MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-~ Work related (2)

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Wearing a pair of brown glasses, he couldn't see his true face clearly.

However, in terms of body shape, he was not the man she met in the pharmacy. This man was a little thinner, and from the perspective of his skeleton, he was also relatively older, about fifty years old.

"Jun Li?" The visitor changed his voice, lowered his voice, and called her in a low voice.

Su Junli felt it was very funny, she was obviously doing something wrong, but she called her name to test whether she was asleep, and she didn't know if it was stupid or shrewd.

Of course she didn't answer and continued to pretend to be asleep.

The visitor saw that she was indeed asleep, so he quietly walked to the small table next to her bed, gently picked up the bottle of nurse and put it on the table, and told her to take the medicine three times a day.

He put the medicine into his white pocket, took out another bottle of medicine with the same packaging from another pocket, put it on the table, and then glanced at Su Junli.

Although blocked by brown lenses, Su Junli could still clearly feel that there was some kind of sinister, resentful and triumphant feeling in his glance at her.

Su Junli remained calm—

When someone pulled the door to leave, she flicked her finger slightly, and a small ball of paper hit the man's calf joint.

The visitor only felt his calf go soft, and with a thud, he knelt on the ground, knocked his head against the door, and made a "bang" sound—

He hurriedly looked back nervously, saw Su Junli still lying quietly, hurriedly opened the door, and rushed out like flying, the footsteps sounded hurriedly in the corridor, and then gradually disappeared.

Su Junli sat up, her jet-black eyes glowed like black gemstones under the weak sleeping light.

The slender brows were slightly wrinkled, and the eyes were half-closed.

In Dayong, he was on the throne, and he had demon eyes that were said to be a disaster for the country and the people, so he was always in danger of being plotted against. It was not easy for her soul to come to this other world, and she passed on to a woman with normal black pupils, but unexpectedly, she was still in danger, and many people wanted to put her to death.

Even if she doesn't check, she is smart enough to know that the drug that was replaced must be fatal to her, and two people did it one after another!

Of course, she didn't think that Su Junli had offended someone, which led to someone wanting to harm her. As the empress, she knows best that sometimes, interest disputes are the biggest trigger for murder.

The nurse came to make rounds and saw her sitting in a daze, and asked with concern: "Miss Su, is there something wrong?"

"No, I can't sleep, sit down." She said lightly.

The nurse raised her hand and looked at the watch on her wrist, and reminded, "Miss Su, it's almost time for you to take your medicine, don't forget to take it."

"Look at this medicine, what's in it?" Su Junli said to the little nurse as she handed the replaced medicine bottle just now.

The little nurse took a look at the bottle and said with a smile, "This is cephradine capsule, it has anti-inflammatory effect."

"Oh, then look inside, is it it?" Su Junli said.

"It must be. I made the medicine myself. Hehe, Miss Su, you can't doubt my professional ethics." The little nurse half-jokingly said.

"No, it's just that someone moved it just now." Su Junli said.

The little nurse was slightly surprised. She opened the bottle, poured a few pills from it, and looked at it. Her face immediately changed, and she exclaimed, "How could it be ampicillin capsules? I can't get these two medicines wrong. I'll take them carefully." checked..."

"It's none of your business!" Su Junli interrupted her panicked explanation, "I've already said, someone has touched it. Let me ask you, is this medicine poisonous?"

"This medicine is not poisonous, and it can also act as an anti-inflammatory. It's just that Ms. Su has asthma. Once she comes into contact with penicillin drugs, it will lead to allergic complications and life-threatening." The little nurse finished explaining and looked at her nervously. Ask, "Miss Su, do you want to call the police?"

"Precious mirror? Do you have a precious mirror? Can you tell who did it?" Su Junli asked blankly.

"Hehe, Ms. Su, you are joking. I meant to report to the police, not Baojing." The little nurse said with a wry smile. Of course, she also knew that the patient's brain was burnt out after the fever passed. , Amnesia, but she didn't expect that she would lose her memory so much that she didn't even know what it was to call the police. Is it true that her intelligence has returned to the kindergarten level as the handsome Mr. Chu said today?

"What is the police?" Su Junli asked.

"Specialize in catching bad guys!" The little nurse replied patiently.

"Oh, so it's almost the same as a fast arrest." Su Junli understood.

"Hurry up?" This time it was the little nurse's turn to be surprised, "This name seems to be an ancient name, right?"


Su Junli didn't answer, she pursed her lips and remained silent.

"Ah—" the little nurse suddenly yelled, and then suddenly realized, and said to Su Junli with a very understanding expression, "I understand, Miss Su has been poisoned by time travel, hehe, I really didn't expect it, I originally I thought that only boring people like me love time-travel dramas, but it turns out that Miss Su, as the president, also loves time-travel dramas, haha."

Time-travel drama? What the **** came from?

However, Su Junli chose to be silent again at this time, without asking any more questions, but waved his hands coldly and said, "I'm going to sleep, you go out."

The little nurse looked up and saw that her eyes suddenly became a little cold, she panicked for no reason, and said hastily, "Well, I'll go get the medicine for you again."

"It's unnecessary." Su Junli refused, "I don't want to take medicine."

"Then... Do you want to call the police?" The little nurse asked cautiously. She noticed that this Su Junli exuded a certain aura, which made her feel stressed and even a little scared.

"No, I'll figure it out myself, you can go." Su Junli said angrily.

"Well, I'm leaving, you have to pay attention to safety, remember to let us see before taking any medicine in the future." The little nurse reminded me responsibly, then closed the door and left.

-----Off Topic-----

In a word: Remember to put it in the bookshelf for collection, your collection and comments are Xixi's greatest motivation.

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

【005】You better be!

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:17:40 Number of words in this chapter: 3902


The next day, Dongfang was only slightly pale, and her so-called "rice potato" Chu Xian hurried over.

Chu Xian is wearing a royal blue suit today with a white shirt trimmed with blue embroidery. Although she is not used to this kind of dress, she still thinks he looks very elegant like this, which reminds her of the word gentle as jade .

In the past, she also thought that royal blue should be the most suitable for her bodyguard, but he always only wore black clothes, which made him look more stern and shocking.

Once, she specially asked someone to make a sapphire blue robe with white embroidered edges for Ye, and then she quietly lay down on his roof to watch him change it.

When he took off the black dress, put on the royal blue loose robe, put on the belt, opened the neckline, and lay lazily on the soft couch, she suddenly wanted him to sleep with him and be her concubine.

However, she still restrained herself. If he became her concubine, she might lose one of her most trusted subordinates. Having witnessed all kinds of battles in the palace since she was a child, she knew best that the harem would be a cruel place to wear down sincerity and trust. place.

Therefore, when she saw Ye still wearing his black suit the next day, she didn't ask any questions, but just smiled faintly.

Chu Xian saw the corners of her lips slightly curled up, and her eyes looked directly at him with a smile, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous, even with a hint of secret joy.

For so many years, she only had eyes for that person, and never looked at his face for a minute longer, even if he was as handsome as a star.

"You look great in sapphire blue, and you will always wear it like this from now on!" Su Junli looked at him and said.

Chu Xian smiled. She also said before that he looks good in royal blue, so most of his clothes are royal blue. Now, although she has amnesia, her aesthetic view of herself is still the same.

"Jun Li..." He called out softly, sat down on a chair beside her bed, and put the heat preservation box on the table, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Well, I didn't sleep well. The smell here is very pungent, and from time to time someone makes the heart-piercing cry of the death of a loved one. I don't want to be here anymore, I want to go back." Su Junli wrinkled Said with a frown.

"The doctor said that your recovery is not bad. You can be discharged from the hospital today, but you should pay attention to rest and don't work too hard." Chu Xian pulled her bed sheet that covered her legs and was about to fall to the ground, gently Covering most of her body, and carefully tucking in the corner of the quilt, her movements are almost comparable to those of her attendants in Dayong.

"Why am I sick?" Su Junli asked Chu Xian with her dark eyes.

Chu Xian suddenly felt pressure doubled, and his eyes, which were clearly smiling just now, suddenly turned into two sharp swords, stabbing straight at him, which was very different from Jun Li's eyes before.

In the past, Su Junli, as the boss of a group, always kept a straight face in order to establish her power in front of everyone, making her eyes look a bit more serious, but no matter how she pretended, her eyes lacked a little courage. For people, there is no way to act as a deterrent, and not many people are really afraid of her.

But it's different now, his eyes are sharp, and his heart has become a little... fearful.

Ever since she woke up, except for the amnesia, he always felt that she was a little different, not quite like the Su Junli he knew in the past. Could it be that after losing her memory, her temperament and posture would change?

"Answer me!" Seeing him in a daze, Su Junli ordered.

"Jun Li—" Chu Xian came back to his senses, and called her by name, "I don't know what happened, you suddenly had a high fever and passed out in the office the night before yesterday, if I didn't leak the information of Haitian Group, go back and get it If so, you might all…”

"Then do you think my sudden high fever is suspicious?" Su Junli asked.

"You usually pay attention to fitness and exercise. You have regular physical examinations every year. Your physical fitness is pretty good. I have been with you for a few years. Except for the occasional attack of your **** asthma that is inherited from your Su family, usually even your little one I rarely catch a cold. Before I got off work that day, I saw that you were still in good condition. As soon as I left, it was only an hour before you suddenly developed a fever. It is indeed unbelievable, but the doctor couldn't find anything , saying that you may be caused by a sudden evil wind entering your body..." Chu Xian said.

Su Junli naturally didn't believe that there would be evil winds entering her body. Looking at the two people who wanted to harm her last night, she knew that the fever this time would definitely not be for no reason.

"Look at this—" She brought him the medicine that was stolen in the pharmacy last night.

"Isn't this the medicine you want to take?" Chu Xian took it and asked suspiciously.

"Do you think they are the medicines I should take?" Su Junli kept looking at him to see if there was anything unusual about him. I hope he can be like Ye, the most trustworthy person in this crisis-ridden environment.

Chu Xian opened the medicine and looked at it carefully, then his face changed drastically, "You can't take this kind of medicine with penicillin preparation!"

"I know." Su Junli said lightly, and she could see that there was no trace of acting on Chu Xian's face.

"How could this be?" Chu Xian asked.

"I went out for a stroll last night, passing by the pharmacy, and saw someone changing the medicine. When I was asleep, someone once entered my room and changed a bottle of cephalosporin into penicillin." Su Junli said.

Chu Xian's handsome face suddenly became a little pale and nervous, "Did you take the medicine?"

"If I eat it, can I still be here like this?" Su Junli said coldly, "I have amnesia now, please briefly tell me about my family's situation and the company's situation, I need to get used to it."

Chu Xian looked at her dark and indifferent pupils, and felt that she was more and more strange.

Her tone of voice was very light, but with the majesty of a superior, it was irresistible. In the past, Su Junli would deliberately make her tone cold and hard, but it didn't help. Everyone secretly called her a paper tiger, a useless president.

Chu Xian slightly avoided her gaze, and simply told her about the situation of the Su family and the company's serious relationship.

Su Junli listened carefully, and quickly memorized the characters, names, and personality traits that he said. Judging from Chu Xian's tone, although the Su family is not as complicated as her royal family relationship in Dayong, it is still quite troublesome, including the cousin Su Yu whom I met yesterday.

Chu Xian's narration sounds very objective, without much emotion. However, every time he talks about a person, he will tell his (her) attitude towards her by the way. Of course, this is his (her) attitude. Observed from an outsider's point of view.

After listening to Chu Xian's narration, Su Junli couldn't help but feel sad for the original owner of her body, and also began to organize her thoughts and plans for her future path.

"Chu Xian, are you someone I can trust?" Su Junli looked at him and asked.

Chu Xian was startled suddenly, his long and narrow phoenix eyes stared at her in astonishment, and asked, "Why do you ask like that?"

"I just wanted to ask."

Su Junli suddenly stretched out her fingers, clamped his chin, and lifted his face, her black pupils pressed against him, her tone was as cold as ice from the twelfth lunar month, "You better be!"

Suddenly meeting her black pupils that looked clear but looked like a bottomless pool at close range, Chu Xian's heart stopped beating for half a beat, and his mind lost his normal thinking, like a puppet With a sound.

Su Junli let go of her hand and ordered: "Get ready immediately, I'll go home!"

-----Off Topic-----

Happy holidays everyone, love you guys!

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

【006】Queen, you are wearing a bra

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:17:40 Number of words in this chapter: 5205


"Junli, it's still early, it's only past six o'clock, and you can't go through the discharge procedures yet. You can eat breakfast first. This is your favorite lotus leaf and lily porridge."

Chu Xian opened the thermos bottle, and an elegant fragrance of porridge immediately wafted to his nose.

Su Junli found that her stomach was just empty, she was really hungry, and she didn't know how many days she hadn't eaten.

Chu Xian poured the porridge on a porcelain white bowl, picked up a small long-handled spoon, stirred the porridge lightly, then took a spoonful, put it near his mouth and blew it slightly, and said to her: "Come here , Junli, I'll feed you!"

When she was an emperor, she was not so precious to be fed by others, and she was not used to it, so she refused and said: "I am just suffering from a minor illness, and it is not my hand that hurts, I can just eat it myself."

"Junli, it's okay, I just like to feed you!" Chu Xian looked at her tenderly with his long and narrow phoenix eyes, with a warm face.

Regarding these expressions and gazes, Su Junli has seen too much in the harem, and she is not moved or moved, but he looks very similar to Ye, with such expressions and movements that are completely different from Ye, it makes her feel very fresh and fun .

"All right-"

Since he is so persistent, then she should try the tenderness of this rice potato.

Every time Chu Xian scooped up a spoonful of porridge, she would gently blow off the hot air on it, as if she was an immature baby, afraid that she would be scalded, which was more careful than her previous maids.

"The porridge is good, you made it?" Su Junli had never eaten such an elegant porridge before, and she didn't know if she was too hungry. Anyway, she had a big appetite and ate two bowls in a row.

Of course, if she was in her previous body, she would be able to eat at least five bowls.

It's too bad that this body has such a small appetite.

"Well, I know you like to eat it, and you can't get used to buying it from outside, so you got up early and brought it to you. You haven't had any rice grains in your stomach for three days, so you must be very hungry." Chu Xian nodded and said.

"That's right, he never enters the kitchen to make a bowl of porridge for me at night." Su Junli nodded and said.

"Ye? Who is Ye?" Chu Xian's hand holding the bowl froze slightly, "How come I never knew?"


Su Junli couldn't tell him the truth, she could only lie.

Chu Xian's slightly nervous expression relaxed slightly, and said with a smile: "Jun Li, you can actually joke!"

"Do you like me?" Su Junli looked at her and asked.

Chu Xian's expression froze slightly again, and he lowered his eyelids and said, "You are my president, and I am your secretary!"

Seeing his answer like this, Su Junli didn't bother to ask him anymore. Anyway, with a gentle man like him, she didn't mind including him in her harem. However, the most important thing now is not to accept a man, but to solve it first The difficulties encountered in this strange country.

"President, are you really not going to Haitian's acquisition meeting today?" Because the conversation involved work content, Chu Xian stopped calling her by her name and called her the president instead.

"Didn't I say that Su Yu is in charge of everything? Anyway, I'm not very optimistic about this acquisition. They can do whatever they want." Su Junli said impatiently.

"But this case has always been the one you wanted to win, President, and now you are really willing to give up like this?" Chu Xian asked a little puzzled.

"I lost my memory. I don't know what I thought before. I'm not interested in this for the time being. In short, it should be mine. Sooner or later, it will be mine. It's not in a hurry." Su Junli frowned slightly, "However, I kind of want to meet this Mo Jin!"

Chu Xian's entire back stiffened, and his gentle tone became a little blunt: "Anyway, you let Su Yu handle the Haitian case, and there is no need for Mo Jin to meet again."

"It is necessary!" Su Junli glanced at Chu Xian coldly and said, "You are just my rice potato, whoever I want, you just need to know, no need to say anything!"

The undeniable coldness in her tone made Chu Xian's heart tighten again.

In the past, the relationship between him and Su Junli was not only a relationship between a boss and a subordinate, but also a relationship between classmates. She never ordered herself with a high-ranking president's tone.

"Okay!" He swallowed the gloom in his throat, and nodded obediently.

"I also used breakfast, and I'm going to let me go back immediately. I really can't stand the smell here." Su Junli really hates the smell of disinfectant water that permeates the nose everywhere in the hospital.

Hearing her say the word breakfast, Chu Xian felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. He looked at his watch, stood up and said, "Okay, now you put the clothes on your body first. The hospital gown has been changed, and I am waiting here, I will go through the discharge procedures and notify the driver to pick you up."

"Dead chicken? Why did you let the dead chicken pick me up?" Su Junli asked inexplicably.

Because she used to understand "president" as "planting vegetables", now she understands "driver" as "dead chicken", Chu Xian is not too surprised, anyway, Su Junli in front of her is so unfamiliar that she can't help but feel dizzy I didn't think about it, so I patiently explained: "The driver is driving."

"Oh, so it's the coachman." Su Junli said lightly.


Chu Xian was a little surprised why she came up with ancient words such as breakfast and coachman. Naturally, a man like him always disdains to watch the vulgar time-travel dramas that are popular nowadays, and he didn't have the same reaction as the little nurse.

He just thought that her brain should have been too high fever before, which caused a little confusion.

After completing the discharge procedures, Chu Xian walked in and saw that she was still wearing the hospital gown, so she stepped forward and asked, "I have completed the discharge procedures, why haven't you changed yet?"

"Where are the clothes?" Su Junli tugged at the blue cloth hospital gown on her body, "The clothes are really ugly, and the material is too poor, making them uncomfortable to wear."

"Oh, **** it, I forgot to tell you." Chu Xian took out a paper bag from the cabinet, handed it to her and said, "All the clothes are in it, you go to the bathroom and change, I'll wait for you."

"You won't help me get dressed?" Su Junli asked strangely. She used to wear clothes, but they were all served by the servants, and it was too troublesome to wear them by herself.

Chu Xian looked at her in astonishment—

"I don't know how to put on clothes by myself." Su Junli looked at him calmly and explained, "I've never tried to put on clothes by myself."

Chu Xian's mouth was wide open, and it took him a long time to realize, his face was slightly hot, and he said unnaturally: "Junli, stop joking, don't you want to be discharged from the hospital and go home quickly? Go in and change your clothes .”

Su Junli looked at him, thought for a while, took the paper bag into the bathroom, and closed the door.

snort! Don't you just wear clothes? What can be difficult for her, Su Junli? What's more, the clothes in this world are not as complicated as in the Dayong period, and they look very simple.

Su Junli's hospital gown is fastened with buttons, but she has never seen buttons before, and she doesn't know how to untie them, and she can't put the clothes directly on her head, so she can only pull them directly with violence. open.

There is a mirror in the bathroom, and the mirror is very clear, unlike Dayong's bronze mirror, which makes people feel confused.

Looking at the naked body in the mirror, Su Junli couldn't help but want to whistle: Wow, what a good figure, much better than her previous figure, with **** and fat buttocks, long legs and thin waist, delicate Yingbai.

I took out the clothes from the paper bag. It was a long black skirt, but the fabric of this skirt was too little. In addition, there was a piece inside that she couldn't understand. The sides were soft and round, like breasts. I don't know what to do with the black fabric.

She didn't care about this, and put the long skirt directly over her head, only to find that the fabric was even less than she had imagined, the upper body was only hung by two small straps, and the skirt was very tight. Regularly cut, long in the back and short in front to just above the knee.

What the **** kind of clothes is this? Can you wear it?

She opened the door very dissatisfied, walked out and said, "This dress is too revealing!"

Chu Xian looked up at her, then hurriedly turned away, not daring to look directly at her, and said in a hasty tone: "Jun Li, you can't dress like this, go in and put it on... that, otherwise, it will lead people to commit crimes. "

"What are you wearing?" Su Junli tugged at the hem of her skirt, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "I've said it all, I don't know how to dress myself, and I asked you to serve me, but you refused."

Chu Xian felt his nostrils itchy, reached out to touch it, it turned out to be a nosebleed, hurriedly covered it, and said embarrassingly: "Junli, we haven't opened up to this point yet, you go in and put on that."

"The one in the paper bag?" Su Junli thought of the black cloth thing she threw aside, with rounded sides.

"Hmm." Chu Xian felt that he was about to collapse, he couldn't figure out why Su Junli lost his memory so much that he didn't even recognize a bra.

Su Junli went in, picked up the bra, looked at it, and thought about how it should be put on.

She compared her own chest and found that it matched her chest a bit, so she knew how to wear it immediately, she put it on directly from her head, and buckled it on the chest outside the clothes. Button up.

Although it looks weird, it also blocks the scenery on the chest, just like the tube top I wore before.

It's just that she couldn't figure out why the tube top was like this, and it had to be worn outside.

When Chu Xian saw her come out with her bra on, she staggered back a few steps, and then fell headfirst on the bed—

-----Off Topic-----

If you want to continue to see how our queen mixes in modern times, remember to put it in the bookshelf for collection, hehe.

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

[007] High heels

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:17:49 Number of words in this chapter: 4602


"I know I'm beautiful, and you don't need to make such exaggerated stunning moves!" Su Junli stretched out his hand and pulled Chu Xian who was lying on the bed up, gave him a dissatisfied look and said, "What a big fuss, why is it such a big deal?" ?”

As soon as Chu Xian saw the underwear she was wearing on her chest, she was both funny and broke down, and pushed her into the bathroom with a complicated expression, "You are wearing it wrong, that should be worn inside, not outside."

"Is this a tube top?" Su Junli asked suspiciously.

Chu Xian nodded, blushing with embarrassment, "Jun Li, this is a bra, why did you lose your memory so much that you even forgot this?"

"Tattooed breasts?" Su Junli looked down at the hand-crafted bra embroidered with black lace on the outside of her clothes, and nodded thoughtfully, "It turns out that it is really the same as a tube top. I was wondering, I thought You don’t need to wear a tube top.”

Embarrassed, Chu Xian hurriedly closed the door and went outside, leaving Su Junli alone inside to continue tossing around.

Su Junli took off the bra, took off her skirt, and then put it on.

She looked in the mirror and nodded: "Well, the tube top in this world is really good, it looks like it can make your figure better!"

Putting on the suspenders again, the black skirt with irregular hem, walked out, and said to Chu Xian, "Okay."

Chu Xian looked up at her, and heaved a sigh of relief, this time she finally got it right!

"These are shoes!" He took out a pair of diamond-encrusted stiletto high heels about ten centimeters high from the shoe box. In the past, Su Junli liked to wear high heels the most, which could highlight her graceful figure even more.

"Is this a shoe?"

Su Junli looked at the pointed high-heeled shoes in disbelief, picked up one, and looked at it carefully, "I've never learned to walk on stilts, are you sure I won't fall when I wear them?"

"You used to wear them with a swaying posture, walking like flying." Asking himself, Chu Xian has always admired women, why can he still walk well when he wears such high and slender high heels.

"I used to know light work?" Su Junli asked.


Chu Xian found that he seemed to be unable to keep up with her thinking, and he didn't know whether it was her thinking that was chaotic or his own. Don't you just wear high heels? How did it get involved in Qinggong?

Su Junli took off the hospital slippers, put her feet into the high heels, and tried to stand up straight. She has changed her body, but qigong is practiced by soul comprehension. Although the physique of this body is not as good as hers before, it can still be done if she has a little energy.

Stepping on the high heels, I immediately felt that I was taller, almost as tall as Chu Xian, who was about 180 centimeters tall.

But... really uncomfortable!

She tries to take two steps...

A sprained foot, if she hadn't been on guard and grabbed Chu Xian early, she would have fallen to the ground long ago.

I really don't understand why the original owner of her body likes to wear such tricky shoes so much?

Being used to wearing flat embroidered shoes, she really couldn't stand it, so she sat down, picked up the shoes, and snapped off the studs, making them heelless shoes.

"Jun Li, why did you break them? These shoes are your favorite!" Chu Xian asked in amazement when she saw her break the heel.

"I don't like the fact that they are so high and make the feet suffer!"

Su Junli put on the heelless shoes again, feeling much more comfortable, and said to Chu Xian, "Let's go!"

Seeing her like this, Chu Xian didn't make any more noise. Anyway, he really couldn't understand her thinking now, so he handed her the handbag and said, "Your bag!"

At this moment, the phone in the bag rang.

Su Junli looked at the bag in a daze, "What's the noise inside?"

"Junli, it's the phone ringing." Chu Xian reminded.

"The head?" Su Junli glared at him, "Why did you stuff something as dirty as the head into my bag?"

With black lines all over Chu Xian's head, he took out his mobile phone and said, "It's this mobile phone, not some scary head."

Su Junli understood that she made a mistake of ignorance again. In order to avoid making people suspicious, it is best to talk less and observe more when facing things that she is not clear about.

She opened the bag and took out the white mobile phone from inside. The phone continued to ring rapidly, and the word "Grandma" flashed on the interface.

She really couldn't figure it out, obviously no one was playing or singing, how could there be sound in this small box?

However, she learned to be smart this time, and instead of asking, she said to Chu Xian: "I have lost my memory, if I don't understand this, teach me."

Chu Xian sighed helplessly, and instructed her to press the answer button.

"Jun Li—"

An old woman's voice suddenly sounded from the phone, which startled her and almost threw the phone out.

She glanced at Chu Xian—

Chu Xian was not stupid, understood what she meant, and said hastily: "The phone has the function of talking to other people. This is your grandma calling you."

"Grandma? Where is she?"

According to Chu Xian's previous explanation, she knew that the original Su Junli had a grandmother who loved her very much. In Dayong, she also had a grandmother Su Hanxiao who loved her very much, but she passed away when she was very young. When grandma was around, no one dared to despise her two-color pupils, and no one dared to bully her, saying that she was a disaster for the country and the people. In this world, she was the only one who was not afraid of her two-color pupils, and even said her pupils were beautiful. (For Su Hanxiao's wonderful story, you can go to Qingmo Yanshui's "The Stunning Phoenix Emperor", it is very good.)

"At your house." Chu Xian said.

"Junli, why don't you talk? Is it very uncomfortable? Tell grandma quickly, or grandma will go to see you now..." Grandma's caring, urgent and loving voice kept coming from the phone.

Not wanting the old man to worry, Su Junli picked up the phone and called out: "Grandma, I'm fine, don't worry, I'll go home now."

"You girl, why didn't you talk just now? You scared grandma to death, can you go home now? Has your body recovered? If you still feel uncomfortable, stay in the hospital for a few more days and come back..."

"Grandma, it's all right, I'm cured." Although the other party was a bit annoyed by the rambling, it was extremely kind, which made her warm and moved.

"Then come back quickly, grandma misses you to death, and those guys won't let me see you, I'm going to die of anxiety." Grandma said.

"Well, I'm going home now." Su Junli's eyes couldn't help but mist, and she missed her grandma more and more.

"Let's go!" Chu Xian said when she saw her hang up the phone.

Su Junli put the phone in her handbag, and when she was ready to go back, she would find some time to study why this small box was so magical that it could receive long-distance speech.

Chu Xian took her to the elevator, stood in front and waited.

Su Junli looked at the closed iron door in front of her with some doubts, and asked, "What kind of door is this? Why don't you open it?"

"This is an elevator." Chu Xian had already planned to teach her like a kindergarten student without any common sense, so he wouldn't be surprised if she asked any naive questions, but patiently explained, "Wait until we Layer, it will be opened automatically."


While Su Junli was wondering, the elevator opened, and there were several people standing inside.

"Go in!" Chu Xian shouted.

Su Junli was even more puzzled when she saw that the elevator was a closed space. Before, she thought that after opening this door, there was a big passage.

She stands still.

Chu Xian had no choice but to reach out and hold her hand, pulling her into the elevator.

The elevator doors slowly closed—

Looking at the sealed surroundings, Su Junli panicked for no reason.

-----Off Topic-----

I don't know if our queen will make embarrassing things in the elevator? (*^__^*)

This book is published by this site, please do not reprint!

【008】A Kiss Drives Fear

Update time: 2013-1-11 21:17:50 Number of words in this chapter: 4024


When Su Junli was three years old, she was tricked by her aunt to play hide-and-seek in the back mountain of the Imperial Garden, and then blocked her in the cave with a big rock.

Read The Duke's Passion