MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 2204 Nightingale sings

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"Dayiwan" grinned, smoked a cigar, and smoked in the luxurious private room of the clubhouse, saying, "Go and report! Do you think I will be afraid? Maybe someone will catch you and ask questions!"

Former Canaan smiled, "So confident? Should you just walk and see?"

"The door is over there so I can't leave." "Da Iwan" pointed to the direction of the door.

"It's kind of tough." The original Canaan looked at him and saw that he didn't get in oil and salt, knowing that he wouldn't let these KGBs soften without taking out some dry goods.

"I'm not just hard-spoken, I still have something harder on my body. Would you like to try it?" "Da Iwan" smiled wickedly and looked at the original Canaan with a shaking cigar.

Former Canaan shook his head with amusement, and finally threw out the information he had investigated. "... Mr. Vladimir, do you still want to call yourself" Da Ivan "?"

The "Big Ivan", which is called the club's first card, is of course Vladimir, the second leader of the Russian KGB.

The bodyguard who called himself "Vladimir Jr." was his driver Ivan.

Now called another name by the original Canaan, Vladimir's face sank, and he put the cigar in the ashtray, and then said outcastly, "You investigate me ?!"

"You think too much, do I still need to investigate you? In fact, just find someone to ask and you will know." The original Canaan looks like "KGB is my family", and after the New Year's Eve, I knew some gossips same.

Vladimir slowly stood up, and his expression was no longer full of decadent desires as before, but rather unpredictable, "I don't know what you are talking about. Forget it, we don't see each other's eyes, and today's business is not done. ..-Never see you again! "

Former Canaan smiled and said nothing, watching Vladimir take his driver and bodyguard Ivan to the door.

Just when Vladimir put his hand on the doorknob and was about to open the door, the former Canaan said, "Mr. Vladimir, do you want to cooperate with me?"

"I know that you came to Huaxia to listen to trade secrets, so you are in contact with the female relatives of the mall crocodile family."

Vladimir's figure was slightly emaciated, and he slowly looked back at the original Canaan, and frowned slightly, with a wolf howling "he was unwilling to admit it but was broken by you", his eyes flickered to the original Canaan. "... you know how to make a story."

"Would you like to sit down and listen to my story?" Yuan Canaan said with a smile, patting his side. "Come, sit here with your sister, who will tell you the bedtime story."

Vladimir squinted at her for a moment, walked over, sat next to her, and said, "I am here, what are you going to say?"

"Is that right? Come, drink a glass of wine first!" The original Canaan smiled and took the glass he had drunk to Vladimir's mouth.

Vladimir took it, but did not drink it, but held it in his hands, his face was cold, and said, "If you have something, say it, don't use it for nothing!"

"Well, I was revealed, and I was ashamed and angry?" The voice of the original Canaan was very soft, and her hands and feet showed the weak charm of women, but Vladimir looked at her with caution, as if she was a flood beast.

The original Canaan understood Vladimir's mentality.

As a KGB business spy, his identity was revealed and he didn't know how to be disposed of by the organization when he returned.

"Vladimir, you don't have to look at me like this with hatred." The original Canaan finally touched Vladimir's face and said with a smile, "Actually, I exposed you and saved you."

"Oh, you're threatening me." Vladimir said resentfully, very uncomfortably.

"How can I threaten you? I can't hurt you enough time." The original Canaan squeezed Vladimir's face and felt good, and slowly said, "I'm actually saving you. You know the United States just released Is the FBI's annual report? "

"The U.S. Federal Intelligence Agency, the director of the FBI, testified to the US Congress that Huaxia is the largest commercial espionage country. All commercial espionage cases are related to Huaxia. You went to such a country as a commercial espionage. You know nothing? "

Vladimir tilted his head, avoiding the hands of the original Canaan, and sneered: "Huaxia is the largest commercial espionage country? The FBI of the United States is talking nonsense!"

"Oh? Isn't it Huaxia, but you Russia?" The original Canaan giggled, and his delicate hands clapped on Vladimir's chest casually.

Vladimir held her hand irritably and pushed away, saying, "Japan is the world's largest business spy country! Anyone who knows Japanese history after World War II knows that being treated like an American is like a fool in the world. , Play deer for horses all day long! "

"Do you know the last dynasty playing‘ find deer for horses ’, what was the end?”

Vladimir poured the drink of the original Canaan on her chest. "Who are you, you can get involved in such things!"

The original Canaan's chest was wet, revealing a clear outline under the silk top.

But she wasn't angry, and didn't even wipe it with a paper towel, but she still did it properly, and said with a smile, "You're bullshit. How can Japan be the largest commercial espionage country?"

"Why not? After World War II, Japan was controlled by the American occupation, disbanded their troops, and Japan was not allowed to have regular troops."

"The regular intelligence forces in the Japanese army also disbanded during World War II. Where did these people go?"

"I tell you, they are all solicited by Japanese companies to enter Japanese business establishments."

"What can intelligence personnel in the military do when they enter a commercial establishment? It is still their business."

"So Japan has the most commercial spies in the world, the most powerful, and the most ubiquitous, because they are all regular army and professional spies."

"You don't think this is the case in the United States? They are just used to talking nonsense with their eyes open."

"After all, even their president was chosen by us, Russia."

After Vladimir finished talking like a cannon, the original Canaan listened.

After a while ~ ~ she smiled and nodded, "I still have this one, I really underestimate Mr. Vladimir."

"You are so knowledgeable, shouldn't you be in a low position in Russia's KGB?"

"Oh, what do you think? Of course I am a senior official in KGB!" Vladimir said with a pat on his chest.

The original Canaan yanked the corners of his mouth, and a moment of suspicion just rose away.

Can such people be KGB executives?

Then she is the director of the CIA.

She didn't have much doubt about Vladimir's identity, saying, "Well, let's talk about cooperation."


Not long after, Gu Nianzhi received a voice message: [The nightingale sang].

This is someone who finally got it.

.. m.