MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-Chapter 69 】

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Early the next morning, President Zhang Qianfan sent someone to wait at the entrance of the hotel to pick up Su Junli and others to the Kyoto Jade Market.

Su Junli saw that Ye's face was quite good, and told him to take the anti-fetal medicine prescribed by Yang De on time.

"Jun Li, don't worry, after a night of recuperation, my mental state has completely recovered." Ye smiled, "What's more, I'm not a weak person."

"No matter what, it's better to pay attention. Uncle Yang said that everything is not stable enough in the early stage of the fetus. You should pay attention to rest when you play the stone gambling. Alas, it's all my fault. I forgot that you were pregnant and let you participate in the gambling." Stone." Su Junli blamed herself.

"It's just betting on stones. It's not a labor-intensive thing. There won't be any accidents to the fetus at all. You have been worrying too much." Ye touched his abdomen, and his usually indifferent eyes were full of soft light. "Junli, do you know? I can already feel them moving inside."


Su Junli reached out to touch it curiously, but didn't feel anything, so she asked suspiciously: "I heard that the fetus often kicks in the stomach, why can't I feel it?"

"Hehe, Junli, Ye is now in the early stages of pregnancy, and the fetus inside is temporarily in the state of a tadpole, not yet in adult form, how could it be possible for the fetus to kick so fast?" Chu Xian said with a smile on the side.

"Well, how long will it take to feel it?" Su Junli asked.

"We can feel it in four or five months here, but you said that a man can give birth to a child in four months of pregnancy. I guess this process will be shortened a lot, about two months or so." Chu Xian was a little embarrassed He scratched his head abruptly.

"So that's how it is." Su Junli thought for a while, "There are twins inside. When they are formed, I don't know if they will fight in Ye's stomach every day. How uncomfortable Ye will be then."

"Ye and I are also twins. I don't know how many fights we fought in our mother's stomach before, and how much mother suffered for it." Chu Xian suddenly said with great emotion.

The night also suddenly fell silent.

In the past, he had no feelings for his biological mother, whom he had never met, but now that he was pregnant, he suddenly felt a kind of gratitude and longing.

"After the stone gambling is over, let's go back to Xinjiang first and find your mother." Su Junli saw their thoughts and said.

"Aren't you going to find his master with Okamoto?" Chu Xian asked.

"There's no rush, you can take your time. Your business is the most important thing." Su Junli smiled lightly.

"Jun Li, thank you." Chu Xian and Ye said at the same time.

Su Junli looked at the two of them with a surge of emotion.

She has always been used to going her own way, used to everyone obeying her, only caring about her own emotions, and rarely caring about other people's emotions, especially Ye and Chuxian.

Several people came to the Kyoto jade market.

Zhang Qianfan and Murong Feng had long been waiting at the entrance.

There is also a banner about the stone betting competition with Japan hanging at the entrance, everyone is welcome to watch, but the tickets are extremely expensive, 10,000 yuan per ticket, but there are still a lot of spectators.

People who like to gamble and know how to gamble generally have a wealth that is not so weak. For an ordinary family, 10,000 yuan may be half a year's income, but to them, it is nothing more than a trivial matter.

What's more, this game involves two countries, and it is a very high-level stone betting competition, and the stakes are quite astonishing.

However, this is nothing, many people came to watch, the main thing is to see the Emerald Princess who was passed on yesterday with amazing skills, it is said that she is also unparalleled in beauty, with a huge aura, surrounded by beautiful men.

As soon as Su Junli and others appeared, there was a commotion immediately, and the flashes kept flashing, taking pictures of Su Junli and the people around her.

Regarding these, Su Junli didn't care, and followed Zhang Qianfan into the competition venue.

The people from Okamoto have not arrived yet.

Chairman Zhang Qianfan also arranged for Su Junli and others to sit down, and explained the rules and importance of betting on stones again.

Little Gambling Stone King Lin Changping, like a forgotten supporting role, has been silent all the time. Although he pretended to be calm on his face, he couldn't hide the tension in his eyes.

The stone betting this time is really too important, he will provoke this leader for the first time when he comes out of the mountain, if he smashes it, his reputation in the future will also be smashed, and he really can't afford to hurt it.

Seeing that Su Junli and Ye didn't have any nervous expressions on their faces, he calmed down a little.

He knew that Su Junli was able to gamble so much yesterday, not because of the luck that others said, but because of his real strength, maybe even stronger than his master.

Therefore, he hoped that Su Junli and Ye could perform well, and if he was a little weak, it shouldn't affect the overall situation.

About Okamoto's stone gambling legend, he followed his master and heard a lot.

That Okamoto was in the stone gambling field in Burma, and he was called the Stone Gambler Demon. He heard that none of the selected wool was waste, and all of them were green, so he was called a demon.

However, because the two sides have to send three people each, no matter how powerful Okamoto is, there should be no chance to take advantage of it.

It depends on Ye and Su Junli's true strength.

And I am just a foil, I try my best not to hold back.

After about twenty minutes.

Okamoto, who was in a wheelchair, hurried over with a group of twelve people.

Seeing Su Junli, he looked slightly embarrassed and embarrassed, but quickly pretended to be like meeting him for the first time, and nodded proudly.

"Mr. Okamoto, I don't know who you sent out to compete?"

Zhang Qianfan asked.

"One is me, the other is him—" Okamoto pointed to a man in his thirties who was dressed carefully, with a face like a knife, deep eyes, and no expression, "Noda Ishikawa."

Noda Ishikawa nodded slightly, with a contemptuous arrogance in his expression.

Su Junli didn't like this person very much.

"The other one is her—"

Okamoto pointed to a girl in a blue school uniform who looked like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl from a middle school. She had a very lovable loli face, her hair was dyed yellow and curly, and her smile was innocent, as if she had stepped out of an anime. girls.

"Cherry Leaf!"

"Hello, please take care of me!" Cherry Leaf bowed sweetly to everyone and saluted.

Although her smile was innocent, Su Junli could still see a depth in her eyes that was not commensurate with her age.

Since Okamoto could choose her to compete at such a young age, it shows that she has a strong talent in betting stones and is an opponent not to be underestimated.

Su Junli and others also introduced themselves.

Cherry Leaf seems to like Su Junli's appearance very much, regardless of the fact that everyone is in a state of hostility, she puts a harmless and innocent smile on Su Junli's face, and speaks softly and sweetly, "Sister Su, you are so beautiful Ah, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you are also Princess Emerald, Ye Zi admires you so much."

If other people say such words, it will make people feel very abrupt, but when Ye Zi said it, it seems to be very natural and useful, because she seems to be really admiring from the heart, whether it is eyes, face or gestures, it is very important. No pretentiousness.

Su Junli couldn't help squinting and looked at the cherry leaves seriously.

If it wasn't for the deepness caught in her eyes just now, she really thought that Ye Zi would have no evil thoughts like Azai.

It's a bit scary that a girl who is only fifteen years old can have a deep mind and superb acting skills.

"Thank you, Ms. Ye Zi, for your compliment. I also admire you very much." Su Junli said with a bit of alienation on her face.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiley face. Even though she knew that Ye Zi's approach to her was not from the heart, but she still reciprocated and treated him politely.

"Yezi doesn't understand anything, so I need my sister to teach me a lot." Yingying Yezi noticed Su Junli's alienation, and said with her expression unchanged, "Yezi will definitely learn from her sister."


Su Junli didn't want to talk too much with her, so she nodded.

"Thank you sister, Ye Zi loves her the most." Ye Zi's face was full of joy, as if she had really received Su Junli's advice.

Su Junli had black lines all over her head.

She really couldn't understand why such a young girl knew how to be so hypocritical.

"Mr. Okamoto, I wonder if you are ready?" Seeing the impatient look on Su Junli's face, Zhang Qianfan turned to ask Okamoto.

"We can start anytime." Okamoto glanced at Su Junli and said.

"Okay, let's start the first round of the competition. Within one hour, each of the contestants will pick three pieces of wool." Zhang Qianfan looked at his watch and said, "The rule is that only the contestants are allowed to choose by themselves, and no one is allowed to help. .”

"Understood." Okamoto nodded.

Because there is a specified time, Su Junli naturally can't touch the stones one by one to see if they feel like it will waste a lot of time. It would be good if it was at night, she can observe Yuying.

How to choose three pieces of the best wool in such a short time?

This is really a bit difficult.

Ye and small gambling stone king Lin Changping went to different stalls to choose.

Lin Changping was a little nervous. He didn't have any supernatural powers. He adopted the method of selecting wool, that is, observing, touching, and breaking. The movements were very slow. Start with wool with a higher probability.

Night just takes a touch.

His movements are very fast, and every piece of wool that he is optimistic about is enough to feel if there is jade inside.

However, it is not enough just to have jade, and the best jade with good water head is also needed to win.

He also selected very carefully, selected a lot, and then chose the best.

Su Junli's selection method is similar to his, but she also has a more sensitive perception, whether there is top-grade jadeite in the woolen material, as long as she stands close, she seems to be able to feel a certain difference in the magnetic field.

Cherry Leaf didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but she was always picking wool near her.

Moreover, her selection method neither looks nor touches, but just stands in the middle of the wool, closes her eyes and stays there for a while, as if she is sensing something.

Could she also sense the magnetic field of jadeite?

Su Junli was a little puzzled.

If Ye Zi also has this ability, then the chance of him winning is not high, because he doesn't know what kind of material that Noda Ishikawa is. If he is slightly better than the little gambling stone king, it will be bad.

Su Junli chose more and more carefully.

Suddenly, I felt a coolness coming from a corner behind me, like a magnetic field of jade.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Ye Zi galloping over, bending over to touch a piece of black leather sand, which was a big piece of loose and criss-cross wool.

She darkened her eyes slightly.

The coolness I felt just now came from this piece of wool, and the leaves seemed to have received it, so they took the first step.

According to the rules of betting on stones, it is absolutely not allowed to grab the raw materials that others see first.

Cherry Leaf looked at Su Junli, still with the extremely innocent smile on her face, and said apologetically, "Sister Su, I'm sorry, I have my eye on this piece of wool first."


Su Junli didn't argue with her, and his eyes fell on a piece of purple-gray wool the size of three bricks next to Ye Zi, feeling strange in his heart.

She walked over and reached out to touch.

A strong sense of magnetic field seeped into the palm of the hand, it was clear and moist, extremely comfortable.

This feeling is the same as that piece of dark red wool she bought yesterday.

She took the piece of wool back to the hotel, but she hadn't had time to untie it yet. She didn't know what kind of jade was inside.

This piece is undoubtedly the same as that hidden in that piece of wool.

"Sister Su, do you like this piece?" Ye Zi saw that she was looking at the woolen fabric and asked.


Su Junli nodded and picked up the wool.

When she passed by, Ye Zi closed his eyes slightly to feel it, and a slight astonishment appeared on his face.

She couldn't accept any magnetic field emanating from the piece of wool in Su Junli's hand, but she just felt a little confused.

From her observation of Su Junli's movements just now, she also saw that Su Junli picked wool in the same way as her.

She really didn't understand why Su Junli chose that one.

Su Junli handed this piece to the staff as a competition wool.

And Cherry Leaf also firmly regards the piece of black wool that she just selected as the wool for the competition, and she is quite confident.

Seeing Su Junli enter another stall, she followed suit, blinking her curious eyes and asking, "Sister Su, why did you choose that piece of wool just now?"

"I like."

Su Junli said lightly.

"My sister has such a personality!"

After Cherry Leaf finished speaking, she didn't talk to Su Junli too much. After all, the game time was very short, so she continued to close her eyes to feel the magnetic field from the wool.

Su Junli didn't need to close her eyes, just felt it a little bit, and walked in the direction of the aura condensed by Youyu.

Cherry Leaf also opened her eyes and walked away.

The two walked to a corner at the same time.

There are two large pieces of wool in this corner, no matter in terms of appearance, color, luster and size, they are almost the same.

"Sister, which piece do you want to choose? My sister will let you this time." Cherry Leaf looked at the two pieces of wool and asked.

From her feeling, the magnetic field emitted by the two pieces of wool is almost exactly the same, and the appearance is also roughly the same.

Su Junli didn't bother to pay attention to her, and reached out to touch her.

Judging from the tactile feeling, the two pieces of wool can produce high green, but they will not be the kind of glass, but they should be not small in size and high in value.

She glanced at Cherry Leaf's innocent-looking face, and suddenly felt disgusted.

"I don't choose either." Su Junli said lightly, and walked to another stall.

Cherry Leaf was a little stunned. She felt and observed the two pieces of wool carefully. No matter how she looked at it, it could produce high green. She couldn't understand why Su Junli didn't want it. Could it be that she still wanted to find a better and higher water head? Wool?

The task that Okamoto entrusted to her this time, in addition to being able to select good wool for the competition, it is best to disturb Su Junli's mood.

Okamoto knew that a person like Su Junli must be very proud, so proud that he would disdain to compete with Cherry Leaf for wool, so he ordered Ye Zi to follow Su Junli closely in choosing wool, and to be the first to choose the wool before she chose it. Take the wool off.

Now Su Junli actually wanted to give up these two pieces of wool, but Ye Zi suddenly didn't know what to do.

No matter what, she is only fifteen years old after all, and her judgment of people and things still has certain limitations. It is not something that can be acquired by talent and intelligence, but it must be experienced before it can be truly understood.

She looked at the two pieces of wool, did she want to choose?

She had already selected one piece just now, if she chooses this one again, the remaining chances to compete with Su Junli for raw materials will not be many.

What can I do?

Su Junli didn't hesitate to want these two pieces of wool. Could it be that she saw something wrong with it?

And this is wrong, can it be that I can't see it?

In fact, she just has a feeling for the stone gambling, and she really doesn't know what kind of jade will appear in it.

Since Su Junli doesn't want it, then she doesn't want it either.

So, she gave up the two pieces of wool and quickly approached Su Junli.

The stall where Su Junli was located did not have any outstanding woolen materials. She was just about to give up when she saw the cherry leaves following her. She probably guessed what she was thinking, so she deliberately touched the piece next to it to get the jade, but not It is the best wool, and it looks like I want to buy it.

"Look at the other piece first and then decide."

She talked to herself intentionally, her voice was neither loud nor low, just enough for Ye Zi to hear.

She looked at that piece of wool with a look of reluctance, and Fang slowly walked to another piece of wool, bending over to touch it.

Cherry Yezi was overjoyed, and hurriedly squatted beside the piece of wool, closing her eyes to feel it.

Indeed feel the magnetic field of emerald.

Thinking of Su Junli's eyes and expression just now, she rolled her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up in a sly arc of triumph, marking the piece of wool as her property and letting the staff take it away.

Seeing that Ye Zi really chose the woolen material, Su Junli was really happy.

Children are children, no matter how smart they are, their intestines are not as cunning as adults who have experienced open and secret struggles.

She intentionally sighed in displeasure, "I was robbed of a good thing by the little thing again, alas!"

Ye Zi is very happy.

Now she is only short of a piece of wool, and she can't miss it.

Although there are many wool materials in the jade market, there are not many wool materials that can really produce high green, and the probability is about one in a thousand.

Let's see what wool Su Junli can pick out.

Su Junli walked out to another stall with a long face on purpose, but found that there was no good wool, so she changed again, and Cherry Leaf followed all the way, but found nothing.

Seeing that an hour was about to pass, neither of them had picked out wool.

Leaf began to worry.

But Su Junli still looked calm, as if he had a well-thought-out plan, and he was extremely suspicious, so he told her directly that Su Junli must be playing something.

Only the last five minutes left.

Ye Zi felt that he couldn't wait any longer, and had no time to follow Su Junli, so he began to busy himself with his choices.

At this time, Su Junli suddenly flashed a figure, passing by her side like a ghost, and turned back to the earliest stall.

Ye Zi felt something was wrong, so she hurriedly followed her.

But where is Su Junli's speed?

Su Junli actually returned to the side of the two big pieces of wool that she saw at first, and asked the staff to choose the two pieces of wool.

Ye Zi's heart sank, knowing that she had been fooled.

Su Junli didn't want to give up those two pieces of wool, but wanted to trick herself into giving up, and also filled up the time so that she had no time to choose wool.

Su Junli looked at her with a mocking smile in her black eyes and said, "Little sister Ye Zi, I'm so sorry, I still want these two pieces."

Ye Zi stomped her feet and bit her lip, "Sister Su, you are so despicable."

"Hehe, have I been despicable? When did I become despicable? I didn't **** the wool you chose, nor did I follow you. What's more, you gave up these two wools." Su Junli said with a smile .


Cherry Leaf was speechless, what Su Junli said was impeccable, not to mention that it was herself who had a ghost in her heart.

"Oh, little sister Ye Zi, there is only one minute left, and you still have a piece of wool that you haven't picked yet." Su Junli looked at her watch and said intentionally.

When Ye Zi heard it, she quickly lowered her head to pick a piece of wool that seemed to have a magnetic field, but was not very strong.

There is no time to choose any more, it is better than nothing, not to mention, I may not lose now.

Even if I make a mistake, I believe that Okamoto will not lose, he is an experienced stone gambling devil.

When the time is up, all contestants returned to the competition arena.

The arena was surrounded by dense crowds of spectators, feeling quite nervous and apprehensive.

As a patriotic Chinese, everyone hopes that their country can win Little Japan and win back the national treasure and Choi.

Therefore, many people in the crowd held banners and small flags cheering for Princess Emerald.

Maybe Cherry Leaf reported the situation to Okamoto, Okamoto's face was very ugly, looking at Ye Zi, almost wanting to eat her, scolding fiercely in Japanese.

Ye Zi lowered her head and bit her lip, feeling very wronged, it made me feel pitiful when people saw it.

It's just that when she slightly raised her eyes to look at Su Junli, anyone could see the cruelty and unwillingness in that look.

"Now that both parties have selected nine pieces of wool, for the sake of fairness and safety, both parties' wool will be untied by their own people, and then the total value of the unwrapped wool will be counted, and the side with the highest value will be the winner. "Zhang Qianfan announced.

It is enough for both sides to choose one person to play the stone.

On Okamoto's side, Nanoda Ishikawa explained the matter, while on this side, Su Junli played in person.

Although the little stone betting king's ability to dissect stones is good, it is still not as strong and accurate as Su Junli's, so he didn't steal the credit.

Ye originally wanted to untie it, but Su Junli was worried that he would move the tire again and hurt her body, so she resolutely didn't allow it. Anyway, unscrambling this mere nine yuan wool is not a big labor for her.

Su Junli first explained the wool material selected by the little gambling stone king.

The feel is not bad, which proves that the little gambling stone king also has real materials.

On Okamoto's side, the first solution was a large piece of two-meter-high wool that he picked out himself.

The purchase price of this piece of wool itself is 50 million, because no matter from which point of view, it is quite a perfect old pit wool.

He is also most satisfied with this piece of wool, and he is confident that just one piece of it is enough to win the game.

The piece of wool that Su Junli was about to untie was not small, about one meter high, and had a good appearance, but the tactile sensation was not very strong, so it should not be tall green.

Sure enough, after cutting about ten knives, the luster is very good, translucent to transparent, clear like ice, giving people a feeling of ice and jade, with blue veins and ribbons in front of everyone.

"Wow! It's blue flower ice!"

The audience shouted excitedly, with hope shining in their eyes.

At this time, Okamoto also cut more than 20 knives, and a touch of green slices came out.

This green is deep and clear, it is actually ice emerald!

When everyone saw Okamoto's section, and then looked at Su Junli's section, they fell silent and began to worry that they would lose.

Although the blue flower ice is a high-grade jadeite, it is very valuable, but no matter what, it is not as good as emerald, not to mention that the area of ​​Okamoto's cut surface does not seem to be small.

Okamoto raised his eyes and glanced at Su Junli, with a flash of complacency.

Su Junli was not depressed, but completely melted the piece of blue flower ice.

The size of this piece of blue flower ice is not bad, the size of a chopping board, and the estimated value is about 200 million Huaxia coins.

Okamoto also solved it.

The size is not big, only the size of blue flower ice, but the head of the water is bright green and pleasing, and the estimated value is about 300 million, which is slightly better than this piece of blue flower ice.

The little gambling stone king looked at Su Junli with eyes full of guilt.

"Good job, don't get discouraged."

Su Junli comforted him, "It's just the first piece of wool, there are still eight opportunities, trust me."

The little gambling stone king looked at her confident eyes, nodded, and secretly hoped that everything would really develop as she wished, otherwise, losing the game would not only hurt the interests of the country, but also lose his reputation.

Everyone started to untie the second piece of wool.

Okamoto unearthed a piece of ice violet the size of a brick, estimated at more than 100 million.

On Su Junli's side, the solution turned out to be only the hibiscus species, which was not worth half a million yuan.

The third piece, which Okamoto unraveled was still an ice species, and it was a top-quality gold-threaded red jadeite, worth about 250 million.

Su Junli's solution got worse and worse. It turned out to be a bean seed, not worth a hundred thousand.

Seeing that the wool he had chosen was so poor, the little stone gambling king almost slammed himself into the ground.

The people at Okamoto's side saw that they had won all three of them, and their faces were filled with pride that they were sure of winning, especially Cherry Leaf, who was greatly relieved.

She felt that no matter how rotten the wool material she chose, it would not be as good as the three pieces that Su Junli solved. This time they will surely win, unless Su Junli can solve another glass species that is even better than this ice species of rare emeralds.

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