MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2152 All-night wanted

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Qin Feng has got rid of the pursuit of Tianhe and others, but he still can't understand it now. Who are those people? Why are you looking for trouble?

Although Qin Feng was the first to come to Dongyezhou, when Nantian left, he sent him a map of the whole continent of Dongyezhou. Qin Feng stopped and stopped and finally found the Shenxian Medicine Valley.

When he came to the Shenxian Medicine Valley, Qin Feng finally understood the purpose of Nantian to let him come here. Just standing on the outskirts of the mountains, there was a burst of aura that poured out from the depths of the valley, and in the Valley of the Immortals. The aura is very special, hiding a unique atmosphere.

There was a fight in the distance.

A monk was covered in blood and fled to the direction of Qin Feng.

The four people who followed the injured monk were all in the realm of the Ding, and the four shots were killing, fearing that there would be a great death and death with the escaped monk.

This type of fight can be seen everywhere in Shenzun, and Qin Feng does not mean to shoot. However, when the four people flew over Qin Feng, one of them suddenly stopped.

"Brother! This kid seems to be wanted!"

The other three companions turned back, and the man who was the highest in the Dingfeng peak fell on the side of Qin Feng. After careful scrutiny, he laughed excitedly: "Ha ha! It’s really the wanted criminal, as long as it can If you catch him, you can get a reward of one billion Lingshi!"

In the face of one billion Lingshi, the general monks can't resist the temptation.

The four people who had been chasing the seriously injured monks fell to Qin Feng. What surprised Qin Feng was that the escaped monk also rushed back.

However, the four people have not been interested in the seriously injured monk, even lazy to look at him, his eyes staring at Qin Feng, it is like a group of hungry wolves saw delicious food.

"Really you? You are wanted all over the continent," said the seriously wounded monk.

Qin Feng was confused. He obviously went to Dongyezhou for the first time. These days, he has been on the road for a long time. He did not provoke right and wrong, but these monks seem to know him.

"Young man! This time I am tired of you, you can run away, I can barely help you drag a fragrant time." The seriously injured monk said.

Qin Feng was surprised. He rarely saw people like the monks in front of Shenzun. He could take the opportunity to escape, but he did not hesitate to make up for his fault.

"You go, don't worry about my safety." Qin Fengchong said the monk.

The other side arched the hand: "Young man! These four people are Icelandic elders, all stepping into the realm of riding the Ding, watching your age, is not their opponent. Under the name of Zheng Fei, is the seven-star Zongmen seven falls spring Disciples, if Shaoxia can survive alive, please go to the Seventh Springs and report that I was killed by the Icelandic elders."

This is called Zheng Fei's monk has been determined to die, Qin Feng is somewhat speechless, with his current cultivation, the four masters are just a matter of the palm of the hand.

"Hey! You two of you can't go today!"

"Nie Shuangshi, you and Nie Xing are responsible for killing Zheng Fei, and my brother and I are going to catch the wanted criminals."

A white robe old man took the lead in launching an offensive and grabbed it toward Qin Feng.

A virtual giant emerged in the void, and the fingerprints descended from the sky, like a black cloud falling over the top of Qin Feng's head.

As the old man grasped the fist, the real giant who fell fell together. Qin Feng people in the fingerprints, it feels like a grandson monkey who is to be pinched by Wuzhishan.

"Little man is careful!"

Zheng Fei’s heart was shocked and he wanted to come up to help, but he was too late to wait until he realized the crisis.

There was a loud noise in the fingerprints, and Zheng Fei’s mood instantly fell to the bottom of the valley. He thought it was Qin Feng’s movement. After a while, the screams of the Icelandic elders came out in the air, and the screams only came out, followed by a violent explosion.

"Nie Zhongshi, are you okay?"

“Hey? Why didn’t you feel the breath of Nie Zhong’s brother?”

"Not good! The guy killed Nie."

The remaining three Icelandic elders changed their minds, and they finally realized the danger of Qin Feng.

It is no wonder that this guy's bounty is as high as one billion Lingshi. It turned out to be a strong and respectable realm.

The three elders in Iceland are afraid to shoot again. The repair of Nie Zhong is not much different from them, and Qin Feng is able to kill Nie Zhong, which shows that the repair is far above them.

"Young man! You, you killed Nie?" Zheng Fei is also incredible.

Qin Feng did not answer the question, but explained everything with action.

He seems to be arbitrarily arrogant, but there is a glimpse of purple radiance in the sky. The eyes of several people were attracted by the glow of the moment, until the turbulent knives in the hidden air appeared, they only came back.


The loud noise roared.

When the three elders in Iceland realized that the crisis was too late, they could not even make a scream, and the flesh and the baby were instantly smashed.

The violent explosion continued for a half-column time.

When the wind blows away, the scene in front of us recovers as usual, as if nothing has happened.

"Young man! You, why are you a disciple? There is such a good repair." Zheng Fei finally recovered.

Qin Feng did not want to expose the fact that he was a monk from a foreign continent. He opened the topic and said: "Zheng Xiong, the four people in front said that I am a wanted criminal. What is this?"

Zheng Fei was surprised: "Isn't the sorcerer still ignorant? You have been wanted by the people of Kobe, and the entrances to the major cities are now guarded by the disciples of Kobe, and the search has never been more powerful."

When Qin Feng heard the door of Kobe, he understood it. It seems that his work in Tiantong City in Nanpingzhou to kill the destiny and other people has already spread, but what makes Qin Feng unexpected is that Kobe Gate knows that he wants to come to the east. Yezhou, otherwise how could he arrest him in Dongyezhou?

"Thank you Zheng Xiong for telling me that I really don't know about this matter. Now I am going to the Shenxian Medicine Valley, and I will see you later."

After learning the fact that it was wanted by the whole family in Kobe, Qin Feng did not dare to stay longer. He planned to hide in the Shenxian Medicine Valley, and waited until the deadline set by Nantian was approaching. He tried to go to the Lingcheng City to meet.

Zheng Fei still wants to say something, but Qin Feng has turned into a virtual shadow to disappear into the sky, Zheng Fei looked at the distant Shenxian medicine Valley Mountain Mountain and said: "It's a pity! Did not ask the source of Shaoxia, also I don't know how this young man offended the Kobe Gate, and he was wanted to be wanted all over the continent. However, it is obviously not a leisurely generation to watch him as a young man.

When Qin Feng passed through the gate of a mountain, the foreground of the eye changed, and he was already in the valley.

The surrounding aura became more intense, and a substance unique to the aura was more abundant. When Qin Feng breathed the air in the valley, he felt that the heavens and the earth began to run on their own.

Read The Duke's Passion