MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-~ Fan Yuanfu

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Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion!

Kyoto City is a lively scene, the night sky is a gorgeous fireworks, the moonlight is a close lover!

The moon is like a silver plate, and the moonlight of the frontier is more charming, but it is a bit more bleak...

Yuan Fu is wearing a silver armor and a red robes on his shoulders. Sitting in the endless desert of the desert, singing to the moon, the hoarse voice of the vicissitudes of life, as if to go with the wind and sand, wherever he wants to go!

Yuan Fu did not have an audience. There was a sand sea in front of him. There were several scattered camps behind him, but Yuan Fu felt that his family could hear his heart at the moment. He believed that his family was also facing the moon at the moment, thinking about it. Relatives who have not returned in the distance.

"Yuan deputy group! The enemy has come over..." A small soldier ran to Yuanfu next to him, followed by the horn in the camp.

Tonight, when the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion, but that is only the reunion of most people, and the reunion of these people is based on the small part of the people of Yuanfu.

What a beautiful moonlight is supposed to be a good time for the wine to be a song. Yuan Fu’s big hand is rising, and the white wine in his hand is scattered. He mentions the mountain knife on the ground and has already flew to the military camp.

This is not Kyoto City, you can't see the flowers!

Here is the battlefield of the frontier, some are smoke and death...

"Yuan deputy group, those abominable barbarians specially picked up tonight on Mid-Autumn Night tonight, really awful!" An intelligence officer ran over and immediately reported the military: "The other party came to 500 people, all of them are iron cavaliers." The enemy is less than five hundred meters from the border and must cross the border at any time."

"Yuan deputy group, you are ordering, our cannons and tanks are ready..."

The sword eyebrows on the face of Yuanfu Guozi stood upright. After he became the southeast tiger of one of the five tigers in China, he was transferred to the border guards. Yuanfu stayed here for three years and never lost his battle. Enough of the enemy's blood!

"Only the people who are riding the iron?" Yuan Fu's voice is cold.

"Only only 500 iron cavalrymen came. The other general’s generals have already shouted, saying that they must fight for force, do not use guns to fight, ask, ask..."

"What to ask? Ma slipped out!" Yuan Fu was a temper, and asked the intelligence officer.

"Ask, ask the deputy group of the Yuan whether there is any kind of force to fight with them. If you don't plant it, you will go back to the old age..." The intelligence officer trembled, but he still said the original words of the enemy leader.

Yuan Fu's eyebrows erected, and his body suddenly burst into a raging enthusiasm. He Yuanfu, never had a sigh...

"Call the Tiger Tigers of the 200th Tigers to fight, and deal with 500 barbarians in the district. We are enough for two hundred people..."

Yuan Fu screamed and rushed over the border with the mountain knife!

The big knife stands on the boundary line. Under the moonlight, Yuanfu is tall and straight, burly, his face is fortitude, and the cloak on his shoulders is raging. He is waiting for the barbarians to kill, unless these people are from Yuanfu’s body. Step on it, otherwise, don't want to step into the distance of one centimeter of the Chinese border.

Step on!

There was a neat footstep behind him, and Yuan Fu knew that the elite of the Tigers he had trained had come.

"The deputy regiment of the Yuan, the Tiger Tigers, two hundred tigers in place, swear to protect the country, unconditionally obey the command of the Yuan deputy!"

Yuan Fu did not turn around, because in the night before him, a large number of iron cavalry riding a horse appeared.

Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival full moon night, maybe not reunion, but the 201 warriors standing on the border line, their hearts are longing for reunion.

Tonight's lively and extraordinary, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, but the sleeplessness here is another style...

The 500th iron cavalry is less than 50 meters away, and the galloping horses of five hundred horses are shaking the ground.

The dust is flying, the knife is shining, here is the frontier battlefield, here is the dead!

"Where are the warriors of the Tigers? It’s time to serve the motherland... kill me!"

Yuan Fu mentioned the mountain knife and has already taken the lead!

His snoring is thunderous and his body is strong. He is like a tiger who has been down the mountain. He is the most fierce tiger in China.


In the hands of the mountain knife, there are more than ten kilograms of weight. Yuan Fu grasped it in his hands but effortlessly. He slashed with a knife, and the knife was photographed in one of the high horses. The horse screamed and fell suddenly on the run. Even the cavalry on the horseback was on the run.

This knife is only the beginning, it is a warm-up of Yuanfu.

Yuan Fu jumped up and stepped on the top of the hundreds of iron cavalry, all the way to the middle of a group of sweaty horses running, the burly strong man riding on it, is the leader of the iron cavalry Hada.

"Hada, Grandpa is coming to take your dog!"


As if between a few breaths, Yuan Fu came to Hada in front of him.

The heavy mountain knives were left in the air, and the air cracked the traces. The strong internal strength was like a violent wind and waves, and the dozens of iron cavalry in the body of Hada were directly blown over.

"Yuanfu, I heard that you are the first tiger in China, and Laozi is the first male lion in the frontier. Today we will compete!"

In the violent wind, Heddar’s sweaty BMW was shocked, his forefoot stood up and began to flee. Hada jumped and pulled out a pair of battle axes on the back and greeted Yuan Fu.


The two sides will fight the heat, and the soldiers on both sides will fight for you!

In terms of the number of people, the iron cavalry far surpassed the people of the Tigers, but in the spirit of bravery and unyielding, the Tigers can not be surpassed. They are all like tigers, triumphantly, and never let these barbarians step into the Chinese border. step.

Violators, kill innocent!




The moon is like a silver plate, and the autumn wind is bleak!

It is surrounded by the Huaxia Frontier and surrounded by innocent deserts. Here, Liao no one smokes, but I can't hear the violent movements, but on the Mid-Autumn Night, it is arrogant, and the soldiers are fighting each other...

The battle began to calm down, and the two sides were killed and injured!

Yuan Fu carried a mountain knife, his body was covered with blood, his own, more of an enemy!

In a fierce battle, Hada has been underpowered, and the big hand holding the double axe is shaking uncontrollably.

Hada is the first bear lion in the frontier. He has challenged countless guardians in China, but Hada has never lost. At most, he is a draw. But today, he has encountered a really powerful enemy, not the enemy’s skill is too strong. It is the spirit of the enemy and the conviction of perseverance that makes Hada unattainable.

"The first bear lion in the frontier? I think it is the first bear!"

Looking at the comrades who fell in the innocent desert, Yuan Fu's eyes were red, and once again, the mountain knife was lifted.


Hada did not dare to neglect, raised a double axe to meet the big knife, both of them were brute force, their fight did not back down, it was hard times again and again.

The knife and axe collided and a spark was thrown in the air!

This blow, the two men's weapons have landed on the ground, Yuan Fu body just settled, and the jump is another punch.

"Dragon Dragon Boxing!"


It seems as if a snarling thunder falls from the sky, accompanied by the roar of the dragon!

Hada did not respond to the opportunity, but also made a punch and collided with Yuanfu.

The loud noise continued, and the ground under the feet of both of them began to crack. The time seemed to be still for a second, followed by the picture of Hada vomiting blood.

Yuan Fu’s fierce punch shattered all the internal organs of Hatta!

"The leader of Hada is dead!"

"Escape, flee..."

Only the remaining twenty iron cavalry, fleeing and fleeing!

When they came, there were a total of 500 people, and they were fierce. When they left, there were only 20 people left, and they were flustered.

The battlefield is so ferocious. The kindness to the enemy is cruel to oneself. Although it is a victory, the Tigers have also fallen more than 100 brothers.

However, Yuan Fu is proud of the fallen brother. He once again looks up at the moon in the sky, revealing a warm smile...