MTL - Her Majesty’s Modern Harem-Chapter 54 】

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Walking out of the ward, the corners of Chu Xian's eyes were still wet.

Maybe it was because the twin brothers had figured it out, and Ye also felt the sadness in his heart, and unconsciously stretched out his hands to hug Chu Xian's shoulders, "Everything will be fine."

"Yeah." Chu Xian looked up, "Let's find our biological mother together."

"Okay!" Ye nodded.

"My mother said just now that our biological mother is indeed still alive in Xinjiang, but I don't know the exact location, so I need to look for it." Chu Xian said.

"Leave this to me. As long as there is such a person, I can quickly find it within two days." Yang De said aside.

"Thank you, Uncle Yang." Chu Xian said happily.

"You're welcome." Yang De smiled lightly, "Now I want to stay here to take care of Mrs. Chu, so I won't go back with you. However, someone will contact you and give you the information about finding someone."

Thinking of Yang De not being able to be by her side, Su Junli felt a little bit reluctant, took his arm, and called out with a bit of coquettish tone, "Uncle Yang, I will miss you very much then."

Yang De reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile, "I won't be away for too long. I'll only stay here for a week to observe the patient's condition and prescribe the right medicine. Naturally, other doctors will take over."

"Then I'll wait for you!" Su Junli tiptoed and kissed him.

Yang De was aroused by her intimacy, and began to develop some kind of desire. He reached out and hugged her slender waist, kissed the top of her hair, and said in a hoarse voice with tight Adam's apple, "Girl, I want to —”

Although he didn't say anything behind him, his demeanor and body language were enough to show what he wanted.

"Yeah." Su Junli nodded.

The days with Yang De in the future must be destined to gather less and leave more, and we can cherish a moment as a moment.

"Feel sorry-"

Yang De said something a little guilty to Ye and the others, and then hugged Su Junli into the high-level rest room dedicated to doctors. The inside was still clean and spotless, and there was a faint smell of soda water floating in the air.

When Su Junli saw the pink and white nurse uniform hanging on the wall, she thought of a movie about the temptation of uniforms that she had watched on TV, and felt that the heroine in it looked very delicate and charming in a nurse uniform. It's tempting, not to mention that Yang De is wearing a white coat now, and she has also thought about being addicted to the uniform of a nurse.

"Wait a minute, I'll put on that one first." Su Junli pointed at the nurse and pretended.

Yang De didn't go against her will, and handed her the nurse's outfit.

"I want to surprise you, you hide in the bathroom first." Su Junli pushed Yang De with a rare shy expression on her face.

Yang De nodded expectantly.

He also really wanted to see a certain woman pretending to be a pretty little nurse, but just thinking about it in his mind made him almost unable to hold back.

Seeing Yang De hid in the bathroom, Su Junli took off her original clothes, changed into that pink and white nurse uniform, put on a nurse cap, and took a look in the mirror. It was really tempting.

"Doctor Yang—"

She leaned against the door of the bathroom, propped it up with one hand, and called softly.

Hearing her cry, Yang De couldn't wait to open the door, and immediately bumped into Su Junli, who was wearing a pretty nurse's outfit and posing in an extremely seductive pose, his usually calm face immediately became restless, and his breath was short of breath When I got up, my heart also accelerated, and the blood in my whole body seemed to be boiling.

"Doctor Yang—"

Su Junli yelled coquettishly like those charming women on TV. Of course, the level of disgust even made her want to vomit, but to Yang De, who was about to burst into love, it had another charm, which directly increased the degree of boiling of his blood.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her tender neck passionately. With the other hand, he had already groped inside her nurse's uniform that was short to the thigh.

Su Junli twisted her body and dodged away. She didn't know when there was an extra syringe in her hand, and she smiled and said to Yang De: "Hey, my sister will give you an injection!"

Yang De's blood boiled even more violently.

In the hospital, I have seen many beautiful nurses of all kinds, and many young nurses who admire him wear nurse uniforms and try their best to seduce him in every possible way. Generally, there will be no impulse.

Now seeing Su Junli dressed up like this, without making too many **** movements, it is enough to arouse the strong desire lurking in his body, making him want to tear off her nurse uniform, put her on the bed, and have **** with her Combine soul and flesh together.

"Lie on the bed!"

Su Junli held the syringe, pretending to be serious and shouted.

Yang De obediently lay on the bed, raising his buttocks to face Su Junli with some embarrassment, so as to satisfy her nurse's desire.

Su Junli roughly tore off his pants under the white coat, stabbed his **** with a syringe without a needle, and then couldn't stop giggling.

Yang De couldn't take it anymore, he didn't want to listen to her anymore, turned over, pressed her under his body, blocked her mouth that was laughing so hard to close with his hot lips, and stuck his tongue in hard. , allowed to **** the sweetness in her mouth, while his hands firmly fixed her hands on top of her head, and one leg pressed down on her slender legs that were swaying in delusions.

It was the first time for Su Junli to see Yang De acting like a tyrant, and she also became excited.

As soon as she was excited, the coquettish and coquettish look on her face appeared, which deepened Yang De's desire.

"Girl, be good!" Yang De's unique mellow and deep voice called out in a low voice, but it carried a paternalistic majesty.

In terms of internal strength, Yang De is naturally inferior to Su Junli now. Of course, the two are not fighting now, nor do they need to use their internal strength. Su Junli did not overthrow Yang De, but made some "hard work" struggles like ordinary girls.

It is said that there is a tyrant living in everyone, especially those who usually look gentle and calm.

At this moment, the tyrant in Yang De's heart was completely aroused by Su Junli. Seeing her move around, he picked up the belt he had left beside him, and directly tied Su Junli's hands on the bed.

This feeling is very stimulating and exciting!

Su Junli didn't try to break free, but kept twisting.

Yang De's slender hands with well-defined joints roughly tore open her nurse's uniform, revealing her delicate and plump body. "Girl, you are really beautiful!"

Yang De leaned over and once again sucked her red lips that were as red as a blooming rose, and then his whole body was close to her, sticking tightly, just wanting to stay together forever, never to be separated.

Su Junli couldn't move her hands, but this imprisoned emotion became even more passionate, and she only wanted more. "Uncle Yang, um—"

Su Junli murmured, her cheeks were bright red, and her eyes were scattered like silk.

"say you Love Me!"

Yang De bit her earlobe and said in a low voice.

"Uncle Yang, I love you!"

Su Junli called out coquettishly.

"Girl, I love you too, I will always love you!"

Yang De said in a hoarse voice, letting the spirit and flesh fly freely between the joints...

After several battles, the tired two finally calmed down.

The belt tied to Su Junli's hand has long been scattered.

Like a cat, she curled up in Yang De's warm embrace, feeling the peace after the passion.

Yang De encircled her with one arm, and gently stroked her with the other hand, so that her tide could slowly subside and calm down.

"Uncle Yang, you are good or bad!"

Su Junli said coquettishly, the charm in her eyes still did not disappear.

"Hehe, you're such a bad little girl, you actually seduced me like this!" Yang De smiled softly, with satisfaction and contentment.

"You can't be seduced by other little nurses in the future."

Su Junli pouted and said.

"Tsk tsk, is my girl so unconfident?" Yang De smiled even more joyfully.

"It's not that I'm not confident, but that we will spend too little time together in the future." Su Junli felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of the long line of women who were waiting in front of Yang De's ward that day.

"Don't worry, my body and mind will only belong to you. Before I met you, I lived like this alone. In my eyes, other nurses are just nurses, but you are different." Yang De bowed his head and kissed her pink neck, "I only have animal desires for you alone, and I just want to spend Wuyishan and share clouds and rain with you."

"En." Su Junli nodded in satisfaction, and stretched out her hand to touch Yang De's belly, which was not very strong, but **** and powerful, hoping to conceive a life in it.

The love for children is also due to her domineering psychology towards her own man. She hopes that the man she loves can conceive a man and a half woman for her. Calling her mother.

As everyone knows, this world is different from her Dayong world, men cannot have children.

Yang De didn't understand why she touched his stomach, and thought she wanted more, so he turned over again and pushed her down...

The panting of the man and the coquettishness of the woman echoed again in this room that smelled of soda water and hormones...

Spring is so beautiful!

The room was messy.

During the night of chatting with Chu Xian and Murong Changkong outside, for some reason, suddenly his stomach turned a little bit, and he looked a little nauseous and vomited.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Xian looked at him frowning and asked with concern.

Ye covered her mouth and shook her head, "Maybe I ate something wrong."

"Hehe, Brother Ye, looking at you like this, you seem to be pregnant." Murong Changkong joked from the side.

When Ye heard it, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to touch his stomach, and some kind of kindness and light appeared on his always stern face.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Xian and Murong Changkong looked at each other, and then black lines covered their heads.

"Hey, Brother Ye, you're not really naive enough to think you're going to be pregnant, are you?" Murong Changkong asked sweatingly.

"Why not?" Night asked a little confused.

"Hahaha—" Murong Changkong couldn't help laughing when he saw his serious face, he patted Chu Xian on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect your brother to be able to play cold humor."

Chu Xian gritted his teeth.

Ye still didn't understand why they had such expressions, and didn't bother to pay attention to them. He just lowered his head and touched his abdomen, vaguely feeling that there was an unusual movement there.

This unusual movement should be the child conceived by him and Junli, right?

Ye Man thought happily, his face once again glowing with longing.

"Your brother has lived in the mountains for a long time, so it's not true that they don't even know that giving birth is a woman's thing, right?" Murong Changkong pushed Chu Xian and asked.

Chu Xian was embarrassed, "Maybe."

"Then should we tell him?" Murong Changkong asked.

"Who said men can't have children?" Ye naturally heard their conversation, raised his head, and asked with a bit of anger, "If a man can't have children, is he still a complete man?"

"What we're saying is that men can't get pregnant. Pregnancy is something that women do." Chu Xian explained. He didn't want his twin brother to be laughed at even this common sense.

"Oh?" Ye glanced at Chu Xian with an expression of disbelief, "All I see are men who are pregnant and have children."


Chu Xian and Murong Changkong's heads almost bumped together, "When did you see a man get pregnant and give birth?"

"It's where Junli and I used to live." Ye looked suspiciously at Chu Xian and the two, "Is this world upside down?"



Whose world is turned upside down?

Chu Xian, who has always been by Su Junli's side, naturally knows that the current Su Junli is different from the previous one, and as for why it is different, he has not seriously thought about it, so as not to get entangled.

"What kind of world is that? As far as I know, from primitive society to the present, there has never been a period when men conceived and gave birth to children." Murong Changkong shouted.

"Are you sure that women give birth to children in this society?" Ye was not stupid, seeing their reaction like this, he knew something was wrong.

At this moment, a pregnant woman walked by with her back straight.


Murong Changkong pointed at the woman, "This is the biggest proof!"

Ye looked at the woman seriously, unable to figure out why this happened.

He reached out and touched his abdomen again. Could it be that he really won't have children?

In Dayong, it's all boys'.

Do you want Su Junli to get pregnant alone?

God, she must not be able to bear it!

Ye couldn't help thinking about Su Junli's pregnancy in his mind, and his heart ached.

He didn't want her to suffer the pain of pregnancy!

Read The Duke's Passion