MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-Chapter 75 】

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"No!" Murong Changkong resolutely objected from the side, "It's not good if it turns out to be fake. I love you."

"I don't mind if you make the fake come true, so what do you mind?" Passerby A said angrily.

"Of course I mind. Jun Li is my girlfriend. I don't want to have another competitor. It's hard enough not to warm the bed every night. I definitely can't let you take over again." Murong Changkong said.


Passerby A sneered, "In terms of the length of time we have known her, I have known her earlier than you, and she has already said that I am her concubine, but I don't want to."

"Since you were unwilling in the past, don't be willing now. You can't regret it all the time." Murong Changkong said.

"Murong Changkong, even if I go back on my word, it's my personal business and none of your business. You're too lenient." Passer-by A turned to Su Junli and said, "Your man's jealousy is too great. , take care of it."

"Personally, I'm more defensive. Unless you are also my man, otherwise, I will help him." Su Junli blinked and said, "If my man doesn't agree with me pretending to be your boyfriend, I will consider him." Mood."


Passerby A was a little out of breath, "Are you like the kind of woman who listens to men?"

"It's not a question of likeness, unless you... also consider becoming my man." Su Junli grinned wickedly.

"Su Junli—"

Passerby A called her name in a very solemn tone, "Do you know who I am?"

"I really don't know who you are, you're just a passer-by." Su Junli said with a smirk, "Now are you considering telling me my name?"

"What is my name, you don't need to know, you only need to know one thing—"

Passer-by A looked at her and paused, "I am your master! The master who has saved your life before!"


Su Junli looked at passerby A suspiciously, "How could I have a master?"

"When you fell into the water in London, I was the one who saved you." Passerby A narrowed his eyes slightly.

London fell overboard?

Su Junli was sure that this should have happened to her body before, and it had absolutely nothing to do with her. She suddenly remembered the back view of the photo she saw at Lan Xin's house that day, and remembered that she had said that that person was her master, could it be a passerby?

"Don't remember?" Passerby A looked at her slightly disappointed.

"I don't really remember. However, I also saved you twice, which can be offset. I don't need you to pay back the money you owed me before. Everyone is equal, and you don't want to be my master." " A look of pride appeared on Su Junli's face, "In this world, only I am my master, and no one else is worthy."

Passerby A's lips twitched slightly.

I remember that when I was saving her that day, she looked weak and weak. When I saw her again later, her aura became stronger, so strong that even he felt very stressed in front of her.

He also investigated her secretly, and the conclusion he got was astonishing. He said that after she had a high fever, she seemed to have changed to another strange person.

He had been in contact with her several times, and he was amazed by her self-contained tone.

He was sure that she was definitely not the former her.

It's just that he has never been able to find the reason for it, but he just finds it incredible.

"A master for a day, and a master for life. You saved me later, but you did your duty as a slave." Passerby A argued.

What he said was not without reason.

In Dayong, it is only natural for a slave to save his master. Just like Ye, as her bodyguard, always stand in front of her to block all dangers for her when she is in danger, that is a matter of course.

"All right!"

Now that she is attached to this body, what she owed before, she can do it on her behalf, and take it as repayment.


Seeing her suddenly acquiescing, passer-by A was very surprised again, wondering how she became so cute.

"Since you are the master, then I will obey your orders." Su Junli looked at passerby A and said, "However, don't expect me to obey like other servants."

"Hehe, do I dare?" Passerby A smiled, and glanced at Murong Changkong, who was slanting his mouth and nose, "Since you are my servant, then, does your man count as my servant?"

"You are a slave, your whole family is a slave." Murong Changkong said angrily.


Passerby A sneered.

Su Junli said with a sullen face, "In this society, it seems that there is no dependent relationship. You can only be regarded as my master, but don't think about a man who can send me around."

"It's really boring." Passerby A glanced at his mouth, "Since this is the case, let's stop talking nonsense. Now, the master, I order you to temporarily pretend to be my girlfriend to deceive grandma. You must not disobey, and he must not follow."

"All right."

Su Junli is used to ordering others, but now being ordered like this by others, she doesn't feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, she finds it interesting.

"Jun Li, how can you be as stupid as him? What kind of master and servant? That's just bullshit. In this society, everyone is free and equal, and there is no such relationship." Murong Changkong was anxious.

"Although I said so, I am not the one who broke my promise." Su Junli reached out and hugged his waist, "Shang Kong, I will wrong you first, you go to help Auntie buy some clothes, and then go back and tell Ye them , I've finished my work and will come back to you."

"Jun Li, you are not familiar with Xinjiang, what if he-"

"It's okay, I have a strong sense of direction, and I'm not the kind of pig that can be trafficked." Su Junli smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about that."

"All right."

Seeing her insistence, Murong Changkong had no choice but to give passerby A a hard look, then turned and left.

"Let's go. If you behave well this time, I will naturally terminate the relationship with you as a master and servant. If you behave poorly, you are ready to be a slave for life." Passerby A raised his eyebrows and said.

"Don't go too far." Su Junli looked disdainful, "You are not worthy of making me a lifelong slave. No one who can make me a lifelong slave has not yet been born."


Passerby A sneered, "You are the most arrogant woman I have ever seen."


Su Junli nodded disapprovingly, "Stop talking nonsense, let's go."

Passerby A's grandmother lives in an old house in Xinjiang Old Street, which is very nostalgic.

"Those crews who shoot costume dramas often borrow grandma's place to film." Passerby A saw that Su Junli was very interested in this old house, and explained.

"Well, it's very nice here. In this hot summer, as soon as you walk in, you will feel cool immediately." Su Junli nodded and said, "Your grandma will choose a place."

"This is the place where grandma and grandpa fell in love, so she has been unwilling to move anywhere." When Passerby A talked about ***, there was a touch of tenderness in those eyes that were as cold as wild wolves.

Su Junli liked his rare gentleness very much.

"The young master is back?"

A girl with a thick black braid, a cute face, and a white skirt, about sixteen years old, cried out in surprise.

"Well, Xiaolan, where is grandma?"

Passerby A asked.

Xiaolan looked Su Junli up and down with a pair of curious eyes, and then said with a strange expression, "The old lady is chatting with Miss Qin in the backyard."

"Miss Qin?"

"Yes, young master, Miss Qin is the guest invited by the old lady today—"

Xiaolan stuck out her tongue mischievously and said, "Master, you should pay attention."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Su Junli again, and asked softly, "Master, who is this lady?"

"My girlfriend."

Passerby A put his arm around Su Junli's shoulder and asked with a smile, "Xiao Lan, what do you think of my girlfriend? Is she pretty?"

"Very beautiful, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Xiaolan nodded, then bared her teeth and said, "However, Miss Qin is also very good-looking, grandma likes it very much, you should pay attention."

"Thank you Xiaolan for your reminder."

Passerby A said happily.

Su Junli looked at passerby A.

Ever since passer-by A stepped into this old house, his whole person has changed, he is very relaxed, his expression is very happy, and his posture is also very relaxed, which is very different from the outside.

As soon as Passerby A and Su Junli stepped into the backyard, they heard a woman's sweet laughter and an old woman's joy.

It seems that Passerby A's grandma and that Miss Qin talked very well.

Hearing these laughters, Passerby A's expression froze slightly.

He paused, listening to the laughter inside, his expression was complicated and ever-changing.

"I think it's better for me not to go in." Su Junli looked at him and said, "Perhaps, that Miss Qin is really suitable for you, so don't rush to use me as a shield."

"I haven't heard grandma laugh like this for a long time." Passerby A said with great emotion, "Even in front of me, she has never laughed like this before."

"That means she really likes that Miss Qin." Su Junli said with a smile, "Since you don't want to be my concubine, why don't you consider other women?"

Passerby A raised his eyes and gave her a deep look.

As for Su Junli, he himself was very aware of his feelings for her, but he was a little moved, not really in love, and he didn't have the courage to be one of her men.

Perhaps, he should really think about that Miss Qin whom he has not met, after all, grandma likes her.

" stay with Xiaolan for a while, and I'll go in alone."

Passerby A hesitated for a moment.


Su Junli was very conscious, turned around and walked to the front yard to chat with Xiaolan.

Seeing her return, Xiao Lan was very curious, "Miss Su, are you going to meet the old lady with the young master?"

"Not necessary for the time being." Su Junli liked this innocent-looking Xiaolan a little bit, "Just stay with me and talk to me about your young master, okay?"


Xiaolan happily agreed, "The young master said you were his girlfriend just now, don't you know much about it?"

"Not much, your young master is a relatively deep man in the city." Su Junli smiled lightly.

"Oh? I don't think so, I think the young master is quite kind." Xiaolan shook her head and said.

Su Junli smiled, it seems that in her impression, the word "passer-by" and kindness are a little bit different.

[Seventy-sixth] Just a passerby

Update time: 2013-1-189:30:55 Number of words in this chapter: 6487

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