MTL - Heroes of Marvel-Chapter 1298 Dagger

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Since following Lin Rui back here, Bucky has been standing behind him. Although he did get along with Techara in the way of friends before, but now things have reached this point, he can't treat Techara as a friend.

However, as the young man talked to the other person in front of him, Bucky was keenly aware that the atmosphere seemed to be gradually wrong.

Bucky knew from the beginning that Lin Rui ’s true identity was not just as simple as a diplomatic embassy of SHIELD, although Wakanda ’s real situation also shocked Bucky.

But the magic that Lin Rui once showed in front of Bucky also convinced him that for the young man in front of him, Wakanda might not really make him as marvelous as he had shown before.

And now, with the appearance of the opponent's high priest, Bucky finally saw the once familiar feeling from the young man's back. That is, an absolute strength, a feeling of absolute control over things. It seems that the other's high priest's words are about to cause the young man in front of him to tear off his unthreatening mask.

Thinking of this, Bucky stepped back slightly. He is not afraid, but worried that if things really develop into a very bad situation, he will cause trouble to the other party.

Although Ant-Man's suit has been hidden in Bucky, it also takes time to equip. In the face of these high-tech buildings that are incomprehensible, Bucky doubts whether he has time to put on the Ant-Man suit.

"Cut ~"

As Bucky stepped back silently and prepared, the young man standing in front of him suddenly made a small noise.

The sound that anyone could hear, with Lin Rui's increasingly disdainful expression, seemed to completely break the already weird atmosphere of this area.

Looking at the young man's disdainful eyes in front of him, the high priest burst out of anger inexplicably, and cried out loudly before Techara said anything.



The words of the high priest were still very useful. Without Techara speaking, the four bald female warriors who had been guarding the door rushed in with a serious face. Following the angry eyes of the high priest, they naturally surrounded Lin Rui and Bucky, but the weapon in their hands had not been activated.

"High priest! What are you going to do?" After the guard surrounded the two in front of him, Techara, who had just unexpectedly froze because of the sudden change of Lin Rui's style, shouted.

"Your Majesty, don't you see it? The diplomatic embassy representing SHIELD in front of him not only intended to interfere with Wakanda's state affairs, but also showed obvious disdain for the royal family, which Wakanda could not tolerate. "!" Ignoring Techara's attempt to let the guards withdraw, the high priest stared at Lin Rui in front of him and quickly snarled.

If at first the high priest still maintained his demeanor as an older generation, he used a gentler method to influence Techara's decisions and choices. So now, after Lin Rui appeared, the high priest was aware of the impact this young man would have on his plan.

Since the other party was so ignorant, the high priest just missed an opportunity for Techara to make a final decision. Perhaps the young man in front of him was the best opportunity.

Lin Rui not only has a special identity, but the key is that he now somehow shows his disdain for the Wakanda royal family. In this way, the high priest grabbed the young man who knew nothing about the heights of the earth, and at least made the peaceful establishment of diplomatic relations between SHIELD and Wakanda impossible.

"But ..." Techara wanted to refute the words of the high priest, but turned his head to see the increasingly disdainful expression on Lin Rui's face, and he just didn't know how to refuse.

"Humph! Grab me!" Seeing Techara couldn't refute, the high priest would let the nearby female warriors control Lin Rui and Bucky.


The high priest spoke again, and His Majesty the King did not stop it. Of course, the surrounding Wakanda warrior no longer hesitated. The weapon in his hand had already approached Lin Rui and Bucky. As long as they do not resist, these female warriors will not harm them. But, will Lin Rui and Bucky really stand on the ground and let them control themselves?

"Huh! It seems that I guessed right. The unexpected happened to you, the high priest." Finally, when those female warriors approached and were about to control them, Lin Rui, who had just disdained, spoke again.

Before the high priest and Techara understood what Lin Rui meant, Lin Rui, who was still standing just now, had moved. Simply raising his hand and rushing to Lin Rui's side, the two female soldiers who controlled him were pushed away with a dark force.


And the next moment Lin Rui opened the two female warriors with inner strength, the muffled sound of contact between the two limbs also came behind him. Obviously, Bucky and the two female fighters also fought. After battling hard with two alloy sticks, Bucky also repelled the two female soldiers.

"Techara, His Majesty the King of Wakanda. I came to seek cooperation with Wakanda in good faith. If you really choose this way to change Wakanda, I can only say that I am very disappointed. And, We will stop you. Don't doubt, we have this strength. "Lin Rui glanced back at Techara's face with a flat tone after glancing at Bucky, who had a slightly poor complexion behind him.

"Also, my disdain was not directed against Wakanda, but ..." Lin Rui didn't finish the last sentence, but his eyes had clearly shifted to the high priest.

"Finally ~ ~ I would like to remind them that it is best to stop them, otherwise it is likely that you, the Wakanda high priest, can't bear it." Before the high priest's expression was angry, he continued to scream , Lin Rui has chased a sentence.

Only a few minutes before and after coming from the high priest, Lin Rui's attitude, the aura of the whole person and the fighting power he showed had already surprised Techara many times. Especially the few words he just said are undoubtedly warning Techara: Do n’t mess with me, I ’m the one you ca n’t afford.

"You! ... get me! I want to see what consequences I can't bear!" It seems that because of Lin Rui's words, he was so angry that the high priest didn't care about Techara at all this time. In order to arrest them.



This time, the female warriors no longer underestimated the two in front of them. The alloy stick in their hands gleamed brightly, apparently turning on the real attack module. His eyes narrowed slightly, Lin Rui was still standing still indifferently. And Bucky also approached quietly, looking like he wanted to protect Lin Rui.

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