MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2124 Not dead

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His voice just fell.

The attack of Hung Hom has already fallen, and several groups of black lotus fires plunged into the river, causing layers of waves.

After the rest of the people returned to God, they immediately launched a storm, but a group of powerful and powerful offensives should have been earth-shattering, but playing on the Liusha River only produced a faint movement.

When a wave of assaults, there were some changes in the Liusha River. In the center of the river, a cyclone emerged. The cyclone was originally only the size of the palm, but it expanded rapidly under the visible eyes, as if it were a tsunami vortex, which eventually affected. The entire black river.

"What is this?" Lei Wang stopped the offensive on his hand, showing a look of fear.

"A powerful and powerful scent, is it a monster to fly out?"

"I suddenly thought of a question. Why is there so many ghosts in the Liusha River? Is it the ghost king?" Sheng Zhongtian questioned.

This problem shocked everyone. If the Liusha River is really a land of ghosts, then the power of the ghost king has become terrible to an unpredictable level.

It’s just not the time to think about these problems, but it’s half-column time. The whole river is like boiling water. The huge black vortex is deep, like a huge black hole in the sky, a shrill scream comes from the vortex. There are dozens of black shadows flying in the middle.

This batch of black shadows has completely formed the human form, the green eyes are inspiring, and some even have hair and facial features, and their expressions are extremely embarrassing.

Several people in Sheng Zhongtian looked silly, that is, they were stunned for a moment, and the black image fluttering from the Liusha River fluttered like a wolf, and instantly swallowed the Thunder King.

In the dark fog, the figure of Lei Wang was not seen at all, but there was a scream of screams.

The red dragonfly immediately shot a few black lotus fires. However, when the flame burned fiercely in the black mist, there was no way to affect the black shadows that formed the human form.

After a dozen seconds, Sheng Zhongtian screamed: "Thunder King is dead? His breath is gone."

Not only was Sheng Zhongtian discovering, but a few people in Hung Hom realized this horrible thing. Although Xie Wanshi was swallowed up by Yuan Ying in the past, he still struggled for some time. However, Lei Wang was almost swallowed up in an instant, and even the voice of help did not come out.

Zengjin’s top-ranking strong deities in the devil’s screaming rain are dying. It feels so powerful that the forbidden land in the Liusha River is as small as an ant. The rest of the people are no longer willing to stay for a moment, flying out of the golden cone hood of Shengzhongtian. Escape in the distance.

However, everything was late. When a few people left the Wanyun cone, they were immediately entangled in a few black air. The black gas was many times stronger than the external soul repair. It directly invaded the sea of ​​several people and made a sharp infiltration. The strange screams of people make several people suffer.

"These souls are about to become great, and you can use the strength of the strong, and everyone will close the sea of ​​knowledge. Don't be controlled by them."

Sheng Zhongtian was anxious. He already understood how Xie Wanshi died. He was controlled by the soul to control his mind, and then he blew himself down.

The people immediately closed the gods, but this group of humanoid spirits is extremely powerful, and it is simply pervasive, and it is still slowly infiltrating into the sea of ​​several people.

Because of the serious injury to Xie Wanshi before, the gods were weaker. He first appeared in the situation, his body was stagnant in the air, his face was stunned, and his mouth was screaming.

"Not good! Red Dragon Devil is also recruited." The vice president of the Xihai Chamber of Commerce is eager.

The few remaining powers are powerless. Nowadays, everyone is being shackled by a powerful soul. Their own sea of ​​knowledge is also being attacked a little bit. There is no way to save the red dragonfly.

Seeing the situation in a critical situation, to the point of irreversibility, but a dark shadow from the Liusha River, accompanied by a roar.

"Ghosts and other ghosts dare to blame here, and they are ruined!"

When the sound came out, Sheng Zhongtian and others looked shocked and even forgot to fight with the ghosts. That voice is very familiar, not what Qin Feng thinks that has long fallen.

It’s just that everyone can’t see the face of the black shadow, because there are countless humanoid ghosts in the shadows of the people. The souls of the souls are so powerful that they gather together to form a storm of the gods. Great changes have taken place.

“Is it really Qin Shaoxia?” Hung Hom was full of surprises. He didn’t realize that the soul repair that had been wrapped around him had disappeared.

The rest of the people also felt a relaxed, gaze and looked at the black fog over the Liusha River, wanting to see through everything.

"The voice is Qin Shaoxia undoubtedly, but he was trapped by those souls, how can he survive?" The vice president of the Xihai Chamber of Commerce worried.

Sheng Zhongtian has already rushed to the body, his golden light flashing, but the hood of the Wanyun cone has been very transparent, as if it is bursting at any time.

A loud noise.

Shengzhongtian was not close to Qinfeng, and the Wanyun cone suddenly exploded, turning into a real metal-like scattered river. Suddenly a few black shadows entangled him, Sheng Zhongtian immediately sensation of the gods, forming a strong magnetic field fluctuations around the body.

"Shengcheng master really understands the domain?"

A few powerful people in the distance were shocked. Before they entered the Dead Sea to get rid of the ghost king's pursuit, they used their own venues, but there were two more powerful magnetic field fluctuations in the field. At that time, everyone guessed that someone realized it. The domain, now know that one of them is Sheng Zhongtian.

After the field was displayed, the sky suddenly rolled over and there were countless cracks in an instant. The soul figure that rushed into the field became distorted, which was a sign that it was dying under the strong squeeze of the misplaced space.

The screams and screams of the air, the sound of the soul repair is sharp and harsh, and everyone is confused.

"Since the city master realized the domain, why didn't it show it before? After the domain was formed, the misplaced space came to the fore, even if these souls could not escape." Some people questioned.

After a while, Hung Hsing said, "The domain of Shengcheng is not stable. Although he understands the height of the domain, the strength of the gods cannot keep up."

"Shengcheng is not the first day of the Snowy City. It is the first day of the Snowy City. The second layer of the real world has realized the existence of the domain. However, if you want to control the domain, you must at least reach the end of the realm and even the peak..."

Most of the monks are already in the realm, and there is not enough understanding. It is difficult to comprehend the existence of the territory, the field and the domain. However, Sheng Zhongtian is the opposite. He realized the domain early, but the intensity of the gods could not keep up.

After insisting on the semi-muscle, Sheng Zhongtian fell from the air, and when he saw it, he would fall into the Liusha River, but he saw a flying sword in the air, with his body falling at the feet of everyone.

"Everyone stands far, these souls are handed over to me to deal with."

The voice of Qin Feng came, and the sound of the sound seemed very calm, as if he was in the tens of thousands of souls.

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