MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-v2 Chapter 20 】 live kindly

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Update time: 2013-2-22 16:31:32 Number of words in this chapter: 7672

[Chapter 20] "Sister, I was wrong!" Yang Yuqing hurriedly hugged Su Junli, "Xiao Qingqing will never give up life with such stupid words lightly, she will definitely live well, absolutely Don't let my sister have any pain and sadness. I love the broken jaw"

"Well, that's more or less the same!" Su Junli showed a satisfied smile on his face, kissed Yang Yuqing's tender face, "Living is a kind of responsibility to those who love you, commit suicide It's all irresponsible."

Yang Yuqing nodded.

Murong Changkong, Chu Xian, and Yeye all nodded, touching the amulet with Su Junli's blood with their fingers, and secretly swore that they would never die before her, live well, and not let her suffer because of him.

"I still have to take the amulet to the hospital and give it to Leng Qingfeng and the others. Stay at home if you have nothing to do." Su Junli stood up, looked at Ye's stomach, thought for a while, and said, "Ye is about to give birth, although the due date There are still more than ten days left, but premature delivery is not ruled out, you must keep at least one person with him, in case of labor pains, so that Qingfeng can be called back immediately to deliver the baby."

"Don't worry, I will accompany Ye." Chu Xian nodded.

"Jun Li, there is no need to worry too much. I also learned how to give birth to myself from Brother Qingfeng. That day he was able to give birth to Azai alone under the extremely poor medical conditions. I believe I would not Difficult." Ye rubbed her belly and said confidently.

"The situation is different. Qingfeng is only pregnant with Azai, while yours are twins. The situation is much more dangerous." Su Junli said while holding his hand.

"Just in case, Chu Xian and I have also learned how to deliver a baby by caesarean section, it doesn't have to be Brother Qingfeng." Murong Changkong said aside.

Su Junli glanced at Murong Changkong.

This girl is obsessed with cleanliness, and she might get dizzy, so let him go to deliver the baby by Caesarean section, maybe I have to rescue him.

However, she didn't say much, but gave her an encouraging look.

Encouraged by her gaze, Murong Changkong became more confident and passionate about delivering Ye's baby.

Su Junli drove to the hospital.

I just parked the car and looked in the front mirror.

Suddenly, another gloomy smile appeared in the mirror.

Startled, she quickly stretched her head out to look around.

Dozens of cars were parked silently in the parking lot, and a man drove over and stopped in the next parking space, and a middle-aged woman came out of it.

She didn't see anyone but this.

She got out of the car, jumped on the roof to check, but still found nothing.

The middle-aged woman just saw that she jumped onto the roof of the car with a light leap, and she was very ethereal and beautiful. She thought she saw a female ghost or a fairy, so she opened her mouth wide and looked at Su Junli in a daze. , I couldn't close it for a long time.

Su Junli smiled faintly at her, and asked, "Sister, did you see someone following me just now?"


The middle-aged woman didn't expect Su Junli to talk to her, she was stunned for a while, then shook her head, "I was the one who followed you by the back door just now."

Su Junli looked at the middle-aged woman. No matter from what point of view, she should not be the one with evil spirit.

Could it be that I was temporarily suspicious just now?

She jumped off the roof of the car, walked out of the parking lot, and went straight to the ward where Qin Long was.

Leng Qingfeng was guarding in front of the bed, while Azai and Qin Long were lying on the bed together, sleeping soundly.

Seeing her coming, Leng Qingfeng stood up, put his arms around Su Junli's waist, and said with jealousy, "Our daughter fell asleep next to other men. I'm really jealous, just like my own. It's as if the baby has been robbed."

Su Junli looked at him amusedly.

She really didn't expect that someone as mature as Leng Qingfeng would have such a childish side, it was really unexpected.

She rolled his eyes at him, "Are you still thinking about keeping Azai by your side for the rest of your life? She has grown into a big girl."

"It's really contradictory!" Leng Qingfeng looked at Azai's face lovingly, "Fortunately, we are not ordinary people in this world, otherwise, we would have to marry our daughters to live in other families like others, and we would suffer a lot. How uncomfortable it must be to suffer all kinds of grievances from parents-in-law and mother-in-law."

Su Junli looked at Leng Qingfeng with black lines all over her head.

Thinking of this kind of thing, is this man doting on his daughter too much?

"Fortunately, Qin Long is the door-to-door son-in-law, and he has no other family members, so don't make it difficult for us Azai." Leng Qingfeng continued.

Su Junli felt that black lines were all over her forehead.

"Leng Qingfeng, don't forget that Qin Long is not a simple person like Ye. His so-called no background is just that his memory has been erased. Behind him is that unbelievable leader, with a huge background." Su Junli reminded him.

Leng Qingfeng was startled, and nervously grabbed Su Junli's arm and asked, "Then what should I do? If Qin Long's memory recovers and he chooses the leader to leave Azai, will Azai be sad?" Die? Also, in case the Hierarch plays tricks and makes him treat Azai badly, then..."

Su Junli looked at the man in front of him with sweat and worry because he loved his daughter too much, "It's nothing to do, it will be whatever happens in the future, Azai's life is beyond our control."

"No! I absolutely can't let Qin Long treat Azai in the slightest!" Leng Qingfeng said, his hand wanted to reach out to wake up the sleeping Qin Long, but Su Junli hurriedly stopped him.

"Leng Qingfeng, you are really taking too much control!" Su Junli said in a low voice, "What will happen to them in the future is something they will have to deal with in the future. If you care so much, don't you want Azai to be alone in the future Forever?"

"I want to find a man for her who loves her as much as I do and can do everything." Leng Qingfeng looked at Su Junli, "Junli, let's find Qi Tianyan quickly and go back to Dayong. Most of the men in Dayong They are all multifunctional men who can give birth to children, so that we Azai will not suffer from the pain of pregnancy and childbirth."

Su Junli was sweating again.

Maybe she doesn't love Azai enough, she really doesn't have such worries.

She was only worried about whether Azai would grow up healthily and smoothly.

"Dad, Mom!"

Perhaps awakened by their voices, Azai opened his eyes and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Qin Long and I are sleeping, how can you talk?"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk, you continue to sleep." Seeing Azai, Leng Qingfeng immediately changed into a fatherly face, nodded hastily and kept quiet.

Su Junli gave him a quiet look, but she still felt a little bit jealous of Azai in her heart!

This is a great fatherly love!

Why doesn't she have a father like this?

Thinking of her father's indifference and disgust towards her back then, she was full of envy, jealousy and hatred!

She grabbed Leng Qingfeng's hand and said domineeringly: "You are my man! Not Azai's man!"

Leng Qingfeng hugged her on his lap, stretched out his hand and scratched her straight nose and said, "That's natural, I love you, and I love Azai, but in a different way."

Sitting on Leng Qingfeng's lap, childhood memories come back!

Although I didn't have the love of my father and queen in my childhood, there was still a cool breeze!

It is estimated that Leng Qingfeng's love and pampering for Azai is not surprising to some extent because of himself.

Hugging her soft waist, smelling the fragrance from her body, the desire of Leng Qingfeng gradually surged out.

His hot lips lowered his head to kiss her tender white neck, his eyes were fascinated and lingering.

A sense of numbness quickly spread throughout the body, and the corners of Su Junli's lips unconsciously let out an ecstasy "um", looking at Leng Qingfeng with winking eyes like silk.

Get her response.

Leng Qingfeng glanced at Qin Long and Azai on the bed, directly hugged Su Junli, carried her into the bathroom of the ward, frantically searched for her lips, put his big hands into her clothes, stroked and rubbed her pinch…

I don't know if it's because it's full of excitement and longing, but Su Junli's **** is also particularly high. In this small bathroom, the two hit the peak round after round...

After tidying up his clothes, he came out, only to see Azai and Qin Long sitting up, holding hands together, looking at them both strangely.

Thinking of what I did with Leng Qingfeng just now, although I forcibly suppressed my screams, I still couldn't help making a little noise, which might be heard and guessed by the precocious Azai and the grown-up Qin Long Seeing what happened, Su Junli's face flushed slightly.

"Dad, Mom,"

A smirk appeared on Azai's face, "Did you guys fight in the bathroom just now? It was such a big commotion, it woke me and Qin Long up."


Su Junli responded, pretending not to care, and took out two amulets, "One is yours, the other is Qin Long's, this is an enhanced version of the amulet, it has a certain effect in exorcising evil spirits, you must You have to wear it!"

Azai carefully put an amulet on Qin Long's neck.

Qin Long took another amulet and put it on Azai's neck.

"This amulet has my blood in it. Master Enlightenment said that if you really encounter an evil incident again, my blood can quickly dispel the evil. You must remember that once you find something wrong, you must quickly notify Me." Su Junli instructed.

"Mom is so amazing." Azai said enviously, "It would be great if my blood also had this effect."

Su Junli didn't know whether her body's ability to exorcise evil spirits was due to her innate possession, or because she had cultivated her internal energy, or maybe it was caused by her acceptance of Xiao Mi's vitality.

Thinking of Xiaomi who was wiped out because of him, Su Junli's heart ached again.

Zhou Ziyu!

You immortal monster, I will definitely find you and wipe you out!

Su Junli thought fiercely in her heart!

The attending doctor came over with a stack of physical examination sheets, looked at Qin Long in surprise, and said to Su Junli and the others: "Mr. Some people have such an amazing recovery ability that they have fully recovered after undergoing heart surgery in just two days."

Su Junli and the others secretly smiled.

The reason why Qin Long can have such an amazing recovery ability is mainly because he received Su Junli's recovery treatment, so the wound can heal quickly.

"He is a martial artist with a unique physique." Su Junli explained to the doctor in this way.

"What kind of martial arts can have such a miraculous effect? ​​It must be vigorously promoted." The doctor said with a look of fascination.

"This is not something that ordinary people can practice. You must start from a boy with strong willpower and opportunities." Su Junli explained to the doctor, "If you don't practice properly, you will go crazy, which will delay your life instead. If it cannot be promoted, we have not cultivated it.”

The doctor glanced at Su Junli and the others, and felt that she must be lying.

Because looking at her temperament and breath, one can tell that it is different from ordinary people, and she must have cultivated advanced inner breath.

Just won't reveal it.

The doctor knows that in China, there should still be many mysterious traditional schools. They have mysterious power, but this power is not rumored.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Since people refuse to tell, it is better for him to ask less, lest accidents happen, and he doesn't even know how to die.

Moreover, Qin Long's heart attack that day was also really strange, probably related to the pursuit of another school.

In this world, if you know less, you will live longer.

The doctor did not continue to ask, but said: "Now, there is no need for Mr. Qin to be hospitalized at all, and he can go through the formalities for discharge, but he just had an operation on his heart, so you must be careful to avoid another rupture. At that time, you may not be able to Saved."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Su Junli nodded in thanks, and asked Leng Qingfeng to go out for hospital surgery.

As soon as Leng Qingfeng went out, he heard a light knock on the door, and a middle-aged man pushed the door in.

Su Junli recognized that this middle-aged man was the one who rescued Qin Long in time that day.

The situation was critical that day, Qin Long's life and death were uncertain, everyone's emotions were relatively chaotic, and they completely forgot to thank the savior, and when they remembered, he had already left.

Su Junli originally planned to wait until Qin Long was discharged from the hospital, and then slowly find him and repay him for saving his life, but now that he has come here, the pain of searching is lessened, so he is really happy.

"You... hello!" When the middle-aged man saw Su Junli, he became nervous and stuttered.


Su Junli raised a kind smile and greeted him generously, "We were looking for you, it's great that you can come now!"

The middle-aged man smiled honestly and said, "My father is also hospitalized here, so I just want to come and see if Mr. Qin is awake."

When he saw Qin Long's energetic and healthy appearance, he was very surprised, "Mr. Qin is all right?"

Knowing from Azai's mouth that this middle-aged man is his savior, Qin Long also showed gratitude to him, stood up, and held the middle-aged man's hand, "Thank you, big brother. Thank you for saving my life, thanks to my elder brother, I am completely healed now."

"You... aren't you undergoing heart surgery?" The middle-aged man looked at his chest and asked in surprise, "Why do you seem to be fine now?"

"Because there is a specific medicine, it's fine." Qin Long replied gently.

"What special medicine is it? Can you tell me? My old father is suffering from a stroke right now. No matter how much it costs, I am willing." The middle-aged man's eyes lit up.

"Brother, what's your name?" Su Junli liked this honest and kind-hearted middle-aged man in front of her very much. She decided to help his father and repay him for saving Qin Long.

"My name is Wang Wei, and my father is Wang Zhongli." The middle-aged man answered Su Junli's words sternly, just like a primary school student answering a teacher's question.

"Hello, Brother Wang Wei, I still have the special medicine. Now take me to see your father and see if I can help you." Su Junli said.

Wang Weixi was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes, "It's really great, thank you."

"Good people are rewarded with good rewards, we owe you the love first."

Su Junli said with a smile.

She followed Wang Wei to another ward.

Lying on the bed in the ward was a skinny old man about seventy years old, moaning in pain because of his physical discomfort, and sitting next to him was a bewildered old lady.

Seeing Wang Wei coming back, Mrs. Wang hurriedly got up and shouted, "Xiaowei, your father is working hard, what should we do? Call the doctor quickly."

Wang Wei stepped forward to check anxiously, and wanted to call the doctor, but was stopped by Su Junli.

"Let me see first!"

Su Junli took the old man's pulse, took out a glass bottle from his bag, poured out a fragrant pill, and asked the old man to take it.

This pill is actually a beauty and health pill that she prepared for her aunt that day.

Of course, the effect of this health pill is not just for beauty. Its real function is to regulate the body's functions, enhance blood circulation, care for the internal organs, and keep them in a state of vitality.

Su Junli took this for him, on the one hand, to show that it was a so-called special medicine, on the other hand, the old man was too weak, and had to rely on this pill to recuperate, so that she could use her inner breath cure.

The old man is just an evil wind entering his body, and he doesn't need much internal energy.

She asked Wang Wei not to disturb, and continuously injected the inner breath into the old man's body through the palm of her hand. It took only half an hour to stop the delivery of the inner breath.

Wang Wei looked in amazement at his father's extremely haggard face, which gradually regained its vitality and luster like a withered tree in spring.

"Okay, let him sit up and have a look!"

Su Junli said to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei was stunned, "My dad has been paralyzed for many years, and he can't sit still."

Who knew, just as he finished speaking, the old father who was lying on the hospital bed hummed and sat up slowly.

"My wife, can you sit down now?" Granny Wang exclaimed in surprise, her eyes filled with tears, and then she murmured with a horrified expression, "Isn't it... a return to light?"

Wang Wei also had this suspicion.

"Don't worry, after the treatment of special medicine and my qigong treatment, he should be fine, except that his body is still a little weak." Su Junli said with a smile.

Trembling, the old man moved his feet off the bed and stood up on the ground.

Wang Wei and Mrs. Wang stared at the miracle in front of them, stunned for a long time.

Wang Wei reacted, knelt down in front of Su Junli with a plop, and kowtowed fiercely to her, "Thank you Miss Su, thank you Miss Su for saving my old father, I, Wang Wei, am willing to obey Miss Su's orders at any time , I will serve you as an ox or a horse in the next life."

Thank you for your kindness, what a kind person!

Su Junli helped him up, and said sincerely: "You saved my life, on the contrary, I owe you more."

Wang Wei's eyes were full of tears, and he was more and more glad that he saw Qin Long fell to the ground and rescued him.

At the time, he almost didn't want to care about it.

In this society, even helping an elderly person who has fallen has the risk of being blackmailed, let alone a critically ill patient with a heart attack. My father needs it urgently.

However, he hesitated for a moment, because he couldn't do nothing.

Unexpectedly, it was this act of kindness that made him the gospel today, allowing his father to recover from the pain of illness and recover.

He made up his mind that he will work harder and live a kinder life in the future, and there will be good rewards.

Seeing the light of kindness and righteousness in his eyes, Su Junli was very moved, and said to him: "My qigong internal breath has the effect of preventing and curing diseases for people. Since we met by fate, I will help you and your mother by the way." Get a diagnosis."

Wang Wei's eyes lit up again, extremely excited.

His physical condition is not very good. In addition, he has to take care of his paralyzed father all the time. He is a high-risk person with three highs. He also suffers from rheumatic spondylitis, which is very painful.

However, he still thought of his old mother first, and said to Su Junli, " my mother take a look first."

Su Junli nodded.

Mrs. Wang saw her miraculously cured her wife, and she was very beautiful. She already regarded her as a female Bodhisattva in her heart. When she heard that she was willing to treat her, she was so grateful that she wanted to kneel down. Fortunately, Su Junli quickly supported her.

Su Junli diagnosed that the old lady was suffering from an ordinary old man's disease, and her foundation was still weak, so she could just use her inner breath to recuperate her a little bit.

With the infusion of her inner breath, Mrs. Wang felt that her body was very full, as if she had become more than ten years younger all of a sudden. It turned out that the rheumatic pain in her left hand quickly disappeared.

"Bodhisattva, thank you! Thank you!" Granny Wang took Su Junli's hand and shouted excitedly.

"Grandmother, I'm just an ordinary person. I just want to repay Brother Wang's kindness, so I don't need to thank you." Su Junli said embarrassedly to the simple old man in front of her.

"Awei, Mom usually teaches you to do more good deeds. There is nothing wrong with that. Bodhisattvas have come to help our family." Mrs. Wang stubbornly believes that Su Junli is a Bodhisattva, because it is impossible for humans to have such magic the strength.

Wang Wei was also very excited when he saw his mother's hunched waist straighten up.

Su Junli asked him to stretch out his hand to help him diagnose his pulse. After learning about his symptoms, he sat him on the bed, stroked his back with his palm, injected his inner breath, and adjusted the messy functions in his body.

Wang Wei, who had been recuperated, was completely different. If it wasn't for Su Junli's obstruction, he really wanted to kneel on the ground and kowtow to her a few more times.

Read The Duke's Passion