MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-v2 Chapter 17 】

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Su Junli took a few amulets from Master Jue Wu and distributed them to Chu Xian, Murong Changkong and others one by one, but she didn't use them herself. love

Both the priest and the enlightened master said that she had a physique different from ordinary people, and it was not easy for her to get up.

Although the days in the temple were going well, Ye considered everyone's mood and asked Su Junli to go back.

Su Junli nodded, because she received a call from Su Yunqing, saying that Grandma Su had fallen ill and had to rush back to treat her.

"Mom, what will you do with Aunt Suyun and Aunt Junhao?"

On the way, Azai asked.

In the past few days, Su Junli did not give any instructions to deal with Suyun and Su Junhao, but let them go. This made Azai and the others very puzzled, thinking that she was slapping her on the sidelines.

Su Junli naturally has plans, and there is no need to do it himself. Master Awakening said that once the witchcraft of the blood curse is broken, the person who cast the spell will naturally be backlashed.

To be honest, Su Junli really didn't want to do anything to her sister, so she repeatedly forgave Su Junhao for making things difficult for her.

Who knew that she would kill herself because of jealousy, this is absolutely unforgivable!

She really hates this darkness!

As for Su Junhao being backlashed by the blood curse, whether she will live or die depends on the poison she planted on the blood curse that day.

If she planted poison on the blood curse to make Jun Li die, then she would die.

If she wanted Junli to go crazy, then she would go crazy too.

In short, everything is self-inflicted, whether to live or not depends on how much kindness she maintains!

Su Junli hurried back to Su's house!

Seeing her, Su Yunqing grabbed her arm very anxiously and said: "Junli, hurry up and see grandma, grandma may be dying, and she refuses to go to the hospital, saying that she will die in the Su family mansion."

Hearing this, Su Junli's heart tightened, and she hurried to ***' bedroom.

Grandma was lying on her big old pear wood bed, with low and painful groans from time to time, looking very uncomfortable.


Su Junli strode forward and shook the grandmother's old hand.

On my aunt's birthday last time, her **** were still relatively warm, why did she become so thin all of a sudden now?

Grandma Su saw her, and with difficulty pulled out a kind smile from the corner of her mouth, " It's so good that grandma can see you before she leaves!"

"Grandma, you are not allowed to go!"

Su Junli's eyes were sore unconsciously. Thinking back to the day when I was in Dayong, I witnessed the scene of grandma Su Hanxiao passing away, it was really heartbreaking and painful.

Both Su Hanxiao and this grandma are the ones who love themselves selflessly in this world.

"Baby Junli, grandma is getting old too, she should go or go, it's just a pity that there has been no news of your father..."

Grandma Su panted.

"Grandma, don't talk yet, I'll take a look for you!"

Su Junli's finger touched the pulse of the breast, and found that her pulse was beating abnormally, sometimes weak, sometimes intensified, and hurriedly injected her with inner breath, but found that there seemed to be an unknown force in her body that was hindering her. Injection of inner breath.

what happened?

My own internal energy can even treat cancer patients like Mother Chu, so why can't it treat weakness?

She tried several times, but it didn't work, so she hurriedly called Leng Qingfeng and asked him to collect all five heavenly eyes.

She wants to use the eyes of the sky to help grandma protect her heart!

If not, then there is really no other way.

"Auntie, why did grandma suddenly fall ill?" Su Junli asked Su Yunqing suspiciously. She even suspected that it was caused by the sorcery of Su Yun and Su Junhao.

But she had already given her a magic talisman that could break the witchcraft given by Master Enlightenment, and put it on her grandma, but there was still no way to stop the vitality from slowly leaking out.

"I don't know, just the night before yesterday, she suddenly fell down, and then she started to have a fever and talk nonsense, and she refused to let me be sent to the hospital even if she died. It cannot be cured." Su Yunqing said very sadly, "Maybe it is really old, and the time limit has come."

Hearing this, Su Junli's heart ached again!

On the surface, she doesn't care about anything, but in fact, what she fears most is losing!

Especially those who have lost their loved ones! "Suyun left the day before yesterday, and that girl, Junhao, didn't know what she was doing. She locked herself in the room every day and refused to come out. Grandma was sick, so she didn't even look at her. She really is a girl with no conscience. "Su Yunqing got angry when he mentioned Su Junhao.

Su Junli knew of Suyun's departure, and Phantom had already reported to follow her.

As for Junhao, it should be that the blood curse started to backfire, and I don't know the result of the backlash, so Su Junli didn't bother to talk to her, and just pretended that she didn't have this sister.

"Jun...Li..." Grandma Su took Su Junli's hand and said in a weak tone, "Grandma is dying soon, so you can stay at home and spend the last days with me well."


With grandma like this, Su Junli was naturally reluctant to leave.

Grandma Su saw that she was willing to stay, and a look of relief appeared on her face.

Because of the importance of the Sky Eye, he was afraid of being robbed halfway, so Leng Qingfeng was worried about Chu Xian, who didn't know any martial arts, and came here with Ling Qianyue wearing the Sky Eye.

Seeing Leng Qingfeng appearing in front of her, Su Yunqing felt very nervous, and tried her best not to have any thoughts about him. After seeing Ling Qianyue, who was as beautiful, holy, noble and perfect as a god, this kind of nervousness quickly disappeared. disappeared.

God, how can there be such a beautiful man in this world?

Out of courtesy to Su Junli's family, Ling Qianyue smiled slightly at Su Yunqing.

This smile, although very light, is enough to make a country and a city.

Su Yunqing asked Su Junli quietly, "Who is this handsome man?"

"It's also my man." Su Junli said.

Su Yunqing's eyes widened, "I'm simply too envious and jealous. You have all the best Mr. Leng, but there is another one so stunning. How did you do it?"

"Because your niece is invincible." Su Junli opened the sky eye in the brocade box, and said to Su Yunqing, "Auntie, I want to treat grandma now, please go out first, okay?"

"Why do I have to go out?" Su Yunqing asked puzzled.

Su Yunqing is an ordinary person, Su Junli really doesn't want her to know too much, because knowing too much is not good for her.

"Because I want to be quiet."

Su Junli pushed Su Yunqing out.

Leng Qingfeng closed the door and guarded it outside so that no one else would come to peep, while Ling Qianyue kept guard inside the door in case something unexpected happened to Su Junli's kung fu, so he could monitor it at any time.

Su Yunqing sat not far away and watched the deserted wind guarding the door!

Although Ling Qianyue is very beautiful, no matter how Leng Qingfeng looks at it, in her eyes, she is full of the charm of a mature man.

It was great to see him so close!

Su Junli pressed Miss Su's sleeping acupoints, and let her sleep peacefully, so as to avoid her rejection and panic.

The five heavenly eyes are respectively placed in five important parts of the body.

Su Junli once again used his energy to inject his inner breath. This time, he didn't seem to encounter much blockage, and it went much smoother.

The inner breath is like a stream, slowly poured in, and quickly merged together through the spiritual power of the sky eye, driving away the turbid air in grandma's body little by little.

It took about five hours, and Fang was done.

Su Junli picked up the five celestial eyes, and found that they were all dimmed like the wind that saved the cold that day, no different from ordinary beads.

Fighting against the **** of death consumes too much spiritual energy.

Su Junli sighed, she herself was tired and weak.

"Okay?" Ling Qianyue came over, put her arms around her body that was trembling slightly due to weakness, and asked with concern.

Su Junli leaned her body against Ling Qianyue's slightly cool body, and nodded, "Grandma should be fine this time, but I have to rest for a while."

Ling Qianyue reached out and took Su Junli's hand.

A strange, cool breath was transmitted from Ling Qianyue's hands, and directly entered Su Junli's body, as comfortable and cozy as a stream of clear spring injected in the hot summer.

Su Junli looked up at Ling Qianyue!

Ling Qianyue smiled faintly at her.

Su Junli did not refuse his injection of inner breath!

It's just that his internal breath is really strange, wherever it goes, it seems to be cleaning the five meridians and six meridians of the human body, making all the cells alive.

After a while, Su Junli felt refreshed, her weakness had disappeared, and her eyes became brighter and clearer.

"So comfortable!"

Su Junli took a long breath of her last turbid breath, stretched her waist and said, "I didn't expect that your skill can also have a healing effect."

"This is the effect of the little snake." Ling Qianyue said.

"It seems to be afraid of the eyes of the sky. As soon as Azai came into contact with the eyes of the sky, it said it would kill everyone. You have to be careful."

Su Junli hugged the brocade box containing the eyes of the sky and reminded Ling Qianyue.

Ling Qianyue nodded.

Su Junli pushed open the door.

Leng Qingfeng and Su Yunqing, who were guarding outside, stepped forward anxiously and asked in unison, "What's the matter?"

"It should be fine."

Su Junli said to Su Yunqing, "Let the kitchen prepare some porridge, and grandma should be very hungry when she wakes up."

"It's really cured?"

Su Yunqing still didn't quite believe it. When he walked to the bed, he found that his mother's face began to glow with a healthy rosy face, and she was sleeping peacefully, not like she was sick before.

She looked at Ling Qianyue, who looked like a **** exile, and thought he was the one who treated her mother.

Because looking horizontally and vertically, Ling Qianyue looks like a person with some kind of supernatural power.

Or maybe it's a fairy coming down to earth?

Otherwise, how could it be so perfect?

The skin texture is smoother and softer than that of a newborn baby, and the pupils are clear, it doesn't look like a living person at all.

Su Junli knew what she was thinking and didn't correct her.

Grandma Su woke up slowly, and found that her whole body seemed to be much lighter, and she was not as heavy as she was suffering from the disease before.

"I...dead? The soul is out of the body?" She touched her face in doubt.


Su Yunqing excitedly shook Grandma Su's hand, "You're doing well!"

"Yun Qing?"

Grandma Su sat up and looked at Su Yunqing suspiciously, "I'm really not dead!"

"It's all right, Mom, you're all right, it was Junli's friend who healed you!" Su Yunqing pointed at Ling Qianyue and said.

Seeing Ling Qianyue, a trace of astonishment flashed across Grandma Su's eyes, and her tone trembled with horror, "You... who are you going to take away again?"

Su Junli and the others looked at Grandma Su inexplicably, "Grandma, he is Ling Qianyue, he is my friend, he is not taking anyone away!"

"Jun Li!"

Grandma Su grabbed Su Junli's hand very nervously, "Grandma needs you, grandma would rather die than you disappear, don't go with him, last time he came, your parents disappeared."

Su Junli and the others probably understood.

Before Su's father and Su's mother disappeared, there was a person who looked very similar to Ling Qianyue. Grandma Su suspected that that person was related to the disappearance of Su's parents.

But, why didn't I hear grandma say it before?

"Grandma, tell me clearly, when did you meet him?" Su Junli asked.

"It was two years ago, the night before your parents disappeared, I saw him in the yard, he was so beautiful, and suddenly disappeared before my eyes, I suspected that it was my hallucination, I saw a fairy The next day, your parents disappeared, and I vaguely felt that this person was related to your parents, but I was afraid that it was my hallucination, so I never told you." Grandma Su said with a smile on her face. Looking at Ling Qianyue in panic, she said, "Junli is my sweetheart, please, it doesn't matter if you take me away, don't take Junli away, her life has just begun."

It seems that Grandma Su regards Ling Qianyue as a seductress!

In this world, is there such a beautiful messenger?

Even Su Yunqing who didn't know Ling Qianyue's identity rolled her eyes.

Su Junli fell into deep thought.

Two years ago, Ling Qianyue's whole body was still poisoned and disfigured, so it was impossible to appear with this face.

And looking at Ling Qianyue's appearance, he was also at a loss, never knowing that he had been here.

"Grandma, his name is Ling Qianyue, he's not some ecstasy messenger, he's a living person, and he won't take me away." Su Junli comforted her grandma.

"Then last time... why did he appear before your parents disappeared?" Grandma asked hesitantly.

"Grandma, did you see clearly? The person you saw last time really looked exactly like him?" Su Junli asked.

"This..." Grandma Su looked at Ling Qianyue very carefully, "I think they are exactly the same, but they are both too beautiful. Junli, it is impossible for a person to grow up to be so beautiful, he must be a monster, you Don't be with him, okay?"

"Grandma, I'm pretty too."

Su Junli blinked and said, "Then am I also a monster? Don't people want to be with me anymore?"

Grandma Su touched Junli. Indeed, her granddaughter's skin has been getting better and better recently. It is similar to Ling Qianyue's skin in front of her, and she can't even see it clearly.

She tried her best to recall the appearance of the person she saw that day, but the harder she tried, the more she could only think of a face that was exactly the same as Ling Qianyue.


Ling Qianyue stepped forward and spoke, "I will not let Junli disappear. I am not a god, nor a demon, I am just a human being."

Ling Qianyue's voice was pleasant but with a deceptive charm, Grandma Su felt relieved after hearing it.

She got off the bed and found that her legs were much stronger, and she stopped trembling when she walked, and she didn't need a crutch!

How can he be human if he can rescue himself from a dying state and even become stronger?

Grandma Su muttered in her heart, but she didn't dare to say more.

At this time, Su Junru came back from the outside and saw Ling Qianyue. She was startled for a while, and then screamed: "My God, the legendary beauty of the exile! Sister, where did you find it? Can't you let me hug you?"

Su Junli gave her a blank look, "This is mine, get the **** out of here!"

"Your man? Your man?"

Su Junru widened her black and white eyes, "Isn't your man Chu Xian? Why is there another man? Are you more beautiful than me?"

Su Junli smiled without saying a word.

"Sister, who is he? How can he look as perfect as a Greek god? And that skin!" Su Junru said enviously, "How can he not be polluted?"

"He is a banished fairy!"

Su Junli found that it was really difficult to locate Ling Qianyue with people, so he just went with the flow and said that he was an exiled immortal.

"Really...really a banished immortal?" Su Junru opened her mouth in astonishment.

"Hehe, if you think it is, then it's not. In short, my sister won't explain too much to you." Su Junli smiled and knocked her on the head.

"Sister, what Zen language are you typing?" Su Junru rolled her eyes.


Suddenly there was a sharp and frantic cry from the yard. Listen carefully, it was Su Junhao's voice!

Everyone hurried over to have a look—

I saw Su Junhao running in the backyard with disheveled hair, his whole face seemed to be bitten by countless maggots, the vicious pus was everywhere, it was extremely terrifying!

Su Junru was so frightened that she hurriedly covered her face with her hands.

"Help me, sister, help me—"

Su Junhao ran to Su Junli, knelt down with a plop, and begged.

Su Junli looked at her face and felt sad.

This is caused by the backlash of the blood curse!

Unexpectedly, Su Junhao is so vicious and wants to put such a blood curse on himself!

"Save you?" Su Junli said with a sneer, "If the blood curse you cast on me is effective, and I am the one who has become like this now, will you gloat and applaud secretly?"

Su Junhao was taken aback, she didn't expect Su Junli to know this.

However, the fear of being backlashed by the blood curse is greater than everything else.

She hugged Su Junli's thigh, "Sister, I was wrong, I shouldn't listen to auntie's slander, I shouldn't be jealous of you and want to cast a blood curse on you, save me, I'll do it again I dare not, save me..."

Su Yunqing and Grandma Su trembled with anger when they heard her words.

"Hi Jun! You actually want to harm your biological sister like this? It's just a family misfortune!" Grandma Su accused very angrily, "It's just that you've been ignorant all this time, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, woo, save me, sister, I'm scared!" Su Junhao reached out and touched his face, pleading with great fear.

"There is no cure for the backlash of the blood curse! And the sudden illness of the ****, is it related to you?" Su Junli blamed her helplessly, mourning her misfortune and angering her.

"It's none of my business, it's really none of my business, I didn't know grandma would fall ill, everything was done by auntie." Su Junhao cried.

"Why is Suyun so vicious? Why is it like this?" Grandma Su probably sensed something, and looked at Su Yunqing puzzledly and asked.

Su Yunqing also didn't understand.

No matter what, Su Junli is the daughter of Suyun's own sister, why did she do it like this?

"Help me, sister, I would rather die than become like this!" Su Junhao continued to beg Su Junli.

Su Junli said helplessly, "This is not something I can save. You can only rely on yourself. You cast a blood curse that day, and how much resentment you planted in it, you will repay as much today. Master Enlightenment said, If you want to get rid of it, you have to get rid of the resentment in your heart first, then the blood curse will slowly disappear."

Su Junhao was startled.

"Go back to the room and reflect on it slowly, until the resentment is completely cleared, and the face returns to normal." Su Junli still couldn't bear it, and told Su Junhao the way to undo the curse.

As for whether it can be done, that is her own business.

Su Jun hid his face and ran back to the room.

"Two good sisters, why did they become enemies?" Grandma Su looked at Su Junru with a heartache on her face, "Jun Ru, you can't have a grudge against Jun Li like Jun Hao."

"Originally there were, but now there is none at all." Su Junru said calmly.

"That's good!" Grandma Su sighed, feeling confused and blaming herself, "It's all because I was so confused that I actually lured wolves into the house and let Na Suyun stay here. However, I really can't figure it out. Suyun used to be very nice. You are a pure girl who treats Jun Li very well, how come you have changed into a vicious witch after a few years?"

"It should be controlled by someone." Su Junli said, "The nature has been completely lost."

"Junli, what should we do then? Suyun is gone again. I don't know if she is hiding somewhere to harm you." Grandma Su said worriedly.

"Grandma, don't worry, I will have a way to protect myself, not to mention, there is this person with spiritual power beside me." Su Junli pointed at Ling Qianyue, and lifted him out as a shield.

A character like Ling Qianyue, wherever he puts it, will make people feel at ease.

"But...can he protect you forever?" Grandma Su said.

"Yes, grandma, he likes me and will protect me for the rest of his life." Su Junli bowed her head.

"Jun Li, don't you have Chu Xian? So what if he likes you again?" Grandma asked.

"Just like everything." Su Junli felt that she shouldn't hide it from her grandma. Anyway, sooner or later, she would know these things, so she didn't have to hide other men herself. The sooner she knew, the sooner she accepted it.

Grandma Su stared at her dumbfounded and said, "Jun Li, being a woman doesn't take such caresses."

"Grandma, I really have no choice. They all like me, and I like them too. I really can't give up anyone." Su Junli said with an innocent face.

Su Yunqing and Su Junru felt like they were going to vomit blood! This girl doesn't bring such exciting things!

Read The Duke's Passion