MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 3 Rescue beauty teacher

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When Qin Feng packed up his mood and walked out of the campus, the sky was already dark.

He came to a black Lamborghini Batmobile, pressed the key in his hand, just got on the bus, and a familiar shadow caught his attention.

"Isn't that a beautiful teacher Yun?" Qin Feng's eyes are shining.

At this time, the cloud is surrounded by three great men. From the look of the fierce look of the three men, it seems to be asking her for trouble.

Yunxiao Liumei was close, his face was cold, his teeth bitten his red lips, and he quarreled with the three strong men. Finally, under the encirclement of three people, he got a black Santana.

"It seems that the beauty teacher has to be in trouble." Seeing here, Qin Feng brows his head.

A cold electronic sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

"Beep ... the supreme system to issue tasks, save the beautiful teacher Yunxiao!"

"The mission is limited to one day."

"Successfully complete the task and get 50 points of reward; the mission fails, the host is not allowed to be in the house for half a year!"


"Your grandfather, your uncle, I am going to your uncle!"

This sudden task, scared Qin Feng with both hands shaking, almost hit the car to the tree, the next second, he did not hesitate to the end of the throttle, chased up to the dilapidated Santana.

The heart can't help but roar, the punishment of this system is too special!

Do not have **** during the first half of the year? This is the most cruel and innocent punishment Qin Feng has ever seen!

Qin Feng's car skills are very good, all the way to follow, that Santana finally stopped in front of the Royal Clubhouse, after the car stopped for half a minute, the three strong men took the lead to get off, surrounded the clouds in the middle, into the clubhouse.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng's mouth is slightly raised. This royal club is the first club in Weicheng. It is a nobleman who can come here to consume. It is rich, but there is no membership card here, and it is impossible to enter.

The most important thing is that this royal club is the industry of Qin Feng's old Qin Emperor. He wants to save the clouds here, it is a breeze.

"Qin Da Shao, you are here!"

The four guards at the door saw Qin Feng, and they quickly greeted them with a smile. The security guard of the leader was the strongest smile. He posted it on Qin Feng’s ear and whispered: “Qin Da Shao, this club has a college student. Small, seeing with the eyes, long, watery, beautiful like a fairy!"

"I heard that it is still the school flower of Aicheng University, Qin Dashao, Manager Liu has already told me to keep it for you!"

Qin Feng often comes to the Royal Club for fun, and here the manager goes to the door to the security guards to know him, to understand his life hobby... play beautiful!

Qin Feng suddenly shines in front of the eyes, Wei University flowers? I must have known it, but when I thought that the task of Yunxiao had not been completed, the light in my eyes flashed away, and I strongly suppressed the excitement.

"Cough... Go, let Liu manager call me, this big and small have serious things to do." Qin Fengyi's clear and clear scorpion, swayed into the clubhouse, sat down on the sofa in the hall.


The security captain will smile and quickly rush to find Manager Liu, apparently has misunderstood Qin Feng's so-called business.

In less than a minute, the manager of Liu, who was fat and big, wiped his head and sweated. He ran to Qin Feng in front of him and smiled wretchedly.

"Qin Da Shao, has been arranged, the University of Weihua spent one, Room 888, I will take you in the past!"


Qin Feng mouth pumped a corner, a black line on the top of his head, and a foot on the manager's thigh, said seriously: "Going on the side! Is this the kind of person who will only play women when the clubhouse comes? I am going to do business. of!"

Do business? Isn't that just playing a woman?

Manager Liu was kicked inexplicably, complaining in his heart, but he did not dare to show it. He still said with a smile: "Qin Da Shao, what is the right thing? Useful for a small place, despite the opening."

Qin Feng bowed his head and played with his mobile phone. He didn’t look at Liu’s manager. “There were three strong men who came in with a beautiful woman. You check to see which room they opened.”

"Do it right now!"

The confidential information of the guests of the Royal Club is the most rigorous in Weicheng. However, the only son of the club’s old club is to check people. Liu Jing’s ideals are not thought. He has already called the front desk and asked about the situation.

In less than a minute, Manager Liu returned to Qin Feng again, and smiled and said: "Qin Da Shao, they only opened a room for two people, at 1201."

"Bring four security guards, go with me!"

Qin Feng was full of excitement and resistance. I didn't expect this task to be so easy. The task was to reward 50 points. Qin Feng couldn't wait to exchange items in the system.

"Qin Da Shao."

Qin Feng didn't take two steps. Manager Liu looked at him with a distressed look: "1201 is a room for Ma Shaokai."

"Ma Shao? The Ma Shao of the Baolong Group?" Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Manager Liu noticed the chill of Qin Feng’s body and did not dare to look directly at him. A middle-aged man in his 40s was like a child who was doing something wrong. His lowered head was a little bit.

Ma Shao, Ma Dehu.

Dad Ma Dalong created the Baolong Group. The Baolong Group is the largest security company in Weicheng. Even the security guards of the Royal Club are hired from there.

Qin Feng is even more clear that the underground forces in the southeastern part of Weicheng City are also controlled by Ma Dalong.

Even so, Qin Feng will not give up this task. The punishment for failure is really terrible: "Ma Shao? Is he very embarrassed? Bring the security inside the Qin family and go with me!"


Manager Liu quickly trotting all the way to call people!

Since Qin Feng insisted on finding trouble with Ma Dehu, Ma manager naturally cooperated with him 100%. This Qin Feng is the only son of Qin Huang. It is really necessary to get it up. That Ma Dehu is not enough to see.

After a while, Manager Liu came to Qin Feng with six strong men. These six are the thugs trained inside the Qin family. They are all strong and powerful, and they are worthy of trust.

Qin Feng looked at the six strong muscles. He nodded with satisfaction. He stood up and walked up to the front of the seven people. He waved his hand and said: "Let's walk, follow the big and the young to do justice!"

A group of eight people, walked toward the 1201 room!

Read The Duke's Passion