MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2126 Killing the ghost

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Qin Feng suddenly realized that he was being used. This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

"Do you want to take away the fairy stone in the fairy stone array?" Qin Feng asked.

Why do you have to hate it or not: "Yes! I don't just have to take away the sacred stone, but also take away the devourer."

"You can't help but enter the bottom of the Liusha River without knowing it. Why do you want to show up? Also tell the story?" Qin Feng did not understand.

Why do you hate and laugh: "Because of the ghosts here, who can not be tempted by these powerful ghosts? I can just use it to cultivate and devour the worms."

Qin Feng's look changed greatly. He knew why he had to hate a gourd magic weapon to take away the devour of the fairy worm, and the devour of the fairy worm was already very powerful. If you absorbed the ghost in the Liusha River, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, a few groups of black fog why hate to rush, the Liusha River uploaded the strange laughter of the ghost king: "Hey! Another ignorant ant generation, this sin in the Liusha River is the king's stocking, when is the round I have it for you."

The ghost king did not know why he wanted to hate, and did not put him in his eyes.

However, when a few black clouds shrouded why they should hate, why should they hate to lightly shoot a palm, the black fog of the body suddenly dissipated, and a real yuan giant hand fell, shot on the head of the ghost king.


As if the momentum of the five thunders, the power of the palm of the hand shocked everyone.

The black fog on the ghost king dissipated most of the time, and even faintly saw his figure. He should have been seriously injured under this palm and made a painful scream.

The Liusha River suddenly boiled up, and thousands of sorrows turned into black gas, and quickly gathered around the ghost king.

The sky was completely obscured, and even a ray of light could not be reflected.

"A really powerful Yuanyuan offensive, the predecessors must have stepped into the real world!"

"It’s more than a true God. It should be the peak of the true gods, only one step away from the fairy world."

"Don't be too happy for everyone. This predecessor is an enemy or a friend. I don't know."

Hung Hom and others were shocked by the strong need of hate, but Qin Feng did not think that the palm of the hand was a true meta-attack, which was simply a **** attack.

"Hey! You are a cockroach ant human, dare to go to the Dead Sea to the sand river to wilderness? No matter what realm you are, there is only one death here."

As the ghost king's voice drifted out, the thick black fog of his body seemed like a wave of water, why do you hate the look of indifference, and it was a palm shot.

The handprints are overwhelming, and it seems to be a fierce and powerful meta-invasion. In fact, it is why it is necessary to hate the attack with a strong god.

The loud noise roared.

When the giants of the gods touched the darkness of the sky, it seemed that the flames had burned on the gasoline, and they exploded in an instant.

There was a scream of screaming over the entire Liusha River. The voices were spread through powerful thoughts and minds. Even though these gods were powerful, they felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah...who are you in the end? Why come to the Dead Sea Ghosts?"

In just two rounds of confrontation, the ghost king has realized the power of hatefulness. In the land of the Dead Sea, it is the world of ghost repair. The ghost king recognizes itself as an invincible existence in the Dead Sea, even if the red dragonfly is really big. How can we join hands, and now it is a dead and wounded.

But in the face of what is necessary to hate, the ghost king did not have the slightest way, even felt the death crisis, this feeling he has forgotten how long it has not appeared, very strange and extremely terrifying.

"You still don't deserve to know the name of the old man. The old man has no time to pay attention to you. I advise you to get out of the way immediately, otherwise the old man wouldn't mind killing your waste first."

Why do you hate the cold voice to spread the sky.

The ghosts in the dark fog make angry screams, and they should be threatened for the first time. The ghost king is even more irritated to vomit blood, and some people dare to say that he is a waste.

When the rumors are released, why do you have to hate the ghost king and the wandering ghosts? He turned his hand and added a delicate little gourd. The strong sacred people of Snowy City are the first to see this magic weapon. Looks stunned, but sees Qin Feng and Hung Hom several people face a big change.

"What predecessors, what are you going to do?" Qin Feng shouted.

He had already guessed the intention of hating, and the latter did not answer at all. When the seal on the gourd opened, a black gas surged out. The black and black fog on the river was not the same, forming a contrast between the two tones. When the black gas in the gourd flies out, it instantly rushes to the empty ghost...

"Not good! Those are devouring the worms, everyone is leaving here."

Qin Feng hurriedly reminded Wang Liuzhongming and others that the monks in Xueyucheng were still in the same place, or they wanted to witness the power of the worms.

The sky was quickly covered by the worms, and the screams of the ghosts were heard. The devour of the nymphs was almost devour, and the powerful gods were the resources of their superior devouring.

"Oh yeah... What kind of ghost bug? You are going to stop!" Seeing the ghosts that have been stored for many years, they are swallowed up by thousands of thousands of ghosts.

Why do you have to hate it, if the fairy worm in the gourd is released, he jumps into the quicksand river.

The crowd was shocked.

In the view of Wang Liuzhongming and others, the Liusha River is a mortal land. They feel pressure on the outside, and they dare not imagine what it is like to enter the Shahe River.

But I haven't waited for a few people to completely calm down from the shock before, and I saw Qin Feng also jumped into the Shahe River. His voice came from the sky: "Hung Hom seniors, you will take everyone out of here, I will find a way. Fix the big stone."

When the voice echoed in everyone's mind, Qin Feng's figure had already disappeared.

This time even the Ghost King was shocked. He thought that only Xihaizhou dared to enter the Liusha River. I didn't expect to have two people coming out today.

"Hey! You two ants who don't know how to live and die, dare to enter the rivers and rivers, this time, even if the gods can not save you."

After a while, the ghost king laughed wildly.

The black fog on his body skyrocketed, like a tsunami, and the black fog fell from the sky into the river. There was a kind of galaxy that fell for nine days.

When Qin Feng entered the Liusha River again, he immediately felt that the situation was not good.

Although there was a ghost in the Shahe River before him, he was completely inferior to the current number of ghosts. Qin Feng feels that the millions of ghosts that have been stored in the entire Liusha River are coming to him. The momentum seems to destroy the land.


Qin Feng no longer has the idea of ​​chasing after what to hate, immediately urging the soul to return to the soul and the heavens and the earth to make a martial arts, while also wearing the life of the fairy.

A white hood emerged from his body. It was the radiance of the life fairy. This white light seemed to be the lighthouse on the sea in the middle of the night. It felt like it was swallowed up by the darkness at all times, but it always emitted a faint light. .

When the soul of the angels moved, Qin Feng thought between the micro-motions, a few gods saw the knife, a piece of Heihe was cut into a vacuum, and the place where the gods passed was instantly dissipated.

Until now, Qin Feng realized the true face of the Liusha River. This is not a river at all. It is a land of soul-raising formed by hundreds of millions of ghosts. The flow of rivers that everyone sees with the naked eye is actually a sigh of sorrow.

When the truth is clear, Qin Feng has a clearer way to enter the bottom of the Liusha River. As long as he kills the ghost in front of him, he can open a **** road.

He began to madly throw out the gods offensive, screaming and screaming in the ear, and the ghost that was killed was turned into a black soul crystal, which was immediately absorbed by Qin Feng.

This is a virtuous cycle. Qin Feng’s knowledge of the sea continues to be nourished by the soul crystal. He feels that he will never be exhausted. Even without knowing it, his gods’ offensive is several times stronger.


Half a day later.

There was a loud noise in Qin Feng’s mind. The sea of ​​knowledge and knowledge was raised again. At the same time, the soul had changed a lot. It should have been repaired into Dacheng.

When feeling the offensive again, Qin Feng suddenly found that the **** knife had already condensed into a substantial long knife, even the knife gas, and the knife gas spread hundreds of meters away, a knife fell, countless ghosts The sky is gray and the smoke is gone.

This is a fight without a real yuan offensive, but it is fierce compared to the real yuan. When Qin Feng’s knowledge is activated, it is a ghost destruction...

“Hey? The color of the Liusha River is getting lighter!”

Wang Liu Zhongming and others did not leave, standing on a black mountain outside a few miles away and looking at the sky.

"It seems to be really light, what is going on?"

"I understand that there is no river in the Liusha River. The black river we see is actually composed of ghosts. Today, the Liusha River is occupied by countless devours of the worms, and it is madly devouring the ghosts, so it leads to the Liusha River. The color fades." Red Dragonfly analyzed.

After meditation for a moment, everyone nodded and agreed with Hung Hom. Wang Liu Zhongming said: "So, we can also enter the Liusha River. I don't know if Qin Shaoxia survived?"

"Let's go see it now." Hung Hom is eager to prepare to fly over.

However, it was stopped by Sheng Zhongtian: "Don't worry, we must go down to see the Liusha River, but now it is occupied by the worms over the Shahe River. To go to our realm is to die."

Although the threat of the ghost is gradually weakened, the red dragonfly forgets the danger of engulfing the fairy. When Sheng Zhongtian reminded, Hung Hom immediately dispelled the idea of ​​rushing over. Not long ago, he witnessed the horror of engulfing the fairy worms in the magical peak. These worms almost swallowed up the whole demon, but fortunately why Take away with the gourd.


At this time, Qin Feng thought about the spring, suddenly realized a new realm.

He first used the site to restrain the ghost of the escape, and at the same time launched a sensational attack. In this iterative process, Qin Feng discovered that he could arrange various arrays in the area where the venue was affected. Even the gods could kill. Arrangement, and once the formation method is formed, the attack effect of this site can be saved. After each display of the venue, the killing is automatically activated.

With this thought, Qin Feng immediately arranged a simple sword array in the venue, and the so-called sword style, all are gods attack.