MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-v2 Chapter 15 】

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The three returned to the hall. love

Grandma Su still talked happily with Na Suyun, and she didn't know what Na Suyun said that made Grandma Su so happy.

When Suyun saw them coming back, a provocative look of pride flashed across his face.

Su Junli didn't bother to talk to her, anyway, she had already asked Ling Qianyue to prepare a phantom to monitor Suyun, and she wasn't afraid that she might make something wrong.

If she stays in the Su family honestly, then she will be her relative.

If she still wanted to make some small moves, then she would not be polite.

Anyway, from the beginning, I didn't treat her as a relative.

"How about Junhao Junru?"

Seeing that her two younger sisters hadn't shown up, Su Junli asked aloud.

"The company works overtime, Junru will come back later." Su Yunqing replied.

"How is Junru's performance in the company?" Su Junli asked with concern.

"Very good. She concealed her identity and was recruited into Su's sales department. Like other employees, she worked diligently at work every day. She had good business skills and got along well with her colleagues. It seemed that she had completely changed. .” Su Yunqing said.

"Who's talking about me?"

Su Junru's delicate but cheerful voice sounded outside the door.

She was wearing a decent and simple professional dress, her hair was covered with clear soup noodles, she didn't wear any extra accessories, she just put on light professional makeup, and she looked clean and capable.

Her big clear eyes, which were originally black and white, were less lazy and decadent than before, and more youthful and energetic, which shows that she has been living a fulfilling life recently.


When Su Junru saw Su Junli, she walked forward with a smile on her face and shouted.

"Well, Junru, you look good like this." Su Junli patted Su Junru on the shoulder and said.

"Yes, working simply and hard every day is much better than the extravagant life without goals and pursuits. I really don't understand why I lived like that at the beginning? It's a waste of youth and life." Su Junru yelled.

"It's not too late to know now!"

Seeing Su Junru's complete change, Su Junli was really relieved.

"Thank you, sister! It was you who taught me that I should live like this! Otherwise, I would still be that dandy who has nothing to do and stirs up scandals every day." Su Junru stretched out his arms to hug Su Junli, and said sincerely.

"Hehe, I guess my sister's strength is not enough. It's not me who completely changed you, but the young master of the Lei family." Su Junli said with a smirk.

When Lei Luo was mentioned, Su Junru's face was unconsciously brimming with the happiness and joy of love, and her eyes were even tinged with tenderness.

"Why don't you bring him back for dinner?" Su Yunqing said from the side, "Maybe let grandma take a look."

"Auntie, he's still a student, and he's busy with the test these two days, so he's not free. I haven't seen him for a few days." Su Junru said.

"After he finishes the college entrance examination, take him back to Su's house to have a look. We have to thank him very much." Su Junli said.

"Why should I thank him?" Su Junru asked intentionally.

"Of course I have to thank him. Without him, you would still be a lost girl." Su Junli said with a smile.

"You are the lost girl!"

Su Junru stretched out his hand towards Su Junli's tickle—

This was Su Junli's sensitive spot, and he hurriedly stomped away the itchiness, and reached out to scratch Su Junru's too. Seeing that it was fun, Azai joined the battle group, and the three of them giggled together.

Seeing this, Su Yunqing and Grandma Su were deeply moved.

The sisters between them live in harmony, which is a warm scene that has not been seen for many years.

At this time, Su Junhao, who was pale and frail, also appeared in front of the hall. Seeing Su Junru and Su Junli fighting, there was a hint of jealousy and resentment in his eyes.

When she saw Chu Xian sitting on the sofa, the emotion on her face immediately changed, she turned and left to go back to her room, put on her favorite floral dress, combed her hair, put on her eyebrows and lip makeup, and even put on a She took the jade ornament that Su Junli gave her before.

The image of a beautiful girl immediately appeared in the mirror.

Su Junhao's face is somewhat similar to Su Junli's. He is not ugly and has a good complexion, but his usual lifeless face makes people respect him at a distance.

"Hi Su Jun, you are no worse than Su Junli at all, why should all the good things be occupied by her?"

Su Junhao looked in the mirror and said.

The eyes in the mirror are full of jealousy, unwillingness and resentment.

Seeing Su Junhao appearing in a new look, everyone's eyes lit up a little.

"Hi Jun, how nice you are to dress up like this. You usually stay at home lifelessly, and you don't go out to make friends or anything. You are only twenty years old, and you can't live like a grandma." Grandma Su turned her face to Su again. Yundao, "Suyun, you are here, teach her well when you have time, I really have nothing to do with her."

Seeing Su Junhao, Grandma Su couldn't help but chatter again.

Seeing grandma scolding him in Chu Xian's face, Su Jun's good heart seemed to be dug out by someone, bleeding continuously.

She cautiously glanced at Chu Xian beside her.

Chu Xian didn't look at her, all the focus of his gaze was on Su Junli, circling around her, and he didn't have any extra eyes to look at others.

Su Junhao bit his lower lip slightly, and sat on the sofa opposite Chu Xian.

Feeling her gaze, Chu Xian smiled at her out of politeness, and then looked at Su Junli and Su Junru talking.

Seeing Chu Xian's faint smile, Su Jun felt like his heart was trembling and opening like a flower bone.

But then he saw that he just glanced at her indifferently, and all his fiery eyes were on Su Junli's heart, and her heart was full of jealousy as if being bitten by countless poisonous snakes.

Although Su Junli was talking to Su Junru, she did not forget to observe the changes in Su Junhao's expression.

She saw Jun Hao's jealousy and alienation towards her, and saw the haze in her heart.

However, she was really powerless to dispel them!

Su Junhao is different from Su Junru.

What Su Junru did before was nothing more than a child's innocence and willfulness, but Su Junhao is completely different. His heart is extremely deep and not sunny enough.

What's more, she still likes Chu Xian paranoidly!

This situation is almost the same as Su Yunwu's, making it impossible for her to untie this knot.

Suyun stood up from Grandma Su, sat next to Su Junhao, and hugged her shoulders very affectionately, "Junhao is really bigger and more beautiful, delicate and charming, just like Lin Daiyu, who is loved by others."

"Thank you, Auntie."

Su Junhao was so praised by Suyun, his face was blushing, and he quickly cast his gaze on Chu Xian, hoping that he could hear it too.

However, Chu Xian didn't even look at her.

His eyes immediately darkened.

Seeing it, Suyun rolled his eyeballs, and an imperceptible sneer appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Hi Jun, Auntie loves you the most. If you have any concerns, you can tell Auntie, and Auntie will find a way for you." Suyun said kindly to Su Jun.

"En." Su Junhao nodded slightly.

No matter who she is, she is somewhat alienated, even if this aunt is very active in caring about herself.

"Looking at Junli's appearance, she treats Junru better than her sister, I really don't know what she thinks?" Suyun glanced at Su Junli and whispered.

Hearing Suyun accuse Su Junli, Su Junhao felt a little better.

"Also, I think you and Chu Xian should be like a couple. How can Jun Li compare to your delicacy? If I were Chu Xian, I would definitely choose you." Su Yun said again.

These words touched Su Junhao's heart.

She gets a little closer to So-woon.

"Hello Jun, it's a bit boring here, how about going out to chat with Auntie?" Su Yun said with his arms around Su Junhao's shoulders.

Su Junhao nodded, stood up, and went out with Suyun.

Seeing these two people walking out, Su Junli's eyes sank slightly.

Her hearing is very good, even though Suyun lowered her voice to talk to Junhao just now, she can still hear clearly.

This Suyun is really not a good thing, he wants to use Su Junhao's jealousy to disturb the Su family.

She looked towards Azai.

Azai understood, nodded, and went out to monitor what Suyun and Su Junhao were thinking.

After a while, Azai came back with a very bad face.

She pulled Su Junli aside, and recounted the conversation between Suyun and Junhao that she had just heard.

Na Suyun actually encouraged Su Junhao to go after Chu Xian openly, and suggested that she arrange Fengshui layout in her room to make herself unfavorable.

Su Junli signaled Azai to keep quiet, and she would take care of everything naturally.

"Mom, aunt and grandma went to grandpa and grandma's room with Aunt Junhao just now." Azai said.

Su Junli's heart skipped a beat!

Why did Suyun go to his father's room?

Is there any attempt?

Su Junli went out and met Su Yun and Su Junhao coming out of her father's room.

"Jun Li—"

Su Yun piled up a smiling face, and greeted Su Junli proactively, "Did you come to ask us to prepare dinner? I wanted to see your mommy's photo just now, so please take me into your father's room to have a look. "


Su Junli responded lightly, did she really want to see her mother's photo? As the mother's younger sister, it is normal for Suyun to miss her missing elder sister, so it is difficult for her to say anything.

"By the way, Junli, two years have passed, and there is still no news of brother-in-law or sister?" Suyun asked.


"Oh, what a pity. What happened to my sister and my husband? I heard that in the room where you disappeared that day, the first page of your Su family's genealogy is turning, right?" Suyun asked.

Su Junli's eyes darkened slightly again.

"I'm sorry, I lost my memory. I completely forgot about the disappearance of my parents that day." Su Junli said lightly. It seems that amnesia is really the best excuse.

"Auntie is very confused. What's so interesting about the genealogy? I wonder if I can show it to Auntie." Suyun pretended to be dazed again and said.

"You can ask grandma about this, I don't know what to look at."

Su Junli now finally understands the purpose of this Suyun. She also came for this genealogy. Fortunately, she has torn off the first page of the genealogy, and the rest of the genealogy is just a family tree, nothing special .

Who sent this Suyun?

Su Junli thought in her heart, and walked into her father's room.

The room is still the same, nothing special.

She closed the door and walked out, only to find that Suyun was asking Grandma Su about the genealogy again.

I don't know what's going on, or maybe Grandma Su noticed some problems and refused to talk about the genealogy, and didn't tell Suyun, saying that the genealogy is now in Su Junli's hands, but that the genealogy is gone, I don't know if it is It wasn't the children and grandchildren who moved out who took it away.

Some anxious expressions appeared on Suyun's face, "Grandma, they are all collateral descendants, so they don't deserve to have a family tree. This family tree should be kept in the Su family mansion."

Grandma Su glanced at Jingming, with a hint of suspicion in her eyes, "Suyun, why do you care so much about our Su family's genealogy?"

"Ha ha-"

Suyun realized her gaffe, and said with a sneer, "My sister and her husband are gone, and I, as an aunt, am not worried about Junli and the others?"

"Jun Li doesn't care about this." Miss Su's tone lost the intimacy before, and became a little more distant.

"Jun Li is the daughter of the Su family. She has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Su family. How can she not care about being so irresponsible?" Su Yun said.

Su Junli is Mrs. Su's darling. Hearing Suyun say this about her, grandma was not happy. "My Junli will not be irresponsible. She is trying her best to do well now."

Seeing Mrs. Su's displeasure, Suyun realized that she was wrong, and hurriedly said with a sneer, "Yes, Junli is the best, and my sister and brother-in-law love her the most."

Grandma Su pursed her lips and smiled, leaving Suyun aside.

Su Junli saw everything in her eyes, and really wanted to hug grandma and kiss her hard.

This Suyun was scheming, but she was too impatient. Even grandma was wary of her. It seemed that there was nothing to be afraid of.

She didn't bother to talk about Suyun anymore, and chatted with Su Yunqing, Su Junru and others about the company.

Under Su Yunqing's vigorous rectification, the company's performance has begun to flourish, and some new markets have been opened, and the situation is good.

"By the way, Jun Li, someone came looking for me yesterday." Su Yunqing suddenly remembered something.


"Well, it's the former president of Haitian Group, that Mo Jin you always liked." Su Yunqing said.

"Eh?" She didn't mention it, and Su Junli forgot about Mo Jin into the sea, "Why did he ask you?"

"He wants to cooperate with me." Su Yunqing said.

"Cooperate with what?"

"The resort in the Maldives, he invested a lot in the early stage, and it is estimated that the funds are insufficient, so he needs to find a partner." Su Yunqing said.

Su Junli thought about the last time he borrowed his own money, it seemed that his funds were still not enough. As for the resort, Su Junli has never been to the Maldives, and she is not comfortable with the development of this area at all, but a shrewd person like Mo Jin is interested in this investment, and promises to pay back ten times the money in ten years. Myself, that should be promising.

"Auntie, do you think there is value in cooperation?" Su Junli asked.

Su Yunqing nodded, "Our Su Group has always been involved in department stores. Before I was abroad, I also thought about developing resorts. Now that the economy is recovering, Maldives, as a world tourist destination, has a large number of tourists every year. It should be It's a great project."

"Auntie, you are now the president of the Su Corporation. If you think it's worth cooperating with, you can cooperate. It's just that Mo Jin is a treacherous and cunning person. You have to be careful." Su Junli reminded.

"En." Su Yunqing nodded, "I met Mo Jin a few years ago, and found that he has changed a lot now, and he has lost the exaggerated narcissism of the past."

"If a person has fallen to the bottom of the valley, he can't exaggerate even if he wants to." Su Junli felt amused when he thought of the situation when Mo Jin was almost forced to marry and jump off the building that day.

"Junli, you've liked him for so many years, and now you don't have any affection for him?" Su Yunqing saw a sneer on Su Junli's face, and asked curiously.

"It's long gone." Su Junli shrugged.

"That's right, now there is an excellent man like Mr. Leng who loves you, other men really can't be ignored." When Su Yunqing talked about Leng Qingfeng, his tone still changed slightly.

Having been secretly in love for so many years, naturally I can't just let it go and feel relieved, but I have been forcing and persuading myself to let it go.

Su Junli glanced at Su Yunqing, and then thought of Mo Jin!

Perhaps, the combination of two people is not bad, but there is a big difference in age.

How did Su Yunqing know her thoughts?

Seeing her thoughtful look, I thought she was thinking about her secret love for Leng Qingfeng.

"Auntie, what do you think of Mo Jin?" Su Junli asked aloud.

"It can be regarded as a leader among the young generation, flexible in mind, shrewd in doing things, and forward-looking." Su Yunqing commented.

"If he likes aunt, will aunt accept it?" Su Junli asked.

Su Yunqing blushed, and spit on Su Junli, "Really, do you want people to point at my back and scold the old cow for eating tender grass?"

"Haha, why not eat it?"

Su Junli laughed, but in her heart she had the idea of ​​pulling Mo Jin and Su Yunqing together.

Generally speaking, Mo Jin is pretty good, but I have no interest in Mo Jin at all, and I don’t want to lose my fat water to other fields. Let him spend more time with his aunt in cooperation projects, maybe it will really create a year-end relationship.

Mo Jin, who was crouching in the hotel drafting a cooperation draft with Su, suddenly had itchy nostrils and sneezed several times.

He looked up at the air conditioner.

It's not cold, why did you suddenly sneeze?

Could it be that someone is talking about him behind his back?

Su Junli's half-smile face suddenly appeared in his mind, and his mood was a little messed up. He put down the copywriting in his hand, sat on the window sill, and smoked a cigarette very depressed, but caught a glimpse of a familiar figure under the street .

Look carefully, it is Murong Changkong, the man next to Su Junli.

His heart was overjoyed.

Could it be that Su Junli has also returned to the magic capital?

He had told himself thousands of times in his heart not to like a woman like Su Junli, but the more he did this, the more he couldn't restrain that special emotion, and often woke up in the middle of the night, thinking about her in a panic.

With the last time Su Junli borrowed his money for turnover, everything in the resort is running normally again, and there is no need for any partners at all.

But he still went to Su's Group, the purpose was to have a legitimate reason to enter and leave Su's house.

He threw away the cigarette butt, picked out his favorite shirt and suit from the closet, shaved his beard, combed his hair, and even sprayed a little cologne on his body to make himself energetic and handsome.

It is beyond reproach, Mo Jin's appearance and figure are indeed first-class, especially his pair of mixed-race, deep, slightly blue pupils, very charming.

He whistled to himself in the mirror very narcissistically, put the draft of cooperation with Su into his briefcase, and wanted to find this excuse to go to Su's house, and he also knew that today was Su Yunqing's birthday, believe Su Junli will definitely be at home.

Mo Jin bought a large bouquet of lilies from the flower shop as a birthday present for Su Yunqing.

In fact, he wanted to give this gift to Su Junli more.

He knew that Su Junli's favorite flower in the past was lilies.

When Mo Jin appeared in front of the Su family hall with a large bouquet of lilies, everyone was slightly startled.

Su Junli was also quite surprised. She was talking about this person with her aunt just now, but she didn't expect that Cao Cao would come when she said Cao Cao.

"President Su, happy birthday."

Mo Jin didn't look at Su Junli, but walked directly in front of Su Yunqing, and handed her the flowers, her voice was deliberately subdued.

"Thank you, President Mo!"

Su Yunqing took the flower over, sniffed it and said, "Junli seems to like this flower."

"Auntie, I don't like Lily now." Su Junli said aside.

"Then what do you like?" Mo Jin couldn't help asking.

"I like Tianshan snow lotus." Su Junli raised her eyebrows slightly and said.

Mo Jin looked embarrassed, how could he not understand what Su Junli meant?

Su Junli said very clearly that she doesn't like him now, but likes other people.

"President Su, even though I know today is your birthday, I still can't help but come here and want to ask you about your cooperation intentions. This is the cooperation draft I made. Please take a look." In order to hide the embarrassment, Mo Jin took out the cooperation draft from the briefcase and handed it to Su Yunqing.

"President Mo has worked hard. I will study it carefully tonight. If I think we can cooperate, I will hold a shareholders' meeting tomorrow to see if it can be approved." Su Yunqing said.

"I hope we can have a chance to cooperate." Mo Jin glanced at Su Junli, "It has always been my wish to cooperate with Su."

"It is our Su family's wish to cooperate with President Mo." Su Yunqing said politely.

At this time, Su Junhao came over, looked at Mo Jin, then at Chu Xian, turned his face to Su Junli, and said in a loud voice: "Sister, isn't this President Mo the one you have been secretly in love with? He is really handsome, I wonder if he still likes it now?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Chu Xian again.

Chu Xian's expression didn't change at all, as if he didn't hear her words.

For Mo Jin, Chu Xian didn't take it seriously at all, no matter whether Su Junli liked it or not.

Mo Jin's reaction to seeing Su Junli was also very indifferent, the loss in her heart was like losing the most precious gem.

"Now, I like Jun Li very much, but she refuses to accept me." Mo Jin said kindly to Su Jun.

"Oh?" Su Jun didn't expect Mo Jin to say such a thing, and he was slightly astonished for a while. It seems that his move was wrong again. Not only did he not lose Su Junli's face, but instead he showed his villainous character. upset.

Read The Duke's Passion