesn't she care at all?

"What are you looking at me for?" Sensing Rhodes' gaze, the Flame Maiden glared at him again, "This is a demigod-level battle, even in the Elemental Plane, this level of battle rarely happens, you Why don't you take a good look? you think what you are watching now is more attractive than the battle of the demigods?"

Seeing the flame girl trying to straighten her body, Rhode's mouth twitched: "I remember that Thelma was hurt by the arrogant king because I remembered that it was to help you? Don't you worry about him?"

"Why should I worry about him?" The Flame Girl snorted, "Didn't I say that? It's all because he took out the Hundred Feathers Crown, which made me want to go to the depths of **** to find a treasure, which is all his own." Wrong, he hurt himself."

Rhodes scratched his head, always feeling as if something was wrong. As the king in charge of the crime of jealousy, how could the Flaming Girl think it was her fault? I am afraid that only Rhodes can talk to her calmly. If Thelma were here, she would have been **** off by her.

"Speaking of which... why do you keep peeking at me? Since it's peeking, then when I notice it, you should look away instead of staring at me like you are now!"

The terrifying magic released by the lightning giant exploded gorgeous electric sparks in the sky above their heads. Under the light, it looked like a girl in flames wearing a new outfit, and she was questioning Rhodes relentlessly.

Rhodes scratched his head: "What are you talking about? Peeking? Why don't I know, when do I need to peek? Don't think too much, but when I think of you in my heart, I will look at you Just come here."

As Rhodes said, it was a habit of his. If he thought about something related to someone in his heart, he would put his eyes on that person. If that person was not by his side, he would It's just his habit to look at the sky, or force his gaze to that person through the Eternal Magic Eye.

After listening to Rhodes' explanation, Flaming Girl obviously didn't believe it, but she continued following Rhodes' words: "So, you think of me a lot in your heart?"

"You are the fire elemental monarch who burns everything. If I don't think about it at all, I'm afraid it will seem strange?" Rhodes analyzed it with reason, and he admitted it.

After listening to Rhodes' answer, Flaming Girl gave up asking for some reason, and didn't even look at Rhodes. She just grabbed Rhodes' hand, but it became tighter.

Just when Rhodes was about to continue to say something, the changes in the field attracted his attention.

The Air Elemental Lord, who had already been pushed into the downwind by the lightning giant, just wanted to use all his strength to turn the tide of the battle, but in front of something Somla took out, the restless air flow all over his body suddenly froze.

"Air spirit ball... You really got this treasure. Listen to those birds, you should also have the air magic book in your hand. What are you waiting for, show their power."

Seeing the light blue air spirit ball held by the lightning giant, Thelma's expression also became ugly. As Rhodes said, Somla had already obtained the air spirit ball that controls the atmosphere. Not only that, the record The magic book that contains all the magic of the air system is now in his hands. He obviously came prepared this time. The unprepared Thelma is about to be targeted by those treasures.

What made Therma calm down slightly was that she wanted to restrain the power belonging to the elemental monarch and defeat the elemental monarch in one fell swoop. Apart from those treasures, Somura was short of the last treasure, which was supposed to be jointly controlled by the elemental monarch. The destruction ball, under the effect of the destruction ball, the magic resistance ability of all creatures will be broken, even the elemental monarch is no exception.

After calming down, Therma turned her attention to a black-robed man who was on the sidelines. The artifact, the Orb of Destruction, is now on that man. As long as Somla can't get that artifact, he can't Using the ancient method to defeat the elemental monarch can only rely on one's own strength to win.

Even if she fell into a disadvantage for a while, Telma was an elemental monarch after all, and belonged to the power of an elemental monarch, so how could she be defeated by a **** and monster? Even though Somura has demigod strength far surpassing all legendary creatures, and Thelma has not withdrawn the power scattered in the world, but he cannot defeat the real elemental monarch after all.

"Telma! I will defeat you, I will smash the plot of the elemental monarch, and finally fulfill the promise..."

Somla's roar of thunder full of fighting intent also made Thelma, who had turned into a violent wind, show anger. As an elemental monarch, he would also feel angry. No matter how good your temper is, you should be impatient at this moment.

Endless storms gathered beside him, and the strong wind that could tear the sky apart was being driven by Thelma. At this moment, both Rhodes at the side and the flame girl who was pulling him could feel the power of the strong wind. When it comes to the terrifying power, that air element that engulfs everything belongs to the mighty power of the elemental monarch.

Somla, not to be outdone, also used his best power to pierce through everything, and the lightning that made the Titan surrender, at this moment emerged in Somla's palm, the terrifying magic contained in the lightning, even Surpassing the ultimate lightning condensed by Rhodes, even Rhodes' face could not help but change slightly at this moment.

As Thelma expected, Somla couldn't use the power of the Orb of Destruction anyway, and couldn't use the ancient method to deal with the elemental monarch. If he wanted to get the Orb of Destruction, he had to defeat Rhodes first. The mages of Lakata all dream of doing it, but there is nothing that anyone can achieve.

However, Telma missed one thing, that is, Somla is a hero. With the blessing of the boundless heroic will, Somla does not need those methods, but only needs the blessing of the spirit ball and the strange book. Then he will be able to show the strength to fight the elemental monarch.

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